
Florida CVISN Team Meeting Thursday, February 2, 2012, 10:00am to noon

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Florida CVISN Team Meeting Thursday, February 2, 2012, 10:00am to noon
Florida CVISN Team Meeting
Thursday, February 2, 2012, 10:00am to noon
Conference Room #330, 3rd Floor in the Rhyne Building
2740 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32399
Meeting Call in: Local: 850-414-4972; Toll Free: 866-374-3368 ext 4972
1. Welcome and Introductions
Paul Clark
2. Current Project updates and/or discussion
a. Pre-Clearance at Motor Carrier Compliance Weigh Stations
Keith Westphal
b. Pre-clearance at Ag. Sites
Tim Rutherford
c. Permitting System Enhancements Project
Bryan Hubbard
d. Automated Permitting System Utilization
Veronica Martin
e. BOL Program
Lynn McElroy
- Use tax collections (Total and CVISN-BOL)
- Automated BOL processing system
- Other activities
E-Credentialing System Usage Stats
Brinson Tatum(tentative)
g. SAFER credentials upload status
Judy Johnson/Terrence Samuel
David Helton
OMCC VWS deployment
Craig Wilson
EFTMS Upgrade Project
Paul Clark
k. Port of Entry Study
Richard Easley
3. Trucking Industry Update
Mary Lou Rajchel/Dianna White
4. Work session* – CVISN Grant FY2007 & FY 2011 Project Discussions Group
a. FY07 Grant Project Deliverable Summary
Sharon Easley
b. Project by Project discussion for FY07 grant
- Port of Entry
- LPR Enhancements
- LPR System/PRISM Project
- Electronic Credentialing System Enhancements
- Enhanced Thermal Eye Monitoring System
c. Discussion of FY2011 O&M funding requests process
5. Other items
a. Grant Audit Update
Paul Clark
b. FMCSA/PHMSA Hand Held Cell phone ban
Richard Easley
6. Scheduled CVISN meetings (Next Quarterly Meeting Date/Time TBD)
3 wk of April or 1 week of May????
* See attached sheets for Work Session Instructions.
FL CVISN FY07 Grant Project Summary
Virtual Weigh Station(s)
Brief Description/Project Deliverable
1. License plate and container number capture and conversion to digital data. 2. Run
of data against all applicable criminal and regulatory databases [FCIC/NCIC (stolen
vehicles), OMCC Hotlist (delinquent citations), EFTMS, PRISM database/Target file]. 3.
Screening for safety issues (weight, brakes, over dimensional)
Automated Permitting System
1. Provide information to carriers on Florida operating credentials requirements. 2.
Allow carriers to use automated systems for verifying proposed routes for their
particular vehicle weight and configuration. 3. Upload approved route and vehicle
configuration to be included with permit application data. 4. Create a new module to
provide a GIS based routing interface for APASS. ??-Regional Standard Envelope
Permit. ?? Download permitted route to vehicle’s navigation system.
2 years
3 years
Craig Wilson, MCSAW
Bryan Hubbard
8 months
Paul Clark, FDOT
Research history behind Florida’s non-port-of-entry status. ID which dept is
responsible for this status, det'm legislative req'mnts to change, ID best practices,
det'm cost/benefits of changing status, & providing recommendations. Also eval
options for issuing IRP & IFTA Trip Permits at weigh stations by automated methods,
evaluate & recommend weigh station locations for required permits issuance
Dept of Agriculture LPR System Expansion 1. License plate capture at OMCC stations run against various law enforcement
OMCC - 8
???, DACS
(11 locations).
databases (State and Federal) and PRISM Target file. 2. License plate capture at DACS
???, FHP
LPR System Enhancements - runs LP#
stations run against various law enforcement databases (State and Federal) and DACS - 6 months
against PRISM DB & notify OMCC of ‘hits’ forwarded to OMCC for query on PRISM Target file and additional databases. 3. ‘Hit’
Phase 1 & 2. NOTE: LPR enhancements
notification provided to OMCC enforcement officer(s) in the vicinity for any needed
was one project in PP/TLD and 2 in the
Port-of-Entry Feasibility Study & Best
Practices Report
Automated Brake Thermal-Imaging
System Deployment
Pilot will automate IR brake testing. Involves automating process of visual inspection
of each image produced for vehicle traveling through weigh station. In cases that
image indicates anomaly, officer will be alerted to a potential problem.
1 year
Electronic Credentialing System
1. Carrier Service Accounts-single account for multiple clients; multiple transaction
processing with single payment for all transactions. 2. Multiple record upload to
electronic credentialing system for IFTA Tax Returns. 3. Online printing of CABCARDS.
(Completed with PRISM Implementation.) 4. Online CVISN Program Registration.
Container Number Database Deployment
Florida CVISN Team Grant Projects Discussion - Feb 2, 2012
FY2007 CVISN Grant – Current Period of Performance for the FY07 Grant ends March 31, 2013
There are currently 3 active projects for this grant, the Permitting System Upgrades, the Port of Entry Study, and the
VWS deployments.
Discussion Items for active projects: Project Managers should be prepared to discuss their projects in terms of:
Project Scope – Affirm that they will meet the scope/deliverables as contained in the grant contract.
Schedule – estimation of completion of project. Will it be complete by 3/31/2013?
Issues that prevent a successful outcome for either of the first two items.
Virtual Weigh Stations
Port of Entry Study
Lead Agency
There are 5 projects which have yet to start. These are projects to be led by the following agencies:
LPR Enhancements
LPR System/PRISM Project
Electronic Credentialing System Enhancements
Enhanced Thermal Eye Monitoring System
Container # Database*
Lead Agency
FHP (formerly OMCC)
FHP (formerly OMCC)
FHP (formerly OMCC)
FHP (formerly OMCC) & DACS
*The Container # Database has already been discussed in a separate meeting and will not be addressed during the CVISN
Meeting work session.
Discussion Items for Projects not yet started:
Each agency should be prepared to discuss their respective projects with regard to the project,
proposed scope, schedule, project management, & other stakeholders we need to bring to the table.
Most importantly we need to set a time table for when these projects can be completed so we can
request an extension of the grant, if needed.
In addition, any agency that will be requesting O&M funding from the FY2011 grant should be prepared
to discuss the amount and schedule for their agency’s funding needs. There is a total budget of
$220,000 for CVISN O&M funds in the FY2011 grant.
Active Projects
Virtual Weigh Station(s) Project Manager: Craig Wilson, MCSAW ................................................................................ 3
Automated Permit Application Submission System (APASS) Enhancement .................................................................. 6
Port-of-Entry Feasibility Study and Best Practices .......................................................................................................... 9
Projects Not Started
LPR System/PRISM Project............................................................................................................................................ 11
Electronic Credentialing System Enhancements .......................................................................................................... 15
Automated Brake Thermal-Imaging System Deployment ............................................................................................ 17
Active Projects:
3. Virtual Weigh Station(s)
Project Manager: Craig Wilson, MCSAW
PROJECT NAME: Virtual Weigh Station(s)
Project Objectives: Deployment of one or more fully automated roadside facilities to monitor and record
commercial vehicle data (at highway speeds), automated analysis of this data, and notification to law
enforcement in the vicinity of any vehicles requiring further investigation. Each location will be integrated into
the LPR/PRISM/Container Number monitoring system(s).
Project Benefits:
Benefits to the State:
Maximizes efficiency of enforcement staff resources.
Address issue of limited funding available for building new fixed weigh sites.
Equipment is somewhat ‘portable’ and easily relocated to new location with greater need for bypass
Benefits to the Motor Carrier Industry:
Keeps level playing field, carriers that cut corners more likely to be caught by enforcement personnel.
Decreases number of facilities that require pull-in for weight enforcement activities.
Project Description:
This project is for the design and deployment of one or more completely automated virtual roadside facilities.
Technologies to be deployed will be those that are functional at highway speeds. There are currently two virtual
weigh station facilities in western Florida, one on southbound US 29 and the other on County Route 184 in
Escambia County (north of Pensacola). The final locations for the new stations will be determined based on
stakeholder input and available funding. Currently the locations under consideration are near the Bunnell and
Flagler permanent weigh stations. Planned technologies are high-speed WIM, length and width detection,
License Plate Readers (to include links with various law enforcement databases and other Expanded CVISN
systems), and automated infrared brake testing. Numeric data and digital images (which are captured for any
commercial vehicle that indicates a potential problem) will be sent to OMCC law enforcement personnel in the
vicinity of the virtual facility. This information will be sent to the officers’ in-vehicle laptops. Officers will then
have the necessary information to apprehend the vehicle for further investigation as appropriate.
Location(s) and specific technologies to be deployed will be provided in future quarterly reports to FMCSA.
Operational Scenario:
All technologies are installed at the roadside and operate at highway speeds. Data is captured and processed as
appropriate against the appropriate database. Any potential violations or ‘hits’ are sent to OMCC enforcement
officers in the area along with identifying information for the vehicle (photo, USDOT #, License Plate #). In
addition to officers being notified of hit activity at the VWS station, enforcement officers will be able to sign into
the system and pull data that has been captured at the site.
Lead (host) Agency: FDOT OMCC with consultant support for project management
Participating Agencies: FDOT District personnel at deployment location.
Key Functions to be Provided by Project/System:
1. License plate and container number capture and conversion to digital data.
2. Run of data against all applicable criminal and regulatory databases [FCIC/NCIC (stolen vehicles),
OMCC Hotlist (delinquent citations), EFTMS, PRISM database/Target file].
3. Screening for safety issues (weight, brakes, over dimensional)
From Grant Application:
Project 5: Virtual Weigh Station(s)
Project Description
This project is for the design and deployment of a completely automated virtual roadside facility. Technologies to be
deployed will be those that are functional at highway speeds. The Virtual Weigh Station facility is currently planned for
Southbound US 29; but additional sites may be included in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan based on stakeholder
input and available funding. At this time planned technologies are high-speed WIM, length and width detection, License
Plate Readers (to include links with various law enforcement databases), automated infrared brake testing, and
radiation detectors (if this technology has advanced enough to allow reads at highway speeds). Numeric data and digital
images (which are captured for any commercial vehicle that indicates a potential problem) will be sent to law
enforcement personnel in the vicinity of the virtual facility. This information will be sent to the officers’ in-vehicle
laptops. Officers will then have the necessary information to apprehend the vehicle for further investigation.
The project will be Florida’s first virtual roadside facility to deploy all the technologies listed above, in one location. The
Road Information Program research estimates a 56% increase in truck traffic on Florida’s roads by 2020. In order to
keep up with this growth, Florida will be turning to technology to enhance the ability of its motor carrier compliance
officers to do their jobs. Virtual facilities provide an efficient means of monitoring a variety of factors used to separate
safe and unsafe operators. Having a virtual facility that reliably monitors these factors and notifies officers of potential
problems allows officers to use their time in a more efficient and targeted manner.
In addition to maximizing efficiency of staff resources, virtual facilities also address the issue of limited funding available
for building new fixed weigh sites. Due to many factors, weigh station costs are becoming exceedingly expensive. In the
years to come, it is unlikely that available funding will be able to keep pace with the need for additional weigh station
facilities that will be required to monitor the increased number of commercial vehicles on Florida’s roadways.
Although specific system design details will be developed and contained in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan, it is
currently anticipated that one of the databases against which tag information will be run is the PRISM database.
This project will be led by MCCO, with consultant support. Costs for the consultant will be included in the overall project
budget. Specific MCCO personnel assigned to this project will be specified in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Stakeholder Input
Stakeholders are Florida DOT, Florida MCCO, Florida Trucking Association, and the commercial vehicle industry. Based
on past history regarding commitment to and participation in CVISN team activities, Florida fully expects all stakeholders
to be engaged and actively participate in development of the project requirements to be contained in the Expanded
CVISN Program Plan.
Information sharing/gathering will take place through meetings and email communications of meeting minutes and
requests for feedback.
Schedule and Milestones
Estimated duration of this project is two years. Specific schedule and milestones will be developed and specified in
Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
4. Automated Permit Application Submission System (APASS) Enhancement
Project Manager: Bryan Hubbard, FDOT Permits Office
PROJECT NAME: Automated Permit Application Submission System (APASS) Enhancements
Project Objectives: Provide additional and enhanced capabilities to the Electronic Permitting System, based on
system user input.
Project Benefits:
Benefits to the State:
Enhanced customer service.
Increased good will with motor carrier industry
Benefits to the Motor Carrier Industry:
Enhanced automated tools for applying for and obtaining overweight and over dimensional permits.
Enhanced and new automated tools for routing and utilizing routing data.
Notification of additional state operating credentials requirements at time of permit application.
Project Description:
This project enhances Florida’s Electronic Permitting System known as APASS. These enhancements will be
implemented in phases. Phase one involves rewriting APASS to FDOT standards, creating a new database
structure, and integrating the data with the Oversized over weight Vehicle Permitting (OVP) system. Phase one
will provide a new foundation for all other phases to be incorporated into. Phase one will be completed with
FDOT Permits funding and is not part of the Expanded CVISN Project. Phase two system upgrades are considered
the Expanded CVISN Program project.
Phase two will create an interface for GIS based routing. This interface will be capable of accepting input from
APASS and sending bridge and route information to the FDOT engineering tools for proper evaluation. This
phase will also include some minor modifications to the engineering tools to accept the input and output from
the new GIS module. The interface will allow the APASS software to route trucks, evaluate the route for the
given vehicle, and re-route if necessary.
Phase three will consist of complete integration of the engineering tools with the new APASS system and the GIS
module created as part of phase two. This will require the tools to be rewritten into APASS as modules. There
will also be enhancements in functionality associated with this, allowing for less data entry and faster response
times. Deployment of Phase three will depend upon funding available after completion of phases one and two.
Operational Scenario: Enhanced capabilities will be provided to users through the APASS system which is
accessed via the internet. More specific details to be provided after system requirements and capabilities have
been determined.
Lead (host) Agency: Florida DOT Permits office
Participating Agencies: Florida Trucking Association; industry representation
Key Functions to be Provided by Project/System:
1. Provide information to carriers on Florida operating credentials requirements.
2. Allow carriers to use automated systems for verifying proposed routes for their particular vehicle
weight and configuration.
3. Upload approved route and vehicle configuration to be included with permit application data.
4. Create a new module to provide a GIS based routing interface for APASS.
From Grant Application:
Project 11: Automated Permitting System (APASS) Enhancements
Project Description
This project involves several enhancements of Florida’s Electronic Permitting System known as APASS. The
enhancements will be implemented in phases with the first phase being an enhancement of the current online
application system to better advise permit applicants of the necessary operating credentials required to operate in
Florida. In the past, the Permits Office has not been required to verify the existence of any credentials, required by
other regulatory agencies, prior to issuing an overweight or over-dimensional permit. This has the potential for
confusion as to what is required to legally operate in Florida. Although the Permits Office does not have the statutory
authority to deny a permit if the applicant does not have certain operating credentials, at least asking the question on
the application alerts drivers to this requirement. Feedback from drivers at weight board hearings indicates that an
applicant may believe that he/she is getting all necessary required permits/credentials because there is no mention (or
confirmation) of other required credentials.
The permits office will update the online permit application system and add additional questions regarding 1) if the
applicant has operating authority (IFTA & IRP) in Florida; and 2) if the applicant has any unpaid fines. Automated
warnings or procedures for obtaining these credentials will be generated by the system, based on the data entered.
Additionally, this system could be further enhanced to provide route data to MCCO enforcement officers as to the
approved route of a vehicle that has outstanding fines. The officer would then know where to apprehend the vehicle to
settle the outstanding fine issue.
Phase two of this project involves developing an application which would allow the customer to check their vehicles axle
weight and spacing configurations to determine if it qualifies for a specific map. This feature potentially allows the
industry to "design" appropriate vehicle configurations without interaction with the Permit Office since this can be done
on-line at any time. This procedure is currently allowed for cranes, but this system enhancement would extend this
capability to tractor/trailer configurations. Additionally, a GIS application would be developed to maintain a list of
bridge restrictions provided by the Office of Maintenance in a database and display each restriction on its applicable
map; allowing the customer to select a route on-line. This would allow the customer to relate the specific vehicle
configuration to a specific map, by linking to the GIS application. This would allow the customer to further determine a
specific route for the appropriate vehicle configuration.
The next phase builds on the system capabilities developed in phase two. Upon selecting a specific route for the
appropriate vehicle configuration, the customer would have the option to link the approved configuration to the current
APASS system and apply for their permit on-line.
The last phases of this project will undertake establishing a Regional Standard Envelope Permit for vehicles that will be
traveling between Florida and other states near Florida. Specific states to be part of the ‘region’ will be determined
during the further development of project details that will take place during the development of Florida’s Expanded
CVISN Program Plan. The regional permit would only be available to those vehicles that meet parameters for the six
standard envelope maps and six clusters of vehicle configurations.
The additional final phase of this project involves future enhancements to the automated routing and permitting
system. This phase would develop an additional system capability which would allow a driver to download the
approved, permitted route to the vehicle’s onboard navigation system.
The Florida DOT Permits office would be the lead agency for this project. Specific agency personnel assigned to this
project will be specified in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Stakeholder Input
Stakeholders are Florida Permits Office, Florida DOT, Florida MCCO, Florida Trucking Association, and the commercial
vehicle industry. Based on past history regarding commitment to and participation in CVISN team activities, Florida fully
expects all stakeholders to be engaged and actively participate in development of the project requirements to be
contained in the Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Information sharing/gathering will take place through meetings and email communications of meeting minutes and
requests for feedback.
Schedule and Milestones
Estimated duration for all phases of this project is three years.
Port-of-Entry Feasibility Study and Best Practices
Project Manager: Paul Clark
PROJECT NAME: Port-of-Entry Feasibility Study and Best Practices
Project Objectives:
• Determine history behind Florida’s non-port-of-entry status.
Investigate needed actions to change status.
If status is changed, provide automated method for motor carriers to obtain automated IRP and IFTA
Trip Permits and determine best method and location(s) for issuing permits.
Project Benefits:
Benefits to the State:
Good will with Motor Carrier Industry.
Frees enforcement officers up from issuing permits.
Benefits to the Motor Carrier Industry:
Potential for large cost savings. Fines for not having the appropriate credentials before crossing the
Florida state line are very substantial.
Provides efficient method for obtaining required permits.
Project Description:
This project will research the history behind Florida’s current non-port-of-entry status with regard to interstate
commercial vehicle operations. Tasks will include identifying which department is responsible for this status,
conducting a review of what would be required legislatively to change this status, identifying best practices with
regard to port-of-entry, determining the costs and benefits of changing to port-of-entry status, and providing
recommendations. It will also include evaluating options for issuing IRP and IFTA Trip Permits at weigh stations
by automated methods (i.e. online, kiosk at weigh stations near port-of-entry) rather than having an officer issue
the permit. The study will also evaluate and recommend weigh station locations for required permits issuance
Operational Scenario:
If the study determines that the best course of action is to change Florida’s Port-of-Entry status, the
recommendations and an implementation plan will be developed and presented to the CVISN Executive Steering
Committee for consideration and approval. The capability for automated processing of required permits will be
implemented at recommended locations in the State. Additionally, the system will be available to all motor
carriers online (via the internet).
Lead (host) Agency:
This project will be led by the CVISN Program Manager with assistance from DHSMV and OMCC.
Participating Agencies:
FDOT Legal Office
Key Functions to be Provided by Project/System:
1. Automated processing (application, payment, and issuance) of required permits via the internet at
strategic locations within the State.
From Grant Application:
Project Description
This project would research the history behind Florida’s current non-port-of-entry status. Tasks will include identifying
which department is responsible for this status, conducting a review of what would be required legislatively to change
this status, identifying best practices with regard to port-of-entry, determining the costs and benefits of changing to
port-of-entry status, and providing recommendations. It would also include evaluating options for issuing temporary
operational permits (TOPs) at weigh stations by automated methods (online, kiosk at weigh stations near port-of-entry)
rather than having an officer issue the permit. The study would also evaluate and recommend weigh station locations
for TOP issuance capability.
Depending on which recommendations are accepted, the automated processing of TOPs would be a module added to
Florida’s Electronic Credentialing System and would enhance the capabilities of this CVISN Level 1 initiative.
Stakeholder Input
This project has been proposed by and supported by the two stakeholders that would be most directly impacted by the
results of the study. The project was proposed by the Motor Carrier Compliance Office which is responsible for
enforcement (writing citations) to those drivers that, in good faith, come into the weigh station to purchase the
necessary operating permit. At that time the officer fines the driver, for not obtaining the TOP prior to entering Florida,
and then sells the TOP to the driver. Industry representatives support studying this issue to look for a way to meet the
state requirements without undue burden to the industry.
Stakeholders are Florida DOT, Florida MCCO and the commercial vehicle industry. Based on past history regarding
commitment to and participation in CVISN team activities, Florida fully expects all stakeholders to be engaged and
actively participate in development of the Port-of-Entry Feasibility Study project requirements to be contained in the
Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Information sharing/gathering will take place through meetings and email communications of meeting minutes and
requests for feedback.
Schedule and Milestones
Estimated duration of this project is eight months. Specific schedule and milestones will be developed and specified in
Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Projects Not Started
LPR System/PRISM Project
Project Objectives: Provide additional virtual review of CV license plates in Florida. Plate numbers to be run against
various State and national criminal databases, plus additional databases such as the PRISM target file, citation
database and stolen cargo database. Any hits will be provided to OMCC enforcement officers, in the vicinity, for
further action.
Project Benefits:
Benefits to the State: Enhanced law enforcement capabilities for Motor Carrier Compliance. Enhanced
screening and location of out of service (OOS) carriers contained in the PRISM Target File. Quicker recovery of
stolen cargo or vehicles.
Benefits to the Motor Carrier Industry: Quicker recovery of stolen cargo or vehicles.
Project Description: This project builds on the capabilities of current License Plate Readers (LPRs) at select DACS
and OMCC inspection stations. Currently there are LPR systems installed, and collecting data, at 12 DACS stations
and 15 OMCC stations. Both systems are working well. DACS has a much higher read rate than the LPR systems at
OMCC weigh stations. The two differences between the DACS system and the OMCC system are that DACS has a
different optical character recognition (OCR) technology, and their system reads the tag on a stopped vehicle
(instead of rolling at 40 mph). This results in DACS having a much higher accuracy rate. The DACS system has
flagged over 78 positive hits which resulted in the recovery of 21 stolen trucks.
This project would expand the capabilities of the DACS LPR system by sending data to OMCC and having the
capability to run this additional data against various law enforcement databases, the PRISM Target File, and provide
notification to Florida OMCC enforcement officers in that area for necessary action. DACS ‘sees’ many more trucks
per year than OMCC, plus the greater read accuracy of their LPR system provides much more data (this additional
capability could potentially result in 8 to 10 million plate reads per year).
The PRISM Target file query capability is dependent upon Florida’s implementation of its PRISM program. Florida
does not currently capture the USDOT number during the credentialing process. The first phase of Florida’s PRISM
program deployment is to update the credentialing process to require applicants to provide the USDOT number for
the carrier responsible for safety. Once this data is being captured and uploaded to SAFER via the T0022
transaction set, there will be a method for the system to flag and assign a vehicle/carrier to the PRISM Target file. It
is expected that this part of the PRISM program deployment will be complete prior to the initiation of the Expanded
The following OMCC weigh stations have LPR systems installed. (The systems at these stations are all part of
OMCC’s integrated LPR system.)
• Hopewell
• Old Town
• Plantation Key
• Yulee 17
• Sneads
• Pensacola Eastbound
• Pensacola 90
• Hilliard
• Flagler Northbound
• Flagler Southbound
• Wildwood Northbound
• Wildwood Southbound
• Punta Gorda Northbound
• Punta Gorda Southbound
DACS interdiction stations with LPR systems installed:
Station No. 1, 7289 US Hwy 19, Trenton, FL 32693, (2) lanes
Station No. 6A, 19517 I-10, Live Oak, FL 32060, (1) lane (also AgPass)
Station No. 6B, 19517 I-10, Live Oak, FL 32060, (1) lane (also AgPass)
Station No. 7, 20387 US 90, Live Oak, FL 32060, (2) lanes
Station No. 8, 3264 US 129 N, Live Oak, FL 32060, (2) lanes
Station No. 9A, 13106 Interstate 75, White Springs, FL 32096, (1) lane (also AgPass)
Station No. 9B, 13099 Interstate 75, White Springs, FL 32096, (1) lane (also AgPass)
Station No. 10, 10875 NW US Hwy 41, White Springs, FL 32096, (1) lane
Station No. 14, 553893 US Highway 1, Hilliard, FL 32046, (2) lanes
Station No. 16A, 751408 North I-95, Yulee, FL 32097, (1) lane (also AgPass)
Station No. 16B, 751423 North I-95, Yulee, FL 32097, (1) lane (also AgPass)
Station No. 19, 101 Interstate 10, Pensacola, FL 32534, (2) lanes (Planned AgPass location-to be completed
early 2010)
Operational Scenario: License plate is read while passing through any of the above inspection/interdiction stations.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology converts numbers to data and this data is run against the Florida
Crime Information Center/National Crime Information Center (FCIC/NCIC) and also forwarded to OMCC to query a
variety of databases. If the FCIC/NCIC query returns a hit, DACS will act on the information in the appropriate
fashion. Hits from any of the databases queried after reaching OMCC will be sent to OMCC enforcement officers in
the area for further activity. OMCC would undertake any enforcement actions with the driver/vehicle, DACS would
not be involved in this process.
Additionally, the system will provide a method for linking the vehicle’s license plate number to its USDOT number.
This will allow the system to check to see if the truck is in the PRISM Target File (OOS). This allows OMCC to
leverage the existing LPR systems and FMCSA PRISM database to detect vehicles illegally operating while under an
out of service order.
Co-leads: Florida DACS and FDOT OMCC
Participating Agencies:
• Florida DOT
• Florida OMCC
Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Florida DHSMV (USDOT number capture)
Key Functions to be Provided by Project/System:
1. License plate capture at OMCC stations run against various law enforcement databases (State and
Federal) and PRISM Target file.
2. License plate capture at DACS stations run against various law enforcement databases (State and
Federal) and forwarded to OMCC for query on PRISM Target file and additional databases.
3. ‘Hit’ notification provided to OMCC enforcement officer(s) in the vicinity for any needed action.
From Grant Application:
Project 6: Link MCCO LPR to Federal PRISM Database
Project Description
This project will enhance the capability of MCCO’s License Plate Reader (LPR) system, which was funded by the US
Department of Homeland Security. This system will run a vehicle’s tag number against the PRISM database. This
process will also allow MCCO to link a vehicle’s tag number to its USDOT number. This added capability will allow MCCO
to further investigate vehicles that pass through their weigh stations, in an automated manner. This will allow MCCO to
leverage the existing FMCSA PRISM database to detect vehicles illegally operating while under an out of service order.
This project will be led by MCCO, with consultant support. Costs for the consultant will be included in the overall project
budget. Specific MCCO personnel assigned to this project will be specified in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Stakeholder Input
Stakeholders are Florida DOT, Florida MCCO, Florida Trucking Association, and the commercial vehicle industry. Based
on past history regarding commitment to and participation in CVISN team activities, Florida fully expects all stakeholders
to be engaged and actively participate in development of the project requirements to be contained in the Expanded
CVISN Program Plan.
Information sharing/gathering will take place through meetings and email communications of meeting minutes and
requests for feedback.
Schedule and Milestones
The estimated duration of this project is eight months. Specific schedule and milestones will be developed and specified
in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Project 10: Expand DACS LPR capabilities to Run Against PRISM Database with ‘Hit’
Notification to MCCO
Project Description
This project builds on the capabilities provided by Project 9. As discussed previously the DACS LPR system is working
very well, and has a much higher read rate than the LPR system at MCCO weigh stations. At the writing of this
document, the LPR system has flagged 78 positive hits which resulted in the recovery of eight (8) stolen trucks. The two
differences between their system and the one at MCCO is that DACS has a different vendor and the system reads the tag
on a stopped vehicle (instead of rolling at 40 mph).
This system would expand the capabilities of the DACS LPR system to run against various law enforcement databases,
and the PRISM database, and provide notification to MCCO if the query returns a hit. DACS ‘sees’ many more trucks per
year than MCCO does, plus the greater read accuracy of their LPR system provides much more data (this additional
capability could potentially result in 8 to 10 million plate reads per year). Specific locations that will have this additional
capability will be determined and contained in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
As part of the US DHS project which has funded their LPR system, DACS has expanded the system to read container
numbers. They are also working with DOJ to develop ways of further utilizing the intelligence gathered by this system.
This project will be led by DACS. Specific DACS personnel assigned to this project will be specified in Florida’s Expanded
CVISN Program Plan.
Stakeholder Input
Stakeholders are Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Florida DOT, Florida MCCO, Florida Trucking
Association, and the commercial vehicle industry. Based on past history regarding commitment to and participation in
CVISN team activities, Florida fully expects all stakeholders to be engaged and actively participate in development of the
project requirements to be contained in the Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Information sharing/gathering will take place through meetings and email communications of meeting minutes and
requests for feedback.
Schedule and Milestones
Estimated duration of this project is six months. Specific schedule and milestones will be developed and specified in
Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Electronic Credentialing System Enhancements
Project Manager: ???????, DHSMV
PROJECT NAME: Electronic Credentialing System Enhancements
Project Objectives: Provide additional capabilities to the Electronic Credentialing System as required, based on
Expanded CVISN studies and system user input.
Project Benefits:
Benefits to the State:
Enhanced customer service.
Increased good will with motor carrier industry
Benefits to the Motor Carrier Industry:
Additional options for obtaining necessary operating credentials.
Project Description:
This project will upgrade the current electronic credentialing system (for IFTA and IRP credentials). There are four
proposed enhancements to the system that have been developed based on user feedback to the current system
which was deployed in December 2007. These are the Carrier Services enhancement, IFTA Tax Return Upload,
online Cabcard printing, and new account creation enhancement.
The Carrier Services enhancement will allow a Service to maintain a single CVISN account upon which the Service
will have access to all IRP and IFTA accounts for which they have power of attorney. The Service will be able to
process multiple transactions for each carrier and provide a single electronic payment for all transactions.
Carriers who maintain electronic records for IFTA fuel tax purchases will have the option to upload their fuel tax
information using the XML formatted data upload process. DHSMV will provide schema documentation for the
formatting of Tax Return data. The upload process will allow the carrier to navigate to a file located on their PC and
select for processing. The Application will verify the data and calculate the tax return if there are no errors found.
If validation errors are found the application will allow the carrier to make corrections and resubmit for processing.
Currently carriers who process transactions and pay electronically must wait for their credentials to be processed
and sent via the US mail. This process usually takes anywhere from 5 – 7 days for receipt of credentials. Carriers
who process supplemental transactions that do not require the issuance of a license plate can print their CABCARDS
immediately if the transaction is paid for electronically. Carriers will only be allowed to reprint CABCARDS for
supplements that were submitted and paid for electronically for an allowed period of time to be determined by
Motor Carrier Services (MCS).
Currently a carrier must notify MCS if they want to utilize the electronic credentialing system. Upon notification,
MCS will request the CVISN account and generate the account and password letters which are mailed to the carrier.
In an effort to increase participation and eliminate the manual process, DHSMV is considering two options for initial
set up for using the electronic credentialing system. One is to allow carriers to request an account for themselves
online. The other option is whenever MCS creates a new IRP / IFTA account; the system will automatically create a
CVISN account and generate the CVISN account and password letter.
Operational Scenario: To be developed further and provided in quarterly reports to FMCSA as stakeholder
feedback is considered in more detail. Current ideas for enhancements include capability for third party providers
to upload electronic data for multiple clients directly to DHSMV electronic credentialing system, and updating the
method for creating a new user account.
Lead (host) Agency: DHSMV
Participating Agencies:
Key Functions to be Provided by Project/System:
1. Carrier Service Accounts.
2. Multiple record upload to electronic credentialing system for IFTA Tax Returns.
3. Online printing of CABCARDS.
4. Online CVISN Program Registration.
From Grant Application:
Electronic Credentialing System Enhancements
Project Description
This project will be largely dependent upon the outcome of the Port-of-Entry Feasibility Study. If it is determined that
the best course of action includes automated Temporary Operational Permit (TOP) issuance at select weigh stations; this
capability will be added to Florida’s Electronic Credentialing System which is currently in the deployment phase.
Additionally, during the development of Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan and Top Level Design there may be
additional capabilities that are requested by the stakeholders. These will be developed and added to this project
description in the final program plan document.
Stakeholder Input
Stakeholders are Florida DOT, Florida MCCO, Florida Permits Office, Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor
Vehicles, Florida Trucking Association, and the commercial vehicle industry. Based on past history regarding
commitment to and participation in CVISN team activities, Florida fully expects all stakeholders to be engaged and
actively participate in development of the Electronic Credentialing System Enhancements project requirements to be
contained in the Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Information sharing/gathering will take place through meetings and email communications of meeting minutes and
requests for feedback.
Schedule and Milestones
Estimated duration of this project has not been determined at this time. Specific schedule and milestones will be
developed and specified in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Automated Brake Thermal-Imaging System Deployment
Project Manager: ???????, FHP
PROJECT NAME: Automated Brake Thermal-Imaging System Deployment
Project Objectives:
Utilize the benefits provided by infrared brake testing technology to the maximum extent possible and eliminate
the negative aspects of this technology. Provide enforcement officers with a relatively low cost, performance based
method for screening commercial vehicles for brake problems.
Project Benefits:
Benefits to the State:
Increased safety enforcement.
Target personnel resources toward higher risk carriers.
Benefits to the Motor Carrier Industry:
Level playing field. Carriers with unsafe brakes are more easily detected.
Project Description: The Automated Brake Thermal-Imaging System Deployment takes the capability of infrared
brake testing and automates it. The project involves automating the process of visual inspection of each infrared
image that is produced for a vehicle traveling through the weigh station. In the majority of cases the brake images
will not indicate any anomalies and no further inspection is required. However, in those cases that an image does
indicate an anomaly, only at that time would an officer be alerted to a potential problem. By having the system do
the monitoring the officer is freed from staring at a screen for several hours a day. A series of algorithms will
monitor the images and only alert an officer when it detects an image that indicates a potential safety problem with
a vehicle’s brakes. Officers could then pull the vehicle into the inspection area for further scrutiny.
Operational Scenario:
At equipped OMCC weigh stations, or other locations where commercial vehicles will be applying their brakes,
the equipment will capture infrared images of the vehicles brakes (on both sides). Automated review will be
performed on these images and if it is determined that the vehicle meets the threshold for potential brake
problems, enforcement officers at the location will receive an audible alert. The officers then have the option of
directing the vehicle in question to the inspection area for further investigation. This equipment will only be in
operation during times when the weigh station is open and staffed with enforcement personnel.
Lead (host) Agency: Florida OMCC with consultant support
Participating Agencies:
Florida DOT
Florida Trucking Association
Key Functions to be Provided by Project/System:
1. Performance based analysis of vehicles’ brakes.
2. Automated review and screening with audible notification of potential problem vehicles.
From Grant Application
Project 4: Enhanced Thermal Eye Pilot
Project Description
The Thermal Eye Pilot will take the capability of infrared brake testing and automate it. The project involves automating
the process of visual inspection of each infrared image that is produced for a vehicle traveling through the weigh station.
In the majority of cases the brake images will not indicate any anomalies and no further inspection is required.
However, in those cases that an image does indicate an anomaly, only at that time would an officer be alerted to a
potential problem. By having the system do the monitoring the officer is freed from staring at a screen for several hours
a day. A series of algorithms will monitor the images and only alert an officer when it detects an image that indicates a
potential safety problem with a vehicle’s brakes.
This project will be led by MCCO, with consultant support. Costs for the consultant will be included in the overall project
budget. Specific MCCO personnel assigned to this project will be specified in Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Stakeholders are Florida DOT, Florida MCCO, Florida Trucking Association, and the commercial vehicle industry. Based
on past history regarding commitment to and participation in CVISN team activities, Florida fully expects all stakeholders
to be engaged and actively participate in the development of project requirements to be contained in the Expanded
CVISN Program Plan.
Information sharing/gathering will take place through meetings and email communications of meeting minutes and
requests for feedback.
Schedule and Milestones
Estimated duration of this project is one year. Specific schedule and milestones will be developed and specified in
Florida’s Expanded CVISN Program Plan.
Summary of the Federal Restriction on
Hand-held use of Cellular Phones for CDL Drivers
FMCSA and PHMSA issued a final rule that restricts the use of hand-held mobile telephones by
interstate commercial motor vehicle drivers (CMV) and intrastate hazmat drivers. The rule does not
restrict or prohibit the use of hands-free devices. The final rule was published in the Federal
Register on December 2nd, 2011 and will take effect on January 3rd, 2012.
1. The final rule prohibits CMV drivers from holding, dialing, or reaching for a hand-held
cellular phone. This includes all push-to-talk functions. Hands-free use of a cellular phone is
allowed. The ban does not prohibit or restrict the use of Citizen Band Radios, GPS, or fleet
management systems.
a. Dialing – As defined by FMCSA, a driver is allowed to initiate, answer, or terminate a
call by touching a single button on a mobile telephone or on a headset. This action
should not require the driver to take his or her eyes off the road.
b. Reaching – FMCSA banned reaching for a cellular phone or hands-free device that is
done in “an unacceptable and unsafe manner.” Examples of this behavior would be
reaching for a cellular phone on the passenger seat, under the driver’s seat, or into the
sleeper berth. To be in compliance with the rule, a driver must have a cellular phone
and/or hands-free device within “close proximity” to his or her person.
2. Driver and Motor Carrier Penalties – Under the final rule, CMV drivers who are convicted
of a hand-held cell violation twice within a three year period will be disqualified for 60 days. If
convicted for a third violation within three years the driver will be disqualified for 120 days.
Drivers will be subject to federal civil penalties of up to $2,750 for each offense. Motor
carriers that allow their drivers to use hand-held cell phones while operating a commercial
motor vehicle face a maximum civil penalty of $11,000 per violation.
3. Employer Liability – Within the language of the rule, FMCSA states that “no motor carrier
shall allow or require its drivers to use a hand-held mobile telephone while driving a CMV.” In
the preamble, FMCSA interprets the regulatory language to mean that motor carriers are
responsible for the actions of its drivers, regardless of whether or not such actions are
sanctioned by the motor carrier. FMCSA will hold employers accountable if the employee was
doing his or her job, carrying out company business, or otherwise acting on the employer’s
behalf when a violation occurs.
4. State Requirement – States will be required to adopt the final regulations within three years of
enactment as a condition of receiving full Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP)
funding. Once states adopt the federal regulatory language, the rule will become applicable to
intrastate non-hazmat CMV drivers.
5. Exemptions – The proposal also allows hand-held cell phone use by drivers for emergency
Contact: Abigail Potter [email protected]
Port of Entry Citations “$” Port of Entry Citations “#”
Statewide CVO Citations (WSF) ‘06-’11
# 341,600
PoE Citations “$” Brkdown
Weight: $5,974,480.05
Safety: $437,470.00
Fuel Tax IRP: $1,836,810.00
PoE Citations “Trend”
’06 $1,144,064.55
‘07 $1,430,002.55
‘08 $1,721,727.90
’09 $1,343,841.25
’10 $1,312,002.80
’11 $1,297,121.00
Fly UP