
PPT Template for Non-Plenary Meetings

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PPT Template for Non-Plenary Meetings
Nuovi trend del mercato tlc e loro
declinazioni all’interno e all’esterno
dei confini nazionali
Raffaele Giarda, Partner
Milano, 12 maggio 2016
Studio Professionale Associato a Baker & McKenzie is a member firm of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein with member law firms around the world. In
accordance with the common terminology used in professional service organizations, reference to a "partner" means a person who is a partner, or equivalent, in such a law
firm. Similarly, reference to an "office" means an office of any such law firm.
© 2016 Studio Professionale Associato a Baker & McKenzie
Il Digital Single Market come driver del
mercato – Panorama di riferimento
– La digitalizzazione impatta su…
– Opportunità di crescita, ma anche sfide  Agenda
Digitale 2010
in 10 anni (2001-2011) digitalizzazione crea il 30% della
crescita del PIL europeo
– Ma con differenze forti  Digital Single Market 2015
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament,
the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the
Committee of the Regions 6.5.2015 COM(2015) 192 final + SWD
A digital single market strategy for europe
© 2016
2016 Baker
McKenzie International
6 maggio 2015: il DSM
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McKenzie International
3 pilastri
1. Migliorare l’accesso ai beni e servizi digitali in tutta Europa per i
consumatori e le imprese
2. Creare un contesto favorevole e parità di condizioni affinché le reti
digitali e i servizi innovativi possano svilupparsi
3. Massimizzare il potenziale di crescita dell’economia digitale.
16 azioni chiave che la Commissione dovrebbe attuare entro il 2016
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2016 Baker
McKenzie International
16 azioni chiave
Primo Pilastro
norme x agevolazione commercio elettronico transfrontaliero
protezione dei consumatori più rapida e omogenea
servizi di consegna dei pacchi
blocco geografico
antitrust in commercio elettronico
legislazione su diritto d’autore più moderna ed europea
vii. revisione direttiva trasmissione via satellite e via cavo
viii. regimi IVA
Secondo Pilastro
revisione della regolamentazione europea telecoms (ott. 2015 roaming e Net
riesame quadro media audiovisivi
analisi ruolo delle piattaforme online
revisione direttiva e-privacy (aprile 2016 GDPR e direttiva fini di prevenzione)
partenariato con l’industria sulla sicurezza informatica
Terzo Pilastro
proposizione di iniziativa europea per il libero flusso dei dati
elaborazione di norme per interoperabilità
promozione di competenze digitali  e-Government e-Health
© 2016
2016 Baker
McKenzie International
Commissione presenterà proposte nel 2016 per una revisione ampia del
quadro regolatorio, focalizzandosi su:
politiche di gestione dello spettro
eliminazione della frammentazione regolatoria per consentire economie di
scala per operatori di rete e fornitori di servizi efficienti e per un’efficace
protezione dei consumatori
level playing field
incentivare investmenti in reti a banda larga ad alta velocità, con revisione
della Direttiva SU
quadro regolatorio istituzionale più efficace
Consultazione pubblica della Commissione sul ruolo delle piattaforme
(sharing economy, intermediari online etc.) chiusa il 6 gennaio 2016
Alcuni dei trend preliminari osservati
La grande maggioranza dei cittadini e delle imprese riconoscono i benefici
delle piattaforme online;
La grande maggioranza degli interpellati ritiene che il luogo in cui sono
residenti i dati personali influisca sulle loro strategie di business, sia a livello
individuale che d’impresa.
Riconoscimento dei benefici dell’economia collaborativa
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Digital Scoreboard 2016:
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Italy's performance in the DESI 2016
Italy ranks 25 among EU countries.
It is part of the group of countries that are catching up.
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Connectivity: Fixed Broadband Coverage
In Italy, fixed broadband is available to 99% of households (97% in the EU).
NGA connections are available to 44% of Italian households (71% of European households).
Source: Broadband coverage in Europe, studies for the EC by IHS and Valdani, Vicari &
Associati (SMART 2013/0054)
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Connectivity: Rural Fixed Broadband Coverage
In Italy fixed broadband connections are available to 92% of households in rural areas
(91% of european households in rural areas).
Source: Broadband coverage in Europe, studies for the EC by IHS and Valdani, Vicari &
Associati (SMART 2013/0054)
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Connectivity: Fixed Broadband Take-up
53% of Italian households subscribe to fixed broadband (72% in the EU), and 5.4% of those
subscriptions are to a fast* connection (2.8% of Italian households).
30% of EU broadband subscriptions are to a fast* connection (22% of EU households).
Source: Eurostat and Electronic communications market indicators collected by Commission services,
through National Regulatory Authorities, for the Communications Committee (COCOM)
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
* A broadband connection is considered to be a fast connection when it allows
11 for donwload speeds
above 30 Mbps.
Dettaglio Accessi BB
Fonte: Osservatorio Trimestrale AGCOM #1/2016
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2016 Baker
McKenzie International
Connectivity: Fixed Broadband Price
In Italy the cheapest fixed (internet only) broadband connection allowing for speeds of 12-30Mbps
costs 1.8% of the average individual income (overall in the EU it costs 1.3%).
Sources: (access cost) Broadband Internet Access Cost (BIAC), annual studies for the EC
© 2016 Baker &by
Dijk; (income) real adjusted gross disposable income of households per capita
(Eurostat: tec00113);
Connectivity: Mobile Broadband Take-up
In Italy there are 75 subscriptions to mobile broadband per each 100 people (75 in the EU)
Source: Electronic communications market indicators collected by Commission services, through
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
National Regulatory Authorities, for the Communications Committee
Connectivity: Spectrum
Italy has reached 65% of the EU goal for spectrum to be harmonised for use in mobile
In the EU as a whole 69% of the goal has been reached.
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Source: European Commission Services
Human Capital: Internet Users
28% of Italians have never used the internet (16% in the EU)
© 2016 Baker &Eurostat
McKenzie International
- Community survey on ICT usage in Households
and by Individuals
Human Capital: Digital Skills
In Italy 24% of citizens have basic digital skills (27% in the EU)
and 19% have above basic digital skills (28% in the EU)
© 2016 Baker &Eurostat
McKenzie International
- Community survey on ICT usage in Households
and by Individuals
Human Capital: ICT Specialists in the workforce
In Italy ICT Specialists account for 2.5% of the workforce (3.7% in the EU).
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Source: Eurostat - Labour force survey
Human Capital: Graduates in STEM (Science,
Technology and Mathematics)
Italy has 14 graduates in STEM per each 1000 people aged 20-29 years old (18 in
the EU).
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Source: Eurostat - Science and technology graduates by sex
Use of Internet
Italians, much like European citizens in general, perform a diverse set of activities online.
They use the Internet to consume content and media, to communicate, and to perform
Source: Eurostat - Community survey on ICT usage in Households and by Individuals; IHS
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Technology databases - TV Media Intelligence Service.
Integration of Digital Technology: Business
Businesses in Italy are adopting different digital technologies to enhance productivity,
such as sharing internal information electronically or using RFID, eInvoicing, Social Media and
Source: Eurostat - Community survey on ICT usage and eCommerce
in Enterprises
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Integration of Digital Technology: SMEs selling
In Italy 6.5% of SMEs sell online (16% in the EU).
5.2% of Italian SMEs sell online to other EU countries (7.5% in the EU).
Source: Eurostat - Community survey on ICT usage and eCommerce in Enterprises
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Integration of Digital Technology: SME Turnover from
SMEs in Italy obtain on average 8.2% of their turnover from eCommerce (9.4% in the EU).
Large enterprises derive on average 11% of their turnover from eCommerce (24% in the EU).
Source: Eurostat - Community survey on ICT usage and eCommerce in Enterprises
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Digital Public Services: eGovernment users
18% of Italian internet users have exchanged filled forms with the public
administration online,
whereas overall in the EU 32% of internet users have done so.
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
Source: Eurostat - Community survey on ICT usage in Households and by Individuals
Digital Public Services: eGovernment service
Italian online public services score 37 out of 100 in the Pre-filled Forms* indicator
and 85 out of 100 in the Online Service Completion** indicator (EU scores 49 and 81 respectively).
Source: eGovernment Benchmark.
* Pre-filled Forms measures to which extent data known to the public administration is pre-filled in forms
to the user. ** Online Service Completion measures to which extent the steps in an interaction
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
with the public administration – life event – can be performed completely
Digital Public Services: Open Data
Italy scores 485 out of 700 in the European Public Sector Information scoreboard,
against an overall score of 351 out of 700 for the European Union.
Source: The Public Sector Information Scoreboard is a ‘crowdsourced’ tool to measure the status
© 2016 Baker & McKenzie International
of Open Data and PSI re-use throughout the EU.
“Bringing down barriers to unlock online
– Servizi M2M ed IoT – Regolamentazione come volàno
del mercato
Utilizzo in Italia di codici IMSI non italiani
– Regolamento UE n. 2021/2015 – in vigore dal 30 aprile
2016, abolizione tariffe di roaming dal 15 giugno 2017
– General Data Protection Regulation n. 2016/679 del 27
aprile 2016
– …more to come?
© 2016
2016 Baker
McKenzie International
Grazie per la partecipazione!
Studio Professionale Associato
a Baker & McKenzie
Viale di Villa Massimo, 57
00161 Roma
Avv. Raffaele Giarda
Tel. +39 06 440631
Dir. +39 06 44063224
Fax +39 06 44063306
Cell. +39 348 3316184
[email protected]
Studio Professionale Associato a Baker & McKenzie is a member firm of Baker & McKenzie International, a Swiss Verein with member law firms around the world. In
accordance with the common terminology used in professional service organizations, reference to a "partner" means a person who is a partner, or equivalent, in such28
a law
firm. Similarly, reference to an "office" means an office of any such law firm.
© 2015 Studio Professionale Associato a Baker & McKenzie
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