
PwC AWM Insights Hedge Funds

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PwC AWM Insights Hedge Funds
PwC AWM Insights
Hedge Funds
Asset managers are emerging from the financial crisis but face a series of opportunities and threats that will be
critical to their future viability. As the leading Asset Management practice, PwC has the unparalleled knowledge
and expertise to help you manage your most important issues.
Committed to sustainable business practices, we would like to offer you “green” copies of our latest thinking on
critical topics such as risk and regulation, megatrends, the CEO agenda and other investment insights.
Fund Domicile Web Tool
The tool allows you to compare different 'key' fund jurisdictions, from
a tax, regulatory, assurance and commercial (set up, market etc.)
perspective. Key jurisdictions are: Bermuda, BVI, Cayman Islands,
Guernsey, Ireland, Jersey, Luxembourg, Malta, Mauritius, Singapore
and UK.
Asian Investment Fund Centre – Expanding your footprint
How PwC’s Asian Investment Fund Centre can help you expand your
footprint in Asian and European fund industry by supporting you in
creating, delivering, and maintaining a successful fund distribution
strategy for your retail and alternative fund products.
AIFMD for Asian fund managers marketing non-EU AIFs in
the EU
The main purpose of this document is to provide a useful overview of
the main requirements and steps to follow in order to market without
passport within the European Union.
Asia Investment Management COO Survey 2015
PwC and Stradegi have joined hands to conduct an annual Asia
Investment Management COO survey, with the aim of understanding
where the industry stands in terms of operational best practices, the
priorities and challenges faced by COOs in Asia and the trends in
operational outsourcing.
Global Hedge Fund Distribution Survey 2015
This report is a collaboration between PwC and the Alternative
Investment Management Association (AIMA) It examines the
disruption trends in the hedge fund sector and looks at how firms are
dealing with and driving the resulting challenges and opportunities.
Singapore Investment Fund Framework - Why not, indeed?
PwC Singapore’s thought leadership in the form of a White Paper
Series on Singapore Investment Fund Framework discusses the need
for such a framework in Singapore, and how the application of best
practices from established fund jurisdictions globally should form the
overarching framework for the asset management industry.
18th Annual Global CEO Survey - Asset Management
Industry Focus
Asset management CEOs are confident about revenue growth in 2015, but
see both opportunities and threats. They’re preparing for challenges by
leveraging digital technology and looking to promote diversity.
Alternative Asset Management 2020: Fast Forward to Centre
The global alternative asset management industry is expected to
experience a period of transformation over the coming years. Are you
Asset Management 2020: A Brave New World
The asset management industry stands on the edge of a number of
fundamental shifts that will shape the future of the industry. This
report sets out how the operating landscape for asset managers will
change by 2020 and explains how asset managers can prepare for the
challenges ahead and turn them into competitive advantages.
Asset Management Tax Highlights – Asia Pacific
In this edition's asset management tax highlights for the Asia Pacific
region, we round up the cross border investment funds initiatives
across the region and highlight industry developments from Australia,
China, Hong Kong, India, Japan and Korea which may impact your
asset management business.
Needs of institutional investors in the new alternative world
The onslaught of regulations is disruptive for the asset management
industry, but there is also an opportunity for improvement for asset
Hedge fund administration: The quest for profitable growth
As organic and inorganic HFA growth opportunities decrease, will
there be new demand for administration services? If so where will this
demand come from?
For more information on our global asset management practice,
please visit: www.pwc.com/assetmanagement
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member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.
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