
Marie Curie e Fulbright: brevi cenni - IRPPS

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Marie Curie e Fulbright: brevi cenni - IRPPS
Marie Curie e Fulbright:
brevi cenni
Andrea Filippetti
ISSiRFA (CNR) e London School of
Economics and Political Science
Strong points
• Siamo cio’ che pubblichiamo:
– The researcher has good research experience. The
number of academic papers is impressive
• The fellow and the project are well matched
• The host organisation and supervisor in charge
are highly competent in this topic
• The proposed project would have a major impact
on the researcher in acquiring new competencies
and reaching a position of professional maturity.
Ogni decimo conta
• Potential impacts of the research findings on the
European Union level are not described
• The work plan is described briefly without details.
• The practical and administrative arrangements,
and support for hosting of the fellow are
described only on a very general level
• Creativity and independent thinking have not
been fully demonstrated
Final tips
• Non farsi bocciare la proposta
• Un acronimo che resta in mente e si aggancia
al contenuto
• Vincere timidezza
• Cuore oltre l’ostacolo: obiettivi ambiziosi
Una buona opportunita’: Fulbright
• http://www.fulbright.it/it
• http://www.fulbrightschuman.eu/
[email protected]
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