VIPNET NEWS Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India: R.N. DELENG/2002/8668 A monthly newsletter of Vigyan Prasar Network of Science Clubs - VIPNET DECEMBER 2013 VOL. 11 NO. 12 PRICE: j 2.00 ijek.kq ds lkS lky ijek.kq la j puk dh [kks t ds 'krkCnh o"kZ ds volj ij ds a f nz r ,d vfHk;ku Inside fo'ks"k ys[k ijek.kq ds lkS o"kZ % ijek.kq lajpuk dh [kkst ds 'krkCnh o"kZ ds volj ij dsfUnzr ,d vfHk;ku Cyclonic Storm PHAILIN and Disaster Preparedness izksQslu lh-,u- jko ANKO KE KHILADI Dams & Global Warming pkan ds ikj eaxy;ku Club Speak ,Dl&js] jsfM;ks/kfeZrk] bysDVªkuW ] DokaVe fl)kar vkSj lkis{krk dh [kkst Hkjs lqugjs n'kd ;kuh 1895 ls 1905 us izÑfr dks le>us ds gekjs fopkj esa Økafrdkjh cnyko fd,] ftlds dkj.k gh ,sls ;qx dk vkjaHk gqvk ftls ge vk/kqfud foKku ds uke ls Hkh tkurs gSAa mDr vof/k ds nkSjku HkkSfrdh vkSj thofoKku esa gksus okyh [kkstksa us gesa vk/kqfud ;qx rd igapq k;k gSA lu~ 1897 esa bysDVªkuW dh [kkst us oSKkfudksa dks inkFkZ dh lajpuk dks le>us ds fy, izfs jr fd;kA bysDVªkuW ds [kkstdrkZ ts- ts- FkkWelu us ijek.kq ds fy, Iye iqfMax ekWMy izLrqr fd;kA gkykafd lu~ 1911 esa vuZLV jnjQksMZ }kjk ijekf.od ukfHkd dh [kkst ds ckn ;g izLrkfor fd;k fd inkFkZ esa /kukRed vkos'k okys ,d l?ku dsna z ¼ukfHkd½ ,Ve ljapuk] % lzksr ds pkjksa vksj _.kkRed vkos'k okys bysDVªkuW mlh izdkj ?kwew rs gSa tSls lw;Z ds pkjksa vksj vU; xzg ifjØek djrs gSAa HkkSfrd foKku ds vk/kkjHkwr fu;eksa dk ikyu ugha djus ds dkj.k bl ekWMy esa dqN dfe;ka FkhaA uhy cksj us bl leL;k ds lek/kku ds fy, fLFkj d{kk ;k ,slh d{kk ftlesa bysDVªkuW fcuk ÅtkZ eqDr fd, jgrs gks]a dh ladYiuk dks izLrqr fd;kA mUgksua s gkbMªkt s u ijek.kq ds izk;ksfxd vkadM+kas dks le>k;k vkSj muds }kjk izLrkfor ijek.kq dh lajpuk dks LFkkfir fd;kA ckn es]a oksYQxSxa ikWmyh ds viotZu fl)kar ds ;ksxnku ds ckn ijekf.kd Lrj ij cksj ds fl)kar dks ijek.kfod lajpuk ds fy, mi;ksx fd;k x;kA bl lQyrk us vkf.od Lrj] fofHkUu izdkj ds ijek.kq] fofHkUu rRoksa ds o.kZØe] vkorZ esa fofHkUu ijek.kqvksa ds bysDVªkfW ud foU;kl] jklk;fud vfHkfØ;kvksa vkfn tSls fofHkUu igyqvksa dh O;k[;k djus ds lkFk gh thofoKku dh fofHkUu ifj?kVukvksa dks le>k;kA ijekf.od vkSj vk.kfod xq.kksa dks le>us ds ckn gh Mh,u, dh lajpuk dks le>k tk ldkA lu~ 1930 esa ijek.kfod ifj?kVuk vkSj mlds vuqi;z ksxksa ,oa DokaVe ;kaf=kdh ds fodkl us izk|S ksfxdh ds fodkl dks u;k vk;ke fn;k tks vkt gekjs nSfud thou dk fgLlk cu pqds gSAa fofHkUu rRoksa ds HkkSfrd vkSj jklk;fud xq.kksa dks le>s fcuk Vªkfa tLVj] yslj] Vsyhfotu] ijek.kq fj,DVj] dEI;wVj] thukarfjr Qlys]a ,evkjvkbZ vkSj u;ha nokvksa dk fodkl ugha gks ldrkA gkykafd bu lcesa HkkSfrd] jklk;fud vkSj thofoKku dk lefUor mi;ksx gS] ysfdu ijek.kq vkSj mldh lajpuk bu lcds dsna z esa gSAa ijek.kq dh le> ds lkS lky ds ckn gekjs vklikl dh nqfu;k esa dkQh cnyko ns[kk tk ldrk gSAa vkt u;h izk|S ksfxfd;ksa us iwjh nqfu;k dks cny fn;k gSA vki tkurs gksxa s fd vusd voljksa ij jk"Vªh; foKku lapkj ,oa izk|S ksfxdh ifj"kn~ ¼,ulh,lVhlh½ vkSj foKku izlkj }kjk la;Dq r :i ls vusd dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu fd;k tkrk jgk gSA muesa ls dqN ize[q k xfrfof/k;ksa esa iw.kZ lw;Z xzg.k ¼1995] 1999] 2009½] 'kqØ ikjxeu ¼2004] 2012½] fo'o HkkSfrdh o"kZ ¼2005½] varjkZ"Vªh; [kxksy foKku o"kZ 2009] varjkZ"Vªh; i`Foh xzg dk o"kZ 2008] varjkZ"Vªh; tSofofo/krk o"kZ 2010 vkfn gSAa ;g o"kZ ;kuh 2013 ijek.kq dh [kkst dk 'krkCnh o"kZ gS tks gesa foKku dks tuekul ,Dljs V~;wc] % lzksr rd igapq kus dk lqvolj iznku djrk gSA ;g volj u dsoy ijekf.od foKku Whatever is seen to be sentient is nevertheless composed of atoms that are insentient. Lucretius vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013 ds {ks=k esa gqbZ izxfr ds ckjs esa vfirq jlk;u foKku] thofoKku] fodkl ds ladYiukRed fodkl ,oa blls lacfa /kr lqpukvksa dks [kxksyfoKku vkfn ds lkFk gh Ñf"k] vkS"kf/k] varfj{k foKku] le>us ds fy, fo|ky;ks@a laLFkkuks@a esa ,d usVodZ dk fodkl lapkj vkfn fofHkUu {ks=kksa esa vk/kqfud izk|S ksfxfd;ksa ds fodkl ds fd;k tk,xkA ckjs esa tuekul esa tkx:drk ds izlkj ds fy, mRre gSA blus orZeku esa foiusV Dyc dk ¼yxHkx 12]000 Dyc½ ns'kO;kih gesa oSKkfud ladYiukvksa vkSj fiNys lkS lkyksa ds nkSjku mu usVodZ] leqnkf;d foKku dsna z ¼vusd jkT;ksa es½a ] foKku vkSj ladYiukvksa ij fuHkZj izk|S ksfxfd;ksa ,oa fofHkUu {ks=kksa esa muds izk| S ksfxdh vk/kkfjr laLFkk,a ¼ljdkjh ,oa xSjljdkjh nksuks½a vuqi;z ksxksa dks le>us ds fy, fofHkUu izdkj ds lkW¶Vos;j ds ts-ts- FkkWelu] % lzksr dk;Zjr gSAa buesa ls vusd laLFkkvks]a Dycksa vkSj lkeqnkf;d foKku dsn fodkl dk volj iznku fd;k gSA a kz as ds ikl vk/kkjHkwr lajpuk vkSj izf'kf{kr oSKkfud orZeku dk;ZØe ds }kjk fofHkUu izdkj dh oSKkfud lwpukvksa dks ekuo'kfDr gSa ftlds }kjk ;s mijksDr dk;ZØe vPNs ls vk;ksftr dj Nk=kksa vkSj vketu rd igapq kus ds lkFk gh oSKkfud fof/k dks izLrqr fd;k ldrs gSAa ijekf.od fl)kar ds lkS o"kZ ij dsfa nzr dk;ZØeksa esa ;s foKku tk ldrk gS ftlds dkj.k [kkstksa vkSj izk|S ksfxfd;ka dk fodkl laHko gksus Dyc@dsna z vkSj foKku ,oa izk|S ksfxdh laLFkk,a ljdkjh vkSj xSjljdkjh ds lkFk gh oSKkfud psruk ds izlkj esa enn feyrh gSA laLFkkvksa ds lkFk blls lacfa /kr xfrfof/k;ksa dks iwjs o"kZ vk;ksftr dj vc foKku izlkj vkSj jk"Vªh; foKku ,oa izkS|ksfxdh lapkj ldrh gSa ftlls iwjs ns'k esa bl dk;ZØe dk O;kid izHkko n`f"Vxkspj gksxkA bl vfHk;ku ds fy, 6 {ks=kks]a mRrj] nf{k.k] iwo]Z ifj"kn~ ^ijek.kq ds lkS o"kZ* fo"k; ij ,d u;k vfHk;ku if'pe] e/; ,oa mRrj&iwohZ esa 300 eq[; lzkrs O;fDr;ksa ds vkjaHk dj jgs gSAa ;g vfHk;ku ijek.kq lajpuk dh [kkst izf'k{k.k ds fy, dk;Z'kkyk,a izLrkfor gSAa izR;sd tksu esa 50 ds lkS o"kZ iw.kZ gksus ij dsfa nzr jgsxkA bl vfHk;ku ds eq[; ls 60 eq[; lzkrs O;fDr;ksa dks izf'kf{kr fd;k tk,xk ftuesa mn~n's ; fuEukafdr gS%a ls vf/kdrj fo|ky;ks@a egkfo|ky;ksa esa lefiZr foKku f'k{kd] 1½ vke turk rd bl lan's k dks izlkfjr djuk fd fdl okYQxa x ikW y h] lz k s r % fuYl cks g j] lz k s r % izdkj lu~ 1913 esa ijek.kq lajpuk dh [kkst us izkÑfrd foKku lapkjd vkSj lkeqnkf;d foKku dsna kz as ds inkf/kdkjh gksxa As ;s eq[; lzkrs O;fDr vius {ks=k esa vkSj vf/kd lzkrs ifj?kVukvksa ds izfr gekjh èkkj.kkvksa dks cny fn;k vkSj fQj foKku vkSj O;fDr;ks a ds iz f 'k{k.k ds fy, ftEesnkj gksxa s ftlls ;s bl dk;ZØe dks lqnjw izk|S ksfxdh esa izxfr gksrh x;hA 2½ fofHkUu ijekf.od ifj?kVukvksa ls lacfa /kr xfrfof/k;ksa }kjk foKku {ks=kksa rd izlkfjr djsxa As oSKkfud fo"k;ksa ij fofHkUu Hkk"kkvksa esa mi;qDr lzkrs lkexzh dh deh vkSj izk|S ksfxdh dk yksdfiz;dj.k djukA 3½ Ng {ks=kh; ¼mRrj] nf{k.k] iwo]Z if'pe] e/; ,oa mRrj&iwohZ½ izf'k{k.k gS blhfy, ;g dk;ZØe yksdfiz; Lrj ij fofHkUu izdkj ds lkW¶Vos;jksa ds dk;Z'kkykvksa dks vk;ksftr djds fofHkUu ijekf.od ifj?kVukvksa ij l?ku fodkl dk vf}rh; volj iznku djsxkA bu lkW¶Vos;jksa dk forj.k xfrfof/k;ksa }kjk izR;sd {ks=k esa 50 ls 60 eq[; lzkrs O;fDr;ksa dks izf'kf{kr fo|ky;ksa ,oa egkfo|ky;ksa vkSj vketurk esa fd;k tk,xk rkfd muesa djukA fQj eq[; lzkrs O;fDr vius&vius {ks=kks@a jkT;ksa esa vU; O;fD;ksa dks foKku ds izfr :fp tkxzr gks ldsA bl ifjis{; esa foKku izlkj ds 12]000 foiusV Dycksa rd ijek.kfod fl)kar ds lkS o"kZ ds nkSjku forfjr lzkrs O;fDr ds :i esa izf'kf{kr djaxs As dh tkuh okyh xfrfof/k fdV ,oa vU; lzkrs lkexzh dk izHkko oSKkfud 4½ fo|ky; Lrj ij fofHkUu ijek.kfod ifj?kVukvks@a vuqi;z ksxksa dh lwpuk ds izlkj esa mi;ksxh gksus ds lkFk gh xzkeh.k {ks=kksa esa tkx:drk ds O;k[;ku djus vkSj ml lac/a k esa ,sfrgkfld vkSj oSKkfud fooj.k miyC?k izlkj esa egRoiw.kZ lkfcr gksxkA ,slk gekjk fiNys dk;ZØeksa ds nkSjku djkus okys fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ksa iSdt s @fdVl~@~ ys[kks@a iqLrdksa vuqHko jgk gSA dk fgUnh ,oa vaxt sz h esa fodkl fd;k tk,xkA ftudk ;g dk;ZØe tuojh] 2014 ls vxkeh 14 eghuksa forj.k fo|ky;ks]a foKku Dycksa vkSj #fp j[kus okys rd QSyxs kA blds lac/a k esa dk;Z;kstuk ,oa dk;Z ds O;fDr;ksa esa fd;k tk,xkA pj.kc) forj.k ij dk;Z vkjaHk gks x;k gSA blfy, 5½ ijek.kfod fl)kar ds fodkl] HkkSfrd foKku vkSj ^ijek.kfod fl)kar ds lkS o"kZ* lac/a kh vfHk;ku ds fy, tho foKku dh fofHkUu ifj?kVukvksa ,oa lacfa /kr izk|S ksfxfd;ksa Mh,u,] % lzksr viuh Hkwfedk ds izfr ltx gks tkb,A vkidks le;≤ esa mlds fodkl ,oa vuqi;z ksxksa dks le>kus okys ikoj ikbaV izLrqfrdj.k ij eq[; lzkrs O;fDr dk;Z'kkykvks]a lkW¶Vo;jksa ds fodkl vkSj jkT; Lrjh; dks rS;kj fd;k tk,xkA dk;Z'kkykvksa ds ckjs esa foiusV U;wt ds ek/;e ls tkudkjh iznku dh 6½ fo|ky;ks@a egkfo|ky;ksa esa ijek.kfod fl)kar ij O;k[;ku] izn'kZu tk,xhA bl lac/a k esa vkidh izfrfØ;kvks]a fopkjksa vkSj lq>koksa dk Lokxr vk;ksftr fd, tk,axAs gSA 7½ ijek.kfod fl)kar ds lkS o"kZ ij ,d jsfM;ks dk;ZØe izlkfjr fd;k lzksr% ^ ijek.kfod fl)kar ds lkS o"kZ* lac/a kh ladYiuk uksV] ^ijekf.od tk,xkA fl)kar dh [kkst dh 'krkCnh dks dsfa nzr djrs gq, foKku ,oa izk|S ksfxdh 8½ ijek.kfod fl)kar ds lkS o"kZ ds vk;kstu ds rgr fo|ky;ks@a egkfo|ky;ksa yksdfiz;j.k lacèa kh igy% chds R;kxh] oSKkfud bZ] foKku izlkj ,oa esa fo'ks"krj xzkeh.k {ks=kksa esa tkx:drk vfHk;ku vk;ksftr fd, tk,axAs mTtoyk frdhZ] oSKkfud bZ] ,ulh,lVhlh] Mh,lVh] foKku izlkj ,oa 9½ ijek.kfod fl)kar vkSj ifj?kVuk ,oa blds ek/;e ls izk|S ksfxdh ds jk"Vªh; foKku ,oa izk|S ksfxdh lapkj ifj"kn~ }kjk la;Dq r igyA VIPNET NEWS 2 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No.12 International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 Cyclonic Storm PHAILIN and Disaster Preparedness Introduction: The Very Severe Cyclonic Storm Phailin crossed Odisha & adjoining north Andhra Pradesh coast near Gopalpur (Odisha) at around 2230 hrs IST on 12th October 2013. Phailin is the most intense cyclone to cross the Indian coast after Odisha Super Cyclone of 29th October 1999. Tropical cyclones are characterized by destructive winds, storm surges and very heavy rainfall. Thousands of lives were saved in the coastal districts of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh due to accurate and advanced prediction of the cyclone Phailin by the India Meteorological Department (IMD). The Government of Odisha, Andhra Pradesh and the Central Government carried out massive mobilization of resources to shift people in the vulnerable areas to safer places. It may be noted that at the time of Odisha Super Cyclone in 1999, more than 10,000 lives were lost in Odisha. Science and technology of early warning of tropical cyclones as well as disaster management strategies have changed considerably since then. In contrast to Odisha super cyclone in 1999, the cyclone Phailin accounted for Satellite Picture of Phailin on October 12 2013. just a few deaths. National Disaster Response Force for the purpose Very Severe Cyclonic Storm PHAILIN: At the of specialized response to a threatening disaster time of landfall of Phailin on 12th Oct. the maximum situation or disaster. After the super cyclone of sustained surface wind speed was about 215 kmph. 1999, the Government of Odisha had constituted Phailin caused very heavy to extremely heavy rainfall the Odisha State Disaster Mitigation Authority to over Odisha (some places up to 38 cm in 24 hours) develop a systematic and planned approach to leading to floods. Strong gale winds caused large disaster management in the state and Odisha Disaster scale structural damage. Maximum storm surge of Rapid Action Force, a specially trained and equipped 2-2.5 meters above the force to deal with cyclones and astronomical tide was Though the frequency of Tropical Cyclones other disasters. estimated in the low lying areas in the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea Monitoring and Prediction of of Ganjam district of Odisha is the least in the world (7% of the global Phailin: Phailin was monitored and the in-land inundation total), their impact on the east coast of & predicted by the IMD India as well as the Bangladesh coast is extended up to about one relatively more devastating. In the last 270 continuously since the genesis kilometer from the coast. years, 21 of the 23 major cyclones (with stage. When the cyclone was Disaster Management: The a loss of about 10,000 lives or more) over the Bay of Bengal, it was National Disaster Management worldwide occurred over the area monitored by satellite Authority (NDMA), as the apex surrounding the Indian subcontinent (India observations buoys in the Bay. body in the Government of and Bangladesh). On 12th October, the cyclone India, has the responsibility of was within the range of the laying down policies, plans and guidelines for disaster Doppler Weather Radar at Visakhapatnam. Therefore, management and coordinating their enforcement and monitoring of the cyclone was carried out using implementation for ensuring timely and effective this radar, observations from satellite and coastal response to disasters. The Disaster Management observing stations. For prediction of track and Act 2005 has mandated the constitution of the intensity of Phailin, numerical weather prediction VIPNET NEWS 3 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 12 vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013 models and dynamical were also provided to statistical models were Crisis Management used. IMD runs a global Committee, Cabinet model for weather Secretary, National forecasting 7 days in Disaster Management advance and various Authority, Chief Secretary regional models for of Odisha and Andhra shorter-range forecasts. Pradesh. Warnings were The National Centre for also issued for fishermen Medium range Weather and ports. Forecasting (NCMRWF) Evacuation Effort: The uses two global models to Governments of Odisha prepare medium range and Andhra Pradesh weather forecasts. IMD carried out massive also makes use of model evacuation efforts to shift products from the vulnerable people from European Centre, and meteorological Departments coastal areas to safer places. State relief of UK, Japan, USA etc. Using these products, IMD commissioners, district collectors, police departments has developed a multi-model ensemble (MME) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) joined method for predicting the track of tropical cyclones. together to carry out this massive exercise of Forecasting using the weather models has been evacuating around a million people. As a result, possible due to availability of high performance only a few lives were lost due to Phailin. The credit computing system at IMD in recent years. The goes to an accurate early warning system of the forecast of Phailin’s genesis on 8th October, and IMD and an efficient disaster management system subsequent forecasts of its IMD accurately predicted the genesis, of the Government. track, intensity, point & time intensity, track and point & time of landfall Conclusion: Cyclones of of landfall, as well as associated and also the adverse weather like heavy various intensities affect the adverse weather as heavy rain, rainfall, gale wind and storm surge Indian coast every year. gale wind & storm surge were associated with the very severe cyclonic Preparedness of the predicted exceedingly well by storm Phailin 4 to 5 days in advance. Government systems and other the IMD with sufficient lead concerned agencies during time. This helped disaster managers to maximize Phailin demonstrated that lives of our citizens can the management of cyclone in an exemplary manner. be saved and we are well prepared to take such Early Warning for Phailin: IMD monitored, predicted contigencies whenever they occur in future too. and issued bulletins regularly containing track & Note: Most of the content of this article are intensity forecast at various lead times. The cone based on a report on Cyclone Phailin published by of uncertainty in the track forecast was given. IMD the IMD. follows a two stage warning scheme for the tropical Dr. S.C. Kar, cyclones. The first stage warning is a “cyclone alert” NCMRWF, Noida- [email protected] and the second stage is known as “cyclone warning”. For Phailin cyclone, IMD and its Cyclone Warning Centre at Bhubaneswar issued many If you want to know more about Vigyan Prasar, its cyclone alert and warning messages. These publications & software, besides the next moves of VIPNET Science Clubs, please write to us at the address messages were repeatedly broadcast by All India given below:Radio, Doordarshan and other TV channels. Print Vigyan Prasar media also published these warnings widely in various A-50, Institutional Area, Sector 62, Noida newspapers. IMD conducted several press briefings (U.P.) 201 309 and carried out daily briefings to higher officials at Regd.Office : Technology Bhawan, New the national and state levels. Forecast information Delhi -110 016 bulletins were provided to Cabinet Secretary, Principal Phone : 0120 240 4430, 240 4436 Fax : 0120 240 4437 Secretary to PM, and to several Ministries such as E-mail : [email protected], Home Affairs, Defence, Agriculture, Information & [email protected] Broadcasting, Earth Sciences, Shipping & Surface Website: Transport, Civil Aviation etc. Personal Briefings VIPNET NEWS 4 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No.12 International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 izksQslj fparkef.k ukxs'k jkepanz jko % ,d egku foHkwfr izksQslj lh-,u-vkj-jko] best lzksr % gky gh esa 16 uoEcj] 2013 dks Hkkjr ljdkj us mUgsa ns'k ds loksZPp ukxfjd lEeku ^Hkkjr jRu^ nsus dh ?kks"k.kk dh gSA Hkkjr jRu ikus okys og rhljs oSKkfud gksaxsA blls igys lj lhoh jeu vkSj Mk- ,ihts vCnqy dyke dks gh ;g lEeku feyk gSA fparkef.k ukxs'k jkepanz jko Hkkjr ds lqifz l) oSK S kfud gSAa vke lacksèku esa os izkQ s ls j lh-,u-vkj-jko dgykrs gSAa mudk tUe 30 twu] 1934 dks caxs yq:] dukZVd esa gqvkA muds firk dk uke guqera ukxs'k jko vkSj ekrk dk uke ukxEek ukxs'k jko gSA mUgksua s lu~ 1951 esa esljw fo'ofo|ky; ls Lukrd dh mikf/k izkIr dhA mlds ckn cukjl fgUnw fo'ofo|ky; ls ,e,l- lh djus ds ckn lu~~ 1958 esa ih,pMh dh mikf/k izkIr dhA lu~ 1961 esa esljw fo'ofo|ky; ls ls Mh,l-lh djus ds ckn mUgksua s vius f'k{k.k dks pqukA izkQ s ls j jko us vius dfj;j dh 'kq#vkr ,d f'k{kd ds :Ik esa Hkkjrh; foKku laLFkku] caxyq# esa dhA vkSj fQj] os Hkkjrh; izk|S ksfxdh laLFkku ¼vkbZvkbZVh½ [kM+xiqj esa izkQ s ls j o Mhu jgsA Hkkjrh; izk|S ksfxdh laLFkku esa mUgksua s lu~~ 1963 ls 1976 rd viuh lsok,a nhaA os tokgj yky usg# QSyks] baVjus'kuy ;wfu;u vkWQ I;qvj ,aMa ,IykbM dSfeLVªh ds v/;{k vkSj bafM;u bafLVV~;Vw vkWQ lkbal ¼caxyq#½ ds funs'kd ¼1984 ls 1994 rd½ Hkh jg pqds gSAa fo'o ds vusd fo'ofo|ky;ksa esa foftfVax izkQ s ls j gSAa nqfu;kHkj ds yxHkx 60 fo'ofo|ky;ksa ls izkQ s ls j lh-,u-vkj-jko dks ih,pMh dh ekun mikf/k ls lEekfur fd;k x;k gSA mUgsa vusd jk"Vªh; rFkk varjkZ"Vªh; laLFkkvksa us fofHkUu iqjLdkjksa ls lEekfur fd;k gSA Hkkjr ljdkj us mUgsa in~e Jh ,oa in~e foHkw"k.k ls foHkwf"kr fd;k gSA og Hkkjrh; foKku lEeku ikus okys oSKkfud Hkh gSAa gky gh esa 16 uoEcj] 2013 dks Hkkjr ljdkj us mUgsa ns'k ds loksPZ p ukxfjd lEeku ^Hkkjr jRu^ nsus dh ?kks"k.kk dh gSA Hkkjr jRu ikus okys og rhljs oSKkfud gksxa As blls igys lj lhoh jeu vkSj Mk- ,ihts vCnqy dyke dks ;g lEeku feyk gSA lkWfyM LVsV vkSj esVhfj;y dSfeLVªh mudh 'kks/k ds eq[; fo"k; gSAa mUgksua s yxHkx 1500 'kks/k i=k vkSj 45 iqLrdsa Hkh fy[kh gSAa os Hkkjr ds jk"Vªh; 'kks/k izkQ s ls j vkSj tokgjyky usg: lsVa j QkWj ,MokaLM fjlpZ esa ykbul ikWfyax fjlpZ ds izkQ s ls j gSAa izk-s jko iz/kkuea=kh dh foKku lykgdkj ifj"kn ds v/;{k gSAa blls igys os n vdsfMeh vkWQ lkballs QkWj n Msoyfiax oYMZ ds v/;{k vkSj ,VkWfed ,uthZ dfe'ku vkWQ bafM;k ds lnL; jgsA os dSfedy fjlpZ lkslkbVh vkWQ bafM;k ds laLFkkid v/;{k Hkh gSAa blds vykok og fo'o dh vusd fo[;kr foKku laLFkkvksa jkW;y lkslk;Vh] Ýspa vdkneh] tkikfut vdkneh vkfn ds lEEkfur lnL; gSAa Hkkjr ds eaxy fe'ku ds fopkj ds tUenkrk izkQ s ls j lh-,u-vkj-jko foKku esa 'kks/k djus ds vykok foKku dks tuekul rd igapq kus ds dk;Z esa Hkh layXu jgs gSAa og foKku ,oa izk|S ksfxdh ds fodkl dks ykHk ns'k esa O;kir vusd leL;kvksa ds gy ds :i esa ns[krs gSAa bl cgqe[q kh oSKkfud izfrHkk dks Hkkjr jRu fn;k tkuk ;qokvksa dks foKku {ks=k dh vksj vkdf"kZr djsxkA uouhr dqekj xqIrk [email protected] VIPNET NEWS 5 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 12 vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013 VIPNET NEWS 6 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No.12 International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 Registration Form : Anko Ke Khiladi iathdj.k izi=k % vadksa ds f[kykM+h 1- Name :..................................................................................................... uke 2- Age (in Year):............................................................................................ mez ¼o"kZ esa½ 3- Gender (M)/ (F) :........................................................................................ fyax ¼e-½@¼iq-½ 4- Full Address with Postal Pin Code :.............................................................. iwjk irk Mkd fiu dksM lfgr ................................................................................................................ ............................................................................................................... 5- Email & Mobile No. :.................................................................................. bZ&esy ,oa eksckby uEcj 6- Vipnet Club ID (If any) :............................................................................. foiusV Dyc iathdj.k la[;k ¼;fn gS rks½ 7- Profession :.............................................................................................. O;olk; 8- Do you want activity kit in Hindi or English :................................................ fdV fganh ;k vaxzsth] vki fdl Hkk"kk esa pkgrs gSa For Online Registration: visit vkWuykbu iathdj.k ds fy, lEidZ djsa % Mkd }kjk iathdj.k Hkstus gsrq irk% You can send your Registration detail to : vkWy bafM;k jsfM;ks] All India Radio, iksLV ckWDl ua- 71] laln ekxZ] ubZ fnYyh &110 001 Post Box No. 71, Sansad Marg New Delhi- 110 001 or vFkok MsLd %& vadks ds f[kykM+h Desk- Anko Ke Khiladi foKku izlkj] ,&50] lsDVj 62] uks,Mk & 201 309 ¼miz-½ Vigyan Prasar A- 50, Sector, 62, QSDl % 120& 2404437 NOIDA -201 309 (U.P.) Fax : 0120 2404437 VIPNET NEWS 7 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 12 vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013 Dams & Global Warming Water is an essential element that supports all forms of life on Earth. The world needs significant amounts of water for domestic, agricultural and industrial purposes. Today, water resources are used at a rate faster than they are replenished. Soon the resource would decline and the usage would become unsustainable. Therefore, it is essential to conserve water. We know that freshwater resources are limited and unevenly distributed; yet every year large quantities of fresh water that can be stored in dams continue to flow into the seas through rivers. In ancient times, dams were built for the single purpose of water supply or irrigation. It was in 1870, when water from a lake was first used to generate hydroelectricity. Asia’s first hydroelectric power generation started in 1898 in Darjeeling, West Bengal. Since then hundreds of dams and reservoirs have been built to generate electricity. Dams provide important and significant benefits to our society, but large dams, used for hydropower, affect many ecological aspects of a river. Dams slow the river flow which in turns disturbs the related ecology. Another problem created by a dam pertains to temperature. In general, a river has fairly homogeneous temperature profile. But a reservoir created by a dam has different layers of temperatures, warm at the top and cold at the bottom. Water born disease at the reservoir’s bottom decomposes without oxygen and generates methane. When water passes through the dam’s turbines, this methane is released into the atmosphere. This increases the impact of dams in global warming to levels much higher than would occur by generating the same power from fossil fuels. In other words, the belief that dams provide clean and green power is a myth. Native people suffer the negative effects of dams. There is also increase in the incidence of waterborne diseases such as malaria, dengue, hepatitis, schistosomiasis and river blindness. Valuable resources such as fertile land and forest land along with hard wood trees and medicinal plants and biological resources are also submerged. Earthquakes can also be induced by the weight of the water stored in the reservoir on nearby fault lines. At present there are about 48,000 large dams in the world, barricading 60% of the world’s rivers. The last two decades have witnessed an accelerated pace of dam construction worldwide. Majority of large dams have been completed only in the last 30 years. Dams, however also play an important role in utilising water resources for irrigation, drinking water supply, flood control, navigation, fishing, and electricity generation. No doubt, for sustainable development, multipurpose dams are the most realistic option, but they need to be built in an environmentally sound and sustainable way. This stratification in temperature also leads to the stratification in oxygen levels. Fresh (warm) water surface contains a significant amount of oxygen whereas cooler water at deeper levels contains very low amount of oxygen, this depletion of oxygen is because of decomposition of organic matter and lack of sunlight for photosynthesis. Due to this change, plant life is also affected. A large dam can cause the loss of an entire ecosphere, including unidentified species in the area, and the replacement of the original environment by a new inland lake. It has been claimed that hydroelectric dams provide “green” electricity, but a reservoir produces more greenhouse gas by decomposition of submerged vegetation, than a river does before a dam is built. A completely filled up reservoir does not produce much greenhouse gas, but a large amount of CO2 is released when a reservoir is initially flooded and the organic matter start decomposing. After this first phase of decay, plant matter settling VIPNET NEWS Pankaj Agarwal [email protected] 8 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No.12 International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 pk¡n ds ikj eaxy;ku jkWdVs us ;k=k 'kq: dh vkSj iy Hkj esa gh jkWdVs Hkh n`f"V ls xk;c gks x;kA mPp rduhdh fe'ku fu;a=k.k d{k ds oSKkfud vkSj bathfu;jksa us bl ?kVuk dks dEI;wVj ij ns[kk vkSj iy&iy dh tkudkjh nhA eaxy vfHk;ku ds fy, ;g mUur laLdj.k dk jkWdVs cuk;k x;k gSA pUnz;ku&I vfHk;ku esa Hkh ih-,l-,y-oh-&,Dl,y dk mi;ksx fd;k x;k FkkA djhc 300 fnu i'pkr~] ;fn ;g fe'ku flrEcj 2014 esa iw.kZ :i ls lQy gksrk gS rks Hkkjr vf/kd 'kfDr'kkyh jk"Vªkas dh oSf'od varfj{k yhx esa 'kkfey gks tk;sxkA bldk dkj.k gS fd varfj{k;ku dks jkWdVs ls vyx djuk] lqnjw laons u ;k lapkj c<+kus okys fu;fer vfHk;ku dh rqyuk esa tfVy ,oa nq"dj dk;Z gSA ekuo jfgr ;g varfj{k;ku] eaxy xzg dk izFke vfHk;ku gksxkA bls eaxy xzg dh ifjØek fe'ku ds :i esa ukfer fd;k x;k gSA yxHkx 450 djksM+ dh ykxr okys Hkkjrh; eaxy vfHk;ku dk LoIu] pUnz;ku&I dh vikj lQyrk ds ckn gh ns[kk x;k FkkA tSlk fd Kkr gS pUnz;ku&I ds }kjk gh pUnzek ij ikuh dh [kkst ds izek.k feys FksA Hkkjrh; Hkkjrh; varfj{k vuql/a kku laxBu ¼bljks½ ds oSKkfudksa ds vFkd iz;kl ls eklZ vkfcZVj fe'ku lQyrk iwod Z vxys pj.k esa igqpa x;k gSA djhc 250 oSKkfudksa o rduhdh fo'ks"kKksa ds ny us 30 uoEcj 2013 dks nsj jkr lokZf/kd tksf[ke okyh izfØ;k tks vatke rd igqpa kus esa lQyrk gkfly dhA bl ;ku ij yxs batu dks 23 feuV rd nkxk x;k rks bldh xfr c<+dj 648 ehVj izfr lsdMa gks xbZA bl pj.k dh lQyrk us fu;a=k.k d{k esa cSBs reke bljks oSKkfudksa ds psgjs ij [kqf'k;ka fc[ksj nhaA bl Jh gfjdksVk fLFkr ykmfpax iSM izdkj ;ku dks lQyrkiwod Z i`Foh ds xq#Rokd"kZ.k ds izHkko ls ckgj fudkydj i`Foh d{kk dks NksMu+ s ij lQyrk gkfly dh vkSj 2 fnlEcj dks eaxy;ku 5-36 yk[k fdyksehVj dh nwjh r; djds pUnzek dh d{kk ls Hkh ckgj fudy x;kA JhgfjdksVk fLFkr lrh'k /kou varfj{k dsna z ls xr ikap uoacj dks iz{ksfir ;g eaxy;ku jkLrs ls HkVds ugha blds fy, bls lgh jkLrs ij j[kus ds fy, pkj pj.kksa esa lq/kkjkRed izfØ;k dks vatke fn;k tk jgk gSA blds ckn bldh xfr de dj eaxy dh d{kk esa yk;k tkuk gSA ,slk gks tkus ds ckn Hkkjr vesfjdk] ;wjksi vkSj :l ds lkFk mu pqfuank ns'kksa ds Dyc esa 'kkfey gks tk,xk] ftuds varfj{k ;ku ;k rks eaxy dh d{kk ds pDdj yxkus ;k ml ij mrjus esa dke;kc jgs gSAa Hkkjr ,slk djus okyk ,f'k;k dk igyk ns'k gksxkA fo'o esa eaxy;ku dks ysdj vc rd ftrus Hkh iz;kl gq, gSa muesa vkèks ls vf/kd ukdke jgs gSAa ;g lc dqN lEHko gqvk tc ^Hkkjrh; vrafj{k vuql/a kku laLFkku* ¼bljks½ us fiNys ekg 5 uoEcj 2013 dks lrh'k /kou Lisl lsVa j JhgfjdksVk] ls eaxy;ku dks ih-,l-,y-oh-&,Dl,y jkdsV dh lgk;rk ls NksM+kA ml fnu bl mRlkg ds {k.k dks lesVus ds fy, bljks ds vf/kdkfj;ksa ds vykok fo'o ds vU; Hkkxksa ls vk;s vusd ehfM;kdehZ JhgfjdksVk ds czãizdk'k gky dh fo'kky Nr ij ,d=k FksA ml egRoiw.kZ fnu vafre {k.k ds djhc vkrs gh] lkoZtfud m)?kks"k.kk iz.kkyh ls vR;Ur jksekapdkjh vkokt lqukbZ nhA dkamV Mkmu 'kq: gksrs gh] lqukbZ ns jgk Fkk&ekbul ^Qkbo*] ekbul ^Qksj*] ekbul ^Fkzh*] ekbul ^Vw* ekbul ^ou* blds ckn cgq izrhf{kr thjks dk fu'kku fgV gksrs gh ,d Hk;kud /ofu xqt ¡ h vkSj ,d lsd.M ckn yxHkx 44 ehVj yack] pkj pj.k okyk Hkwjk ,oa lQsn jkWdVs yksxksa dh rkfy;ksa ds lkFk izdV gksrk fn[kkbZ fn;k vkSj vxys gh {k.k vkx ds ihys ,oa lQsn jax ls Hkjk /kq,a ds lkFk] xxu Hksnh xtZu&ukn djrs gq, VIPNET NEWS pUnzek fe'ku us gh] varfj{k oSKkfudksa dh fcjknjh dks mPp d{kk esa ;ku dks Hkstus ds fy, vkRefo'okl fn;k gSA blds QyLo:i gh eaxy xzg dk y{; fu/kkZfjr fd;k x;kA bl vfHk;ku dk mís'; vU; ns'kksa ds lkFk nkSM+ esa 'kkfey gksuk ugha gS cfYd Hkkjr dh oSKkfud ,oa rduhdh {kerkvksa 9 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 12 vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013 dks LFkkfir djuk gSA la;ksxo'k] bl vfHk;ku dks gjh >aMh+ ] uklk ds 900 fdxzk- Hkkjh D;wjksflVh jksoj ds eaxy ds xsy ØsVj ds lEidZ esa vkus ds Bhd 96 ?kaVs igys nh xbZ FkhA ;g jksoj 6 vxLr 2013 dks xsy ØsVj ds lEidZ esa vk;k FkkA Hkkjr ljdkj ds iz/kku oSKkfud lykgdkj MkW- vkj- fpnEcju~ ds vuqlkj bl fe'ku ls Hkkjr esa pyk, tk jgs dksbZ Hkh dk;ZØe izHkkfor ugha gksxa s lkFk gh bl vfHk;ku ls ns'k dks rduhdh ,oa oSKkfud fodkl essa enn feysxhA muds vuqlkj blls ;qok oxZ foKku] rduhdh] bathfu;fjax ,oa fo"k; dh vksj vkdf"kZr gksxkA eaxy rd ;k=kk dSls r; gksxh\ eklZ vkfcZVj dks ih-,l-,y-oh-&,Dy ,y ykWp Oghdy dh lgk;rk ls varfj{k esa Hkstk x;k gSA jkWdVs ls vyx gksus ds ckn ik¡p isyksM] varfj{k;ku i`Foh dh d{kk esa Ng ckj ifjØek dh vkSj i`Foh dh xq:Rokd"kZ.k ls eqDr gksdj ghfy;kslfs Vªd Qst esa izo's k djds 8&10 fdyksehVj izfr lsd.M dh rst xfr ls eaxy xzg dh vksj izLFkku djsxkA 300 fnuksa rd ;k=kk djds 1350 fdxzk- Hkkjh vkfcZVj eaxy dh d{kk esa flrEcj 2014 rd igqpa xs kA eaxy dh d{kk esa izo's k djus dh dfBu izfØ;k ftl ds nkSjku varfj{k;ku dh xfr ?kVk nh tkrh gS eklZ vkfcZV bUllZu ¼,e-vks-vkbZ½ dgykrh gSA ;g ogh fcUnq gS tgk¡ vusd ns'kksa }kjk Hksts x, ;ku Qsy gks x,A eaxy esa d{kk esa izo's k djus ij ;ku dh eaxy ls U;wure nwjh ¼isjt s h½ 500fd-eh- ,oa vf/kdre nwjh 80]000 ¼,iksth½ fd-eh- gksrh gSA 36000 fdyksehVj ls 400]000 fd-eh- Å¡pkbZ rd Hkkjrh; varfj{k ;ku pUnz;ku&I igqpa kA eaxy fe'ku ds nkSjku ;g varfj{k;ku 400 djksM+ fdyksehVj dh ;k=kk r; djsxkA eklZ vkfcZVj eklZ vkfcZVj dk dqy Hkkj 1350 fdyksxkz e gSA ftlesa 850 fdyksxkz e iz.kksnd] 500 fd-xzk- 'kq"d Hkkj gSA bl 'kq"d Hkkj esa ikap isyksM ftuesa izR;sd dk Hkkj 13 fdxzk- lfEefyr gSAa vfHk;ku dk eq[; mís'; eaxy xzg ds okrkoj.k ,oa xzg ds Hkw&foKku dk v/;;u djuk gSA blls Hkh egRoiw.kZ ;g gS fd ;g vfHk;ku eaxy xzg ij ehFksu ds jgL; dks tkuus dk iz;kl djsxk] tks yEcs le; ls vulqy>k iz'u jgk gSA mYys[kuh; gS fd iwoZ ds vf/kdka'k eaxy vfHk;ku ehFksu jgL; dks tkuus ij dsfUnzr FksA tkfgj rkSj ij oSKkfud ehFksu eqís ij dkQh lko/kkuh cjr jgs gSAa uklk Lisl ,tsla h ds }kjk tkjh izls foKfIr ds vuqlkj ßD;wjksflVh ds lSia y ,ukfyf'kl ,V eklZ ¼lSe½ midj.k ds }kjk ;g Kkr gqvk fd xsy dsVj esa jkWdusLV LFky ds lehi u ds cjkcj ehFksu feyh FkhA ehFksu thou dh mRifÙk ds izkjafHkd jlk;u ds egRo dk ,d fo"k; gSA i`Foh ij ;g tSfod vkSj xSj&tSfod izfØ;kvksa }kjk mRikfnr fd;k tk ldrk gSAÞ Hksts tkus okys midj.k ik¡p midj.k] ftUgsa Hkkjr ds eaxy vkfcZVj vfHk;ku ds rgr eaxy dks d{kk esa Hkstk tk;sxk] ds uke gS%a ehFksu lsla j QkWj eklZ] FkeZy&bUÝkjsM besftax LiSDVªkes hVj] eklZ dyj dSejk] ykbeu ,YQk QksVksehVj ,oa eklZ ,DlksQfs jd U;wVy ª dkWEiksft'kuA bu midj.k esa igys rhu dks bljks dss vgenkckn ds Lisl ,Iyhds'ku laVs j esa fufeZr fd;k x;k gSA ,YQk QksVksehVj dks bySDVªk&s vkfIVDl flLVe cSxa ywj ,oa eklZ ,DlksQfs jd VIPNET NEWS eklZ vkfcZVj U;wVy ª dkWEiksft'ku dks Lisl fQftDl yscksjVs jh] foØe lkjkHkkbZ Lisl lsVa j fr:variqje~ esa cuk;k x;k gSA ehFksu lsla j] eaxy ds okrkoj.k ls] dqN fuf'pr rjaxnSè;Z ij ehFksu dk irk yxk;sxkA izk-s ;w-vkj- jko iwoZ ps;jeSu bljks ftUgksua s ik¡p midj.kksa ds p;u esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkkbZ] ds vuqlkj ehFksu iz;ksx cgqr egRoiw.kZ Fkk D;ksfa d bldh lgk;rk ls ge bl fu"d"kZ ij igqpa ldrs gSa fd eaxy ij ehFksu dgka ls vkbZ & D;k ;g tSfod gS ;k Hkw&oSKkfud\ eklZ dyj dSejk yky gjs ,oa uhys jax esa fp=k ysxk vkSj 80]000fd-ehdhs Å¡pkbZ ls ;g ,d 'kkWV esa eaxy xzg dh iwjh Nfo ysus esa l{ke gSA 500 fdeh- Å¡pkbZ ls ;g 250 ehVj foHksnu {kerk esa rLohj ys ldsxkA lkFk gh ;g eaxy ij /kwy Hkjs rwQkuksa dk fo'ys"k.k djus esa egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk fuHkk ldrk gSA FkeZy bUÝkjsM LisDVªkes hVj 12&120 cSM ds e/; flXuyksa dk v/;;u djsxkA ykbeu vYQk QksVksehVj eaxy dks okrkoj.k esa ikuh dh deh dh izfØ;k dh tk¡p djsxkA eklZ ,DlksQfs jd uspjq y dkWEiksft'ku ,ukykbtj eaxy ds mijh ,DlksQfs jd {ks=k dk fo'ys"k.k djsxkA vfHk;ku dh dqN pqukSfr;k¡ 10 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No.12 International Year of Water Cooperation 2013 vfHk;ku dh eq[; pqukSfr;ksa esa eq[; :i ls varfj{k;ku dh rjy ,iksth eksVj gS ftldks 300 fnuksa rd dke djuk gksxkA muds vuqlkj eaxy dh d{kk esa iqu% ,d ckj pkyw djuk gksxkA nwljh pqukSrh i`Foh ls eaxy dh nwjh gksxh] tks djhc 400 djksM+ fdeh- dh nwjh ij fLFkr gSA i`Foh ls flXuy dks vkfcZVj rd igqpa us esa 20 feuV dk le; yxsxk vkSj mruk gh le; vFkkZr 20 feuV flXuy dks vkfcZVj ls i`Foh rd vkus esa yxsxkA bl izdkj iwjh izfØ;k esa 40 feuV dk bartkj djuk iM+xs kA vfHk;ku ds oSKkfud ,ao rduhdh desVh] ds vuqlkj ;fn la;ksxo'k vkfcZVj eaxy xzg esa izo's k ds nkSjku eaxy ds izfof"V Nk;k {ks=k esa txg ysrk gS rks flXuy ds xqe gks tkus dh laHkkouk jgrh gSA urhtu bl voLFkk esa ;g irk yxkuk eqf'dy gksxk fd vkfcZVj eaxy dh d{kk esa lQyrkiwod Z igqpa k vFkok ughaA ;g igyk volj gksxk tc mPp dksfV ds Lok;Ùk midj.k varfj{k;ku esa yxs gksxa As varfj{k;ku dks fofdj.kjks/kh Hkh cukuk gksxk ftlls [kjkc ekSle ml ij viuk izHkko ugha Mky ldsA bljks bl vfHk;ku dks vDVwcj&uoEcj 2013 ds e/; fe'ku 'kq: djus ds i{k esa FkkA blds ihNs eaxy;ku vfHk;ku% midj.kksa ij dk;Z djrs oSKkfud mudk rdZ Fkk fd ;fn fdUgha dkj.kksa ls ;g frfFk LFkfxr gksrh gS rks vxyk volj rhu o"kZ i'pkr~ vFkkZr lu~ 2016 esa vk;sxk vkSj bl ifjfLFkfr esa Hkkjr dks ih-,l-,y-oh- & ,Dl dh txg rhu pj.kksa okys Hkw&ledkfyd mixzg iz{ksi.k ;ku th-,l-,y-oh- dk iz;ksx djuk iM+xs k] ,slk mM+ku ds fy, vfrfjDr osx dh vko';drk dks iwjk djus ds fy, djuk gksxkA fo'o dh n`f"V ls ;g vfHk;ku Hkkjrokfl;ksa ds fy, xoZ dk fo"k; gksxk tc eaxy vfHk;ku ds lHkh pj.k ,d fuf'pr le; esa iwjs gksxa s vkSj ;g eaxydkjh fnu Hkkjrh; bfrgkl esa vo'; fy[kk tk;sxk vkSj vkxs Hkh ,d vkSj cM+s dne ds fy, Hkkjrh; vkxs c<+us dh rS;kjh dj ldsxa As Puzzle- 40 Based On different water bodies B A S T E T D T H D E G B H A A E S E E G S E H Y R E E S P Y W S S F G T Y F D S E S D O S E D I F G G R T D F G H F N D F C A N A L R S D E S D G D L F G H J K A F T F R R T G H A D R G H J C K T E Y U I F G K S F G H J I E V R N E R F G E D R T Y D E I D O C A N E W S V F Y R R R A O C E A N S D F V G H T F E G S E D F G J R S E D F H R A W E F W W E C V S D E F S L A E D G H E R S S D E R F G T S D F G E R S D F S D F S E A W D T E R W E D F Clue 1. A region of land where water from rain or snowmelt drains downhill into another body of water, such as a river, lake, or dam. 2. An area of water bordered by land on three sides. 3. A man-made waterway, usually connected to existing lakes, rivers, or oceans. 4. A large collection of ice or a frozen river that moves slowly down a mountain. 5. A shallow body of water separated from a larger body of water by barrier islands or reefs. 6. A large natural flow of water that crosses an area of land and goes into an ocean, a lake, etc 7. A body of water, usually freshwater, of relatively large size contained on a body of land. 8. A major body of salty water that, in totality, covers about 71% of the Earth’s urface. 9. A large expanse of saline water connected with an ocean 10. A body of water smaller than a lake, especially those of man-made origin. R.K. Yadav [email protected] Last date of receiving correct entries: 10 January , 2014. Winners will get activity kit/ books as a prize. Please send your entries to:Water Puzzle-40 , VIPNET News, Vigyan Prasar, A-50, Sector 62, Noida-201 309 (U.P.) The puzzle has been Designed as part of International Year of Water Cooperation-2013 Answer Water Puzzle- 38 fotsrkk@@ Winner dfiy f=kikBh [email protected] 2- S. Shanmuga Sundaram (Madurai) Ignorance about the atom may cost us our lives. Willard F. Libby VIPNET NEWS 1- Deep Chandra Pande (Almora) 11 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No. 12 vUrjjk"Vªh; ty lg;ksx o"kZ 2013 Club speak World Earth Day ^o`{k yxkvks thou cpkvks* lhoh jeu foKku Dyc] jlwyiqj] pSuok] lkj.k] fcgkj }kjk fo'o i;kZoj.k fnol ds volj ij ^o`{k yxkvks thou cpkvks* dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ftlds varxZr Dyc lnL;ksa }kjk fofHkUu LFkkuksa ij ikSèks yxk, x,A 31 ebZ] fo'o rEckdw fnol ds volj ij foKku Dyc ds lnL;ksa }kjk ^rEckdw NksMk+ s vfHk;ku* dh 'kq:vkr dh xbZA Dyc lnL;ksa us yksxksa dks rEckdw lsou ugha djus dh 'kiFk fnykbZA Dyc lnL;ksa }kjk 8 flrEcj] fo'o lk{kjrk fnol ds volj ij lc i<+&s lc c<+s dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu lk{kjrk dh egRrk ls LFkkuh; tuekul dks voxr djk;kA lkFk gh Dyc lnL;ksa us fuj{kjksa dks lk{kj cukus ds fy, dk;Z djus dk ladYi fy;kA i`Foh cpkvks jSyh Chandrayann Vipnet Club, Hansraj Mahila Maha Vidayalaya, Jalandhar City, Punjab celebrated World Earth Day on April 22 at Hansraj Mahila Maha Vidayalaya. Students made presentation on various topic relating to save earth. The celebration was started with special assembly in which the principal delivered a talk on environment. Club also celebrated National Science Day on February 28, 2013. n uspj lkbal ,aM bdks Dyc] uyh gqluS iqj] gkiqM]+ mRrjizn's k }kjk i`Foh fnol ds volj ij i`Foh cpkvks Activity Report jSyh dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ftlesa d{kk 6 ls d{kk 12oha rd ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa us Hkkxhnkjh dj tuekul ls i;kZoj.k laj{k.k ds lkFk gh i`Foh dks thoue; cuk, j[kus dh vihy dhA bl dk;ZØe ls iwoZ Dyc us 28 Qjojh] 2013 dks foKku fnol ds volj ij foKku O;k[;ku ,oa foKku iz'uksRrjh dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu dj oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.k ds izlkj dk iz;kl Lead Science Club, Shahjahanpur, U.P., organized many activities including hand painting, poster fd;kA making, debate and plantation during June to September, 2013. ty gh thou lkxj lkbal Dyc] vkn'kZ uxj] dkuiqj nsgkr] mRrjizn's k }kjk ^ty gh thou* ls lacfa /kr fofHkUu dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu fd;kA Dyc }kjk vkdZfefMt dk fl)kar] mRIykou cy ,oa cQZ gYdh ;k ikuh vkfn fofHkUu iz;ksx }kjk ty dh mi;ksfxrk le>k;h x;hA blds vykok bl volj ij Dyc }kjk 15 vDVwcj] 2013 dks xkze Hkouiqj esa ty laj{k.k ij ,d laxks"Bh dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k A blesa ty pØ dks le>us ds lkFk&gh&lkFk ty laj{k.k ij ppkZ dh xbZA International Literacy Day Dhubri Rural Science Society of Assam, Dhubri, Assam organised plantation drive in three different schools viz. Brahmaputra Jatiya Vidyalaya, Kachuarkas M.V. School and U.M. High School. More than 100 saplings were planted during the period of three days. On 8 September 2013 International Literacy Day was also observed at Kismat Hasdaha H.S. School, Dhubri Assam. Published and Printed by Mrs. K. Dasgupta Misra on behalf of Editor Vigyan Prasar, C-24, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016 Associate Editor : Navneet Kumar Gupta Printed at Aravali Printers & Publishers Pvt. Ltd., Layout & design : Ajeej Ahmed (Azad) Okhla Industrial Area, Ph-II, New Delhi-110 020 VIPNET NEWS : B. K. Tyagi 12 DECEMBER 2013 / Vol. 11 / No.12