Le insidie della sifilide: epidemiologia, diagnosi e terapia
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Le insidie della sifilide: epidemiologia, diagnosi e terapia
Società Italiana di Medicina Tropicale e Salute Globale Le insidie della sifilide: epidemiologia, diagnosi e terapia Prof. Francesco Castelli Cattedra di Malattie Infettive, Università di Brescia Cattedra UNESCO per la Formazione del personale sanitario nei Paesi a basse risorse Presidente, Società Italiana di Medicina Tropicale e Salute Internazionale Delegato del Rettore per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo Domain Bacteria Phylum Spirochaetaltes Class Spirochaetes Order Spirochaetales Family Spirochaetaceae Genus Treponema Species T. pallidum T. pallidum subsp pallidum “ “ venereal treponematoses subsp pertenue “ “ subsp endemicum “ “ subsp carateum Yaws (Framboesia) non-venereal endemic Bejel treponematoses Pinta 99,8% genomic identity Farnsworth and Rosen. Clinics in Dermatology (2006) 24, 181–190 In Europa da Americhe (teoria Colombiana) In Spagna e Portogallo da Africa Pre-esistente in Europa ma con epidemiologia diversa A probable case of congenital syphilis from pre-Columbian Austria. Gaul JS et al. Anthropol Anz. 2015 Sep 30 Treponema pallidum subspec pallidum Syphilis Sexual transmission Transplacental transmission Direct non-sexual transmission Blood transfusion/organ transplantation Sifilide Acquisita Sifilide primaria: lesione ulcerosa indolente nel sito di infezione (sifiloma) con adenopatia satellite, compare nella sede di contatto col Treponema, di solito è unico. Sifilide Acquisita Sifilide secondaria: manifestazioni muco-cutanee (rash cutaneo, lesioni maculo-papulari palmoplantari) e viscerali (linfoadenopatie, epatite, poliartrite, irite o iridociclite, meningite secondaria) Sifilide Acquisita Sifilide terziaria: cutanea (gomme cutaneo-mucose), manifestazioni ossee, articolari e muscolari, cardiovascolari (arteriti e aneurismi), SNC (paralisi progressiva, tabe dorsale) Sifilide Acquisita Sifilide latente : è totalmente asintomatica, la diagnosi è unicamente sierologica. • precoce: da meno di 2 anni • tardiva: da più di 2 anni • di durata indeterminata: epoca del contagio sconosciuta Cicatrice sierologica: positività di EIA/TPHA con RPR negativo e storia documentata di precedente trattamento con penicillina RISK OF SYPHILIS TRANSMISSION Sexual transmission Vertical transmission 60 - 30% 100 - 50 - 30 - 10% Number of primary and secondary syphilis cases among men who have sex with men, by race/ethnicity — National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System, 34 states* and the District of Columbia with complete sex partner data, 2009–2012 † MMWR 2014, 63(18) SYPHILIS - USA (15): (INDIANA) RISING INCIDENCE, MEN WHO HAVE SEX WITH MEN ************************************************************************** A ProMED-mail post ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases Date: Fri 30 Oct 2015 The Tippecanoe County Health Department is tracking an increase in the number of syphilis cases in the area. This year [2015], there have been 12 reports of syphilis in Tippecanoe County compared with fewer than 5 reports in each the of the previous 4 years, the health department said on Friday [30 Oct 2015]. Local and state health departments are partnering to "closely monitor this trend, educate the public and health care providers about syphilis, and help facilitate proper testing and treatment of affected individuals," according to a press release from the department. Jeremy Adler, the county department's health officer, said anecdotal reports suggest those contracting the infection are engaged in risky sexual behavior with multiple partners. Adler said that smartphone apps such as Tinder that facilitate random sexual encounters, could be contributing to the issue. He noted the disease is spread through sexual contact and not through drug use, such as sharing needles. "Syphilis is often viewed as a disease that happened a long time ago that was a problem in the old days," Adler said. "But clearly, this shows that it still can be a big problem, and it's something that we have to really be aware of and educate the public about." Statewide, Indiana is following the same trend. More than 350 cases of syphilis were reported between 10 Jan-3 Oct of this year [2015], representing a 53 per cent increase from last year, according to a press release from the Indiana State Department of Health. "This is an alarming increase in the number of people being diagnosed with a preventable and curable disease," state health commissioner Jerome Adams said in the release. Most cases have occurred in men who have had sexual contact with other men, although some heterosexual cases have been reported, according to the state's information. Syphilis is a sexually contracted infection and in certain stages can cause symptoms including sores, fever, muscle aches and weight loss. For more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control website at < http://www.cdc.gov/std/syphilis> or call the county health department's nursing division at 765-423-9221. Incidenza di sifilide in Europa, 2003-12 ECDCD Annual epidemiological report 2014 – STIs Notiziario ISS 2014; 27 (4) ♂ hetero ♂ ♂ MSM ♀ Diagnosi di sifilide DIAGNOSI SIEROLOGICA 1. Test non treponemici: valutano l’attività della malattia e la risposta terapeutica dopo trattamento (VDRL, RPR) 2. Test treponemici: basati sulla ricerca di anticorpi diretti contro antigeni specifici (TPHA, TPPA, FTA-ABS) Tre differenti algoritmi per la sierodiagnosi di sifilide Congenital syphilis Sifilide congenita Rischio di trasmissione verticale (nelle donne non trattate) • • • • Sifilide primaria: 70-100% Sifilide secondaria: 67% Sifilide latente precoce: 40-83% Sifilide latente tardiva: 2,5-10% Sifilide congenita Probabilità di trasmissione Il rischio aumenta col progredire dell’epoca di gestazione Il trattamento tempestivo abolisce il rischio di trasmissione verticale Trasmissione possibile se intervallo tra terapia e parto inferiore a 4 settimane Screening e diagnosi precoce Lesioni ulcerative Hutchinson teeth Fronte olimpica Pregnant women with active syphilis 1,360,485 (1,160,195-1,560,776) With ANC 1,085,637 (79.8%) Stillbirths or fetal deaths 285,702 Neonatal deaths 122,444 Premature or LBW 81,629 Infected newborns 217,678 Newman L et al. PLoS Med 2013 Syphilis seropositivity among antenatal care attendees, 2008 or 2009 Newman L et al. (2013) Global Estimates of Syphilis in Pregnancy and Associated Adverse Outcomes: Analysis of Multinational Antenatal Surveillance Data. PLoS Med 10(2): e1001396. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1001396 SYPHILIS - AUSTRALIA (02): (NORTHERN TERRITORY, WESTERN AUSTRALIA) INCREASE, INDIGENOUS PEOPLE, CONGENITAL ********************************************************************************************************** Date: Sun 1 Nov 2015 Health authorities are scrambling to contain an outbreak of syphilis that is believed to have claimed the lives of 10 babies across northern Australia. Professor Basil Donovan, of the Sydney-based Kirby Institute, said while instances of the sexually transmitted infection (STI) were in decline, an outbreak that started in northern Queensland in 2011 had swept across the Top End. "We got a large outbreak amongst very young people in the Gulf country in Queensland, and since that time it's turned up in the Katherine area of the Northern Territory and then swept across the Kimberley [Western Australia]," he said. "We worry because if pregnant women catch syphilis, the result is very frequently disastrous. It leads to loss of pregnancy, stillbirths, [births] of very disabled babies." Professor Donovan said 10 babies had died as a result of congenital syphilis since the outbreak began. "A rich country like Australia, shouldn't really be seeing any deaths," he said. The Kirby Institute's national surveillance system showed 2000 new cases were diagnosed in 2014. As of [30 Oct 2015], another 1972 cases had been recorded in 2015, making it the most severe Australian outbreak in 30 years. The only other group affected outside of northern Aboriginal communities are urban gay communities. Professor Donovan said in cities like Melbourne, Sydney, and Perth, the STI was almost entirely limited to gay men. Syphilis can cause dementia, blindness, [and] brain damage. Syphilis can be cured with a simple course of antibiotics, but if left untreated the STI can have serious health impacts, including dementia, blindness, and permanent damage to the heart and brain. The northern outbreak crossed the NT border into WA last year [2014] and health authorities in the Kimberley are trying to contain its spread. Broome-based sexual health nurse Katy Crawford said for the 2 years to June 2014, the region had been syphilis-free. But since then, more than 40 people had been infected, and dozens more may be carrying it without realising. "It is a significant health concern for the region, and we expect this outbreak to continue for a number of months to years," he said. "It will be difficult to contain unless we get more people tested, and more people practising safe sex.“ Another challenge was finding materials suitable to Indigenous teenagers with often limited English and no understanding of sexual health. "A lot of resources that we have available are created in a metro area where there's very high literacy, so we're trying to create locally appropriate resources," Ms Sibosado said. "One campaign we've started is around the rodeo round that happens up here in the Kimberley, encouraging people to have safe sex, and letting them know where to get more information." The campaign includes condom wallets and posters featuring a rugged looking Aboriginal rodeo rider looking for love Syphilis seroprevalence in pregnant women in European Countries Country Seroprevalence (%) year source UK 0.44 2007 Giraudon. Euro Surveill 2009; 14: 8-12 Italy 0.49 2007 Marangoni. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008; 14 (11): 1065-8 Poland 0.16 2003 Rudnick. Euro Surveill 2005; 10:E050519.3 Czech Rep. 0.16 2001 Zakoucka. Euro Surveill 2004; 9:18-20 Congenital syphilis in Italy: a multicentre study Newborns with CS (n. 25) N (%) Newborns without CS (n. 182) N (%) RR (IC 95%) Foreign born mother 19 (76) 142 (78) 0.90 (0.4-2.1) 0.82 Mother < 20 yrs old 7 (28) 14 (7.7) 3.44 (1.6-7.3) 0.005 No antenatal screening 8 (32) 21 (11.5) 3.1 (1.4-6.6) 0.003 Inadequate antenatal treatment 45 (24.7) 15.3 (5.2-47) 0.0001 22 (88) P-value Tridapalli et al. For the Italian Society of Neonatology. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed. 2012 May;97(3):F2113. doi: 10.1136/adc.2010.183863. Epub 2010 Sep 24 Diagnosi di sifilide congenita ISOLAMENTO T.PALLIDUM DA LESIONE SIEROLOGICO IgM + TITOLO TPHA/RPR CLINICO CERTAMENTE INFETTO SEGNI/SINTOMI COMPATIBILI ASINTOMATICO > 4VV ˂ 4VV ALTA PROBABILITÀ DI INFEZIONE BASSA PROBABILITÀ DI INFEZIONE Syphilis and HIV The High Risk of an HIV Diagnosis Following a Diagnosis of Syphilis: A Population-level Analysis of New York City Men 1 in 30 diagnosed with HIV within a year of syphilis infection. Time trends in the incidence rates of STIs in HIV patients, Taiwan, 2000-2010 Chen YC. J AIDS 2015 Sifilide e HIV: epidemiologia AUTOCTONI : Prevalenza HIV nei pazienti con sifilide MIGRANTI: ECDC technical report 2014: Assessing the burden of key infectious diseases affecting migrant populations in the EU/EEA Sifilide e HIV: epidemiologia M.C. Salfa, V. Regine, M. Ferri et al. Not Ist Super Sanità 2013;26(6):3-9 Prevalenza ed incidenza di sifilide in persone con infezione da HIV – Brescia Popolazione: 1905 soggetti HIV+ Periodo in studio: gennaio 2001 - luglio 2007 Prevalenza di sifilide*: 18,6% (238/1280 soggetti). Incidenza di sifilide**: 43,8 casi/1000 persone/anno * TPHA positivo all’ingresso nella coorte ** Conversione TPHA nel periodo di follow up Matteelli A. et al. ECCMID 2008 Analisi univariata dei fattori di rischio associati ad un incremento del rischio di sieroconversione per sifilide Parametro OR Sesso (M) 5.2 Età (≥35 vs <35) 0.9 Nazionalità (Italia vs altro) 0.7 Trasmissione (sex vs altro) 2.8 Trasmissione (omo-bisex vs altre) 6.2 IC (95%) p 1.8 – 14.8 0.5 – 1.7 0.3 – 1.4 1.2 – 6.7 3.3 - 11.7 0.001 0.822 0.368 0.020 <0.005 La modalità di trasmissione omo-bisessuale è risultata indipendentemente associata al rischio di sieroconversione per sifilide (HR 4.4, IC 95% 2.3 - 8.3, p< 0,005). Matteelli A. et al. ECCMID 2008 Incidenza di sifilide in persone con infezione da HIV. Coorte ICONA Popolazione: 1744 soggetti Tempo di analisi: 1997- 2006 Incidenza di sifilide: 23,4 casi/1000 persone/anno Incremento dell’incidenza negli anni: 11,3 casi/1000 persone/anno nel 1997 21,3 casi/1000 persone/anno nel 1998-2000 27,2 casi/1000 persone/anno dal 2000-2006 Cicconi P. et al. Infection 2008; 36: 46 Sifilide e HIV: diagnosi Salute sessuale e riproduttiva: La prevenzione, la diagnosi periodica e la cura di tutte le IST dell’assistito e/o infezioni che abbiano a che fare comunque con la sfera sessuale, quindi intese nel senso più ampio del termine. Lo screening deve essere eseguito a tutte le persone con HIV al momento della diagnosi e con periodicità almeno annuale [AI]. Tale tempistica è da ridefinirsi [BIII]: • Secondo lo stile di vita della persona, in accordo con il curante; • Nel caso vengano riportate o riscontrate sintomatologie riguardanti le IST; • Quando la persona con HIV appartiene a popolazioni ‘epidemiologicamente’ più a rischio per IST Impatto della sifilide su HIV Nicola M. Zetola and Jeffrey D. Klausner Syphilis and HIV Infection: An Update Clinical Infectious Diseases 2007; 44:1222–8 Sifilide e HIV: reciproca influenza Sifilide e HIV: terapia Regimi terapeutici di seconda linea NON adeguatamente studiati nei pz HIV+: necessario tentativo di desensibilizzazione in caso di allergie alla penicillina E’ necessario UNO STRETTO FOLLOW UP sierologico (test quantitativi non treponemici) a 3, 6, 9, 12 e 24 mesi dopo la terapia per valutare eventuali fallimenti terapeutici Nicola M. Zetola and Jeffrey D. Klausner Syphilis and HIV Infection: An Update Clinical Infectious Diseases 2007; 44:1222–8 Klausner JD, Kohn RP, Kent CK. Azithromycin versus penicillin for early syphilis. N Engl J Med 2006; 354:203–5; Neurosifilide e HIV: terapia Marra CM, et al. A pilot study evaluating ceftriaxone and penicillin G as treatment agents for neurosyphilis in human immunodeficiency virus–infected individuals. Clin Infect Dis 2000; 30: 540–4. Neurosifilide: storia naturale Esposizione 10-90 giorni Sifilide primaria 4-10 settimane Neurosifilide precoce Invasione 25-60% del SNC Asintomatica Sintomatica 5% Meningite acuta Sifilide secondaria Neurite di nervi cranici Ricaduta 24% Interessamento oculare Sifilide latente precoce Malattia meningovascolare Sifilide latente tardiva Sifilide terziaria Sifilide cardiovascolare 10% (20-30 anni dopo l’infezione) Malattia delle gomme 15% (1-46 anni dopo l’infezione) Neurosifilide tardiva Paralisi generale 2-5% (2-30 anni dopo) Tabe dorsale 2-9% (3-50 anni dopo) Golden MR et al. Update on syphilis. Resurgence of an old problem, JAMA 2003 Brain:Psychiatric, meningovascular, motor, seizures, masses, headache Spine: Mass, meningomyelitis Peripheral Nervous System Neurosifilide: epidemiologia Brescia, Gennaio 2005-Dicembre 2009 1.Prevalenza di neurosifilide nel campione in studio 329 pazienti TPHA + e HIV + 378 episodi di sifilide 6 in sifilide recente 5 in sifilide latente tardiva o 122 rachicentesi di durata indeterminata 13 (76%) 17 (13.9%) Diagnosi di Neurosifilide Asintomatici 4 (24%) Con sintomi neurologici 2 in fallimento terapeutico TUTTI in sifilide recente Neurosifilide: Neurosifilide:epidemiologia epidemiologia Brescia, Gennaio 2005-Dicembre 2009 Brescia, Gennaio 2005-Dicembre 2009 3. Analisi dei fattori associati alla diagnosi di neurosifilide ANALISI UNIVARIATA OR (IC 95%) P value N.A. 0.624 1.17 (1.09-1.26) 0.594 Nazionalità italiana 4.62 (1.00-21.25) 0.051 Stadio sifilide recente 3.46 (1.10-10.87) 0.046 Presenza di segni/sintomi neurologici 1.85 (0.53-6.42) 0.302 RPR positivo 1.20 (1.10-1.31) 0.073 RPR > 1:32 2.75 (0.97-7.84) 0.090 Linfociti T CD4 > 350 cell/mm3 1.30 (0.44-3.83) 0.788 TARV in corso 1.29 (0.46-3.59) 0.794 Età Genere maschile ANALISI MULTIVARIATA OR (IC 95%) P value 3.33 (1.0510.53) 0.040 Titolo sierico RPR >1:32 aumenta la probabilità di neurosifilide (p value: 0.09) Neurosifilide in HIV: chi deve fare la rachicentesi? 1 Criteri di Marra et al., condivisi dalle linee guida europee del 2014 (IUSTI) SEGNI/SINTOMI DI INTERESSAMENTO NEUROLOGICO, OFTALMICO O UDITIVO NO 2 FALLIMENTO TERAPEUTICO NO 3 Rachicentesi SI Rachicentesi SI CD4 <350 cellule/mm3 e/o titolo RPR >1:32 INDIPENDENTEMENTE DALLO STADIO Follow-up sierologico NO SI Rachicentesi Marra CM et al. Cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities in patients with syphilis: association with clinical and laboratory features, JID 2004 Neurosifilide in HIV: chi deve fare la rachicentesi? 1 SEGNI/SINTOMI DI INTERESSAMENTO NEUROLOGICO, OFTALMICO O UDITIVO Linee guida NO SI Rachicentesi CDC, 2015 2 FALLIMENTO TERAPEUTICO NO SI Rachicentesi Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2015 Kimberly A. Workowski, Gail A. Bolan, MMWR Recomm Rep 2015;64 Neurosifilide in HIV: diagnosi TPHA/FTA + e Incremento della conta cellulare (5–10/mm3) O RPR/VDRL + 5 cell/microlitro 20 cell/microlitro nei soggetti HIV Neurosifilide: terapia Neurosifilide: monitoraggio Normalization of serum RPR titer correctly predicts normalization of CSF and clinical measures after neurosyphilis treatment, and followup lumbar puncture can be avoided Normalization of Serum Rapid Plasma Reagin Titer Predicts normalization of Cerebrospinal Fluid and Clinical Abnormalities after Treatment of Neurosyphilis M. Marra, Clare L. Maxwell, Lauren C. Tantalo Clin Infect Dis. 2008 October 1; 47(7): 893–899 Ringraziamenti Dott.ssa Lina R. TOMASONI, AO Spedali Civili di Brescia Dott.ssa Alessandra APOSTOLI, Università di Brescia Neurosifilide in HIV: chi deve fare la rachicentesi? Nuovo caso di silide in HIV SEGNI/SINTOMI DI INTERESSAMENTO NEUROLOGICO, OFTALMICO O UDITIVO NO Criteri di Marra et al., condivisi dalle linee guida europee del 2014 (IUSTI) SI Rachicentesi FALLIMENTO TERAPEUTICO NO SI Rachicentesi CD4 <350 cellule/mm3 e/o titolo RPR >1:32 INDIPENDENTEMENTE DALLO STADIO Follow-up sierologico NO SI Rachicentesi Marra CM et al. Cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities in patients with syphilis: association with clinical and laboratory features, JID 2004 Neurosifilide in HIV: chi deve fare la rachicentesi? Nuovo caso di sifilide in HIV SEGNI/SINTOMI DI INTERESSAMENTO NEUROLOGICO, OFTALMICO O UDITIVO NO Linee guida CDC, 2015 SI Rachicentesi FALLIMENTO TERAPEUTICO NO SI Rachicentesi Sexually Transmitted Diseases Treatment Guidelines, 2015 Kimberly A. Workowski, Gail A. Bolan, MMWR Recomm Rep 2015;64