
PIPI DOLLY Pipi Dolly ha creato una soluzione

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PIPI DOLLY Pipi Dolly ha creato una soluzione
Heading for Europe
The manufacturers of the second pet products market of the world supply
innovation and quality
Pipi Dolly ha creato una soluzione semplice e pratica ai problemi di igiene, la toilette Pipi Dolly. Lobiettivo e` lasciare le
zampe del cane completamente asciutte per eliminare le
tracce indesiderate su tappeti, divani e pavimenti. Pipi Dolly
e Microban® stanno portando sul mercato lunica toilette
con protezione antibatterica sulle griglie, efficace contro la
proliferazione di batteri nocivi che causano un cattivo odore.
Pipi Dolly e` indicato per cani di taglia piccola e media, ma
con laggiunta di altri kit serve per i cani di tutte le taglie.
Nano Vet e` il marchio di prodotti bionanotecnologici per la
medicina veterinaria che propone innovazioni nei prodotti
per il trattamento e il mantenimento della salute dei cani e
dei gatti. La principale novita` e` My Pets House, una casa
eco-friendly facile da montare senza lutilizzo di attrezzi. Le
parti sono attaccabili e possono essere facilmente smontate
e trasportate in una eco-bag da portare in vacanza. Da
segnalare liniziativa Pet Vest, un progetto sociale nato da
una partnership tra il governo di Descalvado-SP con YMPET.
Lobiettivo e` quello di migliorare le condizioni di vita delle
persone socialmente vulnerabili.
Total Alimentos lavora nel settore pet dal 1974 ed esporta i
suoi prodotti nei 5 continenti del mondo, sempre attiva nei
temi della sostenibilita`, impegno sociale, etica e ambiente. A
Zoomark International, lazienda presenta la nuova gamma
Equilibrio Vet, prodotti specifici per i problemi di tipo cardiaco, renale, dermatologico e di sovrappeso. Unaltra novita` e`
linnovativa gamma di treat e snack utili per il controllo del
peso, la cura del cavo orale, la riduzione degli odori delle feci
e il controllo dei boli di pelo.
Grazie alle opportunita` offerte nel mercato nazionale, le
aziende che partecipano al progetto Pet Brazil, una partnership fra la Association of Industry of Products for Pets
Abinpet e la Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion
Agency Apex-Brazil saranno in grado per esplorare tutto il
potenziale di crescita del mercato brasiliano in altri paesi. Il
progetto offre alle aziende brasiliane del pet la possibilita` di
raggiungere nuovi mercati, aiutandole nella progettazione
strategica del loro posizionamento, nella costruzione dellimmagine e nel business intelligence. Liniziativa mira a rafforzare il settore in mercati internazionali attraverso incentivi
per lesportazione. Attualmente, Apex-Brazil lavora gia` con
81 settori economici. Il sito del progetto Pet Brazil e` una
vetrina per tutti coloro che intendono accrescere la loro presenza e rendere fattibile la commercializzazione di prodotti
brasiliani in tutto il mondo. A.M. In 2012 Brazil became the second largest pet supplies industry in the world
after the USA, surpassing markets like the United Kingdom and France. The
domestic turnover amounts to 14.2 billion Brazilian reals (i.e. about 5.4 billion
euros). The Brazilian economic development as well as the quality of its
supplies and services attract increasing numbers of international players.
Given the growing national market demand, the domestic manufacturers are
increasingly aiming at innovation and quality.
Through Pet Brazil project - a partnership between the Brazilian Association
of the Industry of Products for Pets (Abinpet) and the Brazilian Exportation
and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brazil) - Brazilian manufacturers will
showcase their solutions in Italy, from May 9 to 12.
Investing in Brazilian companies means for entrepreneurs of all nations to
have the benefit of accessing products and services with high added value,
which emerged with the economic growth of a population of over 190 million
inhabitants. The country also offers excellent macroeconomic stability and an
efficient banking system. You can find further information on Brazilian
products and services in the website www.petbrasil.org.br
The Guabi Group has been operating in the industry for 38 years and is now
one of the leading petfood manufacturers in Brazil, where it owns eight plants.
At Zoomark International it exhibits the following ranges: Guabi Natural, a
range developed to to provide a healthy diet for dogs and cats; the recipes
include noble ingredients, natural preservatives and functional elements.
Guabi Natural for obese and diabetic dogs was designed to minimize the
changes in blood sugar concentration and ensure the intake of necessary
nutrients for the dog’s health. The Guabi Natural for obese and diabetic cats
ensures a balance between calorie restriction and optimal amounts of
nutrients which compensate the effects of feeding reduction.
Nutrire will exhibit several novelties. The new packaging of the Birbo range,
with the cheerful slogan “Taste and quality to lick the whiskers”, comes now
in a more vivid, colorful and modern version.
The new Premium Monello Buckets, are easy to transport thanks to the
special handle and help keep the product, its taste and flavours unaltered.
Also the range Monello Diversão of crunchy cookies comes now in a new
packaging, where the product benefits are evident: clean teeth, tartar control,
supplemented formula, new bacon flavour.
Pet Society® launches a special line of moisturizing masks Thermo Active
Protector, preventing the strands from being damaged by the heat. They
have the “Flash 90” technology which promotes hydration of the fur in just 90
seconds. The mask Flash 90 Thermo Active is available in the Argan Complex
and Chocolate Complex versions. Another beauty product is Thermo Active
Argan Complex® Spray, which ensures brightness, hydration and protection;
it is, too, available in the Argan and Chocolate versions.
Pipi Dolly created an easy and practical solution to help you take care of pet
hygiene. The Pipi Dolly’s toilet leaves the dog’s paws completely dry and
eliminates the undesirable tracks on carpets, sofas and floors. Pipi Dollys and
Microban® are bringing to the market the only toilet with antibacterial
protection on the grids, efficient against the proliferation of harmful bacteria
that cause a bad smell. PipiDolly’s toilet is indicated for small to medium sized
dogs. However, by acquiring more kits, it serves for dogs of all sizes.
Nano Vet is the brand of bionanotechnological products for veterinary medicine
that brings innovation in products for dog and cat treatment and health
maintenance. The main novelty is My Pet’s House, an eco-friendly pet house
that is easy to assemble, requiring no tools. The parts are attachable and can
be easily disassembled and transported and for that purpose it comes
packaged in an ecobag, specifically for taking on trips. The company supports
Pet Vest, a social project from a partnership between the government of
Descalvado-SP and YMPET - the project is named “Pet Project” and the goal
is to improve the living conditions of socially vulnerable people.
Total Alimentos has been working in the pet industry since 1974 and exports
all over the world; it is active to support environmental sustainability, social
aid, ethical issues and the environment. At Zoomark International, the
company will showcase the range Equilibrio Vet of specific products for health
problems related to the heart, kidneys, skin and overweight. It will also
present the innovative range of treats and snacks that control weight, ensure
good oral care, reduce faeces smell and control hairballs.
Thanks to the opportunities offered in the domestic market, companies that
are taking part in Pet Brazil project - a partnership between Brazilian
Association of Industry of Products for Pets (Abinpet) and the Brazilian Trade
and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex-Brazil) - will be able to explore
growth potential in other countries as well.
The project offers Brazilian companies that are in the pet segment, the
chance of reaching new markets, helping said companies to design
strategies for their positioning, image building, and business intelligence. The
initiative aims at strengthening the sector in international marketplaces
through incentives to export. Currently, Apex Brazil already works with 81
economic sectors. Being a platform to exchange information between
Brazilian companies and investors. The website of the Pet Brazil project is a
showcase for all those who intend to increase their presence and distribute
Brazilian products around the globe.
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