hBANCAIS j DOS pwc PROVINCE OF QUEBEC District of Montreal Division No.: 01 Court No.: 500-11-050577-168 Estate No.: 41-2114118 SUPERIOR COURT "Commercial division" IN THE MATTER OF THE PROPOSAL OF: L'ASSOMMOIR VIEUX MONTRÉAL INC., a body duly incorporated according to law, having its principal place of business at 211 Notre-Dame Street West, in the City of Montreal, Province of Quebec, H2Y 1T4. DEBTOR - and PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC. LICENSED INSOLVENCY TRUSTEE NOTICE OF FILING OF INTENTION TO MAKE A PROPOSAL (Subsection 50.4(1)) TAKE NOTICE THAT L'Assommoir Vieux Montréal Inc., of the City of Montréal, Province of Quebec, has filed with the Official Receiver a "Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal" pursuant to Subsection 50.4(1) of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act on the 22I day of April 2016. Enclosed is a copy of said "Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal" filed on the 22" day of April 2016, as well as a list of creditors. The amounts included in the list of creditors were obtained from the corporation's books and records and may be incorrect. If you disagree with the amount listed, it is not necessary to advise us at this time. A Proof of Claim form (that you will have to complete and send to the Trustee with the supporting documentation) will be mailed to you at a later date. TAKE NOTICE THAT pursuant to Section 69 of tile Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, all proceedings against the corporation are stayed as of the date of filing the Notice of Intention to Make a Proposal with the Official Receiver. Subsection 504 (9) states that the Debtor may, before the expiry of the 30-day period after the notice of intention was filed, apply to the Court for an extension and, at the expiry of said period, ask for another extension. Notices informing you of these extensions, if any, as well as all documents related to this matter will be posted at DATED AT MONTREAL, this 29th day of April 2016. PRICEWAI ERHOUSECOOPERS INC. LICENSED INSOLVENCY TRUSTEE Eric St-Amour, CPA, CA, CIRP, LIT Designated Trustee Pricewateriiousecoopers inc. 1250 René-Lévesque Boulevard West. Suite 2500. Montréal. Quebec. Ganada 1-138 4Y1 T: +1 514 205 5000, F: +1 514 205 5694, FRANAIS AUI)OS pwc Province of QUEBEC District of Montréal Division No: 01 Court No: Estate No: SUPERIOR COURT "Commercial Division" IN THE MATTER OF THE PROPOSAL OF: L'ASSOMMOIR VIEUX MONTREAL INC., a body duly incorporated according to law, having its principal place of business at 211 Notre-Dame Street West, in the City of Montréal, Province of Quebec, H2Y 1T4. DEBTOR - and PRICEWATERHOUSECOOpERS INC. TRUSTEE NOTICE OF INTENTION TO MAKE A PROPOSAL (Subsection 50.4(1) oftlieAct) Take notice that: 1. We, L'Assommoir Vieux Montréal Inc., an insolvent person, state, pursuant to subsection 50.4(1) of the Act, that we intend to make a proposal to our creditors. 2. PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS INC., (Eric St-Amour, CPA, A, CIRP, LIT, Designated Trustee), of Montreal, a licensed insolvency trustee, has consented to act as trustee under the proposal. A copy of the consent is attached. 3. A list of the names of the known creditors with claims of $250 or more and the amounts of their claims is also attached. 4. Pursuant to section 69 of the Act, all proceedings against us are stayed as of the date of filing of this notice with the official receiver in our locality. DATED AT MONTREAL, this 21 day of April 2016. (signed) Emmanuel Lopes / Victor Charlebois Emmanuel Lopes / Victor Charlebois Co-presidents Pricewaterhousec'oopers inc. 1250 René-Lén'sque Buulevard West, Suite 2500, Montréal, Quebec, Canada H3B 4Y1 T: +1 514 205 5000, F: +i 514 205 5694, www.pwccom/ca Cf )jDOSJ Cf' 11L22 ni Liste des créanciers / List of creditors de I Avis dintention de faire une proposition de ieux Montréal inc. personne morale légalement constituée :ipale place d'affaires au 211 rue Notre-Dame Ouest, dans Ia yule de Montréal, district de Montréal, province de Québec, H2Y 114. Attention Type of creditor Nom Name Garanti/Secured AGENCE DU REV ENU DU CANADA 2250 rue St-Olivier A/S Section du C.A.R.1. Trois-Rivières QC G9A 4E9 Agence du Revenu du Canada 305 boul. René-Lévesque 0, 2e étage Montréal QC H2Z 1 A6 Type de crdancier AGENCE REVENU QUEBEC/MTL * Centre de perception fiscale Adresse Address 30,000.00 1.00 Sect. R23CPF, 1600,René-Lévesque 0, 3e Montréal QC H3H 2V2 30,000.00 Alphera (véhicules roulant) 50,Ultimate Drive Richmond Hill QC L4S 0C8 45,656.00 BMO PPE 1 19,rue Saint-Jacques Montréal QC H2Y 1L6 18,000.00 Caisse Desjardins St-Mathieu et Richelieu 111, 3e Rue Richelieu QC J3L 3Z2 168,000.00 Evolocity 1100, boul. René-Levesque Ouest, Suite 1825 Montréal QC H3B 4N4 133,879.40 Marge de credit Desjardins 5, Complexe Desjardins, Bueau 100, C,P,244, Succ, Desjardins Montréal QCH5B 1B4 Total Garanli/Secured Non-garanti! Unsecured $ Reclamation S Claim 50,016.68 475,553.08 112 Bernard 0 SENC 112 Bernard 0. Montréal QC H2T 2K! 360 St-Jacques Nova Scotia Co 409 St-Nicolas, bureau 200 Montréal QC H2Y 2P4 407 ERT P.O. Box 407, Station D Scarborough ON Ml R5J8 24.30 Acceo Plus Inc. 7710, boul Wilfrid-Hamel Québec QC G2G 2J5 0.00 Accès Resto 96, rue Laurier Ouest Montréal QC H2T 2N4 1,121.01 Acrotekk 2710, rue Michelin suite 100 Laval QC H7L 5Y I 3.9 15.43 Advantex 3700 Rue Griffith St-Laurent QC H4T 2B3 44,152.88 AGENCE DU REVENU DU CANADA 2250 rue St-Olivier A/S Section du C.A.R I. Trois-Rivières QC G9A 4E9 30,000.00 25,190.87 1,004.97 AGENCE REVENLJ QUEBEc/MTL * Centre de perception fiscale Sect. R23CPF,1600,Rene-Ldvesque 0, 3e Montréal QC H3H 2V2 30,000.00 AGENCE REVENU QUEBEC/MTL Centre de perception fiscale Sect. R23CPF. I 600.Rene-Ldvesque 0, 3e Montréal QC H3H 2V2 40,000.00 Air SODEM mc 1370, rue Jolit Curie, No7 10 Boucherville QC J4B 7L9 313.52 Ariel de Cardenas 387 rue Saint-Catherine Longueuil QC H2J 2C3 300.00 ASC Sécurité Mtl 1369, avenue Galilee Québec QC 01 P 404 495.74 Ascenseurs Innovatec 104 de Ia Couronne Repentigny QC J5Z 5E9 482.90 Ascenseurs Viau Elevator Inc. 539 Sloans, ST-Edouard 712.85 Québec QC JOL 1 Y0 6418 Boul Saint-Laurent Montréal QC H2S 3C4 Barista Torrefazione 9150 Meilleur, #105 Montréal QC H2N 2A5 BELL MOBILITE CF 11465. Succursale Centre-Ville Montréal QC H3C 5M4 Boucherie LaFlèche 8500, St-Denis Montréal QC H2P 2H2 Boulangerie pain dEpi 3296, rue Saint-Antoine Ouest Montréal QC H4C I A7 Brasseurs de Montréal Inc 1483 rue Ottawa Montréal QC H3C 1S9 Breuvages Philippe Harvey BPH 3800 rue, Thimens St-Laurent QC H4R I V6 Bureau en Gros 770 Notre Dame Ouest Montréal QC H3C IJS Cain Lamarre 630 boul. René-Lévesque Ouest, bureau 2780 Montréal QC H3B 1S6 Camille Fontaine et Fils inc 3525, boul. Laurier Est 560.99 34,564.59 4,901.75 165.87 2,057.16 611.72 2,125.33 325.08 Saint-Hyacinthe QC J2R 2B2 Canada Inc. 4416929 1035, boul. Des Laurentides Laval QC H7G 4Y2 Chouriçor Inc. 4031 de Bullion Montréal QC H2W 2E3 1,415.64 Cintas Corporation 1470 Nobel Boucherville QC J4B 5H3 2,303.75 Daniel Moquin 168, Boul, St-Jean-Batiste Chateauguay QC J6K 3B5 8,000.00 Domaine Pinnacle Inc 291 rue Miner Cowansville QC J2K 3Y6 714.00 ECO- LOGIXX 9209, boul Langelier St-Leonard QC HiP 3K9 22,606.17 En gros Pierre 6412 Route Transcanadienne St-Laurent QC H4T 1X4 43,156.86 Entreprise Electrique 1976 rue Rachel Est Montréal QC H2H 1 P7 EPM Mécanic 2425, rue Michelin Laval QC H7L 5B9 Fournitures de Bureau Denis 2990, boul. Le Corbusier Laval QC H7L 3M2 Francois Morin 9860 rue Chambord, H2c 2P9 Montréal QC H2C 2P9 500.00 Fut Ideal 133, boul. Bord-de-leau Valleyfield QC J6C 0A4 105.32 G&K Services Canada Inc. 8400 1 9e Ave Montréal Montréal QC H1Z 4J3 3,335.19 GazMetro C.P. 6115 succ. Centre-ViIIe ontréal QC H3C 4N7 6,014.03 Gestion Georges Coulombe Inc. 409, rue St-Nicolas. Bur 200 Montréal QC H2Y 2P4 846.22 Inc 45, rue de Vaudreuil 420.00 309.46 333.20 11,189.37 1,091.28 Blainville QC J7C 4A2 Gibiers Canahec C.P.89036 succ. St-Emile Québec QC G3E 1S9 7l0,66 GIazer s 3250 Bloor St West Toronto QC M8X 2X9 137.35 Gourmand Vagabond 8025 Rue Drolet Montréal QC H2R 2El 2,000.00 Gourmandi Alle ande Inc. 80des Sages Ste-Madeleine QC J0H 150 C,P. 11788 Succ. Centre-Ville Montréal QC H3C 0C2 Groupe PLP (Pierre Lacouchie) 1200 rue Du Petit-Bois Longueuil QC J4N 1S1 Groupe PLP consultants Inc 1200 rue Du Petit-Bois Longueuil QC J4N IS! HYDRO QUEBEC C.P. 11022, Succ. Centre-VOle Montréal QC H3C 4V6 JG. Rive-Sud 1963 rue Patrick Farrar Chambly QC J3L 4N7 9,917.62 Jean-Francois Paquin 6414 ave Louis Hébert Montréal QC H2G 2G5 500.00 Kocisko Development 614 St-Jacques, Suite 300 Montréal QC H3C 1E2 1,379.70 La maison du gibier 585, rue IJArgon Québec QC G2N 2G7 6,306.64 Lavery Avocats 1 Place Ville Marie, Bureau 4000 Montréal QC H3B 4M4 2,855.94 Le festival de la poutine de 1245 Sentinelle Drummondville QC J2B 8C2 3,449.25 Le Groupe Integral 300 Boul. Marcel-Laurin St-Laurent QC H4M 2L4 210.95 Les Emballages Carrousel Inc. 1401 Ampere Boucherville QC J4B 5Z5 208.22 Les Jardins Picoudi 192 rang Picoudi St-Robert QC JOG 150 864.00 Les Recoltes Marcotte Inc 1175, boul. Lemire Drunimondville QC J2C 7X8 Las Vergers de Ia Colline 5, route 137 Ste-Cécile de Milton QC JOE 2C0 995.50 Las viandes Francoeur 1841, rue Lavoisier Ste-Julie QC J3E 1Y6 637.72 Leticia Di 3810 St Patrick 2B Montréal QC H4E 1 A4 150.00 Letty Music Entertainment 3810 St Patrick, 2B Montréal QC H4E 1 A4 538.66 Location Gervais Inc 5955, av de Gaspé Montréal QC H2S 2X4 751.39 Location Jean Légare 3035, Hochelaga MontréalQCHlW IG1 (LOU Location les Promenades 1. boul. Las Promenades St-Bruno QC J3V 5J5 529.50 LOGNET 2710, Michelin, bur. 100 Montréal QC H7L 5Yl 327.69 Louis Pierre Charest 7609 de Gaspé Montréal QC H2R 2A3 Marchands des ameriques inc 300 Webb Drive Suite 1204 Mississauga ON L5B 3W3 MARKON 426 rue Sainte-HélCne. S 100 Montréal QC H2Y 2K7 Martel Cantin 1010 Sherbrooke Place S. S605 Montréal QC H3A 2R7 Martin Jalbert 2019 rue Moreau, local 305 MontréalQC HIW 2M1 800.00 Maxime Gingras Di 4331 de Bordeaux Montréal QC H2H I Z4 175.00 Mickael Rizzo 1557 Ch du Lac Colibri St-Faustin-Lac-Carré QC JOT 1 J2 13,052.53 5,673.25 12,500.00 124.17 12,148.61 7,000.00 16,500.00 Ministère du revenu do Québec 1600, boo!. René-Lévesque Ouest, 3e étage, Secteur R23CP Montréal QC H3H 2V2 Moog 3828 boo!, St-Laurent Montréal QC H2W 1 X6 t,O00,00 MOOG AUDIO 3829 boo!. St-Laurent Montréal QC H2W I X6 16.93 MRQ Direction régionale do recouvrement de Montréal 1600, boo!. René-Lévesque Ouest, 3e étage Secteur des faillites R23CPF Montréal QC H3H 2V2 Nettoyeurs Provincial de 8246, Alfred-Brosseau Montréal QC HI E 2Y4 655.36 Office Congrès Tourisme MTL 1555, rue Peel, Bureau 600 Montréal QC H3A 3L8 398.96 Omega Fruit Sea Buckthorn Prod 971 Ch. des peres Magog QC JIX 5R9 PALMEX INC. 1661 rue Marcoux Marieville QC J3M 1E8 Passion Gourmet 8505 Lajeunesse Montréal QC H2P 2E8 109.54 Performance (923 1-8203 Qc mc) 6202, Notre Dame Ouest Montréal QC H4C 1 V4 965.79 Philippe André Piette 577 Schumann Brossard QC J4X 2M9 Point Zero 8 Inc. 6874 Jarry Est St-Leonard QC HIP 3C1 Prevention Incendie 2805 Boo! Losch Saint-Hubert QC J3Y 3V6 1,909.74 Produits St-Henri 91 dela Barre Boucherville QC J4B 2X6 1,783.32 Promotions Propaganda 4641 ave Papineau Montréal QC H2H 1 V4 402.43 Protection Sécurmax Plus Inc 3969, rue Ethel Verdun QC H4G 1S5 212.65 Publicité Sauvage 4291, rue Frontenac Montréal QC H2H 2M4 730.09 QUALIFIRST FOODS ltd. 4-40 Ronson Drive Toronto ON M9W 1 B3 507.62 Quartz RCfrigération Inc 115, Gaston-Dumoulin, bur.106 Blainville QC J7C 6B4 453.29 Raymond Pratte 12, rue Sainte-Marie Gatineau QC J8Y 2A3 1,000.00 RC1 ENVIRONNEMENT 950i Boul Ray Lawson Anj0uQCHIJ 1L4 2,852.53 Re:Sound 1235 Bay Street, Suite 900 Toronto ON N5R 3K4 419.71 Récupération M.F. 156, Des Patriotes Nord Saint-Colomban QC J5K 2P2 206.96 RESTOMONTREALCA 5010 Rue Curie Laval QC H7W 4W5 Revenu Québec (TPS TVQ) 1600 boo!. René-Lévesque, 3e étage, Secteur R23CPF Montréal QC H3H 2V2 RMB Extermination Inc. 477, boul. des Laurentides Laval QC H7G 2V2 96.12 Robin Francis 4593, 8e rue Laval Ouest Montréal QC H7R 2W5 800.00 Russell Rinfret 5485. Des Grandes Prairies St-LeonardQCHlR IBI SANTOS FORERO ENTREPR1SE INC. B- 169 Sherbrooke Est Montréal QC H2X 1 C7 0.00 160,000.00 95.50 1,162.64 2,012.00 574.86 67.11 40,000.00 3,142.60 62.00 Select Vms LtCe 1350, rue Mazurette. #407 Montréal QC H4N 1 H2 Servi-Fut 14, rue du Diamant St-Jean-sur-Richelieu QC J2W 0G2 Simon Gaudreault 1060 boul Robert-Bourassa, bureau 900 Montréal QC H3B 4V3 10,00000 Sleeman Breweries Ltd. 1100, 50ieme Avenue Lachine QC H8T 2V3 29,682.08 SOCAN 41 Chemin Valleybrook Toronto ON M3B 2S6 Société Commerciale Clement 1250, rue Nobel, bur.200 Boucherville QC J4B 5H 1 Stéphane Lemire DJ 4434, Fullum Montréal QC H2H 2J7 400.00 SI! Service Telecommunications 3321 Boul, Dangenais Ouest LavaIQCH7P 1V5 402.41 Summum Refrigeration 1266A Chemin Bord de l'eau Laval QC H7Y 1 B6 2,296.08 Techno-san Inc. 2150, rue Pierre-Hamel Magog QC JIX 519 6,101.25 Technochimie Inc. 955 Leon-Irépanier Sherbrooke QC JIG 5J6 TOCADE 338 St-Antoine Est, Bureau 200 Montréal QC H2Y 1A3 Tootsi Impex Inc. 8800, Henri-Bourassa 0. St-Laurent QC H45 1 P4 1,430.21 lop Vin Inc. 16-2 Ellerdale Hampstead QC H3X 1S2 411.98 Tzanet Inc. 9600 de L'Acadie Montréal QC H4N 1 L8 661.11 UPS 5800 St-Denis. Suite 215 Montréal QC H25 3L5 Viandes Bovitendres 95, rue de Ia Pointe-Langlois Laval QC H7L3J4 Viandes Lauzon div. de colabor 2715, rue Reading Montréal QC H3K 1 P7 Victor Charlebois 981 Avenue de l'HOtel-de-Ville Montréal QC H2X 3A4 Victor Lermite 1939, Cartier Montréal QC H2K 4E7 Vdcotron CF. 11078 Succ Centre-VOle Montréal QC H3C 5B7 i.333.61 Ville de Montréal C.P. 11461 Succ. Centre-Ville Montréal QC H3C 5L8 713.23 Vincent Vaillancourt 5038, St-Laurent. app. 1 Montréal QC H21 1R7 Visa Desjardins 5. Complexe Desjardins, Bueau 100, C.P.244, Succ, Desjardins Montréal QC H5B 1B4 Voitures Anciennes du Québec 270, boul Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier, bureau 200 Beloeil QC J3G 407 1,214.00 295.10 36.22 296.63 82.77 33.53 102.75 6,414.34 162,000.00 500.00 2,012.00 10,000.00 25000 Total Non garanti / Unsecured 1,045,685.88 Grand total 1,521,238.96 29 avril 2016