
1° Students - Young Scientists Conference Department of Sciences

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1° Students - Young Scientists Conference Department of Sciences
1° Students - Young Scientists Conference
Department of Sciences for Quality of Life
University of Bologna
Corso d’ Augusto 237
Rimini 7° September 2013, 9am – 4 pm
Aims of the Conference is to provide to students and young
Scientists in Sport and Exercise Sciences a forum to present their
Dissertation work/research in an international contest.
Participation is free of charge.
For requests : [email protected]
List of speakers
• Sergey Livtinov, Russian State University of Sport, Foreign Languages Department of Russian State University of
Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE). Moscow, RUSSIA
Sport Parades in Soviet Russia:a triumph of Stalinist Ideology or Sport Spirit Exultance
•Komova Elena . Russian State University of Sport, Foreign Languages Department of Russian State, University of
Physical Education, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE). Moscow, RUSSIA
Some issues in Russian sport school .
•Litvinova Lidia, Moscow Lomonosov State University
Students’ and Faculty’s Sport Achievements in the Exposition of University History Museum
•Anastasia A. , SCOLIPE Moscow, Russia
Psycho-energetic training method in preparation of 13-15-year old yachtsmen
• Tatiana I., SCOLIPE Moscow, Russia
Psychophysiological and Vegetative Predictors of Sprinters' Success.
• Valantine1 I., Junevicius G. 2
1Lithuanian Sports University, 2Lithuanian Innovation Centre, Kaunas, Lithuania
Sport and wellness cluster: from possibilities to practice
•Latina C.1, L.Sabattini*,L.Simoncini°,R.Piperno°, S.Stecchi*, Cicchella A.1.
1 Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, Univerità di Bologna, Rimini
*IRCCS Istituto delle Scienze NeurologicheAz.USL di Bologna,
Efficacy comparison between aerobic training and standard neuromotoric treatment in light to mild multiple sclerosis
•Klonova A.2 , Cicchella A.1
1 Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, Università di Bologna, Rimini
2 Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Riga, Latvia
Psychophysiological profile of world class ballroom dancers.
•Bucci R.1, Cicchella A.1
1 Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, Università di Bologna, Rimini
The effect of fatiguing jumping exercise on static standing balance
•Tiberini P. 1 , Cicchella A.1
1 Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, Università di Bologna, Rimini
Leptin hormone and exercise: a review
•Szeklicki R.1, Osinski W.
1AWF Poznan, 2 Higher Vocational Education Institute, Lezno, Poland
Static strength, body size and composition as determinants of bone
mineral density among elderly men.
•Zambelli N.1 , Cicchella A.1
1Dipartimento di Scienze per la Qualità della Vita, Università di Bologna, Rimini
Gender and age effect in young ballroom dancers balance capacities.
Kundziņa I.1, Grants J.1
Latvian Academy of Sport Education, Institute of Recreation, Riga, Latvia
Emotional expressions and the level of beta endorphins affected by physical load 45 to 55 years-old-people
Chairmans: Komova, Livtinov and Livtinova (Rus), Osinski and Szeklicki (POL), Cicchella (IT).
Presentations must be in power point format. A video projector and pc will be available in the conference hall. Abstract (1 page, A4
format, times new roman 11) must be provided. Presentation will last 15 min. plus questions. After the closing, participants are free to
Rimini is accessible with train from Bologna in 1,30 H (slow train = 10 euros) or 1 H (fast train, 20 euros). From Bologna Airport take
Aereobus to the train station (30 min. - 6 euros).
From Rimini Airport to Center town there are many connections (bus ecc. ecc.).
Hotels: we have an agreement with Hotel Napoleon, just in front in Rimini train station , 10 min walk from beaches.www.napoleonrimini.it
for 41,5 euro/night with breakfast. If you book there, cite University for reservation. If you prefere a seaside hotel, Rimini is full of it
(Internet). of any price range. Check carefully on googlemaps the position of the hotels before booking.
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