
EGI - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare

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EGI - Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
EGI come sostituto futuro dei
progetti infrastruttura Grid
EGI_DS preparazione
EGEE mw, operations, applications
stanno iniziando a preparare la
transizione a EGI
Maggiore parte slides in inglese da
recenti meetings EGI_DS
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
EGI Objectives
• Ensure the long-term sustainability of the European einfrastructure
• Coordinate the integration and interaction between
National Grid Infrastructures
• Operate the European level of the production Grid
infrastructure for a wide range of scientific disciplines to
link National Grid Infrastructures
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
21 Aprile 2008
Routine Usage
Laura Perini
Utility Service
Why Sustainability TODAY?
• Dependency: some application domains
depend on grids already today
• Protection of Investment: Investment in
grids, both from funding organizations and
from users, need to be protected
• Perspective: Today’s grid users are grid
enthusiasts, tomorrows grid users ask for
a longer term perspective
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
• Provide global services and support that complement and/or
coordinate national services (Authentication, VO-support, security,
• Coordinate middleware development and standardization to
enhance the infrastructure by soliciting targeted developments from
leading EU and National Grid middleware development projects;
• Advise National and European Funding Agencies in establishing
their programmes for future software developments based on
agreed user needs and development standards;
• Integrate, test, validate and package software from leading Grid
middleware development projects and make it widely available;
• Provide documentation and training material for the middleware and
operations. (NGIs may wish to make the material available in turn in
their local language);
• Take into account developments made by national e-science
projects which were aimed at supporting diverse communities.
• Link the European infrastructure with similar infrastructures
• Promote Grid interface standards based on practical experience
gained from Grid operations and middleware integration activities, in
consultation with relevant standards organizations;
• Collaborate closely with industry as technology and service
providers, as well as Grid users, to promote the rapid and successful
21 Aprile 2008
uptake of Grid technology byLaura
The first e-Infrastructure Call in FP7
•Support conceptual design studies for new
Year 2007
Year 2009
Year 2008
RI (or major
upgrades of existing
ones) of
Publication: early 2007 clear European dimension and interest;
Closure: spring 2007
such studies will help to assess technical
and financial feasibility of proposed new RI
•Action should also foster emergence of new
organisational models to consolidate a
sustainable approach to e-Infrastructures, in
particular in the domain of grids and data
1. e-Science Grid Infrastructures
2. Scientific Digital Repositories
•New service provisioning schemes to be
more neutral
and open to all user
3. Deployment of e-Infrastructures
for new
Scientific Communitiescommunities and resource providers
4. New Research Infrastructures – Design studies
5. New Research Infrastructures – Preparatory phase
6. Support measures (studies, policy initiatives,
co-operation,…)Laura Perini
21 Aprile
Slide courtesy of Kyriakos Baxevanidis, EC
EGI Preparation Team
• Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (GUP)
• Greek Research and Technology Network S.A. (GRNET)
• Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
• CSC - Scientific Computing Ltd. (CSC)
• CESNET, z.s.p.o. (CESNET)
• European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)
• Verein zur Förderung eines Deutschen
Forschungsnetzes - DFN-Verein (DFN)
• Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)
• Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique(CNRS)
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
EGI Advisory Board
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
EGI Advisory Board
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
EGI Design Study
Project proposal:
• submitted to FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2007-1,
1.2.1 Design Studies
• Conceptual setup and operation of a new organizational
model of a sustainable pan-European grid infrastructure
• Consortium: 9 Partners  EGI Preparation Team
• NGI Representatives  EGI Advisory Board
• Person months: ~300
• Duration: 1 Sept 2007 – 30 Nov 2009 (27 Months)
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Struttura e Terminologia
“European Grid Initiative (EGI)” =
the EGI Organisation + the NGIs
“EGI Organisation” =
the team with central responsibility,
including the management structure
“EGI Council” =
the governing body of the EGI and
successor to the EGI Advisory Board
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Work Distribution
• WP2: EGI Requirements Consolidation
(Fotis Karayannis, GRNET)
• WP3: EGI functionality definition
(Laura Perini, INFN)
• WP4: Study of EGI legal and organisational options
(Beatrice Merlin, CNRS)
• WP5: Establishment of EGI
(Jürgen Knobloch, CERN)
• WP6: EGI Promotion and Links with Other Initiatives
(Per Öster, CSC)
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
EGI Webpage
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Workplan of WP3
• D3.1 (Month 9-May 2008):
First EGI Functions Definition
– D3.1.1 – European and National Projects
– D3.1.2 – Handover from WP2 and WP6
– D3.1.3 – First Schema of EGI Functions
Examine list of desired functions, combine
with possible legal implementations, and
define a first schema of functions
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Workplan of WP3
– D3.1.3 – First Schema of EGI Functions
Examine list of desired functions, combine
with possible legal implementations, and
define a first schema of functions
• to be exercised by EGI,
• to remain with the NGIs, and
• require further development
together with a first schema for the
governance system and the financial model
for long term sustainability e della tranzizione
dalla situazione presente a quella delineata
per EGI
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
The original functions we have
worked on (and who drafted them first)
Operation of a reliable Grid infrastructure CERN
Coordination of middleware development and standardization INFN
Development and operation of build and test systems CERN
Components selection, validation, integration and deployment CERN
Mechanisms for resource provisioning to Virtual Organisations
Application support CERN
Training efforts STFC
Outreach and dissemination INFN
Industry take-up INFN
10. Contribution to the Open Grid Forum (OGF) and other
standardisation bodies INFN
11. Policy, Strategy, e-IRG STFC
12. Representation of European Grid efforts, international cooperation,
13. Security STFC
21 Aprile 2008
14. Management DFN
Laura Perini
EGI Functionality Overview
• Management, Outreach & Dissemination Representation of EU Grid Efforts
• Operations & Resource Provisioning &
• Application Support & Training
• Middleware (Build&Test, Component
• Standardisation & Policies
• Industry take-up
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Funzioni, Tasks e Fondi in EGI
• Tasks: attività ben definite entro singola funzione
• Suddivisione (work in progress ora) fra
– Core tasks: finanziati da tutte le NGI’s secondo uno
sharing da definire
– Services: NGI’s ed eventualmente VO’s possono
acquistarli oppure no
– Projects: tasks di EGI che sono co-finanziati da EU
presumibilmente in call riservata (modello GEANT)
• Una NGI può anche offrirsi di svolgere uno o più
tasks di EGI per tutti ( modello GGUS), dando
così un contributo in-kind a EGI
– Definire per quali task è possibile
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Workplan of WP3
• D3.2 (Month 15-November 2008):
Final EGI Functions Definition
– Scope similar to D3.1, but refined according
to NGI feedback and with further input from
WP4, WP5 and WP6.
– Define a maturity model and
roadmap for the EGI set up
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Workplan of WP5
• D 5.1 (Month 7-March 08):
Draft Definition of EGI Organisation
– Overall mission and scope of the organisation
– Relationship with the NGIs, global communities and
resource centres
– Initial functions and services to be provided
– Resources required to execute the functions
– Initial medium term plan and the yearly budget
– Definition of the transition process from EGEE-based
infrastructures and operations to the EGI
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Definition of EGI Organisation
– Initial functions and services provided by EGI
– Estimation of resource requirements for
executing the functions
– Relationships with NGIs and global
communities and resource centres
– Description of functions and scope of NGIs
– Transition process to EGI model
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Characteristics of NGIs
Each NGI
• … should be a recognized national body
with a single point-of-contact
• … should mobilise national funding and resources
• … should operate the national e-Infrastructure
• … should supports user communities (application
independent, and open to new user communities and
resource providers)
• … should contribute and adhere to international
standards and policies
Responsibilities between NGIs and EGI are split
to be federated and complementary
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
NGI Responsibilities
• Regional operations functions
• Resource provisioning
• Accounting and monitoring
• Application support
• Help desk facilities
• Contribution to middleware development
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
EGI Transition Scenario
• Many applications rely now on production quality
grid infrastructures.
• Sciences using today’s grid operations
(supported by EGEE, DEISA, …) and other
projects should be able to transit without
disruption to the envisaged sustainable
EGI/NGI-based model.
• Example:
EGEE-III using JRU’s as NGI equivalents
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
EGI Transition Scenario
Important: Human Expertise
• Many developments and operational tasks are
performed by highly skilled staff, which has built
up their expertise through the lifetime of the
current grid projects.
• Care must be taken that this expertise can be
retained during and after the transition period.
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
• June 30-July 1, 2008: (WP4 legal)
EGI Workshop, Geneva, Switzerland
“Draft Papers on the EGI Structure”
Segue descrizione delle Task Forces ora
attive e dei loro compiti per chiarire in che
fase si trova il progetto e quali sono gli
issues aperti
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Function Description:
• EGI specifies a set of key services, which
enable the NGIs to share a set of
• EGI provides a reference implementation
for these specifications
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Tasks for MW TF
• Specify the set of key service components (incl.
interfaces) required for the European Grid
• Describe transition period (as roadmap) from
today’s stack-based approach to a candidate
implementation of the EGI service components
• Provide cost estimations (contributions, service
charges, project grants) for both tasks
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
TF “Middleware” - Members
Alistair Dunlop (UK)
Achim Streit (DE)
Farid Ould-Saada (NO)
Mirco Mazzucato (IT)
Ludek Matyska (CZ)
Ian Bird (CERN)
Christoph Witzig (CH)
Sergio Andreozzi (IT)
Ignacio Martin Llorente (Spain)
Uwe Schwiegelshohn (Germany)
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Functional description:
• Operations should provide a service to
enable multi-national collaboration
• This service should be accounted for
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Tasks for Op TF
• Description of EGI services (from EGI
Organization + NGIs) to provide the
operations to enable multi-national
• Costing and efforts to make these
• Transition plan from the current EGEE
structure to the EGI structure
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Remarks for Op TF
• Each NGI is responsible towards EGI for
providing the compute and storage
resources and the required baseline
services to use and share them
• Include a distinction between core function
(should be minimal) and optional service
functions, as well as a description which
functions are required from the NGIs
• Identify incentives/benefits for NGIs to
21 Aprile 2008
offer resources to Laura
European Grid
TF “Operations” - Members
Maite Barroso (CERN)
Jamie Shiers (CERN) - Leader
Nick Thackray (CERN)
Sven Hermann (DE)
Rolf Rumler (FR)
Per Öster (FI)
Fotis Karayannis (GR)
Tiziana Ferrari (IT)
John Gordon (GB)
Romain Wartel (CERN)
Axel Berg (SARA) - Invite
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Application & Training Support
Functional description:
• Provide coordination of the established
application support, and community
building and feedback activities
• Provide coordination of dissemination of
technical changes, support to encourage
sharing of teaching materials and
experience, coordination of sharing tInfrastructure resources
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
TF “Application Support” Members
Diana Cresti (IT)
David Fergusson (UK)
Jacko Koster (NO)
Jakub Moscicki (CERN)
Patricia Mendez-Lorenzo (CERN)
Morris Riedel (DE)
Torsten Antoni (DE) – GGUS - invite
Vincent Breton (FR) – invite priority 1
Monique Petitidier – invite priority 2
Somebody from ITER – talk to Bob Jones for
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Remarks for EGI Management
• Invent a mechanism to provide stability for
the service provisioning
• Collect a number of open issues related to
the management and the funding scheme
to be solved within the EGI organisation
• Issue: Location tendering
21 Aprile 2008
Laura Perini
Fly UP