
An Alfabeth for the planet

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Category: Documents





An Alfabeth for the planet
Istituto comprensivo
“Molise Altissimo”
“Our way to
save our planet”
Comenius project
Maria Spina Cinquina
Roberta Conti
Antonio Monaco
for the
(Riad Nourallah)
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
Free translation and interpretation
of the original poem
the third class.
Libera traduzione e interpretazione
della poesia originale
da parte della classe 3°
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
A for air
A per aria
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
B for bread
B per briciole di pane
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
C for climate
C per clima
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
D for dolphin
D per delfino
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
E for earth
E per enorme terra
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
F for family
F per famiglia
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
G for green
G per gioioso verde
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
H for healthy
H per habitat
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
I for ivory
I per intenso avorio
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
J for jungle
J per jungla
A rainforest. No axe should creep.
Una foresta pluviale. Nessuna ascia dovrebbe
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
K for kindly
K per korè gentile
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
L for life
L per lunga vita
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
M for mother
M per madre
She may feel
hurt but loves
us all.
Lei può
offendere, ma ci
ama tutti.
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
N for nest
N per nido
A tiny home for chicks so small.
Una piccola casa per pulcini tanto piccoli.
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
O for ozone
O per ozono
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
P for peace
P per pace
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
Q for quiet
Q per quiete
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
R for recycled
R per riciclato
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
S for sun
S per sole
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
T for tree
T per trionfante albero
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
U for union
U per unione
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
V for victory
V per vittoria
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
W for water
W per W l’acqua
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
X for xylophone
X per xilofono
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
Y for yummy
Y per ylang-ylang
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
Z for zoo
Z per zoo
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
The free-hands are
by ourselves the student
of the second class
I disegni sono stati creati
dagli allievi della classe 2°
School-year 2005-2006
Comenius project
2nd and 3rd classes
Fly UP