
Cava de` Tirreni

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Cava de` Tirreni
Cava de’ Tirreni (Italy)
Istituto Tecnico per Geometri “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Cava de’ Tirreni (Italy)
The project
Our town
A brief historical course
Interesting places:
• Benedectine Abbey
• Other Churches
• The Castle
• Important events in Cava
• Montecastello Cerimony
• The competition of the Trombonists
• Famous people of the past
Mamma Lucia
Alfonso Balzico
Gaetano Filangieri
Eduardo Migliaccio
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Speaking ability in a second language is
not an inborn skill, but it is the result of
continual stimuli coming from the
Educational World or from the experience
(staying in foreign countries for a long time
and participating to extra-projects).
A Comenius project is a valid opportunity
for students and teachers.
It encourages students to learn different
languages, to visit new countries and to
develop international friendship.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Our town
This is our town Cava de’ Tirreni near
Salerno, in the South of Italy.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
A beautiful view of Cava de’ Tirreni.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Town Hall of Cava de’ Tirreni.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The town is situated in the middle of green
and big hills rich in thick vegetation and
surrounded by Lattari mountains such as
Monte Castello, Monte S. Liberatore, S.
Martino, Monte Finestra, Monte S. Angelo,
Monte Avvocata and so on, which separate the
town from the sea villages of the Amalfi Coast.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
A lovely view of the Amalfitan Coast
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
A brief historical
and cultural course
Cava de’ Tirreni was called “Little
Switzerland” because of the green of its
mountains, its abundance of water and its
The history of the town is related with the
Benedictine Abbey built in the XI Century.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The name Cava means “cave” and the most
famous cave was the “Arsicia” which was the
place where the Benedictine Abbey was founded.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The history of the
Benedictine Abbey
At the beginning of the XI century a little
group of monks attracted by the saintly
reputation of a nobleman Alferio
Pappacarbone, who retired to the Mount
Finestra to pray and think, decided to settle
there and in that place the Benedictine Abbey
of the Holy Trinity was built.
It became one of the most religious and
cultural centre in Italy.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Monastery of Badia
In the monastery there are:
• the Longobard cemetery;
• the library which preserves 50.000
volumes with incunabula;
• the archives with 15.000 parchments
dated back to VIII Century;
• the Codex Diplomaticus Cavensis, a
Visigoth Bible of IX Century, the Lex
Longobardorum of 1000.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
A photo of the Benedictine Abbey
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Churchyard
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Benedictine
Museum of Badia
Prepared in the thirteenth Century rooms of
the ancient pilgrimages’ home, it preserves
marbles carved from II to XVI Century, for
example some sculptural fragments by Tino
da Camaino; paintings by Luca Giordano,
Francesco De Mura, Andrea da Salerno e
Giovan Francesco Penni; Gothic jewelleries
and objects of art: potteries and objects of
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Cloister of the Monastery
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Inside the Abbey: the pulpit
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Other Churches in Cava
St. Francesco Church
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Cathedral....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Cathedral by night….
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The construction of the Cathedral started in
1517 with a Papal bull.
The construction work was entrusted to a
bricklayer called Catello Della Monica who
noticed that the walls had some damages
caused by water inside the foundations.
The Cathedral was finished in 1571. It was
consecrated in 1662 and modified various
times. It was strongly damaged by the
earthquake in the year 1980.
Today it has been completely restored and it
has reached its original splendour....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
On the right aisle, there is the chapel of the
Blessed Sacrament, also damaged by thieves.
Interesting is also the Chapel dedicated to
the Patron S. Adiutore, but it is not always
opened to the public.
Inside the Church it is possible to visit the
canopy, and admire the large painting
dedicated to the Holy Mary of Visitation.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Church of Immaculate Conception
of Elm
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Sanctuary of Avvocatella
It is situated in Badia of Cava de’ Tirreni and is
the destination of thousand pilgrims for its
tormented origins.Rose nearby a cave of bats it is
said that there were ghost visions which scared
the passers-by.A priest put an image of the Holy
Mary nearby the cave giving origin to the present
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Borgo Scacciaventi: an ancient lane…..
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
In the middle of the valley where Cava de’
Tirreni lies, there is the main city centre, the
ancient “Borgo Scacciaventi”, which
represented the religious, administrative and
commercial heart of the town during the
Nowadays the Borgo Scacciaventi is the
centre of trade and handicraft during the day
and of pubs, American bars and restaurants
at night.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Castle
The Castle is situated on a hill in the centre of
the valley and dominates the town....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Castle was built in the VIII century and
donated by the Longobard Duke Ruggiero at
the end of XI Century to the town of Cava.
Its name is “S. Adiutore” because, according
to a legend dated back to V Century, a Saint
Bishop called Adiutore, escaped from Africa
and took cover in a cell on this hill.
The Castle was destroyed in 1943 and was
re-built in 1970.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Important events in Cava:
The Montecastello Ceremony
In 1656 among many calamities, there was
a plague in Italy. It was brought to Naples by
Spanish soldiers and it was diffused in Cava
de’ Tirreni where the desease caused many
According to the tradition, it was thanks to a
pilgrimage by people to worship the Blessed
Sacrament into the Chapel of S. Adiutore
Castle, that the plague was defeated….
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
For this reason every year in the 8° of Corpus
Domini the Montecastello Ceremony is
celebrated on the Thursday or the Sunday
following the Holy Trinity. Since the next year, in
1657, the procession of Corpus Domini became
as a penitence going as far as the top of the
The Ceremony was also enriched by the
presence of Cavesi with their special guns
called “pistoni”.
At the end of this beautiful show it is possible
to see illuminations, fireworks and the
phantasmagorical fires of the fortress.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Fireworks from Montecastello
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Fireworks from Montecastello
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The Competition of the
Every year in the first week of July, at the
stadium “Simonetta Lamberti” in Cava the
“Competition of the Trombonists” takes place.
It is a deeply felt folk show which reminds the
battle of Sarno, when in 1460 five hundred
Cavesi soldiers helped King Ferdinand I of
Aragon, called Ferrante, who was going to be
defeated by the Angevin King John....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
After that, King Ferdinand sent a “White
Parchment”, with his signature to thank the
loyalty of Cavesi.
On the White Parchment ,Cavesi could have
written and asked everything to the King but
they did not write anything and the Parchment
is still white and untouched in the Town Hall....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
…..The parade of trombonist groups belonging
to different hamlets, during the competition….
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
..... During this historical evocation, the eight
groups of trombonists with thousands of
participants in period costumes, compete one
group at time, in resounding battery gun fires….
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Today the “White Parchment”, represents the
pride of Cavesi and the ambitious award for the
“Competition of Trombonists”.
The awards “Very Loyal Town” and the
legendary “White Parchment” are given to the
winner of the competition....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
…..The “Sbandieratori” waving flags during the
competion of Trombonists
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Famous people
of the past:
Mamma Lucia
Lucia Apicella known as Mamma Lucia (Cava
de’ Tirreni, November 18, 1887- Cava de’ Tirreni,
July 23, 1982) was an Italian humanitarian
During the Second World War hundreds of
German soldiers were killed in the area. Their
bodies were not buried and were left on the
battlefields around Cava....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Mamma Lucia was a very religious, simple
and pious mother. A day, after having
witnessed the scene in which some children
were kicking the skull of a soldier and, after a
premonitory dream in which eight soldiers
implored the Germans to give back their
bodies to their mothers, she felt the Christian
duty to bury the dead bodies of German
soldiers and dedicated herself with “motherly
love” to find the remains of the dead soldiers
and reassemble them in coffins of zinc....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Her aims was to return the bodies to their
mothers or to allow them finding easily. The
work was dangerous because of many
unexploded booby-traps that where in the
area, but at the end of the 1944, she had
found more than 700 bodies with different
identity cards and signs of identification.
In July 1980, at the age of 92, on the
initiative of the literary magazine “Verso il
2000” in the large Marbles Hall in the Town
Hall, she was awarded in Salerno with a gold
medal by the President of the Republic....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Mamma Lucia
kisses and
puts a skull
in a coffin
of zinc.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Alfonso Balzico
Alfonso Balzico (Cava de’
Tirreni (SA) 1825/ Rome 1901) is
a famous sculpture.
He carried out numerous
busts, the Equestrian Statue of
the King’s brother Ferdinand of
Savoy, Duke of Genoa,
considered his masterpiece and
the monument to Massimo
D’Azeglio. In Paris he received
a prize for the sculpture of
Flavio Gioia, that after it was
bought by the town of Amalfi....
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
.....The Equestrian Statue of Ferdinand of
Savoy, made by Alfonso Balzico.
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Gaetano Filangieri
Gaetano Filangieri was born in Naples in
1752. He was one of the most important Italian
jurists and thinkers. In 1783 Gaetano Filangieri
married the Countess Carolina Fremdel of
Presburgo and after he retired in Cava de’
Tirreni where he worked out the famous “The
Science of Legislation”.
His personality was important for his political
works such as “The Science of Legislation”
published in seven volumes. In his works, he
attacked from the basis, the feudal privileges of
the Barons. He died, because of tuberculosis,
on 21st June 1788 in Vico Equense near
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
A portrait
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Eduardo Migliaccio,
called “Farfariello”
Eduardo Migliaccio was born in the hamlet of
Santi Quaranta in Cava de’ Tirreni on 15th April
1880 by Ernesto and Almerinda Tragni. At the
age of 18 he moved to America with his family.
He became famous with the “colonial
He invented a particular language, in which
elements of English and Neapolitan dialect
converged. He described the most typical
American “boors”: the dissolute person, the
patriot, the hooligan, “the guappo”…
He created more than hundreds
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
Migliaccio, called
I.T.G. “L. Vanvitelli” – Cava de’ Tirreni (Salerno – Italy) CAVA DE’ TIRRENI
The End
Istituto Tecnico per Geometri “Luigi Vanvitelli”
Gianna Barrella
Paola Guarino
Izzo Volfango
Michele Perone
Rosa Rocco
Agnese Salerno
Andrea Sergio
Annamaria Salsano
Fifty students from different classes
Responsible Students
Giovanni Di Domenico IV C
Gabriella Memoli
Administrative personnel
Laboratory Technicians
Responsible Teacher
Mrs Gianna Barrella
Mrs Matilde Piselli
Fly UP