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Project acronym/ Project Title in ITALIAN Ref. Call/ Project
2nd Intermediate Meeting
Portorose (SLO)
14 -15/03/2013
WP 2 – Best practice for fruition of sites
Municipality of Cervia – PP1
Responsible partner: PP1 Cervia Municipalty
Javni razpis št. 02/2009: SALTWORKS - Ekolosko trajnostno vrednotenje solin med Italijo in
Bando pubblico n. 02/2009: SALTWORKS - Valorizzazione ecosostenibile delle saline tra
Italia e Slovenia
WP2 Activities
Activities foreseen:
- Constitution of the Scientific and Technical Committee made ​up of a group
of experts: engineers, biologists, landscape architects, tourism experts;
- Indicators definition to be monitored for the good use of the area;
- n. 2 technical meetings,
- visits to Aigues Mortes and Margherita di Savoia Saltpans to check other
good practice;
-Environmental and tourism Analysis of theSaltpans
- Guidelines for an eco-sustainable valorization of the Saltpans
Outcomes foreseen:
1. Report of the Saltworks Environment and Tourism Analysis;
2. Manual and Guidelines for the valorisation of the Saltpans
Timeframe 01.12.2011 – 31.05.2012 (postponed at 31-07.2012)
WP2 Activities
Activity 2.1 Analysis for the enjoyment of the areas and drafting of
Guidelines for the valorization of the sites
Sites: Comacchio, Cervia, Sečovlje, Strunjan Salt Pans
Responsible partner: PP1 Cervia Municipalty
•Environmental and tourism Analysis of the salt pan areas involved in the
• Final Report about the analysis
• Guidelines to gain value of the sites
• Validation of the output documents by Technical Scientific
Environmental Analysis of Saltpans
• Site framework
Site and organization
 Review of Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage
 Activities inside the Salt Pan
•Environmental Analysis
Main Environmental Aspects of Salt production
Main Environmental Aspects of Tourism activities
Main management area procedures to improve natural resources
•Considerations/Suggestions about environmental aspects
Guidelines for an eco-sustainable valorization of the saltworks
• Purpose and Approach of the document
General sustainable procedures about:
management of the areas
 salt production activities
 tourism activities
•Proposal of actions
Guidelines for an eco-sustainable valorization of the saltworks
Purpose and Approach of the guidelines
 To use an environmental sustainability management of the area and of the
activities (decrease of the environmental footprint)
 To use an integrated approach that combines the best protection of the
natural ecosystem and the implementation of saltworks activities
Development of a slow and sustainable tourism joined with nature
conservation, traditions and saltproduction
Unitary vision of the whole saltpan as low environmental impact
Guidelines for an eco-sustainable valorization of the saltworks
•Proposal of actions
Proposal for a sure and specific actions for each saltpan involved in the
project: Actions to improve their environmental performances and to
increase their tourism activities in a sustainable way
Some examples for Cervia Salt Pan (ref. Tourism Analysis):
•Development of promotion, marketing and commercial projects connected
to web,apps for smartphones etc. (ref “Mysalt” project financed by Leader
Programme in the Delta del Po Emiliano Romagnolo area)
Guidelines for an eco-sustainable valorization of the saltworks
•Proposal of actions
•Introduction of a «Salt Train» to easly connect the saltworks to the seaside
of Cervia and Milano Marittima and to promote the visits among tourists. The
mean of transport can be a tyre train in the form of the ancient salt train
A small train able to go on urban streets and preferably hybrid, that during
summer season can pick up tourists coming from the beaches to conduct
them to the salt pan.
•Increase and improvement of signals system and of road signal for the
access to the Visit Center
On the project web site you can download the documents (Report of the
Saltworks Environment and Tourism Analysis, Manual and Guidelines for the
valorisation of the Saltpans) drawn up during the WP2
We highlight, that the Report of the Saltworks Environment and Tourism
Analysis has been integrated with framework chapter related to each
involved saltpan. In accordance with the scientific committee, the framework
chapter is in the original language of the respective Country.
WP2 Activities
Activity 2.2 Technical meetings
Location: 2nd meeting Cervia, 13 July 2012
Organization of the second technical meeting in Cervia
Responsible partner: PP1 Cervia Municipalty
Activity 2.3 Inspection trips to 2 European salt pans
Location: Aigue Mortes (France), Margherita di Savoia (Italy)
Organization of the inspection trip in Aigue Mortes 06-08/06/2012
Responsible partner: PP3 Strunjan Park
Organization of the inspection trip in Margherita di Savoia 26-28/06/2012
Responsible partner: PP1 Cervia Municipalty
Aigues Mortes - Inspection Trip 6-8 giugno 2012
Margherita di Savoia - Inspection Trip 26-28 giugno 2012
Cervia – Technical Meeting 13 luglio 2012
Grazie per l’attenzione!
Hvala za vašo pozornost!
Roberta Gasperoni
[email protected]
Progetto finanziato nell'ambito del Programma per la Cooperazione Transfrontaliera
Italia-Slovenia 2007-2013, dal Fondo europeo di sviluppo regionale e dai fondi nazionali
Projekt sofinanciran v okviru Programa čezmejnega sodelovanja
Slovenija-Italija 2007-2013 iz sredstev Evropskega sklada za regionalni razvoj in nacionalnih
Ministero dell'Economia
e delle Finanze
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