Dimostrazione di Analisi Distribuita - ATLAS M. Biglietti Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II" e INFN Computing Model di ATLAS DPD Tipo di Dati ESD (Event Summary Data) output della ricostruzione (tracce e hit, celle e cluster nei calorimetri, combined reconstruction objects etc...). Per calibrazione, allineamento, refitting … AOD (Analysis Object Data) rappresentazione ridotta degli eventi per l’analisi: oggetti “fisici” ricostruiti (elettroni, muoni, jet, missing Et ...) TAG Informazioni sintetiche attraverso le quali gli eventi ricostruiti sono selezionati dalle analisi. Sono costruiti a partire dagli AOD e contengono informazioni quali conditions, qualità e stato dei rivelatori, trigger, tipo di fisica Informazioni conservate in file ROOT o in database relazionali DPD (Derived Physics Data) "thinned" AOD ( ntuple ROOT ) Tools per l'Analisi Distribuita Distributed Data Management : DQ2 (DonQuijote) Catalogo globale delle repliche, fornisce le informazioni dei dataset negli storage della GRID Dataset: contenitore logico di dati, puo' contenere migliaia di dati Tutti i dataset ufficiali di ATLAS hanno una precisa policy sui nomi es trig1_misal1_csc11_V1.005144.PythiaZee.recon.AOD.v12000601 Tools (command line e web) per interrogare i cataloghi informazioni su replica e siti lista del contenuto dei cataloghi copia in locale di files del dataset registrazione/cancellazione di dataset ... Metadata service: AMI Interfaccia Web che fornisce informazioni sui dataset Grid user interface tools: GANGA (EGEE) PAthena (OSG) Analysts’ work-flow (simulated data) STEP TOOL 1 Preparazione codice analisi Athena 2 Localizzare i datasets DQ2/AMI 3 Sottomissione alla GRID & Monitoring dei jobs GANGA/PAthena 4 Recupero dei risultati DQ2 5 Analisi Athena/ROOT Analysts’ work-flow (simulated data) STEP TOOLS 1 Preparazione codice analisi Athena 2 Localizzare i datasets DQ2/AMI 3 Sottomissione alla GRID & Monitoring dei jobs GANGA/PAthena 4 Recupero dei risultati DQ2 5 Analisi Athena/ROOT Localizzare i Datasets User Interface DQ2 Command line source /afs/[c]sh source /afs/[c]sh.CERN UI Setup (lxplus) voms-proxy-init –voms atlas dq2_ls trig1_misal1*.PythiaZee.*.AOD.v120006*tid* dq2_ls -r trig1_misal1*.PythiaZee.*.AOD.v120006*tid* DQ2 GANGA ... Gaudi /Athena and Grid Alliance, progetto comune ATLAS/LHCb Applicazione "user friendly" in grado di Configurare – Sottomettere – Monitorare Le applicazioni possono essere mandate a vari tipi di risorse Macchine locali (utile per test) Sistemi batch (LFS, PBS, Condor ...) GRID Il sistema di gestione dei job è lo stesso sia per configurazioni locali che per la GRID Interfaccia via command-line o una GUI ... GANGA Applicazioni (basate su ATHENA) Blocchi Funzionali: un job puo' essere configurato da un insieme di blocchi funzionali, ognuno dei quali si occupa di un aspetto diverso • Produzione, Simulazione, Riconstruzione, Analisi • Scelta della release • Sottomissione sorgente o librerie per l'analisi Backend • LCG e NorduGrid • Possibilità di specificare i siti, CE Input Dataset • Local file system • DQ2 • Possibilità di usare dataset incompleti • specificare il numero minimo di files per dataset Output Dataset • File system locale, retrieve alla fine del job • DQ2 •Scelta Storage Element Splitter – Merger • Definizione di subjobs, numero eventi per subjob • Possibilità di unire i file ROOT di output GANGA Windows Ganga Setup : source /afs/ Attraverso una CLIP (Command Line Interface in Python) Session si possono monitorare e gestire i job : submit status remove kill peek ... Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.JobRegistry : INFO Found 17 jobs in jobs In [1]:jobs Out[1]: Statistics: 7 jobs # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # id 14 16 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 status name subjobs application backend running caldigoff1_mc12.007215.singlepart_mu17.digit. failed caldigoff1_mc12.007215.singlepart_mu17.digit. completed misal1_mc12.007176.singlePion_pTSlice_16_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007175.singlePion_pTSlice_15_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007178.singlePion_pTSlice_18_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007179.singlePion_pTSlice_19_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007180.singlePion_pTSlice_20_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007181.singlePion_pTSlice_21_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007182.singlePion_pTSlice_22_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007183.singlePion_pTSlice_23_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007184.singlePion_pTSlice_24_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007185.singlePion_pTSlice_25_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007186.singlePion_pTSlice_26_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007187.singlePion_pTSlice_27_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007188.singlePion_pTSlice_28_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007189.singlePion_pTSlice_29_of_3 completed misal1_mc12.007190.singlePion_pTSlice_30_of_3 50 50 4 4 13 13 12 13 13 13 10 8 3 3 3 3 3 backend.actualCE Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG Athena LCG GUI da cui si possono configurare, sottomettere e monitorare i job Setup del Job di Analisi j = Job() nome job & applicazione'test_it' j.application=Athena() j.application.prepare(athena_compile=False) j.application.exclude_from_user_area=["*.o","*.root*","*.exe"] jobptions j.application.option_file='' j.application.max_events='200' j.splitter=AthenaSplitterJob() Numero eventi e subjobs j.splitter.numsubjobs=20 j.merger=AthenaOutputMerger() j.inputdata = DQ2Dataset() j.inputdata.dataset="trig1_misal1_csc11_V1.005144.PythiaZee.recon.AOD.v12000601_tid00 7539" input dataset j.inputdata.match_ce_all=True j.inputdata.min_num_files=400 j.outputdata=DQ2OutputDataset() j.outputdata.outputdata=['AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root'] output dataset in DQ2 j.backend=LCG() j.backend.requirements=AtlasLCGRequirements() backend j.backend.requirements.sites= [ 'MILANO','ROMA1','NAPOLI','LNF'] j.submit() Sottomissione dei Job GANGA interroga i cataloghi DQ2 e prepara le liste dei file di input crea una serie di script jdl nei quali definisce tutti i requirements e le liste di file crea un tar in cui ci sono jdl ed il codice di analisi Sottomissione al Work Load Manager che a sua volta smista i job nei siti Un job può dare come output una nuova collezione di eventi, che può essere registrata come nuovo dataset nei cataloghi e acceduto successivamente Estrazione dei risultati dall’insieme dai DPD che potrà poi essere analizzato in locale dopo una copia o sulla GRID. DQ2 DPD GANGA Web Site ATLAS Dashboard PAthena Package integrato in Athena E' stato usato pienamente solo a BNL. Test a Lione per EGEE si usa in modo del tutto simile ad athena: athena pathena complementare a GANGA Usa lo stesso workload system usato per le produzioni ATLAS: PANDA Output registrato su catalogo in DQ2 Ha tutte le funzionalità necessarie bookeeping, monitoring, status, facile risottomissione dei job , notifica via email .. Interfaccia Web molto user friendly. User Interface 1 cmt co PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools cd PhysicsAnalysis/DistributedAnalysis/PandaTools/cmt cmt config ; source ; make 2 pathena --split 10 --nEventsPerJob 100 –inDS trig1_misal1_csc11_V1.005144.PythiaZee.recon.AOD.v12000601_tid007539 --outDS user.MichelaBiglietti.test 3 pathena_utill >>>show() >>> status(id) >>> select('outDS=user.MichelaBiglietti*') >>> retry(id) >>> kill(id) Setup sottomissione monitoring Analisi Distribuita - PAthena PAthena - Monitoring Sistema WEB based per monitorare e avere informazioni sia sui job che sui dati, fornisce agli utenti un interfaccia immediata al sistema PANDA Analysts’ work-flow (simulated data) STEP TOOLS 1 Preparazione codice analisi Athena 2 Localizzare i datasets DQ2/AMI 3 Sottomissione alla GRID & Monitoring dei jobs GANGA/PAthena 4 Recupero dei risultati DQ2 5 Analisi Athena/ROOT Analysts’ work-flow (simulated data) STEP TOOLS 1 Preparazione codice analisi Athena 2 Localizzare i datasets DQ2/AMI 3 Sottomissione alla GRID & Monitoring dei jobs GANGA/PAthena 4 Recupero dei risultati DQ2 5 Analisi Athena/ROOT GANGA - Informazioni sui job ATLAS DashBoard GANGA CLIP Stato dei job jobs(jobid).status jobs(jobid). subjobs[n]. status Controllo dei log-files jobs(jobid). subjobs[n]. peek() jobs(jobid). subjobs[n]. peek('stdout', 'cat') Informazioni sui job applicazione (Athena) jobs(id).subjobs[n].application backend jobs(id).subjobs[n].backend Files di input jobs(id).subjobs[n].inputdata Output jobs(id).subjobs[n].outputdata in a loop In [16]:for i in range(10): ....: jobs(id).subjobs[i].status ....: GANGA – Recupero dei dati 2 opzioni : 1 . output come nuovo Dataset nei cataloghi DQ2 2. output "locale", puo' essere scaricato nella propria output sandbox GANGA CLIP Nome e informazioni del Dataset di ouput DQ2 jobs(id).subjobs[n].outputdata d=DQ2Dataset() d.list_locations('users. UserName.ganga.4.20071123') d.list_locations_num_files('users.UserName.ganga.4.20071123') d.list_contents('users.UserName.ganga.4.20071123') Controllo dei Dataset di output dq2_ls users. UserName.ganga.4.20071123 dq2_ls –r users. UserName.ganga.4.20071123 Download delle ntuple ROOT per l'analisi dq_get –rv users. UserName.ganga.4.20071123 Analisi in ROOT PAthena - Controllo dei Job e Recupero Dati Controllo dei Job pathena_util PANDA Monitoring WEB logfiles DQ2 Controllo dei Dataset di output dq2_ls users. UserName.ganga.4.20071123 dq2_ls –r users. UserName.ganga.4.20071123 Download delle ntuple ROOT e dei log files dq_get –rv users. UserName.ganga.4.20071123 Analisi in ROOT BACKUP Analysts’ work-flow (real data) STEP TOOLS 1 Preparazione codice analisi Athena 2 Preparazione selezione su TAG Athena/DB 3 Sottomissione alla GRID GANGA/PAthena 4 Recupero dei risultati DQ2 5 Analisi Athena/ROOT ... Setup di ATHENA... A basic requirements file at CERN for the following examples would be: #--------------------------------------------------------------------requirements set CMTSITE CERN set SITEROOT /afs/ macro ATLAS_DIST_AREA /afs/ path con l'area macro ATLAS_TEST_AREA ${HOME}/GridS/testarea di lavoro apply_tag setup apply_tag simpleTest use AtlasLogin AtlasLogin-* $(ATLAS_DIST_AREA) #--------------------------------------------------------------------source /afs/ cmt config Create a athena working area with the UserAnalysis package in 12.0.6 : mkdir GridS/testarea/12.0.6 source -tag=12.0.6 echo $CMTPATH cd GridS/testarea/12.0.6 export cmt co -r UserAnalysis-00-09-10 PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis ... Setup di ATHENA Setup and compile the code with: cd PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/UserAnalysis/cmt cmt broadcast cmt config source setup.(c)sh cmt broadcast gmake After compilation: cd ../run cp ../share/ . Getting started with a Simple Grid job using ROOT Ganga Setup and Start: source /afs/ ganga ctrl-d to exit Create a small root macro called gaus.C void gaus() { gROOT->SetStyle("Plain"); TH1F *h1 = new TH1F("h1","histo from a gaussian",100,-3,3); h1->FillRandom("gaus",10000); TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas("c","c",800,600); h1->Draw(); c1->Print(""); } gaus.C Create a GANGA script called j = Job()'ROOT_Ex2' j.application=Root() j.application.script=File('gaus.C') j.outputsandbox=[''] j.backend=LCG() j.backend.requirements.sites= ['MILANO','CNAF','NAPOLI','LNF'] j.submit() status i/o directories application parameters backend info Introduce AtlasProduction cache setup with. j.application.atlas_production='' the AtlasProduction transformation for is downloaded from to the grid worker node and setup. in .gangarc ShallowRetryCount = 10 RetryCount = 0 Use an ATLASDataset with j.inputdata.lfn=['lfn:file1', 'lfn:file2'] j.inputdata.lfc='' to process a list of files in job sent to the site where to data is located with a direct access to the inputdata First Step: Analysis Code Choice your analysis code Here we will use AnalysisSkeleton (Ketevi A. Assamagan ) CVS: PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisCommon/AnalysisExamples/ It's just a skeleton, the user can implement his analysis here Some electron histograms and root tree are filled with basic information AnalysisSkeleton Histogramming and Ntuple TH1F* m_h_elecpt; m_h_elecpt = new TH1F("elec_pt","pt el",50,0,250.*GeV); sc = m_thistSvc->regHist("/AANT/Electron/elec_pt",m_h_elecpt); ... AnalysisSkeleton ... Retrieve a Container of AOD Objects const ElectronContainer* elecTES = 0; sc=m_storeGate->retrieve( elecTES, m_electronContainerName); if( sc.isFailure() || !elecTES ) { mLog << MSG::WARNING << "No AOD electron container found in TDS" << endreq; return StatusCode::SUCCESS; } mLog << MSG::DEBUG << "ElectronContainer successfully retrieved" << endreq; ... AnalysisSkeleton ... Access to the Kinematics ElectronContainer::const_iterator elecItr = (*elecTES).begin(); ElectronContainer::const_iterator elecItrE = (*elecTES).end(); for (; elecItr != elecItrE; ++elecItr) { if( (*elecItr)->hasTrack() && (*elecItr)->pt()> m_etElecCut ) { double electronPt = (*elecItr)->pt(); double electronEta = (*elecItr)->eta(); ... }} m_h_elecpt->Fill( (*elecItr)->pt(), 1.); Access to the Monte Carlo Truth bool findAMatch = m_analysisTools->matchR((*elecItr), truthContainer, index, deltaRMatch, (*elecItr)->pdgId()); if (findAMatch) { deltaRMatch = (deltaRMatch > m_maxDeltaR) ? m_maxDeltaR : deltaRMatch; m_h_elecrmatch->Fill( deltaRMatch, 1.); if ( deltaRMatch < m_deltaRMatchCut) { const TruthParticle* electronMCMatch = (*mcpartTES)[index]; double res = (*elecItr)->pt() / electronMCMatch->pt(); m_h_elecetres->Fill(res,1.); } Second Step : your Dataset Use Don Quijote (DQ2) to locate data e.g. the ATLAS Experiment Data Distribution System integrate all Grid data management services used by the ATLAS provides production managers and physicists access to file-resident event data for more info see the tutorial dataset browser verview=dslist Open a lxplus shell Find Zee AOD source /afs/[c]sh source /afs/[c]sh.CERN voms-proxy-init –voms atlas dq2_ls trig1_misal1*.PythiaZee.*.AOD.v120006*tid* dq2_ls -r trig1_misal1*.PythiaZee.*.AOD.v120006*tid* Use one of the most replicated DSET Complete source: all files of a dataset have been transfered to a sites by the DDM system. Incomplete source: zero up to all files of a dataset are present at a site. GRIDExample: Job ATHENA/GANGA Athena1 j = Job()'Athena1' j.application=Athena() j.application.prepare(athena_compile=False) j.application.exclude_from_user_area=["*.o","*.root*","*.exe"] j.application.option_file=' (path)/' j.application.max_events='100' j.splitter=AthenaSplitterJob() j.splitter.numsubjobs=10 j.merger=AthenaOutputMerger() j.inputdata = DQ2Dataset() j.inputdata.dataset="trig1_misal1_csc11_V1.005144.PythiaZee.recon.AOD.v12000601_tid007539" j.inputdata.match_ce_all=True j.inputdata.min_num_files=5 j.outputdata=ATLASOutputDataset() j.outputdata.outputdata=['AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root'] j.backend=LCG() j.submit() in ganga : execfile('') • Instead of Root() plugin the Athena() plugin is used now, which automatically creates a tar ball of the Athena working area in the prepare() method. •option_file defines the athena jobOptions •max_events number of events per job ... ATHENA/GANGA Example To avoid that unnecessary files are packed into your inputsandbox use: j.application.exclude_from_user_area=["*.o","*.root*","*.exe"]. Source code compilation: athena_compile=False. all pre-compiled source code and libraries are shipped with the job inputsandbox to the grid worker node and the source code is not recompiled. To re-compile your code on the worker node just use j.application.prepare(). 5 subjobs sent to the LCG grid j.splitter=AthenaSplitterJob() j.splitter.numsubjobs=5 inputdata DQ2Dataset() or ATLASLocalDataset() (files on a local file system) match_ce_all=True : the job is in addition also sent to incomplete dataset locations (by default it is sent only to complete dataset location) j.inputdata.min_num_files=5 to make sure that a certain number of files of a dataset are present at a site (since also incomplete sites with 0 files might exist) Working with Incomplete DSET (2) in GANGA check locations and number of files per site config["Logging"]['GangaAtlas'] = 'INFO' d=DQ2Dataset() d.dataset='trig1_misal1_csc11_V1.005144.PythiaZee.recon.AOD.v12000601_tid007539' d.list_locations() d.list_locations_num_files() In [212]:d.list_locations_num_files() Out[212]: {'CNAFDISK': 1863, 'WISC': 0, 'CERNPROD': 195, 'NAPOLI': 485, 'DESY-HH': 0, 'AGLT2': 0, 'MILANO': 1736, 'NIKHEF': 1277, 'RALDISK': 0, 'ROMA1': 1807, 'NDGFT1DISK': 0, 'WUP': 0, 'AUUNIMELB': 177, 'FZKDISK': 0, 'TRIUMFDISK': 1793, 'LYONDISK': 1626, 'LNF': 429, 'BNLDISK': 0, 'CERNCAF': 1693, 'TORON': 513, 'ASGCDISK': 1612} A complete list of can be obtained with r=AtlasLCGRequirements() r.list_sites() Out[45]: ['ALBERTA', 'ASGC', 'AU-ATLAS', 'AU-UNIMELB', 'BHAM', 'BRUN', 'CAM', 'CERN', 'CNAF', 'CSCS', 'CYF', 'DESY-HH', 'DESY-ZN', 'DUR', 'EDINBURGH', 'FRTIER2S', 'FZK', 'FZU', 'GLASGOW', 'ICL', 'IFAE', 'IFIC', 'IHEP', 'ITEP', 'JINR', 'LANCS', 'LESC', 'LIP-COIMBRA', 'LIP-LISBON', 'LIV', 'LNF', 'LRZ', 'LYON', 'MANC', 'MCGILL', 'MILANO', 'MONTREAL', 'NAPOLI', 'NIKHEF', 'OXF', 'PIC', 'PNPI', 'QMUL', 'RAL', 'RALPP', 'RHUL', 'ROMA1', 'SARA', 'SFU', 'SINP', 'TORON', 'TRIUMF', 'TWFTT', 'UAM', 'UCLCC', 'UCLHEP', 'UNI-FREIBURG', 'UVIC', 'WUP'] More on Output Dataset There are two outputdata plugins: ATLASOutputDataset() (stores output data on local filesystem, CASTOR or Grid SE) DQ2OutputDataset() (stores output data on Grid SE and registers files in DQ2) DQ2 Output Dataset At the start of the job an empty DQ2 dataset is created: users.UserName.ganga.105.20070321 Optional: a datasetname can be created with: job.outputdata.datasetname='datasetname' This generates a DQ2 datasetname in terms of user.UserName.ganga.datasetname Using the additional option job.outputdata.use_datasetname=True creates an output datasetname without the prepending user.username.ganga Datasets can be retrieved outside Ganga with dq2_get like production datasets How to exclude bad Computing Elements If you find that your job is failing due to some badly configured Computing Element it is possible to exclude it from the list of allowed CEs. You can provide the keyword ExcludedCEs in the LCG section of your .gangarc file .... ExcludedCEs = cnaf\.infn\.it Exit from ganga Computing Elements Jobs can also be forced to a site using the legacy option j.backend.CE ='' Get CE information with (from lxplus prompt) lcg-infosites --vo atlas ce GANGA Misc A Change the logging level of Ganga to get more information during job submission etc. with: config["Logging"]['GangaAtlas'] = 'INFO' or config["Logging"]['GangaAtlas'] = 'DEBUG' To avoid overflowing your afs area, you can move your gangadir directory to a scratch disk, then modify your ~/.gangarc file with this line under [DefaultJobRepository] with the new path local_root = /afs/ Additional files can be transfered with the job inputsandbox and outputsandbox with: j.inputsandbox=['/path/to/my/file1', '/path/to/my/file2'] or j.outputsandbox=['myfile1', 'myfile2'] online help help() Athena jobs from the shell command line ganga athena --inDS trig1_misal1_csc11.005145.PythiaZmumu.recon.AOD.v12000601_tid005999 --outputdata AnalysisSkeleton.aan.root --split 3 --maxevt 100 --lcg --site NAPOLI ATLAS Dashboard - 2