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Document 2717720
Fachrichtung 8.4 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik Arbeitsgruppe für Struktur-­‐ und Funktionskeramik Priv.-­‐Doz. Dr.-­‐Ing. habil. Guido Falk
Übersicht: [GlAn-­‐1] [GlAn-­‐2] [GlAn-­‐3] [GlAn-­‐4] [GlAn-­‐5] [GlAn-­‐6] [GlAn-­‐7] [GlAn-­‐7b] [GlAn-­‐8] Literatur Glasanwendungen R. J. D. Tilley Colour and the optical properties of materials John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 2011, ISBN 978-­‐0-­‐470-­‐74695-­‐0, 529 S. Mark Fox Optical Properties of Solids Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2001, ISBN 0 19 850613 9, 319 S. Helmut A. Schaeffer, Roland Langfeld Werkstoff Glas: Alter Werkstoff mit großer Zukunft Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014, ISBN 978-­‐3-­‐642-­‐37230-­‐8, 206 S. V. Lucarini J.J. Saarinen, K.-­‐E. Peiponen, E.M. Vartiainen Kramers–Kronig Relations in Optical Materials Research Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2005, ISBN-­‐13 978-­‐3-­‐540-­‐23673-­‐2, 164 S. Michael Bass (Ed.) HANDBOOK OF OPTICS. Volume I: Fundamentals , Techniques , and Design McGraw-­‐Hill , Inc ., New York, 1995, 2. Auflage, ISBN 0-­‐07-­‐047740-­‐7, 1606 S. Michael Bass (Ed.) HANDBOOK OF OPTICS. Volume II: Devices , Measurements , and Properties McGraw-­‐Hill , Inc ., New York, 1995, 2. Auflage, ISBN 0-­‐07-­‐047974-­‐7, 1496 S. Michael Bass (Ed.) HANDBOOK OF OPTICS. Volume III: Classical Optics, Vision Optics, X-­‐Ray Optics McGraw-­‐Hill , Inc ., New York, 2000, 3. Auflage, ISBN: 978-­‐0-­‐07-­‐162928-­‐7, 854 S. Michael Bass (Ed.) HANDBOOK OF OPTICS. Volume IV: Optical Properties of Materials, Nonlinear Optics, Quantum Optics McGraw-­‐Hill , Inc ., New York, 2000, 3. Auflage, ISBN: ISBN: 978-­‐0-­‐07-­‐162929-­‐4, 1153 S. J. Singh (Ed.) Optical Properties of Condensed Matter and Applications John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, 2006, ISBN-­‐13: 978-­‐0-­‐470-­‐02192-­‐7, 440 S. 1 Fachrichtung 8.4 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik Arbeitsgruppe für Struktur-­‐ und Funktionskeramik Priv.-­‐Doz. Dr.-­‐Ing. habil. Guido Falk
[GlAn-­‐9] [GlAn-­‐10] [GlAn-­‐11] [GlAn-­‐12] [GlAn-­‐12a] [GlAn-­‐12b] [GlAn-­‐12c] [GlAn-­‐12d] [GlAn-­‐13] [GlAn-­‐14] [GlAn-­‐15] H. G. Pfaender Schott Guide to Glass Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, 1996, ISBN 978-­‐94-­‐010-­‐4230-­‐7, 217 S. Jin Zhong Zhang Optical Properties and Spectroscopy of Nanomaterials World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2009, ISBN-­‐13 978-­‐981-­‐283-­‐665-­‐6, 395 S. Jean-­‐Luc Adam, Xianghua Zhang Chalcogenide Glasses: Preparation, Properties and Applications Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2014, Camebridge, 2014, ISBN 978-­‐0-­‐85709-­‐345-­‐5, 714 S. K. Tanaka, K. Shimakawa Amorphous Chalcogenide Semiconductors and Related Materials Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, 2011, ISBN 978-­‐1-­‐4419-­‐9509-­‐4, 259 S. Safa Kasap, Peter Capper (Ed.) Springer Handbook of Electronic and Photonic Materials Springer, New York, ISBN-­‐13: 978-­‐0-­‐387-­‐26059-­‐4, 2006, 1407 S. Zhigang Chen, Roberto Morandotti (Ed.) Nonlinear Photonics and Novel Optical Phenomena Springer, New York, 2012, ISBN 978-­‐1-­‐4614-­‐3537-­‐2, 387 S. Mikhail F. Limonov, Richard M. De La Rue Optical Properties of Photonic Structures: Interplay of Order and Disorder Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, Boca Raton, 2012, ISBN 978-­‐1-­‐4398-­‐7192-­‐8, 529 S. Cole W. Litton, Donald C. Reynolds and Thomas C. Collins (Ed.) Zinc Oxide Materials for Electronic and Optoelectronic Device Applications John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. , West Sussex, 2011, ISBN: 978-­‐0-­‐470-­‐51971-­‐4, 379 S. F. Mitschke Fiber Optics: Physics and Technology Springer, Berlin, 2009, ISBN 978-­‐3-­‐642-­‐03702-­‐3, 299 S.
Xingcun Colin Tong Advanced Materials for Integrated Optical Waveguides Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Heidelberg, 2014, ISBN 978-­‐3-­‐319-­‐01549-­‐1, 574 S. John Crisp, Barry Elliott Introduction to Fiber Optics Elsevier Inc., Amsterdam, 3rd edition, 2005, ISBN 0 7506 67567, 255 S. 2 Fachrichtung 8.4 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik Arbeitsgruppe für Struktur-­‐ und Funktionskeramik Priv.-­‐Doz. Dr.-­‐Ing. habil. Guido Falk
[GlAn-­‐16] [GlAn-­‐17] [GlAn-­‐18] [GlAn-­‐19] [GlAn-­‐18a] [GlAn-­‐20] [GlAn-­‐21] [GlAn-­‐22] [GlAn-­‐23] [GlAn-­‐24] Frederick T. Wallenberger, Paul A. Bingham (Eds.) Fiberglass and Glass Technology: Energy-­‐Friendly Compositions and Applications Springer, New York, 2010, ISBN 978-­‐1-­‐4419-­‐0735-­‐6, 479 S. A. Zakery, S.R. Elliott (Eds.) Optical Nonlinearities in Chalcogenide Glasses and their Applications Springer, Heidelberg, 2007, ISBN-­‐13 978-­‐3-­‐540-­‐71066-­‐0, 209 S. Fuxi Gan, Lei Xu (Eds) Photonic Glasses World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2006, ISBN 981-­‐256-­‐820-­‐4, 460 S. Garcia Solé, L.E. Bausa, D. Jaque (Eds.) An Introduction to the Optical Spectroscopy of Inorganic Solids John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 2005, ISBN 0-­‐470-­‐86886-­‐4, 306 S. John D. Joannopoulos, Steven G. Johnson, Joshua N. Winn. Robert D. Meade Photonic Crystals: Molding the Flow of Light Princeton University Press, Princeton, 2008, ISBN: 978-­‐0-­‐691-­‐12456-­‐8, 305 S. Guokui Liu, Bernard Jacquier (Eds.) Spectroscopic Properties of Rare Earths in Optical Materials Springer, Heidelberg, 2005, ISBN 3-­‐540-­‐23886-­‐7, 567 S. Maher S. Amer RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY FOR SOFT MATTER APPLICATIONS John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey, 2009, ISBN 978-­‐0-­‐470-­‐45383-­‐4, 303 S. Hans Bach Dieter Krause (Eds.) Low Thermal Expansion Glass Ceramics Schott Series on Glass and Glass Ceramics, Springer, Heidelberg, 2005, ISBN-­‐10 3-­‐540-­‐24111-­‐6, 260 S. Jan J. Dubowski, Stoyan Tanev Photon-­‐based Nanoscience and Nanobiotechnology Springer, Dordrecht, 2005, ISBN-­‐10 1-­‐4020-­‐5522-­‐6 (PB), 373 S. V. E. Borisenko, S. V. Gaponenko, V. S. Gurin (Eds.) Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2001, ISBN 981-­‐02-­‐4618-­‐8, 508 S. 3 Fachrichtung 8.4 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik Arbeitsgruppe für Struktur-­‐ und Funktionskeramik Priv.-­‐Doz. Dr.-­‐Ing. habil. Guido Falk
[GlAn-­‐25] [GlAn-­‐26] [GlAn-­‐27] [GlAn-­‐28] [GlAn-­‐29] Sergei L. Pyshkin and John M. Ballato (Eds.) Optoelectronics -­‐ Advanced Materials and Devices Intech, Rijeka, 2013, ISBN 978-­‐953-­‐51-­‐0922-­‐8, 496 S. Gyu-­‐Chul Yi (Ed.) Semiconductor Nanostructures for Optoelectronic Devices: Processing,
Characterization and Applications Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012, ISBN 978-­‐3-­‐642-­‐22479-­‐9, 346 S. Hans Bach, Friedrich G.K. Baucke, Dieter Krause (Eds.) Electrochemistry of Glasses and Glass Melts, Including Glass Electrodes Schott Series on Glass and Glass Ceramics, Springer, Heidelberg, 2001, ISBN 978-­‐3-­‐642-­‐08206-­‐1, 463 S. Emad El-­‐Meliegy, Richard van Noort (Eds.) Glasses and Glass Ceramics for Medical Applications Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2012, ISBN 978-­‐1-­‐4614-­‐1227-­‐4, 259 S. Jan Belis, Christian Louter, Danijel Mocibob COST Action TU0905: Mid-­‐term Conference on Structural Glass Proceedings, CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Rotan, 2013, ISBN-­‐13: 978-­‐0-­‐
203-­‐79741-­‐9, 599 S. Zeitschriften: Glass Science and Technology (früher: Glastechn. Berichte) Glass Technology Glass. Monthly journal of the european glass industry. DMG Business Media Ltd., Redhill, England Glaswelt. Deutsche Glaserzeitung Gentner Verlag Stuttgart Glas + Rahmen. Magazin für Glas, Fenster und Fassade in Europa. www.handwerk-­‐net.de Verlagsanstalt Handwerk GmbH, Düsseldorf GFF. Glas-­‐Fenster-­‐Fassade. Organ der Landesinnungsverbände des Glaserhandwerkes Verlag Karl Hofmann, Schorndorf Vitro International. Italian review of the wourld of glass industry CMP die Rosserio, Milano VDI-­‐Nachrichten 4 Fachrichtung 8.4 Materialwissenschaft und Werkstofftechnik Arbeitsgruppe für Struktur-­‐ und Funktionskeramik Priv.-­‐Doz. Dr.-­‐Ing. habil. Guido Falk
Weitere Informationen: Deutsche Glastechnische Gesellschaft Siemensstraße 27 63071 Offenbach Tel. 069 975861 -­‐ 0 Internet: http://www.dgg-­‐hvg.de Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V. Am Bonneshof 5 40474 Düsseldorf Telefon: (0211) 4796-­‐134 Telefax: (0211) 951 37 51 Internet: http://www.bvglas.de/ 5 
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