
Exclusive Reactions and Generalized Parton Distributions

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Exclusive Reactions and Generalized Parton Distributions
The gate of the Falcon
Benvenuti a QCD-N’06
a Villa Mondragone
North view
The Portal
South view
Workshop Programme
Monday, June 12, 2006
13:30–14:35 Opening Session
14:40–18:35 Session 1-I:
Exclusive Reactions and Generalized Parton Distributions
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
09:00–13:30 Session 1-II: Exclusive Reactions and Generalized Parton Distributions
09:00–13:30 Session 1-III: Exclusive Reactions and Generalized Parton Distributions
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
09:00–13:20 Session 2-I: Distribution and Fragmentation Functions. Transversity
14:20-16:00 Session 2-II: Distribution and Fragmentation Functions. Transversity
16:35-18:30 Round Table: Contributions on different field on how to investigate the
quark orbital angular momentum
Thursday, June 15, 2006
09:00–13:00 Session 2-III: Distribution and Fragmentation Functions. Transversity
14:30-17:40 Session 3-I: Future Measurements and Facilities.
Friday. June 16, 2006
09:00–12:50 Session 3-I: Future Measurements and Facilities
12:50-13:20 Concluding Session
The Villa Mondragone
Villa Mondragone is one of the most beautiful
“Ville Tuscolane”. Thought the centuries, it has
been a theatre of important events as well as
the residence of popes and famous families.
Emerging from the ruins of the Villa of the
Quintili, who were Roman consuls, it was in its
maximum splendor during the epoch of the
Borghese family. It is owned by the University
Tor Vergata of Rome since 1981.
Pope Gregory XIII, whose heraldic dragon led to call the villa
"Mondragone", used regularly the villa as summer residence,
guest of Cardinal Altemps: here, on February 24, 1582 he
promulgated the document (the papal bull “Inter gravissimas”)
which issued the reform of the calendar now in use and known as
Gregorian Calendar.
The name of the bull consists of the first two words of the bull, which
starts: "Inter gravissimas pastoralis officii nostri curas…" ("Among our
most serious pastoral duties…").
Pomodoro and his spheres
“Spheres are perfect and magical solids … which
I want to crack in order to trace and discover
their internal ferments, so mysterious and alive,
monstrous but pure.”
in Rome
The Obelisk (2004) in the
Pierluigi Nervi’s square, in
front of the Palazzo dello
Sport, in the so-called EUR
In front of the Foreign
Affair Ministry building
in Rome.
In the courtyard of the Pine
square at the Vatican.
The Social Dinner at the Casina Valadier
The Casina Valadier is a beautiful building
which rises up on the highest point of Pincio,
where in the past great Roman families
owned the most sumptuous and vast gardens
in Roma.
It was built between 1816 and 1837 by
Giuseppe Valadier, a well-known Roman
architect and urban planner, involved in the
important restoration of Piazza del Popolo
and Pincio in Rome.
Valadier revised in neoclassical style a 16th
century building built on the remains of an
ancient Roman cistern.
The view over Rome
from Piazza del Pincio
Hints for a special week-end in Rome
A unique view over the central Rome from
upstairs of the Vittoriano, in Piazza Venezia.
It's a monument entitled to Vittorio Emanuele II of Savoia, first
king of Italy. The project started with G. Sacconi in 1885 and was
completed in 1935.
In 1025, in the "Altare della Patria" (the central part of the
monument), there was buried the Unknown Warrior, symbol of all
people dead during First World War.
The style of Vittoriano follows Greeks and Latin criteria.
The Statue of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, below
the recent glass cover of the roman garden by
Carlo Aymonino, in the Capitolini Museums in Piazza
del Campidoglio.
Caesar Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus was Roman Emperor from
161 t0 his death in 180. He was the last of the Five Good Emperors
(Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius) who ruled
from 96 to 180. They were known for their moderate policies, in contrast
to their more tyrannical and oppressive successors.
Hints for a special week-end in Rome
The Museum of the Ara Pacis by
Richard Meyer.
The Ara Pacis is the altar built in 9 BC, to
commemorate the great peace after the Gallic and
Spanish campaigns by Augustus. It consists of a
rectangular enclosure inside of which is found the
actual altar. The most significant scene in the mostly
restored bas-relief is the one depicting Augustus,
Agrippa, Julius, and Tiberius. Along the base of the
wall that runs along the Via di Ripetta is a bronze
reproduction of Augustus' testimonial plaque, called
by historians the "Res Gestae" (Deeds accomplished).
Hints for a special week-end in Rome
The Parco della Musica (designed by Renzo Piano)
is a large multi-function public music complex to
the north of Rome - in the area where the 1960
Olympics had been staged. Three large concert
halls are structurally separated to insure
soundproofing, though joined at the base by a
continuous lobby. A fourth concert hall is the open
air theater recalling Greco-Roman theaters.
The complex houses the ruins of a 4th century
Roman villa discovered during the construction in
the early 1990s. The ruins can be viewed on site
and a small glass-enclosed museum with the
artifacts is located between two of the
The Mosque by Paolo Portoghesi (1974)
The Palazzetto dello Sport by Pier Luigi Nervi (1960)
Ponte Milvio (109 aC)
“Goal” by Mario Ceroli
The“Antonello da Messina” exhibition, scheduled at the Scuderie del
Quirinale, is a unique event, bringing together – for the first time in
history – virtually all of Antonello’s paintings that have come down to us.
The Scuderie del Quirinale have been recently opened to the public,
thanks to the architect Gae Aulenti, who gave the building a functional
exhibition space
"Raphael, from Florence to Rome" a record-breaking exhibition at
Galleria Borghese in Rome. The exhibition (60 masterpieces) covers
Raphael's painting from 1505 to 1508, the preparatory phase for the
Rome period, when the artist reached the peak of his formal
synthesis. The Galleria Borghese show is the first one devoted
almost exclusively to the Renaissance painter, who in the Eternal City
itself created a form of painting that remained unchanged for
If you are fond of contemporary art you can't miss the exhibition of
Amedo Modigliani at Museo Vittoriano in Rome. The exhibition celebrates
the artist whose fame is mainly due to the “long necks” of his portraits and
his innovative style: paintings and drawings that changed the panorama of
the XX century Italian Art. A Modì style that greatly expresses the
feelings and the moods of his times.
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