
Florence Nightingale

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Florence Nightingale
“L’assistenza è un’arte;
E’ una delle Belle Arti,
la più bella delle Arti Belle.”
Florence Nightingale
Peter Nightingale of Lea,
Derbyshire, 1705-63
George Evans, 1726-1808
Anne, 1733-1815
Mary, 1733-1815
Peter, 1737-1803
William Shore, 1755-1822
William Edward, 1794-1874
Frances Smith, 1788-1880
Parthenope, 1819 – 1890
Florence, 1820 - 1910
1798 - 1889 Mary Shore
Sorella del padre di Florence
1794-1874 William Edward Shore ("W.E.N.“)
Padre di Florence
1788-1880 Frances “Fanny” Smith
Madre di Florence
1819-1890 Parthenope Nightingale
Sorella di Florence
1818 – 1821 luna di miele in Europa
Via di Santa Maria A Marignolle, 2
50124 Firenze
Via di Santa Maria A Marignolle, 2
50124 Firenze
•1821, ritorno in Inghilterra
Lea Hurst
FN con Partenope (Flo and Parthe)
FN a cavallo
1837 – 1839 secondo viaggio in Europa
1842 FN incontra Richard Monckton Milnes
Estate 1850 Kaiserwerth
no. 1 Upper Harley Street, from August 12, 1853 to October, 1854.
“I have had to prepare this immense house for
patients in ten days – without a bit of help but only
hindrance from my Committee”
FN to Mme Mohl, 20 agosto 1853
La guerra di Crimea
William Howard Russel, 12 ottobre 1854,
“ It is with feelings of surprise and anger that
the public will learn that no sufficient
preparations have been made for the proper
care of the wounded”
Sidney Herbert, ministro della guerra
“There is but one person in England
that I know of who would be
capable of organising such a
Memorandum of Agreement
made this first day of December 1854 Between Miss
Nightingale on the one part and Mrs. Hefferman of London on
the other part. Whereas the said Miss Nightingale
Superintendent has undertaken to provide Female Nurses for the
Sick and Wounded of the British Army serving in Turkey, And in
carrying out this object she has agreed to employ the said Mrs.
Hefferman in the capacity of Nurse, at a Weekly Salary varying
from 10/ to 18/ according to merit, and also to provide Board,
and Lodging, also to pay all expenses attendant upon the
Journeying to or from the present, or any future Hospital that
may be appointed for the accommodation of the Sick and
Wounded of the said Army. And to pay all expenses of return to
this Country, should Sickness render it necessary for the
said Mrs. Hefferman to return, Save and except such return shall
be rendered necessary by the discharge of the said Mrs.
Hefferman for neglect of duty, immoral conduct, or intoxication,
in which case the said Mrs. Hefferman shall forfeit all claim
upon Miss Nightingale from the period of such discharge. And
the said Mrs. Hefferman hereby agrees to devote her whole
time and attention to the purposes aforesaid under the
directions and to the satisfaction of the said Superintendent, the
whole of whose orders she undertakes to obey, until discharged
by the said Superintendent.
Barrack Hospital - Scutari
Mary Seacole
"black Nightingale”
1855 FN ammala di brucellosi
From a letter from cousin Bob McDonald:
FN had "Crimean Fever" and then developed "Brucellosis".... There was an
article written about her in a British medical journal and I have the
reference. Apparently, this was a chronic disease and may have contributed
to her longstanding withdrawal.
30 marzo 1856 fu firmato l’armistizio
Il 7 agosto 1856 torna a Lea Hurst
American Physical Society
American Physical Society
1859 "Notes on Nursing."
1860 June 24, The Nightingale Training School for nurses opens at St. Thomas Infirmary
This photo was taken on such a day with an
older Miss Nightingale and Sir Harry Verney,
who was active in the school and the
Nightingale Fund which supported the school
independent of the hospital.
Distintivo della scuola della Nightingale.
Introdotto nel 1925 da Alicia Lloyd Still, il
disegno fu ripreso dalla Croce ad 8 punte
dell'ospedale di San Giovanni a Gerusalemme.
I quattro bracci simbolizzano le virtù Cardinali
Fortitudine) e le punte le 8 Beatitudini
che dalla pratica di queste germogliano.
L’evoluzione del nursing
Statue of Florence Nightingale in Waterloo
Place, London
Migration Of Nurses Trained In The Nightingale School
Dublin: City of Dublin Hospital "...Sister S (Sister Ophthalmic) elected as Matron of the
City of Dublin Hospital" -- Letter from Miss Gordon, Matron, St. Thomas’ to FN
Fever Hospital ? Matron
Dublin Rotunda Miss Ramsden, Matron; Miss Maria Mitchell (Theatre Sister)
Montreal: Montreal Hospital 1875 Miss Maria Machin, Matron, with 4 nurses, 2 more
sent later. Experienced great difficulties & returned 1878
Philadelphia: Philadelphia General Hospital 1884 Miss Alice Fisher, Matron -- set up the
first School of Nursing, 1885; Miss Edith Horner, Associate Chief Nurse
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Miss Charlotte Hugo appointed
Superintendent 1886 -- set up a new Nurses Training School with a staff of Nightingale
Nurses -- Mrs Horrocks (Night Superintendent), Misses Bellamy, Swallwell and Adams
Sydney: Sydney Hospital 1867 Miss Lucy Osborn appointed Lady Superintendant; Miss
Turiff, Asssistant, & Nightingale Nurses: Barker, Blundell, Chant and Miller
The Nightingale School: Foreign Probationers
A Danish nurse, Henriette "Henny" Tscherning (1853-1932) trained in the face of family opposition, qualifying in
1878. She visited the Nightingale School at St Thomas’ Hospital in London in 1883 and returned to Denmark
where she made a very considerable contribution to nurse education and founded the Danish Nursing
Baroness Sophie Mannerheim (German born) entered the Nightingale School as a probationer in 1899 and
spent 3 years at the Queen’s Institute for District Nursing. Returned to Finland to become Matron of a large
Surgical Hospital at Helsingfors (Helsinki) where she set up a preliminary training school. President of the
International Council of Nurses 1922-25. Died in 1928.
Emily Carolina Rappe joined the Nightingale School for training in 1866. She returned to Sweden to take up a
post at a new hospital at Uppsala and later became Inspector of Nursing Schools. Was awarded the Gold Medal
for "distinguished services".
In 1868 the German Crown Princess, Queen Victoria’s eldest daughter, sent Fraulein Fuhrmann to the
Nightingale School; she later directed a nursing institution in Berlin. In 1872 two probationers trained and
returned to set up a nurse training institution in Darmstadt. The Grand Duchess of Baden sent Frau von
Cornberg from Baden. Miss Nightingale maintained close links with the Institution of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine.
Links with:
Bordeaux (Association Florence Nightingale, Bagatelle)
Montpellier (Papers by Dr Anna Hamilton, Faculty of Medicine, Montpellier
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