
4 Grade Newsletter Week of November 16, 2015

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4 Grade Newsletter Week of November 16, 2015
4th Grade Newsletter
Week of November 16, 2015
Look What We’re Learning . . .
Language Arts - This week, we will
work on writing possessive nouns. In
reading, we will focus on how to
inference with informational text.
Social Studies - Students will continue
learning about European Exploration
in Texas.
Math - This week, students will use the
standing algorithm to solve multi-digit
multiplication problems.
Science - Students will start a unit on
weathering and erosion.
Winter Parties
Winter Parties will be held in your child’s
classroom on December 18 from 12:0012:45. This time is for the whole school so
plan accordingly.
Winter Break
Winter Break is from Dec. 21-Jan. 4.
Students come back on Tuesday, Jan. 5.
School will be
closed the week
of Nov. 23-27 for
Fast Facts
Every Monday, students make flash
cards in math class to practice for
their timed test on Friday. We are
noticing students struggle with the
larger facts (x7 and up), so any help
you can provide is greatly
appreciated. Thank you! 
Soil Experiment
Thank you to all the parents that
sent in soil for last week’s science
activity. The students were able to
compare the physical properties
and see how much water their
soil could retain.
Mark your Calendar
Nov. 23-27 – Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 3 – Picture Make up Day
Dec. 18 - Winter Parties, 12:00-12:45
Dec. 21-Jan. 4 - Winter Break
Fly UP