
Silvia Dal Negro

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Silvia Dal Negro
Prof. Silvia Dal Negro
SILVIA DAL NEGRO is Associate Professor of Linguistics at the Free University of Bolzano
(Faculty of Education) and Vice Director of the Language Study Unit of the same
University. Her main fields of research have been sociolinguistics, minority language
issues, contact linguistics and L2 acquisition. Among her most meaningful publications: a
monograph, The Decay of a Language (Bern, 2004), a handbook on contact linguistics
with Federica Guerini (University of Bergamo), Contatto. Dinamiche ed esiti del
plurilinguismo (Roma, 2007) and a special issue of the International Journal of the
Sociology of Language (n. 210, 2011: “Italian Sociolinguistics”), co-edited with Federica
She has a Degree in Modern Languages and Literatures (German, English and Linguistics)
at the University of Bergamo (1987-1992), and a PhD in Linguistics at the University of
Pavia (1994-1998), thesis on language decay and death.
Academic positions
Research assistant at the University of Eastern Piedmont (Vercelli)
Tenured researcher at the Faculty of Human Studies (“Lettere”),
University of Eastern Piedmont (Vercelli).
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Education, Free University
of Bolzano.
(Recent) research projects
- LINEE (Languages in a Network of European Excellence, EU 6th Framework Program,
2006-2010) on multilingualism in Europe: coordination of the local research unit.
- DiaGramm (The grammar of dialect, financed by the Faculty, project coordinator):
mapping linguistic (dialect) diversity in South Tyrol (2010-2011).
- KONTATTO (Financed by the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, 2011-2014, project
coordinator): documenting and analyzing the development of linguistically mixed
varieties and of language stratification.
- GRASS (financed by the Faculty, 2013-14, project coordinator): On grammatical
education at school
Other activities
Scientific mentoring of projects with Italian L1 and L2 teachers:
exchange programms, monitoring students’ linguistic development.
Scientific mentoring and coordination of projects in the domain of
minority languages (especially Cimbro and Walser): language
documentation, developing ortographic ststems, language education.
Member of the PhD Consortium in Linguistics (University of Bergamo
and Pavia).
External examiner for the Italian Programme, University of Hong Kong
(since 2012)
Member of the Governing Board of the Italian Association of
Applied Linguistics (2004-2013);
Member of the Società di Linguistica Italiana (SLI) and of the
Società Italiana di Glottologia (SIG).
Bolzano, 11.07.2014
Selected publications
Dal Negro, S. & Marra, A. (2013), “Minoranze territoriali e politiche linguistiche”, in:
Iannàccaro, Gabriele (a cura di), La linguistica italiana all’alba del Terzo Millennio
(1997-2010), Roma, Bulzoni: 303-340.
Dal Negro, S. (2013), “Dealing with bilingual corpora: parts of speech distribution and
bilingual patterns”, in: Revue française de linguistique appliquée XVIII/2: 15-28.
Dal Negro, S. (2013), “Variazione dialettale e tipologia. La flessione dei numerali
cardinali nell’Italia settentrionale”, in Vox Romanica 72: 138-150.
Dal Negro, S. (2013), “The variation of gender agreement on numerals in the Alpine
space”, in: P. Auer, J. Caro Reina & G. Kaufmann (eds.), Language Variation European Perspectives IV. Selected Papers from the Sixth International Conference
on Language Variation in Europe, Amsterdam, Benjamins: 69-82.
Vietti, A. & Dal Negro, S. (2012), "Il repertorio linguistico degli italiani: un'analisi
quantitativa dei dati ISTAT", in: Telmon, T., Raimondi, G. & Revelli, L. (a cura di),
Coesistenze linguistiche nell'Italia pre- e postunitaria (Atti del XLV Congresso
internazionale della Società dei Linguistica Italiana), Roma, Bulzoni: 167-182.
Dal Negro, S. & Vietti, A. (2011), “Italian and Italo-Romance dialects”, in: International
Journal of the Sociology of Language 210: 71-92.
Dal Negro, S. (2011), “Variazione interdialettale nelle parlate alloglotte”, in: Studi Italiani
di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata 40/2: 277-293.
Dal Negro, S. (2008), “Local policy modelling the linguistic landscape”, in Elana Shohamy
& Durk Gorter (eds), Linguistic Landscape. Expanding the Scenary. New York:
Routledge, pp. 206-218.
Dal Negro, S. (2004), The Decay of a Language. The Case of a German Dialect in the
Italian Alps. Bern, Lang.
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