Il problema del dolore nell`amputato
Il problema del dolore nell’amputato Cesare Bonezzi Centro di Ricerca cin Fisiopatologia e Terapia del dolore Fondazione Salvatore Maugeri In one study, probably the largest field survey performed in Europe, a questionnaire containing 62 questions was filled in by 537 out of 1,088 amputees. Of the amputees who responded, 14.8% were pain free, 74.5% had phantom limb pain, 45.2% had stump pain and 35.5% had a combination of both. Kern U, Busch V, Rockland M, Kohl M, Birklein F. [Prevalence and risk factors of phantom limb pain and phantom limb sensations in Germany. A nationwide field survey]. Schmerz. 2009;23:479–488. Seventeen years after the war between Iraq and Iran, 64% of 200 soldiers who had lost limbs during this war suffered from phantom pain, 32% from phantom movement pain, while 24% suffered from stump pain. Ebrahimzadeh MH, Fattahi AS, Nejad AB. Long-term follow-up of Iranian veteran upper extremity amputees from the Iran-Iraq war (1980-1988). J Trauma. 2006;61: 886–888. Meccanismi patogenetici del dolore Buonocore Central post stroke pain Dolore in un’area di perdita delle sensibilità allo stimolo caldo e doloroso After injury to nociceptor neurons, increases in transcription or altered trafficking of sodium channels as wellas a reduction in potassium channels increases membrane excitability sufficiently so that action potentials are generated spontaneously (ectopicactivity) Dolore irradiato nel territorio di innervazione dove sono presenti deficit del sistema somatosensoriale NON SOLO NEUROPATICO • (17 pts with stump problem from a total of 139 amputees) • Bursitis and soft tissue inflammation in 10 patients • Bone abnormalities: osteophytes or fracture (4), bone marrow edema (3) • Two asumptomatic neuromas Foisneau-Lottin A. et al.: Bursitis, adventitious bursa, and bone marrow edema in tibial stumps: the contribution of magnetic resonance imaging to the diagnosis and management of mechanical stress complication. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003: 84; 770-777 Perdita di discriminazione tra Tocco, pressione, pizzico, stretta SENSIBILIZZAZIONE WDRN spinali Allodinia ed iperalgesia secondarie Allargamento del campo recettoriale Dolore riferito di origine somatica LA DIAGNOSI CLINICA • IRRADIATO • RIFERITO IL TEMPO ED I CAMBIAMENTI DEI MECCANISMI Small fiber neuropathy Length dependent C fiber Possible Central sensitization Small fiber neuropathy Non-Length dependent C fiber Possible Central sensitization Small fiber neuropathy Non-Length dependent deafferentation Central Origin of pain C fiber Clifford J. Woolf and Michael W. Salter: Neuronal Plasticity: Increasing the Gain in Pain SCIENCE VOL 288 9 JUNE 2000 Causato da fattori pre-esistenti Deafferentazione Sofferenze tissutali dell’arto ischemiche infettive traumatiche Causato dall’amputazione Lesione nervosa-neuroma Lesioni tissutali del moncone ischemiche algodistrofiche infettive chirurgiche Causato da nuovi fattori Patologie neurologiche “a monte” Lesioni tissutali “a monte” infiammatorie degenerative traumatiche Dolore episodico alla mano in forma di senso di contrazione delle prime due dita Brush allodynia Tinel signs with pain in the handfingers RNM con processo infiammatorio osseo Foisneau-Lottin A. et al.: Bursitis, adventitious bursa, and bone marrow edema in tibial stumps: the contribution of magnetic resonance imaging to the diagnosis and management of mechanical stress complication. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2003: 84; 770-777 • (17 pts with stump problem from a total of 139 amputees) • Bursitis and soft tissue inflammation in 10 patients • Bone abnormalities: osteophytes or fracture (4), bone marrow edema (3) • Two asumptomatic neuromas Phantom Limbs: Neuroplastic Phenomena Ramachandran’s hypothesis: phantom limb caused by reorganization of the somato-sensory cortex following amputation Amputee feels a touch on his face and also on his phantom limb (due to their proximity on somatosensory cortex) Amputee with chronic phantom limb pain gets relief through visual feedback: view in mirror of his intact hand unclenching as seen in mirror box 34 FIGURE 10.23 The places on Tom’s body where touches elicited sensations in his phantom hand. (Based on Ramachandran & Blakeslee, 1998.) 35 Il dolore fantasmatico LA TERAPIA Analgesici – meccanismi patogenetici A. MODULA gli impulsi afferenti nocicettivi A B B. AMPLIFICA gli impulsi A-delta e C (sensibilizzazione spinale, c.d. componente neuropatica) 3 ANALGESICI AD AZIONE RECETTORIALE Steroidi, Fans, Cox2 GENERA gli impulsi del dolore nocicettivo 1 2 FARMACI AD AZIONE SINAPTICA A. azione modulatoria indipendentemente dalla presenza di sensibilizzazione spinale: paracetamolo e oppiacei B. azione modulatoria mediata dal sistema inibitorio spinale o discendente: amitriptilina, duloxetina, clonazepam C. azione modulatoria diretta presinaptica: Alfa2 delta ligandi (gabapentin e pregabalin) D. azione A+ B: tapentadolo ANALGESICI AD AZIONE SULLA FIBRA (ECTOPIA) Amitriptilina, Carbamazepina, Oxcarbazepina GENERA gli impulsi del dolore neuropatico periferico TERAPIA DEI MECCANISMI PATOGENETICI DEL DOLORE Meccanismi recettorali Meccanismi ectopici ✴Farmaci ad azione sulla ipersensibilità recettoriale (antinfiammatori) ✴Blocchi anestetici/cortisonici Meccanismi spinali ✴Cifo/Vertebroplastica ✴ Interventi sul disco ✴Termolesioni a radiofrequenza ✴Farmaci modulanti la trasmissione sinaptica (oppiodi) ✴Farmaci che riducono l’ipersensibilità spinale ✴Neurostimolazione ✴Farmaci ad azione sulla ipersensibilità ectopica (bloccanti i canali del sodio) ✴Blocchi anestetici/cortisonici ✴Termolesioni a radiofrequenza ✴Neurostimolazione Medication trials • TCA’s and sodium channel blockers are currently considered the drug treatments of choice for neuropathic pain, but a 2004 study of 39 patients demonstrated no benefit of TCA’s over placebo in PLP after 6 weeks. (Robinson et al 2004) • One study showed that mexiletine produced pain relief in 18 of 31 patients with PLP. (Davis 1993) • Opioids (MST) produced pain relief in 42% of patients and showed evidence of reduced cortical reorganization in 12 patients with PLP. (Huse E 2001) • There have been mixed results in studies using memantine to treat chronic pain, but it may be successful in treating PLP if initiated in early post-amputation period. (Hackworth, et al 2008) Adjuvant therapies • TENS has reduced PLP in multiple placebo controlled trials. • Mirror box therapy: persons with amputated limb use either a mirror or mirror box to reflect an image of the intact limb. It is hypothesized that this works by preventing cortical restructuring. • One RCT of 22 patients showed 100% of patients with MBT showed decreased pain after 4 weeks. (Chan BL 2007) Mirror box therapy Neuromodulazione chimica spinale POMPA PERSISTALTICA TOTALMENTE IMPIANTABILE CATETERE SUBARACNOIDEO Neuromodulazione elettrica spinale Pacemaker Elettrodo peridurale Peripheral nerve stimulation : median nerve Dynamic Mechanical Allodynia in and out of the scar 49 LEAD INTRODUCTION It has been shown that BoNT-A treatment can reduce peripheral sensitization by inhibiting the release of several neuronal signaling markers including substance P, glutamate, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) in autonomic vascular nerve terminals, and reducing cfos gene expression. Direct action of BoNT-A on sensory neurons in vivo inhibiting the release not only of glutamate but also of substance P and CGRP from peripheral terminals of nociceptive fibers was demonstrated in a previous study.