
Dorothea`s House Dorothea van Dyke McLane

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Dorothea`s House Dorothea van Dyke McLane
Dorothea's House
Dorothea van Dyke McLane Association
120 John Street
Princeton, NJ 08542
Dear Students:
The following is the Fall 2014 schedule for classes at Dorothea's House. Classes will begin as
noted below, and all Italian language courses will continue for 12 sessions.
**The Adult Beginner courses are for students with little or no previous knowledge of Italian.
Please note that no refunds will be given after the first class.
Please respond before September 7 to avoid cancellation of classes due to low enrollment.
An Open House will be held at Dorothea's House on September 6 from 10:00am - 12:00pm.
R. Dauria Goodson
R. Dauria Goodson
11:00am - 12:30pm
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Sept. 8
Sept. 8
Beginner 2
C. Racchella
Intermediate Conversation
C. Racchella
6+6 Literature/ Advanced Grammar C. Racchella
9:30am - 11:00am
11:00am - 12:30pm
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Sept. 9
Sept. 9
Sept. 9
Beginner Conversation
Advanced Conversation
Intermediate Grammar 2
Advanced Grammar in Practice
Advanced Conversation
Intermediate Conversation
C. Racchella
C. Racchella
C. Racchella
E. Sclapari
E. Sclapari
E. Sclapari
9:30am - 11:00am
11:00am - 12:30pm
12:30pm - 2:00pm
9:15am - 10:45am
10:45am - 12:15pm
12:15pm - 1:45pm
Sept. 10
Sept. 10
Sept. 10
Sept. 10
Sept. 10
Sept. 10
Beginner 2 Conversation
Beginner 2
R. Dauria Goodson
R. Dauria Goodson
11:00am - 12:30pm
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Sept. 11
Sept. 11
Intermediate Grammar
Italian Literature
Children Beginner 2
Adult Beginner**
E. Sclapari
E. Sclapari
R. Dauria Goodson
R. Dauria Goodson
9:00am - 10:30am
10:30am - 12:00pm
4:30pm - 6:00pm
6:00pm - 7:30pm
Sept. 12
Sept. 12
Sept. 12
Sept. 12
Intermediate 2
Beginner 2
Adult Beginner
Intermediate Conversation
Intermediate 1
Adult Beginner**
G. Sorrentino
G. Sorrentino
G. Sorrentino
G. Sorrentino
R. Dauria Goodson
R. Dauria Goodson
R. Dauria Goodson
9:00am - 10:30am
10:30am - 12:00pm
12:00pm - 1:30pm
1:30pm - 3:00pm
9:30am - 11:00am
11:00am - 12:30pm
12:30pm - 2:00pm
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Sept. 13
Italian Language Classes
Adult Beginner**
Beginner 2 Conversation
Textbook information and the registration form can found below.
Italian Textbooks (Adults)
C. Racchella
C. Racchella
C. Racchella
C. Racchella
E. Sclapari
E. Sclapari
E. Sclapari
E. Sclapari
6+6 Literature/Advanced Grammar, "Racconti di Oggi", Merlonghi.
6+6 Literature/Advanced Grammar, Intermediate Grammar 2, Beginner 2 "Prego", 6th edition.
Beginner Conversation, Intermediate Grammar 2 ( optional) - "Learn
Italian the Fun and Easy Way", 4th edition, Marcel Danesi, Barron's.
Intermediate Conversation - "Better Reading Italian", 2nd edition,
Daniela Gobetti, McGraw-Hill.
Advanced Grammar in Practice -"Italiano in Cinque Minuti",volumes 1
and 2 by Aprile Graziano and Trama; also "Italian Grammar in Practice".
All 3 can be ordered from Alma Edizione Firenze at www.almaedizione.it
Intermediate Conversation-"Parliamo Italiano",3rd edition,by Anna Grassi.
Also - "Piazza Italia" by Consonno and Rossin, from Alma Edizione
Firenze at www.almaedizione.it
Intermediate Grammar - "Espresso for English Speakers 2", also
"Workbook", from Alma Edizione Firenze at www.almaedizione.it
Italian Literature- "Il posto di ognuno. L'estate del Commissario Ricciardi"
by Maurizio de Giovanni, edizione EINAUDI.
R. Dauria Goodson
For all Beginner and Intermediate classes - "Ciao" 5th Edition
G, Sorrentino
For Beginner - "Pronti…Via!" Beginning Italian by Daniela Melis
Unless otherwise noted, textbooks can be purchased on Amazon
or E-Bay.
Registration Form
Please make checks payable to Dorothea's House, but send them to me Gilda McCauley
54 Riverview Terrace
Hillsborough, NJ 08844
E-mail - [email protected]
Telephone - 908-359-1564
Home Address:
E-mail Address:
Class Requested ( include day, time, and teacher's name ):
Age (if child):
Fly UP