
La creatività. Percorsi d`invenzione

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La creatività. Percorsi d`invenzione
La creatività. Percorsi d’invenzione
20-22 settembre 2007
Preschool and primary school teachers’ reports on
their meaningful professional experiences
Maja Antonietti
PHD Student
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
La creatività. Percorsi d’invenzione
20-22 settembre 2007
La creatività. Percorsi d’invenzione
20-22 settembre 2007
•The final aim of this research is to know something more about teachers’ actions
in order to have more information about their formative needs.
In this sense the focus is preschool and primary in-service teachers’ idea about
professional competence they use every day: where competence is to be
considered in large sense, not opposite to knowledge, but as area of action and
professional knowledge (Perrenoud 1999, Barcellona Conference 2002, Coggii
2004, Pellerey 1996, Vitteritti 2004).
•This research is starting from previous studies (Cardarello, Gariboldi, Antonietti,
2005 and 2006) investigating teachers’ opinion about professional competences
and teachers’ problems in their profession.
The data were collected through a questionnaire - that was drawn up for that
research. The analysis on 714 in-service teachers shows particularly:
- 52,2% problems related to relationship field; 42,3 % difficulties with teaching
strategy; 33,9% problems related to planning and assessment;
- they think to be lacking in technology/assessment, documentation, observation
- they think to be “good” in promotion of ethic and social attitude/
communication and relationship field.
La creatività. Percorsi d’invenzione
20-22 settembre 2007
When they think they are competent or incompetent which
kind of situation they relate to that?
Which situation of competence in action or incompetence in
action teachers describe?
How teachers intend their professional competence,
by writing a self-biographical short report?
La creatività. Percorsi d’invenzione
20-22 settembre 2007
preschool and primary in-service teachers attending university teacher
training course.
at the beginning of the university study/october 2006.
during a basic computer technology workshop.
write two short reports: one about an experience of success/
competences and one about an experience of difficulty/problem (45
minute time).
•Digitalization of the text:
define criteria to digitalize the text.
•Sample group:
431 teachers/ 89,6 female/37,6% 26-30 years old/
24,4% 31-35 years old
58,6% has working as teacher for 6 to 10 years;
31,1% has working as teacher for 3 to 5 years;
28,8% four year of secondary school certificate;
36,4% five year of secondary school certificate;
20,2% university diploma;
51,5% preschool teachers; 14,2% primary school teacher; 33,4% preschool
and primary school teacher.
La creatività. Percorsi d’invenzione
20-22 settembre 2007
Searching for:
i. area of action and professional knowledge which the short report is
related to (example: methodology or planning):
• define, distinguish and find out category of competences area
according with literature (Perrenoud 1999, Barcellona Conference
2002, Coggi 2004, Pellerey 1996, Vitteritti 2004) and with the empirical
material (inter-observation/software analysis);
ii. element of story grammar (Stein and Glenn 1977) (setting/initial
event/internal response/action/consequence/reaction) to recognize:
types of resources involved in teachers’ action (for example inside
resources/outside resources//metodology /relationship field
sequences of story grammar adopted in teachers’ description;
iii. kind of teachers’ analysis about the situation
• frequency and level of doubt (low/high) especially related to the
reason, to the situation or to the strategy adopted.
Possible criteria: questions or assertion/explanations/other elements.
La creatività. Percorsi d’invenzione
20-22 settembre 2007
Titolo: il passero ferito
Lorenzo (quattro anni) non vuole prendere in mano il colore. Lo sgrido. E lui
inizia a piangere...... ho sbagliato!!! Lui ha bisogno di sentirsi rassicurato. Lo
prendo vicino a me, prendiamo insieme il lavoro e individualmente lo
svolgiamo gratificando ogni piccolo risultato. Tutte le volte che bisogna
colorare con lui mi osserva con gli occhi sperduti come per dirmi "cosa vuoi
da me?".
(ID 62, d, gruppo MO2)
La creatività. Percorsi d’invenzione
20-22 settembre 2007
In this short reports concerning real examples about professional
experiences we attend to find out methodology, problem, resources
related to teaching situation and we would like to put this information
in connection with the results coming out from the questionnaire.
Thank you for your attention
[email protected]
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