
Informazioni generali sul progetto

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Informazioni generali sul progetto
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Scuola Superiore della Pubblica
The Euro-Mediterranean
Senior Civil Servant Project
Project aims
Fostering the set-up of a common administrative
Promoting a better understanding of relationships with
the EU
Enhancing mobility, networking and relationships
Setting up a sustainable network of public managers
having attended a common training and sharing a vision
of growth in the Euro-Mediterranean area
Project aims
EMESCS is a tool to provide Euro-Mediterranean civil
servants with the basic background and knowledge
necessary to undertake a mobility experience in another
country of the area
Project aims
Short-term objectives
Develop a scientific curriculum of the Euro-Mediterranean
Senior Civil Servant
Test a pilot training programme for senior civil servants of
participant countries based on this scientific curriculum
Project promoters
The project is financed within the framework of
an agreement between Dipartimento della
Funzione Pubblica (Department of Public
Administration) and SSPA - Scuola Superiore
della Pubblica Amministrazione
Partner Schools can also be seen as promoters
Administrations, with a view to developing
awareness and mobility initiatives in the public
Project promoters
The project is developed within the activities of the
Network of Schools and Institutes for Public
Administration in the Euro-Mediterranean area
National Institute for Administration – Palestinian
Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA) – France
Ecole nationale d’administration de Tunis (ENA) –
Ecole nationale d’administration (ENA) – Morocco
European Centre for the Regions of EIPA - Spain
Turkey and Middle-East Public Administration Institute
(TODAIE) – Turkey
Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne – France
Institute of Finance – Lebanon
National Centre for Public Administration and Local
Government (EKDDA) – Greece
Regional Institute of Administration (IRA) of Bastia –
Scuola Superiore della Pubblica Amministrazione
(SSPA) – Italy
Scientific Committee
The Scientific Committee of the EMESCS Project
was established upon invitation by SSPA and 11
partners from both sides of the Mediterranean
welcomed the opportunity of working together on
a common training programme.
The Scientific Committee is responsible for
examining and defining contents and methods for
a common pilot course programme and for
supervising the overall course organization, for
selecting teaching staff among high-level
lecturers and experts in the Euro-Mediterranean
Scientific Committee
Scientific Committee meetings
– Acireale, Sicily, on 26-27 May 2009
– Rome, 21 July 2009
– Rome, 28 October 2009
Target group
The EMESCS pilot course will be addressed to
Euro-Mediterranean Senior Civil Servants or
people aspiring to managerial positions in public
It is intended, as a first instance, for central
Public Administration middle-rank and young
public managers of the Euro-Mediterranean area.
Training method
The pilot course will include an e-learning period to
be followed and validated by an in-class session
The e-learning instrument is a crucial tool to deepen
issues, read materials and statistics and self–
evaluation of participants (through pre-assessment,
intermediate and final tests)
During the residential part (in-class), practical group
exercises will enable to compare different
experiences of a same topic
Training method
The training programme will both be based on
general and country-specific modules based on
local experiences
In-class sessions will be articulated in plenary
sessions and parallel sessions, working groups
plenary sessions (to report on topic/country-specific
Tentative training programme
Day 1 – EU framework and its impact on the EuroMediterranean region
The Euro-Mediterranean partnership: up-to-date information
Attitudes and behaviour
Case study from North/South
Topic/country-specific working groups (WG) sessions
• ICT and e-government
• Sustainable development
• Water management
• Migration
• Diversity and citizenship
Tentative training programme
Day 2 – Institutional framework and governance
systems in the Euro-Mediterranean region
Day 3 – Managerial tools and behaviour
Human resources management
Evaluation of public policies
Leadership and competences
Topic/country-specific working groups (WG) sessions
• Innovation and creativity
• Strategic planning and management
Tentative training programme
Day 4 – Managerial tools and behaviour
– Principles of good governance: transparency, access,
participation, accountability
– Public / private partnership
– Disaster management
Day 5 – Economics: facing the crisis
– General aspects
– Country-specific
– Euro-Mediterranean economics
Tentative training programme
All Days will include
– Plenary feedback session
– WG Discussion and evaluation
Teaching and academic staff will be indicated by
participating Schools and Institutions
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