• HAVERFORD NEWS VOL 30X. HAVERFORD PA., APRIL 18. 1927 NUMBER In Recital Tuesday UNANIMOUSLY FAVOR RECITAL TO BE GIVEN ARBITRATION POLICY HERE TOMORROW NIGHT NINTH INNING RALLY FAILS AS DREXEL WINS FROM HAVERFORD, 7-6 Express Opinion on Mexican V. L. Granville, Noted English Main Liners Open Season by HAVERFORD STUDENTS DRAMATIC COSTUME Heeds VOCATIONAL MEETINGS WELL ATTENDED BY STUDENTS AND ALUMNI 125 (AND worm) _ Y. M. C. A' Undergraduates Discuss Professions With Question in N. S. F. Dramatist, to Present Graduates College Pot Entertainment Dropping Close Contest to Engineers 250 INSTITUTIONS VOTE IN ROBERTS HALL AT 8 TEAM FIELDS POORLY the of tyingteeing run shortninth Felinein aOne dramatksfeats shout one of whe me-er of -It ewill be one ofrodeo. the question Voting With a total determined score cos-a So V.of L.theGrenville' shou State. theonUnited andthetwent).fiee notarbitration ornthe huoadred Met team brebell the Haterfort rally.exciting loterludets," tume trial. -Dransatie rocationel rnualCollege fifty alumni, me.. a a. Drexel the to confer en evethe Terry under Halt Robert the by beld dis- r.. we &berthed by Dr. Edward D. p the commerciel J. IL of 7 tooutO. byAfter Secretary. Alumni tommeshadbybee• nrarethrown direction stuMeverford pute bodytheregistered last Thursmooluded '21.ofwere Ithopee, the Tripp of EusItatt, professor arociate Snyder, a o.n.o. red dent of the Who meetings the group.. with eveolne day CHARLES A. ROBINSON, 28 • scorching rotcentre Abbott Keen. piteher. the securieg in instrumental was who V. L GRJUIVILLE of Discus. expression beakers affirmative end lawyer. field. and left brae. double of President elected been ha. enThe College. the for Praeutatiou teachand torlicine Industry, of along the of rounder meeting hard • special • drove In distinguished The opinion Fisondera who err lessIMO 2S. Heandis Stucker' Arochttion held Iast Tues- tertainment will be free, being given un- will give his corneae gecital"Dreatit thortstop and e latter let it roll Haverford foryear'1927 Atli` ing were held Ia. Tuesdayfeatured Cabinet Ahes been be Ohs Shipley Leeture the Neva Interludes,' the recited,. Hall.inatthe8 xrdeplay. . in Roberta scoredonanoWith Abbottstruck through him. 8ervice day.The merit. was called by Presider derThe charge of the sSocial toPreston. Haverford prominentdi...alone be Informal as he app... Wroth. Tuesday, Supplee A.halting, talks elven at Work be. by end Sa.dere Hingham umbra,. the whole role "Svengeli,'' from -Trilby." oral ▪ Haterto 7, 2 ' Wetater. W. rodent. end einennl tweets A brief range of dramatic Torday opened lest The conference. rot lector otherStuford to go-operateO.with the will precede theofdramaliterature. , teacher... the engineer' whettroops evereg Nationel octant.ohfollowed forte met. About doctor. .nd in the first blood. triple stn. nation-wide a in Federation deal preswere alumni fteen b and students Per.. of A.a&spoke' series ondrew • y berm rm.Haverford ROBINSON, A. C. owed.. thebel Merthen deot tweet, eathertne, ent st theandengineers' which of thein. bald pared <hummers will mid metre deep bone ofeachfamous to the by conducted diealumni dozen now • is tali poll a Thin stoders marts. Ithrerford the allotted corm., in drama, rod in elude representative selectio. from be an effortof toondergreduteaching cured Federationor/erasion tied thet hethat Drexel norewhen let Reto by Secretary doctors. eat. withWilliam tman up. Enfield Horatio, heir iomIllgeot PRESIDENT A. C. M. Y. Shakesdramatist. Roman tied Greek of pref... Mo P. fern. left the home a kit in chaser imports. of Hatifirtioo bemight present the ia te e foe. Drat Company. peare sod other Elisabeth. *e- requirement. for a...ion to the S. White e S. with end Mexico. the UnitedvoteStates tween Electric thetheWerinehowe of roam Founder Club le expected st the tar Eugliehsadmined'. oldintrigue, eriest.. H. third when In the miner. of quer. the on similar A Company, Yale-Town end Company Richt. Abbott .d &melee sometime and held be cleric to the rub the of meeting and ars ...taken In the atalltheOrr. has been arbitrtion the principalatMork., as. J. E. Forsythe, toIlarta rem-Wag by • pitched tet in May. GeoFrance, Spain. of writers modem which eifnem-or bemeeting. univereitir and the At renter. u d other 250 EnScandanavia. Italy, Russia. l.., date on • large scale were dieelection of 'A.27,J.toAlien '27, will andof this Fiend and America. longing to the Stool. Hoot cored. of A.hetheArmstrong. the results o Federation, 2, PrettierGeorge C. A. Robinson '20, aerated the '0Preedent Balderatee, the be submitted thendi Mottos, tot Sl000 tochanges opinstudent feloot f hrlcentre the of One of *sheer* the Le piceorplete a forme erection Each to blow one.base • with followed meek. nest made he probably will ion Haverford the of President of not may men • at Is ratification for Se lacy Hear L. 7. 0 ' B.BaldComfort, descripshort a by prefaced Is end ture the as double eet A been third. hag on 19, Tripp put which Tuesdey, same minor to '02, presided at the meet- Y at the scu bushier meeting of the the differ-of quixite wee triedwason which Tripp counted re- count by. whichmetthebevotein theof hands play. isduring tion of the*onkel* molar. ha.fromarethe be cheers whichaotter the 13. on ent held ormeniaallon and Abbott mile.. completed intheview in major and steel The n!''O'&Z:15414'47, arInttilVeta: April evening Wednesday to left, Howlett via Federetion , and the scene hi then mloor requirement.. These are audience the of WilBertrand S; Dean 0. A. role took 1927-Belli for ofhtere of reetion Repelled Harrier/ Vete 11) The 'grataatlatu team shell '04:'87;WJohn pare at lunch on Tuesday. April 12, Immediately Leeter, 0..11: BerardHugh egret at the Ise dropped special lighting withaudience Olexed asAn (21 the•list. from Lesley, expected Is large A merle. the followhig • en count roll the following reenlist Int withelected M. Collins, 1/2, Allred IT. Mai.flthere, last Ter- odock. Student.' Arocistion or theenr.cement hntertaintotnt. which will begin et aistent.manettership shallof or. grounded to Cursed for the third Hrd(4)cher•leader minor. '18; William 11012. Hamilton, C. M. Robinson Managership minor. es a .31 Md. andP.W.Mot.A. was and As, 188;ICA. C. Mauls. Cum- The complete onarro the pre- to.t Ethel taken wasofsentthetoaction "), Vice byry,Haverford Mealtimes. he scoredwhen• runTripp count shall Store Co.operative the Battey, seventh of theLinen theirThehnlfMain 110005, H. J. ill)es airded major. • as poseibly or , leathof prospective meettheevening. o,J. s'L.abio'Hel-"th routine is follows: Aton Tuesday RtIodaR ottrb="1"ItofAlhe Sam on counted and left. to boards.. Howard Class of Membership discorion the ers tee., sable by F.. S. N. the .101 elected. re boor. the the when e read `27. Sargent. Stansfehl Mr. by milk brief • with hie address be M- annual report of the retiring President ler, opened wall of Pm..Coo, '21, Firerford repre ........ of F.115moothemarGooks a of award The t61 minor. count Followine Hoer.. Federation. the SItotoaposeo to enc.. than tether key. debatios bead 02, Centilitre. ht R. botrodneed resolution submitted by atIttong:o;N.Vr414NtIet'ot"'" minor. (71 The head poori.doe in theit• The exact Wednespresented nuSargent eee- Heller et theInmeeting who nine. sorter and onanbeously• down meeting. theSchool, asof Penn Charter acted last Tos. ;ijr ."' Associaboo end Students' pest year with Fsaan badMidrolled dtotoYeene.tri ARerDeSletione h.. hi. reportof the Improvement Eierem. rHPsInoftigni end stElSvg-teiFISitteiN. who atla H.-ed expreseerloomodertseseedelettleg .comary ofto the courses treed as ..modeles record ea tow of erbitration drove Stamp centre. to singled Cunard the reedit.. Club. Clanioal he lie' rnecielli oritinii the erVire! Were wee. -bar ritmarrews United the by seeding Conant to leftmooed. blowstole Soot,Piny Committee •shall be dropped toone-hase Social States by the the present the work dome praisedCommittee. thin third.FoleyStamp be ef- Perth, which other of anyorsiltathe maitre oopoeine tion rod bybyRabbiheeded (rounded to shortsharpie.second pro.. from the list. sdditional Ruggeri... tocould andImprovement fected.thinedvantareoua dip-of p..Ari5. Pea Slimaym of settlement. tor. R. T. on carried policy. e and to von from make Stamp. atop. were rmuest the on Action lotne ball, the of vim. Trirsie °bettered third. and prominent reusing of 1.8. direr fOrter 8 9 ' (.ester, Al J. by discoased take Haverford that Federtion tbe the letand short-fielder theroilHereford weekly don sad Leslie worthwhile Hill Sch.L English'05,etPrincipal ofB. Seely, que. 2:6-;ElriEt4.1°.:, INCREASED AVERAGES and the Mexican vote ondeferred in thepurposely part was c.ard tbraush teal Germantown of Teem. until meetings. WM. minder. seemed Stamp High.Shwa Mental 0.11ficatiees rituationo could be ea411.":6: Sherattend- day no Decreer Att ***** of the tato centre ball threwontothetheretell A. Suppler stealFoley •tternot in enletter field decreased in speaking ofsecuring an exprerloo of Ito. ofthegood qualifications The mental run final e scorel the ing. Sargent meeting.. reenter the at ance in Son QUARTER OF END MARK ed. of theme the ere tench., ioning. the pomthe that order to and opinion dent , this for earn; chief the H Wilson Heed Pointed E. both of dresses could he anFederation Marl Raffles of thein the flab b. this pom the Elbert thatproblem. the fartthat and Wel.of starer...eel Haverforel Mawr News. nounced forto.naught Mutter 113,SHead W. ofHavileud, terFriends. Great y of vault ofpolltheofgoal A tabtdation Y. Commentbe thesindler hitherto dovered flireighth thewelit ofCreed fr halfetooinalf theSopplee' berILerounded Both /detertheSchool. opinion rodent no -In said: Sargent the the final more for be must teacher that t feet m will be tooryed to Presideot Coolidge DR. GRANT DIGGING TRIAL la contest the Om mewed Drexel L manned In the lama than in the an this is the principel ruse of Wa- will hdereeted Student Federation Nationel the by the at embers rned eingied liospsolor hat. et time its theta., saider attitude of onrt. TRENCH NEAR JERUSALEM of theundergradukt. rear...relive timof .lege bemuse dlomourglog. to re-In blmblow manitlred• safe al. Steck dropped leftnd Davidson Several ofDr.the rletting teacher, istornhardly university end interest. the flee to a object the T7.5 of urrage with College A le This ma- the Mentiret the questions Ctsigi dierred,louden*. IVril:ndel'sissies on left. Both runner 14. or teeehers. emote 72:1.spoke tho third quarter-yr, indicating students havese- Tell. Of Week In Latter to Abater Sae. for Amerirnof organised that ...teetion. organthati. no matter whet own woo Keantomitered School, the erran short had thetimeopPortunity If the tew first riebthieWhirs aro, with a sharp Now by tureens. ofroach,3.1 ;opiate recently moiled In a letter sin students withover forIrue of toAmerican greataccording tioo COntlinia0 on pep 4, column. •th.,Prow. Committee Merin. of thewith Moir Eno Ile Seeretart Io counted both ruiners.aDe Simon the of ogler. policy, eign (101i Liberal the r-operate not. hi Cunard' Literate,. Grant,is profeesor forthforthethecoorrarbscelledPelmet Pebn.-Y. dirt, Federatiyo. arrangineieprogramme. MORLEY, '10, PUBLISHES leaveen-of 'Hbode aofhalfBiNierd student struckCentro. De. oneie•ofcollection . .ti.n.erterrd,aget:oken.ra.ezr; on page 4 mho.. •who theseTell toofsear' narrate esExpedition brocespending Saturdaypmoring. TWO SHORT NEW BOOKS NEW a61 LOCKERS TO BE Pacific fif h f Four Nasheth h tad near quarter Reniellah the st off of ear Religion the of at rie." artivitire. s year' the INSTALLED THIS WEEK School revleerine In Merl. Origleatly Appeared is aerial ex- mer. archmelogfeta arename due tothere wereintpror• COLLEGE CALENDAR Jerusalem.thewhere been released, the Old Sepply Rot. May be Converted cavating ofcom• the wick commend.) Farmvolumes Kamera which hill reveals only moomixo-lawamaral he rid. That April of theClarity Committee Hamlbolok five marks of which sisty.wasfourparticularly interesting were to the renter. by Christ.her Two little eoth annual of theRaoend inendclearer mitt. Clearters sidelighte Wraiths ire Baal*, tete fifty-seven. rove work. Ms love of wisdom the on 0, 1 ' Morley, tee. mothered Mine ty. 11.1.. 10. flIN. 1.4.1 pleeeing Dean. the fascia is •This Dr. thstallel be will Frilast publired were and lauehter. Priti. au... It.. en with 27. Cook. Samuel mi. of acre • arc There hill. del nating rear CO...Y. made and race Page the in Dooblede, week this mo, warp 11;.7,,r,r."It TrresoAT-Trom i : "Inr of Callege the Marie mower. the seashort dozen half take will it sod the be according bowler toalley. of the*cording by thetheremand Prep from also Menofheldthe etConference lowawaws lass.away. ranking. individual It properly. to clear Oleork Ar- ▪ gytonagium. Publishe.ere to"The. announcement the Collegefordariat at wwe. sass. WS. owes. ere90.nitanoneinvestigaThereabove tionthereveal, stuNILpottery to have toes my upBuret. am rob Ihrentrr. inhe Ordeal and "Pleased Arrow" Mories awl arsaset arum. the Seeing tertian and of the work lington Et... inalltlet. them of meths with dent.. out come them of which 0111 lookers The ton" two reining. to Theyappeared row this with dmm u l m t a l e i reeneetion amat r t Yt the Inindor., oftern.: but were there where. Freshmen will who Harto form men y storied in airings tree rea of tom e re al for M. he extended Ws ROI at a with Pa, mid•year. according to tare and late Mg. Iltretelita) A'n an theJordon one in 1925 nod sod per's Magesioe. o mt.Cabinet the member than.totoother. tat, .1:041711DAT-11....11 the•other to the phymicat end the different bronze ages trial noontbe Just fewthe be nadeInoutorder Het todepertment Lood Mi. ▪ whoparhad •tAO.swageJ.saw. Twat. UP leading south to north from trench upon based and trairog =tiro. "nimbly • 4 'The Arrow" ye.. the r the rarest_ four all lead Juniors The awe, op In- with • grand armee of SO.S. 'teepeeshasofroan the fortification. first teem, of which totreating ofmember. the number preholocier of the end treattog Drausurera mutat Read ender etratifierion • ie moo each young • sojage. eea a of effects m.ilot W.I. On.. submitted 'ofZe.thealsoretie' X. Enaworth deposits and the walla of theunesame section for on a youthful masculine tempera- theH.a.m.) An leadjacent lady ll:'t'lommierd'ot ,7 eteL, tfo;rfirie"nnfortro' P. at 7 isswam. . Tr.-o- room reportproved emerge arehill-top a. a Oar beinf etwired rent /mMoork, tor by Van.17.1.Me., to bea. toe where the workProm to Meet err. Lan year volume, "Plered The wood with mat. V... 1111711.11DAT-.. otherwell hare we entered are ers l smeel ey, r t o i bc?rfst "1"a n mohynsi e h t r: e ' e ' the M har/equinsde • la raw. You.° Ie band coo now belance The wine. The perpurpose. thatmay every direction. Tenoned.. Mtwideof forroom Birth. It from ofe ✓ ofCharming Bepeblie the Ores.. Oliva, distant hills of Moab untrInTY4 be and eatthesupply certain awar competition erith 11.4 May at allGrant left Harerford rely competi-!dr Olive. lovely ootlet left from the preceding tear. Reining for and future and Natio. OfPrince Lritte no Now Own!. Ct., won Dr. fling. wee boxing in tion President. firm . Mirth' of daughter 11.....14.1dont arriving Febrostro, on Creed. In • it that Perth, Labor announced has also Erne Mr. •the be election whose ...MM. will to8,13eirot. teemsFieldafter navel' the ever largelyrunto hie demofieldthisforweek wee due le old,taste barbell Ste...11sat steamer,MerSyria by. from Merlon be Mid ere and B.withP.rlitale!WO.' forisonion Enewortb..29. cratic Tract moot tyrant.... heandIf tied where to Serrate., c be from can n0rhedule aleoouthopes He 910. printed fifth 'The Arrow" ISA treept.. Ita.lord. Society arreneed by aetomm hia bendquartera makingthere for that Freshmen ten,Thefortanking. 90.2.andandofTotomitted Will Lecture In &Intik withclam eirb. whichinweebookomitted ranksplace. conclusion 2540 bile. Erring the tech of publication. In itathemagazine XOYDAY-tatrwitersi follow: Fehruery in and now College mechanical buildine on lecture A 0.0. 5. 4 $. GLASS AND COLLEGE RANKINGS eight-foot Illuntreted model. 21.14 ma.. ofat , loco., CivilanWee aBroadway. ofonwith model orking_ 4.4. 0' TEE CAP AND BELLS CUED w New "rate which 2 10. a l :. • .. . ptti 9 SCHEDULE EXAMINATION FINAL Borer advertise year toGreer. lastIn "The York. de• be will Keaton 1 4 11 1927 Society Scientific the before livered evening by Peel Hewlett d ewe. """ O 'TM rioemaTt '•a reKkt.tenO'omae o ear see au fear„ laeutas bolo t 9m Shin dd. al DORMITORY RANKINGS "THE HOTTENTOT" Turd. pUblitItti The leeaod Ea ex-'15manufacturer. haft • T3 1 A It11. Ghoul. at 7.00 inthetheGranville will be heldprecedbm A COMEDY IN THREE ACTS scale-model toreTehortory, I j at 8.00. to be • come. r7gral■4tit redid ILI ' considered lehaving lectures. The which Pm..•t 3.20.Paytil. Ha.... VICTOR hIAPES made models genies, mechanicel ee l4"dd5d 111 &Lear I lid Nom Char., LocoBa/dwin the for Irronothree of stma Works foresdisplay motive Expoeltion ALUMNI GROUPS TO MEET irm at 7. ROBERTS' HALL eaet the well Breillan =t A meetingha.of the Executive sofor steam device. and phoneme. Pref. Our,mmechanical by motors. called been Committee Ct.. 7.Hrs.tint Gloom errs Me .87. Until litotes, R. Hereford at Heta7 dent etudied April -toe arzazzattar ofece. Alumni 20w atbehisconsidered he left to enter the year hMaitre Senior P ild. oo.ous . mat lo .m. myr pos- PtInAswar thepleme eaLuncheon as wellDay of Technology. 8.15 P. M. Maradometts Tues- . of cert.of •Alumni to be demonsbated sibility medel will Theevenine PPt pPe atl Sa . a Eetai).1, RegisAlumni new publication brought from hie .rah w amen.ACUrS.. 11.nreed 131nora. elan day ter.Chairman Alfred C. truck. on the College ray. wBTowm llaw,so Nerberth designed is eastill, Ithome arranged hesgroup Committee. omadMU. Yam._ round go move wheelse locomotive whileendthethat Capra to Thom., se, YR. stand. for that of meeting epring the all scenery track the and colter. the at 7 May paat FIVE GROUPS MEET th attendance th rear." ld and of set- the lement in with Sleek., be ere') in e emphatic . the Alumni '28 --b."... fi mentioned weeps eel, enable F. part a and fire student. met rro, '80. ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS which obta Mlaare Frepesad Change le hasiars A.a.trall run over pintos th The Scarlet end BI.rk tallied /two more counter. Hamilton. Mawhinney and and Sounders J. H. Morris Chosen for Meeting, colleges th April e date Union Tripp proposed weal-to-coast -survey of d rd membership f tittles o bled. doubled. '21, is- Other Positions In activity with his In thrown out at meond. led la the ninth. second end went to third on FL to centre. S.W... long sacrifice Re ems left there. however. when R ter 'Pie alter T. I s, 10; President: Andres Presidents. end 01.5 for See- pets ry -Treseneer. 1.0 for th der' double* to lefteentrt. With • day chairman f th thou sod tallied three marker.. Ail the rune were mode after two were tie Marian 4 use he th la teaching_ 5 to I star e solust it, Drexel opened In • stoma offensive In the homy half wished. tig- les4rieg oloyenent In dittee'r"I:ysl: Vrp.;" Junior-Senior debate. shell count Indorsed la 1. the dILT, stated that the n review a the waa thrown oat at second when be 'wergild the attempted steal. th. ending the the perfornumee. TWA FOUNDERS CLUB TO ALTER will be on merle friths th member of this conference meetings were Science Club. and Chairmen of Al tatenanewa speaker. for the kiwi: •Odlrr that the ee th of . chool, to those tee upon this ore matins. it towers Decrease in Number Probation ce Mary HOOP.. the Meetings. Sargent gin Its neon rear dity Great new locker. a lee lore th be given choice t ote d , ll reserved below to n 94.-1 for In Ale. other lo a few dn.. Thee Bee iron ere T. Tudo ., !antsy" meal mit. cep ash literately., .e r port. ▪ terse. th $147, an Mere.* of 521 rte - the splendid nsee rays ECOLF, ECIS, TO SHOW NOVEL LOCOMOTIVE MODEL about." And a Birch rine. 0 1. sc Iska's at LW. tanstwaral Mae MU. Xenon w. lest* Vera. •t oa• m. M. I', . OrizoL,1,4,'4,37bMoltrgr!h NM nee virtue of • 070.5 average. On above South Beret, and I.:I` shore Founders. Forsythe, 'Ti. nudge tecond Is • the College meek of 932 Smith. '20, who led all underIv graduates It Februa, h. now in third an T la cafe Idoele lt th ti the si tuaon." School amt on probation as apposed In fifteen some button f ,le doituatiy Meet error. H. .em IS Is t of Students on ° KWh Debate at '27, April cm. ra. a hoses, tier se -e swingle. If. inventor 4 i .T., JUMP 1r.0 lets ~11e lat. •=i3 FRIDAY, APRIL 29TH AT Or 717. I 111' E. M. I 711. • MI• . 147 1; 111.1 th slim C. at Iterwhon at rya.. Alumni electric w en be Best T. ..1 Lam laheale“ tat - for taaT Ill ra Mt. 1 reed the Advisory aet lTp 51.1e. 00, of Sod, 1 Harr. Ila' a. mina TIITMUT-Teselt west hiltPalawan at Nat illadatranan7 Seaelmn.Lloy ea. Ma negdiagraww. nottal la Zeta. at Lis artraTeSOAT-MamteU with Tenths at Honda, at nee. Tame mato! whe M .ems a ag amend. la W daame, Pao 2 RAYRRIORD NEWS Wang rfinit News COMMENT 711. oelimm APRIL 18, 1927 Faculty Notes keten. sm.. si Arthur Perry At Co. Mole. 7,11107 Dr. Jo. A. Kelly, professor of GerW U. alma to Oa Ohm of ef mg, Milopmeloot thadoomodaato Immo, Omhmmt Nm m ma* to Namtkei Lad wfwamot Soma,. a lame, to Nam- man, who la now &Went flabbetleal MM. mei Ito 7.1,, Investment Bankers /.d mkormakwitmaad son." foam, leans, has Her., where he haa Own • footed mom,. been mending the winter, sod expecte 1515 Locust Street, Philadelphia to arrive In Vienna shout AMU_ 1:16701-17616767 11. ofThe following Banton, New York. Proridenra, Portland excerpt front fer short stays In Dresden and Prague. AM. 7. Ifortm. TI F. P. A:s lumn in the New York His address le Vienna ig rare Thome World" Cook A Son, etefeneplets 2. fe01771711 331701 10. The etatement made in tan Mem. 6 7.6 'IN A new textbook on Quantitative Seville week's News that Chrlatopher Morley had written °A Journal to Stena" is Analrais is the subiMt era recent work SPOSITC.0 6.1201 by Dr. William 11.11 Meldrum, prof..erronems.-Harerford CallenNews. NU, Moir. Bryn Mew. It la errortoo•: end it ia • matter .or of Cben.try. The work will probof regret, In the interests noun 670171310 of complete Programme 'edo=r talvere th3e,lefirrob ill news. that Bette weau't • Haverford r ro d C. Me, 'NI paper belore Spring Meeting of The alumina A. IMAM. Wm.. IS Week of April 18 Ameriran Chensiral Society et Richhseof 0. 'new ID mond. where he pent Tuesday, Wed4rila Mom. 1111 A Bit of Encouragement nesday end Thursday of the rest week. Mei L. Itoorm. College men and women must have Dr. J. C. Forbes, Inetructor In Chem. had onto coma week* ego when it herr at Hererford.encempanied Monday and Tuesday non .1010111.2gra Dr. woe strummed that erery kits takes kleldrna to Richmond. W. stens MK, dr, TO three Minn.* from the lenethof a ....a life. The Deily Is glad to °Proportional Representation." a Raymond Hitchcock and 30117.161 mason site that the shore statement is new book by Clarence G. Hoag, 74.1. Marjorie Daw oufronded in he Q0111911 of Dr. end Grarge H. Ilellett Jr., has recently Thaddeus I.. Belton, head of the reviewed for the Pen.ylvani. is P.Yehology department of Bolton Con Bulletin of the Lea.e for Women ANT61701110 1,210053 00109LAIION 1411.117. needy. r•: Benoit says: Voters by De Ravner W. Kein& Po :Mom. A. Limolial. 'ff. dons not nhorten life end fen., of Americen HIstory. The rePhyeicia. who .7 every him takes newer state. that .11e. Hoag has here 710IINC611 suer, three minute. froma humeri.. life ere the leading aposde of proportional rep'Alert 0. MOM, 'NO mistaken. xeratation .Awm. ...shim. do, id. the Cititod Mate.. re. Geese. V.... Jr.. W. Wednesday and Thursday -It is true that any emotion nore fent yeare. Mr. Hallett is the leading 71. 6.wn ta re1.11. wady II,agMd wnewe rm. fit Norm (MM. .5 Ma MUM. the ordinary accelerates the bean', Tenho:nal expert on the eubject In Mo.lmhim Ce1•90., MO WOK% Tyr Amos.. Woo, Pa.] Mad namforn Cella. How notion. but Marie Prevost the emotion i• pendated America. A book done by these tw orb, Pmamtnala. in. It lose. it. effnt un the bee.. Tbe men' veld to be the best thing ill tke length,of Ike kits determines the field and this book I. what it ought ofloormatem am NMI ale my Nam Mee for umite. $2.011-iper f. mo,length of time It will take the been to be. LEADING SPECIALISTS to Mat no ma Maw wollw Peetwfdow Nmerbedi O.. tome... to recover its normal stride... tiw mlindatimis omood dam want. WOO.* le M. Teem.. We,.. P.., le moltm. YOUNG MEN'S President W. 17 Comfort has ..As far se be too., Dr. Bolton fan find only two men who have died trout .nth- received a letter from Dr. Jame. Seire Top... Brans CloOme Nom. of KAM AtILMIe loMmelbsatlo e.s.eaaw Matidadmi Friday and Saturday kle.Ing Both deetbs were caused lc A. Babbitt. professor of Hygiene nod floixerdoohrew Ifolorfal Apparel exhaustion. Neither of the turn was Physical Edue•tion, who. at the dr. rdltarfta d. let a.ammtlr ...on* Sit wee. er Re tone name Mb. Rsiocome Flat. no o American A (GPI for the hear.. of writ., was In Rouse aud greatly be kept on he toes. since ii trolooleg Ma experiences to Italy. Dr. 1334.133h CHESTNUT STREET stimulnies its actions.' Dr. Bolton on- Babbitt mined Re Furore no Fehoer7 PHILADTAPHIA 17 on Sobbed.' lees* end is now eon. eluded. A few hundred years ago, if • man in power wir.hed to rid himself of speaking of kisses. the Daly retracing from a severe attack of peen. ae antagonist, he made no bones about disposing of him in the manner Norchweetern print. a modern Inani- e. In ontraeted eerly in the winter. tion of the art: "A la • seminar COMPLIMENTS he chose. The custom doe. not seem to have died out altogether. The an- propoeition-of noIdes De. Frederic Palmer hco-mother use to one. yet of an article in Brien. for Morris 25. nouncement made a little over a week ago, that Judge Thayer had con- absolute blies to two. The email TEACHERS WANTED gets it for nothing. When be is entitled "A Prelinaleary Report on the signed Sacco and Vanzetti to the electric chair, seems to represent another box amity of Emisaions S... and SerFor School. and Colleges a young man he has to steal It-af. of Every Day of the Year he seta quite old he hes to buy it. fs. Teneion Alterations le Experi• Page in the annals of judicial murder. mental Animal Tumors.' The rennet No to Vesaidnes mil Placed The fact that the Italians in all probability did not commit the mur- I Is bawd on part of the result. of es• Poottiono Wattles te':d tet perimentations at the Eatery Laborader of which they are accused, and the! the guilt of a young Portuguese tory of Experimental Radiology .d NATIONAL TEACHERS appears rather evident, has not altered the case in the eyes of the law. riaVedZi:!o n..'grit" e' lltelr7 old Roentgenology of the Hahnemann liedamid. Char.." AGENCY, INC. Wal Cone. HospimL De. Palmer's The excuse, then, before the Prosecution that some one must be punished, Is -The Stanford Daffy. O. 11. COON, Om. Ste. collaborators In them experiments hare void. No, the seven-year-old case early resolved itself into: .The Court been Dr. Donald C. A. Buttsnd e Dr. Homo Mc.. PkilaJoIrlda, Pa. Letting Down the Barn of Mresachunetts versus Radicalism.. Thomas E. Hod of the Hahnemann 327 Peemy Bldg. PHILADELPHIA yearly meeting of the Nadel, Medina Colleen. If wisdom, even with prejudice, were the guide of the law, would it ofThe Friend* on April I voted thin not dictate freedom rather than the chair? The death of Sacco and Van- Wrenn. School nu. decent atudests whose For parents books ere nut Friend. at the about Friends and by Friends, and other zetti will be a tremendous boom for Radicalism. The Red propaganda di.e.tion at the echoer. F:eerutire R0. Therries, of Him Phyllis good books, consult sheets will be filled with the glorious martyrdom for the catme. If the Committee. Se.ioner of the moth.7 Mary Wrightmaf o Nottiesham. Enabled. re held its the Meninx Ilotme at and James E, Sutton. of Rani Allah. "Blood of the Martyrs" was "the need of the Church,'' whet will be the FRIENDS' BOOK STORE urth and Arch streets. Weettown Pelratine. took place on kfondey. April erect of the blood of these Italians on Communism? 601 ANCII .T6667. 71316.116LPOIA be. been a sectarian institutive for 18. Graree's Catbedrol. JerusaBut looking at the question from a point of view other than that of 120 yearn. lem.InPonen hes been teach.. for sevWe Have the largest Stock in America Th.. arenineteen eral years West.. in the gradFriends' Illanon expediency, legality in its truest aenne end right seem to rule that the men School at limn Anna. uate. now enrolled et Harerford. should lire. The case will go doewn to posterity with the Dreyfuss rase'211. The user... of Miss Esther B. Weston nod Joseph B. y Jr. Pro and Con one representing differing opinions on Government and the other conwill he held Saturday, May Ma 7, at 4 To he t Editor et The Heyerford trary views on religion. There is room and to spare in the world for varyo'clock, in the Church of the Redeemer, Sirt WI. la this delusion that is Bryn that ws: Mawr. ing and conflicting opinions on all questions. isow attn.-hies Ifitverford. caught from '21. The ....gementof Edmund G. *boon-pure Perhaps the general public is ill-informed as to the guilt of the con- Wrat Chester, that It Ix Henn t.. Mies Eleanor Wilkie. of Gerevidence of sheer lotellectuality If tuttown. hot been eunced_ nno victed Italians. But perhaps the Law has the attitude of the foreman of Lake • stand spinet any policy of Tot the '21. rrs. ]e J. BOA is connected As the Jury who, when a friend exprraeed doubt as to the guilt of the men, raverument of your renter of bard goer and intellectuality with the Bann Press at Cembridge. said, elSaMn them. They ought to bang anyway." When srehzublitetione that examined ell One of a subject, Kase., end Is lining at 5 CraMie CirCambridge. "Time." "The Atlantic Monthly," "The World," 'The Times," and the the very rouedution• of a poll., the cle, J21. Jobe Macadam. Jr., ia new long Memory of the rese over and with the Eddystone 11.nufacturing conservative "Roston Herald," along with the more radio] "New Repub- differinn administration. would In 00 lic" and "Nation" agree thee the case is the most flagrant example of per rent. or the need. heartily iorlorse 1:01121,11, in the rapacity of Super.. tendent of Resenrell sod Development. Government. It I. the cheapest miacanied justice the country has seen in generations, it is time that 'Ti. Mr. end Mrs. W. Weeder Bakind of cheap end seallerbrained think. con, Jr, of Ardmore. err receiving coo. something were done. Inc N 1.511111V that an oopontiou to Denotation. on the birth of mt. W. The dictionary speaks of murder as "unlawful killing.. The line be- the Government's Nicaraguan policy is Warder Bacon Rh on Morels 26. nisch. in ....leis: It may be damn Delepleine Ile-Denier. neer ed. tween the eausea of death of the pay-roll carriers and of Sacco and Van- foollehnees, . ie evidenred from the {Vest dre. is 457 inexcusable puerllities of the West Aire. Philadelpitio.Sedgetiek street, HL zetti is extremely nice. Chenrr group-students end die21. The cur leer of Mi. Melen Mowers' professore.. , . . Sullivan nod Mr. Nelson A. -White was Twin 1,17. held in the Gr.. Lutheran Church at Drexel 1101, o Marra S. Marriott C. JOHN RANKLN THORNTON, Now, as at the close of each quarter of the academic year, the ColMorrie. Jr.. neteet as hest men. and Gillege is again forced to pause a brief moment to estimate the cost of mainbert C. Fry. Franklin C. Mor.. Jr., To the Editor of The t rerlo 0iellNeWs: and Adril.n S. Hick Were ushers. Mr. taining a scholastic standard compatible with Haverford tradition. Dear Allow me to constatulate and Mrs. White will lire at ngt Sur. When the shadow of probation threatens at one time to demolish 3'91/ upon the splendid editorial entitled mom rood. Drexel Hilt. Ps. the fond dreams of an athletic coach for a smooth-working, victorious on. Intelligence" which an'24. Gaylord IS lienternes two rapeered in your last hrsue. pe. presented before the Arnericen Scarlet and Black machine, or at another time to demoralise the discipline Thls problem. the sappemfino of Pkweical Society .1 It. ennuel meeting and policies of an Important undergraduate organisation, some opprecia- ubeeul thought and immesh in our coun- is New York no February 25 and 20 lion of the heavy price which an advanced position in the world of higher try. Is one which ...add 4-ballets.. teed,' aurae, in shorn. forte in the April Desert-not stollens. You made refer- number of the Physical Movie, Steeneducation exacta is certain to make an impression upon the most casual ob- entre/ to the filet MO Una of the nix weg boa completed work fur hie Ph.D. speakers towered by, the Liberal Club degree. which he will receive in June server. this Tear ware or, 111P list of "dee.. from Princeton University. The natural unreliability and insecurity attending the management nos people.gotten out by the David J. Itsonbenit. Jr.. who It. 0. and make-up of the various undergraduate enterprise. and athletic learn., T. C. .d Anwriene i.egloo. Other hoe been rewires law in the office of persons upon thin lint ere Jane Ad- Remit' J. Rehrhardt. 10), Wilmington. due to the rapid and regular change in personnel of a college student dend, Wm. E. Snob, John Dewey. Delswere, wen admitted to he Dela. ware IMAM sole on Tuesday. March 21. body, is doubly accentuated by this constant threat of the elimination of eltt. Sebuyier Baldwin held the tradFri; responsible men from positions of leadership as a result of poor academic Stephen S. Wise. tech an indietmelt ing comedy role of "En Koe in the restanding. of leaden in Americau thought and rent performance of :-The Mirada, 10 the PI...Irani. Glee Club et Any attempt to devise a system of scholastic rating which would era. Is indeed esinine. It la com- shen he Academy of Music on Meech 24 and monly said in feet. that to be speak. take into account a mine interest and ability in college, as demonstrated sr, and not be included on these lista it 25. Baldwin is doing grader,. work In Critelli. Uterine.. by his successful participation in extra-curricular activities, could not fail a &Manor. It might be interesting to gone from All people will no see t ree to be greeted with the cry of "commercialism" in athletics. Since such few of the mintiest.. of the or- in the same light, but the diabolines cal a system obviously could not he applied to recognition of athletic capacity annirations which are trying to to mg- attempt of ate party to mtMeem pre. free Spemb. Here is en treellgation and andeeetgodlog of the and leadership, it would be clearly out of the Question to consider It in from the eScabbord and Blade.. organ facts is condition which should clodconnectionwith entreating the value of responsibility dertionstrated• in of the R. O. T. C.officers: "Amerother lines of student activ ity as part of a man's academic grade. icana nItheld he on Reir .ard regained It is therefore apparent that college teams and other student organizations must continue to operate upon a basin of insecurity, due to the all 8. toe imminent "boogie. of probation, or that a lower atandard of scholarcad ILZWZ.MT. '27. syr7ITitsit . c'ker Te an hip he adopted.. The latter alternative represents an ideal so remote many well-meaning people among the front Haverford tradition as not to be entertained seriously by any alum- corifiele , vilrn sre npreading hit kind flown nus or undergraduate. For this reason the College is always prepared to of propaganda little reallsins that they Ye..... . pay the maximum Oat of maintaining advanced educational mending del0 fur• anoao-wunt. Ye..... . nag I, spite the temporary inefficiency in the conduct of entree-curricular de- itel:r'it'h7..1 end OVeCbo'lleniforgr:Ve In rrLeila Lem lo mem EL,6" durine one country to e helplens state.'• partments which may result from each • policy. DoLaMii Ill New. Bulletin. Frederick hibbe. OAINIC6-11. of r. efel Wy the Netional Council for Prevention 'of the show. -Hot graof War. trite of the prommo loy whfrh Army and Reserve Dineen hope 11111711.7-iiTho Oloom The recent vocational conferences focus on the mind of the under- P( control end prominence al: twto ee graduate the fact that the profesaional value of n man's college course the country. namell, by hoRnit from 16,Ind Plutons hinges largely on the choiceS he makes in it in relation to his future vo- within Some of the suggestions titan • IDIVE-MLA Nommen and Nary cation, It is obvious that the man, who, in an undecided elate of mind to hr °Hirers in the -Amoy and Navy Dm i Register" are" Become n member of regarding hie life work, drifts along through four year. at college, mak. AILDMOIL-Modm oxd TseeMa. busters, rimier which hove weekly . ftlotool Dix to ...rt.@ Fee lag hit or miss selections of courses, and guided chiefly by the bare re. lenchrans-Rotery and Kiwanis. After 7woii; Nod... Lad Staindow. Quirements for a dIplomer, fails to derive anywhere near the full value while you may be side to have worm Mauro, dods from his college course. render military committee Included Oral May It is in the opportunities given to such men to make a decision, and Satiarday. Orifillt la in, the guidance of those who have already made their choice that the ienocritilifrrth'ed*n''oleoEunntietry idcmotallor Boo, on active member of the country great value of these conferences lies. That about half the student body DAH16-iTho MMM Hmt, Sub- Take an entire pert In the P., took advantage of these meetInge points to the widespread need for such club. 706 LOCI767-"Wlat 70. Moo.Scout morement. flat behind the local SZVILLT-Nowlm oM Tay, lop relidance felt throughout the college. eldli1111 rifle dab. Coldest.. the press: awed littelowl la iiIeneada Dean Palmer wan recently quoted as setting the average value of a forniM Items of a personal and locel Preforrodr War nod college education at $72,000. Using this as a standard, a conception of boot amend the name end ad7Miesay. M. Monet Is the act.' monetary value of the time' spent by the fifty alumni who par- d.. of members of the regiment. tow J. forfeit 4eDwifId ticipated in these conferences may be formed. Over a hundred men were eitieene can stand How American by .d see the Wee Oat. Mnhm arm wda'• aided in their chokes. each of whom, as a result, Is In a position to raise Depertment end American bexion get 07.1.6T-1106,1 Ott I. ilimolom the potential value of his four-year course by some thousands of dollars. strangle-hold upon thane people Th. by the power of cold figures the recent series of five vocational conbose Ideas on. Ideals ere the hope .7A11170N-OLLto Les ma toiler f oar conntry, M more then I can ferences proves Its worth. Wm IA -011114no le Moons:. understand. tell Theatre N MacDonald Campbelll "Redheads Preferred" "Man Baiter "Love Makes '£m Wild" Retrogression It THE TRADESMENS NATIONAL BANK Alumni Notes Fo Yid High Cost rw hopeAin ara..liarg. b7.hz,2:r ROME fellows add to the joys 1...) of College Life by Telephoning Home . . . once every week. Others don't, and wonder what is lacking in the general scheme of things. Concerning Vocation the There IS a reason. Telephone Mother and Dad tonight, then watch the clouds roll by I Number . : OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE please, TENNIS TEAM DEFEATS TEMPLE AND DREXEL Netmen Now Have Three Wins in a Row as Record for This Season Triumphing over Drexel sod Temple lent week. the Scarlet and Bleck tenets egetegadoe ran Ile etring of victories to dine straisht for hie mason. On Thuraday Drexel was crushed. OR, and continuing tide featAce. Temple was 6-1. Amsterconquered or Satin dam, former Nation. public court. ehemplo, gaining the eddy victory re, istered fly the Cherry end White. On Tined. WeLeter displayed very good form for ne early in the seen, topping Ban. ot Drexel. 0-3, 0-3. Stroking the ball with nnelderable once y.. h re end w1h ou tmaneuvered. h o ppone nt pa to wore el.. ylatemente. Lester, net nano'. form. while rot up to we• not exteaded to •thquielt Lafferty. Fertylhe bed Eves. WI. Forsythe and Even, receivingvery IIlRe opposition. defeated their rivals ',abbot the lose of a game in their chatter contest. Straight set rata.. were Ate chalked up in the doubles matchee by the Mein Liner*. Webster faced the stern. tort of the ; m efr te' rdoaftn!" e' gt?tr"A'" ooptxt310;hiony. veteran of aunty court battles. Only . errs. Wee. no crucial tnomente on the part of Wetter sou. the pendulum of ...err to Amsterdam by the Q core Leder clearly demonstrated fiat he is rapidly rending into tuldeeason forth by mastering Sen.. 6-2, 141, Forsythe perforated brtillarelY In bin niatch with Rush Chanalla his uthal et. of play, he adopted * dashing net attack rod clearly ou.played hie 5.6 win. Eva.. opponent tollylmt s with machtheRke pr.., trowel down hie opponent's alma with • Powerful forehand drive sod a Montle overb lotrmtle 0.4nui rorabloatious of the Scerlet end Black racquet wield er. woo teen mania. very beeline' be the mime wore. 6-2. 0•1. mm vs. nen= glegley: Webby. framdfard. thrlestmt Deemed H. H. tyney. rieverleml. gerepted Lofted,. 100.0. ed. Sr nownw. Ireetylend sofa. Dem.. Dmvet. BA 00. r.. ford. detested HMO. Petrel, Pow. Ieeter •nd Letts, limterrent, defeeted Brandt bee botterty. Drexel. 04..4 worm.. 00 Cary, yawn.. mas. el. end Gen", Illessel 60. PD. esVeszoleis, Terre. ' grtglest Areb,idas., 'temple. detected Webster, S-4 13 •Isrlo. stl 11e.enIFIK.400ested wyeict, Tempt, nom., etswirem, masted each. Temple. 4-11. 0-1S. Eras, tlerertord, Settated rtoelto TeMsle, ASST. MANAGER WORKS Off J. Y. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE To Play Friends' Central October 14, M•etgamery, November to Two games have already been arranged for next year's Junior Varsity football team by APPI.0.110 hfortag00 Tt. C. Peters, sad a virtual asenineat has heen ranched for another. Frith. Certral will be met en Orto. bey 19 at Overbrook, while the team win travel to Wynnewood on November 16 10 play Mentatheaery School Ar. rangemente have practically been com• ',dieted with the Stele Normal School at Weal Cheeter for °doter 21. Seri era midweek games win be booked with Etavertord School. Perera !MS made up the schedule with an aim to haviog nay some. before etromg ones on the Varsity schedule end vice ter.. A number of games win else be ar- team Zglofeoar r'gr e:Olar"sh auch'::: nor. West e7rter. linerford end ConsboheClith. These games, which will be played on Friday., es a rule. will be in the nature of practice for Coach Haddleior's protegee. VILIANOVA SPRINTERS lAFAYEITE -STEVENS DOWNED BY HAVERFORD TO OPPOSE HAVERFORD Scarlet and Black Wins Main First Formal Competition of Season Should Be Easy for Home Team A llghtiog end wetideelsoced Haver• ford track team handed the sprint., then Bret defeat in three year. mad incidentally Wort the Ilea Lae championship 1.0' Saturday mi Welton Field. The score wee lig 24 to 27 1-3. Although the meet wax only a practice affair, 100 competition ewe keen and each unlit wee bitterly Conteeted. The Sewlet and Beak Placed first in every neve but the quarter-mile, in whEele Woods barely nosed out Toth, of Henrik... gone. Bosworth and MeConagby were the individual stars of Or rent, each scoriag ten points. Enewoeth out-sprat. the 0000 of the field in the 106 and T-M-cord dune. to garner a lint place In each of these events. Hie time for the first was 10 9-3 second,. while the timers clocked him in. 211 9.0seconds for the 020. The shot-put and the velin throw were WOO by Mercies. ynth, respectively. in damern that were pernously near the College reeorde, 011110 Thom. failed by on, eighth of an Inch to equal Ms own broad lump staudard, which he yet loot oration. Wright Win Mile The mile rein was won easily lei Wright. He hat the pace throughout the race and was eever pushed until the lest lap. when Oneonta/ died tended him. bete we aot able to match the sprint that th e Scarlet and Blath Initial scheduled opponitioa for the 11C-I Haverford track amed will be furnished by Tempi, University on Welton Field on Saturday, Apell The TePalde runner. competed aphis[ slirettlelt. Swarthmore and Drexel Inn [rainwater raerir' . 4 tohl bia ufd . le events while Me.fl lost Saturday. and from all indl. Eo.,111.tio.a .1 cid his option. cations Haverford will not have much eats in the discus Rudreulf led the to camp. Theencore of the meet wee: field In the two mile run for the find Swwr*hemee 1714, Temple 33. Daea- els laps hut was not able to keep in front. Davie went on the senalb flaverfOrd didexceptionally well In lop and broke the tape to give lie, the informal meet with Want. Col- erford smother trot obice. The high torn was strictly s Hay. it looks as If more than one lege. coned a in danger of betas brokeo be- errant affsir. Richerdeor wine. fret fore the current be trios Odd, Thorns. pan with • leap of 316." Berliner a the broad jump. nod Scuom 0Proad end third. equalled his reepertively. Afawhinney won the Captain floakins many took 1.1 100 vault, end Morrts threw the eh. 42 half-mite with 'nee. while Martin outfeet 71/2 inch., to nay nothing of Haw. ran Myrtetue. of to take eed seeoad. Captnin Hoskins efinceed the ItInnee's 2.00 time in the 11$0, eleneaS 170•fOOL heave of the Pain, pele-vault when he lifted himself over the her when it wee 10%.” Temple Wool Id Rhoads sod Speck tied for afro. la the dashes. Eeewordi and Thome. ply, with sulfa or one ineh lower. Tatom and white Yarnell, nboold More needy, gplphyd thied the ether Hereford eleamer-ndien with e loep of 10'4 " The ee should make s clean sweet, Temple °k lariat failed to place • man in a 69- wa4 . second qtarter. Muwbltney and MarrII MEXa .7 Et ' tin event. to be Imre winner., in tbe R80. while theerferd will nit be ee, 00. 'Tod derhMta by W., T.. 0r tirely out of tt in the longer dictator races Temple is weak In the low hunelaa ena a4VJeaaabraltaula viva myr ars It.1177 rly. rtatta?" ' r MST thni 10 aiming -hoth timben 4000 001,1P0 P0 frrs'. IC Tilhete' enl. d. treats. the Scarlet and strong to ever. Captain Blank I. es strong Crean le the beet bet lope eetvo4 b¢ [rain. briers uNT: Pro.. urnmaryi -Tv 3 "-Vr:74.F.1:. -r kritlf.C.7":;11tall'.0100.;.pobt HAVERFORD CRICKETERS DOWN ARDMORE C. C., 60-57 Stokes' Fire Betting Enables College to Win Opsalog Fray lIarerforda Cricket XI on its Mita] ea f eet when it nosed out the intro. ATM.. C C. teem on Setaedey Apri1 16, by the anat margin of three ron. Tin College eterea made g. • 'ere ctn.:Stehle ehosing d onlyf o r a erna o Oct t mvs nod n fim cnamen tree e port. The victory wan in a Urge meant, dee to Capt.. Stokes. His run of twenty-four email, carried elf the bat. ling bonen for the deg end. wPplied the team with the nine needed to clinch the victory. Mellor was the mitinandiop bowler for the Scarlet and Black earn. He yielded only, eleven I-Orts end ae.unted far five wicket. for tLe eommendable average of 2.2 runs per wicket-. The tiddler of the 0110ks, men wee reamed at the start 'Out imprayed lowerd the end of the match. An the thine progeeend. seven of the Ardmore batters were retired eo mew salami catches be . the Haverferil erieketere, Comfort turned lo the best bowfin. +Treed for the dot-. Far *even wicket. he was tooted for twelve run, a perse of 1.7 per wicket. he tlYe'rr, =aro= Misr, 11■17b1.13 Wines. 0 b. se. resent Rebate., b. Comfort WI...ha, b. motes Motto, b, Comfort PI Maude,. ,. I. Ise.. lailtuse Maude endart Swan. a. Cost. Nellw, ne- ni helbelyb. b OSmOrIt T 7. THIRTEEN GAMES LISTED FOR CRICKET ELEVEN Slugging Combination; Stevens at Swarth more Maroon to Bring Line Championship. 98 2-3-27 1-3 HAVERFORD WILL MEET TEMPLE ON SATURDAY S Doable.: III•sertard, clervyted gram to... aeon n Verdian w~n •6r1 on. Temple, .• .1. suit. Mader, forty.. Getilightowo eeel Cyyy, rumen.. Yam. star, is enother stung - mm In Tmeb• mot IterrYt, Temple. Yd. these events. Ho I. also wood in the javelin, hating made a 172-foot heave to wit against Swarthmore end Drexel. Morris and Fowler in the ehorand dist-on look like lure clean-up Teen. V. Matlemm. StImm 044414 Stagy, ToTterml. ldetrot .0110et. 0. glesper. dogma Mgt, 0. Etebitiron, Mary Ontogyb, nu rot ChM, emr seam. limaddry. 1101.0 gem, Plobt., Ifeller Iticlmyalmm, e. MOW narmt. Steree q. Yellow Paste 3 HAVERFORD NEWS APRIL 18, 1927 The con.. week late two ireportaat baseball games for Haverford. The hard-hating Lafayette nine will OP.., the 000efet and Back ea Wednesday. bile Stevens will be payed at Swarth. more College ott fisturdae. 1...synte, at usual w.1 present line-up filled from top to bottom with Omen. Berard big league diamond etan leaned their bewhall leenva obi' e weeded the Marooa and this anis team, judging from Ito record. measure. up 00 Lafayette teams of the past. The Heneford•Stevene gems will be e" 1,- ■ :etininel?" :311'obet'trPril trtingrti7e1 they can th Torn gee' s1 71; lope .ivIe rrtar t brut of the Marylsovers. teeter pay Best einglee.repladeg Webster, The later wilt hold de., the ensod ringlet, poett Papuan will plat third, end Beans fourth. In all probability. Laser end Eve. will [eke care of the first doubles match, while Webster and Cary will comp. the wowed doubles team. Tina is the heatbalanced combination that Hnerford can preemie and I. capable of &Leg the Any0p014 tetra regardien of Re etreogtb. 010,1 wig Ba Drum le Feadalneetele In Prepare for Hued Samba According to Coach Haney J. liarman, spring football practice will bewin Tend, night of this week, Starting at 7 P. M., the work will hug about forty-five minutes. The chief purpon of then ensued work-oata wen he to instruct new men thoroughly in the fundamentals of the game sod to menSte hen... the ben In preparation for the new lateral pass retina which will be pot io (one next Va. defense will oleo be d developed. e veloped. w with iththe endstack Tin first three game. of the 1927 schedule are hard onee. sad Coach Harman intends to cot fib mg noun:. Antimatter work thui coring, that the wad will be ready for real work ae so. as College ere 1927 team eheil mart with ratoriee end continue wim,niu victories. Promiethr of the new canThe didate. is A. C. Thomas '20. 0001101 all ess4,11 Or veal Trot" P.Pd bolder of the college record in the e Coach Farman intend. le an ve hont ho et Ileakina. end peel.. He la a feet NORTH LLOYD, CENTRE AND starter and should make au excellent a w'Kr .niaen .11 be lost to tbe team by grbdUldOn, 311E1410PM, IT0bliter, Ratheeford, and Ebeekien A. Supplee. a good all.broyod men. will probably be elated to Rutherford's tackle position. WU! %Ingham will be woad IMO foe Webeteee dow. law wen.. Son in still open, Cowls Harman emote to get the goad pepped VP end *hey to rouse all poecible interns in next year en 1000Y. f 1308 N. 3rd SL, PhilA- If You Are a MAN rr..fggLe4Ild eribrant the rr nod Of,■911:1`1.07.11. igry0Ou ZS% a wore r.. 20 days net. an than IWO. 013101 I'm means? Thee this ad antl,:horera TOM WALKER. osePT. R. oo- PITTSBURGH, P. Joy G SENSIBLE rnDa elvs $9 New. Spring Models Now in Stock At Our Philadelphia -Store 1221-1223 Chestnut wen.. All Coale.. Will Be Played tinder :Se7r[P7S-a.`"'oVtr.' F."tu=, Philadelphia Cop Rules flaverford's cricket eleven will play thirteen tunic-hem during the I127 ere. Street son. Five of then route-ate will ho with independent cricket elute from the immediate eiriohr. while the remitialete Ardmore, Pa. eight will be in competition for the Philadelphia Cup. emblematic of the local champlonehip, Meese.- Silver, See Frank at Chem Lab. .27, to ate° endeavoring to aecare an eliameat for Junior De, May 13. This lesson all match. will he cool, RLL pined under the Philadelpha Cup C. G. WARNER Rules. Sy rho. rotas. theteame put on n time allortnenr The incurea the mateh egeiriet being prolonged for seven! often.... Another feature to he noted this year is het Omer WE DEUVER canteen oteuertog after the end of the Mete tar ill be Telephone Ardmore 1372 baed-tesm of ITo20117"solp gradustes. The whedale, no released bye the Asplacated Cricket Clubs of Philadelphia, is as foliose: April 23. Centennial C. C., at home; April 30. RABA Otfinre C. C., et home; May 7, Fraokford C. C. home: May 14 Medea C. C.. at II. . at May 21, Germantown C. C.. et Manheiint Hey 28. Greener C. C.. et boon:May key C. C C.. at home: And Ort te-Order June 4. Philadelphia C, C. et home: June 11. Merino C C. at home; June ISHED ENGLISH UNIVERSITY 10. Frarkfoni C. C.. ate home, Juan 23, Cermnotown C. C. at klanheimr. July STYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFUL 2 Philedelphia Q. C., et St 5100110',, VCURE probably fed•up with food advice. St. Mary'. Laundry It's a bothersome barrage. But you actually can $7 enjoy sensible eating by just making, lW one meal, any meal, every day, of DRUG STORE Shredded Wheat. Through thirty.five years of CHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES. AUTOCAR TRUCKS "Fat this and that," this pioneer whole wheat biscuit has captured ever-growing favor. Made of the CLOTHES I c The Master Shirt and Blouse Company ".".■ a most carefully selected wheat grains, shredded for utmost digestibility and cooked crisp dear through for appetite enchantment that's the Shredded Wheat Story. New appetite appreciation, freedom from drugs and laxatives, better health every day; Shredded Wheat can give all this - arOCUT lif?OnSe s.,..•nd 301h Anniversary Year and make you like is Tepee." MO, MS, 450 There in an HOME MOVIES all kinds of AUTOCAR for 4 loads and for each hauling condition "ouGnamia "' Scarlet Ned Black Line-°p Shifted for MUM W110 Meryl...dors eerne to St. Job. of 40111,0110 flaverford on Pride, April II, for a smith with Cann. Leitter'e rseketwielders. The Southerners ban liner been met on the courts, before end the outcome or the Ps.. le Leoponlble to (Greener The Blue sad Gold are on en extended invasion at the North cod, judging from the caliber of the name it Crarthine' reP" t= it' t1 cMalune '" pd Stereos TeCh'e ennual rpdot beli• day. Other features of the day will he FOUNDERS WEEK'S WINNERS the lateenuctinarthroore lacrosse match end the Hopkins-Swarthmore track Hard Fought Game. Festered ey Getter Pitching and Fielding Ralph.. to Heel North herd went into Bret 101000 Conk Hales It very an.. to the ]urn-mural League this week by trouan the Hoboken Begawan to defeating South Banteron Monday. Keene te per of defeats minered by 10.0. Foe... entered the wet biz basketball team left tinter. The coMmn with • 6-5 defeat of Booth (41.00 IP likewler earioue to even up Lloyd which made is Se-et ...ranee a 0-0 wieltewsab which Moshe= of the tn..,Center Berfloy wag enveered on their Wane. 00 Hoboken puebed IG the limit in handing Merl. Ian meted. to all probabdity. Midas ee 10-17 reverse. will again eend Kinallani to he mound The North ]lord-South Berate oft Saturday in en effort he peat n bat game wee one of the hest played llest triumph, and meSat gain. of the sea., the league leaders tattiest ta Lafayette on Wednesday. getting twelve runs a the gat inning, The Haeorford Beaus witl. be the due to a high wind and aeveral errors. awns se that which muted arab. From then on, both p Ltch e re, BerlinDrexel lest week en the season'. mane, and ad Jones, Jones, ,aged a mound duel, A. Sent. wile be on the receiving end but the effectiveness of the former of the [they, Abbott on flint, Vona, with men on Wane encored the victory. man eecond. Renwick at the hot owner, Good pitvinos es,' fielding produced Tripp elegancy., gad Saunders. Richter a low score when Founder. met South and Gewtheop in the outer garden. LLoyd. Aleop and Taylo hurled a good brand of ball, beingtornedagly edam( with blur Error. et crucial JUNIOR VARSITY TENNIS Points eventually gave Founder. a 6-6 TEAM OPENS '27 SEASON victory. Marion mama a last leakel Eofn to Pilot .1. V. ketone Against rally. only to be finally rimed out, 10.17. After dridag_Shank hank from the Geary Sobeel freely, Amither Haverfonl Idol swag mound and hitthig S Into minion ;ha week, when the Sector a dropped peg et third Mee eave the Yersite tennisteam omens its seswo Center boys the victory. The winwall BeeneSchool,The snitch wilt neo showed a tree.fielding .60.00lion and played mortar bluebell than idayed et George The schoolboy. Wee a foirly seeong say team in the circuit. The pitching or both eider Was little better than 10.11 10 end with fire the a T, a lane mediocre and amounted for the high Port, 0,11.1 eggregutions they have nearing. tustelns. won a nuelerity 'Ill, Enee. bee been te ca pta in the Huverford second el the eethien for the when, While the onnunel Ad the teem which no to are horse tlrhool be I. ea yet unknown. the will all probability be chosen from the following list: Fate. Rodl • helm. Johunon. Westerman end Ms" 11 her natche. for the Junior Venally ere Textile. Sr Totteph. ltider tbothypt I Tr.ount mud Swat.. e ZrTP:grv.'haza: ..-kw1;1^2i. le41, HAVERFORD NETHER MEET SPRING GRID PRACTICE TO BEGIN NEXT TUESDAY ST, JOHNS OF ANNAPOLIS ■ Branches in 50 Cities. OUR ADVERTISERS DESERVE SHREDDED WHEAT TRY IT YOUR PATRONAGE WEEK AND SEE 4 Page BAVBRPORD NEWS SPECIAL SERVICE FOR HAVERFORD NEXT SUNDAY CARR '29, RESIGNS AS Norr Manager Their Education When you do not definitely provide forthe education of your children in case of your death, you gamble with their futures. And that is something you can ill afford to do. There is a form of Provident Mutual Insurance that will enable you to guarantee the education of your children, just as thereare other forms for other need. Write for the booklet, " Kent Bluepri ntS HiSPuttitt". Provident Mutual Ileia.taeacr GastIonyarPfaiadri/das.74ana. Goldensky Studios 1205 Chntnett Street, Philadelphia Official Photographers to Haverford College 50% Discount Given to Faculty and All Students of the College Sarbmore Printing Co. Printers and Publishers 26 Ardmore Avenue Ardmore Phone, Ardmore 2931 Get HOT DRINKS B and SANDWICHES irxtz at The Adair I. Over-brook Church Supper and at 0, followed by a social hour a foetid evening eer vice at 7.90 will be the features of "Haverford Night" at the Oterb.uok ?reverted. Church. City Line end Lanenter avenge, Pisibtdelphis. neat Sunny evening. All Haverford etude.. are invited to attend the program given in their honor. Rev. Minn Harris, BO. anistant Ia De. George Emerson Barnes. a D.. pastor of the Overbrook Church. who on-sages the .Haverford Night.' and charge c nog! ?a: tVge It7tn"cr°In espressed the desire that a large monher of undergraduates will come to both the supper and the service. Tht mining' will be semed io the thumb bowie sdjoining the church edifice. Dr. Hann will conduct de eye. nine titmice which will be alinithr 10 one given earlier to the year for atodents of the University of Pennirant. Pattiel reorganisation of both the editorial end hominess boards of The Haveriordian an effected last Thum dey afthronn when the resignations of .7. D. Carr, edimr. and G. P. Rogers. '20., from the maga., end the resignation of J. C. BeatO, B8. from the office of advertising manager. ere. pretested at a meeting of the aff held in the Union at Ms o'clock. Both Carr, who was re.rtected Hayrfordien editor by the Intel on Yee.. ay. AprIl 0 and Bogen were forced to resign due to (allure to meet the College academic enniremmts for the path quarter. Brant submitted Ma resign.. as he of the adverdaing department are to the pressure of other FRESHMAN DEBATING TEAM extra -curricular aelivilles. but wilt rem.. on the hoeinges board as an active TO MEET FRANKFORD HIGH member to the election which followed the Clituflen With city Champion ta B. Fanny*. et Paa-aaarleam Linton emouncement of the widubswal of Carr and Botts from Oct. reneedve Oo ThundaLafternoon, April 21. the position, Bramwell Linn. '29, wan Frenhman tea .f0 go to Note. tor, • M. named se Frankfort nigh to meet the *neaten wee selected as advertising Man enter. In a debate, on the subject. Lion ans elected to the hosed ate.-Resolved. that the toiled States recent mettles and has been contribut. Should Foster Pan-American Union." inn tone to The Haverfordlan for This It the question that has been used the paet two years. Nom woe one of by the eity league, which is sponsored the two Freshmen to make the butane. be the Philopnrian Club of the UM. board this year ha the capecier of me, 'entity of Pennsylvania. The plan to QUeAtion is contrued to 1/r0,411/ for ri tont manager. a Union entabliabIng dronger hoed. of Dethetiv• Story I. APP.. trieedshin than now exist among the According to Carr, who bra been in mason of the Western Ithothephere, chore, of the May lane seinen has al. and having rune boliticel power than the present Pan.American Limn. streeray.I ;:e ,1;elerTaTell:thin ores t Wel The Haverford team will probably be month will be featured by another de- composed of the lame men sebo reptective miry dealing with the ad- resented the Freshmen in the debate or Henri Beneolin. Even mere with Princeton no Marry 10. They ve: ,e7;1inftg"in the 1 ponibilitY im Sint J. P. Jones, C. W. Miller, K. Spelt than the precedrog stories of an non. and W. C. Hanna. Mona character drGing with Monsieur Bmtholin, "The Min of Justice' treats WAITERS ASK FOR RAISE of the murder of a aphid.t under the wetchfal nee of guarding Mende who fall to discover a trace of the murderer. Pole!' Ott Unfalralme of Inman C••• dittoes I. Pettlin A petitionwill be sent to the PendDREXEL WINS dmt end Board of 31 by the atte dent webers tide week In an effort to COnlinued Irma tags I. celeaut • receive nu increne in on, for net t.. the pitcher. Stamp Bled In year. A entree of fifteen representa. live colleges has recently been made, ingh am. lleverforde Int.clitth era fell short revealing the Lett that In every meg and its opening nine of the current etedent waiter. receive at lent their nano resulted in defeat. IL Supple, bond. where. at Hnerford welters led thevisitor.' attack with three are paid $50 Ina than bard. Another epecial point being made by deafen and a neritee to four attempts. while Davidson Marred sill, the stick the waiters i• that next pear the indouble mean a the else of the etudent body for the Engineers. meeting a two dogleg in four tries. aH. Cup• W bring with it a deckled Inman in plee. despite the feet that he allowed the difficulty of the smite], job, due fifteen hit, deserved to win the same poaoyaity to congestion in the kitchen and doubtlese would have done No had and duller room. It not been for the four errors cons. edited 1,0 his teammates. . Pictures, Picture Framing Mavens/di ; d if & e. .1 ' Chanson. from page 1 solemn I work. Demonetretion of modern x-ray • ode by Dr. Henry Phonon, of West Cheater. wait the feature of the medical discuselon group, although topies of general mocem in modem medictl circles and question by then who aspect to enter the profession were treated by the visiting physician and snegmns. Member. of the Scour of dotter, present were Wilbur H. Haien, VG: F. B. Jambe, VT. and Frederic C. Sharpies, '00. Bank Droop Wall Attended On Thursday evening the meeting of the Inner.' sod Winking end boldness groups wae held. About twenty-five moderate and fire alumni attended the hew diecussion while nearly fifty erndents were present at the business meeting. Among the 'threefold alumni present In the law grans were 8. Drink- b arint of The meetly, the Winne. and Nankin grout, with opened by Mr. Hoopes. who introduced A. V. Morton BE Vim President of the Pennsylvania Company. Following Mr. Morton's eddren. J. M. Stereo, `99, Trost Officer of the Girard Trust Company. no. nBoth of then men talked et the nun.' opportunities, the b.ldng badness often to the college armhole. As an introdertionto the series of nference, Robert N. Clothier. of Haverford Stb001, smoke a mlleetion that Tannin on the value of vomtional insernelloa What is the Safest Form of Life Insurance? ithTHE Life Insurance Truer J , which don not put the burden of Investing and conserving the proee. on bent. Beier'. who may not he experi. eared, bat which natures them a *Wady and dependable Income instead. If you ere carrying life in. anthemor contemplate taking Oat • policy, the offthers of tide Company will be glad to confer thycon en! g th d • tages ptheing your faineance in trust. el A /*dor, .rao We rosneere GIRARD TRUST COMPANY Broad & Cheateet St, Philadelphia Meats and Provisions William Duncan Spring Avenue Ardmore TEACHERS WANTED The Baltimore Teacher. Agency, Title Ammo Bldg., Baltimore MC is a placement le qesittisd teachers. for watt. fo, loll Writ. particelare. q Coed Appearance is meekly attained at moderate cost if you deal at the right place. Suitt & Top Coats $35.00 and upward. JACOB REED'S SONS 1424-26 CHESTNUT CASA DEL REY HAVERFORD Hotel Rooms For Transients Breakfast Luncheon and Dinner Special for Teachers and Students Oor Green Room Is Now Ready for Banquet. Card and Dancing Parties Phone Ardmore 3160 WHEN YOU NEED ICE, CALL W. B. Kerrigan & Son 725 Lancaster Ave. Pima Mawr 117.5 PRINTING Wm. H. Pile's Sons 422 WALNUT STREET 1.1illadelphle, Ps. Hoak. Pamphlets and Catalogues Office Stationery r..:... 2. Tbs. 1111 zerelYno 7•1111 Both the beauty and the comfort of every home have their beginnings in the floor-coverings, Fine rugs and carpets form the basis of the entire decorative scheme; they lend coziness, art, charm. Above all else, Hardwick & Magee Rugs give yearns of service at astonishingly low cost per years Backed by traditions of quality manufacturing, they offer a range of design, sine and price that meets your every demand f or any purpose. Importers of Oriental Rags HARDWICK & MAGEE CO. 1220 MARKET ST. ... and Novelties PHILADELPHIA Bryn Mawr-Ardmore-Wayne . Investment Securities Douglass W. ey las Cdr Eiseman With o Fe Doti gat old by oiling on a good printer `:`'M Stroud & Co. 1 the there. 1500 Chestnut Street Philadelphia TEA AND DINING ROOM l'1111•Jelphla I k New York HAVERFORD THE HOLMES PRESS, Printer, 111,19 Cherry Street DINNER Phoo, Ardmore 1946 11811 Irrurb7 pL3200 ; A Pasteurized Clarified RUMSEV ELECTRIC COMPANY Edw. K. Tryon Company Haverford College Official Outfitters Sporting Goods Washington GRADE ORE.AKFAST LUNCHEON MILK Electric Segall.. and Machinery Everything in Radio Highland Dairies, Inc. 758 Lancaster Av. 1007 Arch St. Philadelphia sit grtrp:,:-' Meese SIT Brea Mawr The Four-Piece MVVVVVVVVVVWVVVWV4V4W4V4 Suit The Popular Suit For the College Man $40.00 $45.00 Smut Domestic Tweeds and Imparted Fabric—Coat, Vest, Long Trousers and Plus-Four Knickers. Every College M. will be inetrested in then unusual values STRAWBRIDGE & CLOTHIER Market at Eighth Street Suburban Publishing Co. Pieces of Eight Exact copies of die old Spanish coin, molded in chocolate end wrapped 11161. ger foil—add to the charm and romance of that delightful treasure trove of sweets —Whitman's Pleasure Island Chocolates. A package that invites the im4 nation to tropic isles of adventure, while its comma please the palate with the utmost in chocolate fineness and flavor. In one pound and two pound packages. Wayne, Pa. FINE STATIONERY 200 Single Sheets 75e Henry Prima 100 Envelopes 75o C. G. Warner Haverford, Pa. G. Kempen Ardmore, Pa. Merlon Cricket Club, Main Line Drug Store, Printed in Black or Blue 4L44Wata.A Haverford, Pa. A'a51AAA1A*1AAas OUR ADVEI TISERS DESERVE YOUR PATRONAGE Haverford, Pa, D. M. West SE PHILADELPHIA & The Gift Shop 212 12 21 11 • 1111.2121. Haverford Pharmacy Chartenal loss Peen. Broaden! Instructor Arras.. and the financial prospects of tbe HAVERFORDIAN EDITOR Linn Elected Successor; New Advertising APRIL 18, 1927 VOCATIONAL MEETINGS Ardmore, Pa. Ardmore, Pa.