Document 1698446
9,9 °4.091 6) ? 79 0 6 4'511 ilAVERFORD NEWS WAYNE AND HAVERFORD, PA, DECEMBER 15. 1924 VOL xvi OXFORD CHESS MATCH BREAKS RADIO TRANSMISSION RECORDS Despite Bad Wealtier Conditions at Haverford the Two Teams Maintained Perfect Communication for a Five and a Half Hour Period RAIN HAMPERS TRIALS MATCHES NOT FINISHED The fuel ...Seale coolest ever held by radio ems rotromfolly marled oat betw.n Ilsverford sod Oxford on Mond., December S. Renamed be three thousand miles of water. and with rate at Haverford, for five nod • hell hon. the two teal. were In constant communication and matched matched wits over the rhea. bawd. marks a new Map lanyard In radio comm.i• cation as well as in Interrollegiste competition. This contest marked the bat time that two imateer N.M., ening the newly perfected short wave leo... hare been In continuo. contest for deb length of time. The team that represented Haver. ford In the tnnetwocrobletadio when gam e with Oxford rootisted of Leeds. 'Mk remain, Leery, '28: llogeneuer. and Dario, '28. There were two games played. On the Oxford and of the match the fore men who made up the team awre divided sa that two men played ea. game. The arrangement at Itaverford was different Ilogensuer pLeyed one match by himself and the other three mem. hers of the team played the other game by consultation. Both m•tebea were about half over when the renamt was discontinued. Bath Stations Wall Operated The transmitting fr. the Aurorimn end was done entirely lo 8 • h I his station in Ambler, Pa., with the Col. lege Radio Clot nation all prepared in ca. of • thrrokilowe at Ambler. The metal. was done at both stations. end by means of the momenta,. between the stations, the restate were compared to se to elithiuste any thence of error. Despite the rofavorahle weather foe. ditto., which made both tmnneission and reception difficdlt, during the course of the whole evening. thhre wee no hkeh nod et no Sine did either side of the At. Motto find any difficult; In copying the eignabs from arenas the ocean. After the rontest Idelatead. the Pred• dent of the Haverford Radio Club .d regintwr of the prole t. .1d: "T. mach praise cannot be Limo the Brit. tab operetta, Mr. G. Marcum, at 2-NN, and I. B. Smith, of Haverford for the amoath way in which the •tatione wore operated." Throosb the rourtem of the Bell Telephone Company an open telephone line was malotained between Haverford College aed -Ambler, where Smith's Madan 3-0T. Is loomed. RHINIE-JUNIOR DANCE TO BE GIVEN FRIDAY NIGHT Plekertings Orebastre mod kleverfitrd Court Eithalled for the o.n.o.. The Dance Committee of the Freshman Clans ...tine of Reowlch. adman; Melchior. Richter mod Thomas bare completed all the neonNa ry errangement. for the Freahma n . N Jnr u io Donee to he held this .reek. They base eegaged the ate of Haerford Court for the purpose, end will hold the dance et nine o'clock an Fridge evening, Deember the 19th. Ole plans from the Pinkerton Ord..tea in Philadelphia will provide the music for the mese., Following the precedeu act et the Freshman-Junior IMnro lent year no program. will he used. This he s ...ore from the custom of peak,. yeas which peered la be very sucte.ful heat year, and hi therefore to he tried again with the hope that it will work a. well. Professor and Mrs. Itittrohoum suet Mr. and Mrs. Harman have kindly renamenl to art an the honth ANNUALJ CAP PA AND_BELIS PLAY TRU ANNOUNCED New System Will Be Used in Tryouts; Mrs. Poley to Coach Play Again NUMBER 29 RHOADS '25 AWARDED RHODES SCHOLARSHIP Haverford Senior Selected From Wide Field of Candidates DEBATING TRIALS TO BE HELD AFTER VACATION Man Will Be Chess. to Take Part le C aaaaa to The annual dthatine trial, oti basis al which will be selattel the four cares trams to ewillpole In the Senior• Juvior debate for the Alumni Prise of litre dollar, and in the Pophomore• Freshman debate for the Everett Sextets Medea. will be held on Java., 6. 7 and 8. To meld the "remedy of holdine another eel of trials, this series all oleo be used AN n bailie for mire,. POW additional members of the Var. aim debating to to take part in the reenter intercolleghtle ron/eo, thendklates who with to comm. mom W. the regieler in the Registrer's Offe before the aeration, and must he prepared to speak at their option on either the eferrastiee of Penatine at the proproition: ''Resolved. dam uni. vereel free tr.e w.ld road to era.. world peare." f.rh epee. 1. hit- red to seven minute, and the use of notes Dean IL Rhoads, of Haverford Cut hoe been awarded the Mod. Soholanghip to Oxford University, Eng. Lyra He Wee chosen M a nimtlog of the reentylvethe Committee for the ivetertion of Rhodes Scholars held et Heaton Hall. ['Marmite of P0aWall111110 J under the rbairrnauehip of Proveosiah Penniman, on December 13. st ArtIve le caw. He is • member of the Claes of 1925, and was captain of the football tram for the post mason. Is list a member of the Student Conn.. and wat president of his clean tie bee It prohibited. done dtstinguithed work in his biome, course. and is Mang the few men lo the hint°, of Daroeford College who hate obtained grades of in the classrooms while acting es football rapt Ile !male to connote his work he Itielory at Oxford and to lolluw teaching es. profeadon. He her just tamed his Twenty-serond birthday and pocewscs to an aroal dame the qualities st wbolar, athlete end gentle men. HAVERFORD FIVEILOSES TOSTEPHENSTECILTEAM Chadwick Leads in Scoring With Fourteen Points; Score, 32.19 SOCCER COACHES GIVE ALL-AMERICAN CHOICES TO HAVERFORD NEWS McPete, Neis, Touchton Pick Teams; Five Haverford Men on State Team COACHES' OPINIONS VARY tinder the managership of the HAVERFORD NEWS, • convene Is being imde of the coaches of the atnter -Collegiete tad State League teak. in order to obtain their oelection for • mythical AR-Star eleven. Towne here been selected by Coati McPete, of Haverford, Al Nei. of Princeton, and Tourism, of Yale. McPete has also ,'honed . All-Penneylvenia State Tea m ktrtheas totenantutt wee. , wwen 1. N • 0 gamete. gametes... . Wart.. ..e. R. n. • a. om n g lbw . t Ilsverford Parr,. . n. n .car 14_ ...C. St Palo ...... . . lumen. . G Ilanerlowl Eighth Haverfal NINO. Scholar Smith'. station nes used 00 this Rood. Palo, Powdowl. This io the eighth Ithodes Seholar• • aide d4 it id a almoner set than that Morainal wee chosen because of hie ship to be ewardedeo • Haverford men at the College. and is more Oneietent. - The Play Committee of tt. Cep and The Fleverford basketball team loo: good judgment on e11nWed hells and the although Shads le the zeroed to rep. ly heard on the other side of the Rel. has Ennio.. that the PI. which Its mouth' gameto the sm.. St aaaaa long throws with whirl, he quickly meat the State of Pea1. 1..., The will be prmented . in the annual per 2.1 wore lest Nor. rims, the Mil. Fisher is u clever commiltion this per wan ottoman, Tech. Are by a 78 this yet. will be 'Moo mem.," Two of the maw.. remained uofinkeen, en In shown by the feet thee day night at Hoboken. The home team thekler end n powerful lacier, GarLobed at the end of the transudation. by Winchell Smith and Victor Map. there were thirty-els candidates, reiw premed first and then kept the lead rett wee selected last year and has but their romplatioe wltl be • Com- This play wen presented in the near resenting meant, lengthens.. in the throoahout the attire game, abbot.yh not weake.d noy thin goes. Mc, post in New Toth and steered Walla. paratively simple matter. a strong tome-hard in the middle of Pete took great care In picking the &Plage, who is now apeman. in Phil. roomed three half- backs. "No team h strongMatches WIII Be Finished Soo. Tim Mod. Seholenthip le awarded the mrond hobf brought Bererford up silelphis in 'The Haunted Home. er then its hale.,' !devil.. and It was rem planned year to et man rhos. from Mite- 10 within three points of their c.o. to finish the matches Hesse e1 Commillciatiee The gory is tam of a Invert. Toting %rotainger were minded became of denlr, rot. ort the eight of Itetiday. December It t who som to a dortor to be cured r...aro of thirti-two Stolen The Farb ha the even.. interferonm their ability to break up the work of Chadwick, lb. Scarlet but due to the high wind .t Harerford and Bled, made to ...sots who have of late male.. The doctor Pie. to de IlW0C11 ie from a high-cottage thronformer on the It the oppoaing line. They both feed wa. ron.ldered better to wait until marked forre and •tabillty of character. renter, mot easily the Mar of the game. th is by taking the young trean's mind their own line. welt (Were mounde amoeba handicapped hes dislater date. In who bele • high standing in a achol• Not only ws. hie pa.tng and deft... high wind. nod with of the retention by the powerful receiviog Placed good Notherb' of the inkier. reaking up of women for 0. toe wave-length* the ...ging of tie troy. and who have some athlair work ...limit hot his brilliant month, To effect than. he pots the 700W AMP` the carotin. line. Last year RM., eel at the College station. This wa• timely shooting was reeponsible for 14 aerial affect. the trenerniesionbe nary q.lifiretione. In the charge of a ease. The doc. n remedied and contact was first of hit team's poet.. The scoring in- wee All-American onteide. Thie year log the vrove•length„ which makes longAlkii•ned hem CS.,.. he has been shifted to rentre.foreard. de at neven.fifteen end from then tar bee even the Puree inetruetiona as distance reception' almost impossible. The Ant. 'ea de, hy the commit' cluded five held goals end four suc. IlePete awards him the outside Postito how • love affair ebould he treated. on the play emigre.ed as sully as If reasfel foul tries and his total .me. It is planned to fini.h the mach Inter ion bemuse of his greet speed and • training to lova aisles he geoproi, tee, of mem whom they have Demo.the two team. hod been in the the frost. then dont/. Stet of any Steve. eme. ed ' dribbling ability. There is tio The norm takes adeentom of this trebl- affy interviewed. These men. of whom room. At 12210, which am 5.S9 Beg. Shwa. Septtrior le Sheet." there were twelve, were mimed (roe, question .hoot the four Peon men in ing. end meta. the doctor. thus fish time, the Oxford player. wearer forty who presented themselves as me. The Amnia. of the other tn. on the tine. The worth of thin comb., log the Play its neta. forted to withdraw from the tante., don has been proved by the mores dirtiness the Scarlet sed Meek fleesae not ar as they had been op ail night and h.d Mr.. Palm WEI Dock Ploy The etheittrehil, may he granted to god at lb. of the Hoboken players. which Pete has run up during the peat to return to °shied from the lenglith here. Purley w8t again romeh the play, man on the basis of scholastic abilltt either in geld or fool god. The home 11e1.30. station. and the Bret will probably be alone. but es a role it gars to that ono tamer. netted tootve oat of nineteen 5 Nmerfonl Men or AgaState Eleven New Comerts to B. Added le Sabeekile held on Monday. February 2. The try, mootog the candidates .gf higheet mho). attune. from the penalty line. while blePete's tielection for no All- State o e this year will be held under a dirk Per Next Year mane rank who apprera to the conituit• t he deltas made sir out of thirteen. learn is: trot •roenxement from that omd in The Mneien1 Clubs are akimbo • tee to have exceptional strength of char The defame of the Hoboken One touch more erten.e wthedule for the he pant. A, men aa try ea for ittee atm. iabeendenre of 'judgment end 0, e.. Reactant waned to' be more effective then thee lerse part in the pies a al, or for any comae mason thou any of thane which of their opponents. parts, However, the aspiret ability as a leader. of pa Mr. Fansfer Speak. o• "Drama la the have been carried out In previous mem. This year the ourrther of ....ed.. Steve. MO the lead by netting re Longstroill most know his linen before trying, eh . C. Id. a. Haviefor4 Manager Hervey states that arrange• candidate. wee lane, and it foul attempt and throughout the first will hr tamer. to rerito instead of men. have•been completed for seven may he conaidered as e great honor so half they distinctly outpleyed The English Club held its fleet meetthe Scar. reading ite beeo the o Lamm. mb. Is the roneerts end that he hags date* pea". ing of the rear an Tuesday, December, peat. The try... are being held just Shoed. that the ...he of th e commit. et and Black Quintet. an that at the on four more. ear r. mos rod get the period the more wa. 12105, 8 at 8 O'rloch. NI, Stifier. the preeident, before the rehrorsala mart . the men tee fell to him. Plaallowald The schedule as •rrenged Bo for Among former Ilaverfordians who pew. monad half had bard. elated was in the chair, and opened the meetC het inake the rest will not have to Made: here loon ewarded the Rhoden *hot ing with a brief welcome to the new ClindwIrk. playlet' al the top T enn their lone twice. Inaamotia a• O rford won the January 18, et Watt Chester ?imperil ad. are Chrialophet Morley, W. 1.. of his OM, members. Dr. Snyder then presented The monoutooment made in the Mat bad netted three field goats State League Title the team Chosen &boot Willie., I.. A. Prot. L. Il Shero. in rapid rocromion. the alma of the club and annoanced the Mane of the NEWS thet Mr. Deem,. thon bringier Hoe - be Coe. Mere. is considered as the January 30.31, in Atlantic City, neat mrothlg, to hr held early to Jonurotors] to within three points of 81 comb of the Hedgerow players wse Felix Morley awl C. Abbot, offictel eanbinatiou of the Smite February 6, In Benam, ery. Schuyler Baldwin wan elated the more her bang 14 to EL Thin Lea. stare. beine roneidered as roach for the play February 21. et Swerthmore. Junior Committeeman nme-hock, however, was shon.lived, WISP aroncoue. Coarh wi ng February 27. in reinthertion with of Yale Inn mode end the Engineers soon beg. to pile IDs following Mr. Thome. Fender @poke on selection . for an AilPrinceton, In the foyer of the ACIttlelne up their lead again. Althongb the vie. Atnerirun "Dream In the Philippinee." Hr gave @keen. He hee ally picked of Mud, Philadelphia. ling quintet. a little let, in the ranee, a terf. Werra'og simian of the Little m,thl team. Mirth 7, In New York. Sores 311 Oet of Potable SO, With pulled their opponents' advantage down Theatre movement in Manila. This ,ragTeam. Pi...Wm tame Tram_ Throe Mon Tyleg far Second With 35 March 13, hot. concert. Goal to four mms. the result of the ropiest 1.1obrook moYement, he amid. proved remarkably Mn 1Pr.owtad leichie is the most intelligent man M Illatorfor•I Hervey is now in touch with std Smile.. Appreciates Play and Votes successful. presenttng motahlY Per usea never assio really M doubt. flaZa Plain foll.bark . . the Ithinie clam, according to the ro• far Petters Pragmatist. formances for a yes, during which trying to secure Mitre from Brookline Stemma Oats Moe; Foal nett Wean! siate of the mama Ithinie lotellieenre In order to find out whether the tine the theatre WAR eo well supported Foinere, Germantown, WIleon College. Tow.. the Pod of the mom Stevens sal Teel. which was held rerently and tliv that a profit of several thousand peso. and Doylestown Wilson College bee audienre at the prothietion of -Minal. 7,,,,:watthy, 0%1.1 shots. sod ParZa. :Frn.. twlfrback winheda return of the Iferle- rends of which hire lent been en. wanrealised. Mr. Fender RPM told of lammed.] their guarantee. and ell that le a I a that when Dowas C.tro hol.twek . 'ea ford College, tab tio.ted. some of the native dramatie effort's, pro. oil aim to be done to complete the ,e. row Pierer. to 11 Richlehe score wee Ot out of a pow Continued on Page 3, column dtbrwr ten dured to connection with the native re- rengemente for the romert la the lors were passed out rroueeting the Bratalallalo (PrIrloal finding of a suiteble date for it. Brook- patron to sign his name if he was in sible ti(). Three men tied for second ,Glan ceetems .d holidays. Cow,. 011maa and to cheek four honors at 37. Three were Bull. Flat Milled line Squat and Dayleotunn are mums favor of frol ea After the doer of the tallt, n in lbw .. Of a 11.0 of obeys he to have lender and Thom. The low., riming encase formal dinettes'oe was held and retreat, whieh are appearing for the fired, time _1141ml . as 14. The average for the rims on. on the blueical Club& calendar. Whether given. Arcordine to Mr. gamer Dect. wrote were FerTH]. rasmm =wager of the Player, the re Treetl" the concert in will he held le Pr Berme Discoverer of Helium, May eak. loft 111rItle .tingly rt. were farorable end font Ma, _These results comparein....tingle et Mahheim us as Tel .0 open ‘100. 11.0. la1 1114reffarill Talk at Later Memtleg Tals Year It I bust poesible that a performs..., will be given early beat year. The, With the re... of 1927's wage The Scientific Seeley meeting achedmay be 'Ben at either Beide. or ere Show's "Candid.- Wings ill, Test The average of the Prom. C:=4 Tonchton rolerted ..Colebrook LePym Pamee fleet'. 'The Muter Sophomores nod the highest make ere ,,led tor Deiximber 9, was postpoued Its room fkiloOls in Brett Mawr, Bulkier," sod filsepers "Inheritors" better, 1.010. two men who scored until after Christmas vacation, owlng mune of his experience and hie quick Plano fey WWII., Program tooled. No date. hare been an rot aselgoed. above forty, nod nineteen men to the to the rah in this month. The pro. thinking m gate up a play. Sullivan but Mr. Dads nays thst the first 5.40 dame, to the Rhinlea. thirteen. groin for the meeting will probably in- is experieured and rellehle. Garrett Talk. by Well-Know. Speakers will be given in early January. The loir.t mark last Ma, barorot clude a disemmion of the use end mann. hen defroded against the beat part of Plane for the winter program of the war 10, four below its tiliMe compel. facture of tetrabethyl lead for enrich- the opinedg lioee sod proved to be a Social Science Club bar been delayed tor of thin year. The tests were pram ing moon.. tiy Acton: mod mike nrr true and dependable hooter- %Int. in the oanal ruck of fell activities. hat Member. Will Be Olean Oppertmity photogrephy end on spectrum amebas, .finger M rimed, and rim alma be used tiro. the same. treording to the report of President to Walt Europe Next Simmer itudthe polaritation of light. by other at fell-bark. Downs In said to he the [tree; ore Dow rapidly cleveloplog. 311.t of the Eastern Colleges welt hest pivot. man in the League, Scherer members. Early this week there will be s meet. The Pnecutive Committee feels, howAcomplete sehedole of the nal. nutil n tittle Later before tint.. the inThe Society hopes to get George in good on the offense a. well an the Ins of ell thee' interested In "The Fel., that there ie a decided lark telligence of their freshmen, end there year examlontions be to tor ineluded in 'turret to wide ... one of the meet,. defense. No other players pan earnPoblle interest in the mtivities of the lowship of South for Peace!' This orthe nest Wee of the lieverfold fore romped... are Panossible or nest term. Mr. Barrel would probably goollatiin wee started by Toro Ilarriaon °defy, and therefore a special effort NEWS. which will make its appear - prraelit. vprok go hie experiences leading up Cont on page 3. column I win he made to procure particularly about a year net With the purpose of . e fat niter the Chilean. roga to the discovery of helium In Tee• iterectiali speakers for the readerlf co.ottlinsfing and etrengthcnIng theme tion. Mr. Chase has not yet torn. rod hat recce role work for the Chemical COLtroe CALM. mmthly meetings. A ehart special rneo who refuge to do military service pitted the bad nrostigemente of -too Warfare Service la 1917- No definite TRIP WEE14 ieeting will he held utter tooth on for ronedentioue reagens. Now. the or- program. and It ie for this reason that Peeforatmee May Be Given Later in arangements eau be made ontil he re• POPP•T-Clawical Cob Yausa. M Tuesday for the pumase of electing • ganstrition is arranging to mod largo tie publication has been delayed. Sprisi Than Usual Ms Year turns from the West. .1166. of l■-• IlaWarolly d Pomolee Praddent end an soon no a torn- number of etudents to Europe this mornSAVILId•, VIA • p al Ow The Classical Club has fidgeted late group o t office. can meet, fa- owe to promote intermetiond friend• dial Yu o f P mo." -.Adele... (the -Brother."). by Terh., announcement. of the plane for role. It wild furnish $30 and arrange 71.ial flab at LSO. 1108. ence, for their ..anal ploy. The I-10. for reel, man to work hie Tray aver. season will be mode. Well Mani. to ha clan CC. The Studio Club will broadcast a niu• mutt. Colnenittee of the Club will deA. chrws team reprenentine Flamer. Club at 7.00. r Play. al sical program on Wednesday Mehl, De. ride this week what the piny will he ford will meet the Chem 1.00 Volools fa la Maas. C•ima Club of the cantor 17. This will be the glob's presented. rxualle the Claseical Club Uoiversdy of Pennsylvania on Toes17. of P.. lantwawalal The Circulation danger *mid 'reader weekly broad...ming, Lad prevent* its play soon afror the Christ. ,my. December 16, The to Cluls la OW 1Talw. at 11.00 P. N. to cry greatly Meredith. thforenatle• Dr. Igler, of the University of Penn- week the Club sent out 0/711311PIDAT-T. 0. •. of la the • program e Holidays. bat the Cap and Bells BaCeelleill will coexist of Leeds, camernlim the come addromm nylvenie bee Invited all fomented men dance made by Gordon'. Pied Piga'. Mao. Do. Comfort will ece... y C011aW earlier this year, no the 101 Baronets., '28: Davie. MR: Leary. of the fallowing alumni: 111•1211.111.. 0.6 who attended the Sliver Bay Gooier-- on Thursday night. The 4.00 regular bourn former may be postponed until some '20, who were lbe members of the Mr. LI•dley Murray Parkins., 714104$11.4T-linnweeetal Mak at earn laid June, to n diaper to be item for the College broadeasting nre be- lime in the spring. farm will hr team Chet reeropeted with Oxford in the am. PwkallwIl wIt11 Orloop•117 Jr.. '04. Monday evening. 3.nery 12, 1821. The tween 10.00 eml 11.00 p. m. dened &rout a month before the pres- redie three match. To ebbe heather will la Ike owielup. Mr. J. D. Ly, '17. deleted°ec from the Univerai. and The Radio Club hen receives.] the entation of the play. Dr. Lockwood he added Omega and Lewis, TRIPAT-1Twleasa-Peolot heave at both '26, as Mr, Henry Whitmore Hill, 'IT. Swarthmore will be proMet. Addresaen rani. from England Hwrarfar0 Gun. boa trandated the play so 1140 the tin matthea will be played. The match during the PII•I Mr. I. O. Kimble, 'OS. will be delivered before and after the meek reporting reception of their Mr Mob Is ready SIATIIMM•Trnrlalowa vacation bto go ahead 0 anon a will be played at the Cuirenity of rim et 1.00 r. 1d. d'oner oats, the Mee I. minted. Penneelvenla. isys, ma l 0,- EXTENSIVE PROGRAM FOR MUSICAL CLUBS' SEASON FIRST MEETING OF YEAR HELD BY ENGLISH CLUB HEDGEROW PLAYERS TO RETURN EARLY IN YEAR RICHIE WINS RHINIE INTELLIGENCE TEST 4.- SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY TO MEET AFTER VACATION to SOCIAL SCIENCE CLUB TO ELECT VICE-PRESIDENT HAVERFORD TO ORGANIZE FELLOWSHIP FOR PEACE News to Publish a Mid-Year Exam Schedule of CLASSICAL PLAY CHOSEN RADIO CLUB BROADCASTS CHESS TEAM MEETS PENN DINNER FOR DELEGATES Pt teem • y DECEMBER 15, 1924 SAMFORD NEWS Page 2 HAVERFORD NEWS .-""" MN. Slinging The Ink PRESIDENT COM ADDRESSS Y.M.C.A. Bk. la. Saturday Wed. the Moil apace popular bowl around Hanley. end Lloyd Erdman arra WOO Speed a Few liens se roe to be °I Wonder What's Days 00 CAM.* Se. Beane of Su Bic" . Premident Comfort will dare. the Lifelessranrs Neal. Can V. M. If. A. next EDITORIAL BOARD MIdtpterterly ammo are on1 Ihr et 7 u'elork in the 115ion. Tho Peed. 10104 HANCOCK MUTUAL Lt. Ltesug.ANOS COMPANY n. pond i. gambol, but doesn't want to dolt ben not announced Mg sobjeet etetwavadeam thag rag. asdad....aces marring ere men freeze: Reverie., Naas New Yet. Erdman limrie will spend a der wed •00 tone ir for oda. tam. af Tedima sheep-nkins end Tele men mawskiser. or two on the calnpue ehordy alter tar algae Mak whead co ben. M. Abs. Ienee le al i.e.= h, doubt Christi.. Is coming The rotation to toll. to MI those Interto d. me.or• lona ease troll.. pungeowton Pea Pusher., ere going to nave their eat.. Harris has poet ell fall In Ink for Christmas cards whiting nod meeting various rylbw TUE PEN PUSHERS men. yoantt of roop t TI , Pea Posher: gpm arida dwo • diem ••••rtfar het. Sherwood Eddy ended hie talk to T. M. afeeme ..ithroM5 Alfred. Dear gins IN. bar • laamberg... C. to IN Uesion lam WedoegMom. It twolson=h There kerns to be considerable In ma he day evening by 'sedate • Pe ale +hoes by the stud..n of the the nieteenth chapter of Luke. Tha dish' Iteration et of te=ls. ase alter the in College fidlemgAzZ. Silt. Tio 50.01 aY 2 era Into Jeep of entry the or told dm. die.. am the • In treys to rattling es mod we 1. Wanwor'ent w Pas ord.. " """. earner ealem. Altk, greeted with scams noon. II I. too hall that son., who rill the law he for wept. Jesus CAD Boo. p11.1•w. issue's dropping • tow 0 IMMONXION wvattly the hoe. mple • des of robbers. the BUSINESS BOARD fall • great altom of approval from a... gas. . hi,. fell... should heir to reward for Tells of Rhymed Sermons priexte toe Ittogy will the Must of ester....== e, to notiee the s-rongs going on, hi. pan_ Surely such u one who quite IerwsOw roe Bila and Popularity of English t Pharisees or moa.lovers slthek• Gkserp Mw_. onrellields offers +orb spear-obi, or cooerair re ins 3-wwoe Woe . . Mmeten lug bill es • redicaL .d the mob raCher oracular, ereerfainment to ew rr. a am. N Friar Preachers liven the usu.] donne.. of our at a ▪ W Peered ley 007 &Nog.. .101 the emotion: then % rng,t.e. Eddy Mr. ehould nos some rani.... for Ps r. o. ootuf.rt' 'M. Priam pi l'orveyors of Eneltigh 0S Would lea weep if hr were to reme effnrt.. ha ardor. therefor.. to nliam. in 000', able efforts to Verse" wee the title of • kettnte 000 now.tot now? Ile anowerect by show • n matte matte our mrsig et tee st am lively It our by Profepor (.11.1rton Brown, of Bryn log that el/ Mone ent. evils are est. &wog to weekly The News is publabed .11 over the world. Evertamen I 1Ns leave to offer • prise Mawr College. In the Union on Itednee. 11111 on the part the School yem at Wayne tOffice of the he rotated for hy the treeltera. dor 1.a.. December 10. Pr. Blown where Is the PIMP greed Made foe You The rempetitloo sill be based upon of the rieb, the lam. rOOtIvi of the Suburban Publishing Company/ end loran Noshing otter Mreoduetion bra churches. and. whet in woree. of the system of paileN1 the Ileverford Cnllear. liereffkffdt Pa. 1. For dappins it whole trertord President Comfort.. a t fen. audience, heesimPern the me me. operesokin, the OVERCOATS SUITS treeeedIess of -the nosober of dishes), Dr. Brown first noted that the .115- woe Indifferent and ignorance on the Subecatione owl begin et ary Spats 1.1 points. jeet two one in which eery little re- part of the people. Price per annum, SEGO Materialism Everywhere 2. For dropping m, emplr troy. ape search had been made. merely be... Pee single tom% 10 000ta In the ease of his work Mr. Ed'. no one had attempted It, not Pose. a. For dseprm • gap tuen end of ark of material or impotent. Ile bu trereled over Op whole world and Enterer) as -ue<ond.class matter 01 the Lin e auP [dotes Matultsoe- 'polio of the -hobby- he gag Makfas Nudged audition. trefleiere• 5. Post Office et Huverfoeti, Pt. Keaneel lot etde. 20 points. of it. sod of the feet that his nearch bad Neeywbere the old milltheabr and for transler of the publication's second4. For drapping a dessert dish (with %sly begun. but offering the knowledge awe,. ord. P the...Meg the world Toiloring Co., Inc. class mailing privilege to Incited-Office I. 10 polote. ith war End dieruption lie told of he hod to far panted. at Wept, Pa. is pending A For dappled any other full diah. Tee Demlelo••• ned F.11•111W1114 the oh. labor In Chine where /wont Philadelphia, 1724 Market St. pont.. Ilionioffen friers were the firo- boysare arming Out their Pa to & For clan., (sod boostingl too in lend In England arriving In VZ21. make money for the fee. The people Iditorala do not nereemuils digit. 1 point. empty The w They were followed (011 years later by re en wretch. and crowded roods, sect the opomon of the entire MM. regular or Palpate... who the Frauciman order. Both orders 10111A. where hikben warmly bore o the gate. number of point, cense ultimately to INford, where they chino to lire bads. before Ir Mi. 1. HIE, obeli be awarded thought they had th• best opportunity The Niue remedial. ea o hid. NEWS POLICIES FOR HAVERFORD the prier. Khaki there he two or more N peach. end it in from Udford and 'her the .reat ofthe wealth eardidstes for the prim with the KlIne thrreelouN- the? aur first Imo. m- 's t o the mo. of tare pertek of the of Stmly. number of points the ogle who kan fallen id' them romes. I. Ho.. I Nude. where tit. •rereg• wag. of the down mo•t with his trey ehMl receive The IIMIL amount on the publh- 10 2. °remittent.* setae.. All Bralloh. other is $17.18 • yews. where Ike the prise. or. which treetion the friers is • M- foal mon-Wife •i• eight hundred to the of Atelotles. The peter shall coos. of ralr Ill elon% the eonscitation of Exeter, which to Nana wader 0. ApplIcelied of Religion I. Comet eosin standee, with give. Or ail to a- man to tale. bounand. keerywbere threolate rear Sap ignorance. up be Problems Threogh III Y. be 114. Savor other xn, himself to • friar wiamt punishment. P.,. II.. I No.. of the The frig, wee. very tweeter s+ preaelo .ression end delditutIon a. Co-opmative DI.oe classed for •111bYlitlalY1 II, .1111 the Evils ha A.m.. winner t.. er, It. the records of •nottiter to Haver... le our on mono, we hare the The anonitter of P.M shall eon Or MINI that one go. ..... ion who did &striae." and the 5. Stedent Ceneell AdatlalatrolIe• the mist of thee members •ppointed by the not lib. rho wan. of their owe 'bat vile of the m.nement mat poverty result ma. Three I. a Breeder mod More Atolls Stedeek Students' rumen. At lean) one of the petitioned the government 'bet rit. ay agei.t the Child Labor handcounts ter shell Ml re.. .t reek be Body. bee might be em right in Lis lid-cepa out. bootee ere broken op. ignorance meat Th.roatinnilt....11411 keep an ets to friar preachers, and of ea that terms01111 on. emoted of the number of points Friary est Beat. more to whet they 11•• es easy made by each rotatitor 'The 11111re neer noltworel e'en- The only remedy is to cheese th It is hoped dint Ow at of the edit shore. They sere onsetime. Capp moy 111,1 opeo a great hod to gaup. ,wt the pap.. ..f end rule. dents will shoo their •pprocal of the 'wheels of Code chariot' and the the hie College. to now the average their cosperetala io this atter by Bona of Lincoln w.111 we for on to .de is not to be ansidered es • • mmenedithin the nerompliehoput of • the Rodp ChM to appropriate aoplanne--whouthus. dee- write 111 the Par 1.1110, of th• benefits woerelein ..thee holding the onloalleverford ohs. ., their ha... or rettlIng their knit. derived from their preset.... Ittere . ..pies of L. personality. to he •pelied glesees--whtnerer moss. ere few retool, id tripe' Moats in hood nod eerviis ore ant. tan hr appreilant by erett• Itgelnin their nailer performo a partioularly brallant Eng.., Little. hosever, ea...mere iosiness. Thee oh. will we here •n MOLLWIefln one. The Radio Club i, rrtafolq one leaf of .red • TOBACCO-1e It for Ode ....eft-lion. when he sayn there are mom- Ile be. ...trial demurrer, wholt LRAM.goons to organisations III these me of the giro FaithOWY 90001, Audi I shirk overlooked eridenee MOPE DRI NKS ARDMORE. PA. SIIJNOK ANTONIO. Coll., In Hp conentruo too Leech CANDY shortly. The frier, despite their el. owed nolvereal popitterity. bed their reed t renew beglven to Roland. the • RISCIRATI. prefab. One of these wt.. John Wy• THEATAILM nreoldent. cliff Wydiff bold forth et "mine. .0.0/-11.• 4..1 Mum" ...I Dorms the three rear, the Pollute 41`iteare A. Mohr Jr., n radio times on the sleepiness of the friers wads. 111tano Radio Club ha. gaga from a wall enthusiast. his severed n Ile. A sod their prem.-Moe+ He d,•+ - Ob. pothering of "tap.- ' to do organisa triWrator'■ 111-..e nod will eolerse Ills them et. 'reeneleitm Iles. Ma+ aml Many of our customers have told at that we have MN WY Duvila.. t 0,I n loth liold. Hreto! 'hankie.' and took erere opportunity tion that rrtainteinn 11 hoped...n eta- Class . 11.11210.--114 Team., 1150 1./on helped them in a very definite way to achieve success II,. Beale's rail lettere err to ...mar them. 1010.111, .. that is rank. soma the fitta ir in life. Fars Barmen. 1I1jAA al bre ware length agaratraeven best of the eouolo, that an through mars. -II miters long, than Ow n,1, "In looking through the tovenscriple LYRIC--Masser ea Eaceebere.•' tonal mar be ItatInana These men say that first impressions count for ardoom, His sett. he. power of the library of Trinity College, athe lint aileron's.. re s. APrviee. oat v. le.. I foonel a volume .bleb I igumedl. much in business and that personal appearance is the and 11,1,1 runnel on the Oa ha. Pee- rap to Net watt, -PM £1010 Rai' attaghlg-realiallet. Ma ...led of being n (Kees bat. hcwrrJr, lane II. . S. betweer of first impressions. Ur. ton Nt. basis m KW, nu at ,,, Mahe sansid. The ly prorated with the $.1.1wol tied IM a were ....rotas io ITA.11117 ., Um Sart awn- Wen am„t eov„, ,„ wp map. folk eons Feeder. Tyr. Ego.. iron flogpitet in Relator, has frier used the refrain of That is where we have been able to help with The Club has stored [het two moot. raker aver Rodent Lodge at C.a. for 111. WO. raid at of the Reran. ISOCILD120-'11rof new.. nit1 Lee. carefully tailored, good looking and well fitting clothes rt au wee in erase. The arts., of it we of emateors. rept... ha thsionots ✓ille. Md., and is receiving nee 100711110 PICTIMIS which make their wearer appear at his best, put him 1.11 pniselt the reheat of ■1111 end the n toectitc, end meal disorder otos there. of miles ofsous g of folly." Ilr. Homo thee at ease and give him confidence. lir and Mrs Facie II undenstioIn nelente. Teed.. with a l etching. thought+ 1001n to adyse the verve •nd the Prices are moderate. May we be of service to you"! 11C1OL/1--Ined Tour Ku, mm In promotingamp. redo, am. Jane. of West Chestar. here been refesin. He raid that he tutu. the raw. at0T11-ne munivation. between minions the redo partsaating in the fell 101 1,001. of owl seron to be 04..0 Kt - heath. aa1 Toe*. Leading building for great interest. West Chester and other PAP clubs glob end Mut tled hint m thial" that the vetOWL Swope. is -11. how lc. fluor, H. Thomas. porolisoing m one given by • Doodahs. fear. tine. merely those of either of Ill, to, Stew-, WWwWw &WI Tim alias Heterfaml and Ostoni. Por agent of the Miltv,Ue Mlle Co. of sto re that order has uo role of its own awardOne• any moron 1.1 sage war with soother Philadelphia end WInar wel Msloolw. boll plop. nut of Si. we la ars Ns.. ca.° first of ill Absolute. pausal ed prise for so original parr pre. Poems as Seemoms all Mawa-mear. T. thet the tenders of both mark. an. rented bolero the Purthaming Agynti 1115 Walnut Street He told of mother dur11111t1111 he Wilda, =woo rims their people font the i.e.., Apoeintion of Philadelphia et chelr thamerred in which the value of et. inry, Pen ay. 'Amax w method. of the enemy no- meeting Derenther IL et the Belleon forth_ Then he Ned are entirely opposed 1.1 darer. a...Hatton!. tionrare a Frank's peers rpainted by Ned." 15,10, their 0.1111. Without such It VS Clarissa T. Hawn ha. recently wink. to Wastrel. the beauty of the the tart+ of it people. mod- refereed from Orford University. Eos- friar's poetry. °This poem." said Mr. In the 110I--Teetle• wit Tem mg. ern war ea wr know it. is impossible. he spent n year in study. Brown, -1110 heretofore been regarded where in.. 11.1.111LT011--The Gard. .1 Inear When many prep. .0 ore 1,113.11, tbeir children serous •• a melee of rhymed 10racts. but Ilea Ytty 6-ten.. al thous's. radi- Mrs Brownmod clin !KA., mat hint They are 0. a, their believe ooh it to • friar's sermon° of p , ..find "for- Ito. et Ifs Wes.... Rebook where i with Thaw Edon. He went on to eke other reentries m." roman. as the anti notional era Mae1011 of WAS1 °Balled the de• giving English reireons the of pan 511,. Brown is bred of Wat. T L Mewl. breJuilie. of on. people. against on. Judah'en so Illustralioo. and Makpart went. wlu Smu.d..•• other mold give way. Netiounl pre'Ill. Charles N. Ill.thae wee Ia.- ing ebonly &hoot en early fourteenth Haw asta judires are based cm ignore... 1'10.1' in Ireland. Ma. rat in most. the area of o renter, otatuaript written 1.1110 when reigns. lone to por- primed reeently by Ito., called ^7'he attempted who tomer 0017Wcheek oll 1IITIROTOLITAN 1■11101110, Wass af natiofoal Lend of Cochran." He noted thet the rotwenna meta owes padre that the bum. rare. the ringer bond. from the It. of F. P. friars of the fourteenth century had Nana. galas. -TN Maar M. Ir 0s Bell the war. 111, 11u< & Company. This is the eveworld the gest lad. in h- n. feet., lu the pen yenr when lost pone of 1110 emoestness14 Thue. while Hie ALCADOIT OT 1111116-lo W lap., preathers. orn muy be relatively unimPorten. the this 0001Wn7 hes hr.... ear. •11 ofTwonn. 11 11..111., Manus Olen by e•11110 that EmelMad coecluded Be practical deolonstretion that donde fender In amain. Inman. w the nnw; Inanies and it. longue. would have tome halo and 1.1.upg.t. Op.. anatairstiong beteren individuals in '12 A ma Fedora. Cheri. wad liar, awe., eSonole, Win Peareted Moth is passible by horn to Mr. end Mrs Ilona • autt J:ort:! l'ill' ton xaks Msnenwar, radio. is for raid. hi It. impor- Jr.. of Mourestot., N. J.. on Dee., to do with stoma kilns and develonIng EN you a • &Um who too. are hawy ue1 Lathy., 'Weak, 1.1 tuner to the oorld vas II whole. bre 0. Mr. Froelieber is eaelated the imam. first, but at. the people. Vill stly right in his slathing do TnnOnne ai wow.. In• Company, and with Arthur Perry IMILLEVITZentio000.11 11/.11.0011 rey..Moge dory he do it 7° Probabilities vestment hoods lafarette Beading. -Km*, moruly. Nagt. me, old man, that he wean Jot. Ward {el Bro., owe.: .1 care of -Dest." Blood. to lie IT ihol elphIa. The . both Chicago publirations. Men'. Shoes. They add • lot to • fello's ran. awns.. Mu '12. J. Melo, Conant. Jr.. took p00000000io oo. or tho RS. 11, sal Mrs. Betio W. Lased, eppearaose. 01, In a great reedit to lievers thr pert of Silva In the oreformanhe of Atlantic City. gare a litre. repford. Seholoreltin lt. on. of rho 11111111 of the opera I. Paglarei at the men will find Mac our PhilaHasetiorei thiews 1.0.11 into easideretion hi the bletronoliteh Opera Honor on Thur. ',V. LenetIbi s1 the'1,!l̀ halfooleMlioiel. fiat! delphia shop at 1221-1223 Chum. meet Rhode" sender. but clay erection Dreenther 11. The Phila- urdey evening. Iireember U. Mr. aod .a.. fin of hne Mors co rho that no worthiest.. Op. of coupled mitli setiolorship there trost be delphia Chic Opera raid. sate Mrs Lred. return ininthe middle returned daily from Bum 10 0 p m -Saundra I I p no '1111111111,of houlerskin end all-round Covolterin Haire. end I. ['Where. Novemb from 0 welding tone in Es' III make the Scholar n Mt. Carpenter heo been seen before ou ohility 011011 '24. H. B. l'bang returned to Chine apptity rare...motive to seed to Eng, earns. .11111i01111 with the Cabs Opera in Aoguet and settee on condition. ai . P. Ardmore. 19 F. Lem.ster nml Orpheus Club. Chios. He in acting es *baser and IS. Mention wen mode In bud mantel article writer for the North thaverford mat be sore that her name Phones Ardmore 757 of J. Alen an d repotheloo ore Ill soh bands when week. aue of the NEWS Chinn RIOT and has lent clippinge of TI, his Ifiery's marriage to Man Fredeelekrt same DI hie writings to the Alum. Of. represented by '111.1." THE ors Cortemiller to Chicago. Mrs. wholorship is of the god rank thst there Is 11111, enfisls He fiee. Frederic. Miller and couragement In 1k, preoent ARDMORE FLOWER SHOP ly shown by his °A° serene. dere. name wax 1 TIC011,131lATED 1:117C.,1t. o•e. the Boot ...Her of this potr. whet. he not General., The wedding took condition In China end ohne,. that H. D. MAMIE] Mr. Hi., hoe I.e. November I. meta. the foothill to e CromwelLis neeged. lapin.. for a Tfenry VII or Cool Flowery, Petted Plante. Floral BROOKLYN NEWARK elonor 01 his record in College war burn In the advertising PattLAOSLPIttA NSW YORK '24. William H. Hand is now with Arran., Madera e* artiug iv and time enter nnd inunedlowly show the ver.tillty Thomas A. Edison, toe., of Oran.. Abe fannies end Cold Fah for. M the Territory Manager for Strength Maphatlerellip fwd.. lie rano., WW1 Megmlon Bradt. 1111110111 Character uto end Reeerfont steads N. OF EVILS IN WORLD Portrays Social Conditions Before Y. M. C. A. Meeting in Union The Class Endowment Aid Row It lk Does Throsgh Th NEW PRINCIPLES NEEDED DR. BROWN LEC111RES ON 4:%11::..."1" ENGLISH FRIAR POETRY COLLEGIATE CLOTHES or TOMOS $28.75 and $38.75 1. Hill in Charge The Edward ea. POCONO MANOR INN Pocono Manor, Pa, Garrett S. Hoag, Manager c Winter Sports Behind a Chess Match WILLSEY & DORION rca,r1" 114 W. LANCASTER AVE ....suns NOTES SUCCESS! College Tailors PYLE & INNES ay. A Rhodes Scholarship Thos. A. Ryan & Co. Printing-Engraving olux.WA. it ers Shoes BUILD YOUR PAPER-PATRON= ADVERTISERS ▪ ▪ ▪ • DECEMBER 15, 1924 FIAVREFORD NEWS EDITOR. ALFRED BUSSELLE ISSUE EDITOR: WILIJAM T. MAGUIRE Pate 3 ASSISTANT EDITORS I HARRIS D. HAVILAND FRED ROEDELHEIM HENRY B. PERRINO COLLEGE SPORTS ALUMNI ACT AS HOSTS AT FOOTBALL BANQUET ADDS 3 MEN JUNIOR VARSITY HOLDS HAVERFORD SECOND Ball.CABINET Mardian and Miner Appel.. N.C.A.A. HOLDS ANNUAL Athletic Callas! At the opeoine meeting of the CROWN FOR FIRST TIME IN SOCCER LEAGUE Ilaverford College Athletic tiobinet for MEETING AT BELLEVUE P. H. Sangree, '14, Toastmaster, Introduces Prominent Alumni Record of Season Avenges Team Has Scored 44 Points Many Defeats in Past to Eight Made by League Contests Opponents ta the current year. the new oleo of addMg three mere men to the Cabinet wth eeneidered. Of these three men. ooe wan to he selected from the Beeler Clans. and two men from the Junior Oath. With the usaalmoon endd the approval Cabinet. Eric Balt 2b M. of the IA and H. Mershon. 213, bream. members of the Athletic Cabinet. These men were elected et meeting of the Cabinet Imo Monday night, INcember nth FRESHMEN ELECT TRACK Soccer Rules Committee Recommends Changes in Penalties and Periods }-or the host tn., in the history of The mei nSeser .e ton for the Ho, On Tared. evealug. December 11. A meeting of the Middle Atlantic the PellaaylVaPia State I.e..ue will College rooter tram hes been e group of Haverford alumni gen o the cup. that tore to the winning team. enure, State. Conference of the Notional Colthe most eurnesful Oar for many years dinner to 4Ile football squad. It au g Hererfonl for the next nat. , aalaaae a le Athletic Anonation wen held at giate During ..tended. by the coaching defraud •about the anima the varsity ha. Rion 11113 have Hererford tearms the IMIleae•Sttallonl both Saturday, twenty ninon.. en well an the entire troutrd for championehip honor.. and mond 44 points. while in opponet. Dm-ember 13. Profrmnie LemlalL of After the meal 1.01 FL. Han• not until thin year were their effurts hare hero ohle to wore only eight Hutt n, wen In the choir. Hweerford l. officiated toeminoner. and ✓ ewarded. How, In the lomr•Collegiate League Ion at the conference be after a few remark. on the football Th. retonnininieState &peter Miley Haverford humper than cloy- CAPTAIN AND MANAGER Dr. Sabin. J. 11. Hoopes and Coach Nark Miller nava° preeented Owen B. Rhoads.. anLees. win formed in the marine of the point wooed ear Middleton. Dean Palmer, who lee • • tan. V.0 aed Yoder Appoieled: tall of this year'. eleven. Rhombi 1925 Football Captain 1015 et the ....Hon of William R. bled in ember of the EfigibWty Committee, med. the stinonseement of the ewer.. pig ran op Allen to ...wen for its Ronstasenwler. of the Haverford Hoe, prop, areas... ef Gym Wei* out be prevent at them eeting. including the snommennent of next rer Committee. and Doughte Stewart. The organisation is of the Freshman mold The principal 'mediaw dinvotind yeses captain. Captain.eleet Miller eathe Pali mach. Repte.ntatires from The PM panic of the season, with track toms etartml Weltered.. Ite- eounerued the nalw of httereollegiste presoed his ple.eore at being chmen Pearl. Lehigh. comber Lafayette ;nth. A meeting and Haverof the entire Iheekitk, pros. mmy (or Haverford. foottall. hitra.mural athletics. and dialIn lead the Hererford team. ford were m eteor at the filet meet- whin outrIonmeil thenPhiladtlobio tees, nape von. hehl in the terse 'Math" .bility. Specie! enentounieetiona were (bath Hann.n then sold a few words leg. With theme loon trains char- by rIsSITS. Where Rog laptain of the vent from the tonference to the focaland arse followed by hIncIntrieb. Hob a 1000 score. The Crystal A. C.. college track nuke. He told ter member. of aud with the tope...don ties of am.. colleen expressing the stated the belief that Sri( season would New York proem! mare of • 114b . the record of the Freehmen moos in roarer. of adding more to the kat. a league was of of the moDboncre. These be sunrise/. Dr. J. A. Hebbitt neat for the bkoriet and Bloch limners, but formed. A cotiatitstion. patterned were downed in the last hale. The the past sod asked Ih. sopowet of question. were dbwoomed et the mornspoke. He elpre.ed optItuleut se to the prona in oroardaing nue for that of ere Interrolleglete Leamae the outcome of the athletic Mutation Announcement of Football after !wore wan 4-1 for Harerford. the rotaiggekes !refrms Fie impel that all . In...tin, was adopted Alm. the Intercollegion 5,101 the afternoon ...don. Freimancot Haverford ad said that he thought (In OPfolier In the Swarthmore intenated ehint1.1 start work at once mien were applied 1.0 ell Stele League minify Awards Made hr. of the ['hyena! Education at Banquet athletic. were on He upward trend trn met on '101 field. The Gar, on the tom* In the gyninoninot Lioteu- Rev.', tames It was decided to award cup Department et Oberlin Cone, mode John Seull des sakl • few wools, chielly net aneerritem playpl sli eatindy deern were alon informed than the hoard by Alumni Given to the mem that ended in brat place mt. address lie is •lan • member of in regard to *Indent extension work. germ with nine awn beck. and track woohl be finiehedafter coon each season. Thin cops to become Halm Committee of the AnsociaHe prepoeed tin( every Almon. sod wore able to hold Havener/I to • •core- Christman, and thin work wookl as the the permmnent poeneamion of soy roL Inn ., ' Profmaor Banundergradoete seed to • boy of his a- SIXTEEN LETTERS GIVEN lege tie. The Harerford own were un- there upon Ito completion. that leads the lemalie for five age riaited 111•verford for ...bort thaw qua/name • lisnrford Oen.. to for Foch teethe, ad, The .tier then proceeded to the Floommmoediel Champ* ler Samar. hang in hi. room. By thin mesas • At the banquet mss on Thunder. years. though the Hayseterd pat wa. nenly electioo of manger. Yoder ami tisionlax evening rnference called Haverlenl J. V. Last la 1915 reonlmtler of the miles. nn .ways be Dentober the football nutted, The meld rot pieres the Ner•rtb- chosen fur Ibis moo. Kens Fos wag together hr the Some Haien Colialbitfirst era, of the league the ismodanger. kept before him. Tine method should M. Muter! 2(1, wan annotateed as enenord aPPointed mash, In the past The at the Calversity Club_ Drsecond .1fing own fared re defenn. aid the student extension work done by Merle Freatimen team ban held menn with tee metchairmen N. Y. U. FAN. kb captain of the 1025 team. Miller hae H of the ttomittro, Imdly. The Penn J. V. defeated the New loth the davoni. Foiveralty fell before about nine pre.ninery aehoola nod Babbitt. Stet). and Dotal. Stewart. members been • member of the vanity mince his scrub. 2 to I. Lehigh won in Mee Harerford's powerful Several Atom.' Spook high schools limn here. Theme have etteck on the of the committee. londucted the meetfanhlatx. to U. The final game win followi. week. Ar the end of the been highly asnosaftal from the Hover- ing A number of her abort tall. wen freshmen yem. and ham won hi. together with fir. I.e.., Bernsiren by the Seeder members of the three tame, burin, his freehnia year toot to Lafayette. 2 to 1. ford point of vie, since oni, our no. tan of first ball Haverford fed 2.9t hut opened peer the Ipter,Vollegisfe Seep, oquad and memhere of the alumni. The alternated with Strawbridge a. var. -In 1910 the Ilarerford J. V'. coded up In the woad wills ...Welkin work lost. year, nn nn avenge. ho, beet: League. Ilepremallatina from Tale, latter included Dr. Wilbur H. Heinen, hr In second pion,. That year Pe. wan in the-line site notrwand ha. held down that pothat completely baffled the A.nabernt, Neck Pconnylvonie, Pea Arnold Poet. '111. II. M. I.owry. sition unopposed, in the 1.1 -two wi th mei. of three al-torten. Ilse. defense of the New Cork teem. The Coach II drIletim then smde Ile State. 1111,11, l'ntrenity. Oberlin. Del.. .12: E. C. Pierre. 'BIS, II. Priest. so.. • aim, nor to shirk their elm- ware. West Point, erford we next. with Lettish and La- final more of the game eon (lined Odle,. and man, 9G, Tanning Da. .17, I. IL Resided bin football aMlity, Miller boo fent. tralline behind_ Although the H”erfortrs first Inter-Collegiate otnium work. es it h.. often proren mei.. echoed, were D. E. p Hoopee,..21. and W. M. Hellen. '24. diatingunhel blmeelf In minty other ante game fbet Hererford teat WWI 50 Leerte gable Ir., played the following the bane 'Imo Which fa build no ath- Iterconnack, of Penn Charter, eepre• The alumni who wird beets to braman of tulle., activities. to his Pena the melons week before the week at Princeton The game wan letic career Ifeeirle thin curls en.- stored the Phi/odelphia Private *hooka the -mud are: Dr. J. A. Bgk6att. Dr. Ithinie year he woe elected Seat-clam game. Peon had be. met and d 66666 ed atremely hard.fought sod the defense debited track per Sill be held in Soccer le nee. Y. C. liberal... '00: Job. L. BLVD. 136: iipoudent with the serimumnying po• in a Cricket League motes, That of reek train worked wall. Contain the melons... raeti dpity frum three fo The main ounliou under dinsoion four olclin.k. Cr...matey work .00 Dr. W. H. Mtn., 'OT; L. A. Poet. '11: ollion at member . se of of the Srudent Pear the Vanity was nam of Thomas mond in the Ant half with • he the prop...1 rendtfiestmo done on Tared. and Thursday. 11- marooned K H. Sear.. '22, IL M. Lowry. '12: After football ...snap hp talent ss its twelveJuin, mimes amt nond twentybee 1,1, and a Princeton halfhticlo event rules. The meeting derided ter.doratitory contests Plat mho, be the P. H. &agree. '14: G. O. Meehan., 101 a pienin woo for him a place on both Nue male Is Ito oppenents' twelve. tied the mint In the mooed 'Oh the National later•Collegrate that A•he stated. The need of thee col. T. A. Myers, Jr., '09, Loam Dam, 17: the Instrumental and Glee Clubs. The follow.. year IM secood team bng shat. Kano periods failed to break held. leg. for • good ell.round afar us. sonatina Committee would only make E. C. Feline. '05. G. G. Friedman. 1/5; toads lestromeatal ChM darted eff with • ...over Lafayette. demllock, fundamental change. through ormmdieclosed. n• well in for men who have T. IL Heart.. '22: W. H. Hama, In his Sophomore year dallier rat but Mat the remaining mane. to Le- aye ability en Measure mann. J. IL Hoopes. 21: J. WIlliaaw. '20: cheirmen of the Continugfr;; Page Pour, Col. Dee Committee and high hoed Pe. J. V. to the amine of Coat. on pear 4, cola., I E.I.. Smith, `AL W. P. Tomlinan, '10: member or the fleshly m.. Dream Cont• 2 to I ad 7 to O. F.S. WM.. 114; C. C. Morris. NM; mittn. Again heCotilsyrd the piano in Leans one le War H. N. Thorn, .04: A. C. Collin.. 117: the Instrument.I.Club arcompandrd 191. no league Meier,. were held. W. N. L. West. '111. and D. C. Murray. the film Club. In theand eyeing he we. deeIn to the war. The following nesrn elected m the Student Collard when hharthoton fafayette in the Trebel herame es•officio member. le.0.11, and replaced the title, Penn alt. Thin year Miller'. honors bee. in- second. with5.011 SOCCER COACHES GIVE Harenord . poor Mat. eluded the cbairmanship of the Cass- at. failing to win emote. That rear ALL-AMERICAN CHOICES nue Eeetita IOW the Modre- the, Cornet trentatrounced the J. 0. d.. of the Glee Chita His moot elec. 7 I. TO HAVERFORD NEWS lion cam.. the latest of his well. The year lithlt tam lafeyette bark merited olfWev. Cal from ps. 1, column 0 in the league again with a strong Slaters Letters Awarded the Haverfonl bootware with the four Mao forward, After ...wing Miller's election at teamhadHowever. another poor eras.. which were minted. Bilker w. flu. banquet, (1. R. Rhoda. 192.4 ea- ee.During the fell of 1021 Me seas. shifted tom [amide to outside left loin. award the eword. to be give on WM. marked lt, the homes, of the to member. of tide year'. wined. The where el neon. were wealt" Taunton Sa3s that Thomas I. I.. Vataity -11" awarded tut Rhombi. worm. Alatutel, onlyOne mane win Harvey. Roan. Montgomery. loot. the J. V. Inn sbk tie Penn Hodges I. and Dough... god. di of Yale ere of All-Arearicen thither, huh Hollingehmid. M. Miller, lambertl. Stun- for third place the league mending. Ir., Ade to Alen, la only the Met game watt. Greene. lauseelle, Garrett. Middle- tiwartlunnee won from the ....wad Mittleil end Eli.. The teem men. 1 to V. Havreford tied Pent. of the season. ton. W. Al Nei. of Princeton boa selected following men will melee roomers. Sib end Lefurette nod wits from Lehigh the following two teams chow. from ter. lawny. Nook, Baannum, Perrin,. n 'forfeit. toes in the Inter-Collegiate League: TomolL. Weboter qad_Ambler. Walter Y. Defeats Swarthmore waa weeded the cup foe TheJ.height Stokes, spot of the 110[2 term the most conerlontione ..crtdi and Ad- wax ll PPaceleat OJAI oiwt the drfaat al 811rarthat ..... to mine. MIAs. Ianorepait for the dison Fox received the valp 0. Lehigh won 1hr Initial contest of 400.1 momiontio. freabl.n. sawn. Left tallbaeli ar yesr. 3 to 0. !Annette woo by lahmeault 2 to ...M. The Penn J. V. tri Abed 10111 .11-haeli litawarfauli HAVERFORD FIVE LOSES tun.. and then the weak. insrer! Mier' Cease ball Y. (WA tlmnie n comeback tail insino.m1 flee Onion 1Pinst TO STEVENS TECH. TEAM hooters. ram. marnwo tan PAP son Interetent Coat from pegs 1. column IS Lam nee the J. 1', Was usable to '77n"no • win one of their game. 10 the lease. ‘7rantaatle.,s hem isavertolr. the final whistle blew they were on the Lehigh end Swarthmore bath won by tren.oat long end of a 32 to 19 score. the of .1 ro 0. Penn walked i MorWent nod Holvelmonn, the latter Doerwore% "%s' . t'"' the team. 7 to I. and Lafayette mom tett trunernat' nestle n eulastitute. mine el•COUP PI Chadwick won the feel ems, 3 to 1. The rawal. points apiete. 011. In Martin. tri ohms. Or, thiseetaed ord was two gad. to their opponents' soother •ulocti• eiehteen. A rumor w. Ito toundn Nets awerded the salt ussltion to lInbehan. mak counted two field goals. the the teen would he. witladrewn Colebrook because, although both (Or.Theline-Pkfemme. Colebrook and Mantling have played ,flavonetmoant.. ilk from theFirst Tit% This Sears consistently well all year. Colebrook Mir.. L T.r. Lases Midday. en 0110,1151 of thy h• This fall the Junior Vsreity piled UP vasswirs a total of thirteen 4' emergency. Garrett and &PUSSY were a.m.. Came. bre. The Haverford ming as amine. . leaks mail, the two beat fullback.. Ger• . defense held Le•. O. time ham tale-Ilasimass reit'. tovunut blocking ad Interim.- uaahs igh nod Lefayette grantees. while is. Christmas- The day forQualitySwesis! owe made Min the totem! eetretion fro Iles‘tstf. toodeve.m. S. Marl. I. h the Swonlisnont ad Peon nonte.t• the otte position and the fan that Sullivan Assfralf. 131111111... Clyarrlek B. ammo. Sat. mini THE SAAIPLER-Ct.Colote• and confection,of the Poe ere op too high a we. • .re hooter mire him the other . Pdab from .1-Re (*vanes. Ir.•en inn tubed Whitman yarned/ie. Mare. Fisher anal Henderson are just Ai wa., Siebelame. S. lat. S. M.. IWO, for their opionnen • aI 04 SALI.L1GCNIJI-Mhturtan's Immo. chocolate. Waterrod a v. eta... 4. P.Trala Gomm. e .bade below iv all-round ability. Peep a, in Saner • 041 mi metal_ hatitotleas-htereen .• . Captale Thomas Ose of OW HSIVIS Modena. Stadia for awls,. Partisan }sr LOIsTerTsr, 1 2' _ am FUSSY PACKAGH--.Nuts, Sod ntir le 111.1ery of L.P.. nirearsta. MOS. ter MOO, tyrant a ..M. . enriched wIth cho,olote. ponitlon Nein net's pre Of the fight holtThomas Pe canine. Sabelmaan for liffieWatt. ore the beat Realer ene imedwowea. trn•erfent: titot "[Jo. sod , aPLENSCRE ISLAND-elleillta at photo'. tat of tight halve. that the Inter-Col- .ices tar laslealse. P. Parrs.. for 11m11, chinlart110101 with chocedeie trasSurea D. M. WEST VOW Pubs. Tsr R. lames. 'setae League bee produced in Invent Prella NUTS CHOCOLATE COVEREDSeime-11. Cars.. Pharmadst learn'. Lloyd won placed on the find Time ”jtim rIsht" fir them easel in et Inalara-M learn on secount of hit exceptional • whnie tneahi ARDMORE. PA. mien, 'Teed DOWIIS was the twat center Pharmacia t to half. He wasaggressive both on the DINNER FOR SOCCER MEN STANDARD C HOCOLATESThe Bryn Mawr HoOpital -ffenoe and the detente. Cook. alleniono aim May IMP. oaktoarytom affolgtale gas ployieve the onto. on a weak Sower Squd 13•ests Management 000. displayed a brillituit type of work at Diem, asd Theater and wan chosen for the second elev.. The weer moan w•• seen • Ps0f- We Ss Year Atilt& Repairing For left bailiwick, there wee Little to treaSpir entertaInssest Ttlenlay ere. esr er' Lot Us Da Yaw Shoe. 'loose between Mattison and Maria nine. December 9th. The mincer varists oast., hone ened an hoot. The twentyPottle. was niacin beaten of Me Pasquale Rolli clever panning anti, Willey tted fire men who composed the pond met • ' sr smart 1,,siarr73411,,S4 Tsmarsrlaars.NIS Stewart were awarded the ou.hide tozether with Coach Mel'ete end Man18 HOLLAND AVENUE lqmitIons in the line for their Seabee ager liennan at °throe's Hotel. where ARMOUR. PA. The MD& wan of kneed Red eeexcellent centering. Neb. dinner wee cared. sod no Kneen,. were . Pictures, Picture Framing . defier.", .13s rford wadonbtedly ha. entirely informal The beet pair of oilman. of ou teen nailde. After dinner, the squad ad0 711ed to the Broad Street Theater 9 the League.. Dorton not rOliver. C. G. WARNER, Haverford, Pa. ... and Novelties D. M, W EST, Ardmore,. Pa d witnessed a perfortoance of .-The 111. Betted chatter ere hr no .4••• Haunted esteemed House:. The ph. was by Willey and Stewart. MERION CRICKET CLUB, Haverford, Pa. GEO. KEMPEN, Ardmore Cooper mimed the Weide rizht Posi- sunning fame In three acts and gore The Gift Shop humorous verelon of the modem tionone Boo. due In a shade more •myderious MAIN LINE DRUG STORE, Ardmore, Pa_ drama. et speed and aggresolveneaa Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne MERLE MILLER ELECTED 1925 FOOTBALL LEADER r=1," ------- an o BUILD YOUR PAPER-PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS DECEMBER HAVERFORD NEWS Page 4 ENGLISH CLUB WILL HOLD SHAW'S "MISALHANCE" MEETING AFTER HOLIDAYS Be. - CUNARD - PRESENTED IN ROBERTS Motet College 3rd Cabin • O'Cralter .f Mawr Will MacDonald & Campbell CLOTHES Suburban Publishing Co. for the classes 15, 1924 Address tbe S. S. "Saronia" July 2, East .S.S."Berenpria" Sept 5, West Hedgerow Players Present a Play for First Time at Haverford :College The next meeting-of the Ettgllah Club will be heldearly in January, accordder. the club'e faculty ing the Dr. Cor advisor. Theepeaker will he Prof,.. O'Conor, recently appointed point ed professor of English et Bryn Slaw, Cargo. The nublect of the lecture bee not yet !men determined. l'rofeettor O'Conor is the author of leveret well.known volume. of poems end essay,. Rh latest book, cebanelog Ireland.' has recently been published It is a millection of ems. on Irish literatue. The English link is Omitting to pro. cure Iffleral well.known authors to give Informal lectures before the dub, and will also attempt to neonate open ten. tures similar to that which wax rerent• ly delivered by Dr. Clayton Hamilton. Before Wayne, Pa. they are popular with the masses FROM OUR TAILOR Mood five hundred people euloyal SHOPS DIRECT TO the pralurtion of Shaw's "Iii.alliance" YOU by the Hed gerow 'Meyers of Base Val. Icy in 'Wheels Hell lost Pride, night. AIM. Me hall was not tilled, the emitSAVE THE rote wax appreciative end. ell Wing MIDDLEMAN'S PROFIT minqilered the play was enough of that the player. are plan.irvewx td. to return, Made to Your Measure Before the performance began. Mr. h otter Deets,. the manager of We gave n word of explanation sheep, shout the ballots that were handed 10 the midiento sod also •bout the pier. The ballots, to he collected at the fell WILL OPEN of the second M. were to indicate COLLEGE the favor with which the play Inca reLATER NEXT AUTUMN ceived and the tholes of four out of Round Trip • group of plays which the signer would ae t° see planed et Harerford. College Board Examinations Abbe written in one rot , the play as divided into three partsto avohl Will Replace Former Fall Other railings on which Third ring the audienee. No scenery was Tests for Freshmen "Nationally Known— and the male stage setting was Class space will be used for Tour- used a group of chairs and a bade. But Justly Famous" ist Third Cabin Class only are : the play wag no well presented that The Haverford• College wholaatir the absence of the background was rmr will start one week later n ext Showing Dec. 16 fall. •rnording to the deeknion of the noticed. The plot concerns itself with the Board of Hammen announced lest The attempt to show the strained and fool. week. The reason for thie u that the lab relation &Ave.. parents and Ail. Coll.. will adopt the College Entrance dren. Shaw. as utnial. carries tie Pieced Examinations in the fall point home with conviction. The relaThe College Board give* examinetIons tions between the Terletons and their both M June and In September. Has. two children and between Lord Sono erford College has heretofore required gaishatrunereCampoeyriPhiladefpfteu letsawhows — Fetatattt toerhsys and his eccentric end e • epplicente to pass them event. in June traordinary son were typical nod Tel or • set of exams given by the College far from ideal. The parents perehe in the fall. The College will now be featly mieunderstood their children tnnsielmit with other college. tendrand equelly persistently bored them il, College fluent Exantinetione la both with their excesaive talking nod mond. Joie and September. labi a. And the children were not able Oar Wink Dropped From Year we point of view. "o.frosTal. livens this nth. r 'o'sr en t"Jeith The change in schedule woe made depremiog subject with clever r since these emminations meet be given Perme awl mousing situations and d inultattemody all over the feeetrf. PhUmichsam Reg very sotettainine Oct out of and the present college yeer beglue one makes it. week before that time. The one week The cent was well.placed and the haa been dropped entirely, none keine emote Heed up to the name the t have ridded in June. Thin change takes the Paul Loder, Manager sun for themselves in their .heats college calendar hark to the number of theme, in Bose Valley. None of the seeks that it had until recently when an Philadelphia Agency players was esra mediocre and yet no extra week an• added. one stood out as a mar. The worn Ill South Fourth Street Examinations of Muted Collette The awful thorn,• el of two of the re muted commendation. Bias Ann Harding in Mat are given le the fall areinvolved. collegee the role of a Polish worn. of the by t he beelty ill the sochl sod William Whitney es a clerk es the regular marking by the board mouth. • over take would endowed with bran.. had t he not two parts moat difficult to perform end Beard Exams Harter carried tbero beeutifully. PreeWent Comfort, when interviewed THE CAST the matter. said that the change was Ate LONIAL EVERY DAY Johnny Tarielon .. C. Emerson Treary •— ran sc7—"C° David Drinker made ro that the College might be conBentley Summerhays Dorothy Tooke! sir..t in honing College Hoard Exams Mrs. Tarleton Virgin/. Farmer at both time,. Ile mentioned the fact ilypella Tarleron he tbooeht the College Betel 1 Lord Hammett's. .. Path Rosenbaum that Wilkens Berry Exams were harder and were likely Jobe Terleton Feld Norf., marked a little Pester in romperinon to Joey Percival Inc. College es•me which Haverford the Special Discounts to !Me Herding Lima EkacepepoWska {Vattern Whitney were reeler la makeup but harder Gunner Ardmore, Pa. College Students Marked, Entire Third Cabin accommodation on above railings reserved for exclusive use of COLLEGE STUDENT.; & GRADUATES RATES: $172.50 FINE STATIONERY LEADING SPECIALISTS is YOUNG MEN'S Nwhe Decree.. Boorb..1.1... Yaturina Animal Printed in Bleck or Blue 1324-1336 CHESTNUT STREET PentADELPHIA A Christmas Suggestion : : Haverford Moods Capital PROFESSOR GRANT ICE—CREAM Quality Made Us Quality Keeps Us Going THE Merlon Title and Trust Company Haverford Pharmacy AZPELL'S Ardmore Theatre Building OP ARDMORE. PA. VIC...rotas, Record., Mark. SIMPUMS New Victor Record. Every Friday Popular Sheet Music BALA-CYNWYD Estedelisked J. tide See "Frank" in the Chenr isny Building. GRADE A Pasteurized Clarified MILK Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. Pharos 882 Bryn Mew, ARDMORE NATIONAL BANK rellIDIO 6 to the National aid Inter. national Committee The conference recommended ea changes is the rules iniL011Fr in thenumber af subeti• utions, dirndl., of the time Into four quarters, and ineresaing the effelenen of the linesmen. The conclogion of opinion was Met future moditiestioos aoold hr desirable in inereasion the dia• trace of the Penalty hick. Prevent.n of deliberate hirkilig out of touch. fouls called for all headline of the MIL whether Intentional rer unintentionel and increasing the numerical pointe for lethibltiOnl■ Under U. S. Government Supervision 4% On Savings Accounts When Needing Books by Friona, or About Friend.. Constant „etting. More Leglita te M Fereted It teemed hest for the Inter,Collegintr Committee to nal In the enlargement or further formation of inter-collegiate kelpies in the Eastern State. end the production of more efficient officiating. Junes klePete. of the teeter team. represented H.erford et the meeting, while Dr. Babbitt acted Incorporated 1920 LUMBER Office end Yards. 58th and Wood/and Ave.. Philadelphia 302 Arch SL, Phila. PAY IS W1111 1100Y11 Mark Twain's Autobiography The Season's Great Book 7071 A MC rang. E. S. ACCAWLEY a CO. LEAGUE RATINGS WOKS Pear 2, tt'it.t. The trout Made Ibe tong journey to Ithaca on November M and had no MM. telly in trouncing Cornell by • 7-0 count. The linverford teen worked I alrernrly well. Pe. oily Defeat The only defeat of the mason wroi suffered on November 21. when the 1 niversity of Penntolvennt won from the Pcarlet and Black team by a 4-2 Phrladelphiala Representative score. The Culvert., hod . renterk• uhly strong Idu which pierced the Store ilocerford defense for a goal three times in the heel period, after e 1-1 Ile at the end of the Stet bolt. The lierverd Pine proved to be another mud battle. and agate flamtford Headquarters for Everything proved Its ahility, on a wet field be beating its meek 5.9. The game Prneed That Young Men Wear On easy oat for Haverford. which would proltably have run up a much larger And Everything Required acorn ft, field. Yale Is Closest One for The season ended for Haverford on All Indoor and Outdoor Mount.. December 0, when Tale op. pored them on "8.S field. The genie was Athletic Sports perhaps the hardest of the rear for the Haver/on] teem and it WOO not until the .,ceouol td two extra periods nen, the tool which The only store in Philadelphia Ono Obey mead 2.1. where the Stair-Bloch end Al.. won for them. The final Lees. Mandl. follow.: Clothes. and our own Wickham Teem. L., tr. L. To B Clothing, Shoe. and Hat. can he Valmont of Posoarlonola a a ....... L a Beaton! bought. Poem utimant Market. Ei ghth and Fame Sto t Yon o o omen Strawbridge & Clothier I Fine fabrics in mos& ty attractive pattern. and ratrairara. Reed's seaward of Tailoring and moderate prices make Reed's Clothing especially desirable. seas. Top Coma Overcoats. $31 aud upward RANCE INSURANCE INS mob Inhomm trotolollshol IM WM. A. BENDER Butter, Eggs and Poultry p Ufee** ass& os am whIle at or ob. where. feeeletr Maley feeemeee ea pommel Whonl ageMm an nem wanes M watt, amt lo bottle, arm. Moose. flilBeeofolele /Beereade endue damage le one sad 11■14111, DT Samoa le P.M, * or for tmortm to seresso of EWING 141 S. Fourth Street Dam Building LONGACRE Math Aron. Reading Tends./ Mark. ' JACOB REEDS SCINS cm:man 1424 26 ST. PHILADELPHIA Twelfth and Disebos St., Phila. FRIENDS' BOOK STORE Place Your Order Now Cont. from NARBERTH Gibson Mcilvain Company MEETING AT BELLEVUE Conn film Me a SAWING AND TRUST INSTITUTION Order from Haverford Moods ON THE MAIN LINE PROM Box 223, Haverford Pa. PHILADELPHIA TO LANCASTER or Booksellers St. Mary's Laundry, Best of Service at the Right Price THE LARGEST Green Cloth & Gift Edition 75c An Opportunity for Life Insurance Training COLONIAL Sentiss $600,000 Miat,000 by Provident Mutual July 25, Aug. I , 15, 22,28 75c All $90.50 June 17, 20, 24, July 8, Returning 76e 100 Envelopes Wool &la" NATIONAL TAILORS w 200 Single Sheet. frRANEV VIO ICE CREAM ARDMORE THEATRE The Pick of the Pietares Music that Charms GILBERT & BACON PHOTOGRAPHERS 1624 CHESTNUT ST. Official Photographers for the Record A NATIONAL INSTITUTION BROWN BROTHERS' ORCHESTRAS Established =102 Yr,. 1524 Chestnut Street Philadoheda Kurtz Brothers Mambo.. Swore Reel Estate FiraCtMortgage Real Caere 6.6 1421 CHESTNUT ST. W. Lancaster Pike. Ardmore Shoat. Arezeer• tr "roue 0.lelleo reeN Iholicarloe George F. Kempen Caterer and Confectioner 27 Wert L.... Aran.. Ardmore, Pa. 1524-26 Chestnut St. COAST TO COAST Gordon's Pied Pipers Hayed.. Calk. Dance Music for all Occasions Sic Plows J. Hoag Mgr. A. TALONE Tailor Edw. K. Tryon Company Richie and Baldwin Official Outfitters for Haver. College Agents ford College Football Team ARCADIA RESTAURANT Under New Management QUALITY It SERVICE 22 East Lancaster Ave. Ardmore, Pa. Browning, King & Co. Hats, and Raincoats Are on Display Permanently in Your Co-op Store MR. STIFLER the manager, is in charge of same, and will take and deliver all orders. SPORTING GOODS 912 Chestnut Street A Sample Line of Our Haberdashery, Phila. BUILD YOUR PAPER—PATRONIZE ADVERTISERS .