
Andrea della Robbia

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Andrea della Robbia
He was an Italian Renaissance sculptor, especially
in ceramics. He was the son of Marco della
Robbia, brother of Luca della Robbia.
Born in Florence, he was the most important
artist of ceramic glaze of the times. His workshop
was carried on by his son Giovanni after his
Sanctuary of La Verna is situated in the Tuscan Apennines.
The Piazzale also offers the Chiesa Maggiore and the S.
Maria degli Angeli church: both of them contain
masterpieces (terra cotta invetriata) by Andrea della
Virgin and child with st
francis and st cosmas
Madonna adoring the sleeping Child with St. John the
Baptist as a child and two cherubims. Glazed
terracotta, ca. 1500.
THE medallions of children, or infants in swaddling-clothes (two
of which are shown in our plate), from the façade of the
Foundling Hospital in Florence, are among the first works
executed by Andrea della Robbia alone.
Virgin and child
Andrea della Robbia ’s
terracotta altar-piece in
militello, Sicily, was
recently shown by Gino
Corti to have a
commission from the
count of militello,
Antonio Piero Barresi
and to date from the year
1487. The work, from
andrea’s shop, has the
nativity as its main
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