Proposta di TESI all`estero (Lovanio, Belgio)
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – UNIVERSITA’ DI BOLOGNA SCUOLA di INGEGNERIA e ARCHITETTURA – Sede di FORLÌ Proposta di TESI all’estero (Lovanio, Belgio) per studenti dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Meccanica ed Ingegneria Aerospaziale, nell’ambito della Dinamica delle Macchine e dei Sistemi Meccanici Mission Synthesis: definition of vibration profiles for durability testing In collaboration with: LMS International, a Siemens Business Leuven, Belgium - LMS is a leading provider of test and mechatronic simulation software and engineering services in the automotive, aerospace and other advanced manufacturing industries. As a business segment within Siemens PLM, LMS provides a unique portfolio of products and services for manufacturing companies to manage the complexities of tomorrow’s product development by incorporating model-based simulation and advanced testing in the product development process. LMS tunes into mission-critical engineering attributes, ranging from system dynamics, structural integrity and sound quality to durability, safety and power consumption. Gli interessati sono pregati di rivolgersi all’ing. Marco Troncossi [email protected] - tel. 0543-374442