separate collection
•Are you recycling your domestic waste? SEPARATE COLLECTION OF WASTE I.P.S. CABRINI TARANTO Comenius “ Responsible citizens through scientific knowledge 2009 / 2010 ENVIRONMENTAL SURVEY: HELP US TO IMPROVE THE SEPARATE COLLECTION SEPARATE COLLECTION • In our institution, the collection started in 2001 thanks to volunteers ,students and teachers with the assistance of administrative staff SOME DATA IN A MONTH Our Institute collects about 250 kgr of paper 36 kgr of plastic WASTE.........OUR RESOURCE • I.P.S. “F.S. CABRINI” - TARANTO • Comenius 2009/2010 • Class 2°A O.C.B. Prof . ssa Marcella Schirano • To understand the importance of proper waste management, since their production to their final destination through the various stages of collection, transport, treatment (recycling or disposal), and especially how they can be transformed into a valuable energy resource in our class , in the project "Clean energy" during the school year 2009/10 we visited the plant Cisa-Appia Energy Massafra, specialized in the production of CDR and electricity from biogas. municipal solid waste from our city and neighboring countries can be turned into environmentally friendly fuels, contributing to the recovery of raw materials and reducing the use of traditional fossil fuels, in full respect of the Kyoto Protocol. Il lavoro è stato svolto dagli alunni della III A O.C.B. Bianco Alessia Pastorelli Gaetano Bruno Antonella Solito Francesca Danese Francesca Stroscio Alessandra De Mitri Mara Zaccaria Andrea Dimaggio Diego Prof.ssa Marcella Schirano Epifani Natalizia Fornaro Cesare Franchini Pamela Lamanna Veronica Leo Anahi Mannavola Francesca Motolese Antonio