Geochemistry of Fluoride and Major Ion in the Groundwater Samples... Aquifer (South Eastern Tunisia), Through Multivariate and Hydrochemical Techniques.
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Geochemistry of Fluoride and Major Ion in the Groundwater Samples... Aquifer (South Eastern Tunisia), Through Multivariate and Hydrochemical Techniques.
Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 © 2009, INSInet Publication Geochemistry of Fluoride and Major Ion in the Groundwater Samples of Triassic Aquifer (South Eastern Tunisia), Through Multivariate and Hydrochemical Techniques. 1-2 Fadoua Hamzaoui-Azaza, 2 Rachida Bouhlila, 1Moncef Gueddari 1 Laboratory of Geochemistry and Environmental Geology, Department of Geology, Faculty of Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences, University Campus.Tunis. Tunisia 2 Modeling in Hydraulic and Environment Laboratory; National Engineers School of Tunis. Tunisia. Abstract: Groundwater quality in South-East of Tunisia has special significance and needs great attention of all concerned since it is the major alternate source of domestic, industrial and drinking water supply Major elements and Fluorine concentrations as well as temperature, pH and salinity, were monitored from 2005 in 14 wells capturing the Triassic aquifer. W ater of the Triassic aquifer is used unevenly by different economic sectors. However, drinking water supply remains the primary use. Exploratory analyses of experimental data have been carried out by statistical analysis (Principal Component Analysis PCA and Cluster Analysis CA), and geographic information system (GIS) in an attempt to discriminate sources of variation of water quality. The application of PCA and CA has achieved a meaningful classification of wells waters samples based on spatial criteria. Results reveal that salinity and the major elements concentrations, with the exception bicarbonates, increase towards groundwater flow. The saline load of these waters is in first place controlled by sulfphate, chloride, sodium and calcium concentrations. The chemical composition interpretation clearly evidences two main geochemical facies Na-Ca-Mg-ClSO4 and Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4. All analysed samples have Fluoride concentration above the upper limit proposed by the W HO for human consumption The geochemical behaviour of Fluorine is controlled by the chemistry of the groundwater. Key words: Groundwater, geochemistry, major elements, Fluorine, multivariate data analysis, Triassic aquifer. INTRODUCTION The Mediterranean region still only disposes of 3% of the world’s water resources though it gathers 7.3% of the world’s population [1 8 ]. In arid zones, water is a rare and precious resource. The exploitation of water resources is a complex problem in the framework of sustainable agricultural development in these regions. W hile the demography is expanding in the South of Tunisia, the water needs of the three main sectors (irrigation, drinking water supply and industry) are expected to increase in order to provide the population with employment and life conditions enabling the population to settle in its homeland. One of the main water resources in Tunisia is groundwater resources. In South-eastern Tunisia, groundwater is known to contain Xuoride concentrations that exceed the drinking water standard of 1.5mg/l set by the W orld Health Organization W HO [2 2 ]. Fluorine occurs mainly as free fluoride ions in natural waters, although fluoride complexes of Al, Be, B, and Si are also encountered under specific conditions. The maximum tolerance limit of fluoride in Corresponding Author: drinking water specified by the W HO is 1.5 mg/l. Ingestion of water with fluoride concentrations above 1.5 mg/l results in dental fluorosis characterized initially by opaque white patches, staining, mottling and pitting of teeth [1 3 -1 5 ]. These pathological signs were observed dramatically among populations occupying the study area which may have been related to the long term intake of high fluoride groundwater. Since drinking high fluoride groundwater is the major reason for endemic fluorosis and has considerable impact on human health, many efforts have been made in recent years to study the hydrochemistry and genesis of high fluoride groundwater as well as alternative technologies of defluoridation [2 -1 1 -1 9 ]. It is well known that multivariate statistical analyses significantly help to classify groundwater and identify major mechanisms influencing groundwater chemistry. W hen the hydrogeochemical interpretation is combined with the knowledge of the geological and hydrogeological setting, multivariate statistical methods can also help understand groundwater flow in complex aquifer systems [7 -2 3 ] Fadoua Hamzaoui-Azaza, Adress: National Engineers School of Tunis; Modeling in Hydraulic and Environment Laboratory Bp 37, Le Belvédère, 1002 Tunis Tunisia. E-mail: [email protected]. Tel.: 0021670860396; Fax: 0021670860396. 1941 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 Our objective in this study was to better identify the processes controlling the geochemical evolution of groundwater quality in the study area with a special emphasis in Fluorine behaviour. This by using multivariate statistical methods to analyze the geochemical data, principal components analysis (PCA), Cluster analysis and geographical information systems (GIS). Finally, as an aid to management and future development of groundwater resources in the region, these approaches were also applied to divide the territory in areas with distinct groundwater quality. This may help, certainly, in the long run to propose new and more efficient remedial measures to combat the deterioration of water quality. 2. Study Area: The Triassic aquifer is located in South-East Tunisia (Fig.1). In this region, the average temperature is 20 °C and the average precipitation is 200 mm per year, which is distributed in an uneven form, with most precipitation falling in a rainy period from December to march. Dry periods occur from April to November, when potential evapotranspiration is much higher than precipitation. The geology has been described by [5 ]. The stratigraphic layers, in the study area, range from the Permian to the Quaternary. The region is bordered by three main structures that define South-East Tunisia: the Dahar monocline, W est and North-W est; the Medenine Tebaga monocline, South, and the plain of the Jeffara, East and N orth. The hydrographical network is quite dense and the main rivers in the region are Smar, Zeuss, Om Ezzassar and M orra. The general flow runs from the South-W est to the NorthEast (Fig.2). The water of this aquifer is used unevenly by different economic sectors. However, drinking water supply remains the primary use. Anthropogenic activities in this region rely mainly on agricultural. Potential resources are estimated to 120 l/s. The withdrawal rate increased from 80 l/s in 1994 to 150 l/s in 2005 [1 0 ] . T he piezometric data (1989-2005) show an average decline of 0.21 m/year. This decrease is due to the decline of rainfall and is linked to the intensive demand for water supply for domestic and agriculture activities. The Triassic aquifer is characterized by permeable formation. However, the existence of good permeability alluvial deposits cause local preferential paths that greatly influences drainage axes. The recharge area of the Triassic aquifer is situated in the upstream and is mostly due to indirect infiltration of precipitation through rivers “wadis”. The analysis and interpretation of hydro-geological borehole logs [1 0 ] show that the aquifer is constituted by Triassic deposits ( s a n d s to n e , u n c o n s o l i d a t e d s a n d , l i m e s to n e , conglomerate and clay). The area is overlain by highly permeable sandstone layers. 3. M ethodology: 3.1. Sampling and Laboratory Analysis Techniques: In order to evaluate the seasonal variations in chemical compositions, groundwater samples were collected during July and December 2005 representing summer and winter seasons. W ater samples for physico-chemical analysis were collected from 14 wells in the Triassic aquifer. W ater samples were collected from active pumping wells. Fieldwork included measurements of temperature and pH. Electrodes were calibrated in the laboratory and in the field. The chemical analyses were performed in certified laboratories (ISO 17025) of SONEDE of Ministry of agriculture and hydraulic resources, using standard methods. All of the water samples were pumped from wells continuously used. W ater was only taken from boreholes that were pumping for a significant amount of time (more than 10 min) to get a representative sample. W hen sampling, all water samples were filtered in the field using 0.45 µm pore-size membrane filters. Each sample was collected in two new 500 ml polyethylene bottles. All sampling bottles were washed with de-ionised water and again with filtered sample water before filling it to capacity and then labelled accordingly. For each sample, one bottle is acidified (until pH of samples reached 1) with 35% nitric acid for cation analysis (Na + , K + , Ca 2 + and M g 2 + ), whereas the other is used for the determination of dissolved anions (Cl -, SO 4 -, HCO 3 - and F -). Prior to analysis in the laboratory, the samples were stored at a temperature below 4 °C In situ field measurements were made on water samples for temperature (T°) and pH. Before each measurement, the pH meter was calibrated with a reference buffer solution of pH 4. Chloride was determined by the standard titration method or the Mohr method. Bicarbonates were determined by the potentiometric method. Sulphate concentration was measured by the gravimeter method using BaCl2 . Sodium and Potassium concentrations were determined with a flame photometer. Calcium and magnesium ions are determined by the complexometric method using ethylenediaminete tracetic acid bisodium salt. Fluorine concentrations were measured by the calorimetric method. Total dissolved solids (TDS) were measured by evaporating a pre-filtered sample to dryness. 1942 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 Fig. 1: Location of study area The analytical precision for the measurements of cations (Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + , Na + , and K + ) and anions (HCO 3 -, Cl- , SO 4 2- and F -), indicated by the ionic balance error (IBE) was computed on the basis of ions expressed in mq/l. The value of IBE was observed to be within a limit of ±7%. 3. 2. M ultivariate Statistical Analysis: The multivariate statistical analysis is a quantitative and independent approach of groundwater classification allowing the grouping of groundwater samples and the making of correlations between chemical parameters and groundwater. The application of various multivariate approaches principal component analysis (PCA), Correspondence analysis (CA) offers a better understanding of water quality and allows comparison of different samples of waters [1 6 -2 3 ]. The analytical data can be used for the classification of water and for ascertaining various factors on which the chemical characteristics of water depend. 3. 2. 1. Correlation M atrix: The importance of linear correlations between variables are determined by coefficients in the (-1, 1) interval. The relationship between two parameters is more significant when the coefficient approaches the extreme values of -1 and 1. A positive coefficient suggests a commonality between the correlated elements, such as similar evolutionary patterns. A negative coefficient indicates that the variables in question are evolving in opposite directions. 3. 2. 2. Principal Component Analysis (PCA): PCA is a statistical method that provides a global picture of the data, by reducing it to a small set of principal components. The data are relative to quantitative, continuous, hom ogeneous or non-homogeneous variables, which are a priori correlated. Through PCA, the relationships between variables can be equally summarized, represented, ordered, visualized and defined [1 6 -2 1 ]. Several inertia axes can be defined, factorial axis, F1, also called the principal inertia axis, produces the maximum explanation or the best variance, axis F2, which is perpendicular to F1, expresses the maximum inertia. The resulting space of individuals allows identifying the various individuals existing as groups [2 3 ]. In this study, PCA was applied to chemical data from the Triassic aquifer to extract the principal factors corresponding to the different sources of variation in the data. Here, PCA was selected for the reasons stated above. 3. 2. 3. Cluster Analysis (CA): Cluster analysis is a powerful tool for identifying and selecting the homogeneous groups from the hydrochemical data within a particular data set. The term cluster analysis encompasses a number of different algorithms and methods for grouping objects of similar kind into respective categories. This tool sorts different objects into groups such that the degree of association between the objects is maximal if they belong to the same group and minimal otherwise. This method groups samples into distinct populations that may be significant in the hydrogeological context, as well as 1943 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 from the statistical point of view. T here are two types of cluster analysis: R and Q-modes. In the present study Q-mode cluster analysis was performed on the water chemistry data to group the samples in terms of water quality [9 ]. The results of hierarchical clustering methods depend on the specific measure of similarity and the linking method [1 2 ]. In our study, and in order to perform CA, an agglomerative hierarchical clustering was developed using a combination of the W ard’s linkage method as a clustering algorithm and Euclidean distances as a measure of similarity. The Euclidean distance is the geometric distance in multidimensional space. W ard’s method is known to be distinct, as it uses an analysis of variance approach to evaluate the distances between clusters. The result of such analyses is a graph, called dendrogram [9 ]. 3. 2. 4. Data Standardization: Standardization tends to minimize the effect of the difference of variance in variables, eliminates the influence of different units of measurement on the data by making them dimensionless [2 1 ]. Thus, To eliminate the impact of different measurement units, the data were Wrst standardized before analyzing through multicomponent techniques as follows: Z = (x-µ)/ó (where the Z is standardized value, x indicates the original value of the measured parameter, the µ is mean of the variable and the ó is standard deviation) [1 2 ]. 3. 2. 5. Software: The computer program ANDAD 6.00, developed by the Geo-Systems Center of Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal [8 ] was performed to conduct several multivariate statistical analyses. 3. 3. Geochemical M odeling: The state of saturation of the groundwater with respect to the main mineral phases present in the aquifer was determined using the hydro-geochemical model Phreeqc for W indows [1 7 ]. This determination was done in order to investigate the thermodynamic controls on the composition of the water and also to calculate approximately the level to which the groundwater has equilibrated with these minerals. The saturation indices (SI) describe quantitatively the deviation of water from equilibrium with respect to dissolved minerals and are expressed as S.I. = Log (IAP/Kt), where IAP is the ion activity product and Kt is the equilibrium solubility constant. If the water is exactly saturated with the dissolved mineral, SI equals to zero. Positive values of SI indicate supersaturation and the mineral would tend to precipitate, and negative one indicates undersaturation and the mineral would tend to dissolve [6 -2 0 ]. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1. Hydrochemical Data: The chemical composition of groundwater in Triassic aquifer is controlled by many factors that include geological structure and mineralogy of the watersheds and aquifers, and geochemical processes within the aquifer. The interaction of all factors leads to various water facies. The statistical parameters such as minimum, maximum, mean, median and standard deviation measured in the groundwater of the Triassic aquifer are presented in Table 1 for both summer and winter. 4.1.1. Temperature and pH: The samples of the study area varied in the temperature value from 22 to 32.1 during summer and 15 to 29.8 during winter. This parameter varied with sampling location, time of collection; and season of the year. The pH value is related to the amount of hydrogen/hydroxide concentration in water. The pH in all water samples ranged from 7 to 7.99 in the winter and summer. The pH trend shows minor variations with season. 4.1. 2. Salinity: W ater salinity ranged from 796 and 3028 mg/l in winter and from 790 mg/l to 3055 mg/l in summer. During the both seasons, water samples taken from the same sampling site, showed minimal variation in salinity. The existence of recharge processes from upstream zone is confirmed by low mineralization (Fig. 3) in most samples (F3, F5, F7, F8, F9 and F10 wells). Another feature of the Triassic aquifer is the presence of river (W adi) deposits at the surface. The water salinity in the aquifer system increases with depth due to the slow water movement and higher mineralization rate. Besides, the variation of the mineralization conforms partially to the main groundwater flow directions, indicating that the groundwater salinity is someway controlled by the residence time in the aquifer system. In fact, relatively low TDS values, characterizing the southern and western bands of the study area, reveal the dilution of the groundwater by the recharge coming from the massifs, which border the region. 4.1.3. Chlorides and Sodium: Sodium is the dominant cation in Triassic aquifer. During the period of this study, the sodium concentrations are ranging between 76 and 552 mg/l in winter and between 89 and 552 mg/l in summer. Those of the chloride vary between 109 and 552 mg/l in winter and between 107 and 555 mg/l in summer. 1944 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 Fig. 2: Piezometric map surface Table 1: Summary statistic of chemical parameters in groundwater samples from the Triassic aquifer Summer Winter ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parameter Mean Median Minimum Maximum Variance Deviation Mean Median Minimum Maximum Variance Deviation T 25.89 26.00 22.00 32.10 5.50 2.35 20.64 22.90 14.00 29.80 23.16 4.81 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pH 7.73 7.90 7.30 8.00 0.06 0.25 7.72 7.90 7.15 7.99 0.09 0.30 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Na 240.64 206.00 89.00 639.00 28598.25 169.11 215.79 160.00 76.00 552.00 22961.41 151.53 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------K 9.07 9.00 7.00 12.00 2.99 1.73 9.43 9.00 7.00 13.00 3.03 1.74 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ca 111.71 100.00 70.00 201.00 1880.99 43.37 107.00 97.00 66.00 199.00 1836.46 42.85 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mg 64.29 63.00 38.00 113.00 468.84 21.65 67.14 65.00 40.00 125.00 468.75 21.65 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SO4 571.21 526.00 182.00 1263.00 123119.10 350.88 575.71 516.00 221.00 1283.00 119289.60 345.38 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------HCO3 208.00 212.00 162.00 260.00 638.46 25.27 157.86 171.00 101.00 230.00 2589.05 50.88 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cl 211.71 174.00 107.00 555.00 16563.14 128.70 219.43 163.00 109.00 552.00 17607.19 132.69 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TDS 1430.00 1320.00 790.00 3055.00 522154.15 722.60 1409.79 1316.00 720.00 3028.00 553756.03 744.15 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F 2.21 2.24 1.71 3.10 0.12 0.34 2.21 2.27 1.80 2.80 0.07 0.27 Fig. 3: Salinity iso-concentration map in Triassic aquifer Spatial distribution maps show the same pattern of salinity ones as well as temporal evolution trends. 4.1. 4. Calcium: The calcium oscillates between 66 and 199 mg/l in winter and between 70 and 201 mg/l in summer. 1945 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 Spatial distribution map depict a slight difference between each season and an increase towards groundwater flow. 4.1.5. M agnesium: Magnesium concentrations show small seasonal variability with concentrations range between 40 and 125 mg/l in winter and between 38 and 113 mg/l in summer. Spatial distribution of concentrations shows a similar pattern of calcium. 4.1. 6. Sulphates: Sulphate is the dominant anion in Triassic aquifer. Sulphate concentrations varied from 221 to 1283 mg/l in winter and from 210 to 1263 mg/l in summer. The spatial distribution maps of sulphate concentration do not show any significant variation between seasons. High concentrations are located in North-Est, in Hajjem well and in Hezma 4 well at the South-East of the study area. 4.1.7. Potassium: Potassium concentrations in the Triassic aquifer were nearly homogeneous within each sample site. The values range from 7 to 13 mg/l in winter and from 7 to 12 mg/l in summer. 4.1. 8. Alkalinity: W ater alkalinity of the Triassic aquifer is the only product of bicarbonate ions, given that pH values are almost near to neutral. The bicarbonate ion concentrations ranged from 101 to 230 mg/l in winter and from 162 to 260 mg/l in summer. The spatial distribution of alkalinity is rather different from the maps of the main ions. In fact, wells where water shows the lowest concentration major ion (F3, F7, F8 and F9 wells) are characterized by the highest bicarbonate concentration levels. Na + , Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + , SO 4 2 - and K + and Cl- generally follow similar trends to TDS, with values increasing from the south to the north and the highest values occur in the east of the study area. 4.1. 9. Fluorine: The Fluorine concentration in the waters from Triassic aquifer varied between 1.84 and 2.8 mg/lin winter and between 1.71 and 3.1 mg/l in summer. The most frequently observed concentrations ranged between 1.96 and 2.53 mg/lin winter and between 2.15 and 2.56 mg/l in summer. The Fluorine concentrations in the waters of all wells are under the recommended concentration in the drinking water, with respect to dental fluorosis (1.5 mg/l). The variations in the concentrations, during both seasons, are limited during the studied period. Fluorine iso-concentrations map depicts two zones where waters are relatively rich in Fluorine: the first zone is located in the extreme south-west of the T riassic aquifer, where the highest Fluo rine concentrations recorded at well F12, and the second one is located at the north, which corresponds to well F4. Lowest concentrations levels are found in the area of wells F10, F5 and F11. The comparison of the hydrochemical data with the Tunisian drinking water standards (NT) and W HO standards shows that the majority of the samples exceeded the guide value for water fluoride content (1.5 mg/l), which explains the existence of many cases of dental fluorosis in the south of Tunisia. In fact, research on the relationship between Fluorine concentration in drinking water and endemic fluorosis has been conducted in many parts of the world [1 4 ]. 4. 2. Hydrochemical Facies: Chemical data of representative samples from the study area presented by plotting them on a Piper trilinear diagram for summer and winter season (Fig. 4). This diagram reveals the analogies of water types in the study area. Based on hydro-chemical facies, two types of water that predominates in the study area during both seasons of the year 2005: Na-Ca-Mg- SO4 and Na-Ca-Mg-ClSO4 type waters 4. 3. Statistical Analyses: 4.3.1. Correlation M atrix: Compositional relations among dissolved species can reveal the origin of solutes and the process that generated the observed water compositions. Correlations between major ions were carried out using Spearman’s correlation analysis. The results are shown in Table 2. The correlation coefficients values of TDS with Na + , Cl - , Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + and SO 4 2 - are 0.97, 0.79, 0.88, 0.89 and 0.97 respectively. These values indicate the interdependence of the Total dissolved salt and major ion in Triassic aquifer. These positive correlations indicate that the referred elements contribute to the groundwater salinization. The mineralization would be expected to result from the increasing ionic concentrations due to both evaporation of recharge water and to the interactions effects between the groundwater and the geological formations. Indeed, a strong positive correlation was found between Na + -Cl-, Ca 2 + -Mg 2 + and Ca 2 + -SO 4 2 - it can also be deduced that for most of the groundwater samples these parameters originate from a common source. The High correlation between SO 4 2 - and Mg 2 + (r = 0.92) suggests that a part of the SO 4 2 - and Mg may also be derived by the weathering of a magnesium sulphate mineral. 1946 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 Fig. 4: Piper diagram showing the hydrochemical facies of the groundwater samples from Triassic aquifer Table. 2: Spearm an correlation coeU cients of physico-chem ical param eters in the groundwater of the Triassic aquifer. Param eter T PH Na K Ca Mg SO 4 H CO 3 Cl TD S F T 1.00 -0.25 -0.10 0.12 0.12 0.02 -0.15 0.11 0.13 -0.05 -0.45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------pH 1.00 -0.22 -0.38 -0.43 -0.44 -0.27 0.31 -0.50 -0.27 0.02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Na 1.00 0.70 0.84 0.85 0.96 -0.01 0.76 0.97 0.75 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------K 1.00 0.81 0.82 0.73 -0.32 0.82 0.76 0.27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ca 1.00 0.88 0.86 -0.30 0.92 0.88 0.52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mg 1.00 0.92 -0.39 0.91 0.87 0.52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------SO 4 1.00 -0.22 0.80 0.95 0.72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H CO 3 1.00 -0.38 -0.08 0.01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cl 1.00 0.79 0.41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RS 1.00 0.67 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------F 1.00 Magnesium and chloride are highly interrelated among themselves (r=0.91). This interrelationship indicates that the hardness of the water is permanent in nature. The relationships of F - with TDS, Na + , Ca 2 + and 2SO 4 are observed from the correlation coefficient values of 0.67, 0.75, 0.52 and 0.72 respectively. These correlation coefficients indicate a signiWcant relationship among them and they also deduce the existence of minerals rich in Fluorine in Triassic aquifer and some genetic relationship. Besides, the positive correlation of F - with Na + helps to stabilize F - ions in the groundwater of the Triassic aquifer [4 ]. In contrast to HCO -3 and K + shows poor linkage. 1947 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 In general, the mineralogy of the bedrock is the primary source of fluoride in groundwater and is responsible for the difference of fluoride concentration of groundwater between different bedrock types. Dissolution of Fluorite (CaF 2 ) is a plausible source of fluoride ion in groundwater [1 ]. 4. 3. 2. Principal Component Analysis: PCA was performed on a data set of 14 samples and 10 chemico-physical elements (T, pH, TDS, Na + , Cl -, Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + , SO 4 2 - , K + , HCO 3 - and F -). Two principal components (PC) or factors (eigen value) explaining 76 % of the variance or information contained in the original data set was retained, which is sufficient to give a good idea of the data structure. The eigen values and the percentage of the variance explained by each eigenvector are listed in Table 3. The scores of variables onto the two principal component axes are plotted in Figure 5, which enables the identification of several processes of water mineralization. Factor 1 (F1) explains more than 62 % of total variance and contains large loadings on Na + , Cl -, Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + , SO 4 2 - , K + ,TDS and F-. It represents the weathering of halite and evaporates minerals from the underlying geology. Factor 2 contributes to 13.90 % of the total variance and is strongly associated with, temperature and pH. 4. 3. 3. Cluster Analysis: The dendrogram of the Qmode cluster analysis built on the wells shows three main groups of waters (Fig. 6) with an imaginary horizontal line (phenon line) on the cluster [7 ]. These groups are: Cluster 1, which correspond to wells F6, F11, F12, F13 and F14, is characterized by relatively high TDS. These stations are nearer to the downstream region. Based on the overall chemical composition, these waters are characterized by Na + -Ca 2 + - Mg 2 + -Cl - -SO 4 2 facies. Cluster 2 which correspond to wells F1, F2, F3, F4, F5, F7, F8, F9 and F10), is located in the upstream zone of the study area where the aquifer system seems to receive most of its meteoric recharge. This group is characterized by Na + -Ca 2 + - Mg 2 + -SO 4 2 - water types and by medium and low salinity. 4.4. Geochemical M odeling: The saturation indices (SI) of Fuorite (CaF 2 ) and Calcite (CaCO 3 ) in the groundwater samples are plotted in (Fig. 7) which show that the most of the samples is oversaturated with respect to calcite whereas, majority of samples have been found undersaturated with respect to Xuorite. This situation of solubility control on the higher concentration of Xuoride can be explained by the fact that fluoride ions in groundwater can be increased as a result of precipitation of CaCO 3 on the other hand, calcite and Xuorite are the main minerals controlling the aqueous geochemistry of elevated Xuoride ion contamination occurring in the groundwater of Triassic aquifer. All water samples undersaturated with respect to gypsum, anhydrite and halite. So, carbonate mineral phases may affect the chemical composition of the study area. As saturation state indicates the direction of the process, thus, precipitation of calcite and dolomite and dissolution of gypsum are expected [3 ] Conclusion: The aim of this paper is to address the integrated role of geochemical processes and mineralogy of aquifers in evolution of groundwater composition and its impact on groundwater quality to help in management and protection of groundwater resources in southern Tunisia using geochemical modeling techniques and statistical analyses. The chemical composition of groundwater in Triassic aquifer is strongly influenced by its interaction with hydrologic parameters such as the flow path and residence time. The hydrochemical data from the present study indicate that concentrations of cations and anions are relatively low in most samples from Triassic aquifer and a slight seasonal variation was detected. Besides, the present study conWrms that Fluoride concentrations above drinking water standards have been detected in the groundwater of the study area. In fact, it was found that all analysed samples have Fluoride concentration above the upper limit proposed by the W HO for human consumption. Based on hydrochemical facies during summer and winter seasons of the year 2005, the main type of waters that predominate in the study area are: Na-CaMg- SO4 and Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 types. The results of the statistical analyses corroborate the geochemical methods and results and provide further information about the water quality of the various water samples. Results obtained from PCA indicate that variables responsible for water quality are mainly related to the soluble salt variables (Na + , Cl-, Ca 2 + , Mg 2 + , SO 4 2 - and K + ). The results of the cluster analysis showed two clusters of water quality. Samples from cluster 1 characterize waters from the aquifer systems under confined conditions. The majority of these samples have Na-Ca-Mg-Cl-SO4 facies. Samples from cluster 2 are mostly located in preferential recharge areas and have Na-Ca-Mg- SO 4 water type. 1948 J. App. Sci. Res., 5(11): 1941-1951, 2009 Fig. 5: Principal Component Analysis -1 st factorial plans Table 3: Vectors, eigen values and cum ulative variance Factors Eigen value % total variance % cum ul. variance 1.00 6.88 62.54 62.54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2.00 1.53 13.90 76.44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.00 1.09 9.92 86.36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4.00 0.70 6.37 92.72 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5.00 0.42 3.85 96.58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6.00 0.19 1.75 98.33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7.00 0.11 1.02 99.35 Fig. 6: Dendrogram of Q-mode cluster analysis (W ard's linkage method and squared Euclidean distances). 1949 J. 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