proposte di attivita - IHMC Public Cmaps (3)
PROPOSTE DI ATTIVITA’ Raccolti gli esiti della discussione plurilingue, gli insegnanti di Lingua Inglese fanno il punto su come presentare attività relative ai prestiti e ai calchi linguistici nella lingua target In gruppo discutono e quindi propongono le seguenti attività attilia lavagno 1 ACTIVITY 1 Target : 3rd year Scuola Media students Objectives - making students aware of common loanwords from Italian - identifying loanwords semantic fields Time : 6 hours attilia lavagno 2 RUBRIC * 1. LEGGI ATTENTAMENTE IL SEGUENTE BRANO E SOTTOLINEA IN ROSSO LE PAROLE SCRITTE IN ITALIANO E IN BLU QUELLE CHE ASSOMIGLIANO ALL’ITALIANO 2. RAGGRUPPA IN UNA TABELLA LE PAROLE SOTTOLINEATE IN BLU E AFFIANCALE AL TERMINE ITALIANO SIMILE 3. COSA HANNO IN COMUNE TUTTE LE PAROLE IN ROSSO? 4. CI SONO PAROLE IN BLU CHE CONDIVIDONO LE STESSE CARATTERISTICHE DI QUELLE IN ROSSO? * A rubric is a word or section of text which is written or printed in red ink to highlight it. The term derives from the Latin : rubrica, meaning red chalk and originates in Medieval manuscripts from the 13th century or earlier. attilia lavagno 3 WHAT IS OPERA? Opera is a story told through music. The music is accompanied by an orchestra. Opera singers have a special timbre (colour or quality) to their voices that makes them able to project their voices over an orchestra. They do not use microphones! Opera began in Italy when a group of artists formed a group called the Florentine Camerata. Over the last few centuries, opera has evolved throughout the world. It is probably so popular and exciting because it is an art form that combines visual art (sets, costumes), drama (the story, acting), dance (sometimes even a full ballet) and music (the orchestra, the singing). Opera stories are based on myths, folktales, great works of literature, biblical stories, fantasy, and real-life stories. Operas are written in many languages; the most popular are Italian, German and French. Operas are also written in English, Czech, Russian, and Mandarin Chinese. Singers who perform in operas have different voice types. For women, these types are Soprano (high), Mezzo-soprano (medium), and Contralto (low). For men, Tenor (high), Baritone (medium), and Bass (low) are the names of voice types. Opera is special because it takes so many people to make it work. All of these elements put together make opera a spectacle for your eyes AND ears. Now that you know what opera is, let’s find out more about Così fan tutte! Adapted from SANDIEGO OPERA STUDY GUIDES attilia lavagno 4 KEYS Gli insegnanti discutono del possibile risultato dell’attività rispetto all’obiettivo prefissato, quindi delle modalità per ricercare l’origine delle parole in blu (quelle cioè che assomigliano all’Italiano). Vengono identificati come utili strumenti di ricerca il dizionario monolingua ed alcuni siti Internet (ad esempio ) attilia lavagno 5 WHAT IS OPERA? Opera is a story told through music. The music is accompanied by an orchestra. Opera singers have a special timbre (colour or quality) to their voices that makes them able to project their voices over an orchestra. They do not use microphones! Opera began in Italy when a group of artists formed a group called the Florentine Camerata. Over the last few centuries, opera has evolved throughout the world. It is probably so popular and exciting because it is an art form that combines visual art (sets, costumes), drama (the story, acting), dance (sometimes even a full ballet) and music (the orchestra, the singing). Opera stories are based on myths, folktales, great works of literature, biblical stories, fantasy, and real-life stories. Operas are written in many languages; the most popular are Italian, German and French. Operas are also written in English, Czech, Russian, and Mandarin Chinese. Singers who perform in operas have different voice types. For women, these types are Soprano (high), Mezzo-soprano (medium), and Contralto (low). For men, Tenor (high), Baritone (medium), and Bass (low) are the names of voice types. Opera is special because it takes so many people to make it work. All of these elements put together make opera a spectacle for your eyes AND ears. Now that you know what opera is, let’s find out more about Così fan tutte! Adapted from SANDIEGO OPERA STUDY GUIDES attilia lavagno 6 PAROLE IN ITALIANO OPERA ORCHESTRA CAMERATA SOPARANO MEZZOSOPRANO CONTRALTO “COSI’ FAN TUTTE” SONO TUTTI TERMINI CHE APPARTENGONO AL CAMPO MUSICALE attilia lavagno 7 PAROLE CHE ASSOMIGLIANO ALL’ITALIANO MUSIC TIMBRE COLOUR QUALITY PROJECT ITALY ARTISTS POPULAR ART ………… attilia lavagno MUSICA TIMBRO COLORE QUALITA’ PROIETTARE ITALIA ARTISTI POPOLARE ARTE ……… 8 MUSIC, TIMBRE, BARITONE, TENOR SONO PAROLE IN BLU CHE CONDIVIDONO LE CARATTERISTICHE DI QUELLE IN ROSSO (appartengono cioè al campo semantico della musica) attilia lavagno 9 ACTIVITY 1 : DISCUSSION I corsisti discutono dell’attività proposta e si soffermano sui seguenti punti focali proposti dal formatore: WORD BANKS per facilitare l’acquisizione del lessico WORD FORMATION e CAPACITA’ DI LETTURA VOCABULARY ACQUISITION & CULTURAL STUDIES attilia lavagno 10 MORE ACTIVITIES Ritenendo molto importante far rilevare agli studenti il fenomeno del prestito attraverso la lettura, gli insegnanti decidono di lavorare su alcuni titoli di giornali inglesi Viene anche proposto di ampliare succesivamente la prospettiva con un follow up sulla stampa britannica attilia lavagno 11 RUBRIC LEGGI I SEGUENTI TITOLI DI ARTICOLI TRATTI DALL’ECONOMIST E DAL TIMES E SOTTOLINEA LE PAROLE CHE L’ITALIANO HA PRESTATO ALL’INGLESE CERCA QUESTI TERMINI SUL DIZIONARIO MONOLINGUA INGLESE, ESISTE UNA TRADUZIONE POSSIBILE IN INGLESE? attilia lavagno 12 Italian Police Arrest Key Camorra Chief THE DEADLY CAMORRA: Naples Sinks into Mafia Violence Italy and the Mafia : Sicilian vespers A wave of arrests hits the Italian Mafia The Mafia in Naples : Gangsters go global The Sicilian Mafia: a state within the state. Lazio legend denies having links with Camorra attilia lavagno 13 CONCLUSIONI Gli insegnanti concordano che la scelta dei titoli porterà inevitabilmente i ragazzi a riflettere sul tema “ Cosa presta l’Italiano oggi alle altre lingue??? Cosa ha prestato in passato?...Perchè?” Temi che nuovamente metteranno in relazione il nesso LINGUA/CULTURA attilia lavagno 14 FOLLOW UP Il formatore sottolinea come questa stessa attività possa essere rivolta agli studenti della quarta ginnasio (fase accoglienza) facendo seguire ai titoli anche parte degli articoli Di seguito un breve esempio attilia lavagno 15 The Sicilian Mafia: a state within the state. From: The Economist (US) The mafia exists much like a separate state within Italy, and its deeply rooted influence will make the government crusade a formidable task. The new anti-mafia laws passed by the Parliament are strong beginning for uprooting the mafia. Italian magistrates and police have at last dealt the Mafia some hard blows. But this syndicate of men of dishonour is deep-rooted and far from beaten THE trouble with the Sicilian Mafia is that it is not like the movies. It is worse. Unlike the characters in "The Godfather", Sicily's real mafiosi are not just gangsters, even murderous gangsters, ... attilia lavagno 16 Italy and the Mafia Sicilian vespers From The Economist A wave of arrests hits the Italian Mafia Lo Presti under arrest HE WAS found dead, hanging by his belt in Palermo’s Pagliarelli jail. The apparent suicide of a 52-year-old Sicilian, Gaetano Lo Presti, on December 16th put a grisly end to what investigators claimed was a drive by the Sicilian Mafia to give itself a new leadership. Mr Lo Presti was among 89 alleged mobsters detained in one of the biggest-ever police operations in Sicily. Around 1,200 semi-militarised Carabinieri were deployed in raids there and (as an indication of Cosa Nostra’s long reach) in placid Tuscany. Only five of those wanted by the police eluded capture. “Cosa Nostra is in evident crisis,” exulted Italy’s chief anti-Mafia prosecutor, Piero Grasso. “It cannot manage to reorganise itself.” attilia lavagno 17 READING COMPREHENSION Gli insegnanti concordano circa le attività di comprensione degli articoli del tipo : TRUE /FALSE MULTIPLE CHOICE Ai ragazzi della quarta ginnasio sarà affidato il compito di monitorare la stampa britannica per un certo periodo alla ricerca di prestiti dall’Italiano attilia lavagno 18 RUBRIC Form groups of 4 Choose one of the following online editions of British newspapers http://www.daily attilia lavagno 19 Read the headlines in the following newspapers sections: FRONT PAGE NEWS SPORT ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT/CULTURE BUSINESS/MONEY Collect all the loanwords from Italian and group them according to their topic attilia lavagno 20