
1 Year German Set Books (2015-2016)

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1 Year German Set Books (2015-2016)
University of St Andrews, German Department
1st Year German Set Books (2015-2016)
Below is an indicative list of the set texts we will be working with in first level German in
semester one, 2015. A full handbook will be made available at the start of the semester.
For those wishing to prepare for the start of first year by doing some reading in advance,
these books can be purchased online via Amazon and Blackwells, or ordered via your local
bookshop. All books will also be available at the start of the semester in the local branch of
Blackwells in St Andrews. For the literary texts, you MUST purchase your own copy of the
editions listed– this is so that we will (literally) all be on the same page.
N.B. If you are taking German ab initio (GM1003/1004, beginners German), you will not
take the literature and linguistic components listed below and will focus on language study in
the first year.
GM1001: Post-Higher/Post-A-Level Strand
There is no language textbook; you need however to have an appropriate reference grammar
and a large English-German dictionary, such as:
Either M. Durrell, Hammer’s German Grammar and Usage (London: Arnold, 1991)
OR H. Dreyer & R. Schmitt, Lehr- und Übungsbuch der deutschen Grammatik
(Ismaning: Hueber, 2012)
Either Collins German/English, English/German Dictionary (Collins Complete and
Unabridged). ISBN: 978-0007510832.
OR Oxford-Duden German Dictionary. ISBN: 978-019860974.
[N.B. Please do not buy the smaller, "concise" versions of these dictionaries]
GM1003: Beginners (ab initio) Strand
Ilse Sander, DaF Kompakt A1 – B1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache für Erwachsene,
Kursbuch (Stuttgart: Klett, 2011). ISBN: 978-3-12-676180-2
Birgit Braun et al, DaF Kompakt A1 – B1: Deutsch als Fremdsprache für
Erwachsene, Übungsbuch (Stuttgart: Klett, 2011). ISBN: 978-3-12-676181-9
Literature (GM1001; Post-Higher/Post-A-Level Strand Only)
Semester 1 (GM1001)
Jenny Erpenbeck, Geschichte vom alten Kind (Munich:btb, 2001)
Franz Kafka, ‘Das Urteil’ [copies will be provided by the department; a free version is
also available online at http://www.gutenberg.org/files/21593/21593-h/21593-h.htm]
Arthur Schnitzler, Fräulein Else (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2001)
Hartmann von Aue, Der arme Heinrich: Mittelhochdeutsch – Neuhochdeutsch, ed.
and trans. by Nathanael Busch and Jürgen Wolf (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2014)
Wir freuen uns darauf, Sie in September begrüßen zu dürfen!
We look forward to meeting you in September!
Fuller information on the course and additional reading will be available at the start of the
semester. In the meantime any questions relating to the information here can be directed to
Dr Lizzie Stewart (es237[@]st-andrews.ac.uk).
Note on course codes: GM1001 = Post-Highers/Post-A Level 30 Credit Course, Semester 1. GM1002 = Follow
On Post-Highers/Post-A Level 30 Credit Course, Semester 2. GM1003 = Beginners German 10 Credit Course,
Semester 1. GM1004 = Follow On Beginners German 10 Credit Course, Semester 2.
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