The laser - INFN-LNL
INFN-CISAS collaboration The Ablation Ion Source for refractory metal ion beams: some preliminary indications Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 1. Starting point 07/03/2012 Ciao a tutti, durante la videoconferenza di oggi sono stati definiti i seguenti step di simulazione per lo studio della nuova sorgente per fasci metallici n+: - step 1 di simulazione con codice CISAS attuale - step 2 di simulazione con codice da implementare per l’interazione laser-materia Per quato riguarda lo step 1 io e Daniele Scarpa saremo in grado di fornire delle indicazioni sufficientemente dettagliate per la geometria e le condizioni al contorno (BC1 e BC2 della slide) necessarie per partire con la simulazione vera e prepria. Nel frattempo speriamo di ricevere delle indicazioni dal gruppo di ricerca contattato da Daniele Pavarin per quanto riguarda le sezioni d’urto elettroni-Ta, W, Mo e, se possibile, altri metalli. Verso i primi giorni di Aprile io e Daniele Scarpa saremo in grado di fornire le info sopra indicate: coglieremo l’occasione per programmare l’attività di simulazione tenendo conto ovviamente della disponibilità offerta da Davide e dal gruppo CISAS. Per qualsiasi dubbio/questione possiamo sentirci via mail o via skype come oggi. Grazie a tutti, buon proseguimento, Mattia Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 1. Starting point BC1 electron flux BC2 atom flux (neutral) SIMULATION STEP 1: Plasma generation (starting from BC1 e BC2) Beam extraction SIMULATION STEP 2: Laser-surface interaction > atom flux Plasma generation (starting from BC1) Beam extraction Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 2. Focus on Boundary Condition n.2: the atom flux The laser – material interaction and plume expansion Refractory metal vaporized by laser ablation Laser beam Material plume Extraction Expansion volume Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 3. Focus on Boundary Condition n.2: the atom flux REFERENCE 1: Literature studies on energy deposition Spectrochimica Acta Part B 58 (2003) 1867–1893 Laser ablation for analytical sampling: what can we learn from modeling? Annemie Bogaerts , Zhaoyang Chen , Renaat Gijbels , Akos Vertes University of Antwerp, Department of Chemistry, Universiteitsplein 1, Wilrijk-Antwerp, B-2610, Belgium and George Washington University, Deparment of Chemistry, Washington, DC 20052, USA LASER POWER THRESHOLD: < 1010 W/CM2 IN THE ABLATION POINT Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 4. Focus on Boundary Condition n.2: the atom flux REFERENCE 2: Literature studies on expansion plume J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 83, No. 10, 15 May 1998 Monte Carlo simulation of the laser-induced plasma plume expansion under vacuum: Comparison with experiments F. Garrelie, J. Aubreton, and A. Catherinot E.S.A. 6015 C.N.R.S. ‘‘Matériaux Céramiques et Traitements de surface’’ Faculte ´ des Sciences, 123 Avenue A. Thomas 87060 LIMOGES, France PLUME EXPANSION: Distribution function ≈ COS2N Ion velocity ≈ 4000 m/s Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 5. Focus on Boundary Condition n.2: the atom flux ASSUMPTION: presented FIRB2012 A rough evaluation of the required laser performances can be done as follows. Let us consider a refractory material such as Tantalum, widely used in evaporation ovens. Due to its high boiling temperature, Tantalum is quite toughly evaporated in traditionally used ovens. By assuming as a general goal in terms of high-charge-state ion (Ta(20+)) current generation at the output of the whole apparatus a value in the order of 1 µA, the equivalent singly-ionized tantalum ion current is 50 nA. This current is produced by an laser-induced atom removal rate of about 3 x 10^(11) atoms/s. By considering an ionization efficiency in the order of 10^(-6) and a geometrical coupling efficiency to the ionization chamber of 0.25 (see module A) the required laser ablation rate has to be 1.2 x 10^(18). Given the Tantalum atomic weight (3 x 10^(25) kg), the laser ablation rate should be about 3.6 x 10^(-7). By using the value of the Tantalum density (16.7 x 10^(3) kg/m^(3)), the volume ablation rate can be estimated as 2.2 x 10^(-2) mm^(3). By assuming a laser repetition rate of 10 kHz, the material volume to be ablated by a single pulse has to be 2.2 x 10^(-3) µm^(3). LASER: KHzwaist REPofRATE By assuming a laser spot on the sample with a10beam 150 µm (at a 1/e^(2) intensity drop) with a 14 corresponding area S=7 x 10^(4) µm^(2) the ablated material related to the previously calculated value is ATOM PRODUCTION: 10 thickness ATOMS/PULSE pretty modest and approximately equal to 30 nm. It is reasonable and conservative to assume that this material removal thickness could be achieved with a laser pulse with a peak intensity in the order of 1 GW/cm^(2), close to the plasma generation threshold. Indeed plasma generation strongly reduces the laser absorption efficiency of the material itself due to a plasma shielding effect. A peak intensity of 1 GW/cm2 could be obtained on a laser spot S if the peak power is about 700 kW. By assuming to use a pulsed laser source with 3.5-ns-long pulse duration, the corresponding pulse energy is about 2 mJ, and consequently at a repetition rate of 10 kHz the average output power is 20 W. Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 6. Focus on Boundary Condition n.2: the atom flux EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: TOF design Laser Target (ion generation) Extractor Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 Faraday cup 7. Focus on Boundary Condition n.2: the atom flux EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: TOF simulation Ion Generation CHARGE DISTRIBUTION: Gaussian centered on 10+ Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 TOF at Faraday cup 8. Focus on Boundary Condition n.2: the atom flux EXPERIMENTAL SETUP: TOF simulation CHARGE DISTRIBUTION => TOF distribution Evaluation on ablated material amount => atom ablated Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 9. Conclusions 1- Taking into consideration this preliminary design, it is easy to observe that the electron current is controlled by the cathode temperature field (thermal electron emission). 2- The maximum electron current per unit length that can be transmitted from the cathode to the anode is approximately equal to 8 A/cm (the cathode, made of Ta, cannot sustain temperatures higher than 2200°C in a high vacuum environment). 3- Electrons and ions plasma performs shield effect preventig laser beam to reach target material. 4- Ions escape with 4000 m/s velocity from the target, time to provide ionization by electron interaction is reduced ( ≈ 60 µs ) Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 10. Open problems and future developments 1- The time of interaction between the electrons and the atoms/ions is probably not sufficient to allow high charge state ionization. 2- Dedicated experimental tests will be performed with the MK5 Ion Source (an Ion Source currently in use at LNL), increasing the anode voltage up to 1 – 2 kV (a dedicated high voltage power supply has to be installed) and monitoring the beam current and the charge state of the ions (mainly Ar, Kr and Xe ions). 3- Dedicated experimental tests will be performed with experimental chamber in order to define atom production for Ta with available lasers. Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 11. Preliminary installation Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 11. Preliminary installation Prototype chamber: Rough and high vacuum pump Optical windows TOF (to be build) HV Vacuum-meters 1064 optics Diode laser for absorption Laser: 308 nm Excimer laser Nd:YAG laser (to be delivered) Electronic: Oscilloscope Dedicated measurement system Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 11. First studies Ablation: ionization measurements Target FC Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012 11. First studies ABSORBTION: plume definition DIODE Laser Photodiode Target Daniele Scarpa & the SPES target group 20/04/2012