
Travel Phrases 7 Da dove vieni? Where do you come

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Travel Phrases 7 Da dove vieni? Where do you come
Travel Phrases Lesson 7
Da dove vieni? Where do you come from?
A: Da dove vieni?
Where do you come from?
B: Vengo dagli Stati Uniti. E tu?
I come from the United States. And you?
A: Vengo dalla Toscana.
I come from Tuscany.
A: Da dove viene?
Where do you come from?
B: Vengo dall’Inghilterra. E Lei?
I come from England. And you?
A: Vengo dal Veneto.
I come from Veneto.
Let’s learn to ask and answer from which country, region or city you come from. Let’s start with Da
dove vieni? Which means, Where do you come from? This phrase is made up of da, from,
followed by the word dove, which means where. And finally vieni, you come.
The answer will be Vengo da… I come from… Followed by the country, region or city you come
from. It is up to you to decide what is the best information to share in a specific situation.
The last word da can change according to the word that comes after. Here are a few rules to help
Use da before names of cities, like Paris
Da Parigi.
From Paris.
Use dal before masculine words starting with a consonant, like Japan.
Dal Giappone.
From Japan.
Use dall’, with two l’s and an apostrophe, before masculine or feminine words starting with a
vowel, like Australia.
From Australia.
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Use dallo before masculine words starting with z, y or s + consonant, for example Zambia.
Dallo Zambia.
From Zambia.
Use dalla before feminine words starting with consonant, including z, y or s + consonant. For
example Scandinavia.
Dalla Scandinavia
From Scandinavia.
Use dai before plural masculine words starting with a consonant, like Netherlands
Dai Paesi Bassi.
From the Netherlands.
Use dagli before plural masculine words starting with z, y, or s + consonant, like United States.
Dagli Stati Uniti.
From the United States.
Use dalle before plural feminine words starting with vowel or consonant, including z, y or s +
consonant. In short any plural feminine word, like Philippines.
Dalle Filippine.
From the Phillippines.
That was quite a lot! But you don’t need to remember all that! You want to travel! So take a break
and search for the name of your country in a good dictionary. Found it? Good now match it with the
best form of da. And you are ready!
Now that you have learned to answer Vengo da… I come from… followed by the name of the
country, region or city you come from, let’s try asking E tu?, which means And you? The answer
will be Vengo da… I come from…
To ask Where do you come from? formal, use the phrase Da dove viene? As you can see, only the
last word is different from the informal phrase; vieni becomes viene.
The answer will be Vengo da…, which means I come from… followed by the country, region or
To ask And you? formal, use E Lei? You know it by heart right? The answer is simple Vengo da…
I come from…
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