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The National Civil Society Organisations’ Committee is founded
On the 17th April 2016, Italian people will be called to vote in the Referendum against
drilling in the sea. The invite is to vote YES to repeal the rule introduced by the last
Stability Law which foresees that the current granting contracts for the search and
extraction of oil and gas placed on the sea-zone around the shore would not have an
expiration date anymore. With the 2016’s Stability Law, in fact, the already existing
licenses within 12 miles from the sea shore became “sine die”.
Drills are the technological symbol of OIL: old fossil energy which caused severe pollution,
economic dependence, conflicts and big lobbies playing a protagonist role. The real
challenge in this Referendum is to bring Italian people to express themselves on the
strategic energetic choices our county has to make, in every economic and social sector, to
guarantee a more just, renewable and decarbonised economy. We must not keep on
defending the big lobbies of oil and fossil energy, but we need to affirm the will of citizens
who demand less pollution, and the wills of the many enterprises now investing in social
and environmental sustainability. It is not worth a few barrels of oil to put our
environment and sectors of economy like fishing and tourism at risk, because these are the
real wealth of our country. In the meanwhile, there is a lack of strategy and concrete
choices to implement the objectives of reduction of emissions fixed during COP21 in Paris
in order to fight climate changes, in which there is the will to halt the raise of global
warmth to 1.5 °C.
So the real question is: Do you want Italy to invest in energetic efficiency, on 100%
renewable energy sources, on research and innovation?
We will invite citizens to vote YES during the 17th April’s Referendum, because we want
our country to take the road that will lead us away from old fossil energies towards an
innovated production system, combating pollution and the fever of our planet.
The Government didn’t want to listed to the calls regarding the Election Day that would
have allowed the Referendum to take place with the local elections and by doing so
wasted public money for around 360 millions to anticipate the date of the voting, aiming
that the participation in the referendum would be low.
The Government is betting on the silence of Italian people! We bet on all the citizens
that will want to have their voice heard and will mobilise to vote.
In order to build an effective campaign we built the national committee “Vote YES to stop
drilling” in order to unite the strength of all civil society organisations so that the
referendum campaign becomes a real occasion to put the strategic energetic choice of the
country at the centre of the public debate, in order to build a more fair and innovative
economic. We commit, each of our in their sector, and together in order to invite Italians
to go, vote and vote YES.
The National Committee will promote the gathering of regional committee that would act
as multipliers of mobilisation and will diffuse widely the information, putting tools of
communication, information and awareness raising at disposal of everyone. Moreover the
Committee will coordinate with the Committees of Regions who proponed the
We invite every organisation, local institution and enterprise promoting sustainability,
individual citizens, youth and adults to mobilise with enthusiasm, passion and creativity to
make the YES vote winning.
First promoters:
Adusbef, Aiab, Alleanza Cooperative della Pesca, Arci, Arci Caccia, Aref International, ASud, Associazione
Borghi Autentici d'Italia, Associazione Comuni Virtuosi, Associazione nazionale Giuristi Democratici,
Associazione per la Decrescita nazionale, Club Amici dei Borghi Autentici, Coordinamento nazionale NO
TRIV, Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori, Cospe, Energoclub, Fairwatch, Fare Verde, Federazione Italiana
Media Ambientali, Fiom-Cgil, Focsiv – Volontari nel mondo, Fondazione Slow Food per la Biodiversità,
Fondazione UniVerde, Giornalisti Nell'Erba, Green Cross, Greenpeace, Kyoto Club, Innovatori Europei,
Italia Nostra, La Nuova Ecologia, Lav, Legambiente, Libera, Liberacittadinanza, Link Coordinamento
Universitario, Lipu, Lunaria, Marevivo, MEPI–Movimento Civico, Movimento Difesa del Cittadino, ProNatura, QualEnergia, Rete degli studenti medi, Rete della Conoscenza, Salviamo il Paesaggio, Sì
Rinnovabili No nucleare, Slow Food Italia, Soc. Coop. E’ Nostra, Soc. Coop. Retenergie, Touring Club
Italiano, Unione degli Studenti, Unione degli Universitari, Unione Produttori Biologici e Biodinamici,
Zeroviolenza, WWF
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