beata sei tu vergine maria, perché hai creduto
SANTA MARIA GORETTI PARISH (Italian Parish) 9110-110 Avenue, Edmonton, AB. T5H 4A1 Tel. (780) 422-8304 Fax (780) 425-7254 E-Mail: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.:9:00 am-12:30 pm - 1:00-3:00 pm Pastor: Rev. Fr. George Puramadathil, CFIC Office Administrator: Luis M. Untalan SMG Community Centre (780) 426-5026 Mass Schedule: Tuesday to Friday in Italian - 7:00 p.m. Weekend: Saturday at 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:30 p.m. before Mass or by appointment Adoration: Every Friday at 6.00 PM throughout the Year of Mercy. Rosary every evening: 6: 20 PM Baptism: Saturday: 5:00 p.m. (Italian); Sunday: 8:30 a.m. (Italian), 10:00 a.m. (English), 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Marriage: Contact the Priest at least 6 months prior to the Wedding. (A Catholic Marriage Preparation Course is a requirement.) Mezz’ora Con Voi (Italian Radio Program): Sunday at: 9:00 a.m. on 101.7 FM Web Site: 20 DICEMBRE 2015 ″BEATA SEI TU VERGINE MARIA, PERCHÉ HAI CREDUTO...″ IV DOMENICA DI AVVENTO QUALE grande grazia ha concesso il Signore a Maria. È bastato che le sue parole giungessero alle orecchie di Elisabetta per far sussultare nel suo grembo Giovannino (Vangelo). E non solo, ma la donna incinta fu ripiena di Spirito Santo. Infatti, Dio utilizza la voce di Maria per far arrivare la sua misericordia e la sua grazia. In questo tempo di attesa in preparazione al Natale anche noi siamo come il piccolo Giovanni nel grembo di sua madre. Siamo in attesa del Signore che viene e ascoltiamo le parole di Maria, attraverso le quali ci giunge la grazia di Dio. L’autore della Lettera agli Ebrei (II Lettura) fare la volontà del Padre. È la stessa Vergine all’annuncio dell’Angelo. Il sì di Verbo, che nell’obbedienza al Padre porterà gioia riflettere su quanto il Signore ha fatto nascerà a Betlemme, come ricorda Michea (I diventerà il luogo di nascita del Liberatore ci parla di Cristo che viene nel mondo per disponibilità di servizio mostrata dalla Maria aprirà la strada all’Incarnazione del la salvezza a tutta l’umanità. È motivo di per noi, donandoci lo stesso suo Figlio. Egli Lettura): pur piccolo capoluogo di Giuda, di Israele. Nicola Gori FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT Sometimes I feel I have so much to be thankful for, while at other times – less so. Life is filled with ups and downs: what I need to remember is that God is here with me through good times and bad. I remember times when I felt like I’d hit bottom, and I imagine similar times are ahead. At the moment, I feel as though I am on top. God was there with me when I felt down and low, and I turned to him. Now, feeling up and on top, I turn to him less. Clearly this is not what he or I want. In the first reading today, Micah reminds us of how tough times will come to pass, and how God will be there to provide a sense of peace. Then, in the Letter to the Hebrews, the author writes about sacrifice. Ours no longer being sufficient, Christ makes the ultimate sacrifice for all of us. In the gospel, Luke’s portrait of Elizabeth reflects her mindfulness of the highs and lows of life: we learn she has patiently waited for a child and now, being with child, she does not lose sight of God. Instead she gives him praise and glory, just as we should remember to do, in both good times and bad. Dana Kenny, Charlottetown, PE INTENZIONI DELLE SANTE MESSE MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY/ SABATO, 19 dicembre 5:00 p.m. (Italian) Remo Bascelli from Dr. Raymond & Mrs. Carmela DiPrimio Mario Paulon dalla famiglia Francesco Di Toppa dalla moglie Carmelina Di Toppa Emilia e Michele Forte dalla figlia Carmelina Di Toppa Maria Rosaria e Raffaele Rizzo dai figli e famiglie Brunetti Chiara in Colella dal fratello Giuseppe e sorella Rosa SUNDAY/ DOMENICA, 20 dicembre 8:30 a.m. (Italian) In onore di S. Lucia, S. Barbara, e S. Nicola da Giuseppe e Maria Arnieri Martedì, 22 dicembre Mass 7:00 p.m. Nick DeCicco dai nonni Mercoledì, 23 dicembre Mass 7:00 p.m. Giovedì, 24 dicembre MESSA DELLA VIGILIA DI NATALE/ CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES 4:00 p.m. (Bilingual) - Family Mass with children 11:00 p.m. (Bilingual) -- Midnight Mass Tutti i defunti della famiglia Adelina Donato Venerdì, 25 dicembre SANTO NATALE DEL SIGNORE/ CHRISTMAS DAY MASSES 10:00 a.m. (English) 10:00 a.m. (English) 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Alberto e Eugenia Pagnotta dai nipoti Paolino, Ida e famiglia Francesco e Anna Pagnotta dalla figlia Ida e famiglia Michele e Carmela Pagnotta dal figlio Paolino e famiglia Maria, Ermelinda and Manuel Cabral Rosina Mazzotta dai figli e figlie e famiglie Carmela D’Andrea dalla famiglia Remo Bascelli dalla moglie Maria e figlio Christina Tomat from the family Kathleen and Joseph Kowalczyk from the family Emilio, Caterina e Salvatore Pagliuso dal figlio e fratello Fiore e famiglia Luigi e Teresa Esposito dalla figlia Silvana e famiglia Onorina Chies dal marito Luigi e figli Anthony Perri from staff of St. Anne’s School, ECSD Francesco De Grazia (10 yrs) from wife and children Saverio Paonessa dalla moglie Antonia e figli e famiglie Giovanni Corazza from wife Ada and family Margaret De Marco from sister-in-law Ada and family Franco Roccia dalla moglie Carmela e famiglia Tutti i defunti di Carmela Roccia e famiglia Giuseppe e Gemma Feraco dalla figlia Rosa Ricioppo e famiglia Gustavo e Ida Ricioppo dal figlio Michele e famiglia RIPOSA IN PACE/ REST IN PEACE PARISH COMMUNITY NEWS WEDDING FOR THE WEEK Congratulations and God’s blessings to the following couple married in our Parish on December 19, 2015: 11:30 a.m. (Italian) Anna Chitteth da una famiglia Angelo Gazzola dalla moglie e figlia Remo Bascelli dal cugino Dr. Raymond e Carmela Di Primio in New Jersey Gesuele Tripodi dalla moglie Olga e figli e famiglie Pietro Marrazzo dalla moglie Ida e figli Maria Stella Giampa dal figlio Attilio e famiglia Rosa DeRose dalla figlia Maria Giampa e famiglia Tutti i defunti di Antonietta Palladino Charlie Schifano (6 anni) dalla moglie Gina e figli Carmela Orlando da Gina Schifano e famiglia Tutti i defunti di Maria Scanga e famiglia Giulio Maraia da Erminia Maraia e famiglia Rudy Mazzon, Giuseppe Corazza, Bertilla Trinca, Pietro Contessa da Rina Mazzon e famiglia Ettore Carinelli dalla moglie Eleonora e famiglia Michelino Valente dalla moglie Maria e figli Rocco Tisi dalla moglie e figli Maria e Antonio Tisi dai figli e famiglie Tutti i defunti di Teresa e Bruno Pileggi e famiglia In suffragio tutte le anime del Purgatorio da anonima In onore di Gesù Bambino Eugene Antonucci & Loredana Potestio Avviso Speciale/ Important Notice Donation Envelopes The 2016 weekly donation envelopes are now ready at the Church entrance. Please support our parish through your generous donations. Please inform us about any change in address. Buste per le donazioni Le buste per le donazioni settimanali per il 2016 sono pronte. Aiutate la nostra parrochia portando le vostre donazioni. Cortesemente fateci sapere se avete cambiato il vostro indirizzo. PARISH COMMUNITY CALENDAR Dicembre e Nuovo Anno/ December & New Year 24 Thursday Christmas Eve Family Mass with Children 4:00 p.m.; Midnight Mass 11:00 p.m. 25 Friday Christmas Masses:10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. 27 The Holy Family (Regular Sunday Masses) 31 Thursday Adoration 4:00-5:00 p.m.; Year-End Mass 5:00 p.m. 1 January 2016 Friday New Year’s Day/ Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God Masses: 10:00 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. 3 January 2016 Epiphany of the Lord (regular Sunday Masses) AVVISO SPECIALE/ SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Avremo l’Adorazione Eucaristica ogni venerdì alle ore 6.00 – 7.00 pm durante l’Anno della Misericordia. We will have Eucharistic Adoration in the Parish every Friday 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. throughout the Jubilee Year of Mercy which opened from December 8, 2015 and will close on November 20, 2016. ORARIO DELLE CELEBRAZIONI NATALE E NUOVO ANNO 24 dicembre, giovedì Messa della Vigilia di Natale 4.00 p.m. (bilingue) messa per le famiglie con bambini 11.00 p.m. (bilingue) Vigilia di natale 25 dicembre, venerdì Santo Natale del Signore 10.00 a.m. (inglese) 11.30 a.m. (italiano) 31 dicembre, giovedì Fine dell’anno e vigilia – Maria Santissima Madre di Dio 4.00 p.m. Adorazione 5.00 p.m. S. Messa (bilingue) 1 gennaio 2016, venerdì Maria Santissima Madre Di Dio 10.00 a.m. (inglese) 11.30 a.m. (italiano) CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR MASS SCHEDULE December 24, Thursday CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES 4:00 p.m. (Bilingual) - Family Mass with children 11:00 p.m. (Bilingual) -- Midnight Mass December 25, Friday CHRISTMAS CONFESSION AND COMMUNION FOR THE SICK AND THE ELDERLY CHRISTMAS DAY 10:00 a.m. (English) 11:30 a.m. (Italian) December 31, Thursday Those who are unable to attend Mass during Christmas please call the office (tel. 780.422.8304). Fr. George will come for the confession and bring communion. NEW YEAR’S EVE 4:00 p.m. Adoration 5:00 p.m. (Bilingual) -- Year-End Mass CONFESSIONI E COMUNIONE PER I MALATI E ANZIANI NEL TEMPO DI NATALE January 1, 2016, Friday Se vi è impossibile venire in chiesa telefonate al nostro ufficio (numero 780.422.8304) e Padre Giorgio verra a casa vostra per la confessione e la Santa Comunione. NEW YEAR’S DAY Solemnity of Mary, the Holy Mother of God 10:00 a.m. (English) 11:30 a.m. (Italian) 2016 CATECHISM CLASSES Registration Open Registration is now open for our Pre-School, First Communion and Confirmation preparation classes for 2016. Classes will start on January 10, 2016. We have a very good reputation for preparing our children for these precious sacraments, and we encourage all parents with children wishing to receive their First Holy Communion and Confirmation to register. The parish is also offering pre-school catechism classes for children between the ages of 4-6 years. Please register your children by calling the parish office at (780) 422-8304. Registration forms may be picked up at the Parish Office. They may also be downloaded from the Parish website, Parents and candidates are also requested to meet with Fr. George at the parish office. Fr. George would like to meet with all of you in the evenings. SMG Community Centre News Our Pranzo menu for this Sunday, December 20: Antipasto...Baked Salmon Florentine...Farfalle with Sundried Tomato Sauce...Tossed Salad...Baked Glazed Ham...Roasted Turkey...Mashed Potato...Brussels Sprout and Acorn Squash...Tiramisu Mousse...Coffee and Tea. Our New Year's Eve Banquet is nearly fully booked. If you are considering joining us, please call our Centre at 780-426-5026. Tickets are unchanged from last year: $75 adults, $30 children 6-12. Price includes GST and gratuity. We wish all our parishioners a wonderful weekend and hope to see you at Mass during this blessed week of Christmas. Have a joyous and safe week! Office of the Archbishop CHRISTMAS FLOWER DONATIONS We invite you to donate generously for Christmas flowers. Please use the “Flowers for Christmas Offering” envelopes at the church entrance. Thank you. Door of Mercy opens way to Holy Year Vi invitiamo di donare generosamente per i fiori per Natale. Utilizzate le buste per “Flowers for Christmas”. Mille grazie. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Santa Maria Goretti Chapter It is a stressful time of year with Christmas plans, shopping and work. It is worth it to pause a moment, take a deep breath and reflect on what's really important at this time. The simple act of giving of oneself in donating time, or being generous with funds to help the needy, is so important. It is especially so during this time. Sons of the Immaculate Conception Community (Father George's mission in India), Adopt-A-Teen (Graham Hicks Edmonton Sun), Santa's Anonymous are just 3 most worthy charities that need our help. Please remember those in need during this sacred season. Just as it happened in dioceses around the world, the Jubilee Year of Mercy was inaugurated in the Archdiocese of Edmonton on Sunday, December 13, the Third Sunday of Advent, with the opening of a Holy Door at our cathedral church. Archbishop Richard Smith blessed and opened the Holy Door in a special ceremony just before the 10:30 Mass at St. Joseph's Basilica. The Knights of Santa Maria Goretti Parish wish all our parishioners, family and friends a peaceful and joyous Christmas season. God's blessing to all! In his homily, the Archbishop reflected on the powerful symbolism of the door -- both the door that opens to goodness, and the door that must be closed to evil. "We can see many holy doors opening widely all around us," the Archbishop said. "Many of our parishes are welcoming refugees from Syria, opening for them doors to a new life. In recent years we have worked with our city and others in the province to open doors for the homeless to help them get a new start. I see in our schools doors opened to children with developmental disabilities or struggling with family rupture in order to surround them with love and community. Our hospitals advocate mightily for doors to open across our country for quality palliative care, and our social service agencies seek out those who are otherwise forgotten to open for them the door to inclusion within a community of love. This is not mere humanism. It springs from the mercy we have received from God, and is our response to the command of Jesus himself: "Be merciful, as your heavenly Father is merciful." AS WE ENTER THE SEASON OF CHRISTMAS, LET US SHARE OUR JOYS AND BLESSINGS WITH THOSE IN NEED A Year of Mercy Mission Trip to India Father George, our Pastor, is contemplating on organizing a Mission Trip to India on the first week of April, 2016. This will serve as a wonderful opportunity for you to visit first hand the CFIC mission centres where the poor children whom you are supporting are housed and cared for. If you are interested, please let Fr. George know at (780) 422-8304. VISITA ALLA MISSIONE IN INDIA P. George sta programando una visita alle missione CFIC in India in aprile 2016, nell’anno della Misericordia. Per informazione chiamate P. George tel. 780.422.8304. PREGHIERA PER LE VOCAZIONI Caring Hands of CFIC Children’s Mission The CFIC (Sons of the Immaculate Conception) Community of our Pastor Fr. George in India is taking care of more than 250 children who are either physically or mentally challenged, poor, abandoned or orphaned. You, too, can be a part of this Great Mission. The CFIC Congregation and Fr. George personally would like to thank you so much for your continuing generous support of this mission. CFIC will issue tax receipts for all of your donations to the mission. Please contact Fr. George at 780-422-8304. Thank you and God bless you and your families for sharing your blessings with those in need. Ti preghiamo, Signore, perché continui ad assistere e arricchire la tua Chiesa con il dono delle vocazioni. Ti preghiamo perché molti vogliano accogliere la tua voce e rallegrino la tua Chiesa con la generosità e la fedeltà delle loro risposte. Ti preghiamo, Signore, per i tuoi vescovi, i sacerdoti, i diaconi e tutti i laici che svolgono un ministero nella comunità cristiana. Ti preghiamo, Signore, per coloro che stanno aprendo il loro animo alla tua chiamata: la tua Parola li illumini, il tuo esempio li conquisti, la tua grazia li guidi. Ascolta, o Signore, questa nostra preghiera, e per intercessione di Maria, Madre della Chiesa, madre tua e nostra, esaudiscila con amore. Amen.