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Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India:
A monthly newsletter of Vigyan Prasar Network of Science Clubs - VIPNET
Year of
fo'ks"k ys[k
Use of Chemistry to detect
food adulteration
peRdkj fn[kkus okys Hkh djrs gSa
jlk;u foKku dk iz;ksx
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray
jlk;u foKku&2011 ds miy{; esa
esyksa dk vk;kstu
foKku ds f'k[kj ij Hkkjroa'kh
fx) lfgr 57 tho
ladVxzLRk ?kksf"kr
Photo Quiz
Club Speak
VOL. 9
NO. 2-3
PRICE: Rs. 2.00
Use of chemistry to detect
food adulteration
The main objective of IYC 2011 is to
'Appreciate the chemistry in Daily life'.
The best way to observe the
International Year of Chemistry 2011, is
to detect the adulteration in the food
items that we consume daily.
Food like in other developing countries account for a
large part of the our family budget. Hence everyone wants
to get the maximum quantity of a commodity for a low
price as possible. On the other hand, every trader and manufacturer also wants to
maximize their profit. This confliction of interest generate a vicious circle, where quality
of the commodity gets reduced though addition of inferior and/or removal of vital
substances. This process of addition and/or removal is defined as adulteration.
Nevertheless, all over the globe, food adulteration is a menace and in countries where
consumers are ignorant of the health hazards, they are at the mercy of unscrupulous
manufactures and trade practices. The poor quality of the goods sold and consumed
are leading to progressive deterioration of the health of the people. Food adulteration
is not same as food poisoning, which is the result of excessive contamination and
pathogenic organism. Food adulteration affects us slowly and effects can be seen after
hours, days, months or even year.
For the guidance of our clubs, in this issue we are giving information about how to
test and identify food adulterants along with the basic science mainly chemistry, involved
in testing. This information will be useful for the clubs member, planning to start
awareness campaign among the general public on detection of food adulteration as
part of International Year of Chemistery 2011.
The information on the subject have been collected from the various manuals,
articles developed by different organization as part of training programme organized
with the catalytic support of National Council for Science & Technology
Communication, Department of Science & Technology, Govertment
of India, New Delhi. The information will also be available on the
website on the Vigyan Prasar ( www.vigyanprasar.gov.in).
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ&2011
jlk;u foKku & gekjk thou gekjk Hkfo";
Observation & Inference
Washing Soda
Argemone Oil
Chalk Powder
Blue colouration shows the The blue colour is due to the forpresence of starch
mation of an inclusion complex between iodine and the amylose fraction of the starch. The linear amylose coils into a spiral and the iodine molecule align within the centres of the spiral and causes light
absorption that gives blue colour
Colour separation shows the
presence of
Stomach disorder
Giddiness and joint pain
(in some cases)
The chicory root has a characteristic structure and it dissolves in cold
water due to presence of inulin.
Inulin hydrolyses to give fructose
and the fructose on treatment with
HCl gives hydroxyl methyl furfural
which combines with resorcinol to
form a red colour.
Sodium carbonate is a mild base.
On adding, colour separation
takes place due to change in pH
of the solution.
The coloured adulterants are
banned water as streaks on
Allow the milk of flow
over a vertical
polished surface
problems, fever swelling
of feet and legs, oedma,
glaucoma, respiratory
Diarrhoea, Vomiting
Liver disorder
Liver disorder
Harmful Effects
When water content is more,
the milk flows freely without
leaving a trail. Pure milk leave
a white trail.
Dissolve the sugar in a Chalk powder will not dissolve Sugar C12H22o11 is water soluble,
glass of water
while chalk powder contains calcium carbonate and magnesium
carbonate which are insoluble in
Add water and dip a Blue colour shows the
Washing soda is sodium
red litmus paper in the presence of washing soda
carbonate (Na2CO3) which is a
base and hence gives blue colour
with red litmus paper.
oil contains the alkaTreat the sample with
Needle shaped brown
solution Ferric chloride crystals show the presence
dihydrosangunarine which are
(1) in the presence of a of argemone oil
toxic. These react with Fecl3 and
dilute solution of
Used tea leaves coloured Sprinkle tea powder on
outer coats of dhal, and
a wet filter paper
some colourants
Add a little water to the
sample and boil for a
few minutes. Cool and
add iodine solution (6)
Tamarind seed, Date seed Sprinkle the coffee
Red colouration shows the
powder on a filter paper presence of tamarind or date
and add solution of
seed powder
sodium carbonate (5)
Chicory Powder (without Sprinkle the powder on Pure coffee, powder floats
Surface of water in a
while the chicory begins to
test tube.
sink with reddish colour
Food Article
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
Year of
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Observation & Inference
Harmful Effects
To the sample add petroleum ether solution
(2) and then cool in ice.
Castor Oil
Paralysis Neurotoxic
Kesari dhal is lathyrus satirus, Toxic dyes are carcinogenic
which contains beta- oxalyl amino
alanine (BOAA) a toxic amino acid.
On adding HCl colour separation
takes place since the toxic dyes are
non permitted colours
Iodine forms a blue coloured inclusion complex with the amylose
fraction of the starch
The non saponifiable components Heart problems, liver
of the oil react with antimony damage
trichloride SbCl3/CHCl3 to form
yellow to orange coloured complex
White turbidity shows the Castor oil contains the triglycer- Stomach problems
presence of Castor oil
ide component triricinolein
which gives a white turbidity on
treatment with petroleum ether.
Appearance of crimson red This test is characteristic of seems Liver disorder and stomach
colour shows the presence of oil which is added to vanaspati. pain
The phenolic substance seasamol
reacts with the fructose formed by
the hudrolysis of cane sugar and
gives a red colour.
Appearance of yellow to orange colour immediately
shows the presence of Karanja
To a little amount of the
melted ghee or butter in
a test tube a add equal
amount of solution HCl
(3) and add a ittle sugar
and shaken vigorously.
Keep it standing for 5
Mashed potatoes and Add a little of solution Blue colouration shows the
other starches
of iodine (6) to the
presence of starch
Kesari Dhal & Toxic dyes Examine the dhal with Kesari dhal has convoluted
shape while ordinary dhal has
a magnifying lens.
smooth, round appearance
To the sample, add so- Pale red colour shows
lution of HCl (3). Keep presence of Kesari dhal or
in water bath for 15 min- toxic dyes
To two drops of the oil
add solution of Antimony trichloride in
Chloroform (8).
HCl to give brown colour. distress, cardiac arrest
Argemone oil on treatment with
Conc. HNO 3 will give a red
colouration since these alkaloids
turn red with HNO3
To the sample add a little Turbidity shows the presence Alcoholic potash KOH, will sa- Damage to liver,
of alcoholic potash (4) of mineral oil
ponify the esters in oil but the min- carcinogenic effects
and warm for 10 mineral oils which originate from peutes. Then add water
troleum are not saponifiable by the
alkaline KOH and hence on adding water gives a turbidity while
pure oil will saponify.
Hydrochloric acid (3)
Observe through lens.
Karanja oil (Pungam oil)
Mineral Oil
GHEE & BUTTER Vanaspati
Food Article
International Year of Chemistery 2011
Year of
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Food Article
Keep the sample
immersed in water for
about half an hour and
Shake a little turmeric
Yellow aniline dyes
powder (suspended in
water) with solution of
Rectified sprit (7)
Non permitted colourants To little of the sample
like metanil yellow
add solution Con. HCl
(3) and dilute with water
Colour dye stuffs
Invert Sugar
Sugar plus water
Pure asafetida burns quickly like
aromatic camphor
Due to the presence of water,
the wick does not burn or forms
a cracking sound.
When honey is adulterated with
invert sugar (glucose and fructose) on adding resorcinol and
HCl, a red colour is obtained
SWEETS, JUICES, Non permitted coaltar dye To the sample add hot Pinkish red colour shows the On adding HCl, the structure of
water and to the sepa(mentanil yellow)
metanil yellow changes giving a
presence of metanil yellow
rated colouring matter
pink colour at low pH.
add a few drops of solution of HCl (3).
Magenta red with no
further change in colour on
dilution shows the presence of metanil yellow
Burning like camphor shows
pure sample
If adulterated with water, the
honey will not burn or burns
with a cracking sound
Add resorcinol and HCL Red Colour is obtained
Burn on a spoon (like
A cotton wick dipped
in honey is burnt
Harmful Effects
Allergy, Dysentery
Stomach Problems
Degeneration of
reproductive organs Highly
The non permitted colours like Stomach pain, ulcer, Liver
malachite green, congored, are all problems, tumor
yellow aniline dyes which shows
colour separation.
The solution turns yellow im- The yellow aniline dyes
separate on adding rectified
Colour separation indicates
Observation & Inference
Metanil yellow is a water soluble
acid base dye. On adding HCl due
to change in pH a pink colour is
formed which remains pinkish red
even on dilution.
Add water to the Brick powder settles down
Due to the heaviness, brick powCHILLI POWDER Brick Powder
powder and shake
Brick red flame colour due to der settles down. Brick powder
To a little powder add the presence of Calcium salts contains calcium salts which give
solution Conc. HCl (3). in brick powder
brick red flame.
Introduce as paste into
flame through the
backside of a matchstick
Sprinkle the Chilli pow- Artificial colourants descends
Artificial Colours
der on a glass of water in coloured streaks
ASAFOETIDA Foreign resins galbanum, Powder a gram of asa- Olive green colour shows
Colophony is a resin obtained as
colophony resin
fetida and shake it with presence of foreign resins
a residue after the distillation of
solution of rectified spirit
turpentine oil. This forms a
(7). Filter the extract and
coloured complex when shaken
to 5 ml of it, add solution
with rectified spirit and Ferric chloof FeCl3 (1)
peas and dhal)
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
Year of
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
MUSTARD SEEDS Argemone seeds
Observation & Inference
Exmine with a magnify- Mustard seeds have a smooth
ing lens
surface while the argemone
seeds ahve a rough surface and
are blacker
To the sample add
common salt solution
and shake
Smell the Pepper
Examine with a
magnifying lens Add a
little solution of
rectified spirit to the
sample (7)
Examine with a
magnifying lens
The impurity ergot floats on
top while the pure foodgrains
settle at the bottom
Papaya seeds have a repulsive
flavor The papaya seeds are
oval, brown or blackish brown
in colour Rotten pepper,
papaya seeds and light berries
Cloves from which
Can be identified by the small
volatile oil has been
size and shrunken appearance.
The adulterated cloves are
less pungent.
Add a few drops of so- Efferversence shows the
Washing soda
Washing soda, a base reacts with
lution of HCl (3).
presence of washing soda
Hydrochloric and liberates CO2
which gives effervescence
Chalk powder contains
Dissolve a little sample Chalk powder settles down
Chalk powder
in water in a test tube Effervescence indicates the carbonates of magnesium and
calcium. These carbonates react
presence of adulterant
with HCl and liberates CO2 with
CaCO3+2HCl CaCl2+H2o+CO2
A pink colouration indicates
Metanil Yellow colour
(one-fourth of a tea- the presence of metanil
spoon of the sample in yellow colour in jaggery.
a test tube. Add 3 ml of
alcohol and shake the
tube vigorously to mix
up the contents. Pour 10
drops of hydrochloric
acid in it.
Chalk powder or white Dissolve a little sample The solution turns white indi- Chalk powder contains carbonpowdered stone
in water
cating the presence of chalk and ates of magnesium and calcium
which are insoluble in water and
other impurities settle down
hence the solution turns white.
WHEAT & OTHER Ergot (a fungus containing a poisonous subFOOD GRAINS
BLACK PEPPER Papaya Seeds Rotten
Pepper and light Berries
Food Article
Liver disorder
Diarrohea, vomiting
Stomach, liver problems
Harmful Effects
International Year of Chemistery 2011
Year of
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
Colour dissolves in water Saccharin gives the characteristic
sweet taste.
Add water to the
Colours and Saccharin
Aluminum leaves
Observation & Inference
Pure silver leaves burn away
completely leaving glistening
balls while aluminum leaves
are reduced to grey ash
Food Article
Burn the leaves in
Harmful Effects
The building of awareness among the people as to nature and extent of adulteration,
sharing result into the building of a strong public opinion in favour of strict enforcement of
Food Adulteration Act and other Central measures.
The clubs members may exhibit to the people the varieties of adulterated food, conduct test
on detection of adulteration and explain the harmful effects on health.
In determination of food adulteration, some
materials (chemicals etc.) are used as
detectors which are generally available in
any school lab or may be purchased from
local market. The list of chemicals which
may be required are as follows:1.
Potassium permanganate
Muratic acid
Iodine solution
Sodium carbonate solution
Hydrochloric acid
Carbon tetrachloride
Soyabean powder
Red litmus paper
Phenolphthalein Solution
Liquid paraffin
Nitric acid
Amyl alcohol
Carbon disulphide
Alcoholic potash
Petroleum ether
Ferrous sulphate
Ferric chloride
Mentanil yellow paper strip
Yellow paper strip
Ammonia solution
Besides chemicals, to facilitate the process
of detection, some accessories are required
which may be arranged locally from the
school lab or may be purchased from the
Accessories Required:1.
Test tube
Spirit lamp
Rectified spirit
Distilled water
Blotting Paper
Waste Paper
Filter paper
Test tube holder
Match box
Glass rod
The demonstration of food
adulteration detection in an
exhibition, fair or at an organised
public show will be attractive and
effective if the samples of adulterated
food materials and their adulterants
are displayed side by side. It will be
much more communicative and exert
greater impact on the audience if
charts and posters displaying adverse
and injurious effects of different
adulterants on growth and
maintenance of good health are
projected. Such visuals maybe
designed locally.
Courtsey: Home Kit To Detect Food Adulteration.
Instruction Manual by Dr.Ms. Geetha Swaminathan,
Reader Dept. Chemistry Setlla Maris College,
(Autonomous) 17, Cathedral Road, Chennai-600086.
Food Adulteration Detection Manual, Bharat Jan Gyan
Vigyan Jatha. Working Team Science Communicators
Forum And Action Research Institute, NCSTCNetwork Project.
10% Ferric Chloride
Petroleum Ether
Concentrated Hydrochloric Acid
5%Alcoholic Potassium Hydroxide
1% Sodium Carbonate
2% Iodine Solution
Rectified Spirit (95% Ethyl Alcohol)
40% Antimony trichloride
in Chloroform
Precautions while handling and storing chemicals
Store in brown bottle.
Inflammable. Keep away from fire. Avoid Inhalation.
Corrossive. Handle with care.
Corrossive. Handle with care.
Mild base-on special Precaution.
Store in Brown Bottle. Iodine gives brown stain on hand.
Inflammable. Keep away from fire.
Avoid inhalation. Gives white stain on hand.
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
International Year of Chemistery 2011
Year of
peRdkj fn[kkus okys Hkh djrs gSa jlk;u foKku dk mi;ksx
foiusV ds tuojh vad esa geus varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u o"kZ ds nkSjku foiusV
Dycksa ds fy;s lq>k;s x;s dk;ZØe dh :ijs[kk izLrqr dh FkhA pkj
xfrfof/k;ksa esa ls nks xfrfof/k lHkh Dycksa dks djuh Fkh rFkk vU; nks
xfrfof/k;ksa esa ls ,d dks pquuk gSA lHkh xfrfof/k;ksa dkss vxLr ls flrEcj
ekg ds chp dk;kZfUor fd;k tkuk gS rFkk ifj;kstuk dh fjiksVZ ^foKku
izlkj* esa 31 vDVwcj rd igq¡puh gSA izkIr ;kstukvksa esa ls 200 Js"B
ifj;kstukvksa dk pquko gksxk rFkk ifj;kstuk ds nks izfrHkkxh vkSj Dyc
leUo;d dks 3 fnu ds ^jk"Vªh; dSEi* esa vkefU=kr fd;k tk,xkA dSEi
dk LFkku ,oa frfFk fu/kkZfjr gksrs gh lHkh Dycksa dks lwfpr fd;k tk,xkA
bl vad esa ^peRdkjksa dh oSKkfud O;k[;k* fo'ks"kij lzksr lkexzh
izLrqr dh tk jgh gSA ;s ,sls djrc gS ftUgsa peRdkj dk uke nsdj yksxksa
}kjk Hkksys&Hkkys yksxksa ds lkeus is'k fd;s tkrs gSa tks vius vkidks Lo;a
Hkxoku dk nwr dgrs gSAa ;g jkspd rF; ;s gS fd os yksx peRdkjh izHkkoksa
dks mRiUu djus ds fy, os jlk;u foKku dk lgkjk Hkh ysrs gSaA bl
vkys[k esa ge dqN ,slh gh jklk;fud izfØ;kvksa dh
tkudkjh ns jgs gSa ftUgsa dqN fo'ks"k ifjiz{s ; o dYkkRed
rjhds ls is'k djus ij peRdkj dh laKk ns nh tkrh gSA
rks lcls igys gesa ;gka ;s le>uk gksxk dh ifjHkkf"kd
:i esa vkf[kj peRdkj gS D;k\ D;k peRdkj tSlk
lpeqp dqN gS ;k os dsoy gekjh tkudkjh o fo"k;oLrq
dh le> ij fuHkZj djrk gS fd fdl ifj?kVuk ;k
xfrfof/k dks ge peRdkj dh laKk nsrs gSaA
;fn ge oSKkfud utfj, ls ns[ksa rks] peRdkj dks
ge ,slh ifj?kVuk ds :i esa ifjHkkf"kr dj ldrs gSa
ftldk dh izd`fr ds Kkr fu;eksa }kjk O;oLFkk djuk
lEHko izrhr ugha gksrkA tSls vxj ge gok esa ,d xsan
mNkys rks dqN le; ckn og i`Foh ij fxjsxhA ijUrq vxj oks vkdk'k
esa Åij tkrh pyh tk, rks ml ifj?kVuk dks D;k dgsaxs\
;gk¡ nks fLFkfr;ka gks ldrh gSA igyh dh vki bl ifj?kVuk dks ,d
jgL; ekudj mldh [kkstchu esa yx tk;sxa As ,slk D;ksa gqvk fd xsna izFoh
ij okil D;ksa ugha vk;h\ nwljh fLFkfr ;s gks ldrh gS bl ifj?kVuk ds
dkj.k dks izd`fr ds fu;eksa ls ijs dh mRifRr le> fy;k tk, ;k bZ'koj
}kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z eku fy;k tk,A
geus ,sls dbZ izn'kZu ns[ks gksaxs ;k muds ckjs esa lquk gksxk fd dksbZ
O;fDr] tks vius vkidks bZ'oj dk vorkj dgrk gS] 'kwU; ls dqN Hkh
iSnk dj ldrk gS ;k ,d oLrq dks nwljh oLrq esa cny ldrk gSA og
O;fDr ,slk djus dk dkj.k vius ikl fdlh fo'ks"k 'kfDr dks gksuk crkrk
gS ftldk mís'; dsoy vius vkidks nwljs ls Js"B fl) djuk gksrk gSA
,sls dbZ djrc gS tSls vkx ij pyuk] 'kjhj ds fdlh vax ds dkVs fcuk
vkWijs'ku djuk bR;kfnA
vkt bl izdkj ds vusd djrcksa dh] ftUgsa vDlj peRdkj dh laKk
nh tkrh gS vusd oSKkfud O;k[;k,a miyCèk gS]a tks fd oSKkfud fl)kUrksa
ij vk/kkfjr gSa ijUrq vkt Hkh gekjs lekt ds ,d cM+s oxZ esa voSKkfud
o iwokZxgz ksa ij vk/kkfjr ekU;rk,a izpfyr gSa ftuds dkj.k dqN yksxksa }kjk
os vklkuh ls Bx fy;s tkrs gSAa gekjs lafo/kku dh /kkjk ¼50 lh-,-lh-,p½
esa oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.k dks c<+kok nsus dh ckr dgh xbZ gSA ,sls yksx u dsoy
lafo/kku dh fopkj/kkjk ds foijhr dke djrs gSa cfYd lekt esa oSKkfud
n`f"Vdks.k dks c<+kus o mlds iks"k.k djus dh fn'kk esa gks jgs dk;ksaZ dh izxfr
esa ckèkk mRiUUk djrs gSaA
rks D;k oSKkfud utfj, ds vuqlkj] peRdkj tSlk dqN gS\ ge lHkh
inkFkZ ds laj{k.k dk fu;e tkurs gSa ftlds vuqlkj inkFkZ o ÅtkZ dks
u rks iSnk fd;k tk ldrk gS vkSj u u"V] mls dsoy ,d :i ls nwljs
:i esa cnyk tk ldrk gSA rc Hkyk dksbZ 'kwU; ls dksbZ dqN dSls iSnk
dj ldrk gS] ;g izd`fr ds fu;e ds foijhr gS vr% vlEHko gSA tc
rd fd og O;fDr ;k rks gkFk dh lQkbZ ls] fdlh eU=k ds mi;ksx ;k
jklk;fud izfØ;k ds }kjk og ,d inkFkZ dks nwljs inkFkZ esa cny u nsA
bu rhuksa gh fLFkfr;ksa esa ges'kk ,slk dqN gksrk gS ftls dykRed :i esa
fNik;k tkrk gS] ;kfu dkj.k vkSj izHkko dk lh/kk lEidZ gesa fn[kkbZ ugha
nsrk vkSj blh dkj.k gesa og ifj?kVuk ;k djrc izd`fr
ds Kkr fu;ekssa ds foijhr gksrk gqvk fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA
,sls <ksaxh vkSj vius dks vorkj dgus okys yksxksa
}kjk peRdkj ds :i esa fn[kk;s tkus okys djrcksa ds
oSKkfud rjhds ls lek/kku [kkstus ds fy;s ge bu
djrcksa dks fuEu izdkj ls oxhZd`r dj ldrs gSa %&
d½ gkFk dh lQkbZ% ;s eq[;r% ,d dyk gS] ftls
rFkkdfFkr tknwxj gh viukrs gSaA tSls ,d oLrq ls
vusd oLrq cukuk] fdlh oLrq dks xk;c dj nsukA ;gk¡
vDlj n'kZdksa ls vlfy;r dks fNikus ds fy;s gkFk ;k
'kjhj ds vU; fdlh vax dh xfr dk lgkjk fy;k tkrk
gSA ;g lc bruh rsth ls fd;k tkrk gS fd n'kZdksa ds
lkeus vfUre fu"d"kZ ;k izHkko gh lkeus vkrk gSA ,sls izn'kZu esa dksbZ
,slh oLrq 'kwU; ls iSnk ugha dj ldrk ftls og vius 'kjhj ds fdlh vax
esa igys ls gh fNik dj u j[k ldrk gksA
[k½ ;kaf=kd midj.k% dqN peRdkjh izHkkoksa dks fn[kkus ds fy, fo'ks"k izdkj
ds ;kaf=kd midj.kksa dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA dqN midj.k fo'ks"kdj
ftuesa dbZ ijrsa gksrh gSa] vkSj ftuesa fdlh pht dks Nqik dj j[kk tk
ldrk gSA n'kZdksa dk /;ku ckaVus ds fy, ea=k] rst laxhr vkSj fo'ks"k
i`"BHkwfe dk lgkjk fy;k tkrk gSA
x½ bfUnz;ksa ds Hkze% gekjh lHkh bfUnz;ksa dh dqN fo'ks"krk,a gksrh gSa ,oa dqN
lhek,aA bUgsa vklkuh ls Hkzfer fd;k tk ldrk gSA tSls ;fn ge fdlh
O;fDr ds ekFks ij dqN nsj rd ,d flDdk j[k mls nck,a vkSj mls fcuk
crk,a flDdk gVk ys] rks Hkh ml O;fDr dks yxrk jgsxk dh flDdk mlds
ekFks ij j[kk gSA
?k½ jklk;fud izfØ;k% dqN djrcksa esa vDlj jlk;uksa dk iz;ksx fd;k
tkrk gS rFkk vfUre izHkko eq[;r% nks jlk;uksa dh vHkhfØ;k dk gh
ifj.kke gksrk gSA ijUrq jlk;uksa dks vaxqfy;ksa] midj.kksa esa Nqik dj j[kk
tkrk gSA gekjs lkeus dsoy vfUre izHkko gh vkrk gSA
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u o"kZ 2011 ds vUrxZr gekjs lHkh Dycksa dks
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
eq[;r% ,slh gh ^peRdkj* dgs tkus okyh ifj?kVukvksa] djrcksa dks fn[kk
dj mudh oSKkfud O;k[;k djuh gS ftudk eq[; vk/kkj jlk;fud
vfHkfØ;k,a gSaA
bu lHkh vfHkfØ;kvksa dks fn[kkus dk eq[; mís'; dsoy vius {ks=k
ds yksxksa dks tkx#d dj Bxksa ls cpkuk] vkRefuHkZj cukuk] ftlls os
viuh leL;kvksa dk Lo;a lek/kku dj lds vkSj oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.k dks
vksj foLr`r djuk gSA
^foKku izlkj* }kjk peRdkjksa dh oSKkfud O;k[;k fo"k; ij fgUnh esa
^lp rks dqN vksj gS* rFkk vaxt
sz h esa ^Seeing is not being* iqLrd dk
izdk'ku Hkh fd;k gSA blds vykok ^jk"Vªh; foKku ,oa izks|ksfxdh lapkj
ifj"kn* ¼jk-fo-izks-l-i-½ }kjk fiNys 15 ls vf/kd o"kksZa ls izf'k{k.k
dk;Z'kkykvksa dk vk;kstu Hkh iwjs ns'k esa fd;k tk jgk gSA bl fo"k; esa
vkt yxHkx gj jkT; esa lzkrs O;fDr miyC/k gSA foiusV Dyc y?kq ukVdksa
o dyk tRFkk ds :i esa Hkh bu ^peRdkj* dgs tkuh okyh ifj?kVukvksa]
djrcksa dk izn'kZu dj ldrs gSaA bl ys[k ds lkFk gh ge dqN ,sls gh
djrcksa dh tkudkjh mudh O;k[;k ds lkFk ns jgs gSa tks jlk;u foKku
dh leL;k ij vk/kkfjr gSaA
tgka ij iksVSf'k;e ijeSXusV j[kk gksrk gS] fXyljhu FkksM+h vf/kd ek=k eas
Mky nsrs gSaA blds ckn ea=k i<+us dh fØ;k dks djrs gq, gou dq.M esa
gkFk ls FkksM+h gok djrs gSa vkSj bl fØ;k dks djus ds ckn ns[krs gSa fd
gou dq.M esa vius vki vfXu izTofyr gks tkrh gSA
rF;% iksVfS 'k;e ijeSXusV ,oa fXyljhu dh jklk;fud fØ;k Å"ek mRiUu
djrh gS ftlds ifj.kkeLo:i vfXu izTofyr gksrh gSA
lko/kkfu;ka% iksVfS 'k;e ijeSXusV ckjhd filk gqvk gksuk pkfg,A fXyljhu
lhfer ek=k esa Mkyk tk,A
2- Hkwr dh vaR;sf"V
jklk;fud izfrfØ;kvksa ij vk/kkfjr dkS'ky ;k [ksy
1 ea=k'kfDr }kjk vfXu izTofyr djuk
1- Hkwr dh vUR;sf"V
3- ukfj;y esa Hkwr
4- ea=k&'kfDr ls HkHkwfr mRiUu djuk
5- nsoh ds gkFkksa dk fu'kku
5- 'kjhj ij uke vafdr djuk
6- gYnh ls flUnwj cukuk
7- vkRe'kfDr ls eksecÙkh tykuk
8- fcuk vkx ds pkoy idkuk
9- tykus ij Hkh diM+s dk uk tyuk
10- 'kh'ks dk Hkwr izdV djuk
11- fepZ [kkuk
12- ikuh esa vkx
13- dkxt ij fcuk L;kgh dye ds fy[kuk
14- 'kjhj ij pkdw ls ?kko djuk vkSj fQj mls Bhd djuk
15- dwM+s esa ea=k&'kfDr ls vkx yxkuk
16- cUn fyQkQs ds Hkhrj dk fcuk [kksys i<+uk
17- rkcht esa HkHkwr
18- fcuk phj&QkM+ ds vkijs'ku
19- ikuh dks [kwu esa cnyuk
20- jksyh ds fcuk fryd yxkuk
21- uhacw ls [kwu fudkyuk
22- HkHkwfr ls dkxt ij fy[kuk
lkexzh% ukfj;y] lksfM;e ds NksVs NksVs VqdM+s] ikuh ls Hkjk fxyklA
fof/k% lw[ks gq, ukfj;y dh tVkvksa esa igys ls gh pus ds nkus ds cjkcj
vkdkj ds lksfM;e ds VqdM+s Nqik nsrs gSaA vc gkFk esa ty ysdj ea=k i<+us
dk fn[kkok djrs gSa vkSj ty dks ukfj;y ij fNM+drs gSa rks ukfj;y rsth
ls ty mBrk gS vkSj fQj dgrs gSa fd ukfj;y esa Hkwr Fkk tks ikuh fNM+drs
gh ty x;kA
rF;% ;g ,d lk/kkj.k jklk;fud izfØ;k gSA lksfM;e vkSj ikuh dh
izfrfØ;k }kjk ,d ekewyh lk foLQksV gksrk gS vkSj vfXu tyus yxrh
gSA ,slk buds xq.kksa ds dkj.k gksrk gSA
lko/kkfu;ka% lksfM;e dks gkFk ls u Nq,a rFkk bls ges'kk feV~Vh ds rsy esa
gh j[ksaA ukfj;y esa bls laHkky dj j[ksaA bls ueh ls cpk,aA
lksfM;e dk VqdM+k pus ls cM+k ugha gksuk pkfg,A lksfM;e dk iz;ksx djus
ds dqN {k.k igys gh ml VqdM+s dks ukfj;y dh tVkvksa esa fNik,aA vfèkd
nsj gksus ij ml ij yxk feV~Vh dk rsy lw[k tkus ij ok;q esa mifLFkr
ueh ds dkj.k ;g QV Hkh ldrk gSA ukfj;y lw[kk ,oa tVkvksa okyk gh
gksuk pkfg,A
3- ukfj;y esa Hkwr
1- ea=k'kfDr }kjk vfXu izTofyr djuk
lkexzh% gou dq.M] iryh ydfM+;ka] iksVSf'k;e ijeSXusV] fXyljhuA
fof/k% loZiFz ke gou dq.M ysdj mlesa iksVfS 'k;e ijeSXusV dks ihldj j[k
nsrs gSa vkSj iryh ydfM+;ka mlds Åij bl izdkj tek nsrs gSa fd Åij
ls iksVfS 'k;e ijeSXusV fn[kkbZ u nsA mlds ckn ea=kksa dk mPpkj.k djrs gq,
?kh :ih fXyljhu gou dq.M esa pkjksa rjQ Mkyrs gq, ,d fo'ks"k LFkku ij] lkexzh % ikuh rFkk tVk okyk ukfj;y] lksfM;e pus ds nkus ds cjkcjA
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
International Year of Chemistery 2011
fo"k;% bl iz;ksx }kjk ge gkFkksa dk fu'kku diM+s ij mRiUu dj nsrs gSa
vkSj yksxksa dks crkrs gSa fd ;g nsoh ds gkFkksa dk fu'kku gSA
fof/k% loZizFke ikuh esa filh gYnh ?kksyrs gSaA bl ?kksy esa lQsn diM+s dks
vPNh rjg ls fHkxksdj lq[kk ysrs gSaA vc diM+s dk jax gYdk ihyk utj
vkus yxrk gSA blds ckn diM+s dks tehu ij fcNk nsrs gSa vkSj n'kZdksa
esa ls fdlh O;fDr dks cqykdj pwus ds ikuh ls mlds gkFk èkqyokrs gSAa vc
ml O;fDr ls gkFk diM+s ij yxkus dks dgrs gSaA n'kZd ftl LFkku ij
gkFk yxkrk gS ogka ml ds gkFkksa ds jaxhu fu'kku mHkj vkrs gSaA
rF;% pwus dk ikuh gYnh dh izfrfØ;kLo:i yky jax dk inkFkZ cudj
fu'kku NksM+rk gSA
lko/kkfu;ka% pwus dk ?kksy gYdk gksuk pkfg,A iz;ksx ds i'pkr~ pwus ls Hkhxs
Hkkx dks lkQ ikuh ls vo'; /kks ysaA
lykbZ ;k dksbZ uqdhyh dhy] ,d pqVdh iksVSf'k;e ijeSXusV] ,d fxykl
fof/k% ,d ikuh okyk ukfj;y tVkvksa lfgr ysrs gSaA blds Åij ds [kksy
ij rhu vka[ksa fn[ksaxhA buesa ls fdlh ,d vka[k eas lykbZ ls Nsndj
iksVSf'k;e ijesaXusV vk/kh pqVdh Hkj Mky nsrs gSa vkSj vPNh rjg fgyk
ysrs gSaA Åijh tVkvksa esa lksfM;e j[kdj tVk;sa can dj nsrs gSaA vc
n'kZdksa dks yqHkkouh ckrksa eas my>krs gq, dgrs gSa fd nsf[k, blesa Hkwr can
dj fn;k gSA vc mls tykdj [kRe dj nsaxs] ,slh ckrsa cukrs gSaA ukfj;y
dk eqga Åij j[ksa ¼tgka lksfM;e j[kk gS] og Hkkx Åij jguk pkfg,½ vkSj
ikuh Mkysa rks yiVsa fudyus yxsxa hA blds ckn ukfj;y rksMd
+ j fn[kk,a rks
[kwu :ih ikuh fudysxkA
rF;% ;g ,d lk/kkj.k fØ;k gS vkSj dkS'ky ij vk/kkfjr gSA lksfM;e
ikuh ds lEidZ esa vkus ij ty mBRkh gS rFkk iksVfS 'k;e ijeSXa usV ds dkj.k
vanj dk ikuh yky gks tkrk gSA
lko/kkfu;ka% ukfj;y ikuh okyk gh ysuk pkfg,Aukfj;y esa fNnz djrs le;
iw.kZ lko/kkuh j[ksaA iksVSf'k;e ijeSaXusV ikmMj ds :i esa filk gqvk gksuk
pkfg,A lksfM;e dk iz;ksx djus ls iwoZ mls feV~Vh ds rsy esa fHkxks dj
j[kuk pkfg,A lksfM;e dk vkdkj pus ds nkus ls cM+k ugha gksuk pkfg,A
6- 'kjhj ij uke vafdr djuk
lkexzh % QSfjd DyksjkbM rjy] iksVSf'k;e QSjkslkbukbMA
4- ea=k 'kfDr ls HkHkwfr mRiUu djuk
lkexzh% ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM] ,Y;wfefu;e dk ,d flDdkA
fof/k % loZiFz ke QSfjd DyksjkbM ds ?kksy ls vius gkFk dh Ropk ij viuk
uke vFkok dqN Hkh fy[k nsrs gSaA vc ge bls lq[kk ysrs gSaA pwafd QSfjd
DyksjkbM dk jax Ropk ds jax ls feyrk-tqyrk gS vr% lw[kus ij gkFk ij
dqN Hkh fn[kkbZ ugha nsrkA vc ge vius nwljs gkFk dh gFksyh ij iksVfs 'k;e
QSjkslkbukbM yxk nsrs gSaA iksVsf'k;e QSjklkbukbM ls xhyk gkFk tc ge
nwljs gkFk ij fy[ks x;s v{kjksa ij Qsjrs gSa rks gkFk ij fy[kk v{kj Li"V
:i ls mHkj vkrk gSA
rF;% QSfjd DyksjkbM lw[kus ij jaxghu gks tkrk gS vkSj iksVsf'k;e
QSjkslkbukbM ls izfrfØ;k gksus ij ;g v{kjksa dks jaxhu (gjk dj nsrk gSA
lko/kkfu;ka % jklk;fud inkFkks± dk iz;ksx lko/kkuh ls fd;k tk,A
jklk;fud inkFkZ iz;ksx djus ds ckn gkFk lkcqu ls lkQ dj ysaA
fof/k% loZizFke maxyh ij ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM dk FkksM+k lk ikmMj ysrs gSa
fQj ,Y;wfefu;e ds ,d flDds ij mls jxM+rs gSaA vkSj flDdk fdlh
n'kZd ds gkFk esa j[kdj mldh eqV~Bh can djk nsrs gSAa FkksMh+ nsj ckn eqV~Bh
[kqyokrs gSa rks ns[krs gSa fd flDds ij HkHkwfr tSlh jk[k teh gqbZ gS vkSj
fujUrj fudyrh tk jgh gSA flDds dh xehZ ls gFksyh Hkh xeZ gks tkrh
gSA vki n'kZdksa dks crk ldrs gSa fd vkids ea=kkspkj ls HkHkwfr vkSj xehZ
mRiUu gqbZA
rF;% ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM] flDds ij izHkko Mkyrk gS ftlls flDdk xeZ
gksdj n'kZd dh gFksyh xeZ dj nsrk gSA blds ckn n'kZd dh gFksyh [kksyus
ij mlesa ,Y;wfefu;e ds flDds }kjk NksM+k x;k jax HkHkwfr tSlk gksus dk
vkHkkl djkrk gSA vkSj yxrk gS fd tSls flDds ls HkHkwfr mRiUu gks xbZ
gksA bl izfØ;k esa ,Y;wfefu;e vkSj ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM dh izfrfØ;k ls
,Y;wfefu;e vkDlkbM uked inkFkZ curk gS tks HkHkwfr ds jax o :i dks
izLrqr djrk gSA
lko/kkfu;ka % ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM ,d fo"kSyk inkFkZ gSA vr% bldk iz;ksx
lko/kkuh ls fd;k tkuk pkfg,A iz;ksx ds ckn rqjUr lkcqu }kjk vPNh
izdkj ls gkFk lkQ dj ysAa iz;ksx esa ,Y;wfefu;e dk flDdk mi;ksx djsAa
7- gYnh ls flUnwj cukuk
lkexzh% pwus dk ikuh] gYnh dk ikmMjA
fof/k% loZizFke pwus dk ?kksy cukdj j[krs gSaA blds ckn nkfgus gkFk ds
vaxwBs dks xhyk djus ds cgkus pwus ds ikuh esa Mqcksdj] mlh gkFk ls gYnh
ysdj fdlh Hkh O;fDr ds ekFks ij fryd yxk nsrs gSaA rc ns[krs gSa fd
gYnh ls yxk;s gq, fryd dk jax cnydj flUnwjh gks tkrk gSA
rF;% pwafd pwus ds ikuh vkSj gYnh feydj yky jax dk inkFkZ cukrs gSaA
blh dkj.k fryd dk jax yky gks tkrk gS vkSj n'kZd le> cSBrs gSa fd
gYnh ls flUnwj yxk fn;k x;k gSA D;ksafd pwus dk ikuh {kkj gksrk gS vkSj
dksbZ Hkh {kkj tc gYnh ds laidZ esa vk,xk rks og mls yky dj nsxkA
5- nsoh ds gkFkksa dk fu'kku
lkexzh% filh gYnh] pwuk] lQsn jax dk diM+k] ikuhA
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
lko/kkfu;ka % pwus dk ?kksy gYdk gksuk pkfg,A gYnh ls Li'kZ djrs le; fof/k% loZizFke dkcZuMkblYQkbM ,oa dkcZuVsVªkDyksjkbM cjkcj ek=k esa
ikuh dh cwansa u Vidsa blfy, vaxwBk lko/kkuh ls xhyk djuk pkfg,A ysdj budk feJ.k rS;kj djrs gSaA bl feJ.k esa ,d :eky dks vPNh
rjg fHkxksdj ckgj fudkyus ds ckn mlesa vkx yxk nsrs gSAa :eky /kèkd
8- vkRe'kfDr ls eksecÙkh tykuk
dj tyus yxrk gS vkSj tc ge :eky ij yxh vkx dks cq>krs gSa rks
:eky ij vkx dk fu'kku rd ugha gksrk gSA
rF;% ;g ,d jklk;fud izfrfØ;k dk ifj.kke gSA nksuksa jklk;fud inkFkZ
gYds o Toyu'khy gksrs gSaA vr% diM+s esa vkx yxus ls igys ;s inkFkZ
tyus yxrs gSaA
lko/kkfu;ka % nksuksa jlk;uksa dk feJ.k cjkcj vuqikr esa gksA ;s jlk;u
fo"kSys gksrs gSa] blhfy, lko/kkuh cjrsaA feJ.k esa Hkhxs gq, :eky esa vkx
lkexzh% nks jaxhu eksecÙkh] Øksfed ,flMA feFkkby vFkok ,Fkkby lko/kkuh ls yxk,aA vkx :eky esa rc rd gh yxh jgus nsa tc rd fd
:eky mDr feJ.k ls xhyk jgsA lw[kus ds ckn diM+k tyus yxsxkA
11- 'kh'ks ij Hkwr izdV djuk
fof/k% loZizFke ,d eksecÙkh ck;sa gkFk esa ysdj mldh cÙkh ij filk gqvk
ckjhd Øksfed ,flM yxk nsrs gSAa vc nwljh eksecÙkh ds eq[k ij feFkkby lkexzh% iksVsf'k;e lYQks lkbukbM dk ?kksy] Qsfjd DyksjkbM 1 yhVj]
vYdksgy yxkdj Øksfed ,flM yxh eksecÙkh yxkrs gS]a rks og ty mBrh
gSA cxSj ekfpl ds eksecÙkh tyrh ns[kdj n'kZd vk'p;Zpfdr jg tkrs
rF;% Øksfed ,flM vkSj feFkkby vFkok ,Fkkby vYdksgy vkil esa
feyrs gSa rks buds xq.kksa ds dkj.k vkx yx tkrh gSA
lko/kkfu;ka % feFkkby vYdksgy ges'kk vPNh rjg can djds j[ksa D;ksafd
;g ,d mM+u'khy inkFkZ gSA Øksfed ,flM ,d Toyu'khy inkFkZ gksus ds
dkj.k bldk iz;ksx djrs le; lko/kkuh j[ksaA iz;ksx djus ds ckn rqjar 'kh'ks dh 'khV 14 bap] 12 bap ;k fQj fdlh vU; vkdkj dh] FkksMs+ pkoy
ds nkus] lQsn dkxt 'kh'ks ls FkksM+k cM+k] dqN Qwy] xsank] xqykc] o iku
gkFk lkQ dj ysaA
ds iÙks] vxjcÙkh] ekfpl
9- fcuk vkx ds pkoy idkuk
lkexzh% ,d eqV~Bh pkoy] ikuh esa 30 feuV rd Hkhxs gq,] ,d eqV~Bh fof/k% loZizFke lery tehu ij dkxt vkSj mlds Åij dkap dh 'khV
j[k nsaA vc iksVSf'k;e lYQks lkbukbM ds ?kksy ls ml ij Hkwr dk fp=k
vafdr dj ysaA lw[k tkus ij mls pkoy ds nkuksa ls ltk nsaA ;fn vfèkd
fo'oLr djuk gks rks ,d vksj LofLrd cuk nsa vkSj pkjksa vksj vxjcfÙk;ka
tyk nsa exj vxj cfÙk;ka gV dj tyk,aA Qsfjd DyksjkbM dVksjs esa j[k
ysaA vc vkidk dkS'ky izkjaHk gksrk gSA vki n'kZdksa dks ckrksa esa my>k,
j[kdj QSfjd DyksjkbM iku ds iÙks ;k Qwyksa ds }kjk 'kh'ks ij fNM+dsa tgka
fp=k vafdr fd;k x;k gSA vc vki ik,axs fd iwjk fp=k mHkj dj fn[kus
yxk gS] yhft, Hkwr vk x;k 'kh'ks ijA
iqrkbZ djus okyk pwuk] izs'kj dqdj] ikuh
fof/k% izs'kj dqdj esa pkoy idkus ds fy, mfpr ek=k esa ikuh ysdj ,d rF;% ;s jlk;u gkfudkjd gSAa vr% lko/kkuh cjrsa ,oa gkFk Bhd ls lkQ
eqV~Bh pkoy Mkyrs gSaA vc mlesa pqids ls ,d eqV~Bh pwuk Mkydj rqjar dj ysaA jklk;fud inkFkks± dks lqjf{kr LFkku ij j[ksaA
12- fepZ [kkuk
lhVh yxk <Ddu can dj nsrs gSaA FkksM+h nsj esa pkoy vius vki id
lkexzh% xqM+ekj dh ifÙk;ka vFkok tSrwu dk rsy] gjh fepZA
rF;% ikuh ds laidZ esa vkus ij pwuk rhoz Å"ek vkSj dkcZu MkbvkDlkbM
mRlftZr djrk gSA ifj.kkeLo:i pkoy 'kh?kz gh id tkrs gSaA
lko/kkfu;ka % pwus ij gok ;k lhyu dk vlj ugha gksuk pkfg,A lhVh igys
ls gh yxh gksuh pkfg,A bu pkoyksa dk [kkus esa mi;ksx u djsaA
10- tykus ij Hkh diM+s dk u tyuk
lkexzh% dkcZuMkblYQkbM] dkcZuVsVªkDyksjkbM] ,d :eky] ekfpl
fof/k% loZizFke xqM+ekj dh dqN ifÙk;ka [kk ysrs gSa] ;k fQj tSrwu ds rsy
ls dqYyk dj ysrs gSaA blds ckn fepZ [kkrs gSa rks mlds pjijs Lokn dk
fcYdqy Hkh vglkl ugha gksrk gSA
rF; % xqMe+ kj dh iÙkh vkSj tSruw ds rsy esa ;g fo'ks"krk gksrh gS fd bldks
[kk ysus ds ckn dqN le; rd vU; fdlh oLrq dk Lokn irk ugha pyrk
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
International Year of Chemistery 2011
Year of
gSA ;gka rd fepZ [kkus ij Hkh mldk rh[kkiu fcYdqy eglwl ugha gksrk djus ds ckn gkFk vPNh rjg lkcqu ls /kks ysaA
gS D;ksafd gekjh LoknsfUnz;ka fuf"Ø; gks tkrh gSA
15- 'kjhj ij pkdw ls ?kko djuk vkSj mls Bhd djuk
lko/kkfu;ka % xqMe+ kj dh iÙkh] iz;ksx ds ,d feuV igys [kkuh pkfg,] nkarksa lkexzh% QSfjd DyksjkbM ,d pEep] iksVsf'k;e lYQkslkbukbM] :ekyA
ls [kwc pckuk pkfg,A bl iz;ksx dks djus ls iwoZ vH;kl t:jh gSA
13- ikuh esa vkx
lkexzh% ,d ckYVh ikuh] vk/kk I;kyk bZFkj] lksfM;e ds VqdM+s
fof/k% 'kjhj ds ftl Hkkx dks ?kk;y djuk gS ml ij iksVsf'k;e
lYQkslkbukbM ,flM yxk ysaA ;g FkksM+h nsj esa lw[k tk,xkA vc QSfjd
DyksjkbM ls ,d :eky xhyk dj ysaA bl ds ckn ,d pkdw ls 'kjhj ds
ml Hkkx dk Li'kZ djsa ftl ij iksVsf'k;e lYQkslkbukbM yxk gqvk gSA
fof/k% ckYVh esa rhu pkSFkkbZ Hkkx ikuh HkjsAa vklikl vxjcfÙk;ka tyk nsAa ns[krs gSa fd og Hkkx ?kk;y gks tkrk gSA izn'kZu djus ds ckn :eky ls
ea=k i<+rs gq, ;K djus dk ukVd djsaA fQj ikuh dh lrg ij vkèkk lkQ dj nsa] ?kko lkQ gks tk,xkA
I;kyk bZFkj Mky nsAa iku vFkok :eky esa lksfM;e ds rhu&pkj VqdM+s fNik rF;% tc iksVfS 'k;e lYQkslkbukbM ,oa QSfjd DyksjkbM vkil esa feydj
dj j[ksa vkSj ea=k i<+rs gq, pqids ls ckYVh esa fxjk nsaA lksfM;e fxjrs gh jklk;fud izfrfØ;k djrs gSa rks ygw ds leku fu'kku 'kjhj ij utj vkrk
ikuh esa vkx yx tk,xhA
gSA ;g jax QSfjd fFkekslk;ukbM ds dkj.k mRiUu gksrk gSA
rF;% bZFkj gYdk gksus ds dkj.k ikuh ds Åij rSjrk jgrk gSA tc lksfM;e
FeCl3+3NaCNS=Fe (CNS)3 + NaCL
NksM+rs gSa] rks ikuh ds laidZ esa vkrs gh mlesa vkx yx tkrh gS vkSj bZFkj
QSfjd DyksjkbM] iksVsf'k;e ,YQkslkbukbM
tyus yxrk gSA
QSfjd FkkvkslkbukbM] lksfM;e DyksjkbM
lko/kkfu;ka % lksfM;e dks fe~VVh ds rsy esa gh j[ksaA bZFkj can djds j[kuk lko/kkfu;ka % tys dVs ;k QksM+s QqUlh okys LFkku ij budk iz;ksx u djsaA
pkfg,A lksfM;e ikuh esa Mkyrs le; iw.kZ lko/kkuh j[ksaA /kkrq dh ckYVh iz;ksx ds ckn :eky] pkdw ,oa 'kjhj ds ml Hkkx dks vPNh rjg lkQ
dk gh iz;ksx djsaA
dj ysa] tgka jklk;fud inkFkZ yxk gksA jlk;uksa dk iz;ksx lko/kkuhiwoZd
14- dkxt ij fcuk L;kgh dye ds fy[kuk
lkexzh% dkxt] QSfjd DyksjkbM dk ?kksy] iksVfS 'k;e QSjkslkbukbM dye]
16- ea=k 'kfDr ls dwMs+ esa vkx yxkuk
lkexzh% lksfM;e dk NksVk lk VqdM+k] dwM+k djdVA
NksVk lk :eky vkSj [kkyh ekfpl dh fMCch tks Bhd rjg ls can gks lds
fof/k% loZiFz ke QSfjd ?kksy }kjk lkns dkxt ij dye ;k cz'k dh lgk;rk
ls dqN okD;@fdlh Hkkx ij dqN 'kCn fy[k ysrs gSaA iksVsf'k;e QSjks
lkbukbM ?kksy ls :eky fHkxks dj ekfpl esa j[k ysrs gSa rkfd lw[ks ughaA
blds ckn fdlh dks Hkh cqykdj dkxt fn[kkdj crkrs gSa fd ns[kks ;g
[kkyh gSA blds ckn dqN ea=k i<+us dk <kasax djrs gq, gkFk lkQ djus ds
cgkus ekfpl esa iksVSf'k;e QSjkslk;ukbM ls Hkhxs :eky dks ysdj utj
cpkrs gq, dkxt ds ml Hkkx ij Qsj ysrs gSaA ns[krs gS fd ml ij fy[kk
gqvk 'kCn mHkj vkrk gSA
rF;% ;g ,d jklk;fud izfrfØ;k gS tks QSfjd DyksjkbM ,oa iksVSf'k;e
QSjks lkbukbM ds laidZ ls laHko gksrh gSA
lko/kkfu;ka % jklk;fud rRo fo"kSys ,oa gkfudkjd gSaA vr% budk iz;ksx
lko/kkuh ls djsaA iksVSf'k;e QSjks lk;ukbM mM+u'khy inkFkZ gSA vr%
:eky dks fHkxksdj ekfpl dh fMCch esa can djds gh j[kuk pkfg,A izfØ;k
fof/k % dwM+s ds <sj esa lksfM;e dk NksVk lk VqdM+k igys ls Nqikdj j[k
nsrs gSaA ;g iz;ksx fn[kkrs le; eqag esa ikuh Hkjdj dwM+s ij dqYyk djsa rks
dwM+k ty mBrk gS vkSj ns[kus okys vk'p;Zpfdr jg tkrs gSaA
rF;% lksfM;e ds VqdM+s ij ikuh Mkyus ij og ty mBrk gSA
lko/kkfu;ka % lksfM;e dh ek=kk pus ds nkus ls cM+h ugha gksuh pkfg,A
lksfM;e dks gkFk ls u Nq,a rFkk bls ges'kk feV~Vh ds rsy esa gh j[ksaA dwM+s
dk <sj ,dne lw[kk gksuk pkfg,A mlesa dkxt ds lw[ks VqdM+s ;k diM+s
ds lw[ks VqdM+s 'kkfey gksus pkfg,a] xhyh oLrq u gksA
17- cUn fyQkQs ds Hkhrj dk fcuk [kksys i<+uk
lkexzh% bZFkj] :bZ] fyQkQk] dkxtA
fof/k% loZiFz ke fyQkQs ds vanj mlh ds vkdkj ds dkxt ij fdlh O;fDr
ls dqN fy[kokdj mls fyQkQs esa j[k ysrs gSaA fQj :bZ ds VqdM+s dks bZFkj
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
DyksjkbM yxkdj mldk isV ikaNs nsrs gSAa vc :bZ lksfM;e lYQkslkbukbM
esa fHkxksdj vius nk,a gkFk esa Nqik ysrs gSa vkSj mlh gkFk esa iÙkh ysdj
iÙkh ls O;fDr dk isV phjus dk miØe djrs gSaA iÙkh ls isV dkVus dk
miØe djrs le; ge gkFk esa Nqih :bZ dks fupksM+rs gSa] QyLo:i [kwu
fudyrk fn[kkbZ nsrk gSA blh chp dqN vkSj :bZ esa NksVs iRFkj ds VqdM+s
Nqikdj [kwu lkQ djus ds cgkus isV rd ys tkrs gSa vkSj iRFkj dks
èkhjs&èkhjs fxjkrs gSa vkSj VqdM+ksa dks bdV~Bk djds n'kZdksa dks fn[kkrs gSaA
esa fHkxksdj Qkgk rS;kj djds gkFk esa fNik ysrs gSaA fyQkQk ysdj mlds rF;% isV ij :bZ }kjk yxk;s x;s QSfjd DyksjkbM ls tc lksfM;e
Åij bZFkj dk Li'kZ djrs gSaA bZFkj ls xhyk gksus ij fyQkQk ikjn'khZ gks lYQkslk;ukbM dh izfrfØ;k gksrh gS rks [kwu tSlk yky jax mRiUu gksrk
tkrk gSA vc can lekpkj vFkok v{kj dks vklkuh ls i<+ ldrs gSaA gSA ckn esa :bZ esa fNis iRFkj ds VqdM+ksa ds fxjus ls iFkjh ds fudyus dk
rF;% ^bZFkj* ds fo'ks"k xq.k ds dkj.k fyQkQs dk Åijh fgLlk ikjn'khZ gks Hkze gksrk gSA ;g gkFk dh lQkbZ ds dkj.k Hkh gksrk gSA
tkrk gS vkSj fQj L;kgh ;k isfUly ls fy[ks v{kjksa dks vklkuh ls i<+k lko/kkfu;ka % iz;ksx ds rqjar ckn lkcqu ls gkFk /kks ysaA iRFkj ds VqdM+s NksVs
tk ldrk gSA
gksus pkfg,A :bZ dks gkFk esa vPNh rjg ls Nqik ysaA iÙkh fdlh Hkh /kkrq
lko/kkfu;ka % :bZ ds Qkgs dks bZFkj esa HkyhHkkafr xhyk djuk pkfg,A dh gks ldrh gSA
fyQkQs esa dkxt dks lh/kk j[ksaA fyQkQs ij bZFkj Bhd rjg ls xhyk gksus
20- ikuh dks [kwu esa cnyuk
rd yxkrs jgsaA
lkexzh% dkap dk fxykl] LVhy dk fxykl] iksVSf'k;e ijeSaXusV ds dqN
18- rkcht esa HkHkwfr
lkexzh% ,Y;wfefu;e dk cuk rkcht] ejD;wfjd DyksjkbMA
fof/k% loZizFke ,d dkap ds fxykl esa ikuh ysrs gSa fQj ,d LVhy dk
fof/k % loZiFz ke ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM maxyh esa yxk ysrs gSa vkSj blds ckn [kkyh fxykl n'kZdksa dks fn[kkrs gSAa mlds ckn LVhy ds fxykl vkSj vaxBw s
fdlh Hkh O;fDr dks cqykdj mlds 'kjhj ij rkcht cka/krs le; rkcht dh idM+ ds e/; lkoèkkuh ls iksVSf'k;e ijeSaXusV ds 3&4 d.k fNik ysrs
ds vanj okys fgLls ij maxyh esa yxh gqbZ ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM yxk nsrs gSa gSaA ikuh Mkyrs le; lko/kkuh ls iksVSf'k;e ijeSaXusV ds d.k ikuh esa
vkSj cka/k nsrs gSaA dqN le; ckn ;k bPNkuqlkj tc Hkh rkcht dks [kksysaxs feyk nsrs gSaA fQj ,d fxykl ls nwljs fxykl esa ikuh dks Mkyrs gSaA fQj
rks ge ns[ksaxs fd rkcht esa HkHkwfr ,df=kr gks xbZ gSA
iyVrs gSaA ;g fØ;k nks&rhu ckj nksgjkrs gSaA fQj jaxhu ikuh dks dkap ds
rF; % ,Y;wfefu;e vkSj ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM laidZ esa vkus ij vius xq.kksa fxykl esa iyV dj n'kZdksa dks fn[kkrs gSaA tks ^[kwu* dk vkHkkl nsrk gSA
ds dkj.k jklk;fud izfrfØ;k }kjk HkHkwfr tSlk inkFkZ cukrs gSaA
rF;% iksVSf'k;e ijeSaXusV ,d ?kqyu'khy inkFkZ gS tks vius xq.k ds dkj.k
lko/kkfu;ka % ejD;wfjd DyksjkbM ,d fo"kSyk rRo gSA bls lko/kkuh ls ikuh esa ?kqydj ^[kwu* ds jax tSlk izrhr gksrk gSA
iz;ksx esa yk,aA iz;ksx djus ds ckn gkFkksa dks lkcqu ls vPNh izdkj ls lkQ lko/kkfu;ka % iksVSf'k;e ijeSaXusV fxykl esa NksM+us ls iwoZ xhyk ugha gksuk
dj ysaA rkcht ,Y;wfefu;e dk gh gksuk pkfg,A
pkfg,A ikuh /khjs&/khjs ,d fxykl ls nwljs fxykl esa myVsa&iyVsaA
19- fcuk phjQkM+ ds vkijs'ku
iksVSf'k;e ijeSaXusV vaxwBs ds uhps vPNh rjg fNik,aA
lkexzh% QSfjd DyksjkbM] lksfM;e lYQkslkbukbM] :bZ] fdlh Hkh /kkrq
21- jksyh ds fcuk fryd yxkuk
lkexzh% QSfjd DyksjkbM ?kksy] iksVSf'k;e lYQks lkbukbM ?kksyA
dh iÙkhA
fof/k% loZiFz ke vaxBw s ij QSfjd DyksjkbM yxkdj lq[kk ysrs gSAa fdlh Hkh
fof/k% loZizFke ftl O;fDr dk gesa vkijs'ku djuk gS mls est ij fyVk O;fDr dks cqykdj 'kq) ty Mkyus dk Hkze iSnk djrs gq, iksVfs 'k;e lYQks
nsrs gSAa vc ml O;fDr ds isV dh Ropk lkQ djus ds cgkus :bZ ij QSfjd lkbukbM ?kksy ds NhaVsa fryd ds LFkku ij fNM+d nsrs gSaA fQj lkoèkkuh
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
International Year of Chemistery 2011
ls QSfjd DyksjkbM yxs gq, vaxwBs ls lkeus ds O;fDr ds ekFks fryd yxk
nsrs gSaA O;fDr ds ekFks ij fryd yky jax dk yx tkrk gS] vkSj n'kZd
le>rs gSa fd ;g [kwu dk fryd yxk gSA
rF;% QSfjd DyksjkbM vkSj iksVSf'k;e lYQks lkbukbM vius xq.kksa ds
dkj.k ijLij feyus ij ,d vU; jklk;fud inkFkZ cukrs gSa] ftl dk
jax o Lo:i [kwu tSlk gksrk gSA
lko/kkfu;ka % jklk;fud inkFkks± dk iz;ksx lko/kkuh ls djsaA iz;ksx ds ckn
gkFk lkcqu ls lkQ dj ysaA
rF;% bl izfØ;k esa QSfjd DyksjkbM ,oa iksVSf'k;e lYQks lkbukbM ds
xq.kksa ds dkj.k [kwu tSlk inkFkZ curk gSA
lko/kkfu;ka % ;s jklk;fud inkFkZ fo"kSys gksrs gSaA vr% budk iz;ksx
lkoèkkuh ls djsaA iz;ksx ds i'pkr~ gkFk lkcqu ls vPNh rjg /kks ysaA
iz;ksx esa yk;s x;s bUtsD'ku o pkdw fdlh vU; mi;ksx esa u yk,aA
23- HkHkwfr ls dkxt ij fy[kuk
lkxxzh% lQsn jax ds lkcqu dk VqdM+k] HkHkwfr] cksMZA
fof/k% dkxt ij lkcqu ls igys gh ,d ls ukS rd uEcj fy[k nsrs gSAa vc
22- uhcw ls [kwu fudkyuk
uhcw] bUtsD'ku yxkus dh lqbZ] QSfjd DyksjkbM] iksVSf'k;e]
n'kZdksa ls dgrs gSa fd oks ,d ls ukS rd ds chp tks Hkh uEcj cksysaxs ogh
HkHkwfr ls fy[k fn;k tk,xkA lkcqu ls fy[kk x;k uEcj n'kZdksa dks utj
ugha vkrk gSA vc ge n'kZdksa ds crk, uEcj ds Åij HkHkwfr Mky dj
lYQks lk;ukbM] pkdw] :ekyA
jxM+ nsrs gSa vkSj uEcj vafdr gks tkrk gSA
fof/k% loZiFz ke bUtsD'ku }kjk uhcw dk jl bl rjg fudkyrs gSa fd mldk rF;% ;g ,d lk/kkj.k dkS'ky gSA
vkdkj u fcxM+sA blds i'pkr~ ftl ek=k esa blls jl fudkyk x;k Fkk] lko/kkfu;ka % igys ls gh ;g /;ku j[kuk pkfg, fd lkcqu ls dkSu&lk vad
mlh ek=k esa bUtsD'ku }kjk QSfjd DyksjkbM bUtSDV dj nsrs gSaA vc ge dgka fy[kk gSA HkHkwfr lQkbZ ls jxM+uh pkfg, lkFk gh bl ckr dh è;ku
pkdw ds Qyd ij iksVSf'k;e lYQks lkbukbM yxkdj mlls uhcw dks dkV j[ksa fd n'kZdksa dks ;g irk u py tk;s fd vkius bl ij igys gh ls
nsrs gSaA ge ns[krs gSa fd uhcw ls ^jl* dh txg ^[kwu* fudyrk gSA
dqN fy[k j[kk gSA
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February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
The Founder of the Indian Chemical School
Acharya Prafulla Chandra Ray
A more remarkable career than that of P.C. Ray could not well be
chronicled", wrote Nature, the famous international scientific journal,
while commenting on the first volume of Ray's autobiography.Prafulla
Chandra Ray was the founder of the Indian School of modern chemistry.
He was a pioneer of chemical industries in India. Ray's activities were
not confined to his laboratory and teaching. His activities concerned with
all spheres of human interest-educational reform, industrial development,
employment generation & poverty alleviation, economic freedom and
political advancement of the country. He was a pioneer in social reform
in the country. He took to social service with a missionary zeal. He was a
great critique of the prevailing caste system in the Hindu society.
In his Presidential address to the Indian National Social
Conference in 1917 he made a passionate appeal for
removal of the caste system from the Hindu society. Ray
was an ardent advocate of the use of the mother tongue
as medium of instruction in schools and colleges. In
recognition of his contribution towards the advancement
and enrichment of Bengali language, he was elected the
General President of the Bangiya Sahitya Parishad
(1931-34). Ray symbolized the best of Indian tradition
and philosophy.
He lived a life of extreme self-denial. He became a
symbol of plain living. Mahatma Gandhi said: "It is difficult
to believe that the man in simple Indian dress wearing
simple manners could possibly be the great scientist and
professor." He lived in a single room at the University
College of Science. Its furniture consisted of an iron
bedstead, a small table, a smaller chair and an almirah
with shelves full of books, most of which were English
Prafulla Chandra Ray was born on August 2, 1861
in a village in the district of Jessore (subsequently of
Khulna), now in Bangladesh.
The decade of 1860-69 the nineteenth century was
very important in India's history. Thus, Animesh
Chakraborty, a well-known inorganic chemist, wrote :
"It was the best of times - the second half of the nineteenth
century. The decade of 1860-69 alone saw the birth of
Rabindranath Tagore, Motilal Nehru Swami
Vivekananda, Madan Mohan Malaviya, Asutosh
Mookerjee, Lala Lajpat Rai, Srinivasa Sastri and
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. And of Prafulla
Chandra Ray. A season of light and hope was
descending on a languishing India."
Ray's early education was in his village school,
founded by his father. However, he made very little
progress in this school as he used to be frequently absent
from the school. In 1870 his father permanently shifted
to Kolkata (then Calcutta) mainly for proper education
of his children. Describing his first impression of Kolkata,
Ray, in his autobiography, wrote: "In August 1870, I
came to Calcutta for the first time…I spent the month of
August in Calcutta, to my great joy, almost every day
seeing new sights. I caught glimpses of a new world. A
panorama of gorgeous vistas was opened to me. The
new water-works had just been completed and the town
enjoyed the blessings of a liberal supply of filtered
drinking water; the orthodox Hindu still hesitated to make
use of it as being impure; but the superior quality of water
carried its own recommendation; by slow degrees,
reason and convenience triumphed over prejudice, and
its use became almost universal. The construction of
underground drains had just been taken in hand."
In 1871, Ray and his elder brother Nalinikanta, were
admitted into the Hare School, founded by David Hare,
then located in the onestory building. The school was
shifted to its present location in 1872. David Hare was
also associated with the establishment of Hindu College.
David Hare himself was not educated. He was neither a
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
International Year of Chemistery 2011
Year of
Government servant nor a Christian missionary. candidate was one Bahadurjee from Mumbai. They were
However, he played a very important role in spreading the first Gilchrist Scholars from India. Ray's parents were
western education in Bengal.
too glad to give their consent for his going to England.
From his autobiography we know that he used to be And so armed with the Scholarship Ray sailed for
ridiculed by his classmates in Hare School. To quote England by S.S. California in the middle of 1882. Ray
Ray: "When my class-mates came to know that I hailed was received in England by Jagadis Chandra Bose, who
from the district of Jessore, I at once became their had already been a student of the Cambridge University
for about couple of years. Cambridge was expensive
laughing-stock and the butt of ridicule."
In 1874 Ray resumed his regular study but not in and it was meant for the elite. Both Bose and Ray became
Hare School. He joined the Albert School of Keshab great friends for the rest of their lives. In England he
Chandra Sen the founder of Brahmo Samaj. In 1879 he joined the University of Edinburgh as a student in the
passed the Entrance Examination from Albert School. BSc class. He was taught by Alexander Crum Brown
He took admission in the First Arts (FA) Class of the (1838-1922).
While a student in BSc Ray decided to take part in
Metropolitan College (now named Vidyasagar College),
founded by Pandit Iswarchandra Vidyasagar. One of the essay competition announced by the Lord Rector of
the Edinburgh University. The title of
the reasons for taking admission in
the essay to be written was "India
this colleges was the low tuition fees.
before and after the Mutiny". The
Because by that time Ray's father's
essay was very critical of the British
financial situation had considerably
Rule in India. In those days it required
deteriorated. In fact he had to close
a lot of conviction and courage to write
down his Calcutta establishment and
such an essay. It demonstrated Ray's
return to his native village and his sons
patriotic vigour. Ray did not get the
started living in lodges. But then the
prize. In his autobiography he wrote:
financial situation was not the only
"The prize was awarded to a rival
consideration. In the Metropolitan
competitor, but my essay as well
College, Ray came under the
another's was bracketed together as
influence of Surendra Nath Banerjee,
proxime accesserunt (nearest
widely regarded as the father of
approach to the best)." Ray distributed
Indian nationalism. Surendra Nath,
who used to be regarded as an 'idol' Indian Postal Stamp released in copies of his printed essay among the
by the students of Bengal, taught honour of P.C. Ray on his Birth University students and the general
English literature in the Metropolitan Anniversary (2nd August 1961) public. Ray also sent a copy of his
Essay to John Bright, the great parliamentarian. Bright
Ray's father Harish Chandra used to harbour an not only acknowledged the receipt but also stated that
ambition to send at least one of his sons to England for he agreed with the views expressed by Ray in his essay.
higher education. As his economic situation deteriorated A summary of Bright's letter flashed by Reuter which
he had no scope to realize his dreams. However, Prafulla was published in all the leading newspapers of England
Chandra knew about his father's dreams and decided to under the head-line "John Bright's letter to an Indian
prepare for the Gilchrist Scholarship - a scholarship Student". The letter was hotly debated in the political
awarded by the Edinburgh University, which was open circle of England. In 1886 Ray published his "Essay on
to students all over the world. While the examination for India" in the form of a booklet.
In 1885 Ray obtained his BSc degree and in 1887
the scholarship was equivalent to the Matriculation
awarded the DSc degree of the University of
standard of the London University, it required knowledge
of at least four languages. It is said that though being Edinburgh in recognition of his work on "Conjugated
ridiculed by his classmates, Ray continued with the (gepaarte) Sulphates of the Copper-magnesium Group:
preparation for the examination. Ray came out A Study of Isomorphous Mixtures and Molecular
successfully in the competition. He was one of the two Combinations." He was awarded the Hope Prize
winners of the Scholarship from India. The other Scholarship which enabled him to stay one more year in
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
England. He was also elected Vice President of the Indian National Congress during the Non-cooperation
Chemical Society of the Edinburgh University.
Movement. He was in regular contact with the top
After spending about 6 years Ray returned to India leaders of the Indian National Congress, which was
in 1888. His aim was to pursue his researches in chemistry spearheading the freedom struggle. It was Ray who took
and share his knowledge with others, to be in a chemistry initiative to bring Mahatma Gandhi for the first time to
class or a laboratory. But in those days Indian science Kolkata.
was at its infancy. In chemistry there was not much career
Ray published about 120 research papers mostly in
prospects. Moreover it was extremely difficult for an research journals of international repute. Ray conducted
Indian to secure a berth in the Educational Service.
systematic chemical analysis of a number of rare Indian
Whatever opportunities were available in the minerals with the object of discovering in them some of
the missing elements in Mendeleev's Periodic Table. In
educational institutions were mostly for Britishers.
Under the circumstances Ray could not think of a this process he isolated mercurous nitrite in 1896, which
bright prospect. From England he had brought a letter brought him international recognition, as it was a
of recommendation from his teacher Crum Brown. He compound, which as not known then. Describing this
event Ray wrote in his
had also obtained assurance
Ray was a voracious reader of literature, history autobiography : "the
of assistance from Sir
and biography. He could read half-a-dozen discovery of mercurous
Charles Bernard, Member,
languages. He once claimed that he 'became a nitrite opened a new chapter
Indian Council, in securing a
chemist almost by mistake.'
in my life." The discovery of
position. Sir Bernard also
one. Ray wanted to
introduced Ray to B. H. Tawney, the Principal of
Presidency College, the premier college of Kolkata, who prepare water soluble mercurous nitrate as an
was on leave in London. Tawney, who happened to be intermediate for the synthesis of calomel, Hg2C l2. Ray
a relation of Sir Bernard, wrote to Sir Alfred Croft, the first published his findings in the Journal of Asiatic Society
Director of Public Instruction, recommending the case of Bengal and which immediately noticed by Nature, the
of Ray. After coming to Kolkata Ray met Alfred Croft, famous international science journal. This discovery of
Tawney and Sir Alexander Pedler, the then Professor of mercurous nitrite led to many significant publications.
Chemistry in the Presidency College. He also tried to Another notable contribution made by Ray was the
get an audience with the then Governor of Bengal, Sir synthesis of ammonium nitrite in pure form. Before Ray's
Stewart Bayley. Finally he was given a temporary synthesis it used to be believed that ammonium nitrite
appointment as Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the (NH4NO2) undergoes fast thermal decomposition
Presidency College on a monthly salary of Rs.250/- under yielding nitrogen (N2) and water (H2O). Ray presented
the Provincial Educational Service. Unlike his friend his findings in a meeting of the Chemical Society of
Jagadis Chandra Bose, Ray accepted the appointment London. William Ramsay was greatly impressed by
and took up his duties at the Presidency College in July Ray's findings.
The first volume of Ray's celebrated work, The
After retiring from the Presidency College Ray joined History of Hindu Chemistry, was published in 1902. The
the University College of Science. As early as in 1912 second volume was published in 1908. It was Marcellin
Asutosh Mookerjee had invited Ray to join the University Pierre Eugene Berthelot (1827-1907), who inspired Ray
to undertake this monumental work. Ray's Hindu
College of Science as the first University Professor.
Chemistry was immediately recognized as a unique
In 1936 Ray retired from his service in the University
contribution in annals of history of science. Berthelot
College of Science but he continued as Emeritus
himself wrote a 15-page review in Journal des Savant in
Professor of Chemistry till his death.
its issue of January 1903. Renowned international
Ray was a staunch patriot. In many ways he was journals like Nature and Knowledge wrote very highly
connected with the movement for India's independence. of the book. In 1912 the Vice Chancellor of Durham
Being a Government servant he could not directly University, while conferring the Honorary DSc degree
participate in politics. He subscribed whole-heartedly on Prafulla Chandra Ray, noted: "…his fame chiefly rests
to the policy of constructive work formulated by the on his monumental History of Hindu Chemistry, a work
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
International Year of Chemistery 2011
of which both the scientific and linguistic attainments are
equally remarkable, and of which, if on any book, we
may pronounce that it is definitive."
Ray started his Bengal Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Works Ltd. (or Bengal Chemical as it is popularly known)
in 1892 with a view, that it would create jobs for the
unemployed youth. To establish it, he had to work under
the most adverse circumstances. But he worked hard.
To quote him: "Every afternoon on returning from the
college (4:30 pm) I used to go through the previous day's
orders and to see that they were executed promptly.
The migration from my college laboratory to the pharmacy
laboratory was to me a recreation and a change of
occupation. I would at once throw myself into my new
`job' and work at a stretch from 4:30 pm to 7 pm and
clear the file. When work is coupled with a keen sense
of enjoyment it does not tell upon your health; the very
idea of locally manufacturing pharmaceutical preparation,
which hitherto had to be imported, acted like a tonic."
Ray had great fascination for rural life and he had a
deep concern for the people living in rural areas. He
used to frequently visit the houses of poor peasants and
took interest in their agricultural pursuits.
Ray who wrote extensively on a variety of subjects
both in English and Bengali. He wrote a book on Zoology
titled Simple Zoology in 1893. For writing this book he
not only studied many authoritative books on zoology
but also visited museums and zoos. It has been reported
that he even went to the extent of dissecting a few
carcasses with the help of Nilratan Sarkar, the famous
physician. Ray wrote a series of scholarly articles on
Shakespeare in Calcutta Review during 1939-41. Ray
frequently contributed article in many Bengali periodicals
like Basumati, Bharatbarsha, Bangabani, Banglarbani,
Prabashi, Anandabazar Patrika, Manashi etc.
Ray gave away most of his earnings in charity.
According to one estimate Ray spent nine-tenths of his
income on charity. In 1922 he made an endowment of
Rs.10,000 for an annual prize in chemistry, named after
the great Indian alchemist Nagarjuna. He also made an
endowment of Rs.10,000 in 1936 for a research prize
in zoology and botany named after Asutosh Mookerjee.
He supported many poor students. At the time of his
retirement Ray donated Rs.180,000 to the Calcutta
University for the extension and development of the
Chemistry Department. He did not accept any salary
from Bengal Chemicals, which he donated for the welfare
of the workers. Ray died on June 16, 1942 in his living
room in the University College of Science of the Calcutta
University surrounded by his students (whom he loved
most), friends and admirers. Ray's philosophy of life was
beautifully summed up by Professor F. G. Donnan of the
University College of Science, London on the occasion
of Ray's 70th birthday. Donnan wrote: "Sir P. C. Ray,
however, has been throughout his life no narrow
laboratory specialist…His ideals have always been hard
work and practical good in service of his country. Though
devoted to the cause of pure science, he has never been
unpractical dreamer in the clouds. But he has never asked
much for himself, living always a life of Spartan simplicity
and frugality-Saint Francis of Indian Science. I hope that
future ages will cherish his name as one band of selfdenying and devoted men who received and handed on
the flame that once burnt so brightly in India, the search
for truth and hidden mysteries of things."
We would like to end this article by quoting Ray : "I
have no sense of success on any large scale in things
achieved…but have the sense of having worked and
having found happiness in doing so."
Dr Subodh Mahanti
E-mail: [email protected]
If you want to know more about Vigyan Prasar, its publications
& software, besides the next moves of VIPNET Science Clubs, please
write to us at the address given below:-
Vigyan Prasar
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Form IV (see rule 8)
Detail of the ownership and other facts relating to monthly newsletter
Place of Publication
: New Delhi
Periodictry of Publication
: Monthly
Name of the Publisher &
: Mrs. K. Dasgupta Mishra
the printer
(on behalf of Vigyan Prasar)
: Indian
: C-24, Qutub Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110 016
Name of the Editor
: B.K. Tyagi
: Indian
: Vigyan Prasar
C-24, Qutub Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110 016
Name & Address
: Vigyan Prasar C-24,
of the Owner
Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi-110 016
I Mrs. K. Dasgupta Misra to hereby declare that to the best of my
knowledge and belief, facts mentioned above are true.
Sd/Mrs. K. Dasgupta Mishra
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
jlk;u foKku&2011 ds miy{; esa esyksa dk vk;kstu
bykgkckn esys dh dqN >yfd;k¡
tqxkM+ ij vk/kkfjr oSKkfud fl)kUrksa dk fofHkUu iz;ksxksa ds }kjk izn'kZuA
03½ dsapqvksa }kjk dEiksLV [kkn dk fuekZ.k ,oa tSfod [ksrh dk izn'kZuA
04½ [kk| inkFkksZ esa feykoV dh tkapA
05½ is; ty ijh{k.kA
06½ peRdkjksa ds izn'kZu ,oa oSKkfud O;k[;kA
07½ CyM xqzi dh tkapA
08½ gheksXyksfcu dh tkapA
09½ ekbØksLdksi }kjk lq{e thoksa dk voyksduA
10½ vk;q] Å¡pkbZ ,oa otu ijh{k.k }kjk LokLF; ijke'kZA
11½ oSKkfud iqLrdksa] lhMh ,oa MhohMh ds izn'kZuA
12½ dBiqfy;ksa }kjk foKku lapkjA
13½ lkbUl MªkekA
14½ foKku fQYe 'kksA
15½ vkvksa tkusa vkx cq>kus dh rjdhcsaA
16½ vkdfLed vkinkvksa ds le; ?kk;yksa dks lqjf{kr LFkku ij ys tkus
dh rjdhcksa dk izn'kZuA
17½ lkbUl ysDplZ ds vk;kstuA
18½ rhFkZ ;kf=k;ksa ds oSKkfud n`f"Vdks.k dk losZ{k.k ,oa fo'ys"k.kA
mijksDr lUnfHkZr xfrfof/k;k¡ iwjs esys esa fcYdqy vyx Fkha vkSj rhFkZ
;kf=k;ksa lfgr LFkkuh; Nk=k&Nk=kkvksa ds fy, vkd"kZ.k dk dsUnz cuh jghA
gtkjkas o"kksZa ls bykgkckn esa xaxk] ;equk ,oa vn`'; ljLorh ufn;ksa ds
laxe rV dh jsrh ij yxHkx 5 fdyksehVj dh ifjf/k esa rEcqvksa dk 'kgj
izfro"kZ clrk gS ftlesa ns'k&fons'k ls izfro"kZ yxHkx ,d djksM+ rhFkZ ;k=kh
igq¡prs gSa vkSj muesa ls yxHkx nks ls rhu yk[k yksx izfro"kZ rEcqvksa esa
,d ekl rd yxkrkj fuokl djrs gq,] izfrfnu laxe dk Luku djrs gSaA
ek?k ekg ¼tuojh½ dh edj laØkfUr ls esyk izkjEHk gksrk gS vkSj
vekoL;k] clUr iapeh] vpyk lIreh] iwf.kZek rFkk Qjojh ekg esa
egkf'kojk=kh] fo'ks"k Luku ioZ gksrs gS ftlesa cgqr cM+h la[;k esa rhFkZ;k=kh
iz;kx esa laxe dh jsrh ij igq¡pdj laxe esa Luku djrs gSaA bl volj
ij ljdkjh] xSj ljdkjh] laLFkkvksa }kjk fofHkUu izn'kZfu;ksa dk vk;kstu
fd;k tkrk gSA bu izn'kZfu;ksa dk fd'kksj ;qok ,oa cw<+s lHkh rjg ds 'kgjh
,oa xzkeh.k tu leqnk; esys dk yqRQ mBkrs gSaA
bl o"kZ ek?k esys ds volj ij foKku izlkj us laLFkk ^okys.Vjh
bULVhV~;wV QkWj dE;qfuVh ,IykbM lkbUl* ¼fodkl½] bykgkckn ds
LFkkuh; lg;ksx ls 20 fnolh; ¼tuojh 23 ls 11 Qjojh] rd½
vUrjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ&2011 ds miy{; esa foKku izn'kZuh&^foKku
vkvksa djds lh[ksa* dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k] ftldk ,d yk[k ls Hkh
vfèkd yksxksa us voyksdu fd;k vkSj mlls ykHkkfUor gq,A bl volj
ij 2]400 oxZ fQV esa okVjizwQ i.Mky esa fuEufyf[kr xfrfof/k;ksa dk
vk;kstu lqfuf'pr fd;k x;k %&
01½ fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ij yxHkx 150 iksLVlZ izn'kZuhA
02½ foKku ds ljy iz;ksx ¼de ykxr vFkok fcuk ykxr ls dckM+ ls
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
International Year of Biodiversity 2010
oSKkfud iz;ksx'kkykvksa esa rks mi;ksx djrs gSa fdUrq vke vkneh dks mUgsa
ns[kus vkSj le>us dk ekSdk cgqr gh de fey ikrk gSA blds vykok nwj&
njkt ds fo|ky;ksa esa rks bl rjg ds midj.kksa dks ns[k ikuk ,d fnokLoIu
dh rjg gh yxrk gSA vr% ,sls midj.kksa dks ,fDVfoVh dksuZj dk fgLlk
cuk;k x;k ftlls lkekU;tu bu midj.kksa dks tku ldsa lkFk gh lkFk
;g le> ldsa fd fdl izdkj bu midj.kksa dk mi;ksx oSKkfud
iz;ksx'kkykvksa esa djrs gSaA xzkeh.k {ks=k ds cgqr ls cPpksa ds fy, bu
midj.kksa dks utnhd ls Nwuk cgqr gh jksekafpr djus okyk FkkA
4- iksLVj izn'kZuh% iksLVj izn'kZuh esa fofHkUu fo|ky;ksa ,oa egkfo|ky;ksa
ds 107 iksLVjksa dks izfr;ksfxrk esa lfEEfyr fd;k x;k iksLVj izfr;ksfxrk
ds fo"k; ekuo tkfr ds fodkl esa jlk;u foKku dk ;ksxnku] tSo
fofoèkrk laj{k.k ,oa peRdkjksa ds ihNs fNik jlk;u foKku j[kk x;k Fkk
izfrHkkfx;ksa }kjk rS;kj iksLVlZ cgqr gh izHkko'kkyh Fks tks fo"k; dks le>us
esa dyk dh Hkwfedk dks egRoiw.kZ crk jgs FksA iksLVj izfr;ksfxrk esa dqy
iksLVjksa esa ls p;fur Nk=k@Nk=kkvksa dks iqjLd`r fd;k x;kA ftlesa iwtk
[kjksfM+;k] fufdrk HknkSfj;k] T;ksfr vk;Z] dkty oekZ] vatuk dqekjh]
fodkl ijekj] izoh.k dqekj] usgk] dju vkfn us iqjLdkj izkIr fd;s rFkk
44 Nk=k@Nk=kkvksa dks lkaRouk iqjLdkj iznku fd;s x;sA
5-peRdkjksa dh oSKkfud O;k[;k% jlk;u ij vk/kkfjr peRdkjksa dh
oSKkfud O;k[;k izn'kZu esa jlk;u ij vk/kkfjr izn'kZuksa dks izeq[krk ls
fn[kk;k x;k ftlesa ftrsUnz HkVukxj ,oa c`t's k prqonZs h us yxkrkj 40 fnu
rd fofHkUu peRdkjksa dk izn'kZu dj muds ihNs fNis oSKkfud lp dks
Xokfy;j esyk
foKku izlkj ,oa ;qok foKku ifj"kn~] e/; izns'k }kjk la;qDr :i ls
Xokfy;j esys ds nkSjku lkbal ,fDVfoVh dkuZj ds vUrxZr 5 tuojh ls
15 Qjojh 2011 rd fofHkUu xfrfof/k;ka vk;ksftr dh xb±A o"kZ 2011
dks ^varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku* o"kZ ds :i esa euk;k tk jgk gSA blhfy,
bl o"kZ lkbal ,fDVfoVh dkuZj ds rgr jlk;u foKku ls lacafèkr
fuEukafdr xfrfof/k;ksa dks eq[; :i ls fd;k x;k%
izn'kZuh &
1-jlk;u dh nqfu;ka% bl izn'kZuh ds vUrxZr jlk;u foKku ds lrr~
fodkl dks fn[kkrs gq, ;krk;kr] mtkZ] esfMdy] baZ/ku tSls fofHkUu {ks=kksa
esa jlk;u foKku ds ;ksxnku dks js[kkafdr fd;k x;kA izn'kZuh tu
lkekU; cPpksa ,oa f'k{kdksa ds fy, ,d vkd"kZ.k dk dsUnz FkhA blesa
jlk;u foKku dks nSfud thou ls tqM+k gqvk crk;k x;k FkkA
2-tyok;q ifjorZu% nqfu;ka Hkj esa bl fo"k; dks cgqr izeq[krk ls mBk;k
tk jgk gSA tyok;q esa gks jgs ifjorZuksa us fo'o Hkj esa gypy epk nh
gS vkSj igyh ckj ekuoh; fodkl ds lkFk i;kZoj.k ds laj{k.k dks cgqr
gh O;kid :i esa ns[kk tkus yxk gS] bl izn'kZuh ds ek/;e ls tyok;q
ifjorZu ls lacaf/kr leL;k,a ,oa lek/kku dks iznf'kZr djrh gqbZ ,d
izn'kZuh dk vk;ksstu fd;k x;k ftlesa leL;kvksa dks thou ds utnhd
ls tksM+dj ns[krs gq, gj vkneh dh Hkwfedk lqfuf'pr djus dh dksf'k'k
3-jklk;fud midj.kksa dk izn'kZu% fofHkUu jklk;fud midj.k ftudk
Xokfy;j esys dh dqN >yfd;k¡
B.K. Tyagi
[email protected]
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
Vigyan Mela Fatehpur
Indradhanush, The science awareness mela was
organized at ITI, Fatehpur as part of “Fatehpur
Mahauttasav” in association with SEARCH, a UP based
voluntary organization from 28th to 31st Jan 2011 . All
the technical support in term of content and designing of
the programe was provided by VIGYAN PRASAR.
In the mela, about 700 students of 70 schools of the
Fatepur district participated and a series of activities and
competitions like, essay ,painting , Science Quiz, Science
Toons, Science Drama etc; were organized. The major
attraction of the programme was a science exhibition in
which working model depicting various scientific principle
were demonstrated. Vigyan Prasar also put up a stall
displaying its publications and other software. In the night
a sky watching session was also organized for the
general public. A few workshop-cum demonstration like
scientific explanation of so called miracles, detection of
6 dBiqryh 'kks% blesa dBiqryh 'kks ds ek/;e ls jlk;u foKku dk nSfud
thou esa ;ksxnku j[kk x;k FkkA nfr;k ds yksd dykdkjksa us viuh
izLrqfr;ksa ls tu lkekU; dk u dsoy euksjatu fd;k cfYd iqry ds
ekè;e ls foKku dk lans'k Hkh mu rd igqapk;kA
7-fQYe 'kks% foKku izlkj dh fQYeksa dk izn'kZu tu lkekU; ds fy,
yxkrkj fd;k x;k ftlesa yksxksa us fo'ks"k :fp fn[kkbZ
Indradhanush (Vigyan Mela ) Fatehpur
8- jkscksfVDl dh tkudkjh Hkh fdV ds ek/;e ls cPpksa dks nh xbZA ftlesa 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
jkscksV dh dk;Z iz.kkyh ,oa Hkfo"; esa jkscksV dh mi;ksfxrk ij izdk'k Mkyk 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
vU; izfrLi/kkZ,a &
1-fp=kdyk izfr;ksfxrk % fp=kdyk izfr;ksfxrk ftls rhu lewgksa esa vk;ksftr 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
fd;k x;k Fkk ftlesa 5&12 vk;q oxZ ds fy, dksbZ ,d jklk;fud 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
midj.k] 13&18 o"kZ dh vk;q oxZ ds fy, tyok;q ifjorZu ,oa 18 ls 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
vf/kd vk;q oxZ ds fy, Hkfo"; dk foKku jlk;u foKku j[kk x;k FkkA 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
fp=kdyk izfr;ksfxrk esa 286 izfrHkkfx;ksa us Hkkx fy;kA ftlesa ekSle [kku] 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
iwue] fodkl] vthr rksej] vej ifjgkj] lanhi 'kekZ] ;ksxs'k vk;Z vkfn 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
us iqjLdkj izkIr fd;sA 62 Nk=k@Nk=kkvksa dks fo'ksi iqjLdkj fn, x;sA 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
2- foKku ekWMy izfr;ksfxrk ftlds fo"k; jlk;u foKku vksj ekuo 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
'kjhj] [kkn~; inkFkZ vkSj jlk;u foKku ,oa tyok;q ifjorZu j[kk x;k 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
FkkA izfrHkkfx;ksa }kjk ,d ls c<+dj ,d ekWMyksa dk izn'kZu fd;k x;k 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
ftlesa gseyrk] fiz;adk] fteh] ;ksxs'k] iou izrki] g"kZ prqosZnh] lkou 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
dqekj ,oa lfpu us iqjLdkj izkIr fd;sA
3- jlk;u foKku iz'uksRrjh esa 40 fnu esa 4232 izfrHkkfx;ksa us izn'kZuh esa 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
igqapdj Hkkx fy;k vksj iqjLdkj izkIr fd;sA
4- LVkWy & foKku izn'kZuh ,oa lkbal ,fDVfoVh dkuZj ds vUrxZr foKku 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
izlkj ds izdk'kuksa dk LVkWy yxk;k x;k ftlesa yksxksa us fo'ks"k :fp 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
5 foKku ds f[kykSus ,oa foKku fdV LVkWyA
6- dsfeLVªh ysc esa mi;ksx fd;s tkus okys midj.kksa ds izn'kZu dk LVkWy 12345678901234567890123456789012123456789012345678901234567890121234567890
7 vk;kstu esa eq[; lzkrs fo'ks"kKksa esa & thokth fo'ofo|ky; ds i;kZoj.k food adulteration, soilless cultivation of plants in nutrient
jlk;u ds izeq[k MkW- jktho tSu ,oa v'kksd lsaxj] lat; JhokLro] medium etc; were also organized for the teachers and
ftrsUnz HkVukxj] gSnj [kku] lR; izdk'k] vt; xqIrk] oanuk prqosZnh] general public
B.K. Tyagi
;qxyfd'kksj] vkfn eq[; :i ls lfEefyr gq,A
[email protected]
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
International Year of Chemistery 2011
foKku ds f'k[kj ij Hkkjroa'kh
bl ckj jlk;u foKku esa ukscsy iqjLdkj dh ?kks"k.kk gksrs gh ns'k esa [kq'kh
dh ygj nkSM+ xbZA ftu rhu oSKkfudksa dks bl o"kZ ukscsy iqjLdkj feyk]
mlesa ls osadVjeu jkeÑ".k Hkkjrh; ewy ds gSaA muds vykok ckdh nks
oSKkfud gSa] vesfjdh ds FkkWel LVhV~t ,oa blzkby ds vaMk ;ksuFkA bu
rhuksa dks jkbckslkse dh lajpuk vkSj mldh dk;Ziz.kkyh dh [kkst ds fy,
s iqjLdkj fn;k x;kA bu oSKkfudksa us vius vuql/a kku ls ;g fn[kk;k
fd jkbckslkse ijek.kq ds Lrj ij dSlk fn[kkbZ nsrk gS ,oa dSls dk;Z djrk
gSA bUgksua s ,Dljs fØLVksyksxkz Qh rduhdh dk bLrseky djds jkbckslkse dk
,slk ekufp=k rS;kj fd;k] ftlls gtkjksa ijek.kqvksa ds lewg esa izR;sd dh
fLFkfr dk irk pyrk gSA
ossadVjeu jkeÑ".kUk dks feykdj vkt rd dqy lkr Hkkjrh; ;k
Hkkjrh; ewy ds O;fDr;ksa dks ukscsy iqjLdkj feyk gSA buesa ls pkj ykxksa
dks foKku ds fy, ukscy
s feyk gSA osd
as Vjeu jkeÑ".kUk ls igys o"kZ 1930
esa lh-oh- jeu] o"kZ 1968 esa gjxksfoan [kqjkuk vkSj 1993 esa lqczg~e.k;e
panz'ks[kj dks ukscsy iqjLdkj fey pqdk gSA jkeÑ".ku ds #i esa Hkkjr ls
tqM+s fdlh O;fDr dks 35 lky ds ckn foKku esa ukscsy iqjLdkj feyk gSA
mlesa Hkh jlk;u foKku esa ukscsy ikus dk ;g igyk gh ekSdk gSA
vius nksLrksa ds chp osd
a h ds uke ls ifjfpr MkW- osd
a Vjeu jkeÑ".ku
dk tUe 1952 esa rfeyukM+q ds fpnacje esa gqvk FkkA muds ekrk&firk nksuksa
xqtjkr esa oM+ksnjk ds egkjkt l;~;kth jko fo'ofo|ky; esa foKku ds
izkè;kid FksA o"kZ 1971 esa ogha ls HkkSfrdh esa ch,llh fMxzh gkfly djus
ds ckn jkeÑ".ku vesfjdk x, ,oa ckn esa vesfjdk ukxfjd cu x,A o"kZ
1976 esa mUgksua s vesfjdk ds vksgk;ks ;wfuoflZVh ls HkkSfrdh esa ih,pMh dh
mikf/k gkfly dhA blds ckn mudk >qdko v.kq thofoKku dh rjQ
gqvkA dbZ vesfjdh 'kks/k laLFkkuksa esa dk;Z djus ds ckn o"kZ 1995 esa og
mVkg fo'ofo|ky; esa tSo jlk;u foHkkx ds izksQslj fu;qfDRk gq,A ogka
mUgksua s izkVs hu vkj,u, lewg vkSj jkbckslkse ds 30 ,l fgLls dk vè;;u
fd;kA bu fnuksa og dSfEczt esa ,evkjlh yScksjsVjh vkWQ ekWyhD;wyj
ck;ksykWth esa dk;Zjr gSaA osadVjeu jkeÑ".ku yanu ds jkW;y lkslkbVh ds
Qsyks gSaA
;gka ;g iz'u mBuk LokHkkfod gS fd jkbckslkse D;k gS vkSj bldk
egRo gS fd blds fy, ukscsy iqjLdkj fn;k x;kA jkbckslkse njvly
dksf'kdk dh lcls tfVy e'khu v.kq&ijek.kq ds Lrj ij dke djrh gSA
bls izkVs hu cukus dk dkj[kkuk Hkh dgk tk ldrk gSA cSDVhfj;k rFkk thoksa
dh dksf'kdkvksa esa Mh,u, v.kq gksrs gSaA ;s v.kq gh r; djrs gSa fd euq";]
nwljs izk.kh ikS/ks] cSDVhfj;k vkfn dSls fn[ksaxs vkSj fdl rjg dke djsaxsA
ysfdu dksf'kdk ds dsUnz esa fLFkr Mh,u, v.kq vius vkt esa dqN ugha
djrkA ;kuh dsoy Mh,u, gksus ls gh thou lEHko ugha gksxkA mlesa fNih
lwpuk ds vk/kkj ij jkbckslkse izksVhu cukrs gSaA gj izksVhu vkdkj ,oa
dke vyx&vyx gksrk gSA izksVhu v.kqvksa ds jklk;fud Lrj ij thou
dk l`tu ,oa laj{k.k djrs gSaA
tSls fd gkseksXykschu] tks ,d izksVhu gS] jDr ds lgkjs vkWDlhtu dks
'kjhj ds gj fgLls esa ys tkrk gSA blh rjg balqfyu tSls gkeksZu] dksyStu]
tks 'kjhj dks LFkkf;Ro iznku djrs gSaA ;k fd ,atkbe] tks 'kjhj ds fy,
t#jh ÅtkZ 'kdZjk ls iSnk djrk gSA ;s lHkh izkVs hu gksrs gSAa 'kjhj esa izkVs hu
s iqjLdkj fotsrk% MkW- osd
a Vjeu jkeÑ".ku
dh lajpuk ds can gksus dk eryc gS thou dk varA blfy, jkbckslkse
ds ijek.kq Lrj ij dke djus dh tkudkjh thou dks oSKkfud rjhds ls
le>us ds fy, egRoiw.kZ gSA
bl tkudkjh dk fpfdRlk 'kkL=k esa rRdky O;kogkfjd bLrseky
fd;k tk ldrk gSA tSlk fd ge tkurs gSa] cSDVhfj;k dbZ jksxksa dh otg
gSA vkt ds cgqr lkjs ,aVhck;ksfVd cSDVhfj;k jkbckslkse dk dke djuk
can dj chekfj;ksa dk mipkj djrs gSaA tc cSDVhfj;k dk jkbckslkse dke
djuk can dj nsrk gS] rks cSDVhfj;k csvlj gks tkrk gSA blhfy, u,
,aVhck;ksfVDl ds fy, jkbckslkse egRoiw.kZ VkjxsV gSaA gj tho esa gtkjksa
izksVhu gksrs gSa vkSj ;s izksVhu gh thoksa ds gj vax dh cukoV] jax vkSj
dke r; djrs gSaA
jkbckslkse vkj,u, ,oa izksVhu v.kqvksa dk cM+k lewg gSA blds nks
fgLls gksrs gSaA cM+s fgLls dks 50 ,l vkSj NksVs Hkkx dks 30 ,l dgrs gSaA
;gka ,l dk vFkZ LosMoxZ ;kuh bdkbZ gSA 30 ,l jkbckslkse eSltsaj ;kuh
nwc vkj,u, ds lkFk tqM+rs gSaA ;g nwr vkj,u, gh fdlh izksVhu dh
lajpuk djus ds fy, Mh,u, esa ekStwn lwpuk dks dkWih dj ykrs gSAa blds
vykok 30 ,l jkbckslkse Vªkla Qj vkj,u, ;kuh fufnZ"V vehuksa vEy dks
jkbckslkse ds ikl ykrs gSaA rkfd mls c<+rh gqbZ izksVhu Ük`a[kyk dks tksM+us
dh izfØ;k dks mRizsfjr djrs gSaA
jlk;u foKku ds ukscy
s ds fy, pqus x, rhuksa oSKkfudksa us jkbckslkse
dk ijek.kq Lrj ij f=kvk;keh ekWMy rS;kj fd;k gS] tks ;g n'kkZrk gS fd
fdlh rjg ,aVhck;ksfVd jkbckslkse ds lkFk tqM+rk gSA bu ekWMyksa dk
bLrseky dj oSKkfud u, ,aVhck;ksfVd rS;kj dj jgs gSaA fiNys 50 o"kksZ
esa oSKkfudksa us jkbckslkse dh dk;Ziz.kkyh ds gj igyw ij Kku ,df=kr
fd;k gSA ckotwn blds vc rd blds vc rd fdlh dks Hkh jkbckslkse
dk f=kvk;keh ekWMy rS;kj djus esa lQyrk ugha feyh FkhA
MkW- osadVjjeu dks ukscsy iqjLdkj feyus ij gesa xoZ rks gksrk gh gS]
;g loky Hkh mBrk gS fd fdlh Hkkjrh; oSKkfud dks Hkkjr esa dke djds
ukscsy iqjLdkj dc gkfly gksxk\ lh-oh-jeu dks ukscsy iqjLdkj feys 80
lky chr pqds gSaA vkt Hkkjr esa gtkjksa oSKkfud dke dj jgs gSa vkf[kj
D;ksa fdlh dk dke mls ukscsy iqjLdkj dk gdnkj ugha cuk ik jgk gS\
bl loky dk mRrj gesa <wa<uk gksxkA
MkW- lqcksèk egarh
bZ&esy % [email protected]
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
fx) lfgr 57 tho Økafrd ldaVxzLr ?kksf"kr
oSls rks gekjh i`Foh ij thou&ej.k dk pØ fujUrj xfre; jgrk gSA u,
tho tUers jgrs gSa vkSj chekj vkSj o`) tho ejrs jgrs gSAa ftlls izÑfr
esa larqyu cuk jgrk gSA ysfdu ekuoh; xfrfof/k;ksa ds dkj.k fiNys dqN
lkyksa ls vusd tho&tarqvksa dh la[;k rsth ls yqIr gksrh tk jgh gSA ,sls
thoksa ds laj{k.k ds izfr fo'o Hkj esa iz;kl fd, tk jgs gSaA ^baVjus'kuy
;wfu;u QkWj n uspj ,aM uSpjq y fjlkslt
Zs * ;kuh vkbZ-;w-lh-,u oSf'or Lrj
ij ekU;rk izkIr laLFkk ,slh gS tks isM+&ikS/kksa vkSj thoksa ds laj{k.k ds fy,
dk;Z djrh gSA vkbZ-;w-lh-,u laLFkk }kjk ladVxzLr thoksa vkSj isM+&ikS/
kksa dk ,d lwphc) vkadM+k rS;kj fd;k tkrk gS ftls ^jsM MkVk cqd* dgrs
gSaA jsM MkVk cqd esa ukfer tho ds laj{k.k dh dok;n iwjh nqfu;k esa 'kq:
dj nh xbZ gSA blh iz;kl ds rgr gekjs ns'k ds i;kZoj.k ,oa ou ea=ky;
us Hkh 9 ekpZ] 2011 dks tkjh ,d fjiksVZ esa 57 thoksa dks Økafrd ldaVxzLr
tho ?kksf"kr djrs gq, buds vfLrRo dks ysdj fpark trkbZ gSA bl fjiksVZ
esa Økafrd ldaVxzLr thoksa dks lkr oxks± esa j[kk x;k gS tks
i{kh] Lruèkkjh] ljhliZ] mHk;pj] eNyh] edM+h rFkk
dksjy gSaA
dhLVksu Lisflt ;k eq[; iztkfr;ka gksrh gSa ftuds laj{k.k ds lkFk vusd
iztkfr;ksa dk laj{k.k gksrk gSA vkbZ-;w-lh-,u ds vuqlkj Økafrd ldaVxzLr
Js.kh ds tho Hkfo"; esa foyqIr gks ldrs gSaA bl Js.kh esa fdlh tho dks
j[kus ls igys vkbZ-;w-lh-,u fuEukafdr ikap 'krks± ds vk/kkj ij ml tho
ij eaMjk jgs ladV ij fopkj djrh gS%
1- fiNys 10 lkyksa esa ;k rhu tsujs'ku esa ml tho dh 80 izfr'kr ls
Hkh vf/kd vkcknh de gks xbZ gksA
2- ml tho ds HkkSxksfyd ifjos'k esa cgqr rsth ls cnyko vk;k gksA
3- ,d gh tsujs'ku esa ;k fiNys rhu lkyksa esa ml tho dh vkcknh ;k
rks 25 izfr'kr de gqbZ gS ;k ml tho dh vkcknh dsoy 250 jg xbZ gksA
4- O;Ld thoksa dh vkcknh 50 ls Hkh de jg xbZ gksA
5- ml tho ds taxyksa ls foyqIr gksus dk [krjk gksA
i{kh oxZ ds Økafrd ldaVxzLr thoksa esa tkMZu uqdjh
¼tkMZu dksmlj½] taxyh [kwlV ;k taxyh mYyw] lQsn
rksany cxqyk] lQsn ihB okyk fx) ¼OgkbV&cSDM fx)½]
LySUMj rksany fx) ¼LysUMj fcYM½] yach rksany fx) ¼ykWx
fcYM fx)½] yky flj okyk fx) ¼jsM gsMsM fx)½] caxky
yksjhdsu] fgek;yu cVj] xqykch flj okyh cr[k] lkekftd
fVVgjh] pEep rksna y ckVu] lkbcsfj;kbZ lkjl 'kkfey gSAa
vkbZ-;w-lh-,u us thoksa ij laHkkfor [krjksa dks ns[krs
gq, lkr Jsf.k;ksa esa j[kk gSA igyh Js.kh foyqIr gks pqds
thoksa dh gSA MksMks] ,fyQsaV cMZ] oqfy eSeFk tSls thoksa dk
,d le; igys /kjrh ij vfLrRo Fkk ysfdu vkt ;s iwjh
rjg ls foyqIr gks pqds gSAa nwljh Js.kh esa mu thoksa dks j[kk
x;k gS tks vius izkÑfrd vkokl LFkyksa ls ;kuh taxyksa
;k tyh; ra=k ls foyqIr gks pqds gSaA bu thoksa dh dqN gh
vkcknh Ñf=ke {ks=kksa esa cph gSA bl Js.kh esa gokbZ dkSvk
o dSVjhuk iqifQ'k vkfn tho 'kkfey gSaA rhljh Js.kh esa
,sls thoksa dks j[kk x;k gS ftudh vkcknh cgqr gh de
cph gSA bl Økafrd ldaVxzLr Js.kh dgrs gSaA bl Js.kh
ds ckjs esa foLrkj ls vkxs ckr djsaxsA
Lru/kkjh thoksa esa fiXeh gkWx] vaMeku 'osr nar NNanw j]
tSfUdu vaMeku 'osr nar NNanw j] fudksckj 'osr nar NNanw j
¼fudksckj OgkbV VªwFk Jw½] dksUMkjk pwgk] fo'kky pV~Vkuh
pwgk ;k ,yfojk jsV] ukenQk mM+u fxygjh] ekykckj
dLrwjh] lqek=kbZ xsaMk] tkokbZ xsaMk Økafrd ldaVxzLr thoksa
esa 'kkfey gSaA ljhl`i oxZ ds thoksa esa ?kfM+;ky] cktBksaBh
dNqvk] peZfiPNd dNqvk] NksVk unh dNqvk ¼jhou
Vsjsihu½] yky flj okyk :QSM dNqvk ¼jsM ØkmusM :QsM
pkSFkh Js.kh esa mu ladVxzLr thoksa dks j[kk x;k gS tks
Ms fNidyh ldaVxzLr thoksa esa 'kkfey gSAa mHk;pj thoksa
vius vfLrRo ds fy, la?k"kZ dj jgs gSa vkSj ;fn bu thoksa ds laj{k.k ij
fo'ks"k /;ku ugha fn;k x;k rks Hkfo"; esa ;s tho foyqIr gks ldrs gSaA bl esa vukeykbZ ykf;ax Ýkx] xqfa M;k bafM;u Ýkx] dsjyk bafM;u Ýkx] pkYlZ
Js.kh ds thoksa esa uhyh Ogsy] ,f'k;kbZ gkFkh] tk;aV ikaMk] fgersanqvk vkSj MkfoZu Ýkx] dksfV>j ccj&usLV Ýkx] vecksyh cq'k Ýkx] dsyktksMl~
ck?k vkfn 'kkfey gSaA ikapoha Js.kh vfrlaosnu'khy thoksa dh gS ftlesa ccy&usLV Ýkx½] NksVh >kM+h okyk es<d] gjh vka[kksa okyk cq'k es<d] xzhV
vÝhdh gkFkh] phrk] xkSj] 'ksj o /kzqoh; Hkkyw vkfn tho 'kkfey gSaA NBha >kM+h es<d] dkfydV >kMh es<d] ekdZl~ cq'k Ýkx] equkj cq'k Ýkx] yktZ
Js.kh mu thoksa dh gSa ftu ij Hkfo"; esa ladV gks ldrk gS ,sls thoksa iksUeqMh cq'k Ýkx] fjlIysUMsUV cq'k Ýkx] lsdMZ xzkso cq'k Ýkx] lq'khyl~
esa vesfjdh HkSl
a k] Vkbxj 'kkdZ] vÝhdh Hkwjk rkSrk vkfn 'kkfey gSAa lkroha cq'k Ýkx] f'kykax ccy&usLV Ýkx] Vkbxj cq'k VksM ldaVxzLr thoksa esa
Js.kh esa mu thoksa dks j[kk x;k gS ftu ij gky gh esa dksbZ [krjk ugha gSA 'kkfey gSaA
bl Js.kh esa vtxj] pV~Vkuh dcwrj o Hkwjk Hkkyw vkfn tho 'kkfey gSaA
eNfy;ksa esa ikafMpsjh 'kkdZ] xaxks; 'kkdZ] ukbQ VªwFk lkWfQ'k] yktZ VªwFk
blds vykok mu thoksa dks irkdj iztkfr ¼ysxf'ki Lisflt½ Hkh dgk lkWfQ'k] yktZ dkEc lkWfQ'k ;k uSjks LukWV lkWfQ'k] jkes'oje~ vkjukesaVy
tkrk gS tks fdlh ikfjfLFkfrdh ra=k dk izfrfuf/kRo djrs gSa vkSj mlds ;k jkes'oje~ isjk'kwV LikbMj] ihdkWd VSusUVqyk ldaVxzLr thoksa esa 'kkfey
laj{k.k ds fy, vko';d Hkh gSA tSls ck?k vkSj ,f'k;kbZ 'ksj Hkkjr dh gSaA dksjy dh Qk;j dksjy uked iztkfr dks ldaVxzLr thoksa esa 'kkfey
irkdk iztkfr;ksa ds lcls vPNs mnkjg.k gSaA ,slh iztkfr;ksa dks pqurs gq, fd;k x;k gSaA ges bu lHkh thoksa dks cpkus ds iz;kl djus gksaxs] rHkh
mu iztkfr;ksa ij ladV ,oa tuekul esa muds laj{k.k ds fy, lg;ksx èkjrh ij thou ds fofo/k #i f[kyf[kykrs jgsaxsA
uouhr dqekj xqIrk
dh Hkkouk ij è;ku fn;k tkrk gSA vly esa irkdk iztkfr;ka ,slh
bZ&esy %
[email protected]
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
International Year of Chemistery 2011
fp=k igsyh& 59 / Photo Quiz - 59
Identify The House hold chemicals Puzzle 13
This year the photo quiz will be based on chemistry as part of
IYC 2011
Last date of receiving correct entries: 30 April, 2011.
Winners will get a Biodiversity activity kit/ books as a
prize. Please send your entries to:-
House hold Puzzle-13, VIPNET News, Vigyan Prasar,
A-50, Sector 62, Noida-201 307
fp=k esa fn;s x, ,d v.kqq dh lajpuk ds ekWMy dks igpkfu,\
;g igyk ,slk dkcZfud v.kq gS ftldk fuekZ.k vdkcZfud rRoksa
ls fd;k x;k FkkA
Identify the Structural model of a Molecule given in the
picture ? This is the first organic molecule synthesized
from inorganic salts.
mÙkj izkIr djus dh vafre frfFk% 30 vizSy 2011
MªkW }kjk p;fur fotsrkvksa dks iqjLdkj Lo:i foKku izlkj ds izdk'ku
Hksts tk,¡xsA vius tokc bl irs ij Hkstsa%&
foiusV fp=k igsyh & 57] foKku izlkj] ,&50] lsDVj 62] uks,Mk
VIPNET Photo Quiz , 57, VIGYAN, PRASAR, A-50,
Sec. 62, Noida
The plant shown in picture is
liverworts. It is one of the
main group of Bryophytes
(The other is mosses).
Liverwort is a small nonvascular plant that grows flat
along a surface. It has flat, lobed, leaf-like parts.
Liverworts grow in wet places, such as along streams
or on rocky ledges near water. The leaflike part of
this plant look like human liver, that why it is
commonly called liverwort. Interestingly, earlier
people use to think that a plant shaped like a body
organ could be used to treat diseases of that organ.
Today it is known that liverwort are not useful in
treating liver diseases.
(This month we have not received any correct
answer so no prize is given for the photo quiz
no. 1 to any one.)
Nitrous oxide is also know as
Common name of Calcium hypochlorite
Common name of Calcium carbonate
Common name of NaCl
Common name of H2O
Chemical name of CHCl3
Common name Sodium bicarbonate
Calcium oxide is commonly known as
The main ingredient of lemon juice
Common name of C12H22O11
R. K. Yadav
[email protected]
The puzzle has been Designed as part of
International Year of Chemistry-2011
State Animal of India Puzzle- 9
Name of the winners:
1- Varun Shukla (Karnal)
2-Aishna Gupta,
Patel Nager (New Delhi)
3- Pulkit Khurana
Lajpat Naghar (New Delhi)
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Year of
varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ 2011
Club speak
dYiuk pkoyk lkbal Dyc
taken active part in the same camp. During the camp
time they enjoyed bird Watching, Botanical Garden,
Zoo, Deep Jungle and Dinosaur Park.
The team also visited the Science Express. They
enjoyed the history various advantages and experiments
among 16 compartments of the train.
Exploring Biodiversity Workshop
Oryza Science Club, North Lakhimpur, Assam
participated actively in a workshop on 17 July, 2010
organized by local chapter of Assam Moina Parijat a
NGO working for children of age group 6 to 12 years.
Dr. P. Saikia, Coordinator, Oryza Science Club
dYiuk pkoyk lkbal Dyc] njHkaxk }kjk jk"Vªh; foKku fnol ds volj participated in the workshop as a resource person and
ij Dyc ds lkStU; ls vUrjk"Vªh; tSo&fofo/krk o"kZ ds lekiu volj conducted the day long workshop on the theme Exploring
ij ^Hkkjr dh tSo fofo/krk* fo"k; ij ,d fucU/k izfr;ksfxrk ,oa Biodiversity using the Biodiversity kit supplied by Vigyan
fp=kkadu dk;ZØe dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA bl nkSjku Dyc }kjk rS;kj Prasar. The different components of biodiversity, their
ifj;kstuk ^ns'kt izpyuksa ls tSo fofoèkrk dk laj{k.k* ij Hkh O;k[;ku role were explained with the help of the kit. Field
vk;ksftr fd;k x;kA bl volj ij Hkfo"; ds dk;ZØeksa dh #ijs[kk observation through nature walk and herbarium making
were also explained.
lfgr varjjk"Vªh; jlk;u foKku o"kZ dks euk, tkus ij Hkh ppkZ gqbZA
'Prakriti' Nature Club
xksyw dh
Himachal Pardesh Postal Circle,
Shimla organised a stamp design
competition on the topic 'The Tiger'
on 12 february, 2011. Riya Dutta
of class 4th , a member of our nature
club got frist prize at state level and
third prize at National level. She was
awarded with cash prize of
Rs.5000 by Honourable President
Mrs. Ptratibha devi singh patil.
Science Express
Raahi Eco Club, Sheth
H.M.Sarvajanik High-School,
Soja, Gujrat, participated in nature
education camp at Indroda Nature
Park, Gandhinagar, Gujrat. 50
students and four teachers had
swimming. . .
If H20
is water
what is
oSdfYid rdZ
fp=kkadu % ekulh esokM+h
Published and Printed by Mrs. K. Dasgupta Misra on behalf of
: B. K. Tyagi
Vigyan Prasar, C-24, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016 Associate Editor : Navneet Kumar Gupta
Printed at Delhi Sales Corporation, D-39, Sector - 2,
: Ravi Yadav
Bawana Industrial Area, Bawana, Delhi - 110039
Layout & design : Ajeej Ahmed (Azad)
February-March 2011 / Vol. 9 / No. 2-3
Fly UP