
CURRICULUM VITAE Massimo Zuin Luogo e data di nascita

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CURRICULUM VITAE Massimo Zuin Luogo e data di nascita
Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
Massimo Zuin
Luogo e data di nascita: Noventa Padovana (PD); 7 Agosto 1950
Attuale posizione accademica:
- Professore Associato di Medicina Interna (MED09) – Università degli Studi di Milano –
Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute.
- Direttore Unità Operativa Complessa di Medicina, Epatologia e Gastroenterologia –
Az.Osp San Paolo Polo Universtario, via A. di Rudinì 8; 20142 Milano.
- Presidente del Corso di Laurea in Dietistica (Triennio 2014-2017)
Tel: +39-02.50323093
Fax: +39-02.50323089
e-mail: [email protected]
Curriculum studiorum:
1975: Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano
1979: Specializzazione in Gastroenterologia presso l’Università di Ferrara
1985: Specializzazione in Medicina Interna presso l’Università degli Studi di Milano
Curriculum universitario:
1976-1980: Borsista universitario presso l’Istituto di Clinica Medica III dell’Università degli
Studi di Milano
1980-1989: Ricercatore confermato presso l’Istituto di Medicina Interna dell’Università
degli Studi di Milano
1989-2000: Ricercatore confermato presso il Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia ed
Odontoiatria dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
2001–2006: Direttore della Scuola di Specializzazione Malattie del Fegato e del Ricambio
Dal 2001: Professore Associato in Medicina Interna presso il Dipartimento di Medicina,
Chirurgia ed Odontoiatria dell’Università degli Studi di Milano
Attività assistenziale:
1981-1989: Assistente presso l’Istituto di Clinica Medica III - Ospedale Policlinico di Milano
1990-2001: Aiuto presso la Divisione di Medicina Generale – Clinica Medica del
Dipartimento di Medicina dell’ A.O San Paolo
2002–2003: Vicedirettore dell’U.O Medicina III - Clinica Medica del Dipartimento di
Medicina dell’A.O San Paolo
1 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
2004-2009: Direttore dell’ Unità Dipartimentale di Epatologia e Gastroenterologia Medica
del Dipartimento di Medicina dell’ A.O San Paolo
Dal 2009: Direttore dell’U.O di Medicina VI-Epatologia e Gastroenterologia del
Dipartimento di Medicina dell’ A.O San Paolo
Attività Scientifica:
- Epidemiologia e trattamento medico della colelitiasi
- Conseguenze epatiche ed extra-epatiche delle alterazioni del circolo entero-epatico degli
acidi biliari
- Immunogenetica della Cirrosi Biliare Primitiva e della Colangite Sclerosante Primitiva
- Fattori di rischio cardiovascolare nelle epatopatie croniche colestatiche
- Terapia delle malattie croniche colestatiche
- Efficacia e sicurezza del trattamento antivirale nella epatite cronica HCV-correlata
- Stadiazione e trattamento dell’epatocarcinoma
- Epidemiologia delle epatopatie metaboliche e dei fattori di rischio cardiovascolare in eta’
pediatrica e adulta
Partecipazione scientifica nell’ambito di programmi di ricerca di interesse nazionale
1984-1995: Responsabile di Unità Operativa nell’ambito dello Studio “Multicentrica Italiana
COLelitiasi” (M.I.COL.) coordinato dall’Istituto Superiore di Sanità e inserito nel Progetti
Finalizzati C.N.R. “Medicina Preventiva e Riabilitativa” (1982-1987) e “Prevenzione e
Controllo dei Fattori di Rischio” (1990-1995)
1998-2000: Partecipazione al Programma di Ricerca Scientifica di rilevante interesse
nazionale del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
(M.U.R.S.T. #9806210866) (ex 40%) “La colestasi nell'uomo e in modelli sperimentali.
Biologia cellulare e molecolare della secrezione biliare e delle sue alterazioni come causa
di danno epatico e progressione di malattia” (coordinatore Prof. L. Okolicsanyi)
1999-2001: Responsabile di Unità Operativa nell’ambito del Programma di Ricerca
Scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Scientifica e Tecnologica (M.U.R.S.T.) (ex 40%) “Difetti congeniti ed acquisiti del
catabolismo del colesterolo: importanza relativa delle due vie di sintesi degli acidi biliari”
(coordinatore Prof. G. C. Galli)
2002-2004: Responsabile di Unità Operativa nell’ambito del programma di ricerca
2 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Scientifica e Tecnologica (M.U.R.S.T.) (ex 40%): “Regolazione del catabolismo del
colesterolo ad acidi biliari nell’uomo: modelli sperimentali in vivo”. (Coordinatore: A.
2004-2006: Responsabile di Unità Operativa nell’ambito del programma di ricerca
scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca
Scientifica e Tecnologica (M.U.R.S.T.) (ex 40%): "Interazioni fra metabolismo lipidico e
sintesi degli acidi biliari, con particolare riferimento alla via extraepatica, in pazienti con
sindrome metabolica, con colestasi cronica o gravemente obesi. Modelli sperimentali in
vivo e in vitro" (coordinatore: Prof. N. Carulli).
Partecipazione scientifica nell’ambito di programmi di ricerca di interesse regionale
2008 -2012 Responsabile del: “Progetto CAMELIA: studio di popolazione sulle
interazioni tra malattie cardiovascolari, sindrome metabolica, malattie di fegato e
autoimmunità”nell’ambito dei progetti innovativi di sviluppo in campo cardio-cerebro
vascolare della Regione Lombardia e in collaborazione con l’Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
Sintesi della produzione scientifica:
Pubblicazioni in extenso su riviste censite secondo impact factor: n 126
Impact Factor (Journal Citation Reports 2013): 807.215
H-index (Scopus):34
3 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
Lavori originali pubblicati in extenso su riviste censite secondo impact factor
(JCR, 2013)
Tritapepe R, Di Padova C, Zuin M, Bellomi M, Podda M.
Lithogenic bile after conjugated estrogen.
N Eng J Med 1976;295:961-2 (letter).
Di Padova C, Zuin M, Bellomi M, Podda M.
Choleretic and anti-choleretic effects of furosemide in the rat.
Ital J Gastroenterol 1978;10:92-6.
Di Padova C, Zuin M, Campana G, Podda M.
Cholesterol supersaturation of bile in women during oral contraceptive
Ital J Gastroenterol 1978;10:62-3.
Zuin M, Di Padova C, Rovagnati P, Lasala G, Cammareri G.
Cycloxilic acid and the bile lipids in oral contraceptive users.
Arzneim-Forsch/Drug Res 1979;29:837-9.
Gianni L, Di Padova F, Zuin M, Podda M.
Bile acid-induced inhibition of the lymphoproliferative response to
phytohemagglutinin and pokeweed mitogen: an in vitro study.
Gastroenterology 1980;78:231-5.
Annoni G, Dioguardi ML, Tripodi A, Zuin M.
Enzymic assay of choline-containing phospholipids in bile.
Clin Chem 1980;26:669.
Podda M, Zuin M, Dioguardi ML, Festorazzi S, Di Padova C.
Effect of Dihyroxydibutylether (DHBE) on bile flow and composition in rats
with ethynilestradiol-induced cholestasis.
Arzneim-Forsch/Drug Res 1980;30:2126-8.
Carulli N, Ponz De Leon M, Podda M, Zuin M, Strata A, Frigerio G,
Digrisolo A.
Chenodeoxycholic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid effects in endogenous
hypertriglyceridemias. A controlled double-blind trial.
J Clin Pharmacol 1981;21:436-42.
Podda M, Zuin M, Carulli N, Ponz De Leon M, Dioguardi ML.
Gallstone dissolution after 6 months of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA):
effectiveness of different doses.
J Int Med Res 1982;10:59-63.
10. Podda M, Zuin M, Dioguardi ML, Festorazzi S.
Successful treatment of gallstones with bile acids in obese adolescents.
Arch Dis Child 1982;57:956-8.
11. Podda M, Zuin M, Dioguardi ML, Festorazzi S, Dioguardi N.
A combination of chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acid is more
effective than either alone in reducing biliary cholesterol saturation.
Hepatology 1982;2:334-9.
4 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
12. Carulli N, Ponz De Leon M, Podda M, Di Padova C, Zuin M.
Effect of cicloxilic acid on bile lipid composition in patients with gallstones:
a multicenter trial.
Digestion 1983;28:102-7.
13. Vergani CG, Plancher AC, Zuin M, Cattaneo M, Tramaloni C, Maccari S,
Roma P, Catapano AL.
Bile lipid composition and haemostatic variables in case of high density
lipoprotein deficiency (Tangier disease).
Eur J Clin Invest 1984;14:49-54.
14. Podda M, Zuin M.
Effects of fenofibrate on biliary lipids and bile acid pool size in patients
with type IV hyperlipoproteinemia.
Atherosclerosis 1985;55:135-42.
15. Zuin M, Battezzati PM, Camisasca M, Riebenfeld D, Podda M.
Effects of ginsenosides against hepatotoxin-induced chronic liver disease
in the elderly.
J Int Med Res 1987;15:276-81.
16. Masci E, Testoni PA, Fanti L, Guslandi M, Zuin M, Tittobello A.
Duodenogastric reflux: correlations among bile acid pattern, mucus
secretion and mucosal damage.
Scand J Gastroenterol 1987;22:308-12.
17. Podda M, Ghezzi C, Battezzati PM, Bertolini E, Crosignani A, Petroni ML,
Zuin M.
Ursodeoxycholic acid for chronic liver disease.
J Clin Gastroenterol 1988;10:25-31.
18. Podda M, Ghezzi C, Battezzati PM, Bertolini E, Crosignani A, Petroni ML,
Zuin M.
Effect of different doses of ursodeoxycholic acid in chronic liver disease.
Dig Dis Sci 1989;34:59-65.
19. Podda M, Zuin M, Battezzati PM, Ghezzi C, De Fazio C, Dioguardi ML.
Efficacy and safety of a combination of chenodeoxycholic acid and
ursodeoxycholic acid for gallstone dissolution: a comparison with
ursodeoxycholic acid alone.
Gastroenterology 1989;96:222-9.
20. Podda M, Ghezzi C, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Zuin M, Roda A.
Effect of ursodeoxycholic acid and taurine on serum liver enzymes and
bile acids in chronic hepatitis.
Gastroenterology 1990;98:1044-50.
21. Zuin M, Petroni ML, Grandinetti G, Crosignani A, Bertolini E, Battezzati
PM, Podda M.
Comparison of effects of chenodeoxycholic and ursodeoxycholic acid and
their combination on biliary lipids in obese patients with gallstones.
Scand J Gastroenterol 1991;26:257-62.
22. Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Setchell KDR, Camisasca M, Bertolini E,
Roda A, Zuin M, Podda M.
Effects of ursodeoxycholic acid on serum liver enzymes and bile acid
metabolism in chronic active hepatitis: a dose-response study.
Hepatology 1991;13:339-44.
5 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
23. Bertolini E, Zermiani P, Battezzati PM, Bruno S, Villa E, Manenti F, Marelli
F, Moroni GA, Zuin M, Podda M.
Lack of association between circulating HCV-RNA and anti-HCV positivity
in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Lancet 1991;337:675-6 (letter).
24. Crosignani A, Podda M, Bertolini E, Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Setchell KDR.
Failure of ursodeoxycholic acid to prevent a cholestatic episode in a
patient with benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis: a study of bile acid
Hepatology 1991;13:1076-83.
25. Crosignani A, Podda M, Battezzati PM, Bertolini E, Zuin M, Watson D,
Setchell KDR.
Changes in bile acid composition in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis
induced by ursodeoxycholic acid administration.
Hepatology 1991;14:1000-7.
26. Bertolini E, Battezzati PM, Zermiani P, Bruno S, Moroni GA, Marelli F,
Villa E, Manenti F, Zuin M, Crosignani A, Podda M.
Hepatitis virus C testing in primary biliary cirrhosis.
J Hepatol 1992;15:207-10.
27. Bertolini E, Marelli F, Zermiani P, Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Moroni GA,
Podda M.
Antibodies to hepatitis C virus in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Arch Virol 1992;54:205-9.
28. Battezzati PM, Podda M, Bruno S, Zuin M, Crosignani A, Camisasca M,
Chiesa A, Petroni ML, Russo A, Gallotti P, Borzio M, Buscarini L, Fornari
F, Sbolli G, Lanzini A, Pigozzi MG, Salmi A, Dastoli G, Carriero PL.
Factors predicting early response to treatment with recombinant interferon
alpha-2a in chronic nonA-non B hepatitis. Preliminary report of a longterm trial.
Ital J Gastroenterol 1992;24:481-4.
29. Bellentani S, Podda M, Tiribelli C, Callea F, Marazzi M, Sodde M, Merlini
R, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Zuin M, Manenti F.
Ursodiol in the long-term treatment of chronic hepatitis: a double-blind
multicenter clinical trial.
J Hepatol 1993;19:459-64.
30. Camisasca M, Crosigani A, Battezzati PM, Albisetti W, Grandinetti G,
Pietrogrande L, Biffi A, Zuin M, Podda M.
Parenteral calcitonin for metabolic bone disease associated with primary
biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology 1994;20:633-7.
31. Pulvirenti A, Regalia E, Bianchi E, Zuin M, Gennari L, Baratti D,
Mazzaferro V.
Successful liver transplantation from a donor with chromosomal
abnormality (45,X0).
Tranplant Proc 1994;26:3655-6.
32. Lesma A, Gobbi G, Zuin M, Callioni F, Rovati V.
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy using methyl tert-butil ether: preliminary
Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy 1994;4:13-7.
6 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
33. Guan Lim A, Jazrawi RP, Ahmed HA, Levy JH, Zuin M, Douds AC,
Maxwell JD, Northfield TC.
Soluble intercellular adhesive molecule-1 in primary biliary cirrhosis:
relationship with disease stage, immune activity and cholestasis.
Hepatology 1994;882-8.
34. Bruno S, Rossi S, Petroni ML, Villa E, Zuin M, Podda M.
Normal aminotransferase concentrations in patients with antibodies to
hepatitis C virus.
Br Med J 1994;308:697.
35. Torgano G, Vecchi M, Podda M, Zuin M, Arosio E, Battezzati PM, De
Franchis R.
Primary biliary cirrhosis is associated with specific changes in liver IgGbearing cell subpopulations.
J Hepatol 1995;22:1-6.
36. Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Setchell KDR, Invernizzi P, Covini G, Zuin
M, Podda M.
Tauroursodeoxycholic acid for treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis. A
dose-response study.
Dig Dis Sci 1996;41:809-15.
37. Petroni ML, Jazrawi RP, Lanzini A, Zuin M, Pazzi P, Fracchia M, Boga E,
Facchinetti D, Alvisi V, Galatola G, Bland JM, Heaton KW, Podda M,
Northfield TC.
Repeated bile acid therapy for the long-term management of cholesterol
J Hepatol 1996;25:719-24.
38. Podda M, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Quagliuolo M, Valsania C,
Invernizzi P, Zuin M.
Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Ital J Gastroenterol 1996;28:114-7.
39. Invernizzi P, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Covini G, De Valle G, Larghi A,
Zuin M, Podda M.
Comparison of the clinical features and clinical course of
antimitochondrial antibody-positive and –negative primary biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology 1997;25:1090-5.
40. Larghi A, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, De Valle G, Allocca M, Invernizzi
P, Zuin M, Podda M.
Ursodeoxycholic and tauro-ursodeoxycholic acids for the treatment of
primary biliary cirrhosis: a pilot crossover study.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 1997;11:409-14.
41. Bardella MT, Quatrini M, Zuin M, Podda M, Cesarini L, Velio P, Bianchi P,
Conte D.
Screening patients with celiac disease for primary biliary cirrhosis and
vice versa.
Am J Gastroenterol 1997;92:1524-6.
42. Mazzaferro V, Regalia E, Pulvirenti A, Tagger A, Andreola S, Pasquali M,
Baratti D, Romano F, Palazzo U, Zuin M, Bonino F.
Prophylaxis against HCV recurrence after liver transplantation: effect of
interferon and ribavirin composition.
Transplant Proc 1997;29:519-21.
7 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
43. Larghi A, Tagger A, Crosignani A,. Ribero ML, Bruno S, Portera G,
Battezzati PM, Maggioni M, Fasola M, Zuin M, Podda M.
Clinical significance of hepatic HCV-RNA in patients with chronic hepatitis
C demonstrating long-term sustained response to interferon-alpha
J Med Virol 1998;55:7-11.
44. Invernizzi P, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Zermiani P, Bignotto M, Del
Papa N, Zuin M, Podda M.
Antibody to carbonic anhydrase II is present in primary biliary cirrhosis
(PBC) irrespective of antimitochondrial antibody status.
Clin Exp Immunol 1998;114:448-54.
45. Tagger A, Ribero ML, Larghi A, Donato F, Zuin M, Chiesa R, Benetti GP,
Ramella G, Borzio M, Podda M.
Prevalence of GB virus-C/hepatitis G virus infection in patients with
cryptogenic chronic liver disease and in patients with primary biliary
cirrhosis or Wilson’s disease.
Am J Gastroenterol 1999;94:484-8.
46. Invernizzi P, De Andreis C, Sirchia SM, Battezzati PM, Zuin M., Rossella
F, Perego F, Bignotto M, Simoni G, Podda M.
Blood fetal microchimerism in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Clin Exp Immunol 2000;122:418-22
47. Zuin M., Podda M, Selmi C, Giorgini A, Zermiani P, Mandelli G, Sacchetta
AC, Candiani C.
Gastrointestinal tolerability of ibuprofen administered in two
pharmaceutical formulations.
Arzneimittelforschung 2000;50:837-42
48. Petroni ML, Jazrawi RP, Pazzi P, Zuin M., Lanzini A, Fracchia M,
Facchinetti D, Alvisi V, Ferraris R, Bland JM, Heaton KW, Podda M,
Northfield TC.
Risk factors for the development of gallstone recurrence following medical
dissolution. The British-Italian Gallstone Study Group.
Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2000;12:695-700
49. Battezzati P.M., Zuin M., Crosignani A., Allocca M., Invernizzi P., Selmi
C., Villa E., Podda M.
Ten-year combination treatment with colchicine and ursodeoxycholic acid
for primary billiary cirrhosis: a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on
symptomatic patients.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2001;15:1427-34
50. Montorsi M, Santambrogio R, Bianchi P, Opocher E, Cornalba GP, Dapri
G, Bonavina L, Zuin M, Podda M.
Laparoscopy with laparoscopic ultrasound for pretreatment staging of
hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective study.
J Gastrointest Surg 2001;5:312-5
51. Invernizzi P, Podda M, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Zuin M., Hitchman E,
Maggioni M, Meroni PL, Penner E, Wesierska-Gadek J.
Autoantibodies against nuclear pore complexes are associated with more
active and severe liver disease in primary biliary cirrhosis.
J Hepatol 2001;34:366-72
8 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
52. Montorsi M, Santambrogio R, Bianchi P, Opocher E, Zuin M., Bertolini E,
Bruno S, Podda M.
Radiofrequency interstitial thermal ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma in
liver cirrhosis. Role of the laparoscopic approach.
Surg Endosc 2001;15:141-5
53. Montorsi M, Santambrogio R, Bianchi P, Opocher E, Tagliaferri B, Zuin
M., Bertolini E, Podda M.
Laparoscopic radiofrequency of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in liver
Hepatogastroenterology 2001;48:41-5
54. Del Puppo M, Galli Kienle M, Crosignani A, Petroni ML, Amati B, Zuin M.,
Podda M.
Cholesterol metabolism in primary biliary cirrhosis during simvastatin and
UDCA administration.
J Lipid Res 2001;42:437-41
55. Petroni ML, Jazrawi RP, Pazzi P, Lanzini A, Zuin M., Pigozzi MG,
Fracchia M, Galatola G, Alvisi V, Heaton KW, Podda M, Northfield TC.
Ursodeoxycholic acid alone or with chenodeoxycholic acid for dissolution
of cholesterol gallstones: a randomized multicentre trial. The British-Italian
Gallstone Study group.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2001;15:123-8
56. Melero S, Spirli C, Zsembery A, Medina JF, Joplin RE, Duner E, Zuin M.,
Neuberger JM, Prieto J, Strazzabosco M.
Defective regulation of cholangiocyte Cl-/HCO3(-) and Na+/H+ exchanger
activities in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology 2002;35:1513-21
57. Longo M, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Squarcia Giussani C, Invernizzi P,
Zuin M., Podda M.
Hyperlipidaemic state and cardiovascular risk in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Gut 2002;51:265-9
58. Larghi A, Zuin M., Crosignani A, Ribero ML, Pipia C, Battezzati PM,
Binelli G, Donato F, Zanetti AR, Podda M, Tagger A.
Outcome of an outbreak of acute hepatitis C among healthy volunteers
participating in pharmacokinetics studies.
Hepatology 2002;36:993-1000
59. Selmi C., Zuin M., Biondi M.L., Invernizzi P., Battezzati P.M., Bernini M.,
Meda F., Gershwin M.E., Podda M.
Genetic variants of the endothelial nitric oxide synthase in patients with
primary biliary cirrhosis: Association with disease severity.
J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2003;18:1150-5
60. Invernizzi P, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Perego F, Poli F, Morabito A,
De Arias AE, Scalamogna M, Zuin M., Podda M.
Peculiar HLA polymorphisms in Italian patients with primary biliary
J Hepatol 2003;38:401-6
61. Santambrogio R, Podda M, Zuin M., Bertolini E, Bruno S, Cornalba GP,
Costa M, Montorsi M.
Safety and efficacy of laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation of
hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with liver cirrhosis.
Surg Endosc 2003;17:1826-32
9 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
62. Okolicsanyi L, Groppo M, Floreani A, Morselli-Labate AM, Rusticali AG,
Battocchia A, Colombo M, Galatola G, Gasbarrini G, Podda M, Ricci G,
Rosina F, Zuin M..
ursodeoxycholic acid: results of a retrospective Italian multicentre survey.
Dig Liver Dis 2003;35:325-31
63. Neri TM, Cavestro GM, Seghini P, Zanelli PF, Zanetti A, Savi M, Podda
M, Zuin M., Colombo M, Floreani A, Rosina F, Bianchi Porro G,
Strazzabosco M, Okolicsanyi L.
Novel association of HLA-haplotypes with primary sclerosing cholangitis
(PSC) in a southern European population.
Dig Liver Dis 2003;35:571-6
64. Abu-Mouch S, Selmi C, Benson GD, Kenny TP, Invernizzi P, Zuin M.,
Podda M, Rossaro L, Gershwin ME.
Geographic clusters of primary biliary cirrhosis.
Clin Dev Immunol 2003;10:127-31
65. Busatto P., Blasi F., Casanova F., Selmi C., Centanni S., Zuin M.
Lack of PBC-specific antimitochondrial antibodies in patients with
Chlamydia pneumoniae infection (research letter).
J Gastroenterol Hepatol 2005;20:1626-7
66. Del Puppo M, Crosignani A, Longo M, Zuin M., Podda M, Galli G, De
Fabiani E, Ciuffreda P, Santaniello E, Javitt NB, Kienle MG.
A minimally invasive technique for the evaluation of the regulatory steps
of the two major pathways of bile acid synthesis.
Clin Chim Acta 2005;355:23-31
67. Giorgini A., Selmi C., Invernizzi P., Podda M., Zuin M., Gershwin M.E.
Primary biliary cirrhosis: an overview.
Ann NY Acad Sci 2005;1051:185-93
68. Selmi C., Zuin M., Gershwin M.E.
The bile duct cell: a bully or a victim?
Liver Transpl 2005;11:878-80
69. Invernizzi P., Miozzo M., Selmi C., Persani L., Battezzati P.M., Zuin M.,
Lucchi S., Meroni P.L., Marasini B., Zeni S., Watnik M., Grati F., Simoni
G., Gershwin M.E., Podda M.
X chromosome monosomy: a common mechanism for autoimmune
J Immunol 2005;175:575-8
70. Selmi C., Invernizzi P., Zuin M., Podda M., Gershwin M.E.
Genetics and geoepidemiology of primary biliary cirrhosis: following the
footprints to disease etiology.
Semin Liver Dis 2005;25:265-80
71. Selmi C., Invernizzi P., Zuin M., Podda M., Seldin M.F., Gershwin M.E.
Genes and (auto)immunity in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Genes Immun 2005;6:543-56
72. Invernizzi P, Selmi C., Zuin M., Podda M.
Lack of serum antibodies to membrane-bound carbonic anhydrase IV in
primary biliary cirrhosis.
Gut 2005;54:1665
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Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
73. Wesierska-Gadek J., Penner E., Battezzati P.M., Selmi C., Zuin M.,
Hitchman E., Worman H.J., Gershwin M.E., Podda M., Invernizzi P.
Correlation of initial autoantibody profile and clinical outcome in primary
biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology 2006;43:1135-1144
74. Allocca M., Crosignani A., Gritti A., Ghilardi A. , Gobatti D., Caruso D.,
Zuin M. , Podda M., Battezzati P.M
Hypercholesterolaemia is not associated with early atherosclerotic lesions
in primary biliary cirrhosis
Gut 2006 ;55: 1795-800
75. Allocca M, Crosignani A, Gritti A, Benetti A, Zuin M, Podda M, Battezzati
Inadequate dietary intake but not renal tubular acidosis is associated with
bone demineralization in primary biliary cirrhosis.
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2007 Jan 15;25(2):219-27
76. Crosignani A, Del Puppo M, Longo M, De Fabiani E, Caruso D, Zuin M,
Podda M, Javitt NB, Kienle MG.
Changes in classic and alternative pathways of bile acid synthesis in
chronic liver disease.
Clin Chim Acta. 2007 Jul;382(1-2):82-8. Epub 2007 Apr 12.
77. Miozzo M, Selmi C, Gentilin B, Grati FR, Sirchia S, Oertelt S, Zuin M,
Gershwin ME, Podda M, Invernizzi P.
Preferential X chromosome loss but random inactivation characterize
primary biliary cirrhosis.
Hepatology. 2007 Aug;46(2):456-62.
78. Invernizzi P, Miozzo M, Oertelt-Prigione S, Meroni PL, Persani L, Selmi C,
Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Lucchi S, Marasini B, Zeni S, Watnik M, Tabano
S, Maitz S, Pasini S, Gershwin ME, Podda M
X monosomy in female systemic lupus erythematosus.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2007 Sep;1110:84-91.
79. Serum autoantibodies: a road map for the clinical hepatologist.
Meda F, Zuin M, Invernizzi P, Vergani D, Selmi C.
Autoimmunity. 2008 Feb;41(1):27-34.
80. Benetti A, Crosignani A, Varenna M, Giussani CS, Allocca M, Zuin M,
Podda M, Battezzati PM
Primary biliary cirrhosis is not an additional risk factor for bone loss in
women receiving regular calcium and vitamin D supplementation: a
controlled longitudinal study.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Mar;42(3):306-11.
81. Selmi C, Zuin M, Bowlus CL, Gershwin ME.
Anti-mitochondrial antibody-negative primary biliary cirrhosis.
Clin Liver Dis. 2008 Feb;12(1):173-85, ix. doi: 10.1016/j.cld.2007.11.008.
82. Zuin M, Giorgini A, Selmi C, Battezzati PM, Cocchi CA, Crosignani A,
Benetti A, Invernizzi P, Podda M
Acute liver and renal failure during treatment with buprenorphine at
therapeutic dose.
Dig Liver Dis. 2009 Jul;41(7):e8-e10. doi: 10.1016/j.dld.2007.12.014.
Epub 2008 Feb 21
11 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
83. Benetti A, Crosignani A, Varenna M, Giussani CS, Allocca M, Zuin M,
Podda M, Battezzati PM
Primary biliary cirrhosis is not an additional risk factor for bone loss in
women receiving regular calcium and vitamin D supplementation: a
controlled longitudinal study.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Mar;42(3):306-11.
84. Selmi C, Zuin M, Bowlus CL, Gershwin ME Anti-mitochondrial antibodynegative primary biliary cirrhosis.
Clin Liver Dis. 2008 Feb;12(1):173-85,
85. Benetti A, Crosignani A, Varenna M, Giussani CS, Allocca M, Zuin M,
Podda M, Battezzati PM.
Primary biliary cirrhosis is not an additional risk factor for bone loss in
women receiving regular calcium and vitamin D supplementation: a
controlled longitudinal study.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Mar;42(3):306-11
86. Selmi C, Zuin M, Bowlus CL, Gershwin ME.
Anti-mitochondrial antibody-negative primary biliary cirrhosis.
Clin Liver Dis. 2008 Feb;12(1):173-85.
87. Benetti A, Crosignani A, Varenna M, Giussani CS, Allocca M, Zuin M,
Podda M, Battezzati PM.
Primary biliary cirrhosis is not an additional risk factor for bone loss in
women receiving regular calcium and vitamin D supplementation: a
controlled longitudinal study.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Mar;42(3):306-11.
88. Benetti A, Crosignani A, Varenna M, Giussani CS, Allocca M, Zuin M,
Podda M, Battezzati PM
Primary biliary cirrhosis is not an additional risk factor for bone loss in
women receiving regular calcium and vitamin D supplementation: a
controlled longitudinal study.
J Clin Gastroenterol. 2008 Mar;42(3):306-11.
89. Selmi C, Zuin M, Bowlus CL, Gershwin ME.
Anti-mitochondrial antibody-negative primary biliary cirrhosis.
Clin Liver Dis. 2008 Feb;12(1):173-85.
90. Selmi C, Diana A, Cocchi CA, Zuin M, Gershwin ME.
Environmental factors and the induction of autoimmunity in primary biliary
Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2008 Mar;4(2):239-45..
91. Siegel SM, Selmi C, Dottorini L, Antelmi M, Zuin M, Lanfredini M,
Gershwin ME.
Late-onset autoimmunity: the paradigm of primary biliary cirrhosis--a minireview.
Gerontology. 2008;54(4):193-201.
92. Selmi C, Zuin M, Gershwin ME
The unfinished business of primary biliary cirrhosis.
J Hepatol. 2008 Sep;49(3):451-60.
12 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
93. Invernizzi P, Selmi C, Poli F, Frison S, Floreani A, Alvaro D, Almasio P,
Rosina F, Marzioni M, Fabris L, Muratori L, Qi L, Seldin MF, Gershwin
ME, Podda M;
Italian PBC Genetic Study Group Human leukocyte antigen
polymorphisms in Italian primary biliary cirrhosis: a multicenter study of
664 patients and 1992 healthy controls.
Hepatology. 2008 Dec;48(6):1906-12.
94. Selmi C, Lleo A, Pasini S, Zuin M, Gershwin ME.
Innate immunity and primary biliary cirrhosis.
Curr Mol Med. 2009 Feb;9(1):45-51. Review.
95. Zuin M, Giorgini A, Selmi C, Battezzati PM, Cocchi CA, Crosignani
Benetti A, Invernizzi P, Podda M.
Acute liver and renal failure during treatment with buprenorphine
therapeutic dose.
Dig Liver Dis. 2009 Jul;41(7):e8-e10
96. Zuin M, Giorgini A, Selmi C, Battezzati PM, Cocchi CA, Crosignani
Benetti A, Invernizzi P, Podda M.
Acute liver and renal failure during treatment with buprenorphine
therapeutic dose.
Dig Liver Dis. 2009 Jul;41(7):e8-e10.
97. Selmi C, Cocchi CA, Zuin M, Gershwin ME.
The chemical pathway to primary biliary cirrhosis.
Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2009 Feb;36(1):23-9.
98. Bruno S, Zuin M, Crosignani A, Rossi S, Zadra F, Roffi L, Borzio M,
Redaelli A, Chiesa A, Silini EM, Almasio PL, Maisonneuve P
Predicting mortality risk in patients with compensated HCV-induced
cirrhosis: a long-term prospective study.
Am J Gastroenterol. 2009 May;104(5):1147-58. 7
99. Santambrogio R, Opocher E, Zuin M, Selmi C, Bertolini E, Costa M, Conti
M, Montorsi M.
Surgical resection versus laparoscopic radiofrequency ablation in patients
with hepatocellular carcinoma and Child-Pugh class a liver cirrhosis.Ann
Surg Oncol. 2009 Dec;16(12):3289-98.
100. Giorgini A, Capsoni F, Podda M, Lleó A, Battezzati PM, Ongari AM, Selmi
C, Benetti A, Malinverno F, Rossaro L, Gershwin ME, Zuin M.
Treatment with PEG-interferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C
increases neutrophil and monocyte chemotaxis.
Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2009 Sep;1173:847-57.
101. Zuin M, Giorgini A, Selmi C, Battezzati PM, Cocchi CA, Crosignani A,
Benetti A, Invernizzi P, Podda M.
Acute liver and renal failure during treatment with buprenorphine at
therapeutic dose.
Dig Liver Dis. 2009 Jul;41(7):e8-e10.
102. Morisco F, Stroffolini T, Medda E, Amoruso DC, Almasio PL, Villa E, Zuin
M, Paris B, Stanzione M, Caporaso N; NADIR Study Group.
Retrospective, observational, multicentre study on an Italian population
affected by chronic hepatitis C who failed to clear HCV-RNA after the
combined therapy (PEG-IFN and ribavirin): NADIR study.
J Viral Hepat. 2010 Jun;17(6):427-34.
13 A,
Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
103. Montali L, Tanaka A, Riva P, Takahashi H, Cocchi C, Ueno Y, Miglioretti
M, Takikawa H, Vecchio L, Frigerio A, Bianchi I, Jorgensen R, Lindor KD,
Podda M, Invernizzi P; Italian-Japanese PBC Study Group.
A short version of a HRQoL questionnaire for Italian and Japanese
patients with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis.
Dig Liver Dis. 2010 Oct;42(10):718-23.
104. Cerri G, Cocchi CA, Montagna M, Zuin M, Podda M, Cavallari P, Selmi C.
Patients with primary biliary cirrhosis do not show post-exercise
depression of cortical excitability.
Clin Neurophysiol. 2010 Aug;121(8):1321-8.
105. Caserta CA, Pendino GM, Amante A, Vacalebre C, Fiorillo MT, Surace P,
Messineo A, Surace M, Alicante S, Cotichini R, Zuin M, Rosmini F, Mele
A, Marcucci F.
Cardiovascular risk factors, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and carotid
artery intima-media thickness in an adolescent population in southern
Am J Epidemiol. 2010 Jun 1;171(11):1195-202.
106. Oertelt-Prigione S, Crosignani A, Gallieni M, Vassallo E, Podda M, Zuin
Severe hepatic encephalopathy in a patient with liver cirrhosis after
administration of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin II
receptor blocker combination therapy: a case report.
J Med Case Rep. 2010 May 19;4:141.
107. Caserta CA, Pendino GM, Alicante S, Amante A, Amato F, Fiorillo M,
Messineo A, Polito I, Surace M, Surace P, Vacalebre C, Zuin M, Cotichini
R, Marcucci F, Rosmini F, Mele A; MAREA Study Group.
Body mass index, cardiovascular risk factors, and carotid intima-media
thickness in a pediatric population in southern Italy.
J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2010 Aug;51(2):216-20.
108. Liu X, Invernizzi P, Lu Y, Kosoy R, Lu Y, Bianchi I, Podda M, Xu C, Xie G,
Macciardi F, Selmi C, Lupoli S, Shigeta R, Ransom M, Lleo A, Lee AT,
Mason AL, Myers RP, Peltekian KM, Ghent CN, Bernuzzi F, Zuin M,
Rosina F, Borghesio E, Floreani A, Lazzari R, Niro G, Andriulli A, Muratori
L, Muratori P, Almasio PL, Andreone P, Margotti M, Brunetto M, Coco B,
Alvaro D, Bragazzi MC, Marra F, Pisano A, Rigamonti C, Colombo M,
Marzioni M, Benedetti A, Fabris L, Strazzabosco M, Portincasa P,
Palmieri VO, Tiribelli C, Croce L, Bruno S, Rossi S, Vinci M, Prisco C,
Mattalia A, Toniutto P, Picciotto A, Galli A, Ferrari C, Colombo S, Casella
G, Morini L, Caporaso N, Colli A, Spinzi G, Montanari R, Gregersen PK,
Heathcote EJ, Hirschfield GM, Siminovitch KA, Amos CI, Gershwin ME,
Seldin MF.
Genome-wide meta-analyses identify three loci associated with primary
biliary cirrhosis.
Nat Genet. 2010 Aug;42(8):658-60.
109. Santambrogio R, Costa M, Strada D, Bertolini E, Zuin M, Barabino M,
Opocher E.
Intraoperative ultrasound score to predict recurrent hepatocellular
carcinoma after radical treatments.
Ultrasound Med Biol. 2011 Jan;37(1):7-15.
14 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
110. Bacon BR, Gordon SC, Lawitz E, Marcellin P, Vierling JM, Zeuzem S,
Poordad F, Goodman ZD, Sings HL, Boparai N, Burroughs M, Brass CA,
Albrecht JK, Esteban R; HCV RESPOND-2 Investigators.
Boceprevir for previously treated chronic HCV genotype 1 infection.
N Engl J Med. 2011 Mar 31;364(13):1207-17.
111. Crosignani A, Zuin M, Allocca M, Del Puppo M.
Oxysterols in bile acid metabolism.
Clin Chim Acta. 2011 Nov 20;412(23-24):2037-45
112. Santambrogio R, Costa M, Barabino M, Zuin M, Bertolini E, De Filippi F,
Bruno S, Opocher E.
Recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma successfully treated with
laparoscopic thermal ablation.
Surg Endosc. 2012 Apr;26(4):1108-15
113. Santambrogio R, Opocher E, Costa M, Barabino M, Zuin M, Bertolini E,
De Filippi F, Bruno S.
Hepatic resection for "BCLC stage A" hepatocellular carcinoma. The
prognostic role of alpha-fetoprotein.
Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Feb;19(2):426-34.
114. Invernizzi P, Ransom M, Raychaudhuri S, Kosoy R, Lleo A, Shigeta R,
Franke A, Bossa F, Amos CI, Gregersen PK, Siminovitch KA, Cusi D, de
Bakker PI, Podda M, Gershwin ME, Seldin MF; Italian PBC Genetics
Study Group.
Classical HLA-DRB1 and DPB1 alleles account for HLA associations with
primary biliary cirrhosis.
Genes Immun. 2012 Sep;13(6):461-8.
115. Poordad F, Bronowicki JP, Gordon SC, Zeuzem S, Jacobson IM,
Sulkowski MS, Poynard T, Morgan TR, Molony C, Pedicone LD, Sings
HL, Burroughs MH, Sniukiene V, Boparai N, Goteti VS, Brass CA,
Albrecht JK, Bacon BR; SPRINT-2 and RESPOND-2 Investigators.
Factors that predict response of patients with hepatitis C virus infection to
Gastroenterology. 2012 Sep;143(3):608-18.e1-5.
116. Juran BD, Hirschfield GM, Invernizzi P, Atkinson EJ, Li Y, Xie G, Kosoy
R, Ransom M, Sun Y, Bianchi I, Schlicht EM, Lleo A, Coltescu C,
Bernuzzi F, Podda M, Lammert C, Shigeta R, Chan LL, Balschun T,
Marconi M, Cusi D, Heathcote EJ, Mason AL, Myers RP, Milkiewicz P,
Odin JA, Luketic VA, Bacon BR, Bodenheimer HC Jr, Liakina V, Vincent
C, Levy C, Franke A, Gregersen PK, Bossa F, Gershwin ME, deAndrade
M, Amos CI; Italian PBC Genetics Study Group, Lazaridis KN, Seldin MF,
Siminovitch KA
Immunochip analyses identify a novel risk locus for primary biliary
cirrhosis at 13q14, multiple independent associations at four established
risk loci and epistasis between 1p31 and 7q32 risk variants.
Hum Mol Genet. 2012 Dec 1;21(23):5209-21.
117. Kar SP, Seldin MF, Chen W, Lu E, Hirschfield GM, Invernizzi P,
Heathcote J, Cusi D; Italian PBC Genetics Study Group, Gershwin ME,
Siminovitch KA, Amos CI.
Pathway-based analysis of primary biliary cirrhosis genome-wide
association studies.
Genes Immun. 2013 Apr;14(3):179-86
15 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
118. Demartini B, Camisasca M, Zuin M, Gambini O.
A case of isoniazid-induced delirium.
J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci. 2013 Spring;25(2):E68-9.
119. Poordad F, Lawitz E, Reddy KR, Afdhal NH, Hézode C, Zeuzem S, Lee
SS, Calleja JL, Brown RS Jr, Craxi A, Wedemeyer H, Nyberg L, Nelson
DR, Rossaro L, Balart L, Morgan TR, Bacon BR, Flamm SL, Kowdley KV,
Deng W, Koury KJ, Pedicone LD, Dutko FJ, Burroughs MH, Alves K,
Wahl J, Brass CA, Albrecht JK, Sulkowski MS; Protocol 6086
Effects of ribavirin dose reduction vs erythropoietin for boceprevir-related
anemia in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus genotype 1 infection--a
randomized trial.
Gastroenterology. 2013 Nov;145(5):1035-1044.e5.
120. Ceresara G, Fogagnolo P, Zuin M, Zatelli S, Bovet J, Rossetti L.
Study of corneal copper deposits in Wilson's disease by in vivo confocal
Ophthalmologica. 2014;231(3):147-52.
121. Invernizzi P, Bernuzzi F, Lleo A, Pozzoli V, Bignotto M, Zermiani P,
Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Zuin M, Podda M, Raggi C.
Telomere dysfunction in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients
with primary biliary cirrhosis.
Dig Liver Dis. 2014 Apr;46(4):363-8.
122. Pulixi EA, Tobaldini E, Battezzati PM, D'Ingianna P, Borroni V, Fracanzani
AL, Maggioni M, Pelusi S, Bulgheroni M, Zuin M, Fargion S, Montano N,
Valenti L.
Risk of obstructive sleep apnea with daytime sleepiness is associated
with liver damage in non-morbidly obese patients with nonalcoholic fatty
liver disease.
PLoS One. 2014 Apr 24;9(4):e96349.
123. Mangia A, Cenderello G, Orlandini A, Piazzolla V, Picciotto A, Zuin M,
Ciancio A, Brancaccio G, Forte P, Carretta V, Zignego AL, Minerva N,
Brindicci G, Marignani M, Baroni GS, Bertino G, Cuccorese G, Mottola L,
Ripoli M, Pirisi M.
Individualized treatment of genotype 1 naïve patients: an Italian
multicenter field practice experience.
PLoS One. 2014 Oct 23;9(10):e110284.
124. Franzini M, Lorenzoni V, Masotti S, Prontera C, Chiappino D, Latta DD,
Daves M, Deluggi I, Zuin M, Ferrigno L, Mele A, Marcucci F, Caserta CA,
Surace P, Messineo A, Turchetti G, Passino C, Emdin M, Clerico A.
The calculation of the cardiac troponin T 99th percentile of the reference
population is affected by age, gender, and population selection: a
multicenter study in Italy.
Clin Chim Acta. 2015 Jan 1;438:376-81
125. Bruno S, Bollani S, Zignego AL, Pascasio JM, Magni C, Ciancio A,
Caremani M, Mangia A, Marenco S, Piovesan S, Chemello L, Babudieri
S, Moretti A, Gea F, Colletta C, Perez-Alvarez R, Forns X, Larrubia JR,
Arenas J, Crespo J, Calvaruso V, Ceccherini Silberstein F, Maisonneuve
P, Craxì A, Calleja JL; Italian and Spanish (IAS)-BoC Study Group.
Undetectable HCV-RNA at treatment-week 8 results in high-sustained
virological response in HCV G1 treatment-experienced patients with
Boceprevir/Peginterferon/Ribavirin Name Patients Program.
J Viral Hepat. 2015 May;22(5):469-80.
16 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
126. Mottola L, Cenderello G, Piazzolla VA, Forte P, Carretta V, Mecenate F,
Brancaccio G, Minisini R, Zuin M, Terreni N, Monti M, Colombo AE,
Nosotti L, Minerva N, Luzzitelli I, Kostandini A, Cuccorese G, Russello M,
Santoro R, Mangia A.
Interleukin-28B genetic variants in untreated Italian HCV-infected
patients: a multicentre study.
Liver Int. 2015 Feb;35(2):482-8.
Libri di testo, capitoli di libri, lavori pubblicati in extenso su altre riviste
1985 1.
M. Podda, P.M. Battezzati, C. Ghezzi, M. Zuin, N. Dioguardi
Menopausa e invecchiamento del fegato.
In: F. Polvani, T. Nencioni. La prevenzione in menopausa: strategie terapeutiche. Bologna:
Monduzzi Editore, 1985, 33-40
1985 2.
M. Podda, C. Ghezzi, P.M. Battezzati, M. Zuin
Steroidi sessuali femminili e secrezione biliare.
In: La Bile: aspetti chimici, farmacologici e fisiopatologici.
A. Roda, E. Roda, G. D'Ascenzo, L. Barbara Eds, 1985, 201-5
1985 3.
M. Zuin, G. Grandinetti, P.M. Battezzati, C. Ghezzi, M. Podda
Metabolismo lipidico e colelitiasi.
In: Atti giornata di studio su dismetabolismo lipidico e fegato. CLAS Editoriale, 1985, 5-9
1987 4.
M. Podda, M. Zuin, C. De Fazio, M.L. Dioguardi, P.M. Battezzati and C. Ghezzi
Comparison of the efficacy and safety of ursodeoxycholic acid alone and in combination
with chenodeoxycholic acid in patients with radiolucent gallstones: a randomized controlled
In: G. Paumgartner, A. Stiehl, W. Gerok, Eds. Bile acids and the liver. Lancaster: MTP
Press Limited, 1987, 347-54
1987 5.
M. Podda, M. Zuin, C. Ghezzi, M. Camisasca, P.M. Battezzati
Gli acidi biliari in terapia: realtà e prospettive.
In: Progressi nella epatologia italiana. Bologna: Editrice Compositori, 1987, 241-9
1987 6.
M. Podda, C. Ghezzi, P.M. Battezzati, M. Camisasca, E. Bertolini, M. Zuin
Conseguenze della colestasi meccanica di interesse chirurgico.
8th International Congress of Emergency Surgery., V. Staudacher, G.Bevilacqua Ed.
Bologna: Monduzzi Editore; 1987, 309-17
1988 7.
M. Podda, M. Zuin, P.M. Battezzati
Non-surgical treatment of gallstones: cheno-plus ursodeoxycholic acid.
In: T.Northfield, R.Jazrawi and P.Zentler-Munro, Eds. Bile Acids in Health and Disease.
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1988, 187-94
1989 8.
M. Podda, P.M. Battezzati, C. Ghezzi, A. Crosignani, E. Bertolini, M. Zuin
Ursodeoxycholic acid for chronic liver disease: a dose-response study.
In: G. Paumgartner, A. Stiehl, W. Gerok, Eds. Trends in bile acid research. Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1989, 359-65
17 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
1990 9.
Merisi G. Buongiorno M. Capocaccia R. Mancinelli R. Menotti A. e Gruppo M.I.COL.
Risultati di un controllo di qualità per la determinazione di alcuni parametri biochimici in uno
studio multicentrico sulla epidemiologia della colelitiasi.
Giornale Italiano di Chimica Clinica. 1990; 15: 275-288.
1990 10. Colombo C, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, Assaisso M, Ronchi M, Giunta A.
Effects of taurine and ursodeoxycholic acid on liver function tests in patients with cystic
Acta Univ Carol [Med] (Praha) 1990; 36(1-4):148-51.
1991 11. D. Festi, L. Lalloni, F. Taroni, L. Barbara, A. Menotti, G. Ricci, and the M.I.COL. group
The italian multicenter study on epidemiology and prevention of cholelithiasis (MICOL):
ultrasonographic standardization.
In: Recent Advances in the Epidemiology and Prevention of Gallstone Disease. L.
Capocaccia, G. Ricci, F. Angelico, M. Angelico, A.F. Attili, L. Lalloni, Eds. Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, 29-35
1991 12. The M.I.COL. group
Prevention of gallstone disease in 18 italian population samples: first results from the
MICOL study.
In: Recent Advances in the Epidemiology and Prevention of Gallstone Disease. L.
Capocaccia, G. Ricci, F. Angelico, M. Angelico, A.F. Attili, L. Lalloni, Eds. Dordrecht:
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, 37-44
1991 13. M. Zuin, E. Boga, P.M. Battezzati, A. Crosignani, M. Podda
Basic pathophysiology of bile secretion.
In: Drugs in Gastroenterology. P.C. Braga, M. Guslandi, A. Tittobello, Eds. New York:
Raven Press, 1991, 339-46
1991 14. M. Podda, A. Crosignani, P.M. Battezzati, E. Bertolini, M. Camisasca, C. Colombo, M. Zuin
Ursodeoxycholic acid therapy for chronic liver disease.
In: Bile Acids as Therapeutic Agents. From Basic Science to Clinical Practice. G.
Paumgartner, A. Stiehl, A. Gerok, Eds. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, 30918
1992 15. M. Podda, A. Crosignani, M. Camisasca, P.M. Battezzati, E. Bertolini, E. Boga, E.
Gucciardo, M. Zuin
Gli acidi biliari nella terapia delle epatopatie croniche.
In: Patologia gastrointestinale. G. Dobrilla, G. De Pretis, M. Colombato (Eds). Verona: Bi &
Gi Editori, 1992, 139-151.
1992 16. Podda M, Almasio P, Battezzati PM, Crosignani A, and Italian Multicenter Group for the
Study of UDCA in PBC.
Long-term effect of the administration of ursodeoxycholic acid alone or with colchicine in
patients with primary biliary cirrhosis: a double-blind multicenter study.
In: Paumgartner G, Stielh A, Gerok W Editors. Bile acids and the hepatobiliary system.
Basel: Kluwer Academic Publishers 1992: 310-15
1993 17. M. Zuin, M. Caimi, ML. Petroni, A. Crosignani, P.M. Battezzati, M. Podda
Trattamento della calcolosi colecistica con acidi biliari
in: Litiasi Biliare: Recenti approcci terapeutici 1993; 19-30
18 Massimo Zuin, Curriculum vitae
1993 18. M. Podda, P. Almasio, P.M. Battezzati, A. Crosignani, and the Italian Multicenter Group for
the Study of UDCA in PBC.
Long-term effect of the administration of ursodeoxycholic acid alone or with colchicine in
patients with primary biliary cirrhosis: a double-blind multicenter study.
In: Bile Acids and the Hepatobiliary System. From Basic Science to Clinical Practice. G.
Paumgartner, A. Stiehl, A. Gerok, Eds. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1993, 31015
1994 19. M. Podda, P.M. Battezzati, C. Valsania, A. Crosignani, M. Camisasca, E. Bertolini, M. Zuin
Clinical management of primary biliary cirrhosis.
In: Liver pathophysiology. M.U. Dianzani, P. Gentilini, Eds. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica
1994, 223-41.
1994 20. M. Podda, A. Crosignani, P. Invernizzi, P.M. Battezzati, C. Valsania, G. De Valle, M.
Quagliuolo, L. Fragiacomo, M. Zuin
Epidemiology, clinical presentation and treatment of primary biliary cirrhosis.
Semin Clin Immunol 1994; 7: 17-32
1994 21. M. Podda, A. Crosignani, G. De Valle, P.M. Battezzati, M. Quagliuolo, L. Fragiacomo, M.
Caimi, M.L. Petroni, M. Zuin.
Treatment for hepatocellular cholestatic liver diseases.
In: Cholestasis. P. Gentilini, I.M. Arias, N. McIntyre, J. Rodes (Eds.). Amsterdam: Excerpta
Medica, 1994, 253-266.
1994 22. Podda M, Invernizzi P, De Valle G, Masciadri C, Crosignani A, Battezzati PM, Zuin M.
Approccio terapeutico alla cirrosi biliare primitiva: ruolo dell’UDCA
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Milano, 10 giugno 2015
Massimo Zuin
Fly UP