Table of contents - Indico
LAR PHASE-I UPGRADE F. Tartarelli, 05/09/2013) Stato del TDR Full draft circulated to LAr and ATLAS readers last week Table of contents: 2 ATL-COM-LARG-2013-026 ATLAS circulation yesterday (4/9) Then to LHCC Overview of the Phase-I LAr upgrade project Physics Requirements, Expected Performance Overview of the Existing Readout and Trigger System Front End Electronics Back End Electronics Project Organization and Milestones Summary F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Motivations The goal is to maintain the rates of single and multi-object Level-1 calorimeter triggers at acceptable levels, for thresholds comparable to those used in Run 1, despite the increased center-of-mass energy, instantaneous luminosity up to L = 3x1034 cm-2 s-1and pile-up up to <m> = 80. Improve the performance of the Level-1 single object triggers based on the calorimeter information by: Reducing jet backgrounds in the Level-1 EM trigger by deploying shower shape algorithms and high-precision isolation criteria for electron and photon identification. Deploy algorithms currently used in the High-Level Trigger to improve t identification at Level-1 (energy in the core of the cluster, isolation,...) Improve the Level-1 jet and MET resolutions and efficiencies to effectively reduce the rates for the same physics acceptance in the offline analyses. Sharpening turn-on curves using 3 more advanced reconstruction algorithms at Level-1 utilizing pileup subtraction techniques on an event-by-event basis as currently implemented in the offline analyses F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Expected performances These performance improvements introduced are possible thanks to the following upgrades: 4 Higher granularity in eta: The calorimeter segmentation available in the Level-1 trigger is made finer using Super Cells: groups of calorimeter cells are summed together in the frontend electronics to form areas as narrow as DhxDf=0.025x0.1 in the front and middle layers of the EM calorimeters. Layer information: The longitudinal shower information - Super Cells in the electromagnetic calorimeter only contain one layer each - will also become available for the Level-1 trigger decision. Finer quantization scale: The digitization precision of the Super Cell signals is improved by at least a factor of 4: the quantization scale and the dynamic range of the digitizers are optimized in each –region and for each longitudinal segmentation of the calorimeters to achieve sensitivities at the level of Super Cell electronic noise or better. This improved precision is relative to a 1 GeV least significant bit of the existing Level-1 system (32 MeV strips, 125 MeV middle) Improved energy reconstruction: The energy deposited in the calorimeter Super Cells is calculated at each bunch crossing through optimized algorithms: techniques similar to the optimal filtering currently implemented in the LAr Readout Drivers provide results close to the energy resolution obtained from the offline reconstruction. [L1CALO] Global feature extractor: possibility to use global event quantities (correction for pile-up) F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 EM Trigger 3 variables tested: Rη, wη,2, f3 Optimized sets of cuts for 2 and 3-variables found and applied to MinBias, Zee and Hγγ samples Profit from higher granularity and finer quantization scale 5 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 EM Trigger 7 GeV 95% electron eff. 95% electron eff. . pT > 40GeV 6 pT > 40GeV F. Tartarelli pT > 20GeV 05/September/2013 Milano Interests During the last year we have developed interest for the: Draft table with list of Institutes and area of interests to appear in the TDR 7 FEC crate new baseplanes New solution for the powering of the new trigger board (LTDB) This table does not imply financial commitment Cost sharing still under discussion F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Baseplanes A new baseplane is required for the Phase-I upgrades to handle the larger number of signals at the input of the Tower Builder. The channel density in the new baseplanes is feasible but will require attention at the design level to preserve signal integrity and keep low noise levels. Design now well advanced: 8 Ready to submit the drawings to the company for the production of a prototype F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 DC powering During Phase-I operation, the LTDBs will need to draw their power from the existing LVPS (recently replaced). The current power consumption amounts to less than 75% of the nominal power these supplies can deliver (3.2 kW), so sufficient power reserve for LTDB operation is available. Since the new LTDB will have to operate after the Phase-II upgrade, the design of the power scheme will have to take into account this forward compatibility. Modular design is being considered so that the power module could be replaced during the Phase-II upgrade to accommodate the voltage rails from a new low voltage power supply for the FECs. 1 or 4 (LTDB modularity) mezzanine card Workplan: 9 power will need to be drawn from voltage lines where current is available generate the new voltages needed with the available lines using POL and LDO Design of the power distribution scheme for the full board; Design and construction of the power mezzanine board; Choice of the components (POL and LDO) between custom devices (designed by CERN) and commercial solutions; Systems tests at CERN; F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 DC powering: choice of components POL converters from CERN, and commercial devices as the one already identified in the APOLLO project (Linear Technology, Texas Instruments,…) will be investigated. CERN is developing POLs for the tracker upgrade. It needs to be tested if these devices would fit also the LAr requirements they would need to be reengineered as the package is too big for the LTDB. Not enough power: need to put more than one Rad-had version is not available yet. Candidates for the LDO regulators are devices produced by ST 10 The Linear Technology (LTM4619 family) devices have been tested for radiation by some of our colleagues from US; the TI one (TPS50601-SP) is said to be rad-hard by the company. In both case further investigations will be needed. ST4913, ST7913: already used in the past being evaluated by CERN for radiation-hardness. F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Richieste finanziarie Tetto di 300 kCHF per la nostra partecipazione a questo upgrade Stime dei costi: Abbiamo proposto alla collaborazione Lar di rinunciare alla produzione dei baseplanes EC-SP e concentrarsi sul powering della LTDB: Ultimare il design del baseplane produzione uno (o due) prototipi Test e validazione del design. Contemporaneamente abbiamo cominciato a studiare il design del powering della LTDB: 11 292 kCHF + 8 kCHF contingency Vorremmo comunque terminare il lavoro sui baseplanes: Produzione 8 baseplanes EC-SP: 75 kCHF DC powering della LTDB: 292 kCHF Primo design di massima Produzione di un prototipo della scheda F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Total cost 12 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Starting dates of productions 13 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Richieste finanziarie 2013 Vorremmo chiedere lo sblocco dei 5 keuro sj di R&D: per produrre un prototipo del baseplane EC-SP di cui stiamo ultimando il design. stiamo lavorando dall’inizio dell’anno a questo design e anche se non potremo produrre in futuro tutti i baseplane di questo tipo crediamo che sia importante non sprecare l’investimento fatto. la nostra intenzione e’ di produrre uno o due campioni del baseplane, assemblarne uno, testarlo e documentare in un report finale i risultati del test, fornendo anche il “fabrication file” (in formato Gerber RS-274X). in questa maniera, la collaborazione usera’ il nostro layout. inoltre validiamo un ulteriore produttore col quale confrontare i risultati dei test che saranno fatti sui prototipi del baseplane barrel che i colleghi francesi produrranno a breve. 14 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Richieste finanziarie 2014 Chiediamo 10 keuro per le seguenti attivita’ di R&D: 15 Test del baseplane: abbiamo gia’ la strumentazione in casa per effettuare le misure ma abbiamo bisogno di un adattatore per il cable tester e di costruire una scheda dummy per testare i vari slot del baseplane. Produzione e relative assemblaggio di un prototipo della mezzanine di distribuzione potenza della LTDB. Acquisto DC-DC converters in package BGA e altri component della scheda Preparazione di un test set-up con dummy LTDB per effettuare misure sulla mezzanine Adattatore per il Power Analyzer AGILENT per effettuare misure di assorbimento corrente sulla scheda Effettueremo test di noise, EMI (al CERN), in campo magnetico al LASA e se possibile anche test di radiazioni. F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 16 Back up F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 Draft project time line 17 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 18 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 tau 19 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 jet 20 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013 New FEXs designed and built by L1Calo TDAQ TDR New or modified components in red LAr TDR Proposed phase I upgrade fully compatible with plans for phase II upgrade 21 F. Tartarelli 05/September/2013