
Italy - alunni della II A

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Italy - alunni della II A
Kennst du das Land, wo
die Zitronen blühn,
Im dunklen Laub die
Goldorangen glühn,
Ein sanfter Wind vom
blauen Himmel weht,
Die Myrte still und hoch
der Lorbeer steht,
Kennst du es wohl?
Dahin! Dahin
Möcht ich mit dir, o mein
Geliebter, ziehn!
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Knowest thou where the
lemon blossom grows,
In foliage dark the orange
golden glows,
A gentle breeze blows from
the azure sky,
Still stands the myrtle, and
the laurel, high?
Dost know it well?
'Tis there! 'Tis there
Would I with thee, oh my
beloved, fare.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Conosci tu il paese dove
fioriscono i limoni?
Nel verde fogliame
splendono arance d'oro
Un vento lieve spira dal
cielo azzurro
Tranquillo è il mirto,
sereno l'alloro
Lo conosci tu bene?
Laggiù, laggiù
Vorrei con te, o mio
amato, andare!
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
The Italian Republic is located on the Italian Peninsula
in Southern Europe.
To the North, it borders France, Switzerland, Austria, and
To the South, it includes Sicily and Sardinia – the two
largest islands of the Mediterranean Sea.
Italy's total area is
301,230 km².
Including the islands,
it has a coastline and
border of 7,600 km.
The Apennine
Mountains form the
peninsula's backbone
and the Alps form its
northern boundary,
the highest point of
which is the Monte
The Po, with its 652
km, is Italy’s longest
river: it crosses the Po
The five largest lakes
are: Garda, Maggiore,
Como, Trasimeno and
In Italy live about 60.8
million of people: it is the
fifth most populous country
in Europe.
Italy is subdivided into 20
regions, and further into
110 provinces and 8100
Rome is the capital of Italy.
Within the Italian territory
there are also the
independent states of San
Marino and the Vatican
Italy is also a founding
memeber of the European
Italy is the country with
the greatest number of
UNESCO World Heritage
The Duomo, MILAN
Piazza dei
Miracoli and
the Leaning
Tower, PISA
The Coliseum
Temples valley,
This is why Italy is often
referred to as “IL BEL PAESE”.
The greatest artists in the history
of time worked in Italy during the
Botticelli, Leonardo, Michelangelo.
Italy, though, is not only about
seeing, but also about tasting.
Italian cuisine is known to be
among the world’s favourites.
And for good reasons…
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