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La classe 3DL
una città da scoprire
Bologna is the regional capital of Emilia Romagna, and a
compulsory point of passage between the North and South of
the Peninsula. An Etruscan and then Gallic settlement, it was
first a colony and then a Roman Municipality. During the
Middle Ages the city proclaimed itself a Free Common and
reached the top of its power in 1249 with the victory of the
Fossalta battle where King Enzo, son of the Emperor Frederic II,
was made prisoner. Within its walls, the first University of the
world saw the light in the XI century. Seigniories followed one
another until the town in the XVI century fell once and for all
under the influence of the Papal State while at the same time
maintaining its own ancient magistracies, first of all the senate,
and its own ambassador in Rome.
In the charming historical center, among the best
preserved in the world, many ancient palaces and
churches stand and witness the cultural relevance that
Bologna has had in the course of the centuries. A most
modern Fair District, an efficient Congress Palace, up-todate welcome structures crown a rich group of industrial
companies of primary importance in the mechanical
sector and in the field of agricultural and food processing,
etc. Just take a walk along the nearly 40 kilometers of
porticoes that decorate its streets allows to catch aspects
of a life full of moods, to follow shopping itineraries in
glamorous boutiques or in large and small street markets,
also for food, to know a many-sided reality, culturally and
economically at home in XXI century Europe.
POPULATION (inhabitants):
54 m. a.s.l.
DENSITY (inhabitants/sq km):
Comune di Bologna
Piazza Maggiore 6 - 40121 BOLOGNA
Switchboard: 051 203111
URP (information office): 051 203040
URP (information office): 051 232381
The Morandi Museum in Bologna is situated within the prestigious Palazzo d'Accursio, civic and cultural heart of the
city. The Museum houses the richest collection of Giorgio Morandi's works, in an exhibition space which offers many
moments of thought and reflection. The 281 works which make up the collection (78 paintings from 1910 to 1964,
20 watercolours, 92 sketches, 87 etchings, 2 sculptures and 2 engraved plates) are exhibited in silent and spacious
surroundings pervaded by the "morandian light" which emanates from every image, translucent like the limpid skies
over the hills of Bologna. During the visit it is possible to see the detailed and faithful reconstruction of Morandi's
studio with his original furnishings, tools and models, an area dedicated to works of various artists from Morandi's
private ancient art collection; some "rooms of memories" conserving other well-known objects which belonged to
him including etchings of family portraits; the library-archive where all Morandi's books of art and literature are
catalogued along with a vast patrimony of historical-documentary material relative to the artist and his work. All the
rooms are air-conditioned and there is full access for disabled visitors. The Morandi Museum organises exhibitions of
the artist in Italy and abroad and publishes books and catalogues. In its gallery the museum promotes exhibitions,
concerts and lectures.
Museo Morandi
c/o Palazzo d'Accursio
Piazza Maggiore 6 - 40121 Bologna
Ticket office: 051 203629
Educational Dept.: 051 203332
Library: 051 203646
203403 - 204531
051 203386
[email protected]
Tuesday to Sundays and midweek holidays: 10.00 am - 6.00 pm
Mondays (except holidays)
Christmas, New Year's Day, May 1st
The Museum of the Industrial Heritage premises are in the northern outskirts of Bologna, in a former kiln along the
Navile, the ancient navigable channel of the city. The kiln, built in 1887 with a non-stop cycle Hoffmann oven,
produced bricks, Marseille roof tiles and fired bricks working the top-quality clay present in the area. At the end of
the century the expansion of the Galotti's Company brought to the construction of another Hoffmann oven of which
some traces still remain on the ground in the inside courtyard. After a period of abandon following closing-down in
1966, the building was bought by the Municipality of Bologna and restored between 1984 and 1990. The Kiln was
completely restored and furnished in order to host the Museum and other activities and institutions.
Museo del Patrimonio Industriale - Ex Fornace Galotti
Via della Beverara, 123 - 40131 Bologna
+39 051 6356611 or +39 051 6356602
+39 051 6346053
[email protected]
from Tuesday to Sunday from 9.00am to 1.00pm; Friday - Saturday - Sunday from 3.00pm to
midweek holidays , May 1st, Dec. 25th, Jan. 1st
It is the largest Paleontological Museum in Italy both for its surface area and for the number and importance of its
collections (a recent estimate rates it as having about one million pieces). The Museum is arranged in fifteen rooms and
divided into four sections: ancient collections, fossilised plants, fossilised vertebrates, rock and invertebrate collections
and fossils ordered according to their geographic origin in Italy and abroad.
Musuem of Paleonthology and Geology "G. Capellini"
Via Zamboni, 63 - 40126 Bologna
051 2094555 – 051209932 - 0512099362
051 2094522
from Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. - 12.30 p.m.
Special openings from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. every first Saturday of the month from October 2005 to May
2006 and every Saturday from December 2005 to January 2006 except 24 and 31 December 2005
Saturdays and Sundays
S.M.A. - University Museum System Alma Mater Studiorum University of Bologna
via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna
Web site: http://www.unibo.it/musei-universitari
by bus
n. 14, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28, 36, 37, C
The Museum of Physics of the University of Bologna boasts a centuries-long tradition. Now that the 18th century
material has been transferred to Palazzo Poggi, the Museum today contains the following important collections: 19th
century instruments for experimental physics, the original teaching and experimental material of Augusto Righi
(1850-1920), the apparatus used for teaching and for pure and applied research of Q. Majorana (1871-1957),
apparatus from the school of specialisation in Radio communications, based on the original studies by Righi and
Marconi and developed by Majorana and Todesco. Numerous instruments are on display to represent the 20th
century and range from vacuum tubes to thermoionic valves, the first calculating machines to the most advanced
models, traditional refractor microscopes to those of electrostatic and electronic type, early vacuum pumps to the
most recent models, electrostatic measuring instruments to electromagnetic models, and from Wilson's cloudchamber to wire and spark chambers.
Physics Museum
Via Irnerio, 42 - 40126 Bologna
051 2091099 - 051 2091169 – 0512099988 - 0512099361
Closed for restauring
S.M.A. - University Museum System Alma Mater Studiorum
University of Bologna
via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna
Web site: http://www.unibo.it/musei-universitari
by bus
n. 20, 28, 36, 37, 89, 93, 94, 99
The museum opened in 1985 in the Palazzo Ghisilardi-Fava. The Palazzo was built as a noble residence towards the end of
the 15th century and is one of the most important and beautiful examples of Bolognese architecture of the Bentivoglio
period. However, the history of the building may be considered more antique. The Palace is built over a part of the city
whose many layers of ancient artefacts were brought to light during recent restoration. Remains have been found ageing
from Roman times to parts of the ancient Imperial castle destroyed in 1115, and to the tower of the Conoscenti family
which was incorporated into the construction of the palace. The building is therefore strongly linked to the history of the
city as are the various collections. Many of these inheritances and collections date back to the 17th century: from Marquis
Cospi's collection of curiosities (17th century) to the Institute of Science (1714), and the Bolognese artist Pelagio Palagi's
donation (1861) and on to the foundation of the "Museo Civico".
The most important part of the museum is dedicated to the Medieval Period from the most antique artefacts of the
Medieval Age (7th-9th centuries), to the great statue of Bonifacio VIII in gold-plated copper on wood, carried out by the
Senese goldsmith Manno Bandini in 1301 for the "Palazzo Pubblico". Nearby you can see the great English cope
embroidered at the beginning of the l4th century, one of the most significant of the Opus Anglicanum, from the S.
Domenico Church. A museum so deeply rooted in the history of the city could not avoid a direct reference to the ancient
University. In fact, there are many funeral sculptures dedicated to the teachers of the "Studio" (l4th-15th century), in
which a strong will to praise is combined with the expressiveness of the local Gothic culture.
Other important 15th and 16th century sculptures (Iacopo della Quercia, Francesco del Cossa and Vincenzo Onofri)
illustrate the development of Renaissance Art of which the museum contains many examples, particularly in the section of
bronzes. Here is the model of Giambologna's famous Neptune, designed for Piazza Maggiore, a masterpiece of l6th
century plastic. The Museum also displays beautiful collections of arms (of particular interest the 16th century jousting
armour), ivories and glasses, with 15th and 16th century masterpieces from Murano. Particularly interesting is the new
illuminated manuscript's section (1995) formed by many important l3th-16th century Bolognese masterpiece.
guided tours for schools are available by advance appointment, during the school year.
For booking: Educational Department - tel. 051 203934 - 203935 from Monday to Friday
11.30 am - 2.00 pm
Guided tours, educational services, cassette walkman (Italian,English, French, Spanish),
bookshop, conference room, access for the disabled, Italian captions, audioguides Italian and
English (Euro 4.00)
Euro 4.00
Euro 2.00 visitors from 15 to 18, over 60, university students and groups of students with teacher
children up to 14, the disabled and their helpers
* The ticket is also valid for temporary exhibitions organized in the museum.
Museo Civico Medievale
Via Manzoni 4 - 40121 Bologna
051 203930
051 203916 (ticket office)
Tuesday to Saturday: 9.00 am - 6.30 pm
Sundays and holidays: 10.00 am - 6.30 pm
Mondays (except holidays)
Christmas, New Year's Day, May 1st
Musei Civici d'Arte Antica
Via Manzoni 4 - 40121 Bologna
by bus
n. 11, 20, 27, 28, C, BLQ Aerobus
The museum is housed on the ground floor of the prestigious Bargellini Palace, designed by the architect Bartolomeo
Provaglia and begun in 1638. The façade of the palace was embellished in 1658 with the two famous sandstone atlases
by the Bolognese sculptors Gabriele Brunelli and Francesco Agnesini, while the magnificent stairway, possibly by Carlo
Francesco Dotti, dates from the first half of the eighteenth century (1730). After the Bargellini died out, in 1839 the
palace passed to a branch of the Davia, another illustrious Bolognese senatorial family, who occupied it until 1874.
Opened to the public in 1924, the museum today is still organised as it was by its curator, Francesco Malaguzzi Valeri,
head of the Fine Arts Service. It is composed of two distinct nuclei, the Davia Bargellini picture gallery and the
collections of applied arts. In bringing these two heritages together in the halls of the museum, its creator intended to
recreate an eighteenth-century Bolognese furnished apartment.
guided tours for schools are available by advance appointment, during the school year.
For booking: Educational Department - tel. 051 203934 - 203935 from Monday to Friday 11.30 am 2.00
pmtours, educational services, bookshop
Museo Civico d'Arte Industriale e Quadreria Davia Bargellini
Strada Maggiore 44 - 40125 Bologna
051 236708
Tuesday to Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m. - 1:0 p.m.
SUMMER 2005: unalterated timetable.
Mondays (except holidays)
Christmas, New Year's Day, May 1st,
Musei Civici d'Arte Antica
Via Manzoni 4 - 40121 Bologna
Internet site: http://www.comune.bologna.it/iperbole/MuseiCivici
by bus
n. 14, 19, 25, 27
Traditional place of worship for the presence of an image the
Virgin of St. Luca as well as reassuring visual landmark for
Bolognese approaching town, the shrine located on top of
Guardia hill is one of Bologna's symbol. The 666 vaults of the
arcade - unique for his length covering almost four kilometres
(3,796 m) - link the shrine with the town and provide a shelter
for the procession which every year since 1433 has brought the
Byzantine Madonna with Child to the cathedral downtown during
the Ascension week. Construction started in 1674 with the
building of the Bonaccorsi archway by G. G. Monti over
Saragozza Gateway.
The start of the climb is marked by the Meloncello Archway along via Saragozza, designed by Dotti with the likely
contribution of the stage designer Francesco Bibiena. The aedicule with its curved plan and the recourse to the free
column represents, together with the open area outside the basilica, the only outdoor example of Baroque in town.
Today's church was built by Dotti between 1723 and 1757 in place of an earlier 15th-century church, while the two
outside tribunes were brought to completion by his son Giovanni Giacomo in 1774
Santuario di San Luca ( Shrine of St. Luke)
Via di S. Luca, 36 - 40135 Bologna
051 6142339
morning 7.00 - 12.30 a.m.; afternoon from October to February 2.30 - 5.00 p.m., march 2.30 - 6.00 p.m.,
other months 2.30 - 7.00 p.m.
On Sundays and Holidays the sanctuary is open also from 12.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
by car by-pass exit n. 1 and 2 direction "Bologna centro" (Bologna city center)
by bus n. 20 get off at the bus stop "Villa Spada" and take the private Cosepuri minibus
It’s the most particular church complex in Bologna, the real city
sanctuary and the cradle of the Fathers’ faith. Rose around a first fifthcentury settlement, wanted by bishop Petronio, that after would have
been joint by a reproduction of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Santo
Stefano stands next to the chapel with protomartyrs of Bologna Vitale
and Agricola’s mortal remains, exhumated by Saint Ambrogio in 392,
and it comprises buildings made between the X and the XIII century
by the Benedectines. The complex represents a symbolic rebuilding of
the Passion of Christ’s places, as the ancient denomination of the
complex testifies: "Sacra Hierusalem". The facades of Crocifisso
(right), Calvario (center) and Ss. Vitale and Agricola (left) churches
stand in the beautiful square. The first church hosts a crypt from 1019
and precious art works; the second church, has a round shape, is
overlooked by the reproduction of Christ’s tomb (XII-XIV centuries) in
which there is the urn with Saint Petronio’s remains, patron saint of
The third church, really well-known for its bare basilic structure, hosts
the ancient graves of Saints Vitale and Agricola (interesting the
capitals of various styles, coming from previous Roman and Byzantine
buildings, and the remains of VI century mosaic floors). Pilato’s
courtyard is remarkable, with a marble basin offered by Liutprando
and Ilprando, king of the Lombards, that considered Saint Stefano as
their main religious centre. Then the Trinità church, restored between
XII and XII century, where you can admire a precious crib made of
painted and gold wood by Simone dei Crocifissi (XIV century). Of great
appeal is the Benedectine cloister with a double open gallery (X-XIII
century), one of the most splendid art works from Emilia’s
Romanesque style. At last it is worth visiting the Museum that hosts
paintings, sculptures and other art works from different periods.
Complesso di Santo Stefano
Via S. Stefano, 24 - 40125 Bologna
051 223256
every day 9.00am - 12.00pm. / 3.30pm - 6.00pm
The Basilica of St Petronio, honoring the patron saint
(eighth bishop of Bologna from 431 to 450), is the most
imposing (a length of 132m, a width of 66m, a height of
47m) and the most important church in Bologna. In the
recent years the Basilica, considered the local power
symbol in contrast with the Vatican power featured by St
Peter's Cathedral, have always been administrated as a
town setting up. Building started in 1390 under the
supervision of the architect Antonio di Vincenzo and the
church's original design was created to celebrate the
reconquest of the town. In 1514, Arduino degli Arriguzzi
proposes a new model with a Latin-cross aimed to overtop
St Peter's Church in Rome.
According to the legend, Pio VI stopped the costruction of
this megalomaniac dream and requested to build up the
Archiginnasio. Even the facade was left incomplete; the
central nave covering and the apses shooting, designed by
Girolamo Rainaldi and directed by Francesco Martini, were
completed only in 1663; the lower naves were closed by
Built in 1470 by Lorenzo da Prato and symbolized by the
most prestigious and older functional organ in the world,
the bolognese musical Chapel was once very famous.
Another organ, more recent (1596), belongs to Baldassarre
Malamini and despite its 400 years it is still functional as
In 1894, Museo di San Petronio opened with the projet of
There are then four crosses of stone between the chapels
1-2, 9-10, 13-14, 21-22 that, according to the legend, St
Petronio placed at the perimeter's angles of the town then,
in the next centuries, the circle of the selenite walls have
been defined.
Basilica San Petronio
Piazza Maggiore - 40124 BOLOGNA
051 225442 / 051 231415
winter: the whole week from 7.30am to 1.00 pm and from 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm
summer : the whole week from 7.30 am to 1.15 pm and from2
One of the richest churches in Bologna for the historical art, it is
the Preaching Order’s first creation and guardian of its founder
S. Domenico’s mortal remains. Started after the saint’s death
(1221), it features a sober Romanesque facade, next to it there
is the Ghisilardi Chapel of the Renaissance period, built by
Baldassarre Peruzzi in san Domenico square, one of the most
beautiful of the city. The inside area, restored in 1727-32 by
Carlo Francesco Dotti, who combined the two ancient medieval
nucleus in one only building with bright and straight lines, hosts
art works of inestimable value as paintings by Guercino (San
Tommaso), by Luca Cambiaso (Natività), by Filippino Lippi
(Sposalizio mistico di S. Caterina, 1501), by Lodovico Carracci
(S.Raimondo), by Giunta Pisano (Crocifisso).
San Domenico chapel is extraordinary, it has a beautiful marble
ark that keeps the mortal remains, one of the purest creation of
the plastic Italian art. The chapel is made even more precious
thanks to the sculptures by Nicolò Pisano in the urn (1267), by
Alfonso Lombardi in the altar step (1532) and by G.B. Boudard
in the frontal (1768), it is overtopped by a magnificent marble
top moulding modelled in 1469-73 by Nicolò dell’Arca ( statues
of S. Petronio, of S.procolo and of the right angel are by
Michelangelo). Dazzling also the painting decorations of the
chapel (Glorificazione di S. Domenico nel catino by Guido Reni).
Masterpiece of the Renaissance inlay is the wooden choir by fra’
Damiano da Bergamo (1528-51), defined by his contemporaries
the eighth wonder of the world and also admired by the Emperor
Carlo V. Of great charm the cloisters of the convent and San
Domenico’s cell.
San Domenico
Piazza S. Domenico, 13 - 40124 Bologna
051 6400411
8.00 am - 12.30 pm / 3.30 pm - 6.30 pm
The two 'twin' towers the traditional symbol of Bologna, stand at the strategic point
where the old Aemilian way entered the town. Today they stand right at the middle of the
opening of Porta Ravegnana square, but this does not correspond to their original layout,
which comprised wooden constructions all around their base and hanging
passageways. Made in masonry work, as very few other buildings at that time, they had
very important military functions (signalling and defence), beside representing with their
imposing heights the social prestige of noble families. In the late 12th century, at least
one hundred towers dotted the town' s skyline, but today only twenty have survived the
ravages of fire, warfare and lightning. Quite recently the statue of San Petronio made by
Gabriele Brunelli in 1670 was again placed under the towers, after being removed in 1871
for "traffic reasons".
The Asinelli Tower was built
in 1109 - 19 by the Asinelli
family, but by the following
century it had already passed
under the control of the
Commune. It is 97.20 m-high
with a drop of 2.23 metres
and an inner staircase of 498
steps completed in 1684. The
plinth is surrounded by a small
'stronghold' built in 1488 to
house the soldiers of the
watch. Today, its arcade is
occupied by a few craft shops
and ateliers, as a memento of
the merchants' trade of the
Medieval 'mercato di mezzo'.
The Garisenda Tower, built
around the same time , is
much smaller (47 metres) with
a steeper drop (3.22 m) due
to an early and more marked
subsidence of soil and
foundation. Dante, who saw
the tower before the process
had started, compared it to a
leaning Anteo in the 31st
Canto of his Inferno. In mid
14th century the tower had to
be lowered. The ashlar
covering in selenite stone of
the base dates back to the late
19th century.
Le Due Torri (The Two Towers)
Piazza di Porta Ravegnana - 40126 Bologna
Asinelli Tower:
opening time: 9.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. summer / 9.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m. winter
Garisenda Tower: not accessible
by bus
n. 13, 14, 19, 25, 27
Asinelli Tower: admission 3 Euro
Garisenda Tower: not accessible
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