
CV – Jennifer Landau

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CV – Jennifer Landau
CV – Jennifer Landau
Name, Surname
Jennifer Landau
Date and Place of Birth
10-6-1965 New York, USA
Milan Italy
USA and Switzerland, working papers for Italy
Mother tongue
Other languages
Italian (fluent), French (excellent) Spanish (beginner)
BA Harvard College, 1989, Social Anthropology “ La passeggiata, an Italian
Doctoral Degrees
PhD Universita’ degli Studi di Parma. 2007. Economics of Public Administration.
Principles of Relationship Management. The case of Health Institutions.
MA Columbia University. 1996. Organizational Psychology
ITP (International Teachers
Current SDA Position
SDA Professor – Public Management and Policy Department
Beginning of collaboration with SDA
Institutional Roles at SDA
Designs and delivers master and executive courses in organizational behaviour
Current Academic Position
Collaboration with Bocconi University
or other Universities.
Courses of the last 5 years (min. 15
Research Interests
Adjunct Prof. Universita’ degli Studi di Milano, Faculty of Medicine, Relationship
Strategic coaching, quality of life research, patient centered care.
Main research activities
Coaches Boards and CEO’s of Local Health Authorities, Local Authorities,
and communication in medicine
Residential Care Centers, and Non Profit organizations all over Italy and builds
strategic management teams. Builds client capacity to achieve organizational
integration and obtain economic sustainability, social and clinical integration and
quality community and homecare. All strategic team building is based on
coaching groups for talent building, creativity and video feedback are used to
develop the richness of a diverse team. Performance measures are designed to
track the change management process.
Designs and coordinates a research project entitled “the perception of quality of
life issues among oncology patients undergoing chemotherapy” 790 patients
participate, and 110 oncological centers in Italy (81% and 61% redemption)
Studies, through a research grant, the real content of group practice among
General Practitioners in the province of Milan. Studies organizational behavior in
group practice and the quality of services delivered to patients belonging to
group practices.
Office of the Presidency of the Ministries of Italy, Rome Italy
Coordinator of the Learning Laboratories of the Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria and
Val D’Aosta regions of the national project “Rethinking work in the public
administration: a program to monitor and sustain innovation and the
development of public administration”. Created a network of 40 directors of
Local Authorities, Provinces and Regions, held 18 encounters, facilitated the
group process, professional exchange and methods of applying the new public
sector contract with workers as well as an exchange on the philosophy and
method of managing people in the public administration.
IRER Istituto Regionale di Ricerca della Lombardia (Regional Research
Center in Lombardy) 2007 and 1996
Studies a network of actors including industry, universities, associations and
technical schools as the region searches for a model for developing alternative
job sensitive training for students who discard traditional high school education.
Participates in the qualitative evaluation and cost evaluation of requests for FSE
(European Social Funds) for training programs to facilitate future employment
among unemployed Italian citizens.
International Activities (projects,
Teaching for private sector clients (medical device and pharmaceutical
clients)and physicians in Europe, South America and the Middle East.
International Networks
Main International Professional
Landau J., Borgonovi E.(To be published in 2007), Relationship Competence in
Healthcare Management: Peer to Peer, Palgrave Macmillan, UK.
Landau J., Ceda C., Ripa di Meana F., “Reconstructing Continuity of Care in a
Local Health Authority in Italy: Putting Humpty Dumpty Back Together Again” in
Casebeer AL., Harrison A., Mark A. Eds, Innovations in Health Care: A Reality
Check, Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2006
Landau J., et al. “Prospettive di Change Management del governo della
domanda” in Tozzi, V. e Tedeschi P Eds (2004), Il Governo della Domanda,
McGraw Hill: Italy.
Landau, J., Brambilla A., “la medicina di gruppo nella provincia di Milano, i reali
contenuti” “group practice in the City and Province of Milan, the real contents”,
Mecosan, N. 37 January-March 2001
Landau, Jennifer, “Short-lived innovation: participation and symmetrical
Relationships in the Italian Public Sector”, European Journal of Work and
Organizational Psychology, vol 7, number 2, June 1998
La Bella Danzi, L., Landau, J., Rappini, V., “ Un Modello di Simulazione per il
Reengineering del Ricovero Ordinario: L’Esperienza della USSL 27 di Cernusco
sul Naviglio”, A model of reengineering for length of stay in elective surgery;
USSL 27 Cernusco sul Naviglio Mecosan, Vol 25, January-March 1998.
Landau, J. and Rebora, E., "Management e Sexual Harassment”,
Sviluppo & Organizzazione, No. 143, May -June 1994.
Landau, Jennifer "Service Management e Pubblica Amministrazione" Sviluppo
& Organizzazione, No. 137, May-June, 1993
Landau, Jennifer, "Organizational Change and Barriers to Innovation: a Case
Study in the Italian Public Sector", Human Relations, Tavistock Institute, Vol 46,
No. 12, 1993
Landau, Jennifer, "L'importanza dell'analisi culturale per il cambiamento
organizzativo: il caso del Decentramento di un grande Comune", The importance
of organizational culture in designing organizational change, the case of
decentralizing a large Local Authority” Studi Organizzativi, No. 4, 1990
Conference Papers
April 2004, Alberta Canada, Speaker “Organizational Behavior Conference in
June 2003, American Society of Clinical Oncology. Poster Session: the
perception of quality of life of solid tumor cancer patients undergoing
chemotherapy in Italy
March 2002, Oxford Said Business School, speaker “With love or by Force:
group practice in Italy”, Organizational Behavior Conference in Health Care
June 2001, European Health Management Association, Granada Spain, speaker
“Group practice in the City and Province of Milan”
Membership in the editorial board of
Peer Reviewer for articles evaluated for publication in Human Relations,
Italian and International journals
Tavistock institute
Membership in Professional/Scientific
Main national professional activities
Unione Femminile Foundation
Member of the board. Works with the other 5 board members to manage the
foundation’s endowment and to choose the most worthy projects to forward the
foundation’s interest in developing the health and well being of women and
children in society.
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