. HEARING 1 31 e
1 31 IAM;Redme 58&8 Co. 324 90502-1182 ~ MANUFACTURII'.K3 TorTance. . Fax (310) 324-5656 HEARING SPECIAL 329-1134 & EQUIP~NT Nor'mandia 19800 REDMAN (310) t a10 EQulpmen1: Avenue. e -28-06 Ms. Debbie Irvin Clerk to the Board StateWater ResourcesConool Board 10011 Street, 24111Floor Sacramento,CA 95814 Fax: 916 341-5620 RE: Supportfor draft GeneralIndustrial Stormwater Pennit heat is business company's Our California. Tonance, in people 45 employs business My Dear Ms. Irvin: exchanger fabrication and repair. We supportthe draft GeneralIndustrial StonnwaterPennit asproposedbecauseit providesa rational, cost-effectiveapproachfor businesseslike mine to protect water limits numeric requiring amendments for asked have some that however. understand. We supplies. fOTstormwaterdischarges.Suchan approachviolates stateand federal guidelinesfor stonnwater management. would be ineffective because of the nature would cost companies like mine thousands of dollars. future with this pennit. Site: E-Mail: Web Coordjnator . Environmental developments of storm water and CMW TH, HMS, OWQ CC, 01, DO, E-Cys: January 27,2005 DO, cc: 2/3/05