
16.00 Testing Young Learners

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16.00 Testing Young Learners
Motivation plays a crucial role in language learning. When students are motivated, the
chances of them learning are much greater and we, the teachers, feel more rewarded.
This seminar will look at the use of stories, songs, drama and testing in order to
promote motivation in the classroom, have fun learning and achieve objectives.
A certificate of attendance valid for the ‘ESONERO MINISTERIALE’ will be available
to all participants AT THE END OF THE EVENT.
The programme
14.30 – 14.45 Enrolment
14.45 – 15.15 Sing-a-Learn, Vicky Taylor
15.15 – 16.00 Testing Young Learners – it
can be fun!, Sarah Ellis
16.00 – 16.25 break
16.25 – 17.15 Let me CLIL you a Story,
Julie Wallis and Susan Swift
17.15 – 18.15 Drama – in your seats, Jim
The sponsors
Bell English: www.bellenglish.com/
Cambridge English Language
Assessment: www.cambridgeesol.it/
Cambridge University Press:
Associazione Italiana Scuole di Lingue
AISLi: www.aisli.com
Vicky Taylor is the coordinator of YL classes at IH San Donato, where she has been teaching for the last
4 and half years. She is interested in how children learn and the use of TPR and music to stimulate and
motivate young learners.
This is a practical seminar offering songs to help your learners use English and develop their
pronunciation, fluency and grammar through song.
Sarah Ellis has a background in teaching and teacher training teaching working with both adults and
young learners in Italy and UK. She has trained teachers on CELTA and DELTA courses and has also
worked with teachers in the Italian State School system and on SSIS courses. She has been involved
with Cambridge ESOL examinations for over 15 years as speaking examiner, presenter and as Centre
Examinations Manager and is now responsible for the Cambridge English Language Assessment teacher
support programme for Italy which provides information, materials and support for teachers at seminars,
conferences and events throughout Italy.
Testing Young Learners – it can be fun!
This session will provide a brief overview of the Cambridge English YLE tests and will demonstrate the
positive effects tests can have in the classroom.
Sue Swift has been an EFL teacher and teacher trainer for over thirty years, and
is currently involved in the development of on-line training programmes for
qualifications such as the Cambridge ESOL TKT and Delta. She is author of the
Playtime, Storytime, Kidstime series for the Scuola Primaria, published by
Immedia, Snail Publishing.
Julie Wallis runs a language school in northern Italy and is AISLi Educational
Officer, organising teacher development seminars (MIUR) and publishing
materials for English 24. She has presented at a number of conferences including
IATEFL and has worked as a trainer for Bell English on their Teacher Campus.
Let me ClIL you a story
In this seminar we take a look at how children’s literature can be used in the
elementary classroom to explore themes related to curricular subjects such as
science, geography, mathematics, history, art and music. Interactive, fun activities
allow the teacher to develop the “4 Cs” of CLIL - Content, Communication,
Cognition and Culture (Community / Citizenship) - and to “scaffold” contentoriented tasks, ensuring that they are achievable by young learners with limited
language competence.
Jim Scrivener is Head of Teacher Development for Bell, Cambridge, UK. His publications include
Learning Teaching (Macmillan) (ARELS Frank Bell Prize 1995), Teachers' Books and Portfolios for
Straightforward (Macmillan), Teaching English Grammar (Macmillan) (HRH Duke of Edinburgh English
Speaking Union 2010 “Best Entry for Teachers”) and Classroom Management Techniques (CUP 2012)
(HRH Duke of Edinburgh English Speaking Union 2012 “Overall Winner”). His new book, Visual
Grammar (Richmond) will be published in April 2013.
Drama – in your seats!
Many drama activities for children aged 7-13 seem to require big empty spaces to run around in, make
shapes, act out scenes and so on. But language teachers don’t necessarily have the luxury of space –
and may feel that, in a large, cramped classroom, they can hardly move children from their desks.
In this very practical session, we’ll explore a number of ideas for introducing exciting drama techniques
into your classes in ways that can be done at their desks and don’t need large spaces (but would work
equally well if you do have space!)
We’ll look at …
 Speaking: using the voice and language in interesting ways
 Drama games: to grow confidence, imagination and skills
 Improvising: helping students to become more creative
 Exploring ideas, scenes, narratives, storytelling
 Working together: cooperating and constructing with others
 Considering audience and the effect of what we do on listeners / viewers
We’ll try out lots of activities so that you can see how they work from the learners’ perspective – and I
hope you’ll find some that you love and want to use … and even if you are feeling less than confident
about risking the use of drama in class at all, I think you might still find something here that you’re keen to
use next week!
The event will take place at Liceo G.B. Quadri in via Carducci 17, Vicenza (VI). The school is a centre
for Cambridge English Language Assessment and an accredited member of AISLi, both accredited by
MUIR for the training of school personnel (Direttiva Ministeriale 90/2003).
If you would like any further details, please contact Julie Wallis or Nadia Zuccollo at the London School:
0445 368085/ 386226 or e-mail us at [email protected].
Please note that places are limited and seats will be reserved on a first come, first served basis. To
reserve your place, please complete the following form & return by fax: 0445 384301 or by e-mail at
[email protected] .
Please reserve my place on Friday 5th April 2013 at 14.15 at the event ‘Nurturing Young
Learners of English’ at Liceo G.B. Quadri, Vicenza:
E-mail address......................................................@................................................................
Telephone number (home/mobile)...........................................................................................
School name................................Town....................................................................................
Age group you teach…………………… Name of head teacher…………………………………
Signature ................................................... Date....................................................................
Il/la sotto scritto/a, letta l’informativa di cui art.13 del D. Lgs. 196/03, presta il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali comuni da parte della London School
per finalità di invio materiale, per il compimento di ricerche di mercato o di comunicazione commerciale, nonché alla comunicazione di dati stessi, e ai
successivo trattamento per le stesse finalità, alle agenzie collegate.
di Wallis Julie e C. s.n.c.
Via Brigata Mazzini, 18
36016 Thiene (VI)
Tel 0445 368085 / 386226
[email protected]
Fax 0445384301
Presa D’Atto Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione
Accreditata presso la Regione Veneto
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