
VIPNET NEWS S September 2005

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VIPNET NEWS S September 2005
Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India:
September 2005
VOL. 3
Sir Joseph John Thomson
(Discoverer of Electron)
ir J.J. Thomson, a British scientist,
was studying discharge of electricity
through gases. He observed that when
an electric current is passed through the
tube, the negative electrode (cathode)
emits radiation, attracting a photographic
plate. These cathode rays are particles
and not electromagnetic radiation, since
they have mass. Thomson called them
corpuscles, and they later became known as electrons.
Thomson created electric and magnetic fields around the discharge tube
and studied how the rays bend. Using these methods, he determined the
ratio of charge to mass, from which he argued that electrons were sub-atomic
particles and negatively charged. If electrons were negatively charged subatomic particles, there must be an equivalent positive charge somewhere to
make the atom electrically neutral.
Thomson proposed that the atom could be like a watermelon. With positive
charge filling the volume of the melon and the negative charges (electrons)
embedded in it like the seeds! Now we know this to be an
erroneous concept of atomic structure. However, his
discovery of the electron, leading to the atomic structure
in terms of positive and negative charges, is a milestone
in science.
Born in Cheetham Hill, a suburb of Manchester on
December 18, 1856.
In 1876, Thomson won a scholarship at Trinity College,
one of the most prestigious of the colleges of
Cambridge University.
A simple cathode ray tube
In 1880 he completed graduation and stood second (behind Joseph Larmor).
Became Cavendish Professor for experimental physics at Cambridge in 1884. Young Thomson was the third Cavendish
Professor (following Maxwell and Lord Rayleigh). He held the post till 1919.
Awarded the Nobel Prize in physics in 1906 for his research on the conduction of electricity through gases.
Honoured Knighthood in 1908 - the highest honour in England.
He was President of Royal Society during 1916 – 1920.
In 1918 he was chosen Master of his old college, Trinity.
Died in Cambridge on August 30, 1940.
q Rintu Nath
[email protected]
Published and Printed by Ms. K. Dasgupta Misra on behalf of Vigyan Prasar, C-24, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016
Printed at Chandu Press, D-97 Shakarpur, Delhi-110092
Editor: Dr. T. V. Venkateswaran
foKku laokn
izks- vjfoUn dqekj] funs'kd] gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{k.k dsUnz] eqEcbZ ls fo'ks"k HksaVokrkZ
Kku vkSj xf.kr dh i<+kbZ dj jgs yxHkx gj izfrHkkoku Nk= dk liuk gksrk gS fd og vkWfyfEi;kM ijh{kk esa lQyrk
gkfly djsA dqN le; iwoZ rd ns'k esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds fy;s dsoy xf.kr vkWfyfEi;kM dk gh vk;kstu gksrk FkkA o"kZ
1997&98 ds nkSjku gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{k.k dsUnz] eqEcbZ vkSj Hkkjrh; HkkSfrd foKku f'k{k.k la?k ds la;qDr iz;klksa ls
ns'k esa foKku vkWfyfEi;kM dh 'kq#okr gqbZA foKku vkWfyfEi;kM dks ns'k esa vkjEHk djus esa izks- vjfoUn dqekj] funs'kd]
gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{k.k dsUnz] eqEcbZ dh egRoiw.kZ Hkwfedk jgh gSA
bf.M;u U;wfDy;j lkslkbVh ds ^vkbZ ,u ,l lkbal dE;wfuds'ku vokMZ 2003^ ls lEekfur izks- vjfoUn dqekj
,d lqfo[;kr foKku lapkjd o ys[kd Hkh gSaA izks- vjfoUn dqekj us o"kZ 1969 esa VkVk baLVhV~;wV vkWQÛ QUMkesaVy fjlpZ]
eqEcbZ }kjk ^F;ksjsfVdy fQftÛDl^ esa ih&,p-Mh- dh mikf/k izkIr dhA izks- dqekj ;wjksfi;u lsUVj QkWj U;wfDy;j fQftÛDl]
tsusok (1969&70) ,oa ;wfuoflZVh vkWQÛ yUnu (1970&71) esa vfrfFk oSKkfud ds rkSj ij tqM+s jgs ,oa yxHkx 12
o"kks± rd HkkSfrd foKku foHkkx] eqEcbZ fo'ofo|ky; esa f'k{k.k dk;Z fd;kA ,u-lh-bZ-vkj-Vh- ds jk"Vªh; ikB~;p;kZ dh :ijs[kk
ds fuekZ.k ,oa ikB~; iqLrdksa ds ys[ku esa Hkh vki vxz.kh jgs gSaA izks- dqekj ds iz;klksa ls tqykbZ 2001 esa rSarhlosa
^vUrjkZ"Vªh; dSfeLVªh vkWfyfEi;kM^ dh estÛckuh Hkkjr us dhA vusd 'kSf{kd lfefr;ksa ds lnL; gksus ds lkFk gh izks- vjfoUn dqekj] foKku ,oa [kxksy 'kkL=
vkWfyfEi;kM dh ifjpkyu lfefr ds v/;{k gSaA ;gk¡ izLrqr gS izks- vjfoUn dqekj ls foiusV U;wtÛ dh HksaVokrkZ ds izeq[k va'k%&
foiusV U;wtÛ% loZizFke gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{k.k dsUæ ds fo"k; esa crk,¡
fd dsUæ esa fdu xfrfof/k;ksa dk lapkyu gksrk gS\
izks- vjfoUn dqekj% gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{k.k dsUnz] Hkkjr dh ,d egRoiw.kZ
laLFkk] VkVk baLVhV~;wV vkWQÛ QUMkesaVy fjlpZ] dk ,d jk"Vªh; dsUnz gSA
foKku f'k{kk vkSj foKku dk izlkj vke&yksxksa esa djuk bldk eq[; mn~ns';
gSA bu mnn~';ksa ds fy;s ge dkQh xfrfof/k;k¡ vk;ksftr djrs gSa] blesa
egRoiw.kZ xfrfof/k gS fdrkcas fy[kuk vkSj ikB~;p;kZ fodflr djukA dqN
ikB~;Øe ge Lo;a fodflr djrs gSa vkSj ikB~;p;kZ fodkl dh jk"Vªh; laLFkk
,u-lh-bZ-vkj-Vh- ds lkFk ikB~;Øe ds fy;s fdrkcsa fy[krs gSaA [kkldj foKku
vkSj xf.kr fo"k;ksa esa gekjk dk;Z gksrk gSA gekjh nwljh eq[; xfrfof/k gS
vkWfyfEi;kMA gekjk dsUnz jk"Vªh; vkWfyfEi;kM dsUnz ds rkSj ij dk;Z djrk gS]
ftls vki uksMy dsUnz Hkh dg ldrs gSaA gk¡ykfd dkQh laLFkk,¡ vkWfyfEi;kM
esa 'kkfey gSa] ysfdu ge lHkh dk leUo; djrs gSaA bu vkWfyfEi;kM~l esa
xf.kr] jlk;u foKku] tho foKku] HkkSfrd foKku ,oa [kxksy foKku 'kkfey
gSaA Hkkjr esa ;g ,d cgqr cM+h 'kSf{kd xfrfof/k gS vkSj dqy feykdj yxHkx
,d yk[k fo|kFkhZ blesa layXu gSaA vkWfyfEi;kM ds dbZ pj.k gSa] igys pj.k
esa Nk= tks ijh{kk nsrs gSa] muds p;u ds ckn gj fo"k; esa 250&300 Nk=ksa
dks jk"Vªh; vkWfyfEi;kM ijh{kk esa 'kkfey fd;k tkrk gSA bUVjehfM,V ds
ckn] ml Lrj ij lcls dfBu ijh{kk vkWfyfEi;kM gh ekuh tkrh gS] bl
ijh{kk dk Lrj gekjs ns'k esa dkQh Å¡pk gSA bl izdkj bl ijh{kk ds ckn
40&50 Nk=ksa dk p;u gksrk gS vkSj gekjs eqEcbZ fLFkr dsUnz esa mudks
izf'k{k.k fn;k tkrk gSA bl nkSjku Nk=ksa dks izf'k{k.k ds lkFk vU; ijh{kkvksa
ls Hkh gksdj xqtjuk iM+rk gS vkSj Nk= vUrjkZ"Vªh; vkWfyfEi;kM esa 'kkfey
gksus ds fy;s rS;kj gksrs gSaA
foiusV U;wtÛ% ;gk¡ ij ge ;g tkuuk pkgsaxs fd fo|kFkhZ vkWfyfEi;kM
ijh{kk dh rS;kjh fdl rjg djsa] bl ijh{kk esa ,d fo|kFkhZ ls fdl rjg
ds dkS'kY; dh vis{kk dh tkrh gS\
izks- vjfoUn dqekj% vkWfyfEi;kM ds ckjs esa] eSa Nk=ksa ls dguk pkgw¡xk fd
fo"k; dh okLrfod le> Nk= dks vo'; gksuh pkfg;sA dksbZ fo|kFkhZ jV dj
;g ijh{kk ugha ns ldrkA ,slk ugha gS fd vkWfyfEi;kM ijh{kk dk ikB~;Øe
cgqr dfBu gksrk gS] ikB~;Øe ckjgoha d{kk dk gh gksrk gS] ysfdu ijh{kk dk
Lrj cgqr Å¡pk gksrk gS D;ksafd gesa vUrjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij izfr;ksfxrk djuh gksrh
gSA vkWfyfEi;kM~l esa ,slk ugha gS fd Nk= dks fo"k; dh lHkh rjg dh
tkudkfj;ksa dk Hkkj mBkuk gS] cfYd vko';drk ;g gS fd ;fn HkkSfrdh dk
dksbZ fo"k; gS] rks Nk= dks vPNh rjg ls ml fo"k; dh le> gksuh pkfg;s]
mlds lHkh dfBu lokyksa ds lek/kku vkidks ekywe gksus pkfg;sA ;gk¡ Nk=ksa ds
fy;s esjh lykg ;g gksxh fd muds ikl tks Hkh vPNh fdrkcsa gSa ;k cktkj esa
tks Hkh vPNh fdrkcsa miyC/k gSa] mudk xgu v/;;u vkSj mu ij vk/kkfjr
tks Hkh iz'u vkfn gSa] mudks gy djuk vPNh rjg vkuk pkfg;sA vkWfyfEi;kM
esa dksbZ lS¼kafrd loky ugha vkrk cfYd gj iz'u dks Nk= dks lksp fopkj
dj gy djuk gksrk gSA nwljh ckr eaS ;g dguk pkgw¡xk fd gekjs ;gk¡ vkbZvkbZ-Vh- esa Hkh lS¼kafrd iz'u i= vkrk gS] izk;ksfxd ijh{kk ugha gksrh] tcfd
vUrjkZ"Vªh; vkWfyfEi;kM esa lS¼kafrd ,oa izk;ksfxd] nksuksa gh ijh{kkvksa ds
vad egRoiw.kZ gksrs gSaA blfy;s tc ;s fo|kFkhZ gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{k.k dsUnz
esa vkrs gSa rks ge mudks izk;ksfxd izf'k{k.k nsrs gSa ,oa izk;ksfxd ijh{kk,¡ Hkh ysrs
gSaA vktdy Ldwyksa esa F;ksjh dh vis{kk izk;ksfxd d{kkvksa dks dgha dgha
vuns[kk fd;k tkrk gS] tcfd vkWfyfEi;kM esa Nk= ds izk;ksfxd dkS'kY; dks
c[kwch ij[kk vkSj egRo fn;k tkrk gSA
foiusV U;wtÛ% vkidk laLFkku foKku ikB~;Øe ds fodkl ij Hkh dk;Z dj
jgk gSA vki ,d foKku ikB~;Øe@ikB~;p;kZ esa D;k [kwfc;k¡ ns[krs gSa\
izks- vjfoUn dqekj% ,slk gS fd eSa Lo;a Hkh vkSj gekjs dsUnz ds vU; fo'ks"kK
Hkh ,u-lh-bZ-vkj-Vh- }kjk 2005 esa cukbZ xbZ jk"Vªh; ikB~;p;kZ dh :ijs[kk
esa 'kkfey jgs gSaA blesa fdrkcsa fy[kus dk Hkh dk;Z fd;k tk jgk gSA foKku
ikB~;p;kZ esa dqN phtsÛa vo'; gksuh pkfg;s] ftldks geus dgk gS ^ØkbVsfj;k
vkWQ osfyfMVh^A buesa ,d rks foKku dh tks ifjdYiuk,¡ gSa] oks Nk= dh
ftl mez esa 'kkfey dh tkrh gSa] mUgsa cgqr gh lko/kkuh ls 'kkfey djuk
pkfg;sA vxj vki 10 lky ds cPps dks ,slh phtÛ crk,¡ tks og le> ugha
ldrk] rks og mls jV ysxkA blfy;s cPps dh ckSf¼d mez ds eqrkfcd]
ikB~;p;kZ gksuk pkfg;sA tSls HkkSfrd foKku esa ÅtkZ dh ,d ifjdYiuk gsS] ;g
ÅtkZ dh ifjdYiuk ,d cM+h xgjh ifjdYiuk gSA vxj d{kk ik¡p ds cPps
dks fLFkfrt ÅtkZ vkSj xfrt ÅtkZ crkuk 'kq: dj nsa] rks ;g mfpr ugha
gksxkA ;g cgqr vko';d gS fd ikB~;Øe dk foLrkj Nk= dh mfpr vk;q ds
foKku laokn
foKku] xf.kr ,oa i;kZoj.k vkWfyfEi;kM% ,d utÛj esa--•
Hkkjr o"kZ esa foKku ,oa xf.kr vkWfyfEi;kM dk uksMy dk;kZy; gkseh HkkHkk lsUVj QkWj lkbal ,tqds'ku] eqEcbZ gSA
foKku vkWfyfEi;kM esa HkkSfrd foKku] jlk;u foKku] tho foKku ,oa [kxksy foKku dks 'kkfey fd;k x;k gS] ftldk vk;kstu gkseh HkkHkk lsUVj QkWj
lkbal ,tqds'ku] eqEcbZ] bafM;u fQÛftÛDl VhplZ ,lksfl;s'ku ,oa bafM;u dSfeLVªh VhplZ ,lksfl;s'ku }kjk fd;k tkrk gSA xf.kr vkWfyfEi;kM dh
vk;kstd laLFkk ^uS'kuy cksMZ vkWQÛ gk;j eSFkeSfVDl^ gSA gkseh HkkHkk lsUVj QkWj lkbal ,tqds'ku] eqEcbZ ,oa usS'kuy dkmfUly vkWQÛ lkbal E;wftÛ;e
}kjk o"kZ 2003&04 ls [kxksy foKku vkWfyfEi;kM dk vk;kstu vkjEHk gqvk gSA bu ijh{kkvksa esa d{kk 11 ,oa 12 ds fo|kFkhZ 'kkfey gks ldrs gSaA
foKku ,oa xf.kr vkWfyfEi;kM ijh{kk rhu pj.kksa esa vk;ksftr gksrh gSA o"kZ 2005 dh vkWfyfEi;kM ijh{kk lEcU/kh egRoiw.kZ frfFk;k¡ bl izdkj gSa%&
foKku vkWfyfEi;kM dh izFke pj.k dh ijh{kk ^uS'kuy LVS.MMZ ,DtÛkfeus'ku^ 27 uoEcj] 2005 dks ns'k Hkj esa fLFkr fofHkUUk dsUnzksa esa vk;ksftr gksuh
gSA dsUnz lEcU/kh ,oa vU; tkudkfj;ksa ds fy;s fo|kFkhZ vius {ks= ds bafM;u fQÛftÛDl VhplZ ,lksfl;s'ku ds izHkkjh ls lEidZ dj ldrs gSaA bl ijh{kk
esa p;fur ijh{kkFkhZ nwljs pj.k ;kfu ^bf.;u uS'kuy lkbal ,.M ,LVªksukWfe vkWfyfEi;kM^ esa 'kkfey gksrs gSaA ;g ijh{kk tuojh ds vfUre lIrkg esa
vk;ksftr dh tkrh gSA r`rh; pj.k esa lQy ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{k.k dsUnz] eqEcbZ esa izf'k{k.k fn;k tkrk gS ,oa vUrjkZ"Vªh; vkWfyfEi;kM
gsrq Hkkjrh; ny dk p;u gksrk gSA
xf.kr vkWfyfEi;kM ds fy;s egRoiw.kZ frfFk gS fnlcaj ekg dk igyk jfookj] ftl fnu ns'k Hkj esa fofHkUu 20 {ks=h; dsUnzksa esa ^jhtuy eSFkEkSfVdy
vkWfyfEi;kM vk;ksftr fd;k tkrk gSA d{kk 11 ,oa 12 ds Nk= bl ijh{kk esa 'kkfey gks ldrs gSaA bl ijh{kk esa p;fur Nk=ksa dks ^bf.;u uS'kuy
eSFkEkSfVdy vkWfyfEi;kM^ esa 'kkfey fd;k tkrk gSA ;g ijh{kk Qjojh ekg ds izFke jfookj dks vk;ksftr dh tkrh gSA bl izdkj jk"Vªh; Lrj ij p;fur
30&35 lQy ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks ebZ&twu ekg ds nkSjku gkseh HkkHkk foKku f'k{k.k dsUnz] eqEcbZ esa izf'k{k.k fn;k tkrk gS ,oa vUrjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ds fy;s Nk=ksa
dk p;u gksrk gSA
[kxksy foKku vkWfyfEi;kM ds fy;s ckjgoha d{kk rd ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks nks vk;q&oxks± 15 o"kZ ,oa 17 o"kZ esa ck¡Vk x;k gSA bldh izkjfEHkd ijh{kk esa
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks xf.kr ,oa HkkSfrd foKku ds iz'uksa ls xqtÛjuk iM+rk gSA bl izdkj nksuksa oxks± ds nl&nl fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks lHkh dsUnzksa esa] ^bf.;u uS'kuy
,LVªksukWeh vkWfyfEi;kM^ esa 'kkfey fd;k tkrk gSA bl izdkj p;fur nksuksa vk;q oxks± ds 20&20 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks usg: lkbal E;wftÛ;e] eqEcbZ esa 15 fnu
ds jk"V ªh; dSEi esa 'kkfey fd;k tkrk gSA bl rjg 6&7 fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks vUrjkZ"Vªh; ,LVªkus kWeh vkWfyfEi;kM ds fy;s p;fur fd;k tkrk gSA
vkWfyfEi;kM ijh{kk fd vf/kd tkudkjh ds fy;s vki ykWx&vkWu dj ldrs gSa osclkbV~l%& www.hbcse.tifr.res.in ;k www.dae.gov.in
i;kZoj.kh; eqn~nksa ij vk/kkfjr ^xzhu vkWfyfEi;kM^ dk vk;kstu gj o"kZ] ubZ fnYYkh fLFkr laLFkk&fn ,UkthZ ,.M fjlkslsZtÛ baLVhV~;wV (Vsjh) }kjk
i;kZoj.k ,oa ou ea=ky; ds lg;ksx ls fd;k tkrk gSA bldh ijh{kk gj o"kZ flrEcj ekg ds igys 'kfuokj dks vk;ksftr dh tkrh gSA bl izdkj xzhu
vkWfyfEi;kM esa vUrjkZ"Vªh; Lrj ij p;fur ijh{kkfFkZ;ksa dks lEeku ds lkFk ^Vsjk fDotÛ^ esa Hkkx ysus dk ekSdk feyrk gSA Vsjk fDotÛ dk izlkj.k nwjn'kZu
ij fd;k tkrk gSA bl o"kZ Vsjk fDotÛ dk izlkj.k 24 fnlEcj 2005] fnu 'kfuokj dks izkr% 10-30 ls fd;k tk,xkA xzhu vkWfyfEi;kM dh vf/kd
tkudkjh ds fy;s vki ykWx&vkWu dj ldrs gSa osclkbV% www.teriin.org/olympiad
lkFk fd;k tk,] ;g ugha fd ÅtkZ ifjdYiuk cgqr egRoiw.kZ gS rks mls tYnh
crk fn;k tk,] blls Nk= dqN Hkh ugha le> ik,xkA ;g ubZ ikB~;p;kZ
fo|kFkhZ dsfUnzr gSA nwljh ckr ;g gS fd foKku ikB~;Øe dk lEcU/k vkl
ikl dh phtÛksa ls gksuk pkfg;sA bldks ge dgrs gSa ^bUokW;jesaVy osfyfMVh^A
;fn i;kZoj.k dk lEcU/k foKku ikB~;Øe ls gksxk] rks mlesa dqN thoUr
vuqHko gksxk vU;Fkk Nk= dsoy jV ysxk vkSj ijh{kk esa mls mxy nsxkA
rhljh ckr foKku ikB~;p;kZ esa gS oLrqfu"Bk] ikjnf'kZrk vkSj uSfrdrkA ,d
rjg ls foKku lR; dh [kkst dk ek/;e gSA ;s tks ewY; gSa] bUgsa Hkh foKku
ikB~;p;kZ ds tÛfj;s fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa ig¡qpkuk vko';d gSA foKku esa dsoy ;g ugha
gS fd tks Hkh ns'k fons'k esa foKku ds }kjk fodflr gqvk] mldks dsoy
^vfUre mRikn^ ds rkSj ij crk fn;k tk,A foKku dh izfØ;k D;k gS] foKku
fdl rjg fodflr gksrk gS] bl izlax dks Hkh cPpksa dks crkuk pkfg;sA
foiusV U;wtÛ% ;gk¡ ij ;g Hkh vko';d gS fd tks f'k{kd fo|kFkhZ dks i<+k
jgs gSa] os bu iBu&IkkBu ewY;ksa dks fdruk djhc ls tkurs gSaA D;k vkidk
dsUnz f'k{kdksa dks izf'k{k.k nsrk gS\
izks- vjfoUn dqekj% ;g vkius cgqr egRoiw.kZ iz'u fd;k gSA fdruh Hkh izHkkoh
ikB~;p;kZ D;ksa u cuk nh tk,] ij v/;kiu Bhd u gks ;k f'k{kd ds le> esa
u vk, ;k ml ikB~;Øe ds fy;s f'k{kd dks rS;kj u fd;k x;k gks] rks
ikB~;p;kZ dk egRo ugha jg tkrkA gekjk dsUnz dsoy foKku vkSj xf.kr
fo"k;ksa ls lEcfU/kr gSA ge f'k{kd mUeq[khdj.k dk;ZØe lky Hkj djrs jgrs
gaS] blesa f'k{kdkas dks foKku dh ubZ&ubZ tkudfj;ksa vkfn ds lkFk izf'k{k.k
fn;k tkrk gSaA ysfdu Hkkjr esa ;g leL;k bruh cM+h gS fd dsoy gkseh HkkHkk
foKku izf'k{k.k dsUnz bl leL;k dks gy ugha dj ldrk D;ksafd f'k{kdksa dh
la[;k cgqr vf/kd gSA esjk rks ;g lq>ko gS fd bl fo"k; ij ljdkj dks
vfèkd izkFkfedrk nsuh pkfg;sA gk¡ykfd vkt lh-ch-,l-bZ- vkfn Hkh f'k{kd
izf'k{k.k dk;Z'kkyk,¡ vk;ksftr djrk gS] ij vkt bl fn'kk esa vf/kd fuos'k
dh vko';drk gSA vxj ,d f'k{kd izf'kf{kr gS rks vklkuh ls fo|kfFkZ;ksa rd
phtÛsa igq¡pk ldrk gS] ugha rks ;g ikB~;Øe dsoy dkxtÛksa ij gh jgsxk]
dk;kZfUor ugha gks ldrkA
foiusV U;wtÛ% vkt ds izfr;ksxh ekgkSy esa ,d rjQ vfHkHkkod vius
cPps ij gj rjg dk ncko gksus ds ckn Hkh mls gj {ks= esa vkxs j[kuk
pkgrs gSa vkSj nwljh rjQ bu vfHkHkkodksa dks Hkh cPps dks Ldwy esa
nkf[kyk fnykus ds fy;s dM+s lk{kkRdkj ls xqtÛjuk iM+rk gSA D;k vkidks
yxrk gS fd bl iwjs ekgkSy esa dqN cnyko ;k Bgjko dh tÛ:jr gS\
djs a vkS j tkus a
izks- vjfoUn dqekj% ;g Hkh ,d cgqr xEHkhj leL;k gSA bl leL;k dk dqN
D;k dkyh oLrq,¡ vf/kd xeZ gksrh gSa\
gn rd dkj.k ;g Hkh gS fd ,d rks Ldwyksa dh deh gS] gekjh tula[;k TÛ;knk
gS] ysfdu eq>s yxrk gS fd ;g leL;k ,d n`f"Vdks.k dh leL;k gSA gk¡ykfd
vfHkHkkodksa dk joS;k xyr ugha gS] os vius cPps dk Hkyk pkgrs gSa ysfdu D;k ys u k gS \
cPpksa ds [ksyus dh NksVh mez esa mu ij izfr;ksfxrk ds fy;s ncko Mkyrs gSa] tks •
/kkrq ds nks fxykl] jsr] dkcZu isij] /kkxk] nks FkekZehVjA
fd xyr gSA jk"Vªh; ikB~;p;kZ dh :ijs[kk esa ;g Hkh Li"V fd;k x;k gS fd bu
lHkh ckrksa dks ns[krs gq, f'k{kdksa ,oa vfHkHkkodksa dh dkmfUlfyax dh tk,A D;k djuk gS \
esjk ;g ekuuk gS fd dkQh gn rd ;g leL;k gekjh ijh{kk iz.kkyh dh gSA
gekjh ijh{kk iz.kkyh bl rjg dh gS fd cPps ij cgqr vf/kd ekufld ruko • /kkrq ds nksuksa fxyklksa esa cjkcj ek=k esa jsr Hkj ysuh gSA
vk vkrk gSA dsoy nloha ;k ckjgoha d{kkvksa esa gh ugha cfYd ik¡poha] NBh] • ,d fxykl ds pkjksa rjQ dkCkZu isij yxk dj /kkxs ls ck¡/kuk gSA
lkroha d{kkvksa ls gh cPps ij csotg ijh{kkvksa dk Hk; vkSj ruko Fkksik tkrk
gSA ckjgosa ds ckn cPpk ,d ds ckn ,d ijh{kkvksa dh rS;kjh esa tqVk jgrk gS] • nksuksa fxykl esa ,d&,d FkekZehVj yxkuk gSA
bl rjg f'k{kk esa l`tukRedrk lekIr gksrh tk jgh gSA
• nksuksa fxykl dks ,d ?kaVs rd lw;Z ds izdk'k esa j[kuk gSA
foiusV U;wtÛ% vkids dsUnz }kjk vkWfyfEi;kM esa p;fur cPpksa dks
• vc FkekZehVj esa rkiØe i<+uk gSA
izf'k{k.k nsus ds lkFk gh mUgsa vUrjkZ"Vªh; vkWfyfEi;kM esa Hkh tkus dk
ekSdk feyrk gSA gekjs bu izfrHkkoku fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks vki fdl Lrj ij
D;k crkuk gS\
ns[krs gSa\
izks- vjfoUn dqekj% gekjs Hkkjrh; ny gj o"kZ vUrjkZ"Vªh; vkWfyfEi;kM esa • dkcZu isij fyiVs gq, fxykl esa T;knk rkiØe D;ksa gS\
cgqr vPNk izn'kZu djrs gSaA bl o"kZ gekjh Vhe dks HkkSfrd foKku esa nks Lo.kZ
vkSj nks jtr ind feysA nqfu;k ds vPNs ns'kksa esa gekjk nlok¡ LFkku gS]
ysfdu vHkh vkSj vPNs izn'kZu dh tÛ:jr gSA phu] :l vkfn ds eqdkcys
vHkh gekjk izn'kZu de gSA blds dbZ dkj.k gaS] muesa ,d ;g gS fd gekjs ns'k
esa vkWfyfEi;kM eq[; 'kSf{kd xfrfof/k ds rkSj ij ugha vk ik;k gSA tcfd phu
esa ;g eq[; 'kSf{kd xfrfof/k gS vkSj gj lky phu ds fo|kFkhZ VkWi djrs gSaA
muds lQy fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks vU; fdlh izfr;ksxh ijh{kk esa 'kkfey ugha gksuk dkcZu
iM+rk] bathfu;fjax] esfMdy esa mUgsa lh/ks izos'k fey tkrk gSA gekjs ;gk¡ isij
fo|kFkhZ dks gj txg izos'k ijh{kk nsuh iM+rh gSA nwljh ckr ;g gS fd gekjs
;gk¡ cPps ds ikl izf'k{k.k ds fy;s dsoy xzh"e vodk'k gh gksrk gS tcfd
vU; ns'kksa esa izf'k{k.k le;kof/k dkQÛh vf/kd gksrh gSA bruk gksus ds ckn Hkh
gekjs fo|kfFkZ;ksa dk izn'kZu dgha csgrj gSA vkidks ,d mnkgj.k nw¡ fd o"kZ
2003 esa gekjs ns'k ds fo|kFkhZ us HkkSfrd foKku esa fo'o esa nwljk LFkku
izkIr fd;k] ,d&nks uEcj vf/kd gksrs rks og 'kh"kZ ij gksrkA blh fo|kFkhZ us
mlh o"kZ jlk;u foKku vkWfyfEi;kM esa Hkh fo'o esa nwljk LFkku izkIr fd;kA
lEHkor% ;g vc rd dk fo'o dhfrZeku gSA tc gekjs ns'k esa ,d cPPkk ,slk
D;k dkj.k gS\
gks ldrk gS rks gesa mldh rjg ds vkSj Hkh cPps fey ldrs gSaA
foiusV U;wtÛ% gekjs foiusV Dycksa ds ;qok lnL;ksa ds fy;s vkidk D;k
dkyh oLrq,¡ lw;Z ds izdk'k dks vf/kd
lans'k gksxk\
vo'kksf"kr dj ysrh gSaA blfy, lw;Z ds
izks- vjfoUn dqekj% esjk rks lans'k ;g gS fd vxj vki esa foKku ;k xf.kr dh
izfrHkk gS rks vkids i<+us dk rjhdk cgqr vf/kd ijh{kk dsfUnzr ugha gksuk
izdk'k esa fufgr m"ek ls dkyh oLrq,¡
pkfg;sA vkidks ikB~;&iqLrd ds lkFk ml fo"k; dh l`tukRedrk dks Hkh
T;knk xeZ gks tkrh gSaA tcfd lQsn ;k
le>uk gksxkA foKku dk bfrgkl] oSKkfudksa vkSj muds 'kks/k ls tqM+h ckrsa Hkh
vU; jax dh oLrq,¡ de xeZ gksrh gSaA
tkuuk tÛ:jh gSA nwljh ckr ;g fd tks vPNh ikB~; iqLrdsa gSa] mUgsa vPNh
rjg le> ds i<+uk pkfg;sA vkidh i<+kbZ vkidks le> esa vkuh pkfg;s u fd
dsoy ijh{kk dh utÛj ls vki i<+kbZ djsaA blds lkFk dqN vU; 'kSf{kd
D;k ;kn j[kuk gS\
xfrfof/k;ksa esa Hkh vkidks 'kkfey gksuk pkfg;sA bl rjg vkidh izfrHkk iui
dkys /kjkry okys inkFkZ m"ek dk vf/kd vo'kks"k.k djrs gaSA
ldsxhA gekjs ns'k esa izfrHkk'kkyh fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh dksbZ deh ugha gSA
q Hks a V drkZ & fufe"k diw j
[email protected],
[email protected]
òksr% fxykl ls dqN vkSj [ksy] izdk'kd% foKku izlkj
Astronomy Corner
Astronomy Crossword-6
Our Health
Dairy Foods..! Good Foods..!
Dear Friends,
Welcome to Astronomy Crossword. Solve the Crossword
and send it to VIPNET News till October 31, 2005. The three
winners will be selected by draw of lots from received correct
entries . The names of winners will be announced in November
2005 issue. The prize to the winners in the form of an Astronomy
Kit will be sent to them by post. Please send your entries to: Astronomy Crossword-6,
VIPNET News, Vigyan Prasar,
C-24, Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi-110 016.
Astronomy Crossword-6
Horizontal Clues:
1. Scientific study of matter in outer space, specially the
positions, dimensions, distribution, motion, composition, and
evolution of celestial bodies is called as
5. The region that lies between 23.50 N to 23.50 S of equator is
called ………. region
7. The Italian astronomer who discovered four major satellites
of Jupiter
8. Bands of light visible in the night sky of northern polar or
southern polar regions of the earth. It is caused by charged
particles from the sun entering the earth’s magnetic field
and stimulating molecules in the atmosphere
9. One of the colours from visible spectrum lying between orange
and green
Vertical Clues:
1. The non-scientific subject where study of the positions and
aspects of celestial bodies in the belief that they have an
influence on the life of human affairs
2. The brightest object in the night sky other than moon and
planet venus
3. Central part of atom around which electrons are moving.
4. The figure 10,00000 in words
6. All planet moves in a ………. around the Sun
eems to be interesting, but true. As nevertheless to say,
today children are facing many problems in their daily life
due to the lack of nutrients. This deficiency of quality eating
can lead to blood pressure, beriberi, heart diseases etc at a
very young age.
According to one report by World Health Organisation,
about two thirds of strokes and half the incidence of heart
disease are attributable to raised blood pressure. Globally,
high blood pressure is estimated to cause 7.1 million deaths,
about 13 per cent of the total and about 4.4 per cent of the
total chronic disease burden. Results of this latest study, that
examined data gleaned from children aged between three and
six years old in 95 families over a period of eight years, showed
that children who ate a low-fat diet rich in dairy foods, fruits
and vegetables had better overall blood pressure.
Study author, Lynn Moore, associate professor of
medicine at Boston University School of Medicine commented:
“The findings support the idea that establishing a healthy eating
plan as early as preschool may have long-term health benefits.
Children with lower blood pressures in adolescence are less
likely to develop hypertension as young adults.”
These latest findings will fuel the already burgeoning
functional dairy market. Dairy foods are currently one of the
biggest contributors to the growing functional food market.
Together with cereals and spreads, yoghurts and yoghurt drinks
accounted for around 87 per cent of the UK market’s value
over the 12-month period, according to a recent Key Note report.
Recent innovations in the dairy sector in India include Tetra
Pak yoghurt drink, flavored milk, and various types of UHT
milk (Toned & Diet). While findings from a recent study on a
milk peptide developed by Dutch dairy ingredients firm DMV
International suggest the product reduced blood pressure in
people with hypertension. For the US study, researchers set
out to investigate if the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop
Hypertension) diet developed by the National Heart, Lung and
Blood Institute (NHLBI), would be as effective in children as it
is in adults in lowering blood pressure.
More than 15 per cent of school-aged children in the
US diagnosed as overweight and obese, and the risk of
developing chronic diseases including diabetes and high blood
pressure increases significantly. New blood pressure guidelines
for children set by NHLBI brought to light the strong correlation
between childhood obesity and the incidence of hypertension
within that population, and earmarked childhood hypertension
as a significant health issue.
We in India also need to take steps to address this
situation soon, else we are moving towards becoming a country
where young adults are plagued with diseases. So parents
should ensure that their child should take right dairy products
which provide the nutrients for their growth.
q Arvind C. Ranade
[email protected]
q Amritesh Srivastava
[email protected]
djs a vkS j tkus a
djs a vkS j tkus a
tknqbZ ia[kk
d ckj eSa dgha tk jgk FkkA jkLrs esa eq>s ,d LdwVj fn[kkbZ fn;k]
ftldh LVsiuh (LdwVj esa tks oSDyfid ifg;k fn;k gksrk gS) dk
Vk;j ?kwe jgk FkkA tc LdwVj pyrk rc LVsiuh dk Vk;j rst ?kwerk vkSj
LdwVj ds #dus ij /khjs ?kwerkA
D;k vkidks irk gS fd ,slk D;ksa gksrk gSA D;k vki tkurs gaS fd
LdwVj esa ftrusa Hkh eq[; uV&cksYV gksrs gaS] mu ij rkj dk ,d rkyk
yxk;k tkrk gSA vkidks crk nsa fd jsyxkM+h ds fMCcksa dks cukus esa
uV&cksYV dk de ls de mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gS vkSj tgk¡ Hkh UkV&cksYV
yxk, tkrs gaS ogk¡ ij uV&cksYV ds Åij rkj ds rkys vo'; yxk, tkrs
gSaA vc rks cl vkSj Vªd cukus ds fy;s Hkh UkV&cksYV dk mi;ksx de
fd;k tkrk gSA
,slk D;ksa gksrk gS---\
tc LdwVj pyrk gS rks mleas dEiu mRiUu gksrk gS] ftlls fd LVsiuh
vxj iUPkj gS rks mldk Vk;j ?kweus yxsxs kA blfy;s jsyxkM+h esa uV&cksYV
dk mi;ksx de fd;k tkrk gS] D;kasfd tc jsyxkM+h pyrh gS rks mlesa
dkQh dEiu mRiUu gksrk gS] ftlls dh uV cksYV ;k rks <hys gks tkrs gSa
;k [kqy tkrs gaSA blls cpus ds fy, uV&cksYV ds Åij rkj dk ,d
rkyk yxk;k tkrk gS rkfd vxj uV&cksYV <hys gks tk;sa] rks Hkh og [kqys
ugha] ftlls nq?kZVuk ls cpk tk ldrk gSA
vkbZ;s ge ,d NksVk lk iz;ksx djrs gSa--! bl iz;ksx esa ge bl ckr
dk irk yxk;saxs dh dEiu ls uV&cksYV dSls [kqyrs gSaA
gesa dqN lkeku dh vko';drk gksxh] tSls jcM+ okyh isfUly]
cksMZ] fiu ;k dhy] iqjkus 'kknh dkMZ vkSj nk¡rsnkj pkdw ;k yksgk f?klus
dh jsrhA fp= nks ds vuqlkj ge nk¡rsnkj pkdw ;k jsrh ls isfUly ij ik¡p
;k N% dV yxk;saxAs blds ckn fp= rhu ds vuqlkj dkxtÛ dh ,d iV~Vh
ysdj mlds chpkssa chp ,d cM+k Nsn djsaxsA vc dkxt dh iV~Vh dks fp=
pkj ds vuqlkj cksMZ fiu ;k dhy dh lgk;rk ls] isfUly dh jcM+ es yxk
nsaxsA vc fp= ik¡p ds vuqlkj ,d isu dh [kkyh fjfQy dks isfUly ds
[kkapksa ij jxMsa+xs] ftlls dh isfUly ds vkxs yxh dkxtÛ dh iV~Vh ?kweus
yxrh gSA D;k vkidks irk gS fd ,slk D;ksa gksrk gS---!
tc ge isu dh [kkyh fjfQy dks isfUly ds [kkapksa ij jxM+rs gaS]
rks isfUly esa dEiu mRiUu gksrk gS] ftlls dh isfUly ds ,d rjQ yxh
gqbZ dkxtÛ dh iV~Vh ?kweus yxrh gSA
D;k vki dkxtÛ dh iV~Vh dks lh/ks vkSj mYVh rjQ viuh bPNkuqlkj
?kqek ldrs gSa---]tjk lksfp;s vkSj djds nsf[k,A
ns[kk vkius fd geus FkksM+k lk lkeku mi;ksx djds dEiu ls gksus
okys uqdlku dk irk yxk;k gS! rHkh rks tgk¡ ij dEiu vf/kd gksrk gS]
ogk¡ ij jcM+ dk mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
q lat; diwj
[email protected]
ikls eas Hkh Nqik gS foKku
i ikls ls dbZ [ksy [ksyrs gSa] tSl&s lkai lh<+h] ywMks vkfnA pkgsa rks
blh ikls esa Nqis foKku dh enn ls vki fe=ksa dks pfdr dj
ldrs gSaA
,d iklk] ,d dkxt dh 'khV vkSj ,d isafly ysaA fe= dks dgsa fd
og fcNh gqbZ 'khV ij iklk QsadsA vc ikls ds pkjksa rjQ isafly dk
fu'kku cuok nsaA vki igys ls gh ,sls dks.k ij [kM+s jgsa] tgk¡ ls ikls ds
6 dksuksa esa ls 3 dksus utj vk,¡A vki ikls ds rhuksa dksuksa dk ;ksx djds
ns[k ysa fd og la[;k le gS ;k fo"keA vc eq¡g mYVk djds [kM+s gks tk,¡
vkSj fe= dks dgsa fd og ikls dks ?ksjs ds Hkhrj gh 12 ckj iyV ns&fdlh
Hkh fn'kk esaA pkgs rks var esa vkidks fcuk crk, rsjgoha ckj Hkh iyV nsA
tc fØ;k iwjh gks tk,] rks ikls ij ,d n`f"V Mkysa] rhuksa lkbMksa dks fQj
ls tksMsa+A ;fn ;g la[;k iwoZ dh Hkkafr gh le ;k fo"ke ugha gS] rks eryc
gS fd fe= us ikls dks 13oha ckj iyVk gS vU;Fkk ughaA flQZ ns[kdj lp
crk nsus ls vkidk fe= pdjk tk,xkA
vc ikls esa Nqik foKku Hkh
tku ysAa ikls ds rhuksa dksuksa
dks ns[kus ij ;ksx ;k rks
le gksxk vFkok fo"keA ;fn
bls ,d ckj iyV fn;k
tk, vFkkZRk~ 90 fMxzh ?kqek
fn;k tk,] rks ;ksx iwoZ dh
fLFkfr ls fHkUu gksxk] vFkkZr~
;fn igys le Fkk] rks vc
fo"ke gksxk vkSj ;fn igys
fo"ke Fkk] rks vc le gksxkA Bhd ;gh fLFkfr ikls dks rsjgoha ckj iyVus
ij gksxh vkSj vc ikls dks ns[krs gh ;ksx djds crk nsaxs fd bls ckjg ckj
iYkVk x;k gS ;k rsjg ckj\
q va d q j
[email protected]
Medical Science
he treatment ffg
of cancer today is a multimodality treatment
where more than one modality of treatment is used. Almost
all cancers are treated with at least two modes of cancer
therapy while a fairly large number of patients receive three
or even more forms of treatment to fight cancer. Treatment of
cancer needs a close consultation between the surgical,
radiation and medical oncologists, who are the specialists of
surgical oncology (cancer surgery),chemotherapy and
radiotherapy respectively and the oncological pathologist.
Hence all patients should be seen by a team of oncologists
consisting of all these specialists to plan the treatment, before
starting the therapy.
The various modality of treatment of cancer are as follows
• Surgery
• Chemotherapy
• Radiotherapy
• Hormonal therapy
• Miscellaneous therapies
• Recent Advances
Surgery is the main mode of therapy in most of the
cancers, especially those affecting the solid organs of the body.
Surgery is the mainstay of treatment in the following organs
• Head and neck tumors
• Breast cancer
• Brain tumors
• Lung cancer
• Cancers of intestines
• Endocrine gland tumors
• Cancers of muscles and bones
• Genitiurinary tract tumors
It can be used in the following settings
Curative -where the complete disease is removed with
an intent to cure cancer
Debulking- here as much of the cancer is removed as
possible, to reduce tumor burden
Biopsy –surgery may be performed for biopsy and to
reach a diagnosis
Palliative -here surgery is done to combat the
complications caused by cancer or the treatment, like
in obstruction, severe infection or bleeding
Principles of Surgery
• To remove the complete cancerous part
• To remove a clear margin around it
• To remove the local lymph nodes along with the organ
or part of the organ being removed
• To ensure minimum handling of the tumor
To reconstruct the organ or limb operated to maintain
continuity or function
To ensure cosmesis with minimum functional disability
without compromise in the extent of clearance of
Contraindications for Surgery
Definitive major surgery should not be performed in the
following circumstances
Distant spread of disease
Poor general condition of the patient
Extensive local spread
Disease which cannot be reconstructed after excision
Where there would be extensive functional or cosmetic
Where the survival of the patient is expected to be
very short
Organ Preserving Surgery
With advancement of surgical skill and the use of
chemotherapy and radiotherapy, extensive surgery is now a
days being replaced by procedures where the organ is being
preserved. This is especially being practiced in cancers of
breast, voice box (larynx) and the urinary bladder. Amputation
as the treatment of cancers of muscles and bones has been
replaced in most cases by limb preserving surgery where the
affected part including the joint is excised and replaced by
metallic prosthesis.
Minimal Access Surgery
Incision less or minimally invasive surgery is being
practiced for cancer treatment also these days. Commonly
called laproscopy, this is used in cancers of the intestine and
other abdominal organs, lung (thoracoscopy)and esophagus
(mediastenoscopy) .Here telescopes mounted with fibre-optic
lights are used to enter the body cavity while surgery is
performed under video monitoring. Here the incisions are very
small so the postoperative recovery is faster.
Reconstructive ( plastic )Surgery
Plastic surgery is often used in surgery of cancer. Common
sites of its use are head and neck tumors, and in cancers of
breast, larynx and muscles and bone. Common procedures
performed are to provide skin cover, loss of inner lining, bone
or muscles. Breast reconstruction is most commonly used
besides transfer of muscles in limb saving surgery.
q Lt Col S Kapoor VSM
Associate Prof and Head, Surgical Oncology
Army Hospital (Research and Referral), Delhi Cantt.
[email protected]
Hkkstu dh vkRedFkk
vukFk vukt
us viuh ek¡ dh dks[k esa tUe Hkh ugha fy;k Fkk] fQj Hkh esjh ek¡ ;g
lkspdj [kq'k gks jgh Fkh] fd ,d fnu vk;sxk tc esjh dks[k ls tUek
va'k euq"; dks thou nsxkA oSls rks esjk thou gj izk.kh ds fy;s gS] c'krsZ
gj dksbZ viuh&viuh t:jr ij gekjh ryk'k dj ysA [ksrksa&[kfygkuksa
esa viuh ek¡ ds yEcs&yEcs QSys vk¡apy esa] tc esSa tUe ysus dh fLFkfr esa
vk;k] rks dHkh vk¡/kh] rwQku vkSj ck<+ us eq>s tUe ysus ls igys gh ;k
ckn esa [kRe dj fn;kA fQj Hkh eq>s dHkh dkbZ nq[k ugha gqvk] D;kasfd
thou esa gksuh&vugksuh yxh jgrh gSA blds ckctwn Hkh yxk] fd vuqdy
ifjfLFkfr vkus ij eaS euq"; ds thou esa dke vkšxkA cM+h mEEkhn o
d"Vksa ls eq>s esjh ek¡ us tUe fn;k] ftldk ykyu&ikyu euq"; us fd;kA
mlds vkgkj ds :i esa tc eSa rS;kj gqvk] rks eq>s cgqr [kq'kh gks jgh Fkh]
fd mlds xzg.k djus ds ckn eSa euq"; ds thou esa lgk;d fl¼ gksÅ¡xk]
fdUrq esjs ulhc gh QwV x;s tc mlus vius vkgkj ds le; eq>s twBu
dgjdj ukyh dh vksj <dsy fn;kA vc rks eSa vukFk gks x;k gw¡] eq>s rks
vc esjk gh dksbZ lkFkh lkFk nsus yk;d ugha gSA ,d fnu eSa [ksrksa ls ysdj
?kjksa rd] lEHkky dj lksus dh rjg ns[kHkky eas th jgk Fkk] 'kk;n mldks
Hkh irk ugha Fkk fd eSa mlh ds gkFk vUkkFk cu tkšxkA 'kk;n fgUnh Hkk"kk
dks"k esa ^twBu^ 'kCn ds vfLrRo dks cpkus ds fy;s] eq>s vkt Hkh vukFk
gksuk iM+ jgk gSA ;fn esjh ihM+k dks dksbZ Hkh ugha le>rk gS] rks ,d ckj
euq"; viuh lUrku dks vukFk djds ns[k ys] mls ;k mldh lUrku dks
dld gksrh gS ;k ugha] dYiuk ek= ls gh irk py tk;sxkA cl bruk gh
dgw¡xk fd twBu er NksfM+,A
fuosnd% vUu dk ,d frudk
q iz L rq f r% ,l-,e- iz l kn
lh-,l-Vh-] m-iz-] foKku Hkou] lwjtdq.M ikdZ] y[kuÅ
ykijokgh dh ekj
ve`r Fkk ftl ns'k esa] vkt ikuh dh gkgkdkj gSA
ekuo dh ykijokgh dh] ekuo ij gh ekj gSAA
u lkspk cq>sxh dSls] /kjrh ek¡ dh I;klA
cuk fy, ekuo us] iDds Hkou foyklAA
u le>h dher ikuh dh] cgk fn;k vueksy jRkuA
djds cksfjax ?kj ?kj rwus] Nsn fn;k ek¡ dk Hkh ru
D;ksa dkVs isM+ vla[;] D;ksa fd;k fo'okl?kkrA
iDdh lM+dsa o edkuksa dh] rq>s feyh lkSxkrAA
rM+i jgs gSa tho cspkjs] ekuo [kqn chekj gSA
ve`r Fkk ftl ns'k esa] vkt ikuh dh gkgkdkj gSA
jfo tSdjh
xqB~Bk okyh xyh] taxhiqjk] Mcjk] Xokfy;j] e-izVIPNET NEWS
foiusV iz'ukoyh
ds mÙkj
iusV U;wtÛ ds twu 2005 vad esa izdkf'kr foiusV iz'ukoyh
ds fotsrkvksa ds uke ,oa iz'uksa ds mÙkj ;gk¡ izLrqr gSaA fotsrkvksa dks
foKku izlkj dh iqLrdsa iqjLdkj Lo:i Hksth tk jgh gSaA c/kkb;k¡--!
iz'ukoyh 112 ds fotsrk %&
1- eksrh yky flag] xzke xksxkjgk cSjhMhg] iwohZ pEikj.k] fcgkj
2- lquhrk dqekjh] eqjyk] jkex<+ok] fcgkj
3- eksñ 'kdh] futÛkeiVue] xqUVwj (vkU/k izns'k)
D;k o"kkZ ty 'kr izfr'kr 'kq¼ gksrk gS\ D;k bls ge is;&ty ds
rkSj ij mi;ksx dj ldrs gSa\
izkd`frd ty esa vk;u ?kqys gksrs gSAa o"kkZ ty izkd`frd vklou izfØ;k]
tks fd ok"ihdj.k] la?kuu ,oa vo{ksi.k dh lfEEkfyr fØ;k gS] ls izkIr
gksrk gS] o"kkZ ty cgqr gh ruq foy;u gksrk gSA ftlesa cgqr gh de ek=k]
lkekU;r% 10 ls 20 fe-xzk- izfr yhVj esa vk;u ?kqys jgrs gaAS
o"kkZ ty esa lHkh ?kqfyr vk;u 1 ls 3 fe-xzk- @ yhVj dh ijkl esa
gksrs gSAa blfy, ;g 'kq¼ o is; ;ksX; gksrk gSA bl o"kkZ ty dk ih ,p eku
6-7 ls 7-2 miHkksx dh n`f"V ls lgh ekuk tkrk gS] tks fd {ks= ds
vuqlkj ifjofrZr gksrk gSA rVh; {ks= esa leqnhz Qqgkj ds dkj.k vk;u mPp
ek=k esa foys; gksrs gSAa gok esa vf/kd d.kksa dh mifLFkfr] ikuh ds v.kqvksa
ls fØ;k dj vf/kd vk;uksa dks ?kksyrh gSA
ok;q es a dkCkZ u MkbvkW D lkbM] ukbVª k s t uMkbvkW D lkbM ,oa
lYQjMkbvWkDlkbM dh vf/kd ek=k ls vEyh; o"kkZ gksrh gS tks fd
isM+&ikS/kksa ds fy, gkfudkjd gSA bl o"kkZ ls ih ,p eku Hkh ?kVrk gSA 'kq¼
o"kkZ ty 'kjhj ds fy, vko';d [kfut rRoksa o vk;uksa dh i;kZIr ek=k
ugha j[krkA blfy, o"kkZ ty esa mfpr ifjorZu djus ds i'pkr] is;ty
ds :i esa bldk mi;ksx fd;k tk ldrk gSA
dqN dhM+s izdk'k dh vksj D;ksa vkdf"kZr gksrs gSa\
lkekU;r% ikS/ks o tkuoj izdk'k dh vksj vkdf"kZr gksrs gSAa ;g ifj?kVuk
izdk'kkuqorZu ;k izdk'kkuqpyu dgykrh gSA ftlesa i'kq o dhM+s izdk'k
L=ksr dh vksj xeu djrs gSAa ;fn dhM+s izdk'k dh vksj tk,¡ rc ;g izo`fÙk
/kukRed izdk'kkuqpyu ,oa dhM+kas dk izdk'k ds nwj tkuk ½.kkRed
izdk'kkuqpyu dgykrk gSA vf/kdrj dhM+s /kukRed izdk'kkuqorZu dk xq.k
j[krs gS]a fdUrq mudk izdk'k ds izfr vkd"kZ.k fHkUu&fHkUu gksrk gSA dqN
dhM+s ½.kkRed izdk'kkuqorZu dk xq.k j[krs gS]a tSls [kVeyA ;g izdk'k ls
nwj Hkkxrs gSAa izdk'k ds izfr dhM+kas dh fofHkUu iztkfr;ksa dk fHkUu&fHkUUk
O;ogkj] muds fof'k"V y{k.kksa ds dkj.k gksrk gSA
dqN dhM+s fcuk vk¡[kks ds Hkh izdk'kkuqorZu dk xq.k iznf'kZr djrs gSAa
izdk'k ds izfr bu dhM+kas dh laons u'khyrk budh i`"Bh; lrg ds dkj.k
gksrh gSAa mfpr dhM+s izdk'k fdj.kksa ds izfr vR;kf/kd laons u'khy gksrs gaAS
mudh lrg dksf'kdk,¡ o vk¡[ks]as mudh izdk'k L=ksr ds izfr laons u'khyrk
dks c<+krh gSAa
dqN dhM+s ihys o ejdjh izdk'k {ks= ds izfr vkdf"kZr gksrs gSAa
izdk'ke; {ks= eknk }kjk tksM+k cukus esa Hkh mi;ksx fd;k tkrk gSA
Wonders of Science
Your brain watches what you eat!
Water Water everywhere, but not a drop to drink….says a
rhyme. The Ocean is full of water but is of no use to quench
thirst. In like manner, a rat living in a warehouse full of grains
to fill its stomach is not satisfied with what is available.
Scientists have wondered as to why rat venture out to seek
food when all the food is available in the warehouse. The
mechanism, recent studies have pointed out may, lie in its
brain and the reason is to ensure concoction of proteins.
The food that we eat is not just for taste or to quench
hunger; but is essential to maintain our bodily system. One of
the essential bodily needs is protein. Indeed after oxygen and
energy the third most important need of animals are protein!
Therefore it is obvious that the food that we eat must contain
those supplies the ingredients our body needs to make proteins.
These protein ingredients are called “amino acids.” We need
proteins to grow in size. Well actually we need protein to grow
our hair or even our fingernails! Proteins are also necessary
for a wide range of general body maintenance tasks, including
the replacement of worn out cells; without which we will
obviously die. Proteins are that important.
However, at times the meals that we have may not have
all the ingredients. For example corn does not provide all the
necessary protein-making ingredients- ‘amino acids’. What
happens in those disquieting cases? Scientists have found
out that evolution has construed a mechanism in our braineuphemistically called as ‘Protein Police’. The brain’s “protein
police” are on the look out for shortages of essential amino
acids. Some foods, including many animal products, contain
essential amino acids – and when the protein police detect
these amino acids, they are happy and keep quiet. Most plant
proteins, however, are missing at least one of kind of essential
amino acid. By combining the right plant foods - like when
humans eat beans with rice – you can get the right balance of
amino acids from plant sources.
But people with certain health problems, as well as
people who have access to a limited variety of foods, may
have their food urges influenced by the protein police in their
brains. In such occasion the brain’s protein police become
active and induce carving. On the other hand when we eat rice
and vegetables, such as beans, the “protein police” in our
brain is quite content and take no notice because we are eating
a meal that contain adequate amino acids.
In the new study, the scientists discovered that animals
and yeast use a similar technique to detect protein building
blocks and this may be the reason that rats are on the lookout
of varied food materials even though they may have access to
unlimited grains in the warehouse. These interesting
phenomena have come to light through a study that investigated
the biological chemistry behind the “protein police” in the brains
of mice and rats. If certain amino acids are missing from their
food, the rodents’ brains can detect the deficiencies 20 minutes
after they start eating. By studying wild and laboratory animals,
scientists are learning more about how the protein police
operate to try to avoid amino acid deficiencies. The fact that
many different creatures, from primitive yeast to humans, have
a similar ability to detect shortages in protein-making
ingredients highlights the importance of maintaining the ability
to build proteins.
q Dr T V Venkateswaran
tvv@vigyanprasar. gov.in
Correct Answer of Astronomy Crossword-4
Name of the Winners:1. Anil Nawlakhe, Bhandara (M.S.)
2. Reshma, Banur, Patiala, Punjab
3. K.H. Maruthi Prasad, Chitradurga, Karnataka
Congratulations..! An Astronomy kit will be
sent to all winners.
q Editor
Science Fiction
Mission Missing People
It was the cold morning of 1st Dec 2045, Dr. Pavitra Bajpai a
senior researcher at All India institute of Para-Science New
Delhi, was shocked by the news from graveyard of district
Jaunpur in Uttar Pradesh about the missing of three dead
bodies of young students.
Such news about missing of dead or alive young intelligent
students were common during the decade of 2040’s and Dr.
Pavitra along with other scientists leading India for the mission
about missing people in collaboration with NASA department
of Para-Science to reveal the
mysteries about missing youngsters
from different parts of the world.
According to the statements of
eyewitness & media coverage it was
clear that some UFO (Unidentified
Flying Objects) like objects were
observed near the missing peoples
at the time of their disappearance
with a flash of white milky light.
Scientists/Researchers concluded
during their investigations that
some UFO like objects are capturing
youngsters alive or dead by Tele-transportation technique- an
ultra advanced modern technology to transport a body (mass)
by converting it into energy and again back to materialistic
Prof. John D’souza, a senior scientist and researcher at
institute of Para-Science New York, introduced the concept of
Tele-Transportation but it was impractical for the present
scientific knowledge of mankind on earth, according to Prof.
D’souza when highly energized photons(unit of light) strikes a
body then their atoms convert into energy by absorbing extra
energy from photons.
During investigations Dr. Pavitra observed that on joining different
points on map from where news of missing youngsters were
reported, it was found that majority of lines joining targeted
places intersects over the region of Baramuda triangle – a
mysterious triangular region in Atlantic Ocean near Florida
state of USA, none of the ship or aircraft entered this region
was recovered till date, even electrical or electromagnetic signals
fails to return back from this region.
Now the mystery about the missing people was somewhat
clear that UFOs are capturing youngsters through Tele-
Transportation to examine their brain as the bodies recovered
from imprisonment of UFO were found lacking only the language
center of brain, may be UFO officials trying to communicate
but we cannot afford human lives for such communications
and Baramuda triangle is the main center for UFO, scientific
knowledge about Tele-Transportation is confined and nobody
knows further about Baramuda triangle except that air-ship or
water-ship could not pass through mysterious Baramuda
triangle as it engulfs any body which enters this region.
Thus around the globe scholars and
scientists are still watching telecast
of missing people stories but are
helpless to help them due to
limitations of scientific knowledge.
All were waiting for further scientific
development and investigations to
solve the mystery of missing
youngsters and stop it, as even the
most ultra advanced radars on earth
could not record the activities of
UFO due to inferior technology. No
audio or video signals transmitted
returns back from Baramuda region so the mission was mainly
centralized to Tele-Transportation technology.
Finally on Jan 16, 2048 NASA team of mission missing people
were succeeded in developing an electronic chip – a device
which utilize heat energy released by human body to charge
the compact semiconductor type cells which in turn produce
electro-magnetic field around a body capable to detect and
deflect the photons (energy packets of light) in this way not
allowing photons to fall on any human being having LPC on his
wrist, thus offering hindrance in Tele-Transportation of peoples
by UFOs for their examinations. It was made mandatory for
every human being around the globe to have life protection
chip (LPC) on their wrist to protect themselves from TeleTransportation by any UFO. In this way news regarding missing
people come to an end and people around the globe enjoyed
sigh of relaxation, LP chip was the biggest achievement for
the mission “Missing People” but the mission is still incomplete
and will proceed with 24 hour high-tech observation around
Baramuda triangle to seek dead bodies of missing people.
Mission Missing People is the long-term fight between UFO
officials and man on earth for their existence.
q M.K. Bajpai
[email protected]
Qkjfclxat esa fo'o HkkSfrdh o"kZ 2005 ij dk;ZØeksa dk vk;kstu
fo'o HkkSfrdh o"kZ 2005 ds vUrxZr tkxj.k dY;k.k Hkkjrh] Qkjfclxat]
vjfj;k] fcgkj }kjk LFkkuh; fefFkyk ifCyd Ldwy esa fnukad 16 ,oa
17 vxLr] 2005 dks nks fnolh; dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA
Students of Eco Club and Speak Science Club, Sky Light
Hr. Sec. School, Pampore, Kashmir (J & K) organised
Plantation drive in Pampore town as a part of
World Arbor Day on March 21, 2005
bl dk;Z'kkyk dk mn~?kkVu vfjfj;k ds ftÛykf/kdkjh Jh Hk`xqukFk f}osnh
us fd;kA bl lekjksg esa lEekfur vfrfFk ds rkSj ij Qkjfclxat ds
vuqeaMy inkf/kdkjh Jh vkj-ih-flag] ftÛyk vkink ifj;kstd
inkf/kdkjh Jh dqekj nhid ds lkFk gh Jh iz'kkUr dqekj jk;] MkW- ,u,y- nkl] Jh jkt fd'kksj 'kekZ] Jh jkekuan jkgh ,oa Jh gk#.k j'khn
xkfQÛy izeq[k :i ls mifLFkr FksA dk;Z'kkyk dh v/;{krk] fefFkyk
ifCYkd Ldwy dh izkpk;kZ Jherh iqrqy feJk us dhA bl nks fnolh;
lekjksg esa ,d gtÛkj ls vf/kd Nk= Nk=k,¡ ,oa f'k{kd 'kkfey gq,A
dk;ZØe ds nkSjku HkkSfrd foKku fo"k;d foKku ys[k] Hkk"k.k] EkkWMy]
iksLVj izn'kZuh ,oa foKku fDotÛ izfr;ksfxrkvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;k]
ftudk fo"k; Fkk&HkkSfrd foKku esa Hkkjrh; oSKkfudksa dh miyfC/k;k¡ ,oa
nSfud thou esa HkkSfrd foKkuA dk;ZØe ds vkjEHk esa tkxj.k dY;k.k
Hkkjrh ds laLFkkid v/;{k Jh lat; dqekj us ns'k esa foKku ,oa izk|
S ksfxdh
ds lapkj dh vko';drk fo"k;d O;[;ku fn;kA Jherh iqrqy feJk]
izèkkukpk;Z] fefFkyk ifCyd Ldwy us vius v/;{kh; mn~cks/ku esa de
[kphZyh f'k{kk ij tÛksj nsrs gq,] fo|kfFk;ksa dks vf/kd ls vf/kd foKku
xfrfof/k;ksa esa 'kkfey gksus ds fy;s izsfjr fd;kA
SEBA conducted a workshop on Vermi Composting and
Environment Friendly Agriculture at village Nuadihi,
Mayurbhanj, Orissa
NESWO Vipnet club observed 'Aranya Saptaha' on July 29,
2005 at Kanapara Primary School, Sadar Block, Siliguri (W.B.)
and distributed plants to all the children present
bl dk;ZØe esa fofHkUu Ldwyksa esa foiusV Dycksa dh LFkkiuk dh xbZA
dk;ZØe ds nkSjku vk;ZHkV~V foKku Dyc] iwohZ PkEikj.k ds Jh xkSjo
dqekj feJk us tknw&Vksus dh oSKfud O;k[;k ij izLrqfrdj.k fn;kA Jh
ve`r d';i] Nk=] f'k'kq Hkkjrh fo|ky;] Qkjfclxat us vkbaLVhu ds
lkis{krk fl¼kar dks jkspd rjhds ls izLrqr fd;kA dk;ZØe dk lekiu
vjfj;k ds iqfyl v/kh{kd Jh foeys'k izlkn flag }kjk fot;h izfrHkkfx;ksa
ds iqjLdkj forj.k ds lkFk fd;k x;kA bl volj ij foKku izlkj ds
oSKkfud Jh fufe"k diwj mifLFkr FksA bl nks fnolh; dk;ZØe esa ftÛys
ds cqf¼thoh ,oa i=dkj cM+h la[;k esa 'kkfey gq,A
Devi Annapurna Vigyan Club, Hanumangarh Junction organised
Lectures on Environmental awareness and human rights
tkx:drk xhr% fo'o HkkSfrdh o"kZ 2005
D;k D;k i<+rs gSa HkkSfrdh esa--!
VIPNET Questionnaire 115
foiusV iz'ukoyh 115
D;k D;k i<+rs gSa HkkSfrdh esa] vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
fnu dk fudyuk] jkr dk gksukA
pk¡n dk Mwcuk] rkjksa dk mxukAA
?kaVh dk ctuk] ikuh dk cjlukAA
vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
D;k D;k i<+rs gSa HkkSfrdh esa] vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
jsy dk pyuk] gokbZtgkt dk mM+ukA
Vhñ ohñ dk [ksy] jsfM;ks dk esyA
?kM+h dh fVd fVd] lCth dk rkSyA
vkvks rqEgas crkšA
D;k D;k i<+rs gSa HkkSfrdh esa] vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
fctyh dk cuuk] jkWdVs dk mM+ukA
rkjs dk VwVuk] isM+ ls fxjukA
dEI;wVj dh x.kuk] jkscksV dk nkSM+ukA
vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
D;k D;k i<+rs gaS HkkSfrdh esa] vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
fcYyksSjh dk [ksy] Å"ek ls esyA
pqEcd dk fpiduk] djaV dk yxukA
fctyh dk lsy] ijek.kq dk esyA
vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
D;k D;k i<+rs gSa HkkSfrdh esa] vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
dkj[kkus ds tky] tujsVj ds gkyA
VsªDVj dk cuuk] ia[ks dk ?kweukA
s dk yxuk] e'khu dk pyukA
vkvks rqEgsa crkšA
D;k D;k i<+rs gSa HkkSfrdh esa] vkvks rqEgsa crkš
ystÛj dh VkWpZ] izdkf'kr rarq dh lpZA
izdk'k dk [ksy] rajxksa dh jsyA
xqCCkkjs dk QwVuk] mixzgkas dk ?kweukA
vkvks rEgsa crkšA
D;k D;k i<+rs gSa HkkSfrdh esa] vkvks rqEgsa crkšAA
fiz; lkfFk;kas]
;gka ge nks iz'u ns jgs gS]a ftuds mÙkj vki 31 vDVwcj]
2005 rd Hkst ldrs gSAa MªkW ds }kjk rhu lgh izfof"V;ksa ds fotsrkvksa
dk p;u gksxk] ftuds uke ds lkFk lgh tokc izdkf'kr fd;s tk,¡xs
vkSj iqjLdkj Lo:i foKku izlkj dh iqLrdsa Hksth tk,¡xhA vki vius
mÙkj fgUnh ;k vaxt
sz h esa Hkst ldrs gSAa
iz'u 1 % i<+rs le; yksx uhan dk vuqHko D;ksa djrs gSa\
Question 1: Why do people feel sleepy while
iz'u 2%
dSyjh fdl izdkj ekih tkrh gS\
Question 2 : How are calories meassured?
vius tokc bl irs ij Hkstsa%&
VIPNET Questionnaire - 115
C-24, Qutab Institutional Area , New Delhi 110 016
foiusV iz'ukokyh
foKku izlkj
lh&24] dqrc baLVhV~;w'kuy ,fj;k] ubZ fnYyh 110 016
foiusV lwpuk
q ,l-ds -
>kMs+ (O;k[;krk)
'kkñ dU;k mñ ekñ foñ fppksyh] cSrwy (eñ izñ)
foiusV lnL;ksa ls foiusV U;wtÛ esa izdk'kukFkZ foKku] LokLF;]
i;kZoj.k] d`f"k ,oa ubZ izkS|ksfxdh fo"k;d ekSfyd jpuk,¡]
foKku dfork] xfrfof/k;ksa ij vk/kkfjr vkys[k ,oa {ks=h;
foKku vuql/a kku dsUnzkas esa py jgs 'kks/k dh tkudkfj;k¡ vkeaf=r
dh tkrh gSaA gesa dqN foiusV Dycksa ls fu;fer jpuk,¡ izkIr gks
jgh gSa ,oa gekjh dksf'k'k jgrh gS fd ge foiusV lnL;ksa }kjk
Hksth xbZ foKku jpukvksa dks vf/kd ls vf/kd LFkku nsaA
If you want to know more about Vigyan Prasar, its
publications & software, besides the next moves of
VIPNET Science Clubs, please write to us at the address
given below : -
Vigyan Prasar
C-24, Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi 110 016
(Regd.Office : Technology Bhawan, ND -16)
2686 4157
2696 5986
[email protected]
Associate Editor :
Assisted by
Dr. T. V. Venkateswaran
Nimish Kapoor
Coordinator, VIPNET
Sumita Sen, Suman Pal
Registered with the Registrar of Newspapers of India:
VOL. 3
No. 9
Fly UP