
MEETING NOTES  Schematic Design Meeting #1 

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MEETING NOTES  Schematic Design Meeting #1 
Schematic Design Meeting #1 Project No:
Prepared by:
Farquhar Middle School Modernization 211004.10 Jeffrey Hagan, AIA ATTENDEE ORGANIZATION PHONE
Robin Bruckner Parent 301.395.3871
[email protected] Leslie Cronia Neighbor 301.924.1529
[email protected] Chelsea Curtis Parent 240.286.1092
[email protected] Jim Determan HCM 410.837.7311
[email protected] Angela Edwards Parent 301.421.5927
[email protected] Jeff Hagan HCM 410.837.7311
[email protected] Tom Hyde Neighbor 301.440.0907
[email protected] Tom Hyde Sr. Neighbor 301.774.3147
[email protected] Troy Kimmel Parent 301.602.1663
[email protected] Laura Lampshire Parent 301.570.1042
[email protected] Thu Le Dao Parent 301.476.7371
[email protected] Pauline Loveland Staff Diane Morris Principal, FMS 301.924.3100
[email protected] Julie Morris MCPS DLRP 240.314.4713
[email protected] Michael Shpur MCPS DOC 240.314.1014
[email protected] Jan Sadowski Dustin Construction 301.810.4320
[email protected]
Craig Shuman MCPS DOC 240.314.1000
[email protected]
David Tacchetti Neighbor 301.922.4594
[email protected]
Matt Willems AMT 301.881.2545
[email protected]
cc: Ray Marhamati MCPS DOC 240.314.1010
[email protected] Jillian Storms MSDE 410.767.0615
[email protected] Mike Sherren JPA 410.265.6100
[email protected] Scott Walters HCM 410.837.7311
[email protected] Adam MacDonald HCM 410.837.7311
[email protected] Sarah Rineer HCM 410.837.7311
[email protected] Patrick Palavecino CMJ 301.802.7292
[email protected] No ITEM 1‐01 Topic of the meeting: To discuss the design going forward with the school building located further back on the site and the play fields at the front of the site. 1‐02 Mr. Shuman stated that the goal of this process is to create quality learning environments that enhance the educational experience for our students. The Board of Education passed a resolution to proceed with the land swap. The exact status of the land exchange was not available at the time of the meeting. Also, it was noted that Batchelors Forest Road is a rural and rustic road and that the original design did not go far enough to meet the requirements of the MNCPPC Master Plan. Therefore the building and parking were moved further back on the site back to maintain the rural character. 1‐03 The original site plan was reviewed. It was noted that the existing school will be removed www.hcm2.com 1‐04 1‐05 1‐06 1‐07 1‐08 1‐09 1‐10 1‐11 1‐12 1‐13 after the new building opens. Also, the existing tennis courts will be removed because they are currently located in the stream valley buffer. No new work can be done in the stream valley buffer. Access to the site will be via Old Vic Road through the existing school site to the new site. This is a requirement of the master plan to minimize curb cuts along Bachelors Forest Road. The new site plan was reviewed. The play fields are at the front of the site at elevation 510. The building is further back on the site with a first floor elevation at 502. The neighbor’s yard to the North is at elevation 523. There is a service drive around the lower side of the building with a sound wall between the neighboring house and the building. Additional screening along the property lines is being investigated. The updated floor plans were reviewed. The South portion of the building is 3 stories. Entry is at the second floor at elevation 502. The North wing is a tall single story space containing the gym, cafeteria, kitchen, and specials classrooms (art, music, technology education) at elevation 502. Lockers are in a center commons allowing for transparency between the corridors and the classrooms. Classrooms have a mechanical closet for water source heat pumps. A main street corridor connects the wings of the building and an additional corridor was added to the East end of the building to connect the wings to assist with circulation. The loading dock is on the North side and the grade ramps up to the dock at an elevation of 499 from elevation 487. HVAC equipment that will be located on the roof will be screened from adjacent neighbors. Equipment should not be seen from Batchelors Forest Road. This will be studied by the design team as the building design progresses. The previous building renderings were shown. The intent is to reuse the same design style previously developed, but modified based on the plan. Building materials and finishes will be determined based on the budgetary restrictions and will be studied as the design progresses. There is a courtyard between the 2 wings of the building that is being studied and may be used as an outdoor learning environment. Question: Is geothermal being used and is it not a quiet system?
Answer: Yes, geothermal will be used for heating and cooling and it is a quiet system. There will be rooftop units for make‐up air, but these will be screened. Question: Can a canopy be provided at the back of the building similar to the front? Also, can the sidewalk be continued all along the bus loop road? Answer: Yes, canopies can be added. This will be coordinated as the design progresses. The loading and unloading of the busses will continue to be studied with an emphasis on student safety. The sidewalk will be studied. ADA accessibility will be a factor in how the sidewalk is configured. Question: What type of outdoor lighting will be provided? Answer: All site lighting will be 100% down lights. Wall packs will be mounted on the building and all lights mounted on the building will be 100% down lights‐ no exposed bright lenses. There will be parking lot lights. No lighting will be provided on the fields or tennis courts. Lighting photometrics will be developed to provide zero foot candles at the property line. Also, LEED requirements stipulate that light not bleed over the property line. Question: Can the school use the existing fields and is there a safety concern with overlapping the soccer and softball fields? Answer: Existing fields can be used, but not likely to because of the long distance. The overlapping of fields is common at school sites. The infield is not skinned (it is all grass not dirt), therefore there is no safety issue. Question: Will there be a fence along Batchelors Forest Road?
Page 2 of 4 www.hcm2.com 1‐14 1‐15 1‐16 1‐17 1‐18 1‐19 1‐20 1‐21 1‐22 Answer: Probably not, but this will be reviewed. There is a grade change between the road and the play fields. Playfields are lower than the adjacent road, so loose balls and students will be contained by the topography. If retaining walls are used to maximize outdoor athletic space, there will be guardrails atop the walls. Question: There are other neighbors behind the site. What can be done to prevent noise from the busses. Answer: The team will look at noise attenuation along the back of the site (East side) and how to adjust the bus loop so the busses do not go as far back onto the site. There are site retaining walls at the back of the site that can be extended above grade to 42 inches to contain vehicle headlights. There are currently 18 busses active at the school. Busses do not idle on the site while picking up or dropping off students. Also, a gate can be added to the rear driveway to keep cars from accessing the East side of the site off‐hours. Additionally, evergreen screening will be added along the rear parking lot to provide a year round buffer. Question: Where is the emergency generator?
Answer: It will be located near the main electrical room to provide the shortest run from the utilities, currently shown at the southwest corner of the building. Question: Where are the water and sewer utilities?
Answer: The water line will run straight out to Batchelors Forest Road. Sanitary will connect to the South and be pumped to gravity profile. It will all stay on property and will not bother Batchelors Forest Road. Question: Is the reconfigured site consistent for a typical school in Montgomery County. Answer: Every site is different and is designed to meet the specific challenges of each site. It is typical to separate car and bus traffic and for administration to oversee the drop off area. The rustic road designation of the site required the paving to be away from Batchelors Forest Road and the fields at the front of the site. Question: Has the budget been finalized? Answer: Budget has not been finalized. A target number has been included as a place holder. We are awaiting Board of Education approval. Question: Can we minimize the box like massing and make it more transparent. Answer: The massing is still being developed. Green roofs will be put on the flat roofs for storm water management. There will be sloping roofs facing the street to be more “rustic” in appearance. The building elevations will be studied and an update will be provided at the next meeting. The current schedule is for the Preliminary Plans Presentation to the Board of Education to occur in December. The presentation will be posted on the School website: http://www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/farquharms/ Next Meetings: Meeting #2: Thursday, October 24, 2013; 4:00 PM. PTA/ Community Schematic Design Presentation: Thursday, November 12, 2013; 7:30 PM. These meeting notes were prepared by Hord Coplan Macht, Inc for the purpose of recording the information covered during this meeting. Should anyone object to any statement or interpretation contained herein, please inform Hord Coplan Macht, Inc. within seven days or the meeting notes shall stand as written. Page 3 of 4 www.hcm2.com Issued by, Hord Coplan Macht, Inc. Jeffrey R. Hagan, AIA Senior Associate, Vice President Page 4 of 4 www.hcm2.com 
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