
Document 2061906

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Document 2061906
Spring 
Pacific /McGeorge
in China
and Around
the Pacific Rim
Calendar of Events
Message from
The Dean
For details on these and other events, please see the Alumni
and News & Events sections on the Pacific/McGeorge web site
www.mcgeorge.edu or call ...
May 15, 2004
Sacramento Memorial Auditorium
May 21 – 22, 2004
International Alumni Reunion
Zurich, Switzerland
June 14 – July 9, 2004
Pacific/McGeorge China Institute
Sacramento and Suzhou, China
July 3 – 24, 2004
Institute on International Legal Studies
Salzburg, Austria
July 15, 2004
San Diego Chapter Charity Golf Tourney
Coronado Municipal Golf Course
October 13, 2004
High Tea at the U.S. Supreme Court
Washington, D.C.
October 16, 2004
80th Anniversary / All-Alumni Reunion
with Justice Anthony M. Kennedy
November 5, 2004
International Financial Services Symposium
December 1, 2004
State Bar of California Swearing-In Ceremony
January 22, 2005
Alumni Association’s Southern California MCLE
The Queen Mary, Long Beach
January 29, 2005
Alumni Association’s Sacramento MCLE
Illustration: Jack Unruh
February 20 – 21, 2005
24th Annual International Law Symposium
he term “world class” may be overused, yet if
there’s a more apt description for the programs at
your law school, I have yet to find it. There is a
palpable excitement here that I hope you will take
the opportunity to experience when you next visit the area.
Pacific/McGeorge is continuing its upward trajectory, and
we’re moving from simply being “on the map,” to becoming
a prime destination for legal and government leaders, new
faculty and our excellent students who will soon join you as
colleagues, fellow alums and legal leaders.
And, as we continue these upward moves, our view of the
landscape is changing, and our reach is extending into new
areas. This issue of Pacific Law highlights some of the many
initiatives we have underway in the Pacific Rim: New efforts
in China, including a new summer program with Kenneth
Wang School of Law at the University of Soochow in the city
of Suzhou; a unique program, funded by the U.S. State
Department, training prosecutors and public defenders from
Chile; and continued efforts in Viet Nam, Taiwan, and our
long-standing programs in Europe—I could go on…
All are proving to the rest of the world what we already
know: Pacific/McGeorge is making a difference—and an
increasingly important mark—locally, nationally, and globally.
For example, looking back on the few months that have
passed in , Pacific/McGeorge has hosted:
■ Two MCLE events, attracting nearly , alums
between them;
■ Two cohorts of Chilean lawyers for intensive eight-day
advocacy training programs;
■ An international symposium addressing the challenges of
‘moving from command to market economies’—with
Russia’s Yukos Oil situation and Iraq’s rebuilding issues as
case studies, and China as a model;
■ A roundtable on the status of prisoners at Guantanamo
Bay, featuring General Thomas Hemingway, legal advisor
to the Military Commissions on Detainees;
A meeting of the Pacific/McGeorge Alumni Board
of Governors, which adopted an ambitious program of
reanimating Alumni Chapters;
■ A ‘Dine with Alumni’ event bringing alums from
various legal specializations together with students interested in their particular areas of practice;
■ A national conference on Charter Schools as part
of our Education Law initiative; and, most recently,
■ A national symposium on “Three Strikes” and
Sentencing Reform—attracting the leading scholars in
this contentious area of law and politics.
And I have yet to even mention our remarkable students!
They are the real key to the excitement here, and you deserve
the opportunity to meet them. Yes, some of them are featured in this issue of Pacific Law, but no article can possibly
do them all justice. Like the many Pacific/McGeorge alumni
I have met, they are bright, interested and interesting, and
getting to know them is a pleasure. You will be proud to call
them colleagues and fellow alumni when they graduate, and I
hope you will help them with advice and opportunities when
you’re considering summer interns and new hires.
Today’s students—as when you were here—are learning
from a masterful faculty that is now increasingly recognized
for its excellence: the Pacific/McGeorge Advocacy Program
is now acknowledged among the national elite and ‘best in
the West;’ all our academic programs have been recast, with
faculty guidance, into three overarching “Pacific Centers”
in Global Business & Development, Advocacy & Dispute
Resolution, and Government Law & Policy; and the media
is consistently camped out here for commentaries on legal
matters in the news.
The world is finding its way to Pacific/McGeorge, as we
are reaching out. I hope you are pleased with the progress and
activity that’s evident at your law school, and that you, too,
will make your way back to campus sometime soon. I look
forward to seeing you here, or when we get out “on the road”
to meet you—and am always eager to hear from you. Please
tell us how we’re doing, and how we can do even better!
Dean Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
Spring 
P A C I F I C L AW 1
  
  
Updates Ongoing
Campus Renovation
 Pacific/
Pacific Rim
Spring 
Faculty Profile
Professor Linda Carter
Selected Current
Faculty Publications
      
Four Score
Years Ago…
Celebrates Eighty Years
of Excellence
       
from the Dean
& Scholarships
Alumni & Friends
Generously Support
Academic Excellence
Faculty News
Landsberg’s Major
Opus; Berger Retires
School News
International Law
Forum; Symposium
on Guantanamo
& Military Justice
Alumni News
Wall of Judicial Honor
Unveiled; Cassidy to
Argue “Pledge” Case
at Supreme Court
from the Alumni
Board President
The Publication of the University of
the Pacific McGeorge School of Law
Office of Development,
Alumni and Public Relations
Scholarships help
Alumni Board
Newest Board
Members; Four
Long-term Goals
students, like 3E
Mai Nasrallah,
make the
grade —
and more!
Story on
page 8.
Notes The Latest
Word from Your
Honor Roll
Dean’s Council;
Generous Alumni,
Family & Friends
The Last Word
Where in the World?
10,000 Alums Later …
  
Calendar of Events
Photography: John Blaustein
Cover and Still Life Photography: Terry Heffernan / Heffernan Films
On the 30th anniversary of its program
in Salzburg, Pacific/
McGeorge expands its
international presence,
particularly in the
Pacific Rim, with
new ties to Soochow
University in China.
Academic Support
A New Chapter at
Spring 
Spring 
P A C I F I C L AW 3
Four score years ago,
Verne Adrian McGeorge, one-time
Sacramento Assistant City Attorney and
private practitioner, founded the independent, private law school that would
later bear his name. This academic year,
we celebrate eighty years of academic
and intellectual rigor; the legacy of Dean
Gordon Schaber; the affiliation with the
University of the Pacific; the on-going
achievements of our accomplished faculty; the expansion of our international
programs; and our continued excellence
as we move through the 21st century
under the spirited leadership of Dean
Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker. A History
of Pacific/McGeorge by Michael Curran
Spring 
shingle to McGeorge College of Law in honor of its founder,
n the fall of , a handful of students were waiting
on the second floor of a downtown Sacramento
who was still teaching despite terminal skin cancer. He died
building for their first-year law classes to begin. They
several months later.
were sadly informed that the would-be operators
Various people stepped forward in the s to keep the
of the fledgling school had decided to abandon the
one-room night school afloat. Russell Harris, a Sacramento
project as of the previous evening. Their professor, a
County Bar leader, became dean and remained in that posiyoung Stanford Law School graduate from Maine named
tion until . By that time, student enrollment had risen
to  and the school reported revenues of ,. Gilford
Verne Adrian McGeorge, offered to lecture on the law at his
residence. The students accepted his offer.
Rowland, a past president of the State Bar
It was an inauspicious debut for what
of California, was next appointed dean and
would become an internationally known
the school moved to upstairs quarters at
law school.
 J Street. The student body remained
The arrangement continued until
approximately the same size until , at
January  when several civic-minded
which time Lawrence Dorety succeeded
leaders joined McGeorge in founding a
non-profit corporation, the Sacramento
As with many small colleges, McGeorge
College of Law. The incorporators and
was closed during the war years. McGeorge’s
members of the first Board of Trustees
widow, Annabel, who served as registrar
included Judge Peter Shields, a founder of
until her retirement in , kept the place
the University of California, Davis. They
“alive” during those years answering all
had a definite purpose in mind: to provide
correspondence and assuring future law
students that there was, and would continue
an opportunity for legal education where
Founder Verne Adrian McGeorge
to be, a law school for them.
none existed.
When the law school opened for evening classes under Dean
McGeorge was appointed manager of the college, later
named dean and professor of law. The new institution acquired
John Swan in the fall of , it again had a new location at
quarters in a building at the corner of Tenth and L Streets.
 J Street on the third floor of the Ruhstaller Building over
Tuition was   per year.
a radio store. The fire escape consisted of ropes tied to a metal
steam-heat register.
In , the first annual commencement program of the
In , the law school moved across the street to 
Sacramento College of law lists a graduating class of five. A
handful of students earned their law degrees each of the next
J Street over the Arcade Bar. As if a gin mill wasn’t enough
five years. The little law school had little to boast about, but
of a distraction at this location, there was a ravioli factory in
it had its first female graduate, Rose Sheehan ’, a quarterthe basement. All of the cooking aromas were carried to the
upper floors through the elevator shaft.
century before the Harvard Law School.
And so it was over a late-night plate of ravioli, that Swan and
In , the Board of Trustees, after receiving complaints
a young attorney who taught at the law school, Gordon D.
about the similarity of names from Sacramento City College
and Sacramento Main High School, changed the law school’s
Schaber, vowed to find a permanent home for the institution.
Pacific /McGeorge School of Law
          
Spring 
P A C I F I C L AW 5
Spring 
Schaber Portrait: Sirlin Studio; Still Life Photography: Terry Heffernan
An opportunity to obtain the use of a vacant city health facility,
yes for an answer. The future Supreme Court justice began
a well-baby clinic at the corner of rd Street and Fifth Avenue
teaching Constitutional Law in . He found himself enjoyin the Oak Park neighborhood, presented itself in late 
ing the classroom, so much so that he taught every year until
the Senate confirmed President Reagan’s nomination to the
and the Board of Trustees agreed to move the school there.
nation’s highest court.
Dean Swan passed away unexpectedly two months prior
McGeorge merged with the University of the Pacific in
to the move, but with the assistance of a borrowed pickup
truck into which all the library books and furniture were
 and began offering day classes the following year. Schaber
loaded, Acting Dean Schaber moved the school in one trip.
maintained the evening program of the school’s origins so
When the law school opened for its program of evening
that greater Sacramento area residents still had the opportuclasses in the fall of , enrollment was  students. There
nity to pursue a career conversion to the legal profession.
McGeorge was accredited by the American Bar Association
was still no full-time faculty or staff. Library holdings totaled
in , paving the way for its rise to national prominence.
, volumes. Total assets were listed at , and the
annual budget was ,.
Schaber’s approach to legal education was innovative, pragmatic and farsighted. He built a campus courtroom that won
Thus began the modern era at McGeorge. Schaber was
national recognition in  for its technological advances.
determined that the law school was going to make a name
for itself. That demanded facilities, faculty
He made overtures to neighboring Nevada,
and publicity. He planned and budgeted
where there was no law school, so that
for the facilities, knowing that on the horizon
students from that state could have their
increased enrollment would throw off funds
McGeorge tuitions subsidized. He estabfor needed expansion, maybe even a camlished a permanent McGeorge presence
pus some day. Schaber knew who the best
in Europe, anticipating dramatic growth in
lawyers in town were and he coaxed them
international trade.
into teaching at McGeorge. He immersed
The law school campus, the world’s
himself in community activities, forging
largest, was built out in the s and
friendships with every state and city official
s. There were seven classrooms, clinic
and business leader in the sleepy state capital.
facilities, a lecture hall, student housing
And even though it was only a small night
and a library that became the secondschool, Schaber made sure it was a judge,
largest private law library in the state of
senator or celebrity who gave the comCalifornia. The full-time faculty, created
Dean Gordon D. Schaber
mencement address. His friend, Bay Area
when the Day Division was launched in
novelist Erle Stanley Gardner, was the invitee for the 
, attracted law professors from around the country.
Many a visiting professor from a more renowned law school
ceremony. Gardner, however, had an emergency appendectodecided to stay on in Sacramento — for  or  years.
my a week before the event and was forced to bow out.
Schaber offered to wheel him over in his hospital bed, but
It was a stunning accomplishment, one that earned numerGardner had a better idea. He told Schaber to invite actor
ous plaudits from the ABA, which bestowed on him its highest
Raymond Burr to give the speech. Burr was the star of
honor for service in legal education, The Kutak Award, in .
“Perry Mason,” a television show based on Gardner’s books
Schaber was forced to resign his position as dean that year
that just happened to be the No.1 rated TV show in the
because of health problems, the same year McGeorge became
a fully integrated part of the University of the Pacific. George
- season. Burr agreed and, needless to say, wowed
Washington University law professor and federal administrawhat was an unusually small audience for him. Schaber and
tor Gerald Caplan was selected to succeed Schaber and the
he became fast friends and he went on to become a major
benefactor of the school.
school’s enrollment in the mid-s made it the st largest
In late , Schaber won accreditation by the Committee
law school in the country.
Former CIA General Counsel Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
of Bar Examiners for the state of California. By that time,
Schaber already had some of the best attorneys in Sacramento
became dean in  and the school celebrates its th
in his impressive stable of part-time faculty, including Claude
anniversary with a new summer program in China.
From a lecture in a Sacramento attorney’s home to lecture
Rohwer, Robert Puglia, Frank Richardson, Jim Diepenbrock
halls halfway round the world, the Pacific/McGeorge School
and Robert Stark. The following year, though, he set his sights
of Law has definitely come a long way.
on a young lawyer who everyone saw as a rising star. He went
to Anthony Kennedy’s office and wouldn’t budge until he got
   &
Somebody out there likes me…
That’s the feeling our Pacific/McGeorge
students get when they are selected to
receive one of more than 
named scholarships at the law
school. It’s a feeling that gives
them an extra boost in their
long hours of study, a comfort
that soothes student loan financial concerns, an emotional lift
that builds confidence in future
success in the legal profession.
By Jan Ferris Heenan; Photography John Blaustein
Spring 
Scholarship recipients are
grateful for the generosity of
Pacific/McGeorge’s alumni
and friends. The availability
of scholarship funds is crucial
to their pursuit of a legal
education. In their thankyou letters to donors, you’ll
often read: “I hope to do
for someone else some day
what you’ve done for me.”
• Names such as Jim &
Dorothy Adams, Walter
Alexander, Tracy Helms,
Gary Schaber and Albert
Zangerle reward and inspire
each year. The Alumni
Endowed Scholarship Fund
alone awarded more than
$, to  students this
year. • These are some of
the many current students
who benefit from the
thoughtful contributions
of graduates who have gone
before them. The students
are hard-working, focused,
mature—and very likely
to make their supporters
proud in the years ahead.
Bishop 
St. Louis, Missouri
May 2004
William K.
Work in the criminal investigation division of the Internal Revenue
Service piqued William Bishop’s interest
in law. But with a wife, a growing family
and a career that kept him on the move, it
took several years to switch tracks.
Once he did, and enrolled at Pacific/McGeorge, Bishop
wasted no time. In addition to his day job, the father of
four (ranging in age from two months to 10 years old)
wrote for The Transnational Lawyer last year and currently
serves as its editor-in-chief. He clerked for a law firm over
the summer. When Bishop graduates this spring, he will
do so with a designation in intellectual property— and with
a litigation job awaiting him at the Sacramento firm of
Porter, Scott, Weiberg and Delehant.
Between the IRS and his enrollment at Pacific/McGeorge,
Bishop spent several years in insurance claim management
for General Accident Insurance. He and his family relocated
several times in that job, from Anchorage to San Diego
and points between.
“I finally said, ‘Enough moving. I want to go to law
school,’ ” Bishop said. “I’ve enjoyed school, but now it’s
time for new challenges.”
Sarah Class came straight from Pacific to
Pacific/McGeorge to round out her education and to follow her mother’s sage
advice.“My mom always told me I should
be prepared,” Class explained. “I felt this
was a practical choice. Even if I never
wanted to be a lawyer, I felt this would
enrich my understanding of policy and
the world around us.”
Class has been active at Pacific/McGeorge, between her
tenure on the law review—first as a writer, this year as
an editor— and her membership in the Women’s Caucus.
She was also a volunteer in the Big Sister program.
In addition, Class spent a summer as an intern for U.S.
Senator Harry Reid (-.) and as a summer associate
for the Reno law firm of Hale, Lane, Peek, Dennison and
Howard. She will join the firm’s real property and finance
department after graduation.
“I’ve definitely reached
all of my goals of going to
law school,” Class said.
“I’ve gained an immense
amount of knowledge.”
Class 
Reno, Nevada
University of the
Pacific; English
May 2004
Nevada Scholarship
Spring 
P A C I F I C L AW 9
“Almost storybook” is the way Nirav Desai
describes the direction his law school
experience and the support and encouragement he has received from faculty at
This year, for the first time, Desai will compete in the
National Appellate Advocacy Competition. Last year, he
was a staff writer for the McGeorge Law Review; this year,
he serves as chief comment editor.
But Desai says the highlight of his student involvement
has revolved around his service as student liaison to the
Faculty Recruitment Committee, helping to convene student
groups to meet with potential hires.
“It’s been one of the best things I’ve done, getting Pacific/
McGeorge out there in a positive light and putting our best
face forward,” said Desai, the son of doctors and a graduate
of Rio Americano High in Carmichael.
Desai has a job awaiting him at the Sacramento law firm
of Downey Brand, where he worked last summer. “It will be a
long time before I see a courtroom,” he said. “But I’m excited
about getting to know the issues.”
Desai 
of California,
May 2004
R.T. Stratton
Spring 
Auburn, California
University of
California, Davis;
May 2005
Awarded: Zangerle
One of the very
last things that
Erika Englund
says she expected
to happen at
Pacific/McGeorge was to take such a shine
to the law. In fact, she initially enrolled in
law school to obtain what she calls a “very
portable” degree.
“I just unexpectedly fell in love with the profession,”
Englund said. “It has taught me to speak more clearly, to
think more clearly and to write better.”
Englund works for the Community Legal Services Clinic
at Pacific/McGeorge and is involved in the Women’s Caucus.
She has also invested much time and effort in the start-up
of a Junior Barristers Club on campus, which she co-founded
with two classmates.
In its first year, the organization already boasts  paid
members, several of whom recently attended a luncheon
hosted by the California State Supreme Court. “In law
school, there are lots of opportunities for  students to meet
one attorney. We’re trying to do the opposite,” Englund said.
Englund plans to practice probate law and also specialize in
guardianships. It is a way, she says, of melding her psychology
background with her legal experience.
As if attending law school wasn’t enough,
Justin Lee added a second academic
venture to his plate after starting at Pacific/
McGeorge: he enrolled in the  program
at Cal State University, Sacramento.
He has gathered a respectable collection of scholarships
and awards along the way. Lee has also amassed a lengthy
resume of legal experience, working for Downey Brand and
Kronick Moskovitz Tiedemann & Girard, as well as for
other area firms. He worked for the State Attorney General’s
public rights division, and is currently employed by the
Sacramento District Attorney’s Office as a legal assistant
in traffic court.
Lee is still deciding which area of the law to pursue, but
he doesn’t hesitate when asked about his dream job: NBA
referee. Lee has refereed high school basketball for the past
eight years, and also referees volleyball.
At Sacramento State, Lee has also worked as a graduate
assistant in business law. He allows that he has spent more
time working than hitting the books the past few years.
“That’s why I didn’t make
Dean’s List,” he said.
“But (the work experience)
has made me realize
what I like and what
I don’t like.”
Lee 
Undergraduate: USC;
Exercise Science
May 2004
Jacobs Roth
& Lewis
Nasrallah 
Amman, Jordan
California State
May 2005
Awarded: Alumni
Mai Nasrallah inherited
her love for numbers
from her father, and
her concern for the Middle Eastern kingdom of Jordan by birthright. For now,
Nasrallah has put her accounting career
on the back burner in the hopes that
her studies at Pacific/McGeorge — and
subsequent legal experience— will help
her effect change in her homeland.
“Human rights have always been my passion…and there
is more suppressive rule in the Middle East,” she said. “The
culture is so male-dominated, though women do play a big
part in it.”
Nasrallah, who considers herself Palestinian rather than
Jordanian, was raised in Amman, where her father worked as
an interpreter at the American Embassy. A Muslim, she met
her husband, a Catholic Jordanian, overseas while working
as a flight attendant for Royal Jordanian Airlines. The two
came to Sacramento together and Nasrallah spent three years
as an accounting officer for the state Board of Equalization.
In addition to her studies, Nasrallah is a full-time judicial
assistant to U.S. District Judge William Shubb. She is also a
member of Pacific/McGeorge’s Amnesty International chapter.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 11
On the th anniversary of the Salzburg
program, Pacific/McGeorge Law expands its
international presence with ties to Soochow
University in China. With an increasing
number of alumni abroad, Pacific/McGeorge
is making its mark throughout Asia and
the Pacific Rim. By Robert T. Wazeka
Photography: Terry Heffernan
Pacific Rim
Pacific/McGeorge’s efforts
in China extend back to the early s when the school
sponsored pioneering exchange programs with a Chinese
law school. One of the Chinese students involved in the
program, .. graduate Zhu Su Li, is now Dean of the
prestigious Beijing University Law School.
The exchange program stalled in the aftermath of the
 Tiananmen Square uprising that dampened Chinese
relations with the U.S. When Dean Parker visited Chinese
law schools during a  lecture tour, she made contacts
at the Kenneth Wang School of Law at Soochow University that led to the creation of Pacific/McGeorge’s new
Summer Institute in China, which holds its first session
this year. Soochow University is located in the city of
Suzhou, northwest and inland from Shanghai.
Instrumental in pulling the effort together was Kenneth
Wang’s son, Frank, a prominent San Francisco attorney
and adjunct professor at Pacific/McGeorge.
The excitement over Pacific/McGeorge’s work in China
is palpable. “The level of interest in American law by
Chinese students, half of whom are women, is very high,”
says Laura Young, an adjunct professor who accompanied
Dean Parker to China. “The Chinese law students were
Soochow University, The Kenneth Wang School of Law campus located in Suzhou, China
Spring 
Photography: John Blaustein
School of Law has
long been a leader
in international
legal education,
and the law school
is well-positioned
to capitalize on
the explosion of
economic growth,
particularly in the
Pacific Rim.
“More is happening internationally at Pacific/McGeorge
than at any other law school
west of the Appalachians,” says
Claude Rohwer, Associate
Dean of International Affairs
at Pacific/McGeorge School of
Law. “Many students come
Professor Claude Rohwer
here because they’re interested
in international affairs. And this is especially important
now because globalization is everywhere.”
At the very moment Pacific/McGeorge is celebrating
the th anniversary of its European summer institute in
Salzburg, the school has launched a new initiative aimed
at Pacific Rim countries. Cooperative efforts are well
underway with China, Vietnam, Taiwan, and Chile, and
this is only the beginning.
The Pacific Rim initiative moves beyond traditional
exchange programs with law students, legal scholars, and
government officials. Pacific/McGeorge is providing assistance to countries bringing cases before such international
bodies as the International Court of Justice and the World
Trade Organization. It is offering support to nations
developing or revising civil codes or commercial laws and
regulations. And, perhaps most excitingly, it is pioneering
a series of innovative training programs in cooperation
with other nations, particularly in China and Chile.
“Many of the prestigious law schools in the East stress
legal theory,” says Dean Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker.
“Pacific/McGeorge is different; our approach focuses on
the law as it is applied. This makes us particularly effective in assisting other countries with their legal systems.”
“I am very
excited that
has formed a strong relationship
with a law school in China.
This new program will provide
valuable experiences for its
future participants, especially
those who choose to practice law
in the Pacific Rim.”
extremely interested in what
we had to say, ” she says.
“Their level of English was
high and they posed tough
questions about American law
and foreign policy.”
The creation of the summer
institute reflects China’s effort
Professor Frank Wang
to modernize its legal system.
“We’re helping China reinvigorate a system of laws that
suffered because of the closure of all law schools in the
country for  years,” says Parker. “Their recovery has
been remarkable. Now there are more than  law
schools. They’re well ahead of the Russians in developing
a modern legal system.”
Fifteen students each from the U.S. and China will participate in the summer institute. The Chinese students
were chosen competitively and with special attention to
their English language skills. “We deliberately wanted students with a range of language skills, from highly proficient to barely proficient,” says Frank Wang. “In this way,
the students will have to deal with each other and help
each other out with translation and other matters.”
Before heading off to China, the American students will
spend two weeks at Pacific/McGeorge attending a class in
“concepts of Chinese law” taught by Professors Wang,
Young and Brian Landsberg, a constitutional law expert.
When the students arrive in Suzhou, they’ll receive packets
of mock contracts, invoices, and other materials, some
written in English and others in Chinese. The Chinese
students will receive identical packets.
“We’re working on these right now,” says Wang. “It’s a
real challenge, but it’s exciting.” In China, the  students
will be divided into competitive red teams representing
China and blue teams representing the U.S. Each team will
include both Chinese and American students. To succeed,
students have to help each other with translation and interpretation. “By their interaction,” Wang says, “the students
will build relationships that will help to remove cultural
preconceptions and stereotypical behavior patterns. In
a sense, this can contribute to developing a new kind of
common law.”
In addition to the summer program, Pacific/McGeorge
has hosted two separate visits from Chinese lawyers and
judges and several exchange programs are underway with
law schools in Russia and Taiwan.
— Lenny Li ’02 D, Preston | Gates | Ellis – Solicitors, Hong Kong
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 15
works with Chilean
Spring 
I went to Pacific/
McGeorge for its
international emphasis,
and  years of Pacific
Rim practice has proved my
choice was right. With Japan
and China starting to economically balance the U.S., business
interests around the Pacific pond
are poised for explosive recovery.
— Chris Jacobson ’82 E, Sakai & Mimura, Tokyo
Portrait Photography: John Blaustein
Pacific/McGeorge designed
and implemented an innovative, hands-on training program in January and February to help school Chilean
prosecutors and public defenders in the arts of trial advocacy, mediation, and negotiation. In part because of our
highly-ranked Trial Advocacy program, the Cultural
Affairs Office at the American Embassy in Santiago chose
Pacific/McGeorge to carry out the training. The school
then signed a contract with the U.S. State Department to
bring eight Chilean prosecutors and  public defenders to
Sacramento for training.
“From our end, the results were great,”says Professor Jay
Leach, director of McGeorge’s Center for Legal Advocacy
and Dispute Resolution. “The Chileans were diligent and
receptive, and their reactions were uniformly positive.”
Chile’s legal system is moving from an inquisitional,
judicial-tribunal system to an American-style system of
adversarial trial. Its lawyers were in need of training in four
areas: direct examination, cross-examination, impeachment of witnesses, and closing argument. “One of our
concerns,” says Leach, “was whether we would teach at the
appropriate level of their experience, which varied from
individual to individual. Another concern was whether we
would take proper account of the similarities and differences between our two systems.”
The seven-day sessions included lectures from Professors
Joseph Taylor and Fred Galves on trial advocacy and from
Professors Gregory Weber and Ed Villmoare on alternative
dispute resolution. Mock trial segments and a complete
trial that ended each session occupied  percent of the
time, with two Chilean lawyers arguing for each side.
Simultaneous translators were present, the sessions were
videotaped, and McGeorge faculty observed the sessions
and made comments and suggestions.
“I accompanied defenders from my office and was
very impressed by the professors at Pacific/McGeorge,”
says Rodrigo Quintana, the Defensor Nacional for Chile’s
Defensoria Penal Publica.
“The Chilean legal system is going through an amazing transformation and it is a great honor for Pacific/
McGeorge professors to be asked to share our knowledge
with Chilean attorneys,” says Professor Galves, who did
human rights work in Chile in  under the auspices
of the Harvard Human Rights Program and Amnesty
Photography: Steve Yeater
Professor Jay Leach
Technical legal
assistance also plays a significant role in the law school’s
Pacific Rim initiative. A case in point is Professor Claude
Rohwer’s work as a consultant to several different government ministries in Viet Nam. Since , Rohwer has
made five separate trips to the country, providing assistance in areas such as contracts, sales, service transactions,
personal property financing, and property law.
Rohwer’s first visit occurred in , when he went
to Ho Chi Minh City under joint funding provided by
the U.S. Department of Commerce and UNDP ( United
Nations Development Fund ) . Meeting with Vietnamese
attorneys, accountants, and bankers, Rohwer consulted
on the rewriting of the Vietnamese civil code. In ,
he went to Vietnam to consult on the bilateral trade
agreement with the U.S. and on amendments requested by
the World Trade Organization (WTO) to ensure Viet
Nam’s accession into the WTO. (Assistant Professor
Marjorie Florestal has done similar work in Africa, assisting Cape Verde and Ethiopia in preparation for accession to the World Trade Organization.)
In a three-week working session last fall, Rohwer worked
with the Vietnamese Ministry of Justice and Ministry
of Trade to amend the country’s civil code, rewrite some
of its commercial law and draft repeal of a  law that
has stymied trade.
Several Pacific/
McGeorge professors are lending their expertise to projects
in Mexico. Professor Steve McCaffrey is one of three
Americans advising on the NAFTA environmental side
agreement. He attended a meeting of advisers to the secretariat of the Commission for Environmental Cooperation on January  in Mexico City. They advise all three
NAFTA countries, Canada, Mexico and the U.S., on the
environmental agreement citizen submission process.
Professor Gregory Weber spent a recent sabbatical year in
Oaxaca, Mexico, working for the formerly Mexico-based
Forest Stewardship Council. In addition to a project for
the World Wildlife Fund, he was one of three consultants
who investigated and reported on a dispute involving the
setting of regional standards for sustainable forestry in the
Maritime Provinces of Canada.
Professor Linda Carter has written on the legal theory
behind Mexico’s International Court of Justice case seeking relief for  Mexican nationals on death row in the
U.S. for violations of the Vienna Convention on Consular
Relations, which gives detained foreign nationals the right
to contact their consulate.
We’re not focused on the
Pacific Rim to the exclusion
of any other area of the globe,
but we are determined to seize
upon opportunities when they
come along,” Dean Parker
says. “We hope to use the
experience we’ve acquired in
Elizabeth G. Bynum
China and elsewhere as models
for assistance and collaboration with many other countries,
both inside the Pacific Rim and elsewhere.”
To that end, Pacific/McGeorge recently hired Elizabeth
G. Bynum to coordinate law school projects in Asia.
A summa cum laude graduate of Harvard University where
she majored in East Asian Languages and Civilizations,
Bynum earned her .. at Columbia. She practiced commercial law for more than three years with Debevoise &
Plimpton in Hong Kong.
“We’re excited to add Betsy Bynum to our team. International law is the exciting growth field of the st century
and Pacific/McGeorge expects to be at the forefront of
international legal education,” Dean Parker says.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 17
International Forum
Terrorism Response
Looks At Iraq, China
Pacific/McGeorge continues
initiatives on several national
fronts as it spearheads legal
education’s response to terrorism in the post-9/11 era.
The school hosted the
inaugural breakfast for the
American Association of
Law Schools’ Section on
National Security in January
in Atlanta, Georgia. Pacific/
McGeorge was instrumental
in getting AALS approval of
that provisional section.
The new section will
sponsor a faculty-edited
journal, tentatively called
the Journal of National
Security Law and Policy,
which may be housed on
campus. Professor John
Sims, who is heading up the
efforts to establish the journal, and Dean Parker are
going to Washington, D.C.
attended the annual briefing
of the ABA Standing Committee on National Security
Law in November.
Professor Leslie Jacobs,
who became of the first law
professors in the country to
teach a course on Bioterrorism and Public Health
Law last summer, reprised
her Salzburg course in the
fall semester. She recently
contributed an entry on U.S.
legislative and presidential
directives for the Encyclopedia of Bioterrorism Defense.
She also wrote a chapter on
bioterrorism defense for a
book on homeland security
law and policy.
The two-day  Pacific/
McGeorge International
Symposium in February
explored “Markets in
Transition: Reconstruction
and Development” and featured world-renowned
scholars and practitioners.
Professor Frank Gevurtz
moderated two panels and
Professor Kojo Yelpaala was
the moderator for another.
Professors Marjorie
Florestal, Michael Malloy,
Steve McCaffrey and Ed
Villmoare were panel participants along with Adjunct
Professors Frank Wang and
Laura Young.
On the first day, participants used recent events in
Iraq and Russia to debate the
approaches best-suited for
moving former command
economies into fully functioning market economies,
looking at China as one
Professor Laura Young
talks about China at the
2004 Pacific/McGeorge
International Symposium
“Markets in Transition:
and Development.”
model. The final session
focused on international
project finance and privatization with Martin Kamarck,
former chairman of the U.S.
Export-Import Bank, delivering keynote remarks.
Plans are underway for
the th Annual International Symposium that will
be held in February .
Photography: Steve Yeater
School News
Law School Leads
General Tom Hemingway was a key presenter
at the on-campus roundtable on military justice
and the rights of Afghan war detainees at the
U.S. military base at Guantanamo in Cuba.
Competitive in Trial
Advocacy Tourney
Pacific/McGeorge took sixth
place in the prestigious
National Institute for Trial
Advocacy Tournament of
Champions held October 
– November  at the University of Akron in Ohio.
The team of Rosanne
Darling , Laura Froome
, Dawn Houston  and
Brian Plummer  had a
first-round loss to St. John’s,
but stormed back to defeat
powerful Stetson, defending
champion Pepperdine and
Alabama. The host Akron
team won the tournament
with a final-round win over
Loyola of Los Angeles.
The tournament brought
together teams from the
top-rated trial advocacy programs in the country based
on their three-year records
in the Texas Young Lawyers’
National Trial Competition
and the ATLA National
Student Trial Advocacy
The win over perennial
powerhouse Stetson was
especially impressive. The
Florida law school is ranked
tied-for-first in trial advocacy
by U.S. News & World Report
with Temple, which finished
below Pacific/McGeorge in
the tournament standings.
Attorneys Bill Barry ’,
and Laura Giuliani ’,
coached Pacific/McGeorge,
which was competing for
the first time in the NITA
event after being rated th
in the country last spring.
General Discusses
Afghan Detainees
The participation of a
high-level Pentagon official
highlighted the February 
on-campus roundtable discussion on military justice
and the rights of the Guantanamo detainees.
Brigadier General Tom
Hemingway, the Department
of Defense legal adviser on
military tribunals that will
deal with  captured alQaida and Taliban members, joined Dean Elizabeth
Rindskopf Parker and Professors Linda Carter and
Tim Naccarato as featured
presenters. Nine commentators with international law
or military law backgrounds,
including Professors John
Sims, Ed Villmoare and
Frank Wang, Adjunct
Professor Rene Roman,
Judge Morrison England
’, and University of the
Pacific regent Tom Eres
’, joined as discussants.
“The war on terrorism is
unlike any other war faced
in U.S. history,” the General
said, explaining the unique
status of the  detainees
(most were captured in
Afghanistan) who are being
held without charges in the
remote maximum-security
U.S. naval base facility at the
southeast corner of Cuba.
“Al-qaida is not a nation
as has been the case with
enemies in past wars, nor
does it behave as a common
criminal enterprise,”
General Hemingway said.
He argued that military
commissions are the appropriate legal forum for the
detainees. “The military
commission process is not
perfect—no judicial system
is,” he said, “but it is fair
and meets the security needs
of the nation.”
Other panel members
cautioned on the importance
of world and national opinion regarding American
treatment of the detainees,
especially in light of past
American wars when harsh
security measures taken
were later discredited.
“I’m painfully aware of
history looking over my
shoulder,” said the General.
A distinguished panel of discussants participated in the roundtable on military justice held on-campus in February.
Spring 
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 19
Photography: Muffy Kibbey
Spring 
A world class law school must have world class facilities. Pacific /McGeorge
McGeorge House: 1 The Faculty House often used for receptions and meet-
has a long-term plan for facility updates — from cosmetic to structural;
ings. 2 Stained Glass window detail. 3 Reading Room. Student Center:
painting to complete redesigns. Classrooms A & B have state-of-the-art
4 Renovations include the Wall of Judicial Honor. The Quad: 5 New banners
technology and improved access and seating. Other recent updates include
bordering the Quad. Classrooms: 6 Renovated Classrooms A & B will soon
the Student Center, McGeorge House and the Dean’s residence. On the
be joined by Classrooms G & H. Dean’s Residence: 7 Small renovated
horizon are “the Pub,” the Student Rec Center, and the Library. Stay tuned!
bungalow — so the dean could live on campus. 8 Kitchen. 9 Living Room.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 21
When Tim Naccarato graduated from
Pacific/McGeorge in the s, he says
it was a fact of life that many of the
students who couldn’t make it through
the rigors of law school on their own
would be left behind.
Now jaws invariably drop when Naccarato ’, tells former
classmates about the Academic Support Program he has
helped shape the past two years on the Sacramento campus.
“They tell me, ‘Really? You work with the students?” says
Naccarato, a retired U.S. Army colonel and Pacific/McGeorge’s
first full-time director of academic support.
The program is centered around teaching study skills to
first-year Pacific/McGeorge students who, while at the top of
their game as undergraduates, often struggle with the analytical, legal mindset required of them to fare well in law school.
The Academic Support Program employs a variety of tools,
including individual counseling workshops, peer tutors and a
two-unit elective course, Principles of Agency. The class,
offered in the spring to students whose fall test scores indicate
they would benefit from additional help, addresses agency law
but with the primary emphasis on the study skills needed to
learn it.
“It was the best opportunity to come along at the right
time,” says a second-year student who took the course last
“I needed a boost. The class was so positive;
it empowered me to do well in law school and now I’m
really enjoying my second year.”
The program, which Professor Julie Davies pushed for as
chair of the faculty Curriculum Committee, has quickly
become something of a model for other law schools. Pacific/
McGeorge hosted a two-day academic assistance workshop
last July sponsored by the Law School Admissions Council
that attracted administrators from many other campuses.
A New
in A c
S u p p demic
a t Pa r t
McGe cific/
Spring 
Photography: John Blaustein
Jan Ferris
Tim Naccarato ’77D, Director of Academic Support, meets with the Skills
Support Team (from left) Venus Johnson 2D, Julia Blair 2E, and Lindsay
Stevens 2D to discuss tutoring plans for first-year students.
Academic support also comes from students’ own peers,
through the “Skills Support Team,” launched in October
. Second-year students Julia Blair, Lindsay Stevens and
Venus Johnson —academic standouts in their first year at
Pacific/McGeorge — make up the team.
The team members hold office hours twice a week in the
Student Union, seated next to a large sign advertising their
no-cost services. They are also available by e-mail for individual
and study-group sessions. “First-year students call on us regularly,” says Lindsay Stevens, one of the three skills tutors.
Stevens and her colleagues field an assortment of questions,
most of them from first-year students: How do I take notes?
Am I writing down the proper cases in class? Are there too
many people in my study group? Am I making a mistake by
not being in one?
“When you come in as a first-year student, you hear all
of these horror stories. People tell you to watch ‘The Paper
Chase’,” Venus Johnson says. “You really don’t expect all
of this help.”
And those who need the most help in their first year are
invited to enroll in the spring semester, two-unit “Principles
of Agency” course. Potential enrollees are handpicked, based
on their first-semester scores.
Naccarato says the written invitation to take the course has
humorously become known among students as, “the dreaded
Agency letter of doom.” Ninety-nine out of  first-year students received the letter last year. Seventy-four of them elected
to take the course in place of Criminal Law.
Agency law was chosen as the specialty because it relates to
contracts, torts and property — first-year core subjects. While
the class is substantive, study skills are the primary thrust.
“There’s much less material to get through than in the threeunit Criminal Law, which gives students that much more time
to focus on their core classes,” Naccarato says.
Principles of Agency is broken into four sections, taught
by Naccarato and Professor David Miller. Professor Claude
Rohwer, who has taught Agency and Contracts for  years,
led the effort to create an appropriate Principles of Agency
textbook of cases and materials.
Student reactions to the suggestion that they enroll in the
Agency course vary. Most are unaccustomed to being singled
out; some are embarrassed. Naccarato, for one, applauds the
students who have elected to take the class in its first two years.
“All of the students who come to Pacific/McGeorge have
been very successful in college and on the LSAT,” Naccarato
says. “There is a shock to their system during the first semester.
I tell them they’ve made a gutsy decision to take the elective.
It’s a mature decision.”
The statistics show that the beefed-up academic support
at the school is paying off. This past year, Pacific/McGeorge
brought the disqualification rate down to . percent.
Blair, who rounds out the Skills Support Team, says she
leaned on peers herself in her first year, though informally.
“It was really nice for me to be able to hear the perspectives
of some of the upper-division students who’d done well,” she
says. “I think everybody quickly realizes they need to get as
much help as they can.”
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 23
Group Photography: John Blaustein
Helping students learn how to learn is not entirely new to
Pacific/McGeorge—apart-time professor oversaw similar
efforts in the late s; a team of first-year professors picked
up some of the duties when she went on to another post at
the law school. But when Naccarato left private practice in
Sacramento to take the job in the fall of , he became the
first full-time director, joining a growing list of American law
schools crafting similar programs for incoming students.
“We have adopted the concept that once you are accepted
into Pacific/McGeorge, we will do everything in our power
to help you,” Naccarato explains. “There’s a greater understanding now that students learn at different paces and in
different ways, so we have developed programs to accommodate those differences.”
The Academic Support Program includes both in-class and
extra-curricular assistance. The fall semester “Skills Hour”
features nine one-hour, weekly workshops. The topics range
from case briefing, note-taking and outlining to practice exams
replete with small-group sessions to review the exam results.
In addition to the Skills Hour, Academic Support also
sponsored three workshops this school year, geared toward all
students. The first, “The Nuts and Bolts of Writing Successful
Essay Exams,” drew some  students.
In a Saturday “Examination Workshop” held in January,
Naccarato assembled a panel with Assistant Dean of Students
Carin Crain and four first-year professors to discuss common
problems in exam-writing. The professors then lead their own
breakout sessions to go over their fall exams.
Professor Don Berger, who
survived World War II as a
child in Germany and went
on to become an admired
American law professor, has
ended a -year teaching
career at Pacific/McGeorge
in December.
Professor Berger taught
at Willamette University
College of Law for two years
before joining the faculty in
. He taught Business
Associations to thousands of
Pacific/McGeorge students,
was a fixture in the ..
in Transnational Business
Practice program, and law
review adviser. Berger was
known for maintaining high
standards for himself and
his students and encouraging the same from his faculty
A former director of the
American Society for the
Comparative Study of Law
and an editor of the American Journal of Comparative
Law, Berger published many
articles on corporation, securities and conflicts law, both
in American and German
law journals.
Professor Don Berger
Spring 
Supreme Court Preview
May Be Annual Event
Professor Ruth Jones inaugurated a “First Monday in
October” program last fall
that previewed important
cases on the U.S. Supreme
Court docket. Various
Pacific/McGeorge faculty
members contributed their
Adjunct Professor Lance
Olson ’, an attorney who
represents the California
Democratic party and represented one of the plaintiffs in
a challenge to the McCain-
American Law Institute
Welcomes Levine
Professor Larry Levine has
been elected to the American
Law Institute, a ,-member scholarly organization
of law professors, practitioners and jurists that drafts
and publishes legal reform
He joins Professor Julie
Davies, elected December
, and Professors Jan
Rein and Mike Vitiello as
Pacific/McGeorge faculty
members in the -year-old
organization whose founders
included Chief Justice and
former President William
Howard Taft.
The Philadelphia-based
association promotes the
clarification and simplification of the law and its better
adoption to social needs.
Last year, Lexis published
the second edition of
Professor Levine’s casebook,
Tort Law and Practice. The
veteran Torts teacher is one
of four law professors who
co-authored the text.
In February, the national
media called on Levine, who
teaches Sexual Orientation
and the Law, when the city
of San Francisco began issuing marriage licenses to gay
couples. His comments were
prominently featured in NPR
and Associated Press stories.
Professor Ruth Jones
Feingold campaign finance
law, was among the speakers.
Professor Mike Vitiello
examined the three high
court cases involving the
-year-old Miranda rights
ruling that mandates police
officer warnings of suspects
of their rights before interrogations.
Professors Leslie Jacobs
discussed Locke v. Davey,
a recently decided case that
addressed the question of
whether it violates the free
exercise of religion clause
for a state to deny students
college scholarships when
they plan to pursue a theology degree. She correctly
predicted that the Supreme
Court would uphold the
Washington State Supreme
Court’s ruling allowing
such denial.
Jones, a former Assistant
District Attorney in New
York City, who worked as
a trial consultant for CBS
News and Court TV, teaches
Criminal Law and has been
a frequent source of legal
expertise for media covering
the Scott Peterson murder
trial this year.
Given the overwhelming
success of this year’s event,
Professor Jones’ proposal to
make the preview an annual
event is gaining ground.
Leach Wins Fulbright
To Teach in Italy
Professor Jay Leach received
a Fulbright Senior Specialist
grant to teach this spring
at the University of Parma
School of Law in Italy. >
Major Opus
by Michael Curran
Major Acts of
Congress, a weighty
work coordinated
by Professor Brian
Landsberg, was published by MacMillan
Reference  in
November .
“Kudos to Brian are warranted for this
extraordinary undertaking in creating what
will, I am sure, endure as a major act of
scholarship,” says Professor Michael Malloy.
Editor-in-chief Landsberg worked on
the ,-page opus for more than a yearand-a-half. It features  entries, each
-to , words, written by historians,
attorneys and legal scholars. Authors include
leading law professors from Yale, Harvard,
Columbia, NYU, University of Chicago,
University of Pennsylvania and Georgetown.
Eight Pacific/McGeorge faculty members
contributed to the work. Professor Malloy
wrote seven articles; Professors Julie Davies
and John Sims, two apiece; Professors Fred
Galves, Hether Macfarlane, Eric McElwain,
Mary-Beth Moylan and Gregory Weber,
one each. Professor Malloy’s entries include
coverage of the Community Development
Banking and Financial Institutions Act, the
Glass-Steagall Act, the International Emergency
Economic Powers Act, the National Banking
Act, the Tariff Act of , the Trading
With the Enemy Act, and the United Nations
Participation Act.
Professor Davies wrote pieces about the
Ku Klux Klan Act and Title IX, Education
Amendments, while Professor Sims wrote
about the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act and the Privacy
Act of . Professor Galves commented
on the Community Reinvestment Act;
Professor Macfarlane analyzed the WalshHealey Public Contracts Act; and Professor
McElwain explained the Trade Act of .
Professor Moylan expounded on the Highway
Act of , and Professor Weber dissected
the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
Compensation and Liability Act of .
The three-volume book, part of a series of
reference on the three branches of the federal
government, is being marketed to high
school and collegiate libraries worldwide.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 25
Photography: John Blaustein
After 35 Years
Berger immigrated to the
U.S. with his parents after
the war and earned his ..
at UC Berkeley and his ..
at Hastings College of the
Law. He served a three-year
term on the Corporation
Law Committee of the State
Bar of California while on the
Pacific/McGeorge faculty.
“Professor Berger gave so
much to Pacific/McGeorge
and its students over these
many years,” Dean Elizabeth
Rindskopf Parker says. “His
work is one of the reasons
our law school is held in
such high esteem in Europe.”
Photography: Mike Malone
Faculty News
Berger Retires
Our Director of the Trial
Advocacy, Leach came to
Pacific/McGeorge in 
from Philadelphia, where he
was a trial lawyer and partner at Drinker Biddle &
Reath. In addition to his
academic assignments, Leach
teaches trial-skills courses to
practicing attorneys for the
National Institute for Trial
Spring 
Myers Comments
on the Jackson Case
Pacific/McGeorge Distinguished Professor and
Scholar John E.B. Myers’
numerous books and
articles have earned him
distinction as one of the
foremost authorities on
child abuse litigation.
Though not at ease pontificating on headline news
for a media intent on predicting legal outcomes, even
a reluctant commentator
gets drawn into the discussion when a case in his particular field comes along
that engulfs the media.
The Michael Jackson
scandal is that exception for
Myers. Child molestation
charges against the international pop star in November
prompted a media frenzy and
a flood of requests for legal
expertise on such charges
after Santa Barbara County
authorities raided the eccentric singer’s Neverland ranch
and the D.A. later charged
him with seven counts of
lewd or lascivious acts with
a child under  and two
Myers was featured on
the CBS Evening News and
CBS Morning Show. His
comments in a Reuters news
agency story appeared in
Financial Spotlight
Keeps Malloy Busy
Cover courtesy of New York Post; Photography (of cover): Barry Robinson.
The Jackson case illustrates the combustible combination of the law, children and the courts, says Professor Myers.
Professor John E.B. Myers
papers around the world
and he was interviewed by
the Canadian Broadcast
Company. When Jackson
appears for his preliminary
hearing, Myers is sure to
face questions again.
“This is somewhat like
the O. J. Simpson case. The
case is completely ordinary,
nothing unusual about it
from a legal viewpoint. But
because of Jackson’s celebrity
status, we hear about it night
and day.”
What will happen? Stay
tuned. “Credibility becomes
the centerpiece. Jackson has
endless money to spend and
his defenders will uncover
every detail of the alleged
victim’s life,” Myers says.
“But if the child takes the
stand, remember children
make very powerful witnesses and jurors almost always
believe their testimony.”
Distinguished Professor
& Scholar Michael Malloy,
who keeps a keen eye on
the business news pages, is
a frequent speaker on the
business law lecture circuit
and one of the faculty’s
most prolific writers.
Malloy, who has authored
or edited more than 
books and book-length supplements, delivered a paper,
“Financial Services Regulation After NAFTA,” in midOctober at the Michigan
State University, Detroit
College of Law NAFTA
Conference. The following
week, he was in New York
City for the symposium
sponsored by the International Law Association,
where he was a panelist on
the topic of antiterrorism
and money laundering after
9/11. In November, Malloy
lectured on “The Emerging
International Regime of
Financial Services Regulation” at a meeting of the
Irish Society of International
Law in Dublin, Ireland.
A former special counsel
for disclosure and enforcement at the SEC, Malloy is
a favorite of the national
business news media for his
ability to digest and explain
complicated financial stories
in laymen’s terms. Dow
Jones News, Bloomberg
Business, Forbes, MSN
Money and CBS MarketWatch have carried his comments on securities regulation, insider trading and
corporate collapses.
Malloy wrote an op-ed
piece, “The Spin She’s In,”
on the Martha Stewart
scandal last summer for
the Los Angeles Times. The
article drew praise from
the financial community
for its insight into the government’s case against
Stewart versus the celebrityslant coverage that flowed
from many media outlets.
McCaffrey Makes
Four Trips to Africa
Distinguished Professor &
Scholar Steve McCaffrey is
used to sleeping on airplanes.
Just in the past six months,
the world-renowned international water law expert traveled to Africa and the
Middle East four times.
He went to Ethiopia in
September to attend a roundtable on cross-basin water
resources cooperation at a
meeting of African water
ministers. The conference,
sponsored by the World
Bank, United Nations Development Programme and
African Development Bank,
brought together officials
from the Senegal, Zambesi,
Nile Basin organizations.
Leaving Addis Ababa, he
traveled to Ramallah in the
West Bank on September 
to consult with water officials advising the Palestinian
Authority. He is part of a
and was appointed legal
adviser of the Nile River
Basin Negotiating Committee at a meeting of that
organization in Addis Ababa.
The negotiating committee,
composed of delegates from
nine of the ten Nile Basin
countries, is empowered to
produce a framework agreement on the Nile Basin.
McCaffrey flew back to
Africa in early March to
Entebbe, Uganda, to attend
another meeting of the Nile
Basin group.
“It’s exciting to be involved
in projects that are helping
so many people,” Professor
McCaffrey says, “but the
best part of traveling is the
flight home.”
Jacobs Works with
Legislature on Reforms
Professor Steve McCaffrey
British-led team offering
technical assistance to the
Palestinian Ministry of
Planning as it prepares for
water negotiations with
Israel. McCaffrey returned to
Ramallah in mid-November
as his team discussed the
legality, under international
law, of the wall being built
by Israel in the West Bank
and its implications on water
rights issues.
McCaffrey wasn’t out of
Africa for long. In early
December, he taught at the
UNEP’s Sixth Global Training Program on Environmental Law and Policy in
Nairobi, Kenya. He returned
to Ethiopia a few days later
Professor Leslie Gielow
Jacobs is working with
California legislators to
reform the methods used to
select charities for state tax
checkoffs and nonprofits
that benefit from specialty
license plates.
In both instances, Jacobs
believes that lawmakers
shouldn’t control which
viewpoints can be expressed.
Instead, she says there
should be a separate agency
that selects which groups
qualify based on objective
rules and standards.
A federal judge agrees
with her and now Jacobs is
helping craft state Senate
bills that will turn decisionmaking on tax checkoffs
over to the Franchise Tax
Board and the license plates
over to the DMV.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 27
Portrait Photography: Steve Yeater
leading U.S. academics and
professionals to support
curricular and faculty development and institutional
planning at academic institutions in  countries around
the world. The State Department’s Bureau of Educational
& Cultural Affairs sponsors
the Fulbright Scholar
Program, which is managed
by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars.
Portrait Photography: Steve Yeater
Leach becomes the first
faculty member to teach
at the Italian law school,
which signed an official
student/faculty exchange
program protocol with
Pacific/McGeorge earlier
this year. He will teach a sixweek course on comparative
advocacy in April and May.
The Fulbright Senior
Specialists Program offers
two- to six-week grants to
Linda Carter
Teaching Doesn’t Stop at the Classroom Door
        ⁄            
by Jonathan Kalstrom
Professor of Law
B.A., University of Illinois;
J.D., University of Utah,
Order of the Coif, Associate
Editor, Utah Law Review;
at Pacific/McGeorge since 1985.
Courses Taught
Criminal Law; Evidence; Criminal
Procedure; Advanced Criminal
Procedure; Capital Punishment.
Recent Scholarship
Understanding Capital
Punishment Law (Lexis 2004);
“Compliance with ICJ Provisional
Measures and the Meaning of
Review and Reconsideration
under the Vienna Convention on
Consular Relations: Avena and
Other Mexican Nationals,” 25
Mich. J. Int’l L. 117, 2003.
University of the Pacific 2002
Eberhardt Teacher/Scholar Award.
Portrait Photography: John Blaustein; Location Photography: M. Greenlee
Public/Private Sector
Civil Rights Division, U.S. Department of Justice; Salt Lake City
Legal Defender Association.
ive years ago, when Professor Linda Carter and
She recently wrote on The Vienna Convention on Consular
her family planned a trip to Italy, she started to study Italian.
Relations, under which detained foreign nationals in countries
“I decided I would learn as much Italian as I could before I
party to the treaty have the right to be told they can contact
went,” Carter recalls. “Then I found I just loved the language.”
their consulate. She even traveled in December to the InternaShe first studied in classes at the Italian Cultural Society.
tional Court of Justice in The Hague, The Netherlands, to
Today, she continues studying the language in a small group.
watch the oral hearing in the case between Mexico and the
Carter brings this same passion to the other pursuits in her
United States. Mexico is seeking relief on behalf of  Mexican
life, whether playing the piano — from classical to popular
nationals on death row in the U.S. for violations of the treaty.
music — or teaching Evidence, Criminal Procedure and
“The United States has tended not to abide by the treaty—
Criminal Law, and writing about the law. And her role as
local law enforcement was largely unaware of it and they were
teacher doesn’t end when her students graduate.
not following it,” Carter says. “It became quite a big issue,
“She actively seeks to encourage students in their quest for
a major issue in capital cases, particularly where there were
careers in criminal law and stays in touch with them as they go
foreign nationals from countries such as Canada, Mexico
into internships or permanent jobs,” wrote Professor Julie
and Germany, where they do not have the death penalty.”
Carter became interested in civil liberties issues early in her
Davies in nominating Carter for the  University of the
career, first as an attorney for the Civil
Pacific Eberhardt Teacher/Scholar Award.
Rights Division of the U.S. Justice
For Carter, students are the joy in teachDepartment, where she worked on voting,
ing. She thrives on interaction with them.
housing and education discrimination
Watching them become competent lawyers
cases. Then she worked as a trial attorney
and following their career paths gives her
with the Salt Lake City Legal Defender
immense satisfaction. “That’s why I like
Association, trying a wide variety of cases,
having them stay in touch with me, and
including a capital case. “It was a natural for
contact me, whether it’s about issues arising
me to continue an interest in criminal law
in their practice, or just to say ‘hello’,” says
certainly, and the death penalty in particuCarter, the Pacific/McGeorge  Day Divilar, when I came to McGeorge in ,”
sion Teacher of the Year. Carter was a driving
she says.
force behind the creation of the law school’s
During her legal career, Carter has experiCriminal Justice Concentration, overseeing
Carter at the gates of the Peace
enced many rewarding moments.
a redesign of the criminal justice curricuPalace on a recent trip to The Hague.
“As a public defender, I think my greatest
lum to maximize student training.
moment — and perhaps most terrifying—was when I was
Passion extends to Carter’s research and writing. Her current
representing someone who was, I believe, truly innocent of a
area of interest is the rights of individuals under international
crime,” she recalls. Her client, a Vietnamese immigrant, was
treaties in criminal cases. It’s an evolving legal area, which is
accused of arson — burning down his house — and insurance
one reason it interests her. “It’s comparable to watching the
fraud. “It was very terrifying to think that he might be conlaw unfold before Miranda, not knowing where the court
victed unless I was a good enough lawyer,” she recalls. Her
was going to go with the right to counsel, and the right to
client ultimately was acquitted. But it marked an important
remain silent,” Carter says. “We have a whole area here that
moment for Carter. “It really brought home to me how signifiis very new for the courts in terms of the effect of various
cant the lawyer’s role is,” she notes, “and that the criminal justreaties and other international customary law in our capital
tice system is very powerful.”
cases, or criminal cases in general.”
In teaching, there have been many great moments for
Capital punishment has intrigued Professor Carter for many
Carter, including the numerous letters that colleagues and
years. She has published five widely cited articles on the death
students wrote for her to win the Eberhardt Award. These
penalty. Lexis recently published a book, Understanding Capital
letters are the just rewards for a teacher that continues
Punishment Law, which she co-wrote with Professor Ellen
to make a difference, in the classroom and in her students’
Kreitzberg of the Santa Clara University School of Law. Her
class on the topic is a popular elective among students. “There
careers. “I will treasure those forever,” she says.
are issues in death penalty cases that you just don’t see in other
criminal cases, so it makes it very interesting to study and write
This is the first in a series of Pacific Law articles on members of
about,” says Carter, whose articles pertain largely to the rights
the Pacific/ McGeorge faculty who pursue excellence inside and
of the accused.
outside the classroom.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 29
The University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
Research &
Gerald Caplan
Searching for Holmes
Among the Biographers
 G. W. L. R.
 ()
Our faculty also engage in research and scholarship to
further The Rule of Law. Below is a listing of selected
- Pacific/McGeorge faculty publications.
Title IX, Education
in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
Compliance with ICJ
Provisional Measures
and the Meaning of
Review and Reconsideration
under the Vienna
Convention on Consular
Relations: Avena and
Other Mexican Nationals
 M. J. I’ L. 
Julie A. Davies
Assessing Institutional
Responsibility for Sexual
Harassment in Education
 T L. R. 
public service to the university and the profession.
Ku Klux Klan Act
in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
Linda E. Carter
C P L
(Lexis )
Omar M. Dajani
Surviving Opportunities:
Palestinean Negotiating
Behavior in Peace Talks
with Israel
in I- P
N S:
A C-C S
(U.S. Institute of Peace,
faculty not only excel in the classroom, they render
Undercutting Premises
Liability: Reflections
on the Use and Abuse
of Causation Doctrine
 S D L. R. 
Fred Galves
Community Reinvestment
Act in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
Franklin A. Gevurtz
The European Origins
and Spread of the Corporate
Board of Directors
 S L. R. __
(forthcoming )
Earnings Management
and the Business Judgment
Rule: An Essay on
Recent Corporate Scandals
 W. M
L. R. __
(forthcoming )
Spring 
Leslie Gielow Jacobs
Clarifying the ContentBased /Content-Neutral
and Content/Viewpoint
 MG L. R. 
Controls of Information
and Scientific Inquiry,
 B &
B S,
P & S 
() (with E.R. Parker)
United States Legislation
and Presidential Directives,
in E 
B D
(J.Wiley, forthcoming )
Bioterrorism Defense:
Current Components and
Continuing Challenges
in H S:
L  P,
W. Nicholson, ed.,
(forthcoming )
J. Clark Kelso
Vieth v. Jubelirer:
The Legality of
Partisan Gerrymanders
 E L.J.  ()
Brian K. Landsberg
M A  C,
(Thomson )
Sumter County, Alabama
and the Origins of the
Voting Rights Act
 A. L. R.  ()
Lawrence C. Levine
T L  P
(Lexis ) (with D.Vetri,
L. Finley, J.Vogel)
Thomas O. Main
C P:
D, P 
C (2d Ed.)
(Aspen , Cumulative
Supplement .)
The Integration of Law and
Fact in a Parallel Universe
80 Notre Dame L. Rev.
4296 (2003)
Traditional Equity and
Contemporary Procedure
 Wash. L. Rev.  ()
‘An Overwhelming Question’
About Non-Formal Procedure
 Nev. L.J.  ( ⁄)
Michael P. Malloy
P 
B R
( ed., West )
B L
 R
(Aspen , Cumulative
Supplement . )
Ou Est Votre Chapeau?
Economic Sanctions
and Trade Regulation
 C. J. I’ L.  ()
B  
T-F C
(Carolina Academic Press,
forthcoming )
T  I
(Kluwer Law International,
forthcoming )
(with others)
Financial Services
Regulation After NAFTA
in T F D 
NAFTA: T F
 F T in N
A, K. Kennedy, ed.
(Transnational Publishers,
forthcoming )
International Project
Finance and Capital
Adequacy Requirements
 T’ L. __
(forthcoming, )
National Banking Act
in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
Community Development
Banking and Financial
Institutions Act of 
in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
Stephen C. McCaffrey
The Human Right
to Water Revisited
in W  I E L
(forthcoming )
The Need for Flexibility in
Freshwater Treaty Regimes
 N. R. F.  ()
Water Disputes Defined:
Characteristics and Trends
for Resolving Them
in R  I W D
Peaceful Uses of International
Rivers: The Tigris and
Euphrates River Dispute,
Hilal Elver (),
 A. J. I’. L. 
() (book review)
Sharing Transboundary Lines
 E I’.
L. R.  ()
L D’
H  
C 
S U 
W R
(forthcoming )
(with G. Weber)
David W. Miller
F & C
E R
(2d ed., Aspen )
P P
W  O
A: C F II
(Aspen ) (with M.
Vitiello and M. Fontham)
Mary-Beth Moylan
Highway Act of 
in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
John E.B. Myers
A History of Child
Protection in America
(Xlibis )
Child Protection in America:
Past, Present, and Future
(Oxford )
Timothy Naccarato
Targeting Saddam
and Sons: U.S. Policy
Against Assassination
IDF L. R.  N. 
(with E.R. Parker)
Rindskopf Parker
Targeting Saddam
and Sons: U.S. Policy
Against Assassination
IDF L. R.  N. 
(with T. Naccarato)
Controls of Information
and Scientific Inquiry,
 B &
B S,
P & S 
() (with L.G. Jacobs)
Gregory C. Pingree
Afterword: Toward
Stable Principles and
Useful Hegemonies
 C-K L. R. 
Claude D. Rohwer
Estoppel to Avoid the
California Statute of Frauds
 MG L. R. __
(forthcoming )
(with P. Wile)
Jed Scully
The Virtual Professorship—
Intellectual Property
Ownership of Academic
Work in a Digital Era
 MG L. R. __
(forthcoming )
John Cary Sims
Emergency Planning
and Community
Right-to-Know Act
in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
Privacy Act of 
in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
John G. Sprankling
C O
 P L
(Lexis )
Michael Vitiello
California’s Three
Strikes and We’re Out:
Was Judicial Activism
Our Best Hope?
 .. D L. R. __
(forthcoming )
P P
W  O
A: C F 
(Aspen ) (with D.
Miller and M. Fontham)
Gregory S.Weber
Threading the Needle:
A Moderator’s Guide
to Freedom of Speech
Limitations on
the Facilitation of
Web-Based Threaded
 Comp. L. Rev. & Tech. J.
__ (forthcoming, )
L D’
H  
C 
S U 
W R
(forthcoming )
(with S. McCaffrey)
Comprehensive Environmental, Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 
in M A 
C, B. Landsberg,
ed. (Thomson )
Philip H. Wile
Estoppel to Avoid the
California Statute of Frauds
 MG L. R. __
(forthcoming )
(with C. Rohwer)
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 31
Justice Richard Goldstone,
South African Constitutional Court
Celebrates Alumni with
Wall of Judicial Honor
To honor the more than 
Pacific/McGeorge alumni
who serve or have served
on the bench, the Wall of
Judicial Honor was unveiled
on October  in the Gary
V. Schaber Student Center.
Among our judicial alumni
are two U.S. Court of Appeal
judges, three state and
territorial Supreme Court
justices, four U.S. District
Court judges, and seven
California Court of Appeal
justices. The others include
Spring 
superior court and municipal
court judges and commissioners, federal and state
administrative law judges,
and immigration judges,
serving across  states and
“We are so very proud of
all our alumni judges and
appreciative of the honor
they have brought to our
law school,” Dean Elizabeth
Rindskopf Parker said at the
event. “This wall commemorates your achievements
and will inspire current
students to follow in your
Pacific/McGeorge will
continue to add pictures to
the Judicial Wall of Honor
and new judges are asked to
submit photographs to the
Alumni Office.
Forty Pacific/McGeorge
judges were on hand for the
ceremony. The judicial honorees were saluted by
Supreme Court Justice
Anthony M. Kennedy,
who taped a message for the
event during a Fall  visit
to campus. Justice Richard
Goldstone of the South
African Constitutional Court
delivered the keynote address
Scott Slater ’84D
Slater Major Player
in Huge Water Deal
Scott Slater ’, played a
major role in a landmark
water agreement reached
last October that has been
labeled the largest and longest water transfer in history.
Slater was lead negotiator
for the San Diego Water
Authority in a . billion
deal to buy Colorado River
Water from Imperial Valley
farmers, guaranteeing San
Diego County cities a water
supply for the next  years.
San Diego County, which
imports nearly  percent of
its water annually, had previously gotten all of its
water from the Los Angelesbased Metropolitan Water
Dan Hentschke ’,
general counsel for the San
Diego Water Authority,
credits Slater with making it
happen. “Scott brought creativity to the table,” he told
the Santa Barbara NewsPress. “Whenever it looked
like we had hit a wall or the
end of the road or a cliff, he
would find a way over the
wall, a new road or a path
down the cliff.”
Slater, a partner at Hatch
and Parent, a -attorney
Santa Barbara firm that
represents many southern
California cities, counties
and water agencies. Among
the complex water cases
Slater has handled was a
case against Newhall Land
& Farming Co. where he
served as lead counsel for the
plaintiff and prevailing party.
An adjunct law professor
at Pepperdine University, he
wrote a two-volume, page treatise on water law
that was published in .
“In some areas of the law,
you can make a deal and get
the other guy nothing and
never see them again,”
Slater says. “In high stakes
water deals, there are no
secrets. It’s a small world…
and you have to be honest.
You see the same stakeholders over and over.”
Terry Cassidy ’81D
Cassidy Will Argue
Supreme Court “Pledge
of Allegiance” Case
Terry Cassidy ’, will
argue one of the most highprofile U.S. Supreme Court
cases this year when he
represents the Elk Grove
Unified School District on
March  in a Sacramento
parent’s challenge to the use
of the words “under God”
in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The Porter Scott Weiberg
& Delehant partner will
present oral argument as the
petitioner seeking to overturn a U.S. Ninth Circuit
of Appeals ruling that sided
with Michael Newdow
whose daughter attends
school in Elk Grove.
The case is important
for the substantive legal
issues it raises with regard to
the uses of religious ideas,
imagery and symbols in
government documents
and rituals. Newdow will
argue that the school
district policy violates the
establishment clause of
the First Amendment.
The case is unusual in a
number of respects. First,
in a break from tradition,
the Supreme Court decided
to let Newdow, an emergency room physician with
a law degree, argue the case
himself before the court.
Second, Justice Antonin
Scalia recused himself from
participating in the high
Court’s decision to accept
review because he made disparaging remarks about the
Newdow’s claim when it
was pending in lower
courts. Third, it is not clear
the Court should even
decide the merits of the case
because Newdow appears to
lack “standing.”
Cassidy will argue that
Newdow, a non-custodial
parent of a minor child, has
no standing in federal court
because the non-custodial
parent does not have legal
authority to direct either the
education or the religious
education of the child. He
will also defend the school >
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 33
Photography: (top) courtesy of Hatch and Parent; (bottom) Steve Yeater
Photography: Steve Yeater
Alumni News
Pacific/McGeorge celebrates its judicial alumni legacy
on “The International
Legacy of Brown v. Board
of Education.”
Justice Goldstone, the
chief prosecutor at the
United Nations International War Crimes Tribunals
for the former Yugoslavian
and Rwanda, spoke of the
far-reaching effect American
judicial decisions have
throughout the world.
“Although Brown has
been cited directly in only a
few cases, it stands as an
example in many countries
of the tremendous potential
that the legal process has
to promote human rights,”
Goldstone said.
Goldstone described the
post-World War II legal
landscape and the boost the
 landmark Supreme
Court decision gave to
human rights movements
throughout the world.
“If the international story
of Brown demonstrates one
thing it is this: What this
nation does for good or ill has
international consequences,”
he said.
A longtime advocate for
the creation of the International Criminal Court in
The Hague, Goldstone is a
past recipient of the American Bar Association’s International Human Rights
Award. Before ascending to
the Constitutional Court of
South Africa, he served as
chairman of a commission
that defused the political
violence that erupted when
that country’s apartheid
system was dismantled.
Photography: Steve Yeater
Dear Fellow Alums &
Friends of Pacific/McGeorge:
It is a pleasure to begin service
as the incoming President of
the Pacific/McGeorge Alumni
Association. First, I want to
acknowledge to you that I am
a recovering “disaffected alum.”
While my enthusiasm for its current success and positive
efforts the law school continues to make on behalf of students
and alums bespeaks my ‘recovery,’ I hope my history as a
cynic helps me offer you a candid realist’s view, and will
help me accurately reflect your concerns and interests for
our law school.
My enthusiasm for the law school is now very real. I am
so impressed with Dean Parker and what she’s accomplishing at Pacific/McGeorge —she’s put together a strong
administrative team, brought in terrific new faculty, cultivated an Alumni Board with a new sense of mission, initiated
new programs and reinvigorated old ones. These are things
that are easy to notice in and around Sacramento. What I
find particularly compelling is how much of what the law
school is now doing radiates well beyond Sacramento.
There’s meaningful outreach emanating from the law
school to the rest of the country, and, as shown in this issue
of Pacific Law, to the Pacific Rim, as well as to Europe.
Pacific/McGeorge is on the map for positive reasons—with
the result that legal luminaries are making their way to
Sacramento, and the law school’s experts are increasingly
called upon by the national and even international media
for their insights. In fact, earlier today (as I write this in late
February) I heard Professor Larry Levine commenting on
National Public Radio (NPR).
Spring 
district’s policy that requiring teachers to lead willing
students in reciting the
Pledge does not violate the
establishment clause.
The case began with a
suit brought by Newdow
in March  that was
dismissed four months later
in U.S. District Court. The
Ninth Circuit reversed in
June , but stayed its
Cassidy is no stranger
to the Supreme Court.
In December , he prevailed in a police pursuit
case, Sacramento County
v. Lewis, -, which
clarified the standard for
judging police conduct in
high-speed chases that end
in injuries.
Sandeen Becomes
Full-Time Law Prof
With best regards,
Brian Putler ’85D
Sharon Sandeen ’, was
named a full-time, tenuretrack faculty member of the
Hamline University School
of Law in October.
Sandeen joins the ABAaccredited St. Paul, Minnesota institution after serving as the director of
Pacific/McGeorge’s Intellectual Property Concentration
for several years. A longtime adjunct professor, she
taught numerous IP courses
at Pacific/McGeorge including an E-Commerce course
last summer.
One of the founding
attorneys of Sacramento Bar
Association’s Intellectual
Property Section, Sandeen
was in private practice for 
years. She began her career
as a litigator with Downey,
Sharon Sandeen ’85E
Brand, Seymour & Rohwer,
and was later a partner and
of counsel at Hunter, Richey,
DiBenedetto and Eisenbeis.
Sandeen went back to law
school to get her .. from
the University of California
at Berkeley before embarking on her permanent
career in legal education.
Iraq an Eye-Opener
for Young Alumnus
Tyrus Cobb ’, a civilian
U.S. Department of Defense
employee, is in Iraq working
for the Coalition Provisional
Authority under the direction of U.S.Ambassador Paul
One of a handful of
Pacific/McGeorge alums in
Iraq, Cobb is the national
regions coordinator for the
CPA’s Democracy Building
and Civic Education. He
arrived in Baghdad on the
day Saddam Hussein was
captured and has worked
with Dr. Larry Diamond,
a world-renowned Stanford
University expert on transitional democracy. In February, he helped organize a
Baghdad Town Hall Meeting—the first democratic
town hall meeting in the
capital of Iraq.
“It was almost surreal as
I looked out over a room
where sheiks sat with veiled
women and women wearing no headdress sat with
businessmen,” Cobb said.
“Here I am, a -year-old,
answering questions from
the Baghdad City Council
to help them understand
the meaning of democracy.
Talk about your first day in
Con Law class.”
Cobb, whose family lives
in Reno, passed the Nevada
bar and the California bar
before taking his current
assignment. He is clearly
enjoying it.
“There are some dangerous moments, but to see
the Iraqi people clamoring
for democracy,” Cobb said.
“These people clearly love
having their voices heard
and everyone back home
would be proud to see how
much our hard work means
to them.”
Ruppert at Center
of FBI’s Big Cases
“I am sure you were contacted by the agent doing
my background check, but
I made it into the FBI anyway,” Greg Ruppert ’,
began a recent letter to
Professor Larry Levine.
Ruppert didn’t just make
it into FBI; he made it into
the frontlines of the storied
agency’s biggest new millennium cases. A special agent
since , Ruppert worked
in Boston until 9/11. That
office quickly became the
focal point of the terrorist >
A U.S. army soldier secures area while smoke and fire rise
from a U.S. Army armored personnel carrier after an attack in Baghdad.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 35
Photography: (top) Mike Malone; (bottom) © Goran Tomasevic / Reuters / Corbis
Message from
The Alumni Board
And the law school’s active reach does not end with the
media. I think the Alumni Association is beginning the
school’s most important initiative this year: developing
Alumni Chapters in New York City, Washington, .., San
Francisco, Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Nevada
and Sacramento for the primary purpose of promoting our
student colleagues. Expect to be contacted to help place
students into internships and to assist young alumni to find
that all-important first job. I’m not sure we could have done
this even a few years ago. If you would like to be involved
in one of these chapters, please get in touch with me, or with
the Dean’s Office at the law school. We’ll certainly be happy
to hear from you!
As president of the Alumni Association’s Board of Governors, I would like to hear from you under any circumstances
— as would my fellow board members. You’ll see the names
and a photo of current board members on the Alumni pages.
Get in touch with us, tell us what you think about how the
law school’s doing—what you like, what you’d like changed,
how you would like to be involved.
These are uniquely exciting times to be connected with
Pacific/McGeorge, as our law school’s trajectory is sharply
upward. I hope you’re pleased with the law school’s — and
the Alumni Board’s—efforts and successes, and I hope we
will hear from you.
36 P A C I F I C L A W
 years in jail. Chief executive officer Jeff Skilling has
since been indicted.
Ruppert was recently
promoted again, to acting
chief of the FBI Counterterrorism Division’s Radical
Fundamentalist Financial
Investigative Unit.
“When I was offered the
appointment of special
agent, I was initially unsure
if I should forgo the practice
of law,” Ruppert said. “In
reality, it was my Pacific/
McGeorge degree that got
me in and it was my legal
training that has led to the
success in my career.”
Margaret Vick ’83D
Vick Takes Second
Place in International
Caen Competition
Margaret Vick ’, took
second place at the th
Annual International
Competition of Counsel’s
Speeches on January  in
Caen, France.
An Arizona civil attorney
who is currently pursuing
her .. in International
Water Resources at Pacific/
McGeorge, Vick spoke on
the plight of illegal immigrants on the ArizonaNew Mexico border with
Mexico. Though her practice concentrates on natural
resources law and tribal law,
Spring 
Vick has recently been
drawn towards international
human rights issues.
Last summer, she attended
the Pacific/McGeorge Institute on International Legal
Studies , taking Supreme
Court Justice Anthony
Kennedy’s course Fundamental Rights in Europe
and the United States as
well as Professor John
Sims’ course Using International Law to Protect the
Outgoing California
Governor Davis
Names Three to Bench
Former Governor Gray
Davis named three alums to
the Superior Court bench
before leaving office. He
appointed Sutter County
Deputy District Attorney
Brian Aronson ’, to that
county’s bench, elevated
Bernard Schwartz ’,
from commissioner to judge
in Riverside County, and
placed Robert Hight ’,
in the ranks of the Sacramento County judiciary.
Two alums nominated by
President George W. Bush
to the federal bench won
Senate approval. Dana
Sabraw ’, was sworn in
on the U.S. District Court,
Southern District of California in late September. On
December , the Senate
voted to confirm Lawrence
Hagel ’, general counsel,
Paralyzed Veterans of
America, to be an associate
judge of the U.S. Court of
Appeals for Veterans Claims.
Aronson had worked in
the Sutter County District
Attorney’s office since .
Appointed to the position
of chief trial deputy in ,
he was responsible for the
criminal master calendar and
most of the felony filings in
Sutter County.
Before joining the D.A.’s
office, he worked as a deputy
public defender in Yolo
County from  to ,
and as an associate in the
Sacramento law firm of
Johnson and Hoffman, handling insurance defense
matters, from  to .
Schwartz oversaw the
Riverside misdemeanor
master calendar court after
his appointment as a court
commissioner in July .
He also presided over preliminary hearings in felony
cases, heard criminal trials,
and handled the Proposition
 drug court. Schwartz
began his career with the
San Francisco firm Ropers
and Majeski; joined the
Riverside Public Defender’s
office in ; and two years
later, founded the partnership of Johnston and
Schwartz, specializing in
criminal defense.
Hight, the former director
of the state Department of
Fish and Game, joined the
Sacramento County Superior
Court bench on November
. An expert on real estate
and environmental law,
he was chief counsel and
executive officer at the
California Lands Commission before taking a cabinet
position in the state executive branch in .
Board of
Executive Committee
J. Brian Putler ’85D
Your Pacific/McGeorge Alumni Association Board has
adopted these four overarching goals for this year & beyond:
. Increase placement of Pacific/McGeorge alumni &
students. . Create goodwill among alumni & students,
leading to increased charitable support of the law school’s
programs, scholarships for students, etc. . Increase
exposure of the Alumni Association to the students
for the purpose of establishing long-term relationships.
. Create a culture of community, giving and service.
William D. Harn ‘93E
Vice President
Richard A. Harris ’80D
Douglas E. Love ’95D
Connie M. Callahan ’75D
Immediate Past President
Term Expires 2004
Aura K. Adams ’97D
Richard A. Harris ’80D
Alumni Board Members Front row (from left): Rocky Copley ’81D; Judge Connie Callahan ’75D, Incoming
President Brian Putler ’85D; Dean Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker; 2002 president Paul Richardson ’80E; Rick Harris
’80D. Back row: William Harn ’93E; Tami Stoller ’97E; Catherine McMillan ’94E; Marty Opich ’80D; Byron
Beebe ’04D; Shanti Patching ’01E; Robert Armstrong ’78D; Aura Adams ’97D; Doug Love ’95D, William Yee
’78E; Anne Schmitz ’93E; Doug Wiita ’77D; outgoing board member Mark Drobny ’80D.
Mike S. Mireles ’98D
J. Brian Putler ’85D
Anne Schmitz ’93E
Term Expires 2005
William D. Harn ’93E
Douglas E. Love ’95D
Pat Lundvall ’89D
Robert D. Nelson ’73D
Tami S. Stoller ’97E
Term Expires 2006
Robert W. Armstrong ’78D
Rocky Copley ’81D
Catherine MacMillan ’94E
Shanti Patching ’01E
Douglas P. Wiita ’77D
SBA President
Byron Beebe ’04D
President Brian Putler ’ accepted the gavel
from outgoing President Connie Callahan
’, at the January board meeting. “We have
numerous high-profile graduates practicing
law in the country’s biggest cities and we need
to revitalize our alumni chapters in those
major metropolitan centers so current Pacific/
McGeorge students may follow,” Putler said.
“The board has a real sense of purpose and
looks forward to accomplishing its goals and
actively representing the interests of alums.”
Putler is joined on the board’s executive
committee by past-president Connie Callahan,
vice president William Harn ’; treasurer
Rick Harris ’; secretary Douglas Love ’.
New board members are Robert Armstrong
’, partner, Demling, Armstrong and
Rowland, Long Beach (second tour of duty);
Rocky Copley ’, managing partner,
Borton Petrini & Conron, San Diego; Shanti
Patching ’ , lobbyist, National Council of
State Housing Agencies, Washington, ..;
Catherine MacMillan ’, general counsel,
Nob Hill Properties, Inc., San Francisco; and
Doug Wiita ’, partner, Norminton and
Wiita, Beverly Hills (second tour of duty).
The Alumni Association will again sponsor
two MCLE programs, free of charge to all
alumni: the th annual Sacramento oncampus MCLE program is set for Saturday,
January , ; the Southern California
MCLE event will be held Saturday, January
,  aboard The Queen Mary.
Please contact any board member about
these or other programs — they are interested in hearing from you!
Spring  P A C I F I C L A W 37
Photography: Steve Yeater
Photography: Sylvain Guichard
investigation because both
World Trade Center planes
had taken off from Logan
Ruppert was placed in
charge of a financial investigation squad assigned to
track the source of the
hijackers’ funds and investigate their financial activity
while in the U.S. before the
attacks. He was later sent to
Germany to assist with the
FBI’s investigation there.
The financial work-up by
Ruppert’s unit resulted in
the indictment of Zacarias
Moussaoui, the th hijacker.
His investigative ability
earned him a promotion
and transfer to Washington,
.., when the FBI formed
a task force to look into the
collapse of energy giant
Enron. The seventh-largest
American company’s complex web of off-the-book
partnerships hid  billion in
debt from shareholders and
regulators, triggering one of
the largest financial debacles
in the nation’s history.
Ruppert became a regular
on flights between .. and
Houston, Enron’s headquarters. On October , ,
he was one of several agents
leading the company’s disgraced chief financial officer
away in hand cuffs with his
picture on the front page of
the New York Times and The
Washington Post the following day.
This January, Enron CFO
Andrew Fastow pled guilty
to two counts of conspiracy,
turned over  million in
property, and agreed to serve
Alumni Notes
The Honorable
Francis B. Dillon ’50E
Retired. (Roseville, California)
Graduated June, 1950 . Admitted
James D. Driscoll ’67E
to Bar January 11, 1951. Still in
Died August 18, 2003 of lung
private practice daily – on January
cancer at the age of 72 in his
11, 2004, will be in 54th year.
Fresno home. Served as chief clerk
James E. Harris ’50E
from 1963 to 1986, overseeing
The Honorable
Raul A. Ramirez
3600 American River Drive
Suite 145
Sacramento, CA 95864
916.392.3874 Home
916.488.4050 Business
Died July 2, 2001.
the paper work for thousands of
Still going strong doing mediations
bills in that legislative body.
and arbitrations. Very proud to
of the California state Assembly
Ervin F. Vaughan ’53E
have been selected Top 50
position at San Diego’s new Airport
together for our 35th class reunion
next January. Margaret is a patient
Authority and decided to take the
that will come in 2006. That’s not
woman. We have two grandchil-
job. I never dreamed that at 60
too far away. I will start making
dren (5-year-old twins). Life is good.
I would start a new job, move to
plans through the alumni office and
Retirement, well, I continue to buy
another city and start over.
work towards that goal. Anyone
lottery tickets. (Yuba City, California)
(San Diego, California)
who wants to be involved in the
Douglas A. Sears
Senior Partner, Matheny, Sears,
Linkert & Long. I recently became
the first Vice President of the 1100
member Association of Defense
Counsel of Northern California and
Died October 7, 2003 of compli-
The Honorable
Neutrals in California by Los
Nevada and will be President in
cations from dementia at the age
Robert B. Lynch ’67E
Angeles Daily Journal. Was also
2005. Grandson, James Douglas
of 86 in West Sacramento. His
Presiding Judge, Bisbee Municipal
West Sacramento law practice
Court, retired. (Palominas, Arizona)
stretched over parts of five decades
and once served on the Yolo
County Board of Supervisors.
Aaron B. Epstein ’68E
Volunteer Attorney, Washington
Lawyers’ Committee for Civil
selected by Sacramento Mayor and
Sears, was born June 2003 and
City Council to head up the com-
James and his parents, Aaron
mission setting their full-time
and Justine, continue to reside in
salaries. On a family note, kids are
San Francisco. 18-month-old gran-
grown and all is well. Hope it is
daughter, Lily May, and her par-
true, ‘You don’t get older, you just
ents, Ashley and Billy Van Ness,
get better’ (Sacramento)
continue to reside and prosper in
The Honorable
Rights. 50th Wedding Anniversary
Randolph P. May ’55E
2003; tutor in elementary schools
I retired as an Administrative Law
2003-2004; journalism teacher
Judge in 1976. No contacts with
and coach. (Washington, D.C.)
How grateful I am to be able to
Howard D. Conn ’69E
practice law since January 1971.
law business since then! 3 children
(1 retired), 5 grandchildren, 4 greatgrandchildren! I am still an active
Retired and inactive. (Sparks,
Hugh O. Allen
Thank you, McGeorge. As of
September 2001, I started my 30
year retirement plan. Hope I can
Red Cross volunteer! (Sacramento)
Alan M. Lewis ’69E
Laurence B. Baldwin ’59E
make it. I really would like to retire
Died October 25, 2003 at the age
when I reach 90. I suspect all the
Died August 1, 2003. (El Dorado
of 83 in Stockton. Maintained a
rest of you retired long before but,
Hills, California)
general practice in Stockton until
as it was in school, I am a little
his retirement.
slower than the rest of you.
(Rancho Cordova, California)
Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Life
is good. (Sacramento)
Terence B. Smith
916.386.6486 Business
planning, please let me know. On a
personal note, I am still working,
and believe it or not, having a great
916.393.9032 Home
916.376.5100 Business
Gary L. Case
time representing my clients. As
Gerry W. Mc Gee
Retired January 2003 as
many of you may recall, I represent
Law Office of Gerry McGee,
President CEO of Assoc. Adm.,
the Seventh-day Adventist church,
Eureka, California. Primarily crimi-
Inc. Moved to Bend, Oregon,
my church, and have traveled and
nal defense, personal injury plain-
fulltime. Continue to provide con-
lectured extensively in promoting
tiffs, and civil litigation practice.
sulting /business planning to clients
their legal interests. Sachi, my cur-
(Eureka, California)
in the Pacific Northwest — will also
Victoria J. Salisch
continue on a limited business
I continue to work — harder than
basis involvement with Mediation
ever. Handling business and real
and Arbitration via Ironwood
estate transactions and very little
Consulting & Resolutions, LLC,
litigation. Now that all children are
located in Bend, Oregon.
grown and gone, I am more
(Bend, Oregon)
involved in my community as a
John A. De Ronde, Jr.
Rotarian, member of the Board of
Partner, DeRonde & DeRonde,
Directors of the Chamber of
Fairfield. On April 9, 2003, Judge
Commerce, Board of Directors of
John A. DeRonde passed away
Commercial Real Estate Women,
after a short illness with cancer. He
etc. Recently took a wonderful
was 80. Those of us in the profes-
trip — sailboating for 10 days in
sional community know how tire-
the Caribbean. (Fresno, California)
lessly he gave of himself, especially
2006 ... mark your calendars.
The Honorable
our classmates in the California
Arjuna T. Saraydarian
Phillip A. Cabe
Arjuna T. (Vic) Saraydarian, Judge,
I continue to be a plaintiffs’ PI
Riverside Superior Court. Best
attorney, and I am expanding my
wishes and greetings to all my
workers’ compensation practice. I
friends. This being my twentieth
frequently serve as an arbitrator
year of service as a Judge, I am
and as a mediator in Sacramento,
retiring at the end of this year and
Placer, and El Dorado counties. My
looking forward to a wonderful
rent wife of 36 years, travels with
me and we are having a great time
with our kids and their spouses /
friends (no grandchildren, yet).
Vince Jacobs ’71, and Bob
Roth ’74, Ray Lewis ’80, Dean
Schirmer ’89 are my partners
(shareholders) and we just hired a
guy from another school (UCLA),
which provides some diversity in
legal education. I know we are all
busy, however, please give Vince or
me call some time and we will find
time to have lunch and /or just talk.
See you for our class reunion in
Judges Association. Donations may
Burl W. Waits
Mikacich Law Office, Sacramento,
Retired. (Folsom, California)
1340 Florin Road Suite 200
California. Gradually retiring within
Sacramento, CA 95831
next two years. Enjoying grandchil-
916.391.2230 Home
dren, more golf, some traveling.
Stephen R. Cline
Mostly retired now. Work two days
Many years have come and gone
father-in-law and I should com-
time of traveling with my wife of
a week for the court system here
and we find ourselves as the old
plete construction of a new home
four years, reading, writing, and
plain fun! (Blythe, California)
916.428-3103 Business
Robert S. Willett ’61E
Peter H. Pickslay ’69E
as a Domestic Case Facilitator. Do
The State Bar of California Board
guys that attended McGeorge a
Professor, Northern California School
(connected to our old home) by
some private mediations and AAA
of Law. I teach Land Use and
of Governors presented to Peter H.
long time ago. The bar numbers for
March or April. I don’t have retire-
Arbitrations in construction cases.
Pickslay on September 5, 2003,
the state of California are in the
Environmental Law. (Sacramento)
ment scheduled. I’m O.K. You,
When Bob Young’s kid graduated,
the 2003 President’s Pro Bono
200,000+. We have experience.
O.K.? (Sacramento)
did he wear a U.S. Military hel-
Service Award for emeritus and
Hopefully, with experience comes
met? (Grand Junction, Colorado)
good judgment. Vince Jacobs and I
appreciation of outstanding contri-
Breton K. Lobner
butions of pro bono legal services
Daniel H. Sandberg ’65E
have been practicing together for
Thomas L. Hill
Post Office Box 95
General Counsel, San Diego
the past 32 years and we often
McDonough, Holland & Allen,
Shingle Springs, CA 95682
speak of our classmates and what
530.677.4807 Home
The Honorable
International Airport. After 32
APC. Yuba City office. Since leav-
to low-income Californians.
they are doing now, and when and
Clarence Walden ’65E
years as Senior Asst. City Attorney
ing the bench in 1993, I have
(San Diego, California)
for the City of Los Angeles, includ-
if we will have another reunion. I
ing seven years as General Counsel
would like to see all of us try to get
of 72 in Sacramento. Practiced law
in the Sacramento area for 34 years.
The Judge of the Court of Love,
the traveling officiate. In 2003 I
united 78 happy couples in matrimony. More on calendar in 2004.
Spring 
for Los Angeles International
Airport, I decided to retire.
Retirement was cut short when I
A. DeRonde Memorial Scholarship
Fund, c /o Solano Community
Foundation, 744 Empire Street,
Fairfield, California 94533.
(Fairfield, California)
Once again, the McGeorge
Eugene L. Paine
retired lawyers in recognition and
be made in his name to the John
Gordon P. Adelman
1301 43rd Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95822
916.421.3082 Home
The Honorable
Died September 21, 2003 at the age
1039 Eileen Way
Partner, Hoseit & Koelewyn.
Rae L. Anderson
The Honorable
Jeff B. Marschner
Sacramento, CA 95831
Attorney, Sole Practitioner,
James L. Mikacich ’69E
Herman Koelewyn
Phil Hiroshima
1420 River Park Dr., 2nd Floor
Sacramento, CA 95815
916.395.2939 Home
916.923.2223 Business
[email protected]
(Woodland, California)
Fred H. Budrow, Jr.
directory has come into play.
Having cases in Ukiah and
Fairfield, the directory gave me
McGeorge Alumni to contact! Hope
devoted most of my practice to
James K. Mirabell
we will have an update for 2004.
Alternative Dispute Resolution. I
Retired (Sacramento)
Since retiring from the state, just
find that the bulk of this practice
ranges from Sacramento to Redding.
I will have been married 40 years
keeping up with the day-to-day
activities and the family has kept
us busy. How did we do all this
and work, too? (Sacramento) >
was offered the General Counsel
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 39
Gerald D. Langle
James Spagnole
Sole practitioner. After years of
Assistant Secretary, CAL / EPA. Still
saying he had no interest in the
plugging away at work and home.
law, our son, Heath Langle, decid-
Awaiting opportunities with the
ed he wanted to become an attor-
new governor. Actually thinking
ney. He is working for me fulltime
about more free time once my
as a Certified Law Student and will
Navy retirement check starts com-
take the July 2005 Bar Exam. The
ing in this July! (Sacramento)
rest of our family is doing well.
Retirement looms but I think I
want to keep at it for a few more
years. (Lincoln, California)
George F. Wolcott
3611 Orchard Street West
Richland, WA 99353
509.967.3188 Home
509.946.3588 Business
Rudy Nolen
2080 Rocky Springs Road
El Dorado Hills, CA
916.933.0843 Home
916.564.9990 Business
The Honorable
Kim E. Gilbert
Thomas M. Harrington
Private practice, Family Law.
Superior Court Judge, San Joaquin
Dividing personal and professional
County. I’m still in Dept. 33 doing
time among Fair Oaks, Los Angeles,
criminal trials. Jamie was married
and San Bernardino Mountains.
David W. Abbott
Superior Court Judge,
Sacramento. I am serving as a trial
Ronald E. Blubaugh
— he pitches (left-hander)and plays
works in San Francisco. Sharalyn
I retired October 30 from the posi-
left field for a travel baseball, year-
and I just celebrated our 32nd
space-age ceramic hip joint. Herb
Bruce A. Kilday
good friend of mine, died within a
tion of Chief, Administrative Law
round team, excels at basketball and
anniversary. She teaches Third Grade
and I have decided to practice the
month of Harry’s death. I guess get-
Judge at the Public Employment
football as well. I am enrolled in my
in Tracy. (Stockton, California)
ultimate recycling: Twenty plus years
ting older beats the alternatives, but
Relations Board. This concluded a
first year of the Pastoral Ministries
I liked it better when we were all
legal career of 17 years that fol-
Graduate Degree program at Santa
young and thought we’d live forever.
lowed a 12 year career as a reporter
Clara University with an eye to
I took a bit more time off in ’03 —
for the Sacramento Bee. I am still
parish leadership work in the very
took my son hunting in Africa and
teaching labor relations part time for
distant future when the nest is
for sheep in the Chugach Mountains
UC Davis Extension. In retirement,
empty. In 2002, I received the
behind Anchorage. Matt is a hell of
I am doing a little volunteer work,
annual St. Thomas More Award
a rifle shot, but an even better hock-
traveling to visit our grandkids,
from our local Society of St. Thomas.
ey goalie and is the starter on his
spending time at our second home
My big brother, Ken Malovos, estab-
high school team and showing great
at Sea Ranch, and writing, once
lished his new private practice on
Robert A. Laurie
promise in a competitive hockey pro-
again, for publication. (Sacramento)
American River Drive in Sacramento
Legal Counsel, Law Offices of
gram. I also did some flying and
Girard & Vinson. I had the pleas-
fishing. Tried a case to a good ver-
Marian Malovos Konevich
news about fellow students with
ure of serving as Governor Wilson’s
dict in November and am currently
whom I have lost touch, so all of
appointee as Commissioner for the
rehabilitating my right hip/thigh from
Greetings to all of my old friends of
you, please sit down now and email
California Energy Commission
various adventure-induced ailments
law school days. I keep in close
some interesting facts to McGeorge
(1997-2002). I have now joined
— should be limp free by spring bear
touch with Deidre Eymann Lowe
about yourself and your families for
the education-focused law firm
season. Participated as a presenter
’75D. Am in partnership with hus-
the next magazine, OK? (Los Altos,
of Girard & Vinson in Sacramento.
in an ABOTA Masters in Trial CLE
band, Bob, and our firm name is
Enjoying my wife, Pam, daughters,
last fall. Good people. Fun program.
Malovos & Konevich. We miss my
and grandkids. Retirement
Still loving the practice of law and
father who was in partnership with
scheduled for 2025. (Sacramento)
life in general. May you all prosper
us and who passed away in 1998.
in ’04. MJS. (Anchorage, Alaska)
Bob emphasizes real property and
James W. Shewan
Deputy District Attorney, Washoe
County District Attorney’s Office.
(Reno, Nevada)
Lance R. Van Lydegraf
Marie was born November 20,
I am now retired from the
home in this job after nearly 30
California Legislature and operate a
years of a litigation practice.
consulting firm, Phil Wyman &
However, I don’t miss the rigors of
Associates. (Tehachapi, California)
private practice. My oldest son is
an attorney practicing in San
Diego. (Sacramento)
Lawrence W. Cohn
Lawrence W. Cohn, Attorney at
Law. Thirty years in Kona, Hawaii.
‘Nuff said. (Kailua-Kona, Hawaii)
The Honorable
Nancy L. Sweet
[email protected]
I am enjoying ‘retirement’ very
son Will, a 7th grader at St. Nicholas
son, Harry II. His mother, also a
Valley, California)
civil jury trials and feel right at
and has excellent grades as does our
Marysville, CA 95901Ω
Business: (425) 990-4510
grandparent — a daughter, Ana
Phillip D. Wyman
leader in St. Nicholas Youth Group
711 Saddleback Drive
December with a new titanium and
and “S.L.” Steve. Collected a few
judgments during the year. In spare
time, won Carson Valley “Senior”
Championship in Minden, Nevada
and Tahoe Donner Match Play
Championship, winning three of
the last four years. (Reno, Nevada)
Gary L. Vinson
9137 Purdy Lane
Granite Bay, CA 95746
916.791.4063 Home
after our divorce, we are engaged
(yes, to each other) again! No date
set yet – first the hip has to heal so
that I can dance at my wedding.
(Fair Oaks, California)
P. Michael Groff, Jr.
Litigation Manager at Bickmore
Risk Services, Sacramento,
California. I have made a transition
to public entity risk management
that allows me to draw from my
experiences in litigation, insurance
coverage and business management. Our firm specializes in managing approximately 20 joint powers authorities in the state of
California, including litigation management. BRS was recently named
as one of the top 100 fastest growing small businesses in the
and Kilduff. Elisabeth graduated
from UCSD with a double major
and is applying to graduate
school — hoping to work in museum
education. Patrick is a freshman at
UC Berkeley and Sue is a teacher,
and consultant for the state. I’m
still mangling things in my firm.
Sacramento area. We are also the
in September 2003. I love reading
premier all-purpose risk manage-
Michael G. Loeffler
small business law and I am a certi-
R. Steven Corbitt
ment firm that forms, advises and
Law Office of Michael G. Loeffler,
Robert Q. Shupe
fied specialist in estate planning,
The Axiant Group
administers self-insured workers’
520 13th Street, Modesto,
Owner and senior attorney of law
probate and trust law, however our
California. Greetings to all my old
firm. (Santa Ana, California)
Two Embarcadero Center,
compensation non-profit corpora-
whole family is very busy with
tions in California. (Sacramento)
classmates! Still practicing in
Robert C. Tronvig, Jr.
things quite other than the law!! Our
Owner, Tronvig Law Firm. This last
favorite vacation spots are rented
year I worked hard for a judicial
cabins at Capitola and Big Sur
appointment through Governor
where we just sit and listen to the
Davis — the recall nixed that goal.
flowers grow. Bob has been in an ‘a
The family is well. Ruth is teaching
capella’ quartet for several years.
still in El Dorado Hills; Sean, our
They are called Almost Blue, per-
24-year-old son is back from the
form often and have a fabulous CD
Republic of South Africa and is
— they will sing the national anthem
working for UC San Diego. Erik is
on Jan 10, 2004 at Sharks game in
working and going to college. I’m
San Jose. They sang at A’s opener in
working too hard as my golf index
2003. Oldest daughter, Sonja, doing
916.443.2011 Business
Modesto, mostly family law now.
Steven P. Martini
Richard M. Brewer
Mangling Partner, Angelo, Kilday
miss him daily. Harry left behind his
Award as a girl scout, is an active
Ira Rubinoff
uated from Tulane Law School and
travel, mostly cruises. (Carmel
judge presiding over criminal and
was among my best of friends and I
wrestling team, achieved her Silver
wife, Wendy, and his 16-year-old
of the Class of ’74D to become a
95818. (Sacramento)
died of cancer in January of ’03. He
runs track, is statistician for school
Home: (425) 486-7618
Partner. Doing a lot of recreational
21st Street, Sacramento, California
Woodinville, WA 98072
As many of you know, Harry Goldbar
blocks.) Became a ‘bionic woman’ in
Probably the last prolific member
Will Associates, 2001
4411 244th Street, SE
Owner, Michael J. Schneider, P.C.
to Mary on July 12. Courtney grad-
2003 to my daughter Christina
The Honorable
Ervin A. DeSmet, Jr.
Michael J. Schneider
(The fires missed us by a matter of
Jackson S. Wallace
Richard H. Will
I am currently working as a pub-
I survived terrible auto accident in
Suite 430
The Honorable
much and recommend it highly.
Michael C. Hurt
I graduated from UC Davis last
Municipal Judge, Menomonee
year with a degree in Environmental
Falls, Wisconsin. I recently became
Horticulture. Now I’m working on
a shareholder with the 100+
my master’s degree in plant breed-
attorney firm of Davis & Kuelthau
ing, currently working with grapes.
Lieutenant Colonel
My ultimate goal is to breed roses.
Robert C. De Voe
employment /labor law firm in
Life is good. I just bought a new
Volunteer Retiree Activities Office,
Milwaukee. In September, Suzi
house in Davis so I will be here for
U.S. Military, located in VA clinic,
and I (40 years in January) came
a while. Happy New Year, every-
McClellan Park. Pro bono assis-
Senior Vice President of Human
to Sacramento and dined with
tance to military personnel via
has gone up by three strokes!
exceptionally well (Dean’s honor roll)
one. (Davis, California)
Resources for Lenox.
(Rancho Cordova, California)
as a freshman at Louisburg College
a business, litigation and
Died October 20 at the age of 58
lished author. (Bellingham, WA)
in Roseville. Practiced personal
injury law for many years in the
Sacramento area.
October 2002 and now thank each
day for being alive. Fortunately, I’m
James D. Wilson
just about completely recovered —
Died July 8, 2003 at the age of
back to running and aikido. Flo and
60 in Wilmington, North Carolina.
I are coming up to our 30th wed-
Viet Nam War veteran who held
ding anniversary. Our daughters,
many corporate positions, including
Melissa and Nicole, both attend Cal.
Executive Vice President of Human
A good year to all! (Modesto,
Resources at Sunbeam and
’73D grads and spouses, Jack
Retiree Activities Office, including
Weigland, Jim Spagnole, and Dave
notary services. Coach on Natomas
ed to Chapel Hill in 2005 — She
Nelson. Newton, Thompson and
High School Moot Court Team, 03-
works at the school and loves every-
Abbott copped out. Life is good in
04. (Sacramento)
thing about the South. Second
near Raleigh North Carolina — head-
daughter, Alexis, is a junior at St.
(Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
Francis High School — loves drama,
Spring 
415.374.2101 Business
[email protected]
Engaged in office leasing business
with my own firm in downtown
San Francisco. Three kids, two in
college and an 8th grader! Waist
expanding; hair retreating. Saw
Joe Felson recently — appears to
be leading a charmed life — fancier
clothes, same Joe. Ready smile, real
estate mogul, aspiring musician,
family man. I also talk to Lee
Danforth regularly. Lee is head of
a 15-lawyer firm on the Peninsula.
Everything seems good there. He has
two kids in college, and is willing to
Wisconsin. Go, Packers.
San Francisco, CA 94111
accept donations to assist in tuition.>
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 41
Bob Schneider has a son at
I still have two thumbs and eight
collaborative divorce process is grow-
aiming for degree in music or clinical
The place looks sharp; enjoyed see-
with Mars bar wrappers and empty
The Honorable
reports that John Donegan will be
University of Colorado. Schneider
fingers but am a regular at a
ing nationwide and is an exciting
psychology. Rick, ‘Dad,’ is in 27th
ing our classmates on the wall of
bottles of chocolate Yoo Hoo.
Herbert I. Levy
part of Phil Spector’s criminal defense
sneaks over to Mainland occasionally.
couple of local emergency rooms.
new approach to the divorce process
year of career as a Trust Officer,
judges photos in the student center.
Officiated at the recent Britney Spears
Associate Justice, Fifth District
team, which has re-recorded the
Otherwise practices law 24 /7 while
(Gold River, California)
that puts the parties at the center of
Member of Sacramento and Stockton
(Los Angeles, California)
wedding, and correctly predicted that
Court of Appeal, Fresno. Harley F.
Spector-produced 1963 Ronettes’
the process. The family is all well
Estate Planning Councils, Yosemite
the marriage would not last longer
Pinson (aka “The Prince of Petrole-
hit, “Be My Baby (or else).” In
and happy — me, too. (Sacramento)
Club of Stockton, Associate Member
than the time it took to finish off the
um”) continues to thrive in Bakers-
January, Donegan provided pre-nup-
bottle of Jack Daniels. Heard that
field. Rumors abound that his lust for
tial legal counseling, by e-mail, to
cattle baron Chris Melonakis has
crude (oil) continues unabated. True
songstress Britney Spears. (Tupman,
been investigating the safety of the
to McGeorge tradition, the Honorable
beef supply at the Denver stockyards,
Chris Melonakis continues to dis-
and reports that while the cattle
pense high-quality justice in Colorado.
may be a bit chagrined at being in
John Donegan — the Wizard of Menlo
captivity, they are being good sports
Park — continues to search for the
and are not really mad. Learned that
meaning of life. The rumors are
judicial poobah Bert Levy has been
apparently untrue that he will be
President of law firm, six-attorney
called upon to rule on Pete Rose’s
next to walk down the aisle with
firm with one additional counsel.
reinstatement bid, and am giving 2
Britney and beat the last guy’s matri-
Oldest son is in his second year at
to 1 odds in favor of reinstatement.
monial record by insisting that she
UCLA School of Dentistry. My wife
Pleased to read of Harley Pinson’s
tour the McGeorge Law Library before
just purchased a metallic red
appointment as Secretary of Rock &
filing for annulment. Come to Fresno,
Corvette that I am allowed to drive
Stephen F. Clayton
Roll by Governor Schwarzenegger
come to life! (Fresno, California)
on occasion. I was fortunate to be
Senior Director, Products Law
and was thrilled by the dazzling gui-
Richard G. Sorenson
Group, Sun Microsystems Inc.
tar riff at his first press conference.
Retired. (Tarzana, California)
Surprisingly, I am in the same job
Also on the political front, I have
now as I was last year. Again
recently been employed to act as
expecting change in 2004 and hop-
campaign manager of future political
ing to move back into international
bids by Gary Coleman, Larry Flynt,
law. Sun has recovered from its
and Gallagher, and am eagerly await-
slump and morale has vastly
ing the patronage spoils of our cer-
improved — great products and we
tain electoral successes. (Palo Alto,
eating a steady diet of grape nuts.
Robert G. Davis went underground in
Auburn about 20 years ago and has
not been heard from since. Reports
are he has a nice life up there. Kirby
Bergquist is a lawyer, deer hunter,
dad and adventurer in Minnesota.
Bob Packer is in L.A. — doing medical malpractice defense. Come to
Karen Rubinger
I have never updated any informa-
Susan L. Sutherland
so here goes: My older daughter,
I retired from lawyering and am
Joan, 26, moved back home to
working in physical therapy in a
Roberta E. Mendonca
private practice doing tax and estate
Stockton after an eight-year absence
therapy pool. My three kids have
Another transition! With my move to
planning. Bonnie and Dave are now
for school and work — undergraduate
moved out and are doing well. Life is
West Sacramento I’ve found myself
“empty nesters” since their son Scott
degree at Syracuse University,
good. (El Dorado Hills, California)
on opposite sides of local land use
Brown, 19, graduated from high
issues opposing Mike McGowan.
school and started his “Plebe” year
Hope to see Laura Arnold in ’04 and
at the United States Military
physiology (thankfully, she didn’t
Forrest Plant, Tim Frawley and
choose law) at Indiana University,
Ruth Saavedra (Randy Stokes) up
followed by work in Connecticut and
in Sacramento. Hope everyone is
Ohio. Moved back here with fiance in
doing well out there. Following are
notes from some of our classmates.
(San Francisco, California)
tow — Kevin McFadden, a former
volleyball coach at Ohio State University. He opened up a great business
James B. Allen
(his second store) in Old Sacramento,
Attorney, Skousen & Skousen.
called the Spud Shack — homemade
(San Bernardino, California)
french fries with all kinds of toppings
to choose from — all of the sacra-
Grant House
mentans have GOT to try them!
Realtor, Century 21 Aadvantage
Wedding was November 29, and we
Gold, 2625 N. Green Valley
are thrilled. My younger daughter,
Parkway. Our Henderson office of
Aadvantage Gold, one of six offices
David and his wife Bonnie McDonald
tion, but this past year was exciting,
Master’s Degree in neuromuscular
Nor Cal sometime Packer! Hi to
of San Joaquin County Bar, and
David A. Brown
Cheryl, 24, moved back home after
Marshall Whitehead
Own my own law firm. I am a well
known immigration attorney. I am
a frequent lecturer on immigration
issues at seminars, groups, chambers of commerce, congressional
committees, lectures, etc.
(Phoenix, Arizona)
Lars H. Gantzel
Post Office Box 6433
Incline Village, NV 89450
949.499.1070 Home
Navy League. (Stockton, California)
inspect her fab photovotaic / solar
’77D, still live in Walnut Creek.
Dave is a certified tax specialist in
Academy at West Point, NY, Class of
systems! Charlie Coyne returned his
2007. Scott is home for a short
“Roberta’s Cooker’s” t-shirt which
leave for the holidays and is enjoying
makes me think we should play a
game one of these days! Lars: let’s
get some spirit for a great reunion
for our 30th. (Sacramento)
Terence W. Roberts
The WSU Legal Clinic, Western
State University College of Law.
(Fullerton, California)
civilian life for a few weeks. (Walnut
Creek, California)
Gerding and Anderson, Ltd.
She began teaching 6th grade for
All is well in Phoenix. My youngest
R. Marilyn Lee
Nicholas K. Lowe
Stockton Unified School District after
son (Brian) is a freshman at the
2124 Bagley Avenue
Oldest daughter, Natalie, is a first-
returning from an eight-week vaca-
University of Arizona. Middle child
Los Angeles, CA 90034
year law student at Santa Clara.
tion jaunting through Europe. Ken
(Marc) is off to Australia for a year to
310.836.9494 Home
Couldn’t talk her out of it!
and I are still practicing law in Stock-
Oxbow Art School in Napa. Both girls
work and see that part of the world.
Here’s what a dozen of our class-
ton, although I have tried (unsuccess-
seem destined to be artists/perform-
Daughter Michelle is a second year
mates have been up to. We need
fully) to turn away cases and slow
ers. I am playing bass and singing in
law student at, where else,
more info on the rest of you next
the Two-time Blues Band, coming to
in Las Vegas area, was the No.1
Century 21 office in the U.S. in sales
in ’02 and ’03. and, No.1 in the
receiving her undergraduate degree
from University of Illinois-Chicago,
and Master’s Degree in teaching from
Dominican University in Chicago.
world for ’03. (Henderson, Nevada)
Robert C. MacKichan, Jr.
down a little. We hope to begin some
Counsel, Powell, Goldstein, Frazer
& Murphy, LLP. Mr. MacKichan,
who focuses his practice in the
area of federal real estate.
Jack H. Nissen
Proprietor, Nissen & Douglas, Gold
River, California. An unspeakable
event was celebrated this year.
McGeorge attendees: Tim Frawley,
David Smith, Lisa Zitano, Marg
Rodda, Eric Frye, Paige Gorham,
John Van de Erve, Bill Douglas. A
traveling and just enjoying ourselves
to visit and see the new develop-
year or the new Governor may terminate your bar card. Can you
Elizabeth and Allie, are nearly adults
and we get a taste of empty nest this
spring when Allie attends a onesemester boarding program at the
a bar near you in 2004. Keep
smilin’. (Newark, California)
Rickey D. Wallace
trial counsel in Ruff v. County of
Bonnie McDonald
Merced, an $8.3 million verdict in
Assistant General Counsel,
favor of an 18-month-old child shak-
Westaff. Bonnie and her husband,
David Brown ’77D, still live in
en, thrown to the ground, and left
permanently blind by a foster parent
Walnut Creek. Now “empty nesters”
since son Scott, 19, graduated from
who had been improperly supervised
by Merced CPS. (Merced, California)
high school and started his “Plebe”
year at the United States Military
Stanley M. Wieg
Academy, Class of ’07. Scott is home
California Association of Realtors.
for a short leave for the holidays and
Still lobbying to keep the world
Philip W. Kell
is enjoying civilian life for a few
safe for real estate and enjoying the
Chief Operating Officer, California
weeks. (Walnut Creek, California)
“magic year” when all three sons are
Baptist Foundation, Fresno. After
15 years in private practice in Sacra-
teenagers. (Sacramento)
mento, I am starting my 12th year
Timothy E. Naccarato
at the California Baptist Foundation.
Director of Academic Support,
I stay busy managing a staff of 60
University of the Pacific,
people and helping churches and
McGeorge School of Law. I was
other nonprofits with a wide range of
hired in August ’02 to provide full-
financial and legal services. My son-
time academic support to Pacific/
in-law spent seven months in Iraq as
McGeorge students with the goal of
Gary F. Zilaff
601 University Avenue Ste. 255
Sacramento, CA 95825
ments at the school. Very impres-
believe it’s been 30 years since we
sive. Also, have seen classmates.
started our pursuit of legal knowl-
David M. Cuniff
a Scout Sniper Platoon Commander,
reducing academic disqualifications.
is doing well. (Stockton, California)
Great dinners with Steve and Mandy
edge at McDuck in August 1974?
Died June 23, 2003 of heart
but returned home safely. Bert Levy’s
Pacific/McGeorge has initiated
Margaret W. Ellison
Continue working with non-profit
failure at the age of 56 in
office hired away my best legal sec-
Presiding Administrative Law Judge,
Maureen F.
Cottrell. Call anytime you are in
several programs to help students
groups in retirement but still too
Philomath, Oregon. Oregon native
retary this year. It’s hard to compete
Assistant Chief Administrative Law
Phoenix. (Phoenix, Arizona)
succeed. (Sacramento)
who practiced law in Corvallis and
Richard H. Halladay
many meetings. For fun, poked
with those state benefits. (Fresno,
Chief Civil Deputy District Attorney
Harley F. Pinson
Philomath for more than 25 years.
Vice President and Trust Officer,
around small towns in Vermont for
for Washoe County. (Reno,
Occidental of Elk Hills, Inc. There
Union Safe Deposit Bank.
two weeks in wintery November.
John C. Donegan
Robert B. Lang
are strong rumors that the Hon.
Law Offices of John C. Donegan.
President, Bob Lang Limited, but
Herbert Levy is on President Bush’s
Helen S. Stockdale
Marriage with Patty is going on 27
This year found me taking a finan-
not very. Currently writing “But
“short list” for the next trip to Mars,
cial beating in my international real
That’s Another Story.” Memoirs of
and that the Hon. Chris Melonakis
estate rentals when the disheveled
the Son of the Most Powerful Man
will be the next head coach of the
tenant of a small, subterranean stu-
in Hollywood That You’ve Never
Oakland Raiders. Neither appoint-
dio apartment I own in Iraq sudden-
Heard Of. (Culver City, California)
ment will require U.S. Senate confir-
3610 American River Drive, Suite
112. I am thoroughly enjoying a
most spare time. (Visit
family law practice limited to media-
“Handworks” in Danville or
tion and collaborative divorce. The
years. Ricky graduated Sac State
with Criminal Justice Degree — he
wants to attend McGeorge. Heather,
age 22, graduated Sac State with
Business Degree — she wants job
related to human resources. Justin
“Gallery El Dorado” in El Dorado.)
McGeorge. This gives me the chance
comeback in 2004. The daughters,
Real Estate. (Lafayette, California)
Hope everyone from the Class of ’76
bowl turning continues to occupy
Partner, Lieberman, Dodge,
all are working hard to make a big
Managing Partner, BT Commercial
now that college tuitions are finished!
Attorney and Mediator
good time was had by all. Wooden
Robert G. Anderson
Val E. Russell
Saw a trial in Middlebury — two
layperson side judges (elected) can
overrule the judge on factual issues.
Hmmm, a trend? Harvey and I
returned to the campus to speak at
the MCLE day in January 2004.
ly vacated, leaving eight months rent
916.920.5025 Business
Judge, Field Operations, California
Unemployment Insurance Appeals
Board. This was a travel year for
us — first, a multi-generational trip
to France and Italy, then a funfilled cruise to the Greek Islands
with friends. (Sacramento)
mation. There have been press
unpaid and the premises littered
Spring 
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 43
Richard L. Elmore
Thomas W. Anthony, Jr.
Bruce W. Busch
where I accepted a position as Staff
states which helps to protect a
October 1, 2003. Jimmy has his
tee for the American Red Cross; Boy
Charles E. Merrill
Shareholder, Trial Attorney, Hale
Son, Brian (West Point ’01) is a
Have moved to Sequim, Washington
Director and Counsel for the Water
woman’s right to breast-feed her
own business — Rancho Smog. I
Scouts of America Summer Camp
Life is good. Four attorneys are bet-
Lane in Reno. In January, 25
platoon leader with the 75th
where we are enjoying a very
and Power Subcommittee in the
child in public free of harassment or
took three amicus curiae cases to
Adult Advisor; LaSalle College High
ter than 24. We now have an office
years as a shareholder in the law
Ranger Regiment serving in the
relaxed, small-town lifestyle. We
U.S. House of Representatives
arrest. If you put her name into a
USSC — three wins!! (Sacramento)
School Alumni Board of Directors
in Napa, too. (Dublin, California)
firm. Recent $2 million jury verdict
Middle East. Daughter, Leslie (UC
move into our new home in January.
Resources Committee. There I had
search engine you will be amazed at
in a real estate matter. Currently
Berkeley ’02) works for Congress-
Hope to begin fishing in the local
the pleasure of working for six years
the amount of material you’ll find
vice chair of the Nevada Law
man Doug Ose in Washington, D.C.
steelhead streams and to start land-
with fellow Pacific/McGeorge alum,
about Liz. And even more amazing:
Foundation that administers inter-
(Citrus Heights, California)
scaping the lot. (Sequim, Washington)
Congressman John Doolittle ’78,
most of what she did in this area she
Robert W. Armstrong
Kevin B. Curran
Celebrating the 25th anniversary of
Retired from the FBI on September
the law firm. Holding steady at 25
30, 2003. Being an FBI Special
attorneys with a group of energetic
Agent was a fantastic career, but 21
Dorothy Nash Holmes
younger partners willing to fill in while
years of round-the-clock accountabili-
Administrator, Correctional
I take longer vacations with Cindy,
ty was enough. My sincere apprecia-
Programs Division, Nevada
Noelle (13) and Jake (11). Life is
tion to all my fellow McGeorge grad-
Department of Corrections. I am
full of soccer, skiing, plays, concerts
uates who continue to work and pay
Melanie L. Fesmire
now responsible for a 57-prison
and other kid activities. Still President
the taxes that fund my pension. No
Partner, Fesmire & Williams.
division set up to develop, manage
of Interval House, a shelter for bat-
plans for a second career just yet.
Member, Indio City Council; Mayor,
and fund programs to give inmates
tered women in Long Beach and
Mary and I are enjoying being at
Pro Tem; Mayor, 2001, and again
Nicholas S. Marco
the opportunity to rehabilitate
Orange County. An extremely gratify-
home together on our Iowa farmette
in 2004 – 05. Still in practice with
Thank you for your continuing
themselves. That’s Karma after
ing and humbling experience that
with our three horses, cat and
husband, George Williams. (Indio,
excellent alumni services.
20+ years as a prosecutor! My
reminds me to count my blessings.
Bernese Mountain Dog puppy. Was in
(Tokyo, Japan)
daughter, Vicki, has two babies,
Also enjoying working with Dean
California for Christmas and got
ages l and 3, so grandparenthood
Parker on the Alumni Board and
together with classmates Bob
Elizabeth Baldwin Friedman
Donald W. West
is great. (Carson City, Nevada)
helping to expand the Southern
Armstrong, Rob Bergen, and Paul
Died March 12 of colon cancer at
President-Elect 2005, San
the age of 52 in Hollywood, Florida.
Joaquin County Bar Association;
A breast-feeding advocate and
Adjunct Professor, Humphreys
director of the Illinois-based La
College School of Law, Civil
Leche League International’s legal
Procedure. (Stockton, California)
est collected on attorney trust
accounts for the benefit of the disadvantaged. Life is good!
(Reno, Nevada)
California McGeorge Symposium at
Kathleen M. Mullarkey
Senior Vice President and General
Counsel, Funding Corporation.
(Jersey City, New Jersey)
the Queen Mary every January. We
They each have two kids who are
have an outstanding collection of
way funnier, more talented, and
speakers every year and it’s a great
more successful than their dads.
opportunity to see old friends from
(Earlham, Iowa)
Albert S. Wong
law school and catch up on the plans
Private practice in Sacramento.
for expansion of the school’s physical
After 26 years of legal work, I am
plant and academic programs. Dean
surprised I have kept my sanity. I
Parker is an exciting addition to
hope to reduce my hours at my
McGeorge and I encourage everyone
solo practice to spend more time
to drop by the school to meet her
with my two young daughters.
and take a look at the plans for the
Time is rapidly moving and I want
campus. (Long Beach, California)
to spend it wisely. (Sacramento)
Thomas O. Freeburger
Office of the General Counsel
1121 “L” Street, Suite 300
Sacramento, CA 95814
916.739.8910 Home
916.323.1433 Business
Daniel R. Allemeier
General Counsel, HRL
Laboratories, LLC, Malibu,
Balestracci. They are all doing well.
Deborah M. De Bow
Enjoying the good life with my family
in Rancho Santa Fe, communing
with nature, and availing ourselves of
many cultural events in San Diego.
Our chapter on ethics and forensic
psychology was published in ’03.
Our son, Ben, enjoys 6th grade. He
Steven A. Block
thinks he has finally found his avo-
Law Office of Steven A. Block.
cation with the violin, after studying
25 years in practice in Sacramento —
both the piano and sax, third time’s
hard to believe. Now sharing space
a charm. The ’78 grads (Armstrong,
with my wife of 28 years, Teri Block
Danny, Fuller, Sago...do you see a
’98E. Our three oldest boys will be at
pattern here?!? The deadline...) were
UC Davis next year and our 9-year-
well represented at the Queen Mary
old keeps us young. Specializing in
MCLE program! Bob Armstrong was
arbitrations, mediation and some
terrific as emcee. (Rancho Santa Fe,
Special Master assignments. Still serv-
ing as an adjunct in Pretrial Civil
Litigation and playing in my band,
Betty & the Boomers. I cherish my
law school memories. (Sacramento)
California. (Malibu, California)
who was the Chairman of the
did for free. Liz so touched people’s
Subcommittee. At the beginning of
lives for good that two women who
2001, I moved to the U.S. House
had never actually met Liz, but had
Transportation and Infrastructure
gotten her advice on the telephone,
Committee where I serve as
flew from California to Florida for her
Senior Counsel for Oversight and
funeral. Liz will be missed by her
Investigations. (Washington, D.C.)
husband and law partner, her two
associate program whose work
help change laws in many states.
sons, her friends, her clients, and the
2003 to Janis Mare Smith — we
met at our 30th high school
reunion. Continuing as a prosecutor
for the DRE, enforcing consumer
protection statutes and regulations.
Spring 
and charitable organizations. Mr.
Benz’s law practice is located in
Lakeside Office Park, Street Road,
with my brother as my partner.
Playing more golf these days. Glad
I don’t have military age children;
proud of all your kids fighting to keep
Southampton, Pennsylvania.
Engaged in the general practice of
law for 22 years with special concentration on litigation, zoning and
us safe. I pray that in 2004 we learn
to find peace and that Governor
Arnold realizes trial lawyers aren’t so
bad after all. (Sacramento)
Ivyland with wife, Donna and three
Diane C. Popowski
traveling. Had the extended fami-
sons, Billy, Sean and Kristian.
Retired. (Oshkosh, Wisconsin)
lies for Thanksgiving for the first
(Ivyland, Pennsylvania)
Mark C. Wood
Attorney, Grancell, Lebovitz,
before it was discovered. I know
everyone in her section will remem-
Peggy Chater-Turner
11562 “B” Avenue
Auburn, CA 95603
530.889.7000 Business
back of the classroom. What you
time since 1972. Thirty for dinner.
Margaret G. Venturi
Gary H. Gale
Happily retired from the California
Retail Loan Officer, Golden Bear
Department of Justice. (Auburn,
years and are still practicing.
Mortgage. I have left the practice
(Carson City, Nevada)
of bankruptcy law. Now working
Gerald L. White
as a retail loan officer originating
Gary Gale and I terminated our
I continue to successfully stay in
mortgage loans for Golden Bear
partnership of 16+ years as of
touch with Steve Sabadini’s wife —
Mortgage. We are taking advan-
Dec. 31, 2003 and I moved my
my former secretary. (Sacramento)
tage of my wife’s earning capaci-
It will be another 30 years. . . .
Can’t believe we’ve been out for 25
Robert H. Zimmerman
ties to have me have more to do
with the kids’ homework. With my
future income uncertain and the
Barbara L. Haukedalen
family relying on my patience with
6927 Gallagher Road
the children, who knows what lies
Pilot Hill, CA 95664
ahead! SEND ME LOANS, if you
916.323.9270 Business
really love me. (Fair Oaks,
William J. Benz
The Feasterville Business Association
Daniel J. Grimm
honored William J. Benz by naming
President, International Theological
him 2003 “Man of the Year.” (The
Institute (ITI US.) My first grandchild
office to Folsom to be nearer my
kids, who are ages 6 and 7, during
the day. (Folsom, California)
Judith A. Smith
6241 Louth Way
Citrus Heights, CA 95621
916.722.2337 Home
916.654.2630 Business
Sheila Slaughter Dey
Executive Director, Western
probably don’t know is the tremen-
John D. Feeney
FBA is a 120-member business
was born in October. I beat my 19-
dous impact that Liz had on the legal
Senior Trial Counsel, Union Pacific
organization dedicated to the better-
year-old son in the 2003 Mission
community as well as in women’s
R. R. Along with alums Michael L.
ment of the Lower Southampton
Bay Triathlon! (Ojai, California)
lives. Liz carved out her own unique
Johnson and Robert Bylsma .
community for 54 years.) At the
Graduated in ’78 — passed bar in
FBA’s annual “Winter Frolic” dinner
Anthony S. Guerriero
surgery in August 2003 to remove
legal specialty: she was the leading
November ’78 — 25 years + Wow!
dance, held at Spring Mill Country
Moved back to Alaska in December
tumor in the right colon. Large num-
authority in this country on breast-
Never thought I would last this
Club, he was presented with the
’03 after being in California for the
ber of lymph nodes with cancer so
feeding and the law. Liz published
dozens of articles on related topics,
long in the law! (San Francisco,
Man of the Year plaque in apprecia-
last 14 years. Just had to scratch
they are “bombing” with chemo.
Robert C. Faber
spoke at hundreds of seminars, and
tion of his business and community
the itch. Stop by to see me next
All of you who are avoiding a colon-
In ’94, my wife Joyce and I adopted
appeared repeatedly on national TV,
time you’re in the neighborhood.
James J. Lynch, Jr.
leadership and his history of com-
oscopy: get in there and get it. It will
a son (RC) after being married 21
including Good Morning America,
(Anchorage, Alaska)
Attorney, solo practice. Joy, my
munity service. Former Northampton
save your life and hopefully save you
years (about the only thing I have
been working on longer than a legal
20 /20, and Dateline, among others.
eldest daughter, graduated summa
Township Supervisor (1993 –’99);
Jay E. Levine
career). We promptly moved to the
She was also directly involved in get-
cum laude from CSU, Sacramento.
Washington, D.C. area in early ’95
ting legislation passed in over 30
Just was admitted to practice law
past president, Feasterville Business
Association (’92); Northampton
Zoning Hearing Board Member;
Chairman, FBA Blood Drive Commit-
of pro-bono services to non-profit
& Owen, Inc. Continue to practice
personal injury law in Sacramento
Still riding, running (but less), and
mate and my friend, Liz Baldwin,
every morning for breakfast in the
trative hearings. Married June 6,
ball and soccer coach and provider
Managing Partner, Timmons, Owen
(Los Angeles, California)
the 16-oz. Dr. Pepper she drank
Real Estate — prosecuting adminis-
tee for St. Cyril’s, basketball, base-
Allen J. Owen
land use, wills and estates. Lives in
Stander, Barnes & Reubens.
ber Liz for that long straight hair and
Section California Department of
Member; Capital Campaign Commit-
Joan C. Wright
As some of you may know, our class-
cer which had spread to her liver
Real Estate Counsel III, Legal
legal community. (West Palm Beach,
Cherry Grant
died March 12, 2003, of colon can-
Michael B. Rich
Member; St. Cyril Parish Council
Manufactured Housing
Communities Association.
Diagnosed with colon cancer, had
the agony of chemotherapy. I am
done with chemo in March. Hooray!
United States Administrative Law
Judge, Office of Hearings and
Appeals, San Bernardino,
California. (Carlsbad, California)
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 45
Victor G. Drakulich
Donald C. Cady
going to McGeorge. Our youngest
in Spain. In June 2003, Laurel and
daughters, Kayla (age 12) and
Richard A. Eldridge
Public Utilities Attorney. I’ve parlayed
son is attending Santa Barbara City
Owen, who turned 18 in October
The Honorable
Faith Geoghegan
R. Parker White
My law office is located at 36
All continues to be well in our
Karena (age 7). (Charlotte, NC)
Law Offices of Eldridge & Eldridge.
Stewart Street, Reno, NV 89501.
10 years of civil litigation / transec-
College and wants to major in
2003, spent a month in France.
Retired Superior Court Judge.
world. Our oldest, Abigail Dillon,
I am semi-retired from the practice
tional work, 10 years of government
business. (Santa Ynez, California)
(Gold River, California)
Looking forward to my fourth year of
successfully defeated the Bush
of law and devoting considerable
and public contracting law, and a
retirement! We spend the winter in
administration’s attempt to allow
time to the sport of professional
few years as general counsel and
Palm Desert playing golf and the rest
snowmobiles free reign through
boxing as an international referee.
executive director at a California
of the year traveling, visiting grand-
Yellowstone National Park. She is
I am licensed with the Nevada
commission into a position at the
children (we have four now), and
a lawyer with Earth Justice in
State Athletic Commission, and am
state Public Utilities Commission
hanging out in Carmichael. I also
Bozeman, Montana. Caroline contin-
an active member of the World
that draws on all my lawyering and
look forward to continuing close ties
ues to enjoy her exile from Harvard
Boxing Council (WBC) and the North
public-private sector experience. The
with McGeorge. (Carmichael,
and is looking to transfer to UC
American Boxing Federation (NABF).
move back to San Francisco has
Berkeley or Stanford although she is
I also travel internationally, giving
been all I hoped it’d be. Many old
Christina H. Jones Janssen
seminars for professional boxing ref-
friends — some from McGeorge —
General Manager, Corporate
erees. (Reno, Nevada)
are still here. Family and friends visit,
Public Policy, Chevron Overseas
Thomas Pond
coming from near and far. My daugh-
Petroleum, Inc. After 41/2 years as
President, Swenson & Associates.
ter, Adrienne, is thriving in college,
Regional General Counsel of head-
(Campbell, California)
misses skiing and rowing, but is look-
quarters, Latin America, Pacific
ing forward to her junior year abroad
Rim, Australia and Indonesia, I
and travels afterwards. She has invit-
have been offered the position of
ed me to visit (!) so a winter ski trip
General Manager of Corporate
and fair weather sojourn are planned,
Public Policy. I have four children
Visit with Karen Mitchell and Chris
(three stepchildren and one four-
R. Craig Settlemire
Sacramento from 1985 to 1998.
Covington regularly and e-visit John
teen year old daughter) and one
Assistant County Counsel, Lassen
Dahl. (San Francisco, California)
granddaughter. We enjoy many
James W. Rushford
Partner, Rushford & Bonotto, LLP.
Divorced and remarried to Jean Rushford in February 2001. About one
trial per year, but three last year.
Firm has five lawyers. Serving on the
Bi-partisan Internet Political Practices
Commission. Son in engineering
school. Life is good. (Sacramento)
James C. Smith
F. LaVar Christensen
Nevada Attorney General’s Office.
Owner and President, Draper Law
Greetings and best wishes to all!
Development Company. I continue
Becca is a teacher and plans to
marry in June, Kate is playing basketball in Switzerland, and James
to maintain an active law license but
most legal work is charitable or pub-
deals happen. I love my work with
Nevada law and government. I’m
in my third term with the State
Historical Records Advisory Board,
and am a student of Nevada history.
A good year. (Carson City, Nevada)
of 2004. Then if the dog would
with fellow alumnus Doug Kraft
only learn to feed and walk herself,
and to concentrate on the repre-
I’d be truly fancy-free! (Sacramento)
sentation of financial institutions in
transactional, regulatory and operational matters. (Sacramento)
John Greaney
Hanis Greaney Zoro, PLLC. Still
enjoying life in Washington. New
law firm, started in July, 2003.
(Kent, WA)
enjoying her work in Sacramento.
Hilary is at UC Santa Cruz and is
becoming an exceptional photographer. Noel, this year past, took on a
partner and old friend, Bridget
Command. After being promoted to
her cancer diagnosis.
451 Arden Way
Reno, as did Gail Mead and hers. All
full colonel, I was reassigned from
in the U.S. (San Ramon, California)
Sacramento, CA 95815
look great, are doing well, and have
the Missile Defense Agency to
916.548.1014 Home
great families. Speaking of great
Primary Legal Advisor to U.S.MEP-
Cycle Path Productions. I no longer
families, how’s that new bambino,
COM. However, I am due to depart
have a shingle out, having wound
Keith (Loomis)? (Reno, Nevada)
in February for a six-month tour to
Fred L. Main
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips. After
23 years at the California Chamber
John R. Huckabay
Workers’ compensation defense
only. (Shingle Springs, California)
Mariana Islands. If you check labels
Scott Rasmussen
Certified as Trial Specialist by
National Board of Trial Advocacy.
ties. The most famous of these is
Military Entrance and Processing
Baghdad as Chief of Contract Law
Rocky K. Copley
Patty and I will be celebrating our
25th wedding anniversary this year.
Time flies when you’re having fun.
for the Coalition Provisional Authority. I am getting too old for this.
(North Chicago, Illinois)
Business Organizations Departments
of Reinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren,
Patrick, is a sophomore at San
Diego State and is doing well. I am
purchases and sale transactions and
still the managing partner for the
also includes tax, business and
Richard Bailey
San Diego office of Borton, Petrini
estate planning, tax litigation and
Staff Attorney, Office of the Family
and Conron, LLP. The office and our
general business matters. A frequent
Law Facilitator, San Diego County
firm is doing well. I was recently
author and speaker for various busi-
Superior Court, El Cajon,
elected to the Board of Directors for
ness and professional organizations,
California. (El Cajon, California)
the McGeorge Alumni Association.
such as the State Bar of Wisconsin,
I am working very hard to establish
CLEW and WICPA. A member of the
an active chapter of our alumni
adjunct faculty in the graduate tax
association in the San Diego area.
program of the University of
I think it will be much easier to gen-
Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Has lectured
erate support for our association and
on business law at the University of
McGeorge with the leadership of
Wisconsin Law School. Member of
Dean Parker. It is also fun to go back
the Board of Directors of Junior
to campus and reminisce about my
Achievement of Wisconsin, Inc., and
experience and the friendships I
the Elmbrook Memorial Hospital
made at McGeorge. (San Diego,
Foundation. (Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
State Bar of California Board of
Justice Cruz Reynoso and former
Legal Specialization, Gold River,
Chief Justice of the Washington
California. Currently serving as
Supreme Court, Richard Guy. On a
Chair of the California Board
personal note, will be remarrying in
Phillip H. Coker
of Legal Specialization, Family
June 2004. (Saipan, MP)
General Counsel, Beneto, Inc.
Law Advisory Commission (Chair,
Barry C. Blay
three-member Tek-Rec Dive team
(West Sacramento, California)
1997-1998) in 1999. Greta
Complex Litigation, Matheny,
that located a WW II warplane at
(1981D) and I seem to have
Sears, Linkert & Long. Have
200 feet ‘somewhere off the coastal
Mark E. Buechner
topped out at nine children. Laurel,
enjoyed success on some rather
waters of Guam.’ Odd news: Met
Assistant General Counsel,
who will be 20 in January,
significant cases, of late. Exciting
President Bill Clinton. I asked him to
Wachovia Corporation. I am work-
2004, is away at college. Our
stuff. Good to see Jim Pagliero and
autograph the inside cover of a
ing through my second large corpo-
youngest, Raphael, turned 5 in
bump into Grace Lawson recently.
paperback which he did. Now I have
rate merger since I left private
August 2003. All told, one girl,
Everyone looks great. Best wishes
his autograph on Abbie Hoffman’s
practice. I handle consumer litiga-
eight boys. Our children are doing
to all. (Sacramento)
Steal This Book. (Hagatna, Guam)
tion defense, including a number of
Spring 
Staff Judge Advocate, U.S.
us and we had a great time. Teresa
must take after their mom). Our son,
of the board are former California
adapted as a major motion picture
by Fox to be directed by Tony Scott,
The Honorable
with me producing. (Sacramento
Peter Siguenza, Jr.
and Hollywood, California)
2002. Glad news: Am part of a
Colonel Rafael Lara, Jr.
of the war with Iraq. No one spit on
A shareholder in the Tax and
Certified Family Law Specialist,
spouse for 33 years, passed away in
and New York during the beginning
team at La Jolla High School. (They
autobiography, Hell’s Angel, is being
were made here. Other two members
Court. Sad news: Joleen, beloved
(Carson City, Nevada)
Timothy A. Nettesheim
John W. Munsill, Attorney at Law,
Chief Justice, Ret., Guam Supreme
still working — someone has to do it.
made the girls varsity basketball
on your clothing, you may find many
(Beaver Dam, Wisconsin)
hiking, travel, 49er games. Tom is
Our twin daughters, Erin and Caitlin,
Sonny Barger, whose best-selling
John W. Munsill
CSU Sacramento. He plans on
skiing, mountain biking, tour biking,
family trips both internationally and
First Congressional Conference on
(Boulder, Colorado)
Boulder. Tom and I are having fun —
Williams and her family visited
in Saipan, Commonwealth of N.
of the Marine Corps and attending
junior year at University of Colorado-
law. (San Francisco, California)
Fritz-Howard R. Clapp
practice. (Sacramento)
Biddison, Tharp & Weinberg, LLC.
recommend it. TomiJo is in her
career— my other career outside the
for bone-marrow donations after
on their government relations
country. Our oldest son is now out
retired for two years and I highly
of the highlights of my climbing
County, California. (Susanville,
Utah in Washington, D.C. at the
Member, Stevens, Littman,
Retired. Greetings! I have been fully
Tenzing Norgay. It was definitely one
Became a national spokeswoman
cist who practiced probate law in
Justice Committees. I represented
in Santa Ynez and love living in the
Linda E. Johnson
ascent by Sir Edmund Hillary and
at the age of 63. Former pharma-
which oversees garment industry
Mark E. Biddison
the 50th anniversary of the first
Netherlands and saw London, Paris,
Nevada. (Sparks, Nevada)
service law firm, I will concentrate
and I finished building a new home
everyone is doing well. (Sacramento)
and I took a bike trip across the
affairs of a select few biker celebri-
(Carson City, Nevada)
summit in Spring 2003, which was
vacations without children. Hope
ing. (Sacramento)
(Reno, Nevada)
Lawyer. Solvang, California. Nina
of an American Everest Expedition to
grandson. We are dreaming about
Died April 2, 2003 of leukemia
Development, City of Sparks,
Chairman of three-member board
in biochemistry and microbiology.
Everest. I was one of four members
have a granddaughter (4) and a new
Hi, everyone: Pat McPoil (Tweedy)
Phillips. While the firm is a full-
28 years of marriage last August. We
childhood dream of climbing Mt.
twins are sophomores in H.S. We
both in her legal career and in quilt-
ing and managing the business
Civic Education. Sue and I celebrated
On May 26, 2003, I fulfilled my
working and / or going to college. The
Carol Hisatomi
Special Assistant, Community
Shareholder / Vice President.
Judiciary Rules Review and Criminal
& Chong, San Francisco, California.
Family Law. Our four oldest are
Cassandra D. Campbell
the Garment Oversight Board.
sentatives. I serve on the Education,
Partner, Tarkington, O’Neill, Barrack
Halvorson, and continues to do well
Gregory A. Salter
law firm of Manatt, Phelps &
Alan W. Courtney
left my larger law firm to associate
all my energies producing, promot-
sophomore at UC Davis majoring
should head for college in the fall
Beckley Singleton, Chtd.;
the cycle continues. (Draper, Utah)
degree in October. Zachary is a
Associates. As of June 1, 2003, I
Solo practice. Recently appointed to
just graduated from law school —
Laureen completed her masters
With luck and prayers, my son
of Commerce, I have joined the
McGeorge experience. Our oldest son
Special Assistant Attorney General.
Counsel, Douglas Kraft &
down my private practice, and spend
are deeply grateful for our Pacific/
Jonathan L. Andrews
Martha Geiger
David Mc Elhinney
elected to the Utah House of Repre-
Sue is an artist and makes big
Martha Evensen Opich
Timothy H. Bellas
lic service related. In 2002, I was
is studying outdoor recreation.
The Honorable
My wife, Deborah, and I practice
Thomas C. Burch
all of the traveling (at least to for-
class actions across the country. It
eign countries). In May 2003,
probably sounds more fun than it
Caleb, age 16, went on a roughly
is. I am happily married to Betsy
150-mile backpacking pilgrimage
and love to spoil my two beautiful
his practice focuses on business
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 47
John H. Pentecost
Jennifer J. Tachera
wife of 31 years, Susan, is as won-
horse-breeding businesses located in
Bridget Baynes Hammerquist
G. B. Poirier
few close friends to join our celebra-
wife are expecting their first child
Partner, Hart, King & Coldren. This
Staff Attorney, California Energy
derful and beautiful as ever. Wishing
the Eastern U.S. Look for me at the
After an automobile struck my daugh-
Grandpa for the second time.
tion. Married life is good. I survived
in March, which will theoretically
year I have made a commitment to
Commission. Recently appointed to
you all the happiness you can allow
’04 Preakness Stakes and the July
ter Lorna, leaving her with us but
Opened satellite office in Denver.
the first round of layoffs at the State
make me a grandmother. I’m excit-
my family due to events in 2003.
the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts
yourselves. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Sales in Lexington, Kentucky.
with some brain injury, I retired. Bob
My website, www.workvisas.biz.
Department where I have been for 7
ed about the thought of learning all
Firm is doing great. My family and I
Commission. Continue to work on
(Southhampton, Pennsylvania)
and I are now enjoying our care of
(Las Cruces, New Mexico)
years. I’m now the Chief of Small
about ‘Happy Meals’. (Sacramento)
have relocated to San Clemente.
the KVIE Art Auction. Won a prize
Surf’s up! (Santa Ana, California)
for works on paper and sold some
artwork in Napa. Oh, and still
Jennifer Stern
practice law. (Sacramento)
Partner, Swendseid & Stern.
Business is going great. We are the
No. 1 ranked bond counsel firm in
Nevada. We rendered approving
opinions on more than $2 billion of
Debra Steel Sturmer
municipal bonds issued in 2003. My
son started college last fall at UNLV
and received the Millenium Scholarship. My daughter is a sophomore at
Reno High School and is actively
are enjoying traveling. We went to
Senior Counsel, Environmental
False Claims Section in the Attorney
Restoration Branch, Environmental
General’s Office. (Sacramento)
Law & Litigation Division, Air Force
Marc S. Lessin
Children’s Surgical Associates,
Scottish Rite Children’s Hospital,
Atlanta, Georgia. Recently relocated
San Francisco, CA 94127
Atlanta. Still keep my State Bar of
415.887.3660 Business
California affiliation (inactive). You
never know when I’ll have to return
Sacramento. I am having a ball after
nearly two years out on my own. I
Italy this summer and Acapulco for
Marc W. Trost
Sacramento. I have moved to the
my practice of Pediatric Surgery to
Law Office of Stephen R. Chew,
softball. Now that they are older, we
Deputy Attorney General,
1475 Monterey Boulevard
Stephen R. Chew
involved in leadership and varsity
Steven Kaiser
the favor and sue one of us lawyers.
I can truly say I have given ‘ambulance chaser’ a redeeming meaning.
(Atlanta, Georgia)
continue to concentrate on workers’
winter break. I occasionally see
Teresa Williams and Casey Campbell
and hear from Dave Sabey and Dan
Whaley. A happy and prosperous
New Year to all. (Reno, Nevada)
The Honorable
John H. Tiernan
Judge, Colusa County Superior Court.
Life is great in a small county court.
empty nest. We are blessed with four
Virginia. Retired from active duty on
December 1, 2003. On December
8th, began new career as a civilian
attorney with the Air Force, working
at the same place and position I had
3, 4 and 6) in a new home in
Vancouver, Washington. No state
income tax and bigger homes (fivebedroom, four-bath). Believe me,
though, I used to think trial work
was hard. Parenting three very active
children at age 56 is not only rewarding and fun, it is exhausting. Hello to
all! (Vancouver, Washington)
William L. Thompson
Flight Ops, Atlanta Airport, Delta
Airlines, Check Pilot, Captain. As a
Check Captain, Thompson is responsible for insuring that Delta pilots follow Delta procedures and FAA regulations in the performance of their
our keynote speaker. In December
2003, I celebrated 20 years as a
active-duty Judge Advocate.
Senior Employee Relations Analyst.
assigned airlines. (Atlanta, Georgia)
Another busy year at DSS.
California lawyer. For the past two
(Arlington, Virginia)
Hi there to all my McGeorge friends
years, I’ve been Chief Legal Counsel
— Changes, Changes, Changes!!
First Grade at St. Ignatius. I am, of
for the California Commission on
course, on the parent club board
State Mandates. Over half of my
my practice in Fair Oaks in 2000
Madeleine just turned 7 and is in
and, shockingly, am the Brownie
legal career has been spent in public
...a millenium change ...after finding
Paula G. Tripp
troop leader! I hope everybody is
service. Looking back, I owe a great
well and happy. (Sacramento)
debt of gratitude to Dean Gordon
Yes, that’s been it for me. I close
have a growing plaintiffs’ personal
Associate General Counsel & VP,
... labor and employment law... and
injury practice. I am serving as a
Other than starting my own firm,
Real Estate Services, USI Compa-
now solve problems for Sacramento
mediator in an increasing number of
getting married, expecting our first
nies, Inc. (El Segundo, California)
Regional Transit. The people here
Los Angeles, CA 90017-3320
cases as well. On the home front, I
baby, and buying a house, I don’t
Paul L. Brimberry
are wonderful. The role of mass
562.988.1210 Home
am living in Nat Colley’s old house
have too much to report.
Certified Family Law Specialist,
transit in the Sacramento community
213.688.0080 Business
in Land Park, and am the proud
(Woodland Hills, California)
Sole proprietor. 2003: Celebrated
is becoming critical and I don’t have
Michael P. McCloskey
my 20th wedding anniversary with
the overhead — now who can regret
Partner, Foley & Lardner. Joined
Sheila. Cheered as the twins began
that. I don’t often see many of my
Foley & Lardner to stand up its
their sophomore year at college.
McGeorge friends. Occasionally, I
West Coast securities litigation
Cried when we learned that on our
run into Roy Brewer, but not often
Andrew E. Briseno
Hello. Since I last wrote, my practice
has grown and I am branching out
into Alaska. I am now licensed to
practice in Alaska, California and
first day of a family camping trip our
in-law, two grandchildren and one
President, Reno Corvettes;
law school classmate and opened
home suffered a natural gas explo-
Matt Guichard still keep in touch.
Chairman Elect, Elder Law
their own firm in October: McCloskey
sion and fire, destroying both the
It’s amazing how rarely I see anyone
more due in May. Traveling is in the
Section, Nevada State Bar.
& Schuler-Hintz. They bill them-
home and its contents. Recovered in
here. I have so many interests, none
future. Hopefully, Ireland in the fall. I
(Reno, Nevada)
selves as a full-service family law
the condo provided by the insurance
of which I’m pleased to say involve
hope my classmates are doing well
firm. At least one of us has the
company. Continued to expand my
“the law” that presently interests me.
Captain Carleton R. Cramer
name on the door. In that regard,
Collaborative Negotiation Law
I hope to be doing some sculpting
Commanding Officer, Trial Service
Kevin Cauley’s name now appears
Practice. 2004: Initiating the rebuild-
and oil painting in 2004 and travel-
Office, Pacific, Pearl Harbor,
on the door with Ross Schwartz as
ing plans for our home. Discussing a
ing a bit. Call Regional Transit if you
Hawaii. (Mililani, Hawaii)
Kevin joined that firm earlier this
remodel of the law office suite. Con-
are in town. I’d love to have your
year. (San Diego, California)
sidering hiring an associate. Hoping
company for lunch. Write to Pacific/
Albert W. Gray
to read more personal updates from
McGeorge as some of us really do
Jodi L. Clary
Kenneth E. Schreffler
classmates. Happy New Year to you
miss hearing from our friends out
Hearing Officer, Special Education
Attorney, Owner of the Schreffler
all. (Sacramento)
there! That includes you, Dick
Hearing Office. (Sacramento)
have been going well. My work con-
Still working as the Assistant
tinues to be very enjoyable. I work
General Counsel for Enforcement at
the California Environmental
Protection Agency. (Sacramento)
with people that are not only great
individually, but professional and
honest. A very family oriented place
racehorses competing at racetracks
in Mid-Atlantic region. Attended the
Nevada. I am in the earliest stages of
getting the Alaska component started
and, oh yes, the fishing is great. I
Matthew P. Guichard
Pyle-Beck!! (Sacramento)
Married Eileen Jackson on June
Tarrant & Miller Mr. Welch, has
Lawyers in 2002. Local chapter is
joined the Sacramento office of
growing. We are publicly challenging
Gordon & Rees.
the liberal judges of the New York
State Court of Appeals. (Albany,
New York)
R. Hilary Willett
Director, Publications & Services
at USFN, America’s Mortgage
State Board of Prison Terms.
cations for about four years now.
Governor Schwarzenegger argues for
Must be doing something right —
Scout. All is still just rolling along.
blowing up and consolidating some
the latest educational video and the
Bye for now. (Saugus, California)
state agencies as a reform. Parole
electronic newsletter won national
revocation is under major reform
publication awards in 2003. Took
and my policy responsibilities are in
time for some vacations too —
the midst of it. Rosalie and I adopt-
to Colorado, Virginia and France.
ed two sister Bengal cats. They’ve
Enjoyed Paris and the French coun-
Mariel E. Dennis
got us wrapped right around their
tryside, although it would have been
Lots of changes in 2003. I got
little paws. (Sacramento)
better if I had learned more French
17, 2000. Daughter Grace Cecilia
The Honorable
remarried — to husband number
Guichard, born May ’01. Son
Danny L. Papez
2 in Las Vegas over Labor Day
weekend. My new husband is
Matthew Roger Guichard born July
ownership groups. My legal concen-
’02. (Walnut Creek, California)
District of Nevada General
Ian Dennis — born in Liverpool,
My son, Jerry (27), will graduate
tration is in equine law, and I coun-
Jurisdiction Court. (Ely, Nevada)
England but a U.S. citizen in 2002.
law school in May ’05. My youngest
sel ownership, racing, training, and
Spring 
Formerly of Bartko, Zankel,
Chapter of the Federalist Society of
a Life Scout and soon-to-be Eagle
Stakes, and provided legal counsel to
Michael D. Welch
Eagle Scout, and Nicolas, 14, who is
married last June to a wonderful guy.
Assistant Counsel. Founder and
President of local Albany A.R.B.A.
Banking Attorneys. I have been
Robertson. (Sacramento)
college in film studies. My darling
New York State Division of Parole,
creating and overseeing legal publi-
Managing Director, Trainor
daughter, Barbara (20), is a junior in
possible to get through them.
Craig R. Mausler
Senior Staff Counsel, California
District Judge, Seventh Judicial
Director Addalou Davis, who made it
two sons, Aaron, 17, who is an
first-born daughter, Melissa (30), got
Same for the last 22 years.
(Short Hills, New Jersey)
legal education, and to Financial Aid
Marc D. Remis
Candice B. Harper
Ronald R. Lamb
Vice President, Global Aerospace.
Cinday, for 23 years now and have
which includes the work family. My
’03 Kentucky Derby and Belmont
Schaber, who opened the doors to a
Steven D. Ivans
have been married to the same lady,
Gammick, Bob Jones and Tricia
Law Firm, Southampton, Pennsylvania. Licensed owner of thoroughbred
greatly honored to have McGeorge
Department of Social Services.
practice. My wife, Diane, joined a
Nothing earthshaking to report.
seminar for attorneys, and we were
pilot who holds this position on the
Partner, Mann & Zarpas, LLP.
Partner, Smith & Glauser. Things
friends! (Sacramento)
Law Section jointly sponsored a legal
Douglas C. Miller
Thomas A. Collins
Lisa Brown
lenging. Would like to hear from old
occupied from 1997– 2001 as an
wonderful daughters, two great sons-
of Administrations has been chal-
2003. In October 2003, the Public
Law Section and the Administrative
Dean Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker as
enough. Linda Thomson-Simlick and
(Colusa, California)
special projects although the changes
Bar Association Public Law Section,
Supervising Attorney, California
compensation subrogation, but also
and as lucky and happy as I.
management after several years of
Chair of the Sacramento County
and is the only African-American
One Wilshire Building
624 South Grand Ave.,
19th Floor
staff of 30. It’s nice being back in
Paul M. Starkey
Lisa K. Hightower
a position doing what I really love
who joins his three adopted sisters,
Business Enterprise Services with a
international and domestic operations
Gary R. Bricker
father of my only homemade child
Business and Disabled Veteran
flight duties. Responsible for both
Lloyd S. Mann
his stepsister, and stepbrother.
Judy and I are now residing in an
Legal Services Agency, Rosslyn,
Lorna and her three children (ages
in my college days. Back to school?!
Nancy J. Sheehan
(Tustin, California)
Porter Scott, Employment Litigation.
There is no end to the fascinating
things employees will do to and
with each other. Rich’s son and his
Vegas was fun with my family and a
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 49
Susan H. Hollingshead
Patricia A. Day
6129 Shadowbrook Drive
State Hearings Division
Granite Bay, CA 95746
1515 Clay Street
916.791.1832 Home
#1203 MS 28-02
writing novels when she’s not doing
916.791.5405 Business
Oakland, CA 94612
the firm’s research. Hope to see
415.826.0401 Home
more of you in ’04, (It was fun to
Christopher P. Rugaard
510.622.4000 Business
Still in private practice — 20 years
now. My twin boys, Connor and
Raneene P. Belisle
Devin, will be 11 in May and finish-
Executive Director, State Board of
ing Fifth Grade. I stay busy manag-
Education. (Sacramento)
ing their Little League teams — six
years now. Will celebrate 17th wed-
Roger A. Grad
ding anniversary in May. Had a great
My daughter, Rachel Louise,
two-week trip to Cape Cod in June
was born on September 9th.
2003 and took the family to a game
Everything else going well.
at Fenway Park. I hope all my
(San Juan Capistrano, California)
friends are continuing to stay healthy
Thomas P. Aplin
Still specializing in real property and
business litigation. Several trials and
appeals this year have kept me busy.
Chase, 6, and Allison, 4, are doing
great in school. Maureen is busy
see Barry Mallen this year and discuss his entertainment law practice.
Also talked with John Harvard
The Honorable
Jennifer L. Elliott
The Honorable Jennifer L. Elliott,
Nevada District Court — Eighth
Judicial District, Family Division. I
am enjoying my work on the bench
seeking to reduce the adversary issue
of the Family Court System through
many new ADR and other collaborative programs. (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Baker about his re-emergence into
picture in the sports section. Now
Brian R. Aronson
money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma
litigation support needs in complex
she thinks she’s Michelle Kwan. She
Sutter County Superior Court. Was
Society in honor of her mom who
investigations, computer forensics,
also loves skiing and gymnastics...
appointed to the Sutter County
passed away in October 2003 after
research, and forensic accounting.
and, she’s a Girl Scout Cookie-selling
Superior Court in October, 2003.
a long bout with lymphoma. Best
Family life is great, and I get most
machine. We’re thinking of putting a
Currently handling all matters
wishes to all for a great 2004.
of my exercise chasing after my
salesgirl application in for her at the
involving children (delinquency,
(Grass Valley, California)
kids, ages 11, 10 and 5, and play-
local car dealership. Highlights of
dependency, adoptions, and family
my year included a wonderful, long-
law matters). (Yuba City, California)
awaited visit from Bill, Diane and
Jackie Douglas. It was such a blast
to see these dear friends... the years
and miles just dissolve whenever we
get together. Also, what an honor to
growing up fast. Cary (Russell-Doyle)
made our heads spin. Dana is
wonders how we will pay for college.
Camille Goulet
Supreme Court bound — mark my
Our oldest, Andrew, heads out in
Camille Goulet is the General
words. Finally, with great joy I get to
2005. Jeff Loebl became a father for
Counsel for the Los Angeles
Genaro C. Ramirez
announce that my very special
the second time in November 2003.
Community College District. She
Chief, Family Protection Division.
friends Debbie Bain and Pete
Paul Pimentel and I plan to travel
has been with the district for 11
(San Diego, California)
Thompson are new parents to a
to Pittsburgh in November 2004 to
years now. Married to John Woodall
baby boy, Trevan Burton Bain
attend a Steelers football game at
and living in Orange County; they
Thompson. They have waited a long
Heinz Field. Hope everyone is
will celebrate their tenth wedding
time, but the beautiful, bright-eyed
healthy and happy. (Dallas, Oregon)
anniversary this summer. Camille
Throckmorton, Beckstom &
holder, I opened a solo practice
duct, employment discrimination,
Tomassian in Irvine, California.
last year. I still concentrate on
and prisoner rights. I am always in
Andrea C. Nelson
Son, Blaise, born July 23, 2003.
environmental issues of land-use
federal court and am as idealistic
305 Canyon Road
Just stepped down as Chairman
entitlements. principally wetlands,
and enthusiastic as I was before I
Hailey, ID 83333
of Orange County World Affairs
endangered species and CEQA
graduated McGeorge and have done
208.788.6444 Home
Council after two years service.
issues. (Sacramento)
very well. It is important and worth-
Wow! Great to hear from so many of
...And John Sheehan actually did get
while and I hope McGeorge, against
you... some we haven’t heard from
married. No, really! Ask him your-
its instincts, turns out other civil
since, well, graduation. Dave: I’m
self. Seriously, he met a lovely gal
rights lawyers. Hello to all my old
sure glad they caught that mitral
with a teenage daughter, and he
friends. (Reno, Nevada)
valve in time and really glad to hear
sounds very happy and even kinda
that you are recovering so well from
settled. So, has anyone actually con-
such major surgery. Tamara: I’m
firmed that hell has frozen over? As
very sorry to hear of the loss of your
for me, I’m a mom, a Brownie
father. Everyone else: sounds like
leader, an Animal Shelter volunteer,
Judicial Circuit, State of Florida,
73 West Flagler Street, #1104,
Robert P. Fores
Dade County Courthouse, Miami,
Classmate Gary Fuller is doing fine
Florida 33130. I wish more people
and well in his thriving practice
from our class would write in to the
in Reno. He has been kind enough
Alumni News. Larry,’78D has moved
to oblige me this past year with
805.346.7500 Business
from the Circuit Criminal Division of
his vast and intricate knowledge of
Deputy Public Defender, Santa
the Circuit General Jurisdiction
the Nevada civil justice system.
Maria – Juvenile Court. I’ve been on
Division in my building. The only
Classmate Bill Spencer is alive and
the Lompoc City Council since 1998,
available office was the one catty-
well in our nation’s capital, in charge
having won reelection in November
cornered to mine in a two-office
of governmental relations for the
2002. For fun, I travel, read books,
alcove area. Scot, who will be 25 in
Associated Builders and Contractors.
visit with friends, garden, and take
March, and Jeremy, age 8, are doing
He is as humorous and lively as he
photographs. In 2003, I saw Dave
well. Hello Richard ’78D, Sue,
always was. (Modesto, California)
Brooks, Josh Bright, Carol Adler,
Megan, and Max. (Miami, Florida)
Mindy Caplan Kidd and Bill Kidd
South 6th Street, Suite 230
Las Vegas. [email protected].
going well. Like you, Jennifer, I am
still retired from law (thanks to Dow,
Shell and Occidental) and not looking back, either. My former partner,
Duane Miller, went on without
a First Grade room parent, an amateur photographer, a skate-bag
llama, primary caretaker for our 9year-old cattle dog mix and our 4
year old Border Collie mix, a ...
gag... “housewife” (oh, who am I
Tamara C. Falor
Tamara C. Falor, County Counsel,
County of Humboldt. This has
been a year I will not forget. My
continues to be active in Kiwanis,
(Fresno, California)
Mother of three girls. Almost three
years away from “the law” and I
(Los Angeles, California)
have not looked back yet. Now that
father passed away in the spring.
my youngest is in kindergarten,
Because of my father’s service to his
Laura S. Jennings
community at the local, regional, and
Office of General Counsel. Nine
state level, the flag at the county
years working in imagery intelli-
courthouse was flown at half-mast,
gence, geospatial data production,
Marcelle S. Strauss
and the Humboldt County Board of
intellectual property, remote sens-
Galfin & Passon, Irvine, California.
Supervisors, the California State
ing policy, and Fourth Amendment
Toiling away in a small firm in
Senate, and the California State
issues. Patrick: 14 years at DOJ
Irvine. For the past two years, 80
Assembly adjourned in his honor. I
civil tax. Still married. (Bethesda,
percent of my caseload has been in
miss him greatly. Hope you will take
San Francisco — lots of frequent flyer
time with someone older while you
still can. (Eureka, California)
I will start to think of what is next.
(Hermosa Beach, California)
miles. Our 6-year-old daughter is a
Jacques J. Kirch
David E. Frank
I recently moved to the beach near
mountain-related sports. Rod, my
traded a minute of my wonderful
Had open heart surgery in Septem-
Cardiff Reef in Encinitas. My kids
husband of seven years, is a pro-
Kenneth N. Hopkins
family life up here to have been part
ber to repair mitral valve. Lost 20
all surf. I enjoy a glass of wine and
grammer and database group man-
Retired, effective the end of this
of it. I’m grateful, however, that
lbs, exercising three or four times
the sunsets. (Escondido, California).
ager at Marketron, International — a
year, 2003. At that time I will no
Duane is still out there fighting the
per week and skiing again. Feel
company with the sense to set up
longer hold a license in either
good fight for public health and the
great. Lesson: get an annual physi-
shop here in Sun Valley, home to a
California or Washington. (Seattle,
environment. Like yours, Samuel,
cal; it can save your life. Samantha
bunch of over-educated people will-
my daughter, Alexandra, is a 6-year-
heads off to college next fall. Robbie
ing to compromise their salaries so
old figure skating ice princess. She
is 16, driving, playing football and
they can live and play in the snow.
won a first-place trophy in her first
guitar. Tommy is 14 and snowboards
PS. Tom Cregger... We have a TON
competition last summer, and thelo-
every weekend. Barb is running
of it this year! I wish you all a won-
cal paper ran a story on her with a
marathons again. She ran one in
derful 2004.
Phoenix in January 2003 to raise
(Copenhagen, Denmark)
Attorney, Fresno, California.
izing community service projects.
always, a skier and lover of all
Kierkegaard, Law Firm.
Assistant United States
Jennifer Rosenfeld
even in hindsight, I wouldn’t have
310.788.4400 Business
Dawrence W. Rice, Jr.
to its sponsored students and organ-
kidding, I have housekeepers) and,
Partner, Gorrissen Federspiez
work. (Fresno, California)
serving as an advisor and mentor
breathtaking toxic torts verdicts, but
Klaus Sogaard
Spring 
the kids are thriving and the jobs are
little guy was well worth the wait.
am doing. Basically enjoying life and
Briggs and I to collect some more
Rossmoor, CA 90720
(Las Vegas, Nevada)
beginning to know what the heck I
nation was approved so quickly it
Cases are a mix of police miscon-
Fredrickson, Mazeika & Grant 333
more estate and trust litigation and
Ask Chuck. (Seattle, Washington)
point in my career. The kids are
ing the last 10 years as a share-
3361 Cortese Drive
but I can’t do that to my wife. Doing
summer. We didn’t find the body.
to the federal bench, and the nomi-
Managing Partner of
Alive and well in Vegas.
makes me want to work longer hours,
Custer at a landfill in Phoenix last
than I thought I would be at this
behalf of poor people and minorities.
Cheryl L. Van Steenwyk
older brothers are so mean. Almost
Blast from the past: Ran into Chuck
Stephan’s husband) was appointed
many years with law firms, includ-
Melanie C. Polk
my 9-year-old wonders why her
pretty good feat in the Northwest.
(Saint Paul, Minnesota)
I am a civil rights lawyer in Reno,
Serge Tomassian
have hired two McGeorge alums. A
Still working much harder and longer
Washoe, and the state of Nevada on
’85D. All are well. (Santa Maria,
is only thinking about sports; and
Research. (Newton, Massachusetts)
Dana (my “forever” friend Summer
Demar Hooper, Sacramento. After
805.735.1408 Home
A nice pyramid. Over the years we
Hamline University School of Law.
Terri Keyser-Cooper
and happy. (San Ramon, California)
Santa Maria, CA 93454
to think he is right; my 12-year-old
Legal Writing, Reasoning and
David Doyle
312-P East Cook Street
ners and I have 12 associates.
Dana Sabraw’s induction ceremony.
the city of Reno, the county of
Janice N. Keller
lehead; my 14-year-old is beginning
American Law Schools Section on
Associate Professor of Law,
B. Demar Hooper
We are a fortunate group. My part-
ecutor). (Costa Mesa)
Capitol Mall. New office location.
Judge, Miami-Dade County, 11th
My 16-year-old thinks I am a knuck-
2003 Chair, Association of
be invited to the “Extra” Honorable
cases in the world, suing primarily
Caryn C. Schwartz
Paul J. Pimentel
PLLC. A good year for the practice.
Sharon K. Sandeen
Catherine A. Straight
The Honorable
Partner, Preg, O’Donnell & Gillett,
Daniel L. Barnett
the legal field as a small-town pros-
Nevada. I have the most wonderful
(Irvine, California)
ing tennis. (Scottsdale, Arizona)
Eric P. Gillett
Partner, Bartlett, Kirch & Lievers.
William S. Papazian
joy, my husband, David, obtained
his doctorate and has a side consulting business. We juggle schedules
but manage to have fun too. Wishing
for more “free time” in 2004.
(Irvine, California)
Samuel B. Taylor
President, CEO and General
Owner, The Law Offices of Samuel
Counsel. Spinelli Corporation.
(www.spinellicorp.com) Entering
my third year at the helm of Spinelli
Corporation. We have grown our firm
to 35 professionals serving diverse
B. Taylor, Durham, North Carolina.
Hello to all! Best wishes and warm
greetings, in particular to the Stainfields and Karen Ponton. Thank you
for doing such a great job of staying>
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 51
in contact. We value your friendship.
Donald B. MacDougall, Jr.
young people. I have returned to
and I can’t imagine living anywhere
personal injury, family law, and busi-
Another big year— I’ve been in trial
Formerly a partner at the San
the private sector and look forward
else. So, in 2003 I sat for the
ness litigation. I am also one of the
for a big piece of it. Grace has been
Francisco law firm of Kenney &
to an interesting 2004. Kelsey is a
Hawaii Bar. Presently, I serve as in-
owners of two Mexican restaurants
doing her fundraisers for the non-
Markowitz, Mr. MacDougall has
junior at Christian Brothers, Maddy
house counsel for Fairfield Resorts,
and sports bars in Visalia and
profits. Alex is 10 now and is ice
joined Garden City-based Nixon
an aspiring Mia Hamm at age 9.
a relationship which began in
Hanford known as Amigos Restaurant
skating a ton. Maddie, she’s the wild
Peabody of counsel. He is a civil
2002. (Kailua-Kona, Hawaii)
& Cantina. I continue to coach boys
one. Last summer the girls learned
litigator and trial attorney who has
how to surf, water ski, sail, and
extensive experience representing
motor boat. They are really active
international and domestic corpora-
and doing well. We are so proud of
tions, aviation-related entities, and
them! (Durham, North Carolina)
airlines such as American, South-
west, and Spirit.
Sandra G. Lawrence
2805 North Mountain Street
Carson City, NV 89702
775.885.1896 Business
ning my own law office practicing
exclusive practice of employment law.
his Redding law firm to be sworn
longer and my clients will be hurting
in as a Shasta County Superior Court
even more than they already are.
Judge in September of 2003.
This is a very uneasy time for injured
(Redding, California)
workers in California. On a personal
note, I am still trying to have chil-
Got a call on Tuesday, October 6,
Riverside County Superior Court
Bench. I am honored to now serve
this state as a judge. (Riverside,
Bill Lockyer
Attorney General, California Department of Justice. Assembly member
(1973– 82); Senator (1982– 98);
Chair, Senate Judiciary (1985 – 94);
Attorney General (1998– present).
our holiday gathering with Uncles
916.687.7960 Home
Ken Ralidis, Brian Walker, Brian’s
916.874.5557 Business
wife Mercy, and their two girls.
(Compton, California)
won a major victory in a wrongful
well. (San Rafael, California)
termination, age discrimination case.
extremely busy. Over the past year,
The punitive damage phase has yet
I have made many appearances,
William W. Palmer
including CD signings at several
1241 Carter Road
Border’s Books and music stores. I
Sacramento, CA 95864
American Bar Association. Now at
am also making personal tapes for
916.972.0761 Home
alma mater as Director of CDO. Two
grown children. No grandkids, but
have a granddog and grandcats.
Benjamin K. Helfman
Attorney, McDermott & McNamara,
LLP. (San Bernardino, California)
David G. Knitter
Partner, Gow, Van Male, Smith,
Myers & Miroglio, Napa / Fairfield.
(Fairfield, California)
ing children, teenagers, and adults.
appointment as County Counsel,
Please feel free to visit my website
Wilson, Oakland. Specializes in
Madera County. These are four-year
at www.thegaromethod.com to
natural resources and environmental
appointments, but I expect to retire
learn more about the program.
law, with an emphasis on water
here. (Madera, California)
(Bakersfield, California)
resource issues. (Oakland, California)
Daniel S. Glass
Denise L. Dirks
Thanks to Aaron Gumbingel for a
Still a sole practitioner. Enjoying the
Law Offices of Denise L. Dirks.
wonderful vacation in California. It
freedom of no billable hour require-
Still working hard at the practice of
was wonderful to see the McGeorge
ments. It’s been a busy few years.
law. The firm is growing and so is
campus and Professor John Myers.
I got engaged at the top of Half
the family. Never hear from the ’89
I can’t believe it’s been 14 years.
(Poughkeepsie, New York)
Dome in Yosemite, in 2000; married
Peter D. Lemmon
Holland & Knight has added
in 2001; first child — a daughter —
all? (Roseville, California)
I have been a partner with Myers
in 2002 and second child —
Paul E. Echols
President, Bearing Witness to Life.
Shareholder, Curtis & Arata,
This past year I have returned to
Modesto. As a shareholder he has
Sacramento and settled in with old
the added responsibilities of mentor-
friends and new. Completed Critical
ing new attorneys and contributing
Incident Trauma Intervention certifi-
to the management of the firm.
cation and Trauma Chaplain training
John L. Gezelius
Widders et al for three years now,
and my wife Jackie and I have eight
another daughter — in 2003. It’s
probably time to focus on work.
transactional). Escape to the soli-
western New York’s largest personal
beautiful acres here in Ventura
tude of our home amongst the red-
injury law firm wth 40 attorneys.
County, and we enjoy all the elbow
Judith A. Goss
woods each night. Never enough
Landed the new job in March 2003,
room. I work primarily in business
Enjoying work as a rehab counselor
time to play, but still enjoy our
moved home from Georgia with my
transactions and litigation and
for State of California in Yreka.
winemaking travels and entertain-
fiancee, Donna Lee, and her daugh-
municipal law. I will be president of
Checking out weather to decide
ing friends. This will be the fourth
ter, Chelsea “Wolf” Forster. Closed
my local Rotary International club,
where to buy a house. Mt. Shasta is
year that I have participated in the
on our home Friday, June 13, 2003.
active at our parish, and very busy
beautiful! One granddaughter and
3-Day Walk to raise money to fight
Married on July 12, 2003. Honey-
with all obligations both at work and
second on the way. Having 14
moon in Montreal. Life is sweet and
at home. (Ventura, California)
month-old visit for two weeks
everything remains possible! Fondest
Paul C. Smith
I cannot believe we graduated more
than 15 years ago. (Sacramento)
my 20’s. (Yreka, California)
salutations to all Duck Rugby
After nearly 13 years in civil
I was elected to the Tiburon Town
Alumni from Fig! (Buffalo, New York)
litigation, I moved to the Federal
Council on November 4, 2003. We
Julie B. Gustavson
1635 Vallarta Circle
are still working on a remodel of
Concentrating on the resolution of
our home. (San Rafael, California)
business, construction, labor,
and “soft” money. I am having a ball.
In the midst of a busy fall, I became
Last year, in a case involving Audio-
Maria Shriver’s Chief of Staff for
vox Corporation, I negotiated the
the recall campaign — framing and
largest civil penalty agreement in the
launching the successful ‘Remarkable
history of the FEC. (Washington, D.C.)
Women for Arnold.’ Lots of fun,
but the double duty of campaigning
Victoria L. Kalman
and litigation reminded me why
Counsel, Fairfield Resorts, Inc. We
campaigns are populated with
are starting our fifth year in Kona
Spring 
Molly Stuart
and provide support in homicide,
fatal accident and hospital crisis, as
Solo practice, Tustin, California.
Retired from Air Force Reserve with
24 years, 8 months and change.
a lovely new group at McGeorge.
the National Academy of Elder Law
Elise O. Thorn
Attorneys. (Tustin, California)
Attorney, Stanton Clay Chapman
Crompton & Iwamura. (Honolulu,
Todd F. Haines
Attorney, Law Office of Todd
municipal and real estate disputes
Henry P. Yorston
well as juror traumatization. Teaching
Active in local Bar activities and
reminds me why I had my kids in
Megan Halvonik
Tracey S. Buck-Walsh
Laura G. Skojec
Daniel A. Johnson
March. We built a new house on 10
check for “dangling chads.” Rather,
counsel against cities, counties and
other public entities, I accepted an
Partner at Cellino & Barnes, P.C.,
Business: (916) 927-1914
After years of being plaintiff’s
Meyers Nave, Riback, Silver &
environmental law (regulatory and
Election Commission. No, we do not
David A. Prentice
My program covers all ages, includ-
children and expect our ninth in
Sacramento, CA 95834
after 14 years of marriage.) (Tracy,
Barbara A. Brenner
John A. Sheehan
Jack A. Gould
due in February, 2004. (About time,
adults, athletes, and professionals.
2002 and continue to practice
breast cancer. (San Jose, California)
to be tried. Second Kronlund baby
Day Crew anymore. Where are you
Opened a new office in San Jose in
we’re the folks who regulate “hard”
(Vallejo, California)
President Pro Tempore (1993– 98);
2003 informing me that Governor
Davis had appointed me to the
specialize in bankruptcies.
Wilton, CA 95693
igation practice in Los Angeles.
revamp the workers’ compensation
moving to Sacramento area soon to
2002. A highlight of every year is
Law Offices of Tamara J. Gabel.
Bernard J. Schwartz
real estate brokerage. Planning on
11035 Walmort Road
has to offer. (Sacramento)
the new legislation and attempts to
Still combining practice of law with
Thomas in 2000 and Isabella in
Daniel Johnson as partner in its lit-
The Honorable
Solo practice in Vallejo, California.
Kaori was born in 1998, Everett
M. Holly Gilchrist
Office, Compton. My wife, Yoland,
Tamara J. Gabel
as usual. We are very active with all
Kenneth H. Flood
and I are very busy with our children.
Los Angeles District Attorney’s
dren, using the best medical science
Hello, it’s been a while. Work is busy
the Lotto ticket. Bye. (Sacramento)
sity of the Pacific, McGeorge School
than 15 years’ experience in the
I may not be in the black much
just loving life and waiting to cash in
hard. Beautiful wife and two won-
very well and having great fun run-
Peterson & Frost, Steve Baker left
Russell that thinks he is a Rott. I’m
resolution services in Sacramento.
Sacramento in 1999 and has more
and medical treatment even further,
cally, not emotionally) by a Jack
Director, Career Services, Univer-
As a sole practitioner, I am doing
After 13 years with Carr, Kennedy,
gone and are now replaced (physi-
in San Diego. Working hard, playing
of Law. Just finished year as
proposals to cut disability benefits
many questions. The Rotts are both
provider of alternative dispute
President of National Asian Pacific
Shasta County Superior Court Judge.
both in school and asking way too
Ruthe C. Ashley
with Governor Schwarzenegger’s
system. Personally, the kids are 6 & 7,
Brown & Frank. Life is good. Living
derful kids (ages 5 & 3.) (San Diego,
Stephen H. Baker
Partner, Mullen & Filippi, LLP.
The Resolution Experts, a private
Everett D. Emerson
the plaintiff’s side for a change and
is with the kidlet. Wishing everyone
District of California. (Sacramento)
The Garo Method is keeping me
Dispute Resolution Services in
tion reforms of September 2003
Jeffry B. Diamond
Shareholder, Neil, Dymott, Perkins,
She also established Employment
nately, with the workers’ compensa-
Husband, Mike Kronlund, jumped to
ronmental, but a majority of my time
United States Marshall, Eastern
The Garo Method of Mental Fitness.
Mediator and Arbitrator, JAMS,
Crime Section. (Washington, D.C.)
Barbara A. Kronlund
life. I am still a sole practitioner, envi-
Antonio C. Amador
school. (Visalia, California)
Hollie Rutkowski
workers’ compensation. Unfortu-
The Honorable
keeping me running about and loving
Mark J. Garibaldi
Hugh A. McCabe
Assistant U.S. Attorney, Organized
has run. My almost 3-year-old girl is
varsity basketball at a local high
Barbara J. Christiansen
S. Elizabeth Poteat
through alternative dispute resolu-
Haines. Practice continues to grow.
Thomas J. Welsh
I am still a councilman in Oak Park,
Partner, Orrick, Herrington &
Ventura County, California. Still
Sutcliffe, LLP. (Sacramento)
married — three kids, Kelsey, Chad
and Trent. (Agoura Hills, California)
William S. Yee
Ms. Lisa A. Specchio
Assistant Director, Public Services
tion methods, with a group of six
514A Hill Drive
Support Dept., Palm Beach Property
professional negotiators, including
Jenny D. Hubach
away in employment and breach of
Glendale, CA 91206
Appraiser’s Office. Achieved Bronze
retired judges and labor union
Judge Pro Tem, Reno Justice
contract cases. Wife Michelle and
Life Master at Duplicate Bridge.
leaders. (Orangevale, California)
Court. Own and operate Law
two kids have nixed my plan to
Offices of Jenny Diane Hubach.
buy a sports car, but at least I
(Reno, Nevada)
don’t have to drive the minivan to
818.247.4010 Home
213.244.9640 Business
Earned International Association
Principal, Berger Kahn. Litigating
of Assessing Officers’ designation of
Brooke B. Vos
Robert R. Aguilar
Assessment Administration Specialist.
I’m no longer the class contact and I
work. I live less than three miles
Effective January 1st, I have become
(West Palm Beach, Florida)
understand that no one had stepped
from work which is a rare nicety in
up to those duties, but my course
L.A.! (Marina Del Rey, California)
a sole practioner concentrating on
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 53
Billie B. Line, Jr.
derful children: Emily, 7, Troy, 5
Bradley P. Kaplan
and Tess, almost 2. (San Francisco,
Staff Attorney, Howard, Rice,
Nemerovski, Canady, Falk & Rabkin.
7103 Criner Road SE
Susan D. Blake
Huntsville, AL 35802
Public Policy Director, Criminal
256.881.0342 Home
Justice Legal Foundation. I’m still
256.489.3476 Business
doing policy work at the Criminal
Justice Legal Foundation and loving
Russell K. Boring
it. I was on nationally televised Fox
Life is really good. Going on three
News last year debating the death
years of complete remission, full
penalty and I’ve had many other
speed ahead. Wendy and I are
appearances on local TV and radio,
screening calls for our celebrity
talking about public-safety issues.
daughter, Carson, who was recently
seen on ‘America’s Funniest Home
Somehow, in the midst of all this
professional activity, I was able to
I changed firm about a year and a
half ago and the move was great. My
twin daughters (Madison and Erin,
John R. Brownlee
10300 Single Oak Drive
Bakersfield, CA 93311
Husband John and I welcomed John
chance I get but being a plaintiff’s
Maureen Aplin
much more glamorous than it
Alexander to the world on November
attorney makes it more interesting!
Of Counsel, Law Offices of Thomas
actually is. Holding steady at two
6, 2003. Still proudly working as
(Davis, California)
P. Aplin. (Laguna Niguel, California)
daughters and one wife. No changes
Anthony J. Garafola
Kent C. Cobb
Joined the Sacramento law firm of
The Cobb Firm; Vice President
Andrew S. Levey
Knox, Lemmon and Anapolsky, LLP
of Development & Legal Counsel
On Jan. 4, 2003, Elain ’94D and I
Michael A. Sitzman
as an associate attorney. Practice
for the Alzheimer’s Association,
welcomed our second son, Shane
UC Davis Health System in-house
counsel and enjoying our family life
in Sacramento. (Sacramento)
planned. (Newport Beach, California)
age four) are a blast, and I am work-
661.868.2710 Business
ing on accepting Scott Hyman’s invi-
Ruth A. Rowlette
tation to bring them down to visit
Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher,
includes corporate law, business
Oklahoma and Arkansas Chapters.
Ryan Levey. Big brother, Jake, is
New baby on the way, another won-
Disneyland. They have been out to
San Francisco office.
transactions, employment law and
2003 was a most incredible year
enjoying his status as the ‘big boy’.
derful daughter from China. Practice
play with Derek Long-staff’s son. We
for me, especially because I met the
(Los Angeles, California)
is going well, moving from heavy tax
Karen Y. Uchiyama
business litigation.
are still trying to set up a barbecue
representation to probate and estate
Law Offices of Karen Y. Uchiyama.
Harry Zibners
with Alan Zacharin and his family. I
planning work. (Sacramento)
I left ‘law firm life’ with glee and
Radiologist, Fairfield Imaging
started by own practice in January
Associates, Inc., Lancaster, Ohio;
2000. Now I have an associate, a
Of Counsel, Stein, Chapin & Assoc-
Gina L. Genova
secretary, and a filing clerk who is
iates, LLC, Columbus, Ohio. Fellow,
Sole Proprietor, Law Offices of
taking a year off from McGeorge! My
American College of Radiology, Chair,
Gina L. Genova. On May 27, 2003,
Mr. Gregg S. Garfinkel
office is near Union Square in San
Medical-Legal Committee; Fellow,
my husband, Greg, and I welcomed
hope all is well with everyone. Isn’t it
time for the San Francisco Bay Area
picnic? (San Francisco, California)
love of my life, Lesley, in April. As
stunningly beautiful as she is, she is
even more gorgeous.
the State Bar. (Sacramento)
take three weeks off to do a mission
Old Ducks. (Tampa, Florida)
trip to Cambodia. What a fabulous
Roland P. Reynolds
Robert E. Moss, Jr.
and interesting country! What beauti-
I am currently the Chairman of
ful people! I also went to Vietnam,
the State Bar Consumer Financial
16633 Ventura Boulevard
Francisco and I do a lot of landlord-
American College of Legal Medicine
the birth of our first child, Margaret.
another great place to visit. I’d highly
Services Committee. I am the hus-
Suite 1401
tenant /rent control law. I bought my
Publications: ZIBNERS, HARRY,
For the past three years, I have been
recommend either country for your
band of Elizabeth Reynolds and the
Encino, CA 91436
first home last year and live with my
‘Case 11: Teleradiology’ pp. 109-116
lecturing for the writing program at
next vacation. Look for me on your
father of Cordelia, age 10 months.
818.349.2787 Home
boyfriend, a former client. I’m looking
and ‘Case 12: Physician Contracting
UC Santa Barbara, teaching busi-
local news.... (Sacramento)
(Newport Beach, California)
818.789.2232 Business
for a cute Victorian to buy for my
and Antitrust Law’ pp. 117-126, in
ness writing, legal writing, and
office. I still see Sally, Gloria, Kearse
Risk Management: Test and Syllabus,
advanced legal writing. I also main-
Counsel for Vision Service Plan (VSP)
over the last three years. VSP is a
California nonprofit specialized health
plan, headquartered in Rancho
Cordova, which conducts business in
Teri C. Filkins
Shannon Shogren
Douglas A. Bordner
and Charlene. (San Francisco,
Brenner, R. James, Section Chair,
tain my general litigation practice
all 50 states. In this position, I man-
I am enjoying staying at home with
Robert and I are proud to announce
I currently have my own law firm:
American College of Radiology,
from my home office now that
age the overall operations of the com-
Katelyn (5), Annie (almost 3), and
the birth of a baby girl, Abigail Laura.
the Law Office of Douglas A.
Reston, Virginia, 1999. ZIBNERS,
Margaret is here. Life is wonderful
pany’s Legal Division and have direct
Mallory (10 months). I hope every-
She was born on May 22, 2002 in
Bordner in Agoura Hills, concen-
these days. A happy child makes a
responsibility over specific areas of
one is having a happy and healthy
Cambridge, Minnesota, and weighed
trating my practice in the areas of
‘PACS: Legal Justifications and
happy home! (We hope to add one
2004. (Salinas, California)
8 lbs. It’s been a real joy staying home
Corporate, business and real estate
Implications’ in PACS; A Guide to the
more to the mix next year.) (Santa
with Abby and homeschooling my
transactions. My wife, Shannon,
Digital Revolution, Dryer, K.J., Mehta
Barbara, California)
two step-daughters. In April 2001,
gave birth to our twin boys, Austin
I made the big move from Las Vegas
and Travis, on June 2, 2003. Life
to Cambridge, Minnesota, pop. 5500.
is good. (Agoura Hills, California)
duty. This position has been very
rewarding and educational. (Rancho
Gerard B. Harvey
Cordova, California)
Inyo County Public Defender.
Cynthia L. White
Building a new home. Frank, 7,
Owner, Attorney at Law Offices of
and Joey, 5, are growing like
Cynthia L. White. Still happy and
weeds. (Bishop, California)
busy in Rosamond. We are experi-
My husband is from Minnesota and
wanted to move back home. I was
encing a lot of growth in Rosamond
Kelly A. Bennett Honig
ready to get out of the city and slow
and the entire Antelope Valley.
Greetings to all from Kelly and Keith
down a little in the country. I worked
Honig. Keith continues to manage
for about five months as a human
the commercial mortgage loan port-
resources generalist in Minneapolis
folio from the 38th floor at AIG. Kelly
before taking the full-time position of
finally quit her lititgation practice in
expectant stay-at-home mom. I love
Derek R. Longstaff
October 2003 and is seeking new
50 California Street, Suite 1500
Stuart B. Wolfe
Partner, Wolfe & Wyman, LLP.
In January 2004, Wolfe & Wyman
LLP moved its Orange County office
to a fantastic new and bigger space.
Now located at: Jamboree Center,
5 Park Plaza, Suite 1100, Irvine,
CA 92614.Meanwhile, our second
Brian D. Lerner
daughter, Gabriella Gracie Wolfe,
Attorney at Law, President of
was born on November 6, 2003.
Law Offices of Brian D. Lerner, A
(Irvine, California)
A., Thrall, J.H., Eds., Springer Verlag,
1st Edition, November 15, 2001.
ZIBNERS, HARRY, ‘Legal Issues in
Interventional Radiology: A Private
Practitioner’s Perspective’ in
Seminars in Interventional Radiology,
On June 1, 2003, I became a certified specialist in criminal law with
Videos.’ Cheers to Fig, Loose and
I have served as Deputy General
David L. Muller
Kathryn S. Williams
Treasurer and Vice President,
Hathaby Properties, Inc. My husband, Arnold, and I have started
up a real estate investment company. We also gave birth to a baby
girl, Josephine Constable Williams,
‘Joy’. (Westlake Village, California)
Major Ferdinando P. Cavese
6415 Little Potters Lane
Alexandria, VA 22310
703.971.6253 Home
Carol L. Henson
703.696.9131 Business
Orange County District Attorney’s
Chief, Air Force Central Labor
Office. Deputy District Attorney
Law Office, Arlington, Virginia.
assigned to Gang Unit.
(Arlington, Virginia)
(Santa Ana, California)
Gary G. Branton
Volume 18, Number 4, 2001,
S. Alexandria Jo
Shu-wen Yang
Mueller, Peter R., Editor. ZIBNERS,
Died May 1, 2003 of cancer at the
Warnick & Palmer. Just completed
President, Alpha Systems, Inc.,
HARRY, principal drafter, American
age of 36 in Sacramento. Criminal
first year with new firm. It has been
Geoffrey F. Margolis
Fremont, California 94538.
College of Radiology Expert Witness
defense attorney who also did
a very busy year. Also completed
Senior Staff Counsel, California
(Fremont, California)
Standard; Res. 43-2002. ZIBNERS,
appellate work and won President’s
certification as tae kwon do instruc-
every minute of it. My son Carnell,
Department of Insurance.
Award from the Asian / Pacific Bar
tor. Will test for third degree black
career opportunities, as her intended
22, is attending UNLV. He’s a drum-
Legal Issues for Residents in
Association of Sacramento in 1992.
belt in January. Whole family now
career as California lottery winner
mer in a band Endemic. They just
pressed a new CD; check them out
Holly L. Johnson
heavily involved, including Karen
has not been forthcoming. In the
HARRY & SMITH, JOHN J., Medical-
meantime, she serves as driver and
at www.endemiconline.com. If you’re
Mark J. Reichel
Brian J. Beckon
waitress to Charles (8) and Meredith
in the Las Vegas area, be sure to
This past summer I was fortunate to
(5). The Honigs are pleased to report
catch a set. For all of you who
find an in-house counsel position
they visit with Melissa Kent and her
remember our classmate Jeanette
with the Rudolf Steiner Foundation,
family on a regular basis and have
Ithurburn who passed away in June.
San Francisco, CA 94111
415.439.5391 Business
a San Francisco nonprofit that pro-
had the pleasure of entertaining
vides financing for a variety of pro-
Gerard Harvey and his offspring at
gressive projects. It’s been an excit-
Chez Hon-et in Westlake Village. They
ing time, as I get to do all the sorts
are also VERY PROUD of their friend,
of work that I ever wanted to do,
The Honorable Michael P. Vicencia,
and all for a very good cause. My
Superior Court Judge. You rock,
wife, Julie, and I have three won-
Michael! (Westlake Village, California)
Spring 
Be careful— it’s all fun and games
until somebody loses an eye.
(Cambridge, Minnesota)
Clinton P. Walker
Partner, Damrell, Nelson,
Schrimp, Pallios, Pacher & Silva.
(Modesto, California)
Professional Corporation. (Carson,
Patti L. McGlasson
NetSol Technologies, Inc.
Corporate Counsel, Company
Secretary. Working in-house is
giving me more time with my
4601 “P” Street
Sacramento, CA 95819
916.498.5700 Business
Partner, Albright, Stoddard,
Radiology, revision in preparation.
(Columbus, Ohio)
On September 4, 2003, I hiked and
reached the summit of Mt. Whitney.
Three months prior, I was scuba diving in the Cayman Islands. Life is
and 5-year-old twins, T. J. and
Betsy. New home now completely
landscaped with pool, and we love
visitors. (Las Vegas, Nevada)
David M. Miller
good. I am enjoying traveling, playing
June Clark
2, while still keeping up on corpo-
Philip E. Carey
7041 Koll Center Parkway,
and practicing law. (Sacramento)
Senior Attorney, Judicial Council
rate and securities law. (Irvine,
I have been running my own legal
Suite 275
Joseph Kaneda
of California. (Sacramento)
practice since 1992. Got married the
Pleasanton, CA 94566
Partner, Feinberg, Grant, Mayfield,
Diane L. Ewing
925.631.9353 Home
Kaneda & Litt, LLP. Still flying back
Tax Counsel III, California
925.600.3030 Business
and forth between California and
Franchise Tax Board. (Rancho
Nevada. Admitted pro hac vice on a
Cordova, California)
two boys Jackson, 4, and Louis,
Anna Orlowski
Health System Counsel, UC
Davis Health System. Best wishes
to my fellow McGeorge alumni.
weekend after graduation and we
now have seven children, five acres,
eight chickens, a dog, a cat and no
time! I shall pester the Liberals every
case in Hawaii. Traveling sounds
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 55
Traci F. Lee
Captain Laura H. Heller
Libby H. Hope
3331 Power Inn Road,
5318 N. Visscher Street
Patent Attorney, Intel Corporation.
Suite 350
Tacoma, WA 98407
It has been a very eventful year for
Sacramento, CA 95826
253.756.1084 Home
my family and me. After five years
916.419.3200 Home
Stephen E. Oliva
for their shows. My friends always
busy morning, noon, and night. In
alumni. Not a very good excuse. I
Supervising Senior Staff Counsel,
ask “Are you showing your A** this
my spare time, I’m the California
hope that everyone in the McGeorge
Legal Office of the California
weekend?” It’s a lot of fun and have
director for Defenders of Wildlife, a
family is doing well.” (Sacramento)
Department of Conservation. I am
met so many great friends in the don-
national environmental organization
the lead attorney on the many legal
key community! Living a blessed life
based in Washington, D.C. I run our
issues relating to the Department of
with my dogs, Sterling and Rocky,
California program which is based in
Conservation’s mission in support of
and cats, Double C and Samantha.
Sacramento and Monterey. I work on
agricultural land conservation, with
(Ft. Worth, Texas)
a variety of issues involving endan-
particular focus on the Williamson
Act. My wife, Susan Ellis, is a senior
scientist with the Department of Fish
and Game. We have two teenage
Winston H. Chen
Deputy Attorney General, California
Department of Justice, Antitrust
Section. Best wishes to the class of
daughters, Stephanie and Mary.
1993. (Los Angeles, California)
Both are student-athletes, playing
water polo as their primary sport.
Sharon J. Cosgrove
Deputy Public Defender. Our
daughter, Christina, was born on
Frank M. Pacheco
Solo practice, Stockton, California.
Memberships: Aircraft Owners &
January 2, 2003. We also have a
4-year-old son, Jason. Brian is a
Deputy Public Defender for Riverside
Pilots Association; Experimental
Aircraft Association; American Radio
Relay Associations. Professional
County. He’ll be transferring from
Indio to Temecula soon and we’re
moving to Murietta. (Joshua Tree,
memberships: Association of Trial
Lawyers of America, Los Angeles
County Bar Association. (Stockton,
Christine J. Cusick
Stay-at-home mother of twins, age
2. I haven’t worked in over two
Angel R. Stewart
years since they were born. I plan
Resource Specialist, American
to return to work in some part-time
Canyon Middle School. As of
capacity in the next year or so
February ’04, I am my school’s first
and will, hopefully, eventually find
badminton coach. Badminton has
full-time work when my children
been added to our school’s sports
start school. Luckily, my husband,
teams. I will coach a co-ed team of
David Cusick,‘92, has a successful
7th and 8th graders. I am very
excited about it. I played on my college and high school teams back in
solo practice that enables me
to stay home with the children.
the ’80s. (American Canyon,
Howard A. Dean
Senior Counsel, Corporate
Violet R. Radosta
World Bank for almost seven years
111 Topsail Drive
now and greatly enjoy my work. I
Boulder City, NV 89005
work on a variety of interesting
Administration, Legal Vice
Presidency, World Bank Legal
Department. I have been at the
legal issues, and have an opportu-
Judge Gabriella Bendslev
nity to travel to many interesting
I have been a full-time Municipal
places in the world. Could not ask
Court Judge for Fort Worth for almost
for more. (Washington, D.C. )
two years now. Last year, I bought a
gered species, water, public lands,
forestry, and growth. Work and
in Colorado, we decided to move
916.875.4721 Business
back to California to be closer to
tion to Deputy General Counsel and
Cossingham, representing and nego-
in the process switched from child
tiating contracts for professional
welfare law to disability and elder
hockey players in North America
law. My son, Ryland, will be 2 years
and Europe, including two NHL
old in March. (Indianapolis, Indiana)
players during first year of operation.
Come visit us in New England!
Laura A. Coats
Dallas County District Attorney’s
Fernando S. Acosta
Office, Assistant District Attorney,
Kelli L. Nazareth (Attinello)
Staff Attorney, California State
Appellate Section. (Dallas, Texas)
Since graduation, I have been
my family. Our son, Adam, is now
Teresa M. Fee
Employees Association. Bob
21/2 years old and loves to be
Administrative Law Judge,
Varma ’94D and I are planning
Barry E. De Walt
around his uncle and grandparents.
California Unemployment
to adopt orphan children from
Assistant City Attorney, City
Albert Flor, Jr.
I have left firm life and started a
Insurance Appeals Board.
Tibet. (Los Angeles, California)
of Redding, California. (Redding,
Partner, Wendel, Rosen, Black
career as in-house counsel. It has
(La Palma, California)
& Dean, LLP, Oakland, California.
been quite an overwhelming, but
I was recently elected to partnership
definitely a great experience.
at my firm. My practice continues to
(Irvine, California)
family are great fun but, boy, is it
exhausting! (Sacramento)
focus on complex commercial and
financial services litigation as well as
business reorganization and bankruptcy. My wife and I also celebrated
the birth of our first child in February
2003. (Oakland, California)
Shelby L. Hladon
Beginning in April, 2004, I will be
transferring to Commander, Carrier
industries but primarily those in
Lawyer, Owens & Perkins, PC.
Climbed Mt. Whitney, fished
tries. I have recently left law firm life
What a year 2003 was. An
Montana, biked Rosarito to
Management Project.
the fabulous Julie Davies. It was
(Los Angeles, California)
so nice to see many old classmates. Must do it more often.
Pat McGrath loved my old ‘study’
photos so much that I will dredge
up more for our next get-together.
Have a great 2004! (Scottsdale,
Group One, and will be the Staff
Allen C. Ostergar, III
Judge Advocate there for two years.
The official opening of the Ostergar
This is considered to be ‘sea duty’ so
Gregory W. Mc Cracken
Law Group in Mission Viejo
I’ll be deploying on aircraft carriers
occurred on January 1, 2004.
and other large ships to mentor
Cathy and the five kids are doing
other lawyers on operational law
well. Our oldest is now a teenager.
issues. Luckily, the deployments are
(Mission Viejo, California)
on for three to four weeks, and the
Lawyer, Urban Planner, Robinson
& Cole, LLP, Hartford, Connecticut.
Marsha, Chloe, Lydia and I continue
to enjoy life in New England. 2003
was a busy year for work. On
and have been working as a self-
Ensenada, visited the Tetons,
Patricia B. Jennings
employed contractor for several law
Yellowstone, and Yosemite. Kids
In the two years since I have
firms /offices in the same field. Work-
are well, life is good! (Upland,
stopped practicing law, I moved
ing from home provides me with a
from Sacramento to the Bay Area,
flexible work schedule so that I can
got married to Bill Jennings, gave
spend more time raising our two
Eugene Ashley
birth to our first child, Olivia, moved
daughters, Nicole (5) and Hallie (2).
Shareholder, Hopkins & Carley of
into a 100-year-old historic home in
When not working, I enjoy spending
San Jose. Mr. Ashley is a member
Los Altos, and I am now pregnant
time with my family, being involved
of the firm’s commercial litigation
with our second child, due May
in my children’s school activities,
department, and his practice focus-
2004. I’ve been fortunate enough to
scrapbooking, and of course, shop-
es on complex commercial disputes.
return to Spain for a three week trip
ping. (Oakland, California)
Candice M. Bales
with my best friend, Maureen, hon-
Owner, Law Office of Candice M.
Bales. I went out solo on August
1, 2001 and love it! It was the
best decision I ever made. I now
specialize in family law and
eymooned in Southern France and
Morocco, and enjoyed shorter trips
to New Orleans, Steamboat Springs,
Colorado, Tennessee and Atlanta.
Bill and I are planning a second trip
Thomas Weathers
the home front, Marsha and I cele-
Mr. Weathers has been elected as
brated our 10th anniversary and
President of the National Native
Chloe started kindergarten. We’re
Steve Holden
American Bar Association. He will
hoping for a quieter 2004 and,
Partner, Palmer Kazanjian Holden,
serve the 2003-2004 term.
maybe, for a vacation. (Hartford,
Michelle A. Ball
I just wish I had construction law
Attorney, Owner, The Law Offices
experience! (Los Altos, California)
command is located in San Diego.
(San Diego, California)
LLP. Our labor and employment
firm has been quite successful, and
continues grow. We recently moved
to new offices at 520 Capitol Mall
in order to make room for new
associates and staff. I serve as the
board president for the Family Service
Shivaun White
Moving to Naples, Italy, to work
for the Navy, sometime in Spring,
2004. (APO, AE)
Janie Siess
Assistant Chief Counsel for the
State of California, Department
of Fair Employment and Housing.
Craig B. Zaller
Partner, Nagle & Zaller, PC.
corporations engaged in various
the hi-tech and entertainment indus-
our 10-year reunion hosted by
Angeles, California)
Francisco Bay Area representing
Senior Attorney. (Sacramento)
Staff Attorney, Self-Help
City Attorney’s Office. (Los
and naturalization law in the San
David L. Allen
Christopher D. Lonn
incredible Steely Dan Tour and
Deputy City Attorney, Los Angeles
exclusively practicing immigration
Leslie A. Dunsworth
Michelle C. Hopkins
Joanna B. Lambert
(North Andover, Massachusetts)
Status quo here. Living in Lodi in
the house I grew up in, which is
Agency for the Greater Sacramento
Still enjoying practicing community
Area. The Agency and its staff do
association law in MD / DC. Also
amazing work in supporting fami-
I literally go home. Kids are big:
enjoying life with my wife, Cara,
lies in need through a variety of
Robert is a junior in high school
and our three boys (Zachary, 2,
already and, to demonstrate pre-
fabulous: When I go home at night,
continue to volunteer my services
and time to a local domestic violence shelter. (Anchorage, Alaska)
together to Argentina to introduce
Olivia to the extended family this
February. We love our ‘new’ home
and are in the middle of renovations.
of Michelle Ball. Life is going very
well. Business is strong and I had
a son, Sebastian Alexander
Campbell, December 20, 2003.
He is such a joy! Fortunately, as I
have my own law office, he comes
to work with me! As usual, I am
still practicing education law, representing parents and students
across California. (Sacramento)
Steven J. Oshins
Shareholder, Law Offices of Oshins
& Associates. I recently signed an
endorsement agreement with
EstateDoc Systems, LLC (www.
EstateDocSystems.com) to help
design and promote their new automated living trust drafting software
called TrustDocs. I suggest that
anybody doing any estate planning
visit their website. I can be reached
at [email protected] and www.
oshins.com. (Las Vegas, Nevada)
Thomas C. La Porte
Junior Partner, Cossingham
Law Office, P.C. Married to high
school sweetheart, Kristine. Have
two beautiful children, Olivia, 5 and
DJ, 11/2, and Ranger, our German
Shepherd, 81/2. Published in
Rosa E. Rios
Attorney, Department of Homeland
Security (FEMA), San Juan, Puerto
Rico. I continue to enjoy my work!
(San Juan, PR)
Massachusetts Lawyers’ Weekly
Rachelle C. Sanchez
for successfully arguing application
Staff Counsel, Secretary of State.
of binding offer to purchase in
My husband, Marty, and I are
beautiful 1912 Craftsman Bungalow
Kimberley W. Delfino
innovative programs. I will compete
and twins Alec and Noah, 8
Kathryn R. Brown
California Program Director,
both residential and commercial real
enjoying parenthood. Our son,
in a historical neighborhood called
in my second Ironman Triathlon later
cisely how fast time flies, Matthew,
months old.) We are also excited
Deputy General Counsel for
Defenders of Wildlife. The past
estate contexts. Formed Total Sports
Dylan, just turned 1 in December
Fairmont in Fort Worth. I also volun-
this year, supported by my wonder-
my law school baby, is a 12-year-old
to be moving into our new house
Disability, Aging & Rehabilitative
few years have been busy ones
Management, LLC with partner Ken
2003! (Sacramento)
teer as an announcer for the South-
ful family. Focusing on work, fami-
7th Grader. For fun, I play and sing
this spring. (Columbia, Maryland)
Services, Indiana Family and Social
western Mule and Donkey Society
for Chris and me. We have two
ly, charity and sport, I have left lit-
for the rock-out service at the local
beautiful children, Samantha, 31/2,
tle time for keeping in touch with
Lutheran church. Hope all is well
Services Administration. In Sep-
with my classmates. (Lodi, California)
tember 2003, I accepted a promo-
and Ben, nearly one. They keep us
Spring 
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 57
Sonia E. Taggart
Represents public employee associa-
spective. Published articles for the
Avenue boutique firm. Most of our
(2003), 113 Cal. App. 4th 1413.
Hilary J. Runnion
am just finishing my first term as an
James W. Bean
Senior Deputy Attorney General,
tions and private corporate clients
Association of Legal Administrators
clients are foreign conglomerates,
(Los Angeles, California)
Died September 15, 2003 at the
elected School Committee Member
Domestic Violence Specialist,
Nevada Office of the Attorney
throughout Nevada. Enjoys Nevada’s
in Puget Sound and in New Jersey.
closely held, well known foreign
age of 38 in Lafayette. Practiced
and plan on running again in April,
Chester County Adult Probation
General. Continuing to work part-
outdoor recreation with his twins,
(Seattle, Washington)
companies and high net worth indi-
workers’ compensation law for
2004. (Arlington, Massachusetts)
and Parole Department,
time and spend the rest of my time
Genoa and Nicholas, who are in 2nd
with my daughter, Sophia, who is
grade at the same grade school that
now 2. We are expecting a baby
he attended. President of the school’s
boy in January 2004. Paul and his
P.T.A. (Carson City, Nevada)
partner opened their own law firm
this year after he argued at the U.S.
Supreme Court. We continue to love
living next door to Tahoe and can’t
wait to share our enthusiasm for
the outdoors with the children as
they grow. (Carson City, Nevada)
Victoria M. Yamamoto
Trial Attorney, Correll & Associates.
(Rancho Cordova, California)
I am still keeping busy with my busi-
ness providing expert-witness servic-
Ryan J. Raftery
es on construction delay and accel-
700 “H” Street, #270
eration disputes. My wife, Linda, is
Sacramento, CA 95814
well and doing fine. My son, Daniel,
916.874.6411 Business
Michael J. Harris
President, Genoa Corporation.
viduals. I’m doing everything from
cross border M&A and venture capital to offshore banking and trusts,
multijurisdictional reorganizations
and even Manhattan real estate
deals. I still go to Brazil several times
a year for business and pleasure, but
(Leesburg, Virginia)
California. I got married on August
and I are active in the Brazilian
Worked on recent California Supreme
31, 2003; my lovely wife, Michele,
community here in NYC. I also
is a school nurse. I still practice
regularly participate in the USC
Partner, Paul, Hastings, Janofsky
criminal law at both the trial and
Alumni Club’s activities. Our daughter,
& Walker, San Francisco office.
appellate levels. One of my appel-
Ariela, turned 3 a few months ago
late cases — unfortunately a loss —
and son, Joshua, is almost 18
was published this year, People v.
months old. Fatherhood is totally
Rivera, 107 Cal. App. 4th 1374
awesome — much better than I
(2003.) (Santa Rosa, California)
thought it would be — and for the
law enforcement matters under
Personnel Board decisions, Lomeli
state and federal law.
v. C.D.C., 108 CA4 788 (2003).
Office. Hi, all: Life is going great.
and things are going well. (Minden,
November, 2003. (San Francisco,
My wife and I are kept busy and
happy by our two sons, ages 2
Kevin T. Collins
and 4. I had a career change this
Partner, Best Best & Krieger, LLP.
past fall. After nine years of juvenile
Collins is one of the founding mem-
law, I moved to the downtown
bers of the firm’s Sacramento office,
office of County Counsel. I now per-
which opened two years ago. His
Matthew D. Wilber
form a wide variety of challenging
areas of expertise include land use,
Pottawattamie County Attorney,
tasks relating to the functioning of
business, and construction litigation.
Iowa. Just completed his first year
our county government. Its been
He represents public entities includ-
as the Chief Prosecutor. In addition
an exciting time of change. I hope
ing cities and special districts, as
to supervising 12 assistant county
everyone is doing well. (Sacramento)
well as private enterprises including
fifth homicide case. Jury returned a
Commerce, and my wife, Karina,
group, representing businesses in
Elected to firm membership
football, softball, and volleyball, I’m
Solo practitioner, Santa Rosa,
involving enforceability of State
own practice the end of June 2003
Firm. (Sacramento)
from the universities he applied to.
Works in the firm’s real estate
Sacramento County Counsel’s
County D.A. Just completed my
McDonough, Sacramento office.
published Court of Appeal decision
Member, Severson & Werson.
athletic leagues in the city, playing
Brazilian-American Chamber of
30 Cal.4th 528 (2003). Obtained
permanent home. I opened my
Associate, The Diepenbrock Law
Robert L. S. Angres
budget impasse, White v. Davis,
Deputy County Counsel,
Deputy District Attorney, Sutter
year and is waiting to hear back
first time since I stepped foot in
Pleas. October, 2003, elected to
Kristy L. Van Herick
I’m actively involved with various
on one of the committees of the
Pennsylvania Court of Common
John E. Reed
Sherri and I decided to make it our
Michael E. Vinding
Partner, Carroll, Burdick &
Gordon E. Hart
living in the beautiful Carson Valley,
seven years in the East Bay.
Susan Green
will graduate from high school this
salaries to state employees during
Solo Practitioner. After a year of
I do have a real life outside the office.
Timothy K. Talbot
Court case involving payment of
Matthew D. Ence
murder conviction which helped
ease the morning sickness I suffered
during the 2-week trial. Connor’s
sibling is due July 12, 2004.
Connor is 2. (Yuba City, California)
attorneys, he recently successfully
Scott Hervey
prosecuted a rape case carrying a
Shareholder, Weintraub Genshlea
mandatory sentence of life in
Chediak Sproul. His practice
prison without parole. Matt and his
focuses on technology and intellec-
wife, Lisa, live in Carson, Iowa
tual property matters, issues con-
with their three children: Alexa 7,
cerning the Internet, licensing, and
Lucas 5, and Samuel (born March
entertainment law.
25, 2003.) (Council Bluffs, Iowa)
Board of Directors, Domestic
Violence Center of Chester County.
(West Chester, Pennsylvania)
Fortune 500 companies. Collins rep-
Robert B. Wareham
resents his clients in all phases of lit-
Has expanded his firm in the
southeast Denver, Colorado metropolitan area. In September 2003,
he moved into new office space
and now has six attorneys working
with him providing a broad range
of legal counsel including domestic
igation, including jury and court trials and appeals. Best Best & Krieger
LLP is one of the state’s 50 largest
law firms with 150 attorneys and six
offices throughout California. The
Sacramento office has 17 attorneys
Completed term as Chair of Labor
Andrea L. Mc Cann
Angela M. Bader
Sacramento many moons ago, I
and Employment Law Section of
Program Attorney, Judicial Council
Douglas E. Love
Randy S. Wong
relations, criminal defense, bank-
Partner, Laxalt & Nomura, Ltd.,
have actually come to enjoy the
Sacramento County Bar Association.
of California, Education Division.
Senior Corporate Counsel,
General Counsel, Principal,
ruptcy, estate planning and civil
Reno, Nevada. I just completed my
law again! If any of my former
(San Francisco, California)
Genentech, Inc. (South San
Golden Horizon Enterprises,
litigation. His new wife, Jennifer
second year as partner. Our firm is
classmates are ever in NYC, give
Francisco, California)
620 Newport Center Drive, 11th
Holschuh, helped him found the
in the process of constructing our
me a buzz. Loeb, Block & Partners,
Floor, Newport Beach, California
practice in 1998 and now acts as
92660. On December 27, 2003,
the firm aministrator. Robert was
Monica and Randy Wong gave birth
published in the September 2003
to their newfound, 7 lbs. 2 oz.,
issue of the Colorado Lawyer. His
bundle of joy, Kyle Scott Wong, a
article, entitled “Family Law
baby boy, who is their first child.
Magistrates: An Overview of
Monica, Kyle, and Randy live in the
Review and Appeal Procedures,”
city of Newport Coast, California.
32-SEP Colo. Law. 91, was
Brett L. Dickerson
(Newport Beach, California)
adapted as a chapter in the 2004
Partner, Gianelli & Fores.
issue of a Colorado Bar Association
(Modesto, California)
Robert K. Roskoph
Partner, Roskoph Associates, P.C.
Expanding practice in estate, tax and
business planning; Board member,
Guy E. Ortoleva
Palo Alto Chamber of Commerce,
190 Deerfield Drive
Kiwanis Club of Palo Alto. Two boys
Hamden, CT 06518
— Adin, 7 and Myles, 2. (Palo Alto,
203.248.2008 Home
struction to commence in April
2004, completion in January
2005. We will move from the
downtown area to South Meadows,
LLP, 505 Park Av, Ninth Fl, New
York, NY 10022; 212.755.5510;
Owner, Law Office of David A.
fax 212.755.1777 or lbass<mailto:
Martin. Recently passed exam for
[email protected]
State Bar Certified Family Law
(New York, New York)
Specialist. Have done some lecturing
on child custody and general princi-
Reno. My husband and I are kept
quite busy with our two daughters,
Shannon S. Champion
ples of family law. Currently employ
Jordan Ashlee, age 3.5, and
Associate Director,
three full-time staff including attor-
Paul G. Taggart
Keighley Bryn, age 1. Friends may
Contracts, Verizon Wireless.
ney, paralegal, and secretary.
Practice is focused on providing high
860.571.7130 Business
Mary Dignan
own law firm building with con-
David A. Martin
Attorney, King & Taggart, Ltd.
reach me at my new e-mail:
(Folsom, California)
Hi, there: I’ve been derailed or,
After arguing the Nevada Hibb case
[email protected].
rather, switched to new tracks since
Robbin M. Coker
before the United States Supreme
my brain tumor surgery in October
Court, I left the Nevada Attorney
1997. The tumor and surgery
General’s Office and opened my own
complicated by life as a deaf-blind
law firm with two partners. We love
attorney. Today, I practice healing
private practice and I am enjoying
and art instead of law. I’d love to
my 2-year-old, Sophia, and expect-
hear from former classmates —
ing a son in January, 2004. (Carson
email: [email protected], or
City, Nevada)
Partner, Dyer, Lawrence, Penrose,
Flaherty & Donaldson. In January
2002, became partner in the law
firm that he started with in 1995.
Owner, Law Office of Robbin Coker.
where needed and reasoned negotiation where possible. (Sacramento)
Leigh R. Bass
On September 13, 2003, Bill and I
Hi, here’s my update. Things are
welcomed our son, Nathan William
Julie F. Puleo
886 La Sierra Drive
going great at work. It’s funny how
Andreasen, into the world. He is an
I am enjoying my job as a stay-at-
Sacramento, CA 95864
the dream had always been a huge,
absolute doll! I am going into my
home mom to our two daughters —
916.456.7023 Home
international firm with lots of busi-
eighth year in business and loving it!
Colette (3 yrs) and Lauren (1 yr).
916.609.3736 Business
ness trips, car service, wining and
(Encinitas, California)
Traci L. Williams
Timothy L. Davis
but once I actually lived the dream,
Steven P. Rettig
Equity Partner at Burke, Williams
Director, Human Resources,
and the 2400+ billable hours that
& Sorensen, LLP. Last year I was
Consulting & Training. Director of
went along with it, I realized that
the chief litigation counsel in the
H.R. for my company, as well as
there was more to life than that!
published decision, Alhambra Police
helping clients stay compliant from a
Now I’m still doing cutting edge
Officers Association v. City of
Deputy County Counsel, Contra
Costa County. This past year,
our family moved to a new home
further out in the ‘burbs’ and
welcomed our third son, Gabriel.
(Martinez, California)
human resources / employment per-
Spring 
international deals, but at a Park
Alhambra Police Department
Christopher J. Kaeser
Suzanne B. Owayda
dining summer associates, etc. etc.,
call 916.427.8646. (Sacramento)
Thomas J. Donaldson
(Reno, Nevada)
quality, aggressive representation
Chair of the Arlington School
Committee, Arlington, MA.
I am still living in Boston, with my
and provides legal services in the
areas of public agency representation, municipal law, redevelopment
law, water law, land use and eminent
domain, school law, environmental
law, public finance law, public
employment and labor law, as well
as general litigation and employment
law for private companies. BB&K can
be found on the web at bbklaw.com
publication, The Practitioner’s
Guide to Colorado Domestic
Relations Law. (Denver, Colorado)
Michelle Dykstra
Robinson Di Lando & Whitaker,
Los Angeles. Jebb and I are expect-
Hans K. Wild
ing our second child at the end of
Assistant Staff Judge Advocate,
May ’04. (Los Angeles, California)
U.S. Air Force. (Salt Lake City, Utah)
Glen L. Gross
Counsel, McDonough, Holland &
Allen, Intellectual Property Group.
Anthony L. Hall
Jane Greaves Sargent
Associate, Littler Mendelson.
631 Massachusetts Avenue, NE
(Reno, Nevada)
husband and two sons. I am a
Washington, D.C. 20002
member of the Massachusetts Bar
202.546.5709 Home
but not currently practicing law. I
202.393.6222 Business
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 59
Jeannene L. Lafarga
Managing Attorney, Dietz, Gilmor
& Assoc. I was promoted to the
position of managing attorney of
our Upland office in October 1,
2003. Our son, Jacob, started
Theresa A. Dunham
2218 Railway Circle
Gold River, CA 95670
kindergarten this year. He loves it!
916.446.4647 Home
(Upland, California)
916.446.4647 Business
Ann P. Wathen
David M. Poore
the future. Alden and I are enjoying
Carol N. Izumikawa
looking forard to the arrival of our
Attorney General’s Office.
Partner, Kahn, Brown & Poore,
parenthood! I hope the Class of 1998
Senior Trial Attorne,. Forge &
second daughter in March, 2004.
(San Francisco, California)
LLP. (Emeryville, California)
has a healthy and prosperous year!
Zayner. Married Jesse Finulias in
(Marysville, California)
Las Vegas in February 2003,
Gwyn-Mohr P. Tully
Staff Attorney, WEAVE.
Senior Resources Planner,
Schlumberger Water Services.
Jeanine C. Boyers
Katherine J. Hart
Anthony M. Leones
Owen W. Dukelow
840 Erie Street, Apt. 3
Shareholder, Miller, Starr
Reported opinion in Acco
Oakland, CA 94610
& Regalia – November 2003.
Brands v. Micro Security Devices,
510.763.2000 Business
(Pleasant Hill, California)
346 F.3d 1075 (Fed. Cir. 2003).
(Portland, Oregon)
Molly J. Mrowka
1901 Harrison Street, 11th Floor
Stephanie A. Miller
Associate, Carroll, Burdick
Stephanie M. Hansel
& McDonough.
I am enjoying living and pacticing
in a small town with my husband
Oakland, CA 94604
415.929.1020 Home
510.444.6800 Business
Michelle M. Sheidenberger
expecting first child (boy) January,
Associate City Attorney, Roseville
Noah G. Blechman
City Attorney’s Office. My husband
Associate Attorney, McNamara,
and I had a baby boy in September
Dodge, Ney, Beatty, Slattery &
Alyssa C. Joyce
2003. We are adjusting well to the
Pfalzer. Still working hard in the
Associate, Law Offices of Nancy
demands of parenthood and work.
insurance defense industry, keeping
Kaupp Ewin. Co-Chair of the San
plaintiff’s lawyers honest. Am getting
Diego County Bar Elder Law
closer to trying my first case, if my
Section Membership Committee for
cases wouldn’t settle on the court-
NAELA (National Academy of Elder
house steps. Looking forward to see-
Law Attorneys). Member of San
ing you all in court! (Walnut Creek,
Diego County Bar Estate Planning
Gary S. Winuk
Section. (La Mesa, California)
Robert W. Brannen
Christine H. Long
Penney & Associates. I’ve left
Senior Litigation Associate,
9409 Colwin Way
2004. (San Jose, California)
Stephanie M. Bamberger
Mom, home! David Boyers ’98D
Robyn Greenberg Varcoe
and I are expecting our second
Our son, Joseph “Joey” Alexander,
child, a baby girl, in April.
was born on July 25, 2003. I have
quit my job to be a stay-at-home
Richard A. Chavez
mom to Joey and Allyson, age 3.
(Scottsdale, Arizona)
Bullivant Houser Bailey PC.
Recently joined the litigation practice group in the Sacramento Office,
which services regional and national
clients in the areas of environmen-
Anne R. Rogaski
and three children. I have never
Partner, Townsend, Townsend
been busier, or happier! (Yuba City,
Kellianne Akbar
916.684.9418 Home
Farmers Insurance and am now
Berliner Cohen. Congratulations to
Emily L. Randon
& Crew. (Palo Alto, California)
Attorney, Porter, Scott, Weiberg &
916.686.7921 Business
doing plaintiff’s personal injury
Jen Rouse on finding Mr.
2101 “W” Street
Amarik K. Singh
Janice D. Magdich
Christine M. Denn
in Sacramento. I’m also getting
Wonderful. He is very thoughtful!
Sacramento, CA 95818
Deputy District Attorney, Tulare
Senior Associate, Best Best &
Christine M. Galves
Real Estate Investor, River City
married in May 2004. (Rancho
(San Jose, California)
916.244.3400 Business
County District Attorney’s Office.
Krieger, LLP, Sacramento Office.
Assistant Director, The California
Cordova, California)
Assigned to the homicide team.
Lisa J. Martin
My husband, Tim Rogan, and
Education Master Plan Alliance.
Erik E. Child
Kenneth H. Brendel
Attorney, Selman Breitman LLP.
After serving as a gubernatorial
Partner at Beyer, Pongratz &
I are expecting twins in May.
L. Jerry Hansen
Sutter Health. President,
Associate Attorney, Magnum, Wall,
(Los Angeles, California)
appointee in former Governor Gray
Rosen. Current focus in indoor air
Deputy Inspector General for
Sacramento County Bar
quality litigation such as toxic mold
Association, Health Law Section.
and carbon monoxide poisoning.
Finished my fifth homicide trial
this year. I was recently named
Delehant. (Sacramento)
2003 Prosecutor of the Year for
Tulare County. (Visalia, California)
Davis’ office of the Secretary for
James R. McGuire
One of the 14 newly elected partners
Alan A. Sozio
Partner, Burke, Williams &
Sorensen LLP. Michaela (Battista,
within Morrison & Foerster, McGuire
is a member of the Litigation Department and resident in the firm’s San
Class of 1995D) and I celebrated
Francisco office. He practices complex
the birth of our son, Andrew
civil litigation, with an emphasis on
Charles, on March 21, 2003.
the defense of consumer class actions
(Los Angeles, California)
against financial services companies.
Anup Tikku
He received his J.D. degree, with
Birth: Son, Arya, January 2003.
great distinction, from McGeorge in
(San Jose, California)
1996, where he graduated Order of
Education, Galves was hired as a
consultant to help develop Califor-
and articles editor of the Pacific Law
Founding Partner of Strategic
Journal. McGuire clerked for the
Wealth Legal Advisors.
Hon. Eugene A. Wright of the United
States Court of Appeals for the Ninth
Sheri L. Zamrzla
Deputy District Attorney at
Circuit. He joined Morrison & Foerster
in 1997. (San Francisco, California)
Inspections & Policy, Department
Stoops & Warden, PLC. Sherri and
of Defense. www.dodig.osd.mil.
I are loving life in beautiful
(Arlington, Virginia)
Flagstaff, Arizona, with our two
wonderful kids, Nicole and Peyton.
nia’s Master Plan for Education. In
(Flagstaff, Arizona)
December 2003, she began her
Kathleen T. Price
position in the new, non-profit organ-
Family Law Practitioner. (Reno,
ization, The Master Plan Alliance.
She continues to teach Legal English
tal litigation, commercial litigation,
products liability, employment
counseling and litigation, real estate
and construction matters.
Jana Du Bois
Ami M. Peterson
Assistant Attorney General,
Washington State Office of the
Attorney General. I married Bryn
Peterson ’98E, in February 2003.
Michelle E. Bucknell
We recently bought a house and
Brown, Fink, Boyce & Astle, LLP,
enjoy living in central Washington.
Tax Manager. Neal and I are
I continue to work at the Attorney
In-house Health Care Attorney,
My personal practice specializes in
personal injury cases of all types.
Justin M. Gingery
Have performed appellate work
Attorney, Gingery, Thompson &
resulting in published opinion.
Derdowski. Terry Thompson,
Have won several six-figure jury
’99E, Ryan Derdowski ’99D, and
verdicts. (Sacramento)
I are still working at this law corporation idea. I am still chasing
each year in the summer program
Anthony J. Stanley
expecting our first baby, a little girl,
General’s Office representing the
Vangie C. Eidsvik-garza
Senior Associate, Pillsbury
ambulances, Terry and Ryan, and
at UC Davis. She, her husband, and
in May. (Sacramento)
Department of Social and Health
Solo Practitioner. I practice criminal
Winthrop LLP. (Los Angeles,
trying the cases, and our staff is
her step-son recently welcomed
Services. (Yakima, Washington)
defense — primarily false accusa-
operating the offices in Sacramento
5-year-old Johnston to their family
tions of child abuse and domestic
and Manteca. We are all shooting
violence cases. I recently won a writ
for an early retirement in Boracay.
of habeas corpus for a man who
through adoption. (Sacramento)
the Coif and served as a staff writer
Terry D. Wheeler
Elk Grove, CA 95624
Britt P. Imes
Deputy District Attorney IV.
Luisa A. Miles
Kara L. La Bella-Parker
Traveled to Peru for the holidays
4521 South Land Park Drive
and to celebrate Luke and Jack’s
Sacramento, CA 95822
second birthday. Moved to Lafayette
916.448.1654 Home
Anita C. Demps
Owner, The Spot, LLC. My husband
and I have owned a retail clothing
store in Elk Grove for almost
Laura E. Stewart
Associate at Lewis, Brisbois,
Bisgaard & Smith. In May 2003, a
three years. During this past year,
Los Angeles Superior Court judge
we have generated sales of over
granted our client’s motion of sum-
$1 million, a 25 percent increase
over the previous year. In 2003 we
mary judgment in a premises liability case where plaintiff claimed
were named “Business To Watch of
$170,722 in damages to his furni-
the Year” by the Sacramento Black
served six years in prison for a crime
he never committed. On a personal
Allison C. Lafferty
note, I live in the mountains, have
Associate, Kroloff, Belcher, Smart,
several grandchildren and six dogs
Perry & Christopherson. (Stockton,
and two horses. (Modesto, California)
Belinda T. Lin
six months ago. (Walnut Creek,
Lana M. Shearer
Kelly E. Sutter
916.716.3313 Work
ture inventory. I am working primarily
the Sacramento County District
Chamber of Commerce. I travel all
on personal injury cases, defending
Shareholder, Weintraub Genshlea
[email protected]
Following the birth of my son,
Senior Litigation Specialist III,
Attorney’s Office. (Sacramento)
over the world for business and
landlords and homeowners associa-
Nicholas, in February 2003, return-
Sedgwick Claims Management
I left my general counsel position
pleasure. My husband, Dell, is the
tions at a large law firm in downtown
ing to the full-time practice of law
Services. I am proud to announce
with Panattoni Law Firm to be a
West Coast scout for the New York
Los Angeles. (Los Angeles, California)
was very difficult for me. I have now
that James Han and I finally tied the
mom to Alden John Parker, Jr. (“AJ”).
Knicks. (Elk Grove, California)
found a perfect compromise and
knot on November 15, 2003 at one
work part-time on a contract basis.
of our favorite vacation destinations.
Being a mom is certainly the most
James is thriving in his work as an
challenging and rewarding experience
insurance defense litigator, and I
I have ever had. (Elk Grove, California)
am still loving my job as a claims
Chediak Sproul. As a member of the
firm’s Estate Planning, Tax and
Fiduciary Abuse practice group, she
represents clients in the areas of
estate and trust litigation, elder financial abuse, and conservatorships.
Katherine K. Miracle
Assistant District Attorney, Felony
Division. After three years as a felony
prosecutor at the Dallas District
Attorney’s Office, I am taking the next
few years off to raise my new triplet
daughters, born on August 21,2003,
They are very healthy and very beautiful. (Dallas, Texas)
Spring 
Teresa P. Sydow
I have redirected my career from
real estate attorney to real estate
Donna D. Ferebee
Deputy District Attorney, Yuba
broker. I am currently working for
Staff Counsel, Victim
County. I continue to enjoy my
Camelot Realty in Sacramento...
Compensation and Government
work as a Deputy District Attorney.
look for LaBella Parker Properties in
Claims Board. (Sacramento)
In My free time I stay very busy
adjuster. (Hayward, California)
with my active 2 year-old daughter.
My husband, John, and I are
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 61
Clinton M. McElfish
Sloan, LLP, a labor and employment
many of my former classmates will
David S. Barrett
Mark J. Jacobs
Denae M. Olivieri
Heidi L. Wiehl
Tony K. Smith
Contract Manager, Northrop
law firm in San Francisco. (San
take this opportunity to drop me a
Associate Attorney, Law Offices of
Associate, Fisher & Phillips, LLP.
Associate Attorney, Ropers,
Attorney Editor in Chief of
Corporate Counsel, Judson
Grumman Mission Systems.
Francisco, California)
line and let me know what they are
Wanland & Bernstein. Practice
(San Diego, California)
Majeski, Kohn & Bentley.
Publications, Callifornia District
Enterprises, Inc. Currently enjoying
doing. I miss many of those unique
commercial and real estate litiga-
(Oakland, California)
Attorneys Association. Son’s
a challenging in-house practice with
personalities that helped me survive
tion. My son was born on April 21,
birth — Elias Alexander Lehrman,
some very interesting, albeit spo-
the “Hells” of 1L (certain “unique”
2003. (Sacramento)
February 11, 2003. (Sacramento)
radic, litigation experience
thrown>in for good measure.
James S. Overman
Japan again this year with my wife
6080 Bryce Way
and daughter. (Rancho Cordova,
Rocklin, CA 95677
Department of Defense contracting
Mindy A. Wolfe
continues to be interesting and
Attorney, Hatch & Parent. Steering
rewarding but, to really scratch the
committee for local Habitat for
legal itch, I started moonlighting as
an associate in a small general practice firm in Salt Lake City. Peggy and
I are closing in on seven years of
marriage and we now have two children: three year old Madison and
one year old Sean. (Clearfield, Utah)
Humanity Chapter; attorney coach
for high school mock trial competition team (2003 county champions).
Would love to hear what others are
up to. Come visit Santa Barbara!
(Santa Barbara, California)
motorcycle accident at the age of 30
in Los Angeles County. Associate in
Kathryn M. Davis
the L.A. office of Jackson Lewis LLP.
950 Harrison Street, #113
Brian Porter
Died September 21, 2003 in a
San Francisco, California 94107
James E. Pugh
professors to remain nameless). My
son Patrick will graduate from high
school in May, he has received a
nomination to the United States
Naval Academy (we’re praying for an
appointment). My daughter, Kate, is
playing travel soccer as well as playing
Associate, Herum Crabtree Brown.
Rajeev S. Patel
Represented citizens’ group in
I am happily married and living in
David T. Bartels
successful litigation to set aside an
Los Angeles with my beautiful wife,
Associate, Carroll, Burdick &
Environmental impact Report for a
Mona, who never seems to stop
McDonough, Sacramento Office.
Wal-Mart anchored retail project in
studying; Mona is completing her
Bakersfield. I am a member of the
fourth and, thankfully, final year at
San Joaquin County Bar Association
USC Pharmacy School. I am also a
Board of Governors and also serve
trial attorney with Zinder & Park, a
as Chair of the Bar’s Barristers’
small general civil litigation firm in
Section. When time permits, I still
North Hollywood. My practice areas
enjoy skiing and motocross.
include insurance defense and per-
Rebecca Bruch
Foreign Service Officer, U.S.
(Stockton, California)
sonal injury / medical malpractice
Associate, Erickson, Thorpe &
Department of State. In January
lawsuits. I truly enjoy the practice of
Swainston, Ltd. (Reno, Nevada)
2004, I left the Department of
Jonelle C. Beck
Solo Practitioner, Law Office of
Jonelle C. Beck. My solo practice
on her middle school soccer team and
is nearly 2 years old and I am
doing well in school, my beautiful
happy to report that it is thriving.
wife Sandra is looking younger every
day and enjoys working as a paralegal
for a terrific attorney in Boca. Please
drop me an email or call! Brian K.
Duffey Hodgson Russ, LLP 1801
I am excited to report that I have
added mortgage brokering to the
services I provide to my clients.
Valery P. Loumber
This past year has been very busy
Associate, Wendel, Rosen, Black
since I continue to work as an
& Dean. (Carmichael, California)
In-house Counsel, MBA Consulting.
Daniel B. Bernstein
Military Trail, Ste. 200 Boca Raton,
Retains position as in-house counsel
Deputy Attorney General, Cal.
Florida 33431 Direct Dial 561-862-
for environmental consulting firm.
Dept. of Justice. (Sacramento)
4176 Direct Fax 561-862-4983
Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer
Email: [email protected]
Foundation and the American
(Boca Raton, Florida)
Cancer Society and am building a
President of the Association of
Calvin J. Clements
Environmental Professionals, work-
Associate, Knox, Lemmon and
ing with the largest land developer
Anapolsky. (Sacramento)
in Southern California. Traveling to
Brazil for Carnaval in Rio De Janeiro.
Dora A. Corby
And, charter board member in the
Now practicing as a real estate
Association of Surfing Lawyers.
attorney in a small town in Con-
(Irvine, California)
necticut where, can you believe,
Wendy A. Gable
Brett S. Jolley
adjunct professor at McGeorge, sit
on the Board of Directors for the
new home. (Sacramento)
Recently returned from two separate
trips to Hawaii (Oahu / Maui).
Looking forward to traveling to
916.624.8311 Home
Chad A. Thornberry
law and am especially thankful to
Justice to join the State Department
have completed the Trial Advocacy
Richard F. Desmond
as a foreign service officer. I expect
Concentra-tion at McGeorge before
Associate, Desmond, Nolan,
to be serving abroad by the end of
Jefferson G. Meyer
graduating. When I’m not bugging
Livrich & Cunningham,
the year. (Washington, D.C.)
Law Office of Jefferson G. Meyer.
my wife to stop studying, I’m usually
Sacramento. (Sacramento)
I survived my second year as a
with Sandeep Shah, another 2000
Sukhdeep Kaur
solo practitioner, focusing on busi-
grad, yelling at the 49ers for blowing
Attorney, Weintraub Genshlea
I am presently with Bradford &
ness litigation, business formation,
another game or catching opening-
Chediak Sproul, Law Corporation.
Barthel in the Fresno branch of the
and transactional law. In addition
night showings of the latest block-
Successfully argued before the Third
firm, defending employers and insur-
District Court of Appeal that employ-
Lizbeth V. West
Scott, Nick, and I are well. Nick
Megan Barker Bowen
to the law practice, my wife and I
buster hits. Life is good! (Hollywood,
ance companies. When I am not
earned his Eagle Scout rank and
In June 2003, my husband Dan
co-own Shypoke Vineyards LLC,
ers do not violate FMLA / CFRA by
doing that, I am adventuring in and
is a sophomore at Jesuit High.
and I welcomed our first child,
a small, family-run winery in Napa,
failing to grant an employee’s blan-
out of state. This year’s vacations
(El Dorado Hills, California)
Jackson Robert Bowen. I am still
California. Our label is catching on
Michael A. Pope
ket refusal to work overtime. Third
were in Coronado, Texas, Santa
with Lionel Sawyer & Collins and
and the business continues to
Saetrum Law Offices. Nothing new
D.C.A. therefore affirmed the sum-
Barbara and Catalina Islands, in
love living and working in Reno,
grow. Check out our website at
to report. Same work, different day.
mary judgment we had won for our
that order. In May, I plan to explore
Nevada. (Reno, Nevada)
www.shypoke.com. Cheers!
Will have two appeals before the
client at the trial court. California
Idaho Supreme Court, with appel-
the Caribbean. Maybe I’ll run into
editor of the Council on Education in
lant briefs I wrote, in whole or
the pirates. Also, I am enjoying my
Manage-ment’s “Wage and Hour
one of the partners is a Pacific/
Scott K. Holbrook
McGeorge graduate – Paul Swenson.
Associate, Girard & Vinson.
I am also interested in starting an
I assisted partner and senior asso-
alumni chapter for the Northeast /
ciate in successfully representing
Jennifer Comilang
New England area. If you are
the prevailing party in a published
Associate, Jones & Dyer, LLP.
Monica M. Miner
part. Staying busy and enjoying life
salsa and pilates classes in my
Update 2004: Avoiding the Legal
Homan Taghdiri
interested, please contact me at
case — Woodbury v. Brown-
Labor Relations Representative.
in Idaho. (Boise, Idaho)
non-working hours. I am pondering
Land-minds.” Co-California editor on
General Counsel, Milbank Real
[email protected]. (Danbury,
Dempsey, 108 Cal.App.4th 421
doing the Tiburon mini-triathlon in
(2003.) (Sacramento)
Maria L. Salazar-Sperber
other Employment Law Programs for
Estate Services. As of January 1,
July but am wary of the sharks.
Consultant, Assemblyman
the Council. (Sacramento)
Think they’ll show me professional
courtesy? (Fresno, California)
Shalend Shane Singh
Associate, Porter, Scott, Weiberg
& Delehant, Sacramento,
California. (Sacramento)
2004, will be transitioning from
private practice to General Counsel
for Milbank Real Estate Services,
a real estate property development
Washington. I continue to enjoy the
Elisabeth M. Morris
Maldonado, California State
I’m very pleased to inform my fellow
ever-changing labor relations field
Associate, McNamara, Dodge,
Legislature. We just celebrated our
alumni of my new law firm affilia-
(Roseville, California)
and have had many successful arbi-
Ney, Beatty, Slattery & Pfalzer,
daughter’s 3rd birthday in
Diane M. Matthews
David D. Wade
firm that traces its roots back to
Associate, Berliner Cohen. Married
1817. Hodgson has 200 attorneys
in six law offices throughout the U.S.
and teaching Business Law at
and Canada. Our office in Boca Raton
Merced Community College.
has 20 attorneys. Some of you may
(Merced, California)
be familiar with the firm that was
included in the book “America’s
Kimberly Wedding-Graham
Greatest Places to Work With a Law
In September 2003, I married a
wonderful man named Jeff Graham.
Since October 2000, I’ve been
working as an associate at Curiale
Dellaverson Hirschfeld Kraemer &
Attorney, Allied Employers, Kirkland,
Son, Preston, born May 22, 2002.
Hodgson Russ, LLP. Hodgson is a
with four children. Practicing law
9, 2002. (Sacramento)
Maria M. Ramirez-Palafox
my practice into the law firm of
(Los Angeles, California)
Danielle Marie was born November
Brian K. Duffey
tion. On December 8, 2003, I folded
and management company.
Elizabeth A. Fell
(Gold River, California)
Degree.” I’ve joined the Estates &
Trusts practice group. It’s quite a
change to go from a two-lawyer firm
to a 200-lawyer firm, but the sky’s
the limit with a McGeorge JD! I hope
Spring 
Richard M. Wiesner
Patent Attorney, O’Bannion &
Ritchey LLP, 400 Capitol Mall,
Suite 1550, Sacramento, California
95814. (Sacramento)
trations in the past year. I am looking
LLP. Beth and her husband, Peter,
December and our son’s birthday
Owner, Matthews Law Offices /
forward to my first major contract
have a daughter, Chloe Hunter,
in January. (Sacramento)
Music Law Group. Am now Vice
negotiations for Puget Sound grocery
born January 5, 2003. (Walnut
employers this year. My husband,
Creek, California)
Gould & Birney.
Local Advisory Committee of
Helen C. Byrd
Sacramento. It has been a great
Sacramento Volunteers in Parole.
Adult Clinician at Visions Unlimited,
Counsel at PacifiCorp. I joined
year for a lot of reasons. Best of
Board of Governors of National
a private, nonprofit, outpatient men-
PacifiCorp’s, an investor-owned
all, however, is the birth of our first
Association of Recording Arts &
tal health agency providing therapy
Kimberley H. Goei
utility, legal department with
child, Emmery, born September
Sciences (Grammys), San Francisco.
to people without insurance or those
16, 2003. (Sacramento)
Opening San Francisco Office
who have MediCal or MediCare.
Anne M. Sherlock
January 2004 and Los Angeles
I am also self-employed as a
office January 2005. (Sacramento)
Forensic Social Work Consultant
Associate, Wiezorek & Rice, LLP.
a focus on energy law and practic-
Samantha Tali
Married July 26, 2003. (Long
ing before the Federal Energy
901 “G” Street
Beach, California)
Regulatory Commission. (Spokane,
916.874.6596 Business
of Volunteers in Parole; Chair of
Associate, Girard & Vinson,
916.716.4083 Home
William F. Schuetz
Associate, Wilke, Fleury, Hoffelt,
Toan-hoa B. Nguyen
Stephen, and I will welcome our first
child, a boy, in early March, 2004.
Sacramento, CA 95814
Chair of State Board of Governors
Paul Asterlin
(Kirkland, Washington)
Partner, Girard & Vinson, LLP.
providing supervision, assessment,
I also bought my first home.
Debi A. Nau
Deputy District Attorney, El Dorado
County District Attorney’s Office.
(Placerville, California)
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 63
and placement services attorneys
Adam A. Grable
Mara E. Satterthwaite
David S. Wilgus
who have clients within the court
Associate, Koeller, Nebeker,
In addition to the California license,
Associate, Burnham Brown,
system. (Sacramento)
Carlson & Haluck, LLP. (Irvine,
I am working on obtaining a license
Oakland. Along with Justin Lynch
to practice law in Nevada. Upon
’02E, formed the McGeorge Alumni
passing the Nevada bar exam, I will
Fishing Club which currently boasts
seek employment options in the
two members. (Oakland, California)
Hendrick S. Crowell
Attorney, Hendrick S. Crowell, II,
Megan C. Hitchcock
Crowell Law Offices. Having fun
Manly & McGuire, Associate
with lots of cases! Specializing in
Attorney. (Costa Mesa, California)
personal injury plaintiff’s work.
second child in April 2004. (Las
I’m working in Chico, California,
Vegas, Nevada)
practicing real estate, water law and
We are thrilled to share that our
business law. I got married to Tom
first child, Zachary David Crowson,
Knowles on November 2, 2002.
was born June 26, 2003,
We bought a home in a small town
to Jason and Claire Crowson.
called Durham, eight miles from
(Point Richmond, California)
Chico. Currently, we are preparing
the nursery, as we are expecting an
addition to our family. The baby is
Assistant Public Defender,
due April 9, 2004. I’ll return to my
Sacramento County Public
practice, part-time, after maternity
Defender’s Office. My partner,
leave. (Chico, California)
Emilie Mitchell, and I welcomed
I are also awaiting the birth of our
Sara Mathis Knowles
Claire E. Crowson
Hilary K. Davisson
State of Nevada. My husband and
the newest addition to our family
Vernice T. Louie
this past November. We had a
Associate, Hanna, Brophy,
Sara R. Smith
Subcontract Manager, Northrop
Grumman Space Technology.
Vacationed in Hawaii this past summer and took the Hawaii State Bar.
Following the exam I stayed with
fellow McGeorge alum, Piper Laird,
at her home on the island of Maui.
Considered practicing law there but
accepted a position in the subcontracts department of Northrop
Grumman in Redondo Beach —
Andrew H. Wilson
Controller, MJB Pizza, Inc. Seven
pizza restaurants in metropolitan
Kristopher S. Young
Captain Kristopher S. Young,
Joint Legal Assistance Office,
Camp Pendleton, California.
(Camp Pendleton, California)
Lisa V. Ryan
Brooke Pierman
Section; Porter, Scott, Weiberg &
division. (San Jose, California)
Since graduation, I have been work-
Delehant. My family is delighted
Katherine M. Bellotti
ing in the Sacramento office of
with the presence of Montana
Amy L. Best
Weinberg, Roger, and Rosenfeld —
Dawson Hill, born to my brother,
Associate Attorney, Drobny Law
an agressive union-side labor law
Dale, and his wife, Dawn, on
Offices, Inc. (Sacramento)
firm. I took the Nevada Bar this
February 11, 2002. (Sacramento)
Kelly K. Cesare
summer and passed. I now repre-
I earned my LL.M. in Intellectual
Scott S. Hoffmann
sent working men and women
Associate, Downey Brand, natural
Property from Santa Clara Unive-sity
Associate. Beckley Singleton
throughout Northern California, the
resources department.
School of Law in May 2003. I mar-
Chtd. California Bar exam passed
Central Valley, and Nevada.
ried Thomas E. Pfeiffer in January
February 2003, Nevada Bar exam
passed July 2003, expecting first
Roman M. Plachy
child in May 2004. (Reno,
Attorney, Mastagni Holstedt &
Amick. Roman is enjoying married
Gina R. Della Maggiore
life with Megan and his new job at
Deputy District Attorney, San
Attorney, Porter Scott Weiberg &
Delehant. (Sacramento)
2004. We currently reside in Aliso
Viejo. I am an associate with Darling,
Robertson & Lee, LLP, in Santa Ana,
California. Thomas currently works
for Pacific Life in Newport Beach,
California. (Aliso Viejo, California)
here I now work with former
Pacific/McGeorge student John
916.442.3100 Business
tion, real estate law and environ-
Daniel N. Ballard
Associate, McDonough Holland
mental law. Hobbies include skiing,
basketball and travel. Volunteer
Matt Maclear ’00D and Amy Rafter
President of Estela Gallawa Infant
’01D were married in October
& Allen, Sacramento, Intellectual
with Big Sisters program. New
Outerwear. I’ve left HEBW and
2002 at the Hans Fahden Winery
Yvette C. Smith-O’Connell
Property Group. A patent attorney
family member: a cat named
have started my own business
in Calistoga, California. The two
I am currently staying at home
focusing on intellectual property
“Blue Monster.” (Sacramento)
designing children’s hats. Having a
met while attending law school
with my two beautiful daughters.
litigation, Dan also thoroughly enjoys
13-month old son made me realize
and now live and practice law in the
Aislinn is 3 years old now and
representing music labels and
the need for childrens’ hats. The
San Francisco Bay Area.
Cailin is 11/2. They are so fun and
groups, book publishers, artists, and
hats are made from European
(San Francisco, California)
keep me very busy. Desmond and I
art galleries. Dan has recently
are glad to be back in Seattle and
received significant national media
Kevin G. Howard
close to our families. I plan to do
attention with his pro bono represen-
Associate Attorney, Law Office of
some more volunteer legal work this
tation of the sole internet user chal-
Gary Hall. (Roseville, California)
year. (Seattle, Washington)
lenging the copyright law that strips
Shana L. Prechtl
Pennsylvania. I refused to compro-
Associate, Laughlin, Falbo,
mise quality of materials or craftmanship and consequently I’ve been
able to carve out a niche market for
my unique products. (Sacramento)
Levy & Moresi, LLP.
(San Francisco, California)
Shannon M. Reno
Attorney III, Public Defender,
Sharon A. Garske
Sacramento County. Married in May
Attorney, McNamara, Dodge, Ney,
2002 with first child due April 6,
Beatty, Slattery & Pfalzer, LLP.
internet peer to peer file traders of
Rhonda J. Stine
their anonymity without judicial
Intellectual Property Associate
oversight. Dan is also working on a
Attorney, Pharmacyclics, Inc.
high profile trademark appeal to the
Married in May 2003 to Gree
Ninth Circuit. More importantly,
Meamber. (Sunnyvale, California)
however, on Christmas eve, he
Brian M. Taylor
became engaged to Amanda Cugini,
Associate, McDonough,
the girl in his heart for the past five
Holland & Allen’s, Sacramento.
years. (Sacramento)
2004. It’s a girl and her name will
(Walnut Creek, California)
be Hannah. (Sacramento)
Laura E. Giuliani
Attorney, Gordon & Rees, LLP, San
Francisco. (San Francisco, California)
Joy C. Rosenquist
Avi Glikman
switched from general civil litigation
Associate, Demler, Armstron &
to practicing solely in employment
Rowland. (Long Beach, California)
law (harassment, discrimination,
and wrongful term.) I also had a
baby one year ago! (Sacramento)
Law Offices of Lindsay B. Herrick.
Just being mommy right now. Had
a baby boy, Joseph, on August 26,
2003. He’s a big, healthy, happy
well-deserved winter break by
catching up on her snow skiing
at Mammoth. (Orange, California)
pally in civil and criminal litigation.
(Salt Lake City, Utah)
Heather L. Dauler
Legislative Advocate, The
California Alternative Payment
Program Association. (Sacramento)
Julie M. Edmunds
Associate; Klinedinst, P.C., 777
Tower, 777 South Figueroa Street,
Suite 4700, Los Angeles, California
90017. (Los Angeles, California)
Kerri L. Ruzicka
Ellen S. Elliot
Associate, Brassey, Wetherall,
Crawford and McCurdy, since
Associate, McDonough Holland &
Allen. Her practice includes both
Anissa P. Knox Stelle
transactional and litigation matters
Associate Attorney, Adams &
in the realm of environmental, rede-
Corzine. (Sacramento)
velopment and public agency law.
lar amounts. His practice is princi-
August 2003. (Boise, Idaho)
Lindsay A. Goulding
Associate, Porter, Scott, Weiberg
Michelle L. Stowell
& Delehant. (Sacramento)
Amilia Sanders
Associate, Downey Brand. Michelle
Associate, Downey Brand, LLP.
Stowell becomes the fourth attor-
ney in the firm’s family law practice.
Shawn M. Thompson
Troy R. Szabo
Intelligence Analyst, FBI, head-
Timothy M. Cary & Associates,
quarters in Washington, D.C.
general counsel to public and
(Washington, D.C.)
private entities. (Sacramento)
Michelle L. Viveros
Rachel D. Wilson
Associate, Hollins-Schechter.
Criminal Defense Attorney, Law
(Santa Ana, California)
Offices of Steven C. Bailey,
Kristy A. Gross
Office Manager at Sayre &
Associates. (Sacramento)
Brian S. Haddix
General Counsel, Bionica, Inc.
I’m kickin’ ass! (McClellan Park,
Serineh Karapetian
Associate Attorney, Central Valley
Placerville, and court-appointed
Injured Worker Legal Clinic, Inc.
baby. While waiting on my bar
Richard M. Watts, Jr.
results, I worked for the criminal
Attorney in El Dorado County.
Associate, McDonough, Holland
defense firm of James Blatt and
(Placerville, California) )
& Allen, complex litigation.
enjoyed it, but I intend to go into
Matthew W. Kubicek
Megan A. Lewis
Maximilian G. Barteau
Danielle K. H. H. Pieper
Associate, Wilke, Fleury, Hoffelt,
Charlie, my wife, is expecting
Deputy City Attorney, Las Vegas,
Gould & Birney, LLP. (Sacramento)
our first child in June. (Oroville,
Nevada. (Las Vegas, Nevada)
real estate law or appellate, if pos-
Yolanda V. Torres
Yolanda Torres is enjoying her
Erin A. Quinlan
Karen S. Kraut
sible. (Encino, California)
Associate Attorney, Fine, Boggs,
Cope & Perkins, LLP. Recently
Lindsay B. Herrick
eral plaintiffs’ actions for large dol-
Associate, Pinnel & Kingsley.
Peterson. I work in business litiga-
Estela M. Gallawa
fabrics and are manufactured in
Joaquin County. (Stockton,
attorney. (Sacramento)
attention. He has also settled sev-
Robia S. Chang
practicing in the labor department
Attorney, Law Offices of K. Greg
City which have garnered media
Judy L. Ford
Mastagni Holstedt & Amick. He is
trying to learn the ropes as a new
(Oakland, California)
April.) (Redondo Beach, California)
Associate, McDonough, Holland &
Kristine A. Fettig
MacLean, McAleer & Jensen.
to the birth of his first child in
family law firm focusing on property
Tameson L. McLean
Folsom, CA 95630-7314
on November 11, 2003.
Amy P. Maclear
Associate, Medical Malpractice
Associate, Lynne Yates-Carter,
1647 Weinreich Court
baby girl, Claire Davisson Mitchell
Stammreich (who is looking forward
Nedda M. Asadi
Phoenix. (Carefree, Arizona)
916.691.1691 Home
Allen, Health Care Practice,
(a Professional Corporation).
(Modesto, California)
Attorney, The Zumbrun Law Firm,
Sacramento. (Sacramento)
Lara R. Shapiro
Patrick R. Bergin
Associate at Clement &
Attorney, Owner, Law Offices of
Associates. Elder abuse
Patrick R. Bergin. Patrick has
litigation. (Sacramento)
handled several cases in Salt Lake
Spring 
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 65
Galen T. Shimoda
Carla B. Higginbotham
Associate, Orrick Herrington &
Judicial Law clerk, 2nd Judicial
Sutcliffe, LLP, Sacramento. Mr.
District Court, Washoe County,
Shimoda joins the firm’s employ-
Nevada for the Honorable Peter I.
ment department.
Breen. I have relocated to Reno
and recently passed the Nevada
Kimberly S. Sullivan
Bar Exam. I have also accepted a
Associate, Mullen, Sullivan and
position as a judicial law clerk
Newton, LLP. (Lodi, California)
starting in September 2004 for the
Thomas A. Collins ’82
President, Reno Corvettes;
Chairman Elect, Elder Law
Section, Nevada State Bar.
(Reno, Nevada)
Thomas R. Parker ’85
Jose L. Gonzalo Peces ’91
David Cusick,’92, has a successful
Masaru Yoshimura ’98
Heather L. Dauler ’03
Deputy County Counsel, El
Partner, International Tax Services,
solo practice that enables me to stay
Finally, I obtained a steady job in
Legislative Advocate, The
Dorado County Counsel Office.
Ernst & Young, Madrid. Just
home with the children. (Sacramento)
Tokyo. I willingly report this to the
California Alternative Payment
Elected to third term as Chair of
returned from two-year assignment
McGeorge community. Thank you!
Program Association. (Sacramento)
County Counsel Association Property
as head of the Spanish Desk of
Tax Group for 2003-2004 in May
Ernst & Young, LLP in New York.
2003 and Secretary of El Dorado
2004 looking good (third child,
Co. Bar Association since 2002.
Spanish economy picking up). Stop
Continue to be involved in State
by if you should come to Madrid.
(Madrid, Spain)
Chet P. Templeton
Honorable Procter Hug, Jr on the
Timothy A. Nettesheim ’82
Board of Equalization rule proceed-
Sacramento County Public
9th Circuit Court of Appeals.
Shareholder, Reinhart,
ings for the California Assessors’
Defender’s Office. (Sacramento)
(Reno, Nevada)
Boerner, Van Deuren, S.C. Timothy
Association. (Placerville, California)
Griffith J. Tonkin
James W. Mallonee
Nettesheim is a shareholder in the
Associate Attorney, Maire, Mansell
Associate, Olmsted & Wilson, PA,
& Beasley. (Redding, California)
Port Charlotte, Florida 33948.
(Port Charlotte, Florida)
Bryan D. Victor
Tax and Business Organizations
Departments of Reinhart, Boerner,
Van Deuren, S.C. His practice focus-
Shu-wen Yang ’91
President, Alpha Systems, Inc.,
Klaus Sogaard ’85
Fremont, California 94538.
Partner, Gorrissen Federspiez
(Fremont, California)
Kierkegaard, Law Firm.
(Copenhagen, Denmark)
es on business purchases and sale
Nina M. Gross ’92
We started our own company:
Associate, Orrick Herrington &
Tracy X. Montenegro
transactions and also includes tax,
Adrienne B. Braumiller ’88
Alyco Advisory A.G. ([email protected]
Sutcliffe, LLP, finance department.
Law Clerk, Los Angeles City
business and estate planning, tax lit-
General Partner, Braumiller,
or [email protected].) Carleen Louise
Attorney’s Office, Airport Division.
igation and general business mat-
Schulz & Company, LLP. After a
Gross was born July 4th, 2003,
(Los Angeles, California)
ters. He is a frequent author and
decade with former partners, I
joining her big brother Colin and
Frank J. Singer
started a new Customs and Inter-
sister Alyson — and godfather John
Litigation Department.
speaker for various business and
Associate, Downey Brand, Natural
national Trade Law Firm with a new
Celluci (alum LLM 1992!)
professional organizations, such as
the State Bar of Wisconsin, CLEW
team of stellar attorneys to expand
(Pfaffikon, Switzerland)
and WICPA. He is also a member of
our service offerings. I am extremely
the adjunct faculty in the graduate
excited to be working with such
Marianne L. Waterstradt
tax program of the University of
accomplished lawyers, and we have
Associate, Downey Brand,
broadened our services to well
Evan E. Zelig
Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He has
Business Department.
lectured on business law at the
known trade consultants. We also
Sacramento County District
University of Wisconsin Law School.
have established strategic alliances
Attorney’s Office, Deputy District
 
He is a member of the Board of
with customs and trade experts in
Directors of Junior Achievement of
over 100 countries. Our new web
Wisconsin, Inc., and the Elmbrook
site is: www.Global /TradeLaw.Net.
Memorial Hospital Foundation.
(Dallas, Texas)
Matthew J. Weber
Associate, Downey Brand,
Resources Department.
John A. Wetenkamp
Attorney, Holstedt & Amick.
Attorney. (Sacramento)
Kenneth G. Zanotto
Associate, Downey Brand,
Litigation Department.
(Sacramento) )
Mark F. Ornellas ’82
Haydell, Ornellas & Waters,
A Professional Law Corporation.
(Milwaukee, Wisconsin)
as President of the Alumni Associa-
tions of the University of California
Michael R. Perna ’84
(AAUC) and will begin a one-year
Managing Member, Rigler &
Brenda A. Flake
term as a voting member of the UC
Perna, LLC, and has been a partner
Attorney at Law, Porter & Cable,
Board of Regents. In 2003-2004,
LLP. (Sacramento)
I have served as Secretary of AAUC
Elizabeth A. Fenton
Chief of Staff, Senator Liz
Figueroa. (Sacramento)
Effective July 1, 2004 I take office
and as a non-voting Regent-desig-
Shareen Golbahar
Associate, Pagliero & Associates.
(Carmichael, California)
nate. (AAUC is composed of representatives from each alumni associa-
in the firm since 1985, concentrating in personal injury litigation,
estate matters, complex real estate
transactions, domestic issues and
business litigation. He also has
Peter L. Gross ’92
Owner and Managing Director of
Alyco Advisory AG, Zurich. Late
NetSol Technologies, Inc.
LLM, Transnational Business
Secretary. Working in-house is
Rechtsanwalt and Attorney-at-law
Practice, Adam & Hayes Law.
giving me more time with my two
(New York). Admitted in Germany
(Lincoln, California)
boys Jackson, 4, and Louis, 2, while
in October 2000, married Nina
still keeping up on corporate and
in December 2000, joined the
securities law. (Irvine, California)
German firm Hoelters & Elsing,
Michael A. Pane ’93
Officer, Shareholder, Giordano,
Halleran & Ciesla, as of January 1,
2003. (Middletown, New Jersey)
Immermannstrass 40, 40210,
Duesseldorf /Germany in August
2000, passed the New York bar
exam in July 2001, became
father of Hannah in July 2003,
Nathalie S. Rothe ’94
admitted in New York in August
International Legal Counsel for
2003. (Duesseldorf, Germany)
Stereau, a company specializing
in the design and build of water
treatment plants. (Louveciennes
Cedex, France)
panel of the CILS conference on
‘Corporate Governance in an
International Marketplace’ and
fessionals advises international pri-
daughter, Emma Grace Davey, on
vate clients and multinationals in
May 10, 2003. (Maitland, Florida)
Alexander Dlouhy ’96
Joined the Duesseldorf office of
(Zurich, Switzerland)
Mark C. Popovich ’00
In-House Counsel, Williamsburg,
Attorney’s Office, Criminal
birth to our third child, baby girl
Division, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Carleen Louise on the fourth of July,
Sadia Sultana ’96
Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia.
(San Juan, Puerto Rico)
2004. (Zurich, Switzerland)
Lecturer, School of Business,
Sara is currently attending Eastern
Henry P. Yorston ’88
Stephan K. Rippert ’92
North South University, Dhaka.
Virginia Medical School and will
Assistant Director, Public
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer,
I’ve been teaching at N.S.U. since
graduate in May 2005, with a
Services Support Dept., Palm
International Law firm in Germany.
2001 and in Fall 2003 I was
Masters as a Physician’s Assistant.
Beach Property Appraiser’s Office.
(Frankfurt, Germany)
Duplicate Bridge. Earned International Association of Assessing
Officers designation of Assessment
Administration Specialist. (West
Palm Beach, Florida)
law classes at the B.B. A. pro-
Christine J. Cusick ’93
gram. Regarding family news, I
Stay-at-home mother of twins, age
have a son named Rafatul Islam
2. I haven’t worked in over two
who is 13 months old now.
years since my twins were born. I
(Dhaka, Bangladesh)
plan to return to work in some part-
focused significantly on matters
AAUC has four officers, all of whom
involving international trade and
Kathleen J. Smith ’89
and will, hopefully, eventually find
serve as Alumni Regents. The Pres-
commerce. (Kennett Square,
Dean, College of Business and
full-time work when my children
ident and Vice President are voting
Technology, University of Nebraska
start school. Luckily, my husband,
at Kearney. (Kearney, Nebraska)
time capacity in the next year or so
attorney. (Sacramento)
‘New Merger Law in Switzerland.’
Nina, a classmate of 1992, gave
Achieved Bronze Life Master at
trying to learn the ropes as a new
I held several presentations on the
Assistant U. S. Attorney, U.S.
assigned to teach all the business
practicing in the labor department
Governance in Switzerland.’ Finally,
of Zurich, Switzerland. My wife,
Mastagni Holstedt & Amick. He is
talked about ‘Corporate
Thomas F. Klumper ’88
White & Case. (Duesseldorf,
life with Megan and his new job at
which can be retrieved at
December 2003. (Hamburg,
We welcomed the birth of our
Amick. Roman is enjoying married
new Merget Law in Switzerland
www.wwp.ch. I was also on the
petent and experienced team of pro-
Attorney, Mastagni Holstedt &
I have written a newsletter on the
Married Emilia Smidt on 20
Attorney, Catherine E. Davey, PA.
Roman M. Plachy ’03
Dr. Urs P. Gnos ’00
Hubertus Leo ’95
tancy firm. A small, but highly com-
overall financial planning matters out
Hector M. De Avila ’03
Dr. Denis Gebhardt ’00
Catherine E. Davey ’95
succession tax, asset protection, and
(Tokyo, Japan)
Corporate Counsel, Company
in 2003 I launched my own consul-
tion of the nine-campus UC system.
positions. (Stockton, California)
Patti L. McGlasson ’93
Virginia. On April 24, 2004, I will
marry Sara Elizabeth Thayer at the
Virginia Beach United Methodist
Naveed A. Siddiqi ’01
Saeed & Company, Advocates.
Taxation and corporate law
consultants, trademark, patent,
design, and copyright attorneys.
(Karachi, Pakistan)
Reinhard Von Hennigs ’98
Now the twins are 6 months
old – time to be happy any joyful
and they are allowing us to catch
some sleep by now. The picture is
about 6 weeks old. Irene and the
kids are doing just fine. Come and
see us 4. (Smyrna, Georgia)
Spring 
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 67
Honor Roll ’
Since , when Verne Adrian
McGeorge founded this law
school, alumni have created a
legacy of excellence, locally &
globally, in their chosen roles
as legal leaders, legislators,
distinguished members of the
judiciary, recognized scholars,
entrepreneurs, dealmakers,
top litigators, and honored
counselors in the public sector
& private practice. They continue to distinguish themselves
in legal aid offices as advocates
for the underrepresented, in
small firms and as sole practitioners. All in all, encompassing a wide range of traditional
and non-traditional law roles.
Spring 
What connects
us all together —
you & every
alum of Pacific/
McGeorge —
is our investment in community. The
law school invests in and serves its
community of students, faculty, staff
& alumni; its local community of
neighborhood & greater civic concerns; and local, state, national &
international legal communities. Here
at Pacific/McGeorge, we invest our
time, talent, resources, and, sometimes, treasure where it matters most
— where we want to see success.
Your investment in the law school
is critical to Pacific/McGeorge’s continued success. Tuition dollars cover
less than three-quarters of the cost of
a legal education. The rest must come
from the generous, charitable support
of alumni, friends, foundations and
the law school’s small but growing
Your investment & support is critically important — you choose where,
how, and how much. You can support
scholarships and endowments; the
academic, clinical and community
programs; the Public Legal Services
Society; the Schaber Law Library;
infrastructure & technology; faculty
research; and countless other programs and resources that are crucial
to aiding today’s and tomorrow’s law
students. Your investment contributes
to continuing Pacific/ McGeorge’s success
& growing reputation.
We are grateful for the investments
you, your fellow alumni, and friends
of the law school have made during
Pacific/McGeorge’ first eighty years.
You have helped to build the Pacific/
McGeorge of today, and, with your
continued support, we will build the
Pacific/McGeorge of tomorrow.
Pacific/McGeorge takes pride in its
programs, growing reputation and
-year history. But above all else, we
take pride in our greatest treasure
and resource— you —our more than
, Pacific/McGeorge alumni &
friends. We look forward to your continued involvement & investment in
your Pacific/McGeorge community.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 69
Morrison C. England
Britt Evans
Mathew D. Evans
D’s C
Dean Gordon Schaber created the
Dean’s Council in . Since then,
it continues to grow in membership
and prestige.
Your membership in the Dean’s Council is a direct investment
in Pacific/McGeorge’s successful, innovative programs in
legal education— enhancing the law school’s reputation by
attracting and maintaining a world-class faculty and staff;
and providing scholarship assistance, outstanding facilities
and services to our students.
Up to  percent of your Dean’s Council investment can
be directed towards specific needs and areas. Members are
assured that their investments address the law school’s most
pressing needs, while directly supporting the programs and
scholarships that are most meaningful to them personally.
Membership benefits include invitations to exclusive
Dean’s Council events with Dean Parker and event speakers;
access to a wide variety of on-campus and law school lectures,
symposia and conferences; and  receptions during the holidays and at Commencement. At specific membership levels,
there is reserved seating at  events and other special
presentations, as well as unique opportunities to connect
with the Dean in advisory sessions and dinners.
The Dean’s Council provides alumni & friends a variety
of opportunities to network with each other, and with leaders
at the law school and throughout the legal community:
■ Recent grads may join for just $ a year, with students
or grads of the current year’s graduating class able to ‘testdrive’ an annual membership for just $!
■ Alums who graduated more than five years ago may
join in their first year for just $—a % savings from
the regular annual membership of $,. Alumni couples
are able to join at $,, or $ for their first year.
■ Other membership levels, which accord members special
benefits and opportunities, include Dean’s Council Patron,
$, /year; Cabinet Member, $, /year; and Dean’s
Counselor, for an annual investment of $, or more.
No matter the level, we invite you to join the Dean’s Council.
Remember, your first year membership is always discounted,
and your investment can be broken down into monthly
credit card installments. We look forward to seeing you at
the next Dean’s Council event!
Spring 
D’ C
Irving H. Biele**
Thomas J. Feeney**
Michael A. Hackard*
Betty H. Knudson
Ken & Bonnie Jean Kwong
Hayne R. Moyer**
Kenneth & Linda Olson
C M
Francis B. Dillon**
Christopher R. Foley
Karen Hobbs
Anthony M. Kennedy**
Robert A. Parker
Laraine C. Patching
Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
Ramsay Wiesenfeld
C P
Daniel E. Angius**
Michael D. Belote
David E. Boyd
Frank J. Christy
Helen H. Crittenden**
Glenn A. Fait*
David R. Lane
Russell E. Leatherby
John R. Masterman*
Gregory Ogrod*
Bernard Richter
Scott S. Slater
Donald & Dorothy Steed**
Edward H. Telfeyan***
John H. White
C M
David W. Abbott*
David Allen***
Lexis M. Allen*
Laurie Aloisio
Jennifer S. Anderson
Jerry Anderson
Gary M. Appelblatt
Robert W. Armstrong*
Ruthe C. Ashley
Gilles S. Attia
Katharine C. Baragona
Daniel L. Barnett
Eric L. Barnum
Adam Barrett
Scott E. Bartel
Chris A. Beecroft
Laurel V. Bell-Cahill*
Clifford P. Berg
Don Berger*
Greg M. Block
Ronald E. Blubaugh
Jerrold B. Braunstein*
John R. Briggs
John Q. Brown**
Mark E. Buechner*
Paul S. Burns
Geoffrey Burroughs*
Howard J. Busch
Timothy F. Cahill*
C. Jean Cain
Ruben & Suzanne Cantu
Gerald Caplan*
Curtis Carter
Into B. Champon
Perry M. Chappano
Louise L. Chiu**
William I. Chopak
Raymond R. Coletta
Lucille D. Copeland
Frederick B. Cordova
Charles B. Coyne**
J. Richard Creatura
Julie A. Davies
Kathryn M. Davis
Ellen DeMaio
David A. Derby
Louis N. Desmond
Laurence P. Digesti
Mark S. Drobny
Mark Dunlop
Anne C. Fadenrecht
K.C. Fan*
Steven Faringhy
John D. Feeney
Noël M. Ferris *
Steven J. Fields
Judy L. Ford
David E. Frank
Fred T. Galves
Faith Geoghegan*
David Gerber
J. Neil Gieleghem
Judith E. Gilson
Kimber B. Goddard
B. Abbott Goldberg
James M. Goldberg
Edward J. Goodin
Diane Gould
Mark H. Gunderson
Roger G. Halfhide
Mona Halprin Ehrenreich
Joy F. Harn
William D. Harn
Bryan C. Hartnell
James R. Hastings
John W. Hawkins*
Vinton & Kari Hawkins
Brian J. Heffernan
Amey & Jasper Hempel*
Kevin T. Hennessy
Wayne Hinsdale
B. Demar Hooper
Robert W. Hunt
John M. Hunter
Carroll C. Jacobson
Bruce J. Janigian
Thomas M. Janzen
Warren A. Jones***
Jan L. Kahn
Debra J. Kazanjian
Christian M. Keiner
Rosemary Kelley
Charles & Jane Kelso**
Shaun Khojayan
*+ years of membership
Mr. & Mrs. Abdallah
Jeffrey King
Pamela P. King
Douglas H. Kraft
Jarol E. Krause
Mark C. Krausse
David J. Kristjanson**
David M. Lambertson
Brian K. Landsberg
Dorothy S. Landsberg
Marsha M. Lang
Paul-Erik Lannus
Nick A. LaPlaca
Roberta L. Larson
Diane Last
Gayle J. Lau*
R. Marilyn Lee
Anthony L. Leggio
David F. Levi
Lawrence C. Levine
Melinda Levy-Storms
James R. Lewis**
James W. Lewis
Keith L. Loomis
James L. Lopes
Douglas E. Love
Robert B. Lueck*
Patricia K. Lundvall*
Roderick MacKenzie
Catherine C. MacMillan
Thomas Main
P. John Mancuso
Anna M. Martin
Katharine A. Martin
David P. Mastagni**
Mark L. Mausert
Samuel T. McAdam
Stephen C. McCaffrey
Michael P. McCloskey
David McElhinney
Douglas W. McGeorge*
John McIntyre &
Francesca Negri
John H. McKinley
Carl A. McMahan
Patricia A. McVerry
David W. Miller
**+ years of membership
***+ years of membership
James M. Mize**
Steven J. Mopsick
Fred K. Morrison
Richard &
Mary Ann Murray
Mary T. Muse
Ronald S. Smith*
Jeffrey A. Smyth
Karen L. Snell
Sally Snyder
George & Gloria Soares
Stuart L. Somach
John G. Sprankling
Howard J. Stagg
Doris Stark
Tami S. Stoller
Pamela A. Stone
Mary K. Stroube
William R. Sweeney
Timothy E. Naccarato
Thomas J. Newton
Ricardo A. Nicol
Rudy & Nancy Nolen
John A. Norwood
Donald E. O’Connell
Lance H. Olson*
Elizabeth M. O’Neill
Martha Opich
Scott H. Park
Geralynn Patellaro
Jeffrey N. Paule
Ronald G. Peck
Donald R. Prinz*
Brian Putler
Gary E. Ransom
Johnnie B. Rawlinson
Marc & Mona Roberts*
Pauline R. Rodriguez
Suzanne E. Rogers
Claude D. Rohwer**
Lynn L. Rohwer**
Matina Romas
Christopher L. Russell
Brian J. Sacks
David Salem
Jules Sandford
Kevin Sandford
Robert J. Sandoval
Joseph W. Scalia
Susan J. Schlueter
Michael J. Schneider
Charles T. Schultz
Glendalee Scully
T. Jed "Skip" Scully
Hardie G. Setzer
Nancy J. Sheehan
James W. Shewan
John C. Sims
Anthony & Patricia Skrocki
Morgan C. Smith
Joseph E. Taylor
David H. Tennant
Barbara Thomas
Lois Thornton Hurst*
Edward J. Tiedemann***
Charles W. Trainor**
Elizabeth J. Travis
Charles A. Tweedy
Donald W. Ullrich
Michael Vitiello*
Burl W. Waits
Francis S.L. Wang
John J. Waters
Borden D. Webb
Gregory Weber
Adam T. Weiner
Thomas J. Welsh
R. Parker White**
Douglas P. Wiita
Philip H. Wile***
Daniel J. Yee*
Herbert K. Yee
William P. Yee
Wendy C. York
Julie Young
Alfred E. Yudes
Victor F. Zonana
Although every effort has been made
to ensure accuracy, we realize that
omissions or errors may have occurred
and express our regret. Please advise
the Office of Development, Alumni
and Public Relations of any updates.
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 71
Endowments & Gifts
Scholarship Donors
Dr. and Mrs. Walter
Alexander, Jr.
Irving H. Biele**
Doris C. Gross*
Carl & Roberta Kierney
Betty H. Knudson
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Kwong
Frank La Bella, Jr.*
Mr. & Mrs. Ramzi Sadek
Dr. Elaine Samans &
Mr. Edward Samans
Mrs. Anthony J. Scalora
Pauline C. Sheehy*
Doris Stark
Sustaining Members
Morton L. Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Enlow Ose
Hardie G. Setzer**
Angelo K. Tsakopoulos
Alba Witkin
Barristers Circle +
David F. Anderson
James T. Anwyl
Jerone J. English
Michael R. Faber
Randolph H. Getz
Guy R. Gibson
Margaret C. Preston
Amicus Lex Circle +
Gordon P. Adelman
Ronald D. Alling
June Binney
Ronald W. Brown
William A. Byrd
Richard K. Corbin
Joseph B. de Illy
Daniel S. Dokos
Owen W. Dukelow
Robert E. Fralick
Jeffrey J. Fuller
Deborah A. Glynn
Rachel L. Goldberg
Douglas B. Gordon
Carole J. Gray
Pierre A. Hascheff
Leslie Jacobs
Karen L. Jacobsen
Kathleen L. Janssen
Vreeland O. Jones
Mark W. Knobel
Richard Lawrence
Lois Levine
Yvonne A. Manford
Susan L. Marks
Bernard Miller
Nancy C. Miller
Maureen M. Muranaka
Randy Paragary
Brian C. Pearcy
Lester B. Phillips
Paul J. Pimentel
Jim Poilé
Aviva Radbord
Mark C. Raskoff
Ronald Ruth
John E. Ryan
Anne Schmitz
Jeffrey C. Schneider
Michael I. Sidley
Steven P. Simpson
Arthur A. Small
Richard R. Sooy
Margaret C. Stark-Roberts
Barry J. Stern
William L. Thompson
Kathryn J. Tobias
Stephen A. Weiner
Ken R. Whittall-Scherfee
McGeorge Circle +
Douglas H. Abel
Harry A. Ackley
Adekunle M. Aderonmu
Bruce B. Alexander
Spring 
Robert M. Allen
William G. Anderson
Ben N. Armato
Catherine E. Arostegui
Paul A. Bacigalupo
David J. Bader
Terence A. Baird
William E. Baker
F.O. Baldi
Robert S. Bardwil
Hugh P. Barton
Walter A. Baun
Bridget G. Baynes
Joan B. Bechtel
T. Knox Bell
Lawrence A. Bennett
Greg Benson
Jeanne W. Benvenuti
Robert K. Best
Robert J. Blandford
Martin R. Boersma
Jane E. Boubelik
Vernon L. Bradley
Andrew E. Briseno
Bradley A. Bristow
Stuart A. Brody
Leonard L. Broseker
Gene E. Carbone
Margaret Carew Toledo
Ira S. Carlin
Donald L. Carper
Laura L. Carrell-Stephan
Linda E. Carter
Roger A. Cartozian
Anthony T. Caso
Andrea L. Cassidy
Robert M. Cavallaro
Brian H. Charter
Christopher R. Clark
William K. Coblentz
Robert F. Cochran
J. Michael Cochrane
Clifford G. Collard
Marilyn Colvin
William S. Colwell
James R. Conner
Vincent A. Consul
Deena Cooperman
Ralph S. Coppola
Michael D. Coughlan
Steven Cranfill
Jeffrey W. Curcio
Hal Dasinger
Paul L. Davies
Addalou Davis
Patricia A. Day
Lawrence R. De Fehr
Lisa M. DeSanctis
Gary E. Di Grazia
Lauren R. Diefenbach
John A. Don
Reuben J. Donig
David D. Doyle
David F. Dozier
Anne M. Duncan
Dennis J. Durkin
William R. Durr
Eric Eisenlauer
Alice M. Ellis
Aaron B. Epstein
Pamela Erwin
Milton Farbstein
Gilbert B. Feibleman
Daniel F. Fitzgerald
Kenneth H. Flood
William W. Floyd
Thomas E. Flynn
Alexis G. Foote-Jones
Harold L. Ford
Gregory C. Gardner
William E. Gasbarro
David V. George
M. Holly Gilchrist
David W. Gordon
Frederick Graebe
Harry K. Grafe
Randal W. Graves
Paul H. Greisen
Eugene T. Gualco
Linda Gunderson
Candace L.
Lon D. Hamburger
Florence J. Hampton
Robert M. Hanisee
Thomas R. Hanna
Ronald I. Harrison
Margaret L. Helsel
Lawrence N. Hensley
Daniel P. Hillyard
Tyler C. Hobbs
George C. Hollister
Harry E. Hudson
Martin Huff
Ralph Hunt
Grant A. Hurst
Timothy M. Hyden
Ann S. Isobe
Lisa Isola
James S. Jacobs
John W. Jay
Dan T. Jett
Kyron Johnson
Christina H. Jones Janssen
Lester L. Jones
Robert M. Jones
Irving B. Joseph
Christopher L. Kaempfer
Wesley E. Kennedy
Jodi R. King
Patrick T. Kinney
Marc B. Koenigsberg
Felix O. Kolb
Stephen A. Koonce
Darol C. Kosek
Eugene Kosek
Gerald L. Kossow
Timothy S. La Franchi
Fern M. Laethem
Ronald R. Lamb
Jack F. Laven
Lawrence D. Laven
Frederick B. Lee
Albert J. Lenzi
Herbert I. Levy
*+ years of membership
Thomas R. Lewandowski
Francisco Lobaco
Breton K. Lobner
Ann Lousin
Robert Mahan
Steven E. Mair
Joseph Maloney
Jeff B. Marschner
Erin B. Marston
Steven P. Martini
Evelyn M. Matteucci
Will B. Mattly
Thomas C. Matychowiak
Robert P. McElhany
Jean C. McEvoy
J. Douglas McGilvray
Patrick J. McGrath
James R. McGuire
John D. McLachlan
Michael McPherrin
Richard M. Mehigan
Lawrence E. Mendel
Mark D. Millard
Evangelin M. Miller
Julie A. Milligan
Robert T. Monagan
Kenneth C. Moore
Jessie Morris
Francine Moskovitz
Mary-Beth Moylan
Phillip R. Muir
Kathleen M. Mullarkey
Robert H. Muttera
John G. Neville
Ralph R. Nevis
Julia C. Newcomb
Mary Nielsen Abbott
Stephen M. North
Bruce M. Notareus
M. Anthony Oropeza
Allan J. Owen
Al J. Patrick
Frances L. Pearson
Janet B. Perry
Keith B. Petersen
Svetlana V. Petroff
Peter H. Pickslay
James B. Pierce
Peter Pollat
Thomas Pond
**+ years of membership
***+ years of membership
Tod M. Pritchett
Andrew J. Puccinelli
Donald C. Pullen
William E. Rainey
Scott Rasmussen
Nancy B. Reardan
Edward T. Reed
Michael J. Ritter
Diane E. Robbins
Carley A. Roberts
Todd R. Robie
Jay E. Robinson
Marcia A. Ross
Steven C. Sabbadini
Arnold D. Samuel
Herman S. Saunders
Bruce A. Scheidt
Nathan D. Schmidt
Robert H. Schnabel
Roger M. Schrimp
Lawrence A. Schwartz
Sharyl L. Schwartz
Jill H. Scrivner
Steven L. Seebach
Roger Seeman
Alice C. Sessamen
John L. Shadek
Kenneth L. Shapero
David M. Sheehan
Julie A. Shepard
Janet G. Sherwood
Gary W. Shinners
E. Paul Sickert
Dee E. Silver
Gary E. Slater
Todd E. Slaughter
Jeanette L. Smith
Kevin J. Smith
Loren V. Smith
Roger A. Smith
Steven J. Smith
David R. Snyder
Dea Spanos Berberian
Michael R. Specchio
James C. Spurling
Harriet A. Steiner
Clifford W. Stevens
Donald M. Stevenson
Daniel W. Stewart
Melinda C. Stewart
Robin Stewart
Judith A. Sutherland
William R. Sykes
Ward A. Tabor
Mark S. Tanaka
Robert E. Tarbell
Faye A. Taylor
Roger Teeslink
Sandra L. Thompson
John H. Tiernan
Vera M. Todorov
Ardath A. Torgerson
Robert E. Towne
Peter L. Townsend
Chance L. Trimm
Paula G. Tripp
William J. Turpit
George Tynan
Michael E. Vergara
Sim von Kalinowski
Christopher W. Waddell
Clarence Walden
Carol Walker
Frederick N. Wapner
John W. Welch
Thomas C. Westley
Don P. White
Lisa Wilkins
Robert S. Willett
Robert Williams
Francis L. Williamson
F.L. Willis
Susan C. Wilson
Jimmie Wing
Mary E. Winkeler
Michael M. Wintringer
R. M. Woodward
Michael D. Worthing
J. Steven Worthley
Crystal Wright
Randolph C. Wright
Cameron Yee
Douglas Youmans
Marlene Q. Young
John D. Zelezny
Honorary Alumni
Claude D. Rohwer
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 73
 
Class Gifts
 
 
 
 
Paul L. Ross
Stephen A. Brandenburger
Stuart A. Brody
Aaron B. Epstein
Eugene T. Gualco
J. Douglas McGilvray
Anthony M. Skrocki
Roger A. Smith
Steven R. Kosach
Darrel W. Lewis
Jeff B. Marschner
Robert P. McElhany
Marvin W. Murphy
M. Anthony Oropeza
Glendalee Scully
David H. Tennant
F.L. Willis
Hugh E. Brereton
Gordon D. Colby
Gary E. Di Grazia
Robert W. Long
Steven P. Martini
Cameron L. Reeves
Craig W. Russi
John W. Welch
Will B. Mattly
Peter H. Pickslay
 
 
Gordon P. Adelman
Richard K. Corbin
Francis L. Williamson
 
 - 
Rosalie S. Asher*
 
 - 
Harry A. Ackley
John Q. Brown
Louis N. Desmond
Joseph A. Martin
Patrick R. Murphy
Tom T. Okubo
Elmer B. Pirtle
*Robert N. Stark
Robert E. Tarbell
Peter L. Townsend
 
Robert Williams
 
Harry K. Grafe
Loren V. Smith
Edward J. Tiedemann
Robert S. Willett
 
Geoffrey Burroughs
 
Ronald I. Harrison
Clarence Walden
 
James W. Lewis
Burl W. Waits
Jimmie Wing
Class of 1967E
Ronald B. Robie
 
Ronald D. Alling
Vernon L. Bradley
Harold L. Ford
Breton K. Lobner
P. John Mancuso
Peter F. Melnicoe
Evangelin M. Miller
Raul A. Ramirez
John E. Ryan
Ronald S. Smith
Thomas C. Westley
 
Robert K. Best
Michael R. Specchio
 
Charles C. Asbill
Robert M. Cavallaro
Glenn A. Fait
Borden D. Webb
Stephen A. Weiner
 
Donald L. Carper
Eric Eisenlauer
Frederick Graebe
Robert K. Hanna
Wayne Hinsdale
Euell E. McKown
Nancy B. Reardan
Olaavi J. Solander
Antonio Torlai
Spring 
 
David W. Abbott
Britt Evans
David J. Kristjanson
Frederick B. Lee
David P. Mastagni
Thomas J. Newton
Rhudolph Nolen
Frederick A. Schroeder
Robert S. Wallerstein
 
Robert M. Allen
Eileen J. Buxton
Gerald L. Kossow
Michael J. Ritter
George H. Soares
George F. Wolcott
 
William E. Baker
David V. George
John M. Hunter
Gayle J. Lau
James L. Lopes
James B. Pierce
James W. Shewan
 
Matthew V. Brady
Connie M. Callahan
Roger A. Cartozian
Thomas M. Cecil
Robert F. Cochran
Reuben J. Donig
Dennis J. Durkin
Robert E. Fralick
Jeffrey J. Fuller
Douglas C. Griebner
John W. Hawkins
Warren E. Kamm
Michael B. McDonald
Phillip R. Muir
Michael J. Schneider
Janet G. Sherwood
Jeffrey A. Smyth
Daniel W. Stewart
Robin Stewart
Frederick N. Wapner
Ramsay Wiesenfeld
 
Ronald E. Blubaugh
James R. Conner
Joseph B. de Illy
Bryan C. Hartnell
Robert T. Hjelle
Warren A. Jones
Christopher L. Kaempfer
Hayne R. Moyer
Al J. Patrick
Jeffrey N. Paule
Don P. White
Lawrence A. Bennett
David E. Boyd
Christopher R. Chandler
J. Michael Cochrane
Laurence P. Digesti
Gilbert B. Feibleman
Randolph H. Getz
Don E. Green
Thomas R. Hanna
Grant A. Hurst
Vreeland O. Jones
Fern M. Laethem
Robert C. MacKichan
Kenneth C. Moore
Julia C. Newcomb
Mary Nielsen Abbott
Robert J. Sandoval
Jill H. Scrivner
Jeanette L. Smith
R. Michael Smith
Helen S. Stockdale
Garlinn H. Story
 
Robert G. Anderson
Charles B. Coyne
Richard K. Dickson
Stephen T. Emery
Mathew D. Evans
Richard H. Halladay
Jeffrey King
James R. Lewis
Randy Paragary
Mark C. Raskoff
Joseph W. Scalia
Richard G. Sorenson
Roger Teeslink
Katherine Williams
 
Daniel E. Angius
John A. Behnke
Paul S. Burns
Clifford G. Collard
Guy R. Gibson
James R. Hastings
Amey Hempel
George M. Hendrickson
Patrick T. Kinney
Robert B. Lang
R. Marilyn Lee
Anthony L. Leggio
Herbert I. Levy
Thomas C. Matychowiak
Richard M. Mehigan
Timothy E. Naccarato
John G. Neville
Susan L. Oldham
Gary G. Perry
John L. Shadek
Kenneth L. Shapero
Douglas P. Wiita
 
 
 
David F. Anderson
James T. Anwyl
Louise L. Chiu
Alexis G. Foote-Jones
William E. Gasbarro
Paul H. Greisen
Sarah B. Johnson
Evelyn M. Matteucci
Kathleen M. Mullarkey
Lance H. Olson
Charles W. Trainor
Robert T. Andersen
Stephen W. Brinton
Anthony T. Caso
James L. Davis
Noël M. Ferris
William W. Floyd
Paul L. Grimm
Candace L.
John W. Jay
Albert J. Lenzi
David A. Lurker
Patricia A. McVerry
Allan J. Owen
Steven D. Penrose
Johnnie B. Rawlinson
Gary W. Shinners
Todd E. Slaughter
 
David Allen
Robert W. Armstrong
Michael E. Brownell
Bruce W. Busch
C. Jean Cain
Philip R. Clarkson
J. Richard Creatura
Deborah M. DeBow
Michael R. Faber
Cherry Grant
Linda Gunderson
Mark H. Gunderson
Robert M. Jones
David R. Lane
Susan L. Marks
Mark D. Millard
Andrew J. Puccinelli
Robert H. Schnabel
Lawrence A. Schwartz
Steven J. Smith
Richard R. Sooy
William J. Turpit
James M. Tuthill
J. Steven Worthley
Thomas R. Yanger
Christina H. Jones Janssen
Christian M. Keiner
Joseph Maloney
Martha Opich
Thomas Pond
R. Craig Settlemire
Charles A. Tweedy
Sim von Kalinowski
Christopher W. Waddell
Douglas Youmans
David J. Bader
Joan L. Gray-Fuson
Richard B. Lewkowitz
John R. Masterman
Jessie Morris
Mary T. Muse
Steven C. Sabbadini
Randolph C. Wright
Jack H. Wu
Daniel J. Yee
William P. Yee
 
William E. Barnes
Vincent A. Consul
Faith Geoghegan
John A. Norwood
Scott Rasmussen
Paul K. Richardson
David A. Wallis
R. Parker White
Michael D. Worthing
 
James D. Anthony
Clifford P. Berg
Bradley A. Bristow
Timothy F. Cahill
Douglas S. Cumming
Debra J. Kazanjian
Jeffrey L. Kuhn
James C. Smith
Kathleen M. Weinheimer
John R. Briggs
Mark E. Buechner
William I. Chopak
Fritz-Howard R. Clapp
Rocky K. Copley
David D. Doyle
Thomas M. Dunipace
Jerone J. English
Thomas E. Flynn
Kathleen T. Friedrich
John M. Gerrard
Irving B. Joseph
Laszlo Komjathy
John A. Kruse
Keith L. Loomis
Mark L. Mausert
Patrick J. McGrath
John D. McLachlan
William R. Sykes
John H. Tiernan
Phillip R. Urie
 
 
Bruce B. Alexander
Paul R. Brabeck
William A. Byrd
Shawn J. Curtin
Mark S. Drobny
Dan T. Jett
Lisa M. Ander
Jeffrey W. Curcio
Wesley E. Kennedy
Stephen A. Koonce
Ronald R. Lamb
Donald C. Pullen
Gary E. Slater
 
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 75
Stark’s Gift
Goes to
the Underdog
When it came to academics, the late Robert
Stark’ E, was known for supporting the
underdog, the student with intellectual gifts
and a good work ethic but not necessarily the
financial resources.
To even out the score, Stark and his widow, Dorrie, created
the Robert N. and Doris D. Stark Endowed Scholarship,
through an , bequest to Pacific/McGeorge. The first
recipient of the annual scholarship will receive approximately
, to support his or her studies next fall.
“I’d like to make it a little bit easier for somebody who likes
the law,” she said, adding that she’s still considering her
involvement in the screening and selection process. “I think
Robert would, too.”
Stark says her husband always credited Pacific/McGeorge for
launching his successful legal career, although his previous work
as an auditor for Shell Oil Co. and with the inheritance division
of the State Controller’s office also earned him accolades.
 
William G. Anderson
Scott E. Bartel
Martin R. Boersma
Ronald W. Brown
William S. Colwell
William R. Durr
J. Neil Gieleghem
Lawrence N. Hensley
Ann S. Isobe
Thomas M. Janzen
Allen M. Kato
Brian K. Kau
Thomas C. Lee
Michael P. McCloskey
Mark A. Pruner
Diane E. Robbins
Wesley H. Schermann
William J. Ward
Edward J. Wright
 
Bridget G. Baynes
Gary R. Bricker
Pierre A. Hascheff
Carroll C. Jacobson
Mark W. Knobel
Timothy S. La Franchi
Charlene G. Mathias
Carl A. McMahan
James W. Penrose
William L. Thompson
Spring 
In a sense, the Starks went through law school together; he
enrolled in September , they married in October .
Classes were conducted at the law school’s earlier site, at 9th
and J streets, in a room above a radio store. Gordon Schaber,
who later became dean in , was on the faculty then and a
close personal friend. Schaber, the architect of the law
school’s growth from that site to today’s -acre campus in
Oak Park, persuaded Stark to join the faculty.
“We were kissing cousins,” she said. “Gordon was such an
integral part of Sacramento and Robert was proud of the
wonderful law school his friend built up in Oak Park.”
Upon graduating in , with great distinction, and his
admission to the State Bar of California in December ,
Stark joined Bradford, Cross, Dahl & Hefner, a firm that
traced its history back to . It later became Dahl, Hefner,
Stark & Marois and was one of Sacramento’s largest law
firms in the  and .
Stark taught law as an adjunct professor at McGeorge
from  to . His academic assignment included Estate
Planning and Estate and Gift Tax—courses that blended his
legal talent with his analytical skills.
Outside of the law office, Mr. Stark was a member of the
Easter Seals Guild and the Boys Club, and enjoyed spending
time with his nieces and nephews, as well as their canine
friends. He passed away in February  at age .
Thanks to the foresight of Dorrie and Robert, a half-century later those who follow his legal career path through
Pacific/ McGeorge will benefit from his love of the law and
his law school. —Carol Terracina Hartman
 
Andrew E. Briseno
David W. Clifton
Craig R. Mausler
Nancy J. Sheehan
P aul M. Starkey
Mitchell I. Steinhart
Paula G. Tripp
R. Hillary Willett
 
Terence A. Baird
Joanne C. East Macomber
Morrison C. England
Jean C. McEvoy
David M. Parker
Charles T. Schultz
James C. Spurling
Harriet A. Steiner
 
Adekunle M. Aderonmu
Catherine E. Arostegui
Mark L. Eisenberg
Harry E. Hudson
Leo M. La Rocca
Maureen M. Muranaka
Jay E. Robinson
Susan J. Schlueter
Scott S. Slater
John J. Waters
 
Alison E. Aleman
B. Demar Hooper
Karen A. Burt
Steven Cranfill
Patricia A. Day
Michael S. Heintz
Lester L. Jones
Jennifer B. Kaufman
Margaret C. Stark-Roberts
Donald M. Stevenson
 
Frank J. Christy
Deena Cooperman
Gail R. Fadenrecht
Ronna M. Ishida
Thomas O. Jacob
Steven E. Mair
Erin B. Marston
Brian Putler
Lisa R. Rosenzweig
Steven P. Simpson
Eric H. Sonnenberg
Ward A. Tabor
Robert E. Towne
John D. Zelezny
 
John L. Fields
Marsha M. Lang
Edward T. Reed
Melinda Vaughn
 
Daniel L. Barnett
Alberta C. Chew
Ralph S. Coppola
John A. Don
Anne M. Duncan
David E. Frank
Kathi L. Gilmour-Benner
Daniel J. Greco
Lon D. Hamburger
Michael E. Huss
Karen L. Jacobsen
William H. Kochenderfer
John H. McKinley
Julie A. Milligan
Scott H. Park
Paul J. Pimentel
Jennifer Rosenfeld
Steven J. Weitzer
C. Craig Woo
 
Keith J. Bray
Brian H. Charter
Christopher R. Clark
Mary L. Cote
Michael D. Coughlan
Kenneth H. Flood
Kimber B. Goddard
Timothy M. Hyden
Jarol E. Krause
Frances L. Pearson
Brian J. Sacks
Keith B. Petersen
E. Paul Sickert
 
Greg M. Block
Kathleen L. Chambers
Christopher R. Foley
Carole J. Gray
Brian J. Heffernan
Thomas W. Hiltachk
Mark R. Jensen
Dorothy S. Landsberg
Katharine A. Martin
Lawrence E. Mendel
Todd A. Picker
S. Elisabeth Poteat
Lindy H. Scoffield
Vera M. Todorov
 
 
Lexis M. Allen
Ruthe C. Ashley
Daniel F. Fitzgerald
George C. Hollister
Rosemary Kelley
Sarah J. Knecht
Christopher L. Russell
Michael I. Sidley
James G. Stanley
Chance L. Trimm
Dana M. Crom
Robert W. Hunt
Lisa Isola
Thomas J. Kearney
Thomas A. Neil
Paul J. Pascuzzi
Clifford W. Stevens
Lisa Wilkins
Michael M. Wintringer
 
 
Terry L. Higham
Joan B. Bechtel
Leonard L. Broseker
Daniel S. Glass
Randal W. Graves
Nancy R. Jackson
Bruce M. Notareus
Arthur A. Small
Michael E. Vergara
Ken R. Whittall-Scherfee
 
James S. Jacobs
Patricia K. Lundvall
Ricardo A. Nicol
Matina RomasKolokotronis
Peter C. Schreiber
Alice C. Sessamen
Kevin J. Smith
Molly Stuart
Thomas J. Welsh
Marlene Q. Young
 
 
Chadney C. Ankele
Paul A. Bacigalupo
Michael D. Belote
M. Holly Gilchrist
George E. Harper
Shane D. Kramer
Bill E. Sheehan
Kathryn J. Tobias
Stephen M. North
Robert E. Savage
 
Jane E. Boubelik
Clay Calvert
Laura L. Carrell-Stephan
Into B. Champon
Mary L.
Diepenbrock Cotter
Daniel P. Hillyard
Mary L. Kennedy
Anna L. Locke
Anna M. Martin
W. Kearse McGill
Brian C. Pearcy
Frederick G. Wiesner
 
Douglas H. Kraft
Bruce A. Scheidt
Lawrence R. De Fehr
Todd R. Robie
Mark E. Berry
John H. McCardle
Sandra C. Isom
 
Deborah A. Glynn
Joy F. Harn
Kenneth J. Kaplan
Ross W. Lee
David L. Muller
Robert H. Stempler
Melinda C. Stewart
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 77
 
 
 
 
Eric A. Elberg
Marcia A. Ross
Mark C. Krausse
Donna L. Reynolds
Judy L. Ford
Tiffani S. Sharp
 
 
Mark D. Becker
Stephen R. Holden
Betty J. Jones
Dennis J. Rhodes
Shawn S. Salehieh
Morgan C. Smith
Shivaun White
Wendy C. York
Claudia J. Choy
William P. Cox
Gregory C. Gardner
Jeannene L. Lafarga
Samuel T. McAdam
Steven L. Seebach
Vanessa W. Whang
Roger S. Wilson
Jennifer S. Anderson
Michael J. Daponde
Alex P. Katofsky
Marc B. Koenigsberg
Carley A. Roberts
Pamela A. Stone
 
 
Jodi R. King
Geralynn Patellaro
Anne Schmitz
Robert F. Whitworth
 
Eric L. Barnum
James P. Benoit
Bruce A. Berman
Christopher W. Edwards
Teri A. Ostling
Nathan D. Schmidt
Jennifer M. Settles
Julie A. Shepard
Lauren R. Diefenbach
Owen W. Dukelow
Kevin T. Hennessy
Janice D. Magdich
James R. McGuire
 
 
Jacob D. Flesher
Michael A. Sollazzo
Elizabeth J. Travis
 
Jennifer L. Ferraiuolo
Shaun Khojayan
David D. Lamb
Kenneth D. Leppert
Spring 
 
Justin E. Bennett
Ashlee N. Brown
Robia S. Chang
Lance M. Davis
Julie M. Edmunds
Brian M. French
Thomas S. Geraghty
Lindsay S. Harrington
Teresa Y. Hillery
Danielle K. Pieper
Chad T. Thomas
Mary E. Winkeler
 
 
Kerrie D. Webb
Scott N. Cameron
James M. Claybar
Elizabeth A. Fenton
Shareen Golbahar
Shawn M. Krogh
James W. Mallonee
Analea J. Patterson
Edward F. Randolph
Frank J. Singer
Jennifer A. Windt
Jerry R. Dagrella
Andrew R. Nelson
Audra G. Wake
Roberta L. Larson
Melinda Levy-Storms
Jeffrey C. Schneider
Tami S. Stoller
Linda Yackzan
Kevin S. Adaniya
Robert L. Angres
Margaret Carew Toledo
Douglas E. Love
Tod M. Pritchett
William E. Rainey
Steven M. Rotblatt
Arnold D. Samuel
Kristy L. Van Herick
Heidi R. Youssef
Kathryn M. Davis
Ralph R. Nevis
Andrew P. Pugno
Paul-Erik Lannus
Andrew J. McCall
John P. McGill
Noah L. Phillips
Jennifer R. Pierce
Shawn D. Silva
Susan C. Wilson
Catherine C. MacMillan
Thomas R. Lewandowski
Allen C. Massey
Bettina C. Redway
 
 
 
 
 
 
Kathleen M. Davis
Kyron Johnson
Carolee D. Johnstone
Yolanda V. Torres
Ellen R. Yamshon
 
L. Stephen Gizzi
Sapphira W. Kwa Pixler
Shawn M. Thompson
.. 
Rosemary A. Bruckner
Guy L. Burns
Perry M. Chappano
Thomas A. Collins
Hector M. de Avila
Mark S. Klitgaard
Thomas F. Klumper
Svetlana V. Petroff
Roger M. Schrimp
Sharyl L. Schwartz
Ward D. Skinner
Faye A. Taylor
Henry P. Yorston
to the Law
Lives On
It is fitting that the Judge Loren S. Dahl
Award for Bankruptcy Excellence is based solely
on merit. Judge Dahl’s  appointment as
U.S. Bankruptcy Judge for the Eastern District
of California came after a rigorous, meritbased selection process. And, according to his
daughter, Candy Dahl ’D, the judge was a
stickler for excellence in everything he did.
The annual award goes to the second- or third-year student
at Pacific/McGeorge who earns the highest grade in the law
school ’s bankruptcy class. Last year’s award was ,, but
next year’s will be upwards of , because of increases in
the fund’s endowment.
Upon his retirement from the bench in , friends and
colleagues at the Sacramento Bar Association’s Bankruptcy
and Commercial Law Section set up the scholarship fund
as a tribute to Judge Dahl and to his long-standing association with the law school.
Subsequent contributions, particularly from the judge
himself, have increased the endowment to more than
,. A substantial addition is anticipated from his will.
Judge Dahl died on March , .
Dahl graduated from the College of the Pacific in .
He met his future wife, Luana Siler, in a chemistry class; he
helped fund his college education by his winnings playing
pool; and he once arranged for classmate Dave Brubeck to
practice piano at Luana’s sorority when the music school
was closed on a weekend.
Postponing law school, Dahl enlisted in the Army Air Corps
during World War II. He attended navigator school at Mather
Air Force Base, where his superiors quickly recognized his
potential as an instructor. Dahl served during the rest of
the war teaching navigation at bases across the country.
After graduating from Hastings College of the Law in
, Dahl set up a practice in Sacramento’s Forum Building,
where he found himself crammed in with a battalion of
other lawyers. “His office was so small,” says his son, Walter
Dahl, “that his secretary had to work outside in the hallway when he was seeing a client.” Judge Dahl went on to
head the firm of Dahl, Hefner, Stark & Marois, where he
maintained a general practice. Over time, he developed a
reputation as a “reorganization specialist.”
“When Dad became a bankruptcy judge,” says Candy, “he
thought it would be a way of slowing down after  years
of intense private practice. But the combination of the new
 federal bankruptcy law and the - recession,
which greatly increased bankruptcy filings, made that impossible. He had to work very long hours.”
“As a judge,” she says,
“Dad was never arrogant.
He was always pleasant
and gracious, and he even
would help people who
were having trouble presenting their cases.”
He also helped UCLA
law grad Walter, now a
Pacific/McGeorge adjunct
professor, learn bankruptcy
law. “Dad would assign me
a chapter, I’d read it, and
then I’d go over to his
(from left) Candy Dahl ’96D,
office and he’d quiz me
Adjunct Professor Walter Dahl and
about what I’d read. FolDean Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker
lowing a four-year period
as an Assistant Attorney General in Arizona, Candy Dahl
joined her brother Walter at the Sacramento firm of Dahl
& Dahl, whose specialties include bankruptcy.
Judge Dahl maintained his connections to the University
for the Pacific throughout his life. Both Luana, who died
in  of cancer, and his second wife Pamela were highly
supportive of his involvement with the University and the
law school. He was active in the alumni association from
 on, including two terms as president. He served on
the University’s Board of Regents from  until his
death. After retirement, he frequently sat in as a judge in
Pacific/McGeorge’s Trial Advocacy course.
One of the many ways in which his memory will live on
is through the Judge Loren S. Dahl Award for Bankruptcy
Excellence. —Robert T. Wazeka
Spring 
P A C I F I C L A W 79
Pacific Law Magazine
  
is published by the
University of the Pacific
McGeorge School of Law
Where in the World…? Nearly ,
Office of Development
Alumni and Public Relations
Pacific/McGeorge graduates have made their way
to all fifty states, D.C. and around the globe.
While the greatest concentration is in the Golden
State (,), more than , grads can be found
everywhere else in the world—as far flung as
Palau () and the Northern Mariana Islands ().
3200 Fifth Avenue
Sacramento, California 95817
916.739.7333 Fax
The Order of the Coif
The Association of
American Law Schools
Accredited by
The American Bar Association and
Pacific/McGeorge Alumni by State
the Committee of Bar Examiners,
Alumni by Chapter
North Coast
North State
South Valley
Inland Empire
Central Coast
San Diego
Central Valley
Los Angeles Valley
South Coast
San Francisco Bay Area
North Valley
California State Bar
Editor Michael Curran
Editorial Committee
Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker, Dean;
John Sprankling, Associate Dean;
John McIntyre, Assistant Dean for
Development & External Relations;
Barbara Thomas, Director of
Alumni & Public Relations;
Rest of the U.S.
Northern Mountain States
Northeastern States
Gulf Coast States
North Central States
Southeastern States
Washington, D.C.
Central States
New York State
Southwestern States
Western Mountain States
Pacific Northwest States
Rest of the World
Pacific International
Atlantic International
Illustration: Karen Montgomery
Total Number of
Living Pacific /
McGeorge Alumni
David Alan Gibb, Consultant
Principal Photography
John Blaustein, Terry Heffernan,
Muffy Kibbey, Barry Robinson,
Steve Yeater
Laurie Donahue, Beth Rivera,
Lovelle Harris, Sally Cebreros
Anderson Lithograph SF
2004 © University of the Pacific
McGeorge School of Law
80 P A C I F I C L A W
Spring 
3200 Fifth Avenue
Sacramento, California 95817
Non-Profit Organization
U.S. Postage PA I D
Sacramento, California
Permit No.904
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a Difference!
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Gift to The
McGeorge Fund.
For more information, please see the form
at the back of Pacific Law, call ..
or email jmcintyre @pacific.edu
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The McGeorge Fund
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students who will continue Pacific/McGeorge’s longstanding tradition of excellence. Your investment helps
build our reputation, and enhances the value of your
degree! Your deductible gifts and on-going support
really do make a difference in many vital ways —
Scholarships to Hard-Working Students. Through your support, Pacific/McGeorge
provided nearly $. million in student support. This is especially important, since
the average student leaves law school with more than $, in student loan debt.
Program Enhancements. Gifts from alumni and friends helped Pacific/McGeorge
open its Business and Community Development Clinic giving students real-world
experience and helping local small businesses to improve and succeed.
Honor Those Who Are Special to You. Your gift may honor someone important to you
— family, friends, influential professors, even yourself—through gifts that have longlasting meaning to you and your alma mater.
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likelihood that foundations, corporations, law firms and others will join us in meeting
the Law School’s most critical and urgent needs.
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The McGeorge Fund as noted below:
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* *Gifts at these levels qualify you for membership in the Pacific/McGeorge Dean’s Council.
**Gifts at this level qualify you as a first-time Dean’s Council member.
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The McGeorge Fund, University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law
 Fifth Street, Sacramento,  
Thank you for your support of Pacific/McGeorge!
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