
Data Management

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Data Management
Offshore Observatory
P.I.: Roberto Bozzano, CNR-ISSIA
Data Manager: Sara Pensieri, CNR-ISSIA
Scheme of the Observatory
The W1-M3A observatory monitors
• lower atmosphere processes,
• near surface down to the ocean
interior physical and biogeochemical
properties of the water column
conforming to the concept of the Global
Climate Observing System (GCOS)
Essential Climate Variables (ECVs).
The system acquires data on board, and
transmits data ashore to the W1-M3A in
situ TAC (Thematic Assembly Center)
where they are decoded, automatically
quality controlled and distributed in
standard formats to users.
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Payloads of the Observatory
Oceanographic package
Meteorological package
Atmospheric pressure
2D-wind speed and direction
Air temperature and relative humidity
Short- and long-wave radiation
Compact weather station (atmospheric
pressure, wind speed and direction, air
temperature and relative humidity, rainfall)
 Temperature (surface buoy: 0, 6, 12, 20, 28,
36 m; mooring: 130, 190, 230, 350, 550, 950
 Salinity (surface buoy: 6, 20, 36 m; mooring:
130, 190, 350, 550, 950 m)
 Pressure (36 m)
Wave package
 Wave statistics (Hs, T, Dir)
 Roll, pitch, vertical acceleration
 Camera
Bio-geochemical package
 Dissolved oxygen (36 m)
 Chlorophyll-a and turbidity (36 m)
 Nutrients (20 m)
Turbolence package
 3D-wind speed and direction
 Roll, pitch, yaw
Acidification package
 pCO2
 CO2 (temporary provided by CNR-ISMARBo, L. Langone)
Underwater ambient noise package
 Passive acoustic noise recorder
Current Status of the Observatory
 Type
spar buoy (12 tons/51 m long)
 Position 00907’05.39”E 4350’04.26”N
Ligurian Sea, 80 km offshore,
1200 m water depth.
 Current status of the observatory
 Operational: 2013 (99.92%), 2014 (92.43%),
2015 (76.46% until Oct. 15).
 Latest development of the observatory
 Data management system.
 CTD multi-parameters (Diss. oxy., Fluo., Tur.) @ 6 m
 pCO2 @ 6 m depth.
 Ambient noise measuring system @ 36 m.
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Scientific and Technological Results
Short-wave radiation [W/m2] (2013-2015)
Sea Temperature [°C] (2013-2015)
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Scientific and Technological Results
Wind Regime [m/s] (2013-2015)
Significant Wave Height [m] (2013-2015)
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Scientific and Technological Results
 W1-M3A data are available in different formats (graphical, ASCII, binary, etc.)
and with different selection choices at different portals/data centres.
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Scientific and Technological Results
 Derived products based on measurements collected by the equipment installed or
deployed on-board the observatory:
 heat budgets (NRT - EU project FixO3).
 near surface water quality (NRT - EU project FixO3).
 sound budget.
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Data Management
 Near real-time parameters
 Atmospheric pressure, 2D-wind speed and direction, air temperature and
relative humidity, short- and long-wave radiation, precipitation.
Water temperature (6, 20, 36 m), conductivity (6, 20, 36 m), dissolved
oxygen (6 m), fluorescence and turbidity (6 m), pCO2 (6 m).
Water level (10 m), roll and pitch.
 Data formats
 BUFR, Medatlas.
 Manuals used for quality control
 Meteorological meas.: WMO
 Oceanographic meas.: MFSTEP, MERSEA, EuroSITES,
RITMARE deliverables (spike, min & max variations, etc.)
 Data repository
MySQL relational database used for data archiving
and metadata storing to be published through the observatory portal.
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Data Management
 Delayed-mode parameters
 Atmospheric pressure, 2D-wind speed and direction, air temperature and relative
humidity, short- and long-wave radiation, precipitation.
Water temperature (0, 6, 12, 20, 28, 36 m), conductivity (6, 20, 36 m), dissolved
oxygen (6 m), fluorescence and turbidity (6 m), pCO2 (6 m).
Water level (10 m), roll and pitch.
Ambient sound level.
 Data formats
 Medatlas, OceanSITES netCDF.
 Manuals used for quality control
 Meteorological meas.: WMO
 Oceanographic meas.: MERSEA, MFSTEP, MERSEA, EuroSITES, RITMARE deliverables
(spike, min & max variations, etc.) + in-situ samples + CTD casts
 Data repository
MySQL relational database with the same structure used for near real-time data.
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
 Publications with acknowledgement to RITMARE
 Bozzano et al., "The M3A Network of Open Ocean Observatories in the
Mediterranean Sea“, doi: 10.1109/OCEANS-Bergen.2013.6607996, ISBN 978-1-47990000-8.
 Pensieri et al., “The W1M3A Meteo-Oceanographic Data Centre”, EuroGOOS 2014.
 Bozzano et al., “Temporal variations of zooplankton biomass in the Ligurian Sea
inferred from long time series of ADCP data”, Ocean Science, doi:10.5194/os-10-932014.
 Canepa et al., "The ODAS Italia 1 buoy: More than forty years of activity in the
Ligurian Sea", Progress in Oceanography, doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2015.04.005.
 Pensieri et al., “Underwater Acoustic Measurements to Estimate Wind and Rainfall in
the Mediterranean Sea”, Advances in Meteorology, doi:10.1155/2015/612512.
 National & international events
 Hymex (Cassis, 2013).
 IEEE Oceans’13 (Bergen, 2013).
 EuroGOOS (Lisbon, 2014).
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
 Observatory portal
 http://www.odas.ge.issia.cnr.it
 Data available on
 http://www.mongoos.eu/data-center
 http://www.emodnet-physics.eu/map/
 http://www.fixo3.eu
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Problems/Issues to Be Raised
 Safety of the observatory
May 2, 2014 collision with bulkcarrier UBC Livorno.
Damages to some meteorological sensors, solar panels, wind turbines, ladder.
 Costs: increasing costs for data transmission.
 Spare sensors: necessary for assuring the availability of long time series of oceanographic
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Future Vision
 Statements
 Fixed observatories (buoys/moorings) are part of a
complex multi-platform and multi-disciplinary ocean
observing system.
 None single type of platform can resolve at the same
time all necessary spatial and time scales to accomplish
an effective monitoring of the ocean status.
 Next steps
 Contribute to the multi-platform integrated observing system of the Mediterranean Sea able
to fill spatial and temporary gaps.
 Continue to provide open access services for scientists, decision-makers and society directly
based on real-time data.
 Take advantage of technological innovations for developing long-term monitoring system of
key parameters (carbon dioxide, pH, oxygen) at global, regional, and local scale.
 Go beyond assessed parameters for responding to the demand of a sustained bio-geochemical
ocean monitoring (ocean acidification, aerosol, etc.).
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
Roberto Bozzano
[email protected]
Sara Pensieri
[email protected]
W1-M3A Contribution to RITMARE
• Rewiew critica dei sistemi osservativi italiani in mare aperto per provvedere alla
progettazione della nuova rete in sinergia.
• Consolidamento delle capacità di monitoraggio delle componenti fisiche-chimicobiologiche dell’osservatorio W1-M3A, sia dal punto di vista tecnologico (aggiornamento
tecnico/funzionale) che scientifico (impiego di strumentazione innovativa, essential
ocean variables).
• Miglioramento dell'affidabilità di lungo periodo dell’osservatorio W1-M3A in termini di
qualità, continuità e distribuzione dei dati raccolti.
• Sviluppo di metodologie comuni per il controllo di qualità dei dati acquisiti sia per
trasmissioni in tempo reale che in differita a partire da standard internazionali.
• Proposizione di linee guida comuni per l’acquisizione e la disseminazione dei dati
attraverso lo sviluppo di protocolli di comunicazione bidirezionali che consentano
un'efficiente trasmissione di dati dai sistemi remoti alle stazioni riceventi.
• Implementazione del W1-M3A Buoy Data Management Infrastructure per la
distribuzione delle misure raccolte ai centri di raccolta nazionali ed internazionali e la
realizzazione di servizi per un pubblico generico (p.e., creazione di indicatori).
Workshop Ritmare Sp5-Wp3, Trieste 27-28 October 2015
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