Tavolo Trentino con Kraljevo
TAVOLO TRENTIN CON KRALJEVO 10 YEARS OF COOPERATION TRENTINO - KRALJEVO City of Kraljevo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Central Serbia City with biggest territory in Serbia 125,000 inhabitants During 70`s and 80`s local economy whose based on two big factory (Magnohrom and Fabrika Vagona) During 90`s this two factory stop to work because foreign market was not approachable for them anymore Radical increase of unemployment rate Increasing of level of inefficiency of local institution Around 30,000 refuges and IDP`s from Croatia, Bosnian and Herzegovina and Kosovo arrive to Kraljevo New social, political and economical reality whose established City of Kraljevo Reaction: Increasing of trade like way of getting monthly income Tension between local people and refugees and IDP`s (with explanation how they steals our job; how they bring culture of “other”) Big social division on all levels Big migration wave to EU and U.S.A. Tavolo Trentino con Kraljevo After two years of work through LDA 2003 establishment of the office in Kraljevo Development of the network of local partners 1.Local institutions 2.Organizations (formal – informal) 3.Individuals 2003 – 2004 start to implement first projects Tavolo Trentino con Kraljevo 2009 we have 20 partner institutions and organizations from Kraljevo: 1. Municipality of Kraljevo 2. Center for social work 3. House for old person Mataruska Banja 4. Organization Fenomena 5. Organization Sodalis 6. Organization of parents of Mentally disabled person 7. Micro development found 8. Organization Kvart 9. Organization “Imam ideju” 10. Trade union “NEZAVISNOST” Tavolo Trentino con Kraljevo Partners form Italy: 1. Municipalities of Rovereto 2. Municipalities of Lavarone 3. Municipalities of Isera 4. Municipalities of Rocegno 5. Casa per la Pace 6. CIGL Trentino 7. Cooperative Computer learning 8. SAT – mountaineering club 9. Cooperativa La Rete 10. Slow food Trentino 11. Instituto Comprensivo Aldeno-Mattarello 12. Casa di Riposo di Rovereto Tavolo Trentino con Kraljevo Ongoing projects 2010: 1. Micro credits for rural area of Kraljevo 2. Gender: violence in family and economical empowerment of women 3. PUT VODE SEENET - development of network of responsible tourism in the area around Kraljevo 4. Protected apartments and workshops for mentally disabled people 5. Adotta un nonno della Sumadija 6. “Let are old age be better” – House for old people Mataruska Banja 7. Cultural activisam – PY Tavolo Trentino con Kraljevo Things which are important for our work : Needs of partners and local community Join development of projects Evolution development in direction of sustainability Accelerate and generate development of local NGO Introducing new and inventive tool of development Participative planning (PPP) We are round table of association / not an organization Involvement of community of Trento and community of Kraljevo