Proposte di variazioni al RAD o all*organizzazione didattica della
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Proposte di variazioni al RAD o all*organizzazione didattica della
Laurea Magistrale LM-74 in “Geosciences and Georesources” Modifica Ordinamento Didattico Laurea Magistrale LM-74: MoU MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING concerning a joint Master degree in Geoscience and Georesources between Università degli Studi della Basilicata, via Nazario Sauro 85, 85100 Potenza, Italy, represented for the purposes hereof by the Rector, Prof. Aurelia Sole and Kazakh-British Technical University, Kazakhstan, Tole bi street 59, 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan, represented for the purposes hereof by the Rector, Prof. Iskander Beissembetov Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Laurea Magistrale LM-74: MoU OBJECTIVES (Article 2) The jMpGG (joint Master's programme in Geosciences and Georesources) is a graduate offering to European and Asian students an unique opportunity to learning how to manage Georesources and related geo-environmental issues, as well as to be exposed to an international educational experience. Other aims of the joint Master's degree in Geosciences and Georesources: • coordinating joint teaching courses organized by the establishments; • promoting staff exchange; • organising joint seminars and conferences; • and, in general, all other actions for mutual support and benefit of the establishments. The term "Master's Programme" refers to the parties' two-year programmes (120 ECTS credits) at Master's Level leading to the corresponding degree issued by each party. Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Laurea Magistrale LM-74: MoU Academic title Upon successful completion of the programme, students shall be awarded a Joint Master's Degree in "Geosciences and Georesources", which is officially recognized as a master's degree by each university and in each country with the same rights as the national degrees entitled: Laurea Magistrale in “Geosciences and Georesources, curriculum in Environmental Geology” at Università degli Studi della Basilicata; Master of Science degree in "Geosciences and Georesources, curriculum in Petroleum Geology" at Kazakh-British Technical University. In addition to the joint Degree, each student will receive a diploma supplement that follows the model developed by the European Commission, Council of Europe and UNESCO/CEPES. Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Laurea Magistrale LM-74: MoU Governance of the Master in Geosciences and Georesources Each university, upon proposal of the Dean/Director of the Department/Faculty and approval by the competent departmental/faculty board, is responsible for designating the person in charge or director of the Master’s degree in the institution. … A joint Committee (“Management Committee”) will be nominated and will be composed of two academic representatives of the two universities involved in the jMpGG, appointed by the Deans/Directors of the Department of Sciences of the Università degli Studi della Basilicata and the Faculty of Oil and Gas Industry of the Kazakh-British Technical University, respectively. … Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Laurea Magistrale LM-74: MoU The Management Committee will have the following tasks: to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of the agreement; to establish the general regulations for the programme of study to be followed; to approve limited changes in the structure of the programme; to manage exceptions and problematic cases; to guarantee the good functioning of the programme; to propose possible additional fees in lines with the universities rules and regulations to manage the selection procedures of applicants. Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Laurea Magistrale LM-74: MoU Admission To be admitted to the jMpGG students must hold a 1st cycle degree programme, equivalent to a BSc level degree (at least three years of higher education studies, 180 ECTS credits), awarded by an accredited foreign university or university-level institution that grant access to 2nd cycle degree programme in the awarding country. In all cases, the level of English must enable the students to follow the courses (understanding, writing and speaking). A B1 level of English is therefore required for all applicants. Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Laurea Magistrale LM-74: MoU Admission - Required documents: motivation letter (max. 1 page) ; curriculum vitae; copies of diploma certificate/degree certificate (+ English translation, officially authorized if student comes from a language background other than that of the home university); 1 academic letter of recommendation (not mandatory); transcript of records or Diploma Supplement if applicable; copy of the passport or, alternatively, of the national identity document; certificate or other documents attesting the language competences (B1 Level of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR). Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Annex A: alcune punti importanti del percorso didattico The study activities followed and the exams taken at each participating academic institution shall be automatically recognised by the other academic institution and are therefore part of the curriculum of the students. Within each academic semesters, lectures can be delivered all together or, alternatively, one after another. The evaluation methods adopted by individual teachers will include both written and oral exams or, alternatively, midterm and final written exams. A maximum number of 10 students will be admitted to the individual educational institutions, hence a maximum number of 20 student will be allowed to enrol the JMpGG. Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Annex A: Percorso formativo Ist YEAR Ist semester ECTS credits 6 SSD Chemistry of Hydrocarbons 6 CHIM/06 Applied Stratigraphy and Sedimentology Geophysical Prospecting 6 GEO/02 6 GEO/11 Applied Structural Geology 6 GEO/03 Total ECTS 30 English course Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata UNIBAS KBTU UNIBAS KBTU UNIBAS KBTU UNIBAS KBTU UNIBAS KBTU Annex A: Percorso formativo Ist YEAR IInd semester Advanced Field Geology Soil Chemistry Environmental Geochemistry Basin Analysis Formation Evaluation and Petrophysics Student’s choice Total ECTS TOTAL Ist YEAR 6 SSD GEO/03 6 6 6 6 AGR/13 GEO/08 GEO/02 GEO/11 12 30 60 Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata UNIBAS KBTU UNIBAS UNIBAS KBTU KBTU Annex A: Percorso formativo IInd YEAR Ist semester ECTS credits 6 GEO/05 Reservoir Modelling 6 ING-IND/30 Internship 6 Seismotectonics Environmental and Applied Geology Development Geology Petroleum Economics Total ECTS 6 6 GEO/10 GEO/04 UNIBAS KBTU UNIBAS KBTU UNIBAS KBTU UNIBAS UNIBAS 6 6 30 GEO/05 ING-IND/35 KBTU KBTU Hydrogeology SSD Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Annex A: Percorso formativo IInd YEAR IInd semester Thesis 30 TOTAL IInd YEAR 60 UNIBAS KBTU Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata Sintesi delle modifiche all’ordinamento didattico Svolgimento del corso in lingua inglese. Inserimento dell’esperienza di carattere internazionale che coinvolgerà degli studenti tra gli obiettivi formativi. Previsione di due curricula denominati rispettivamente: - “Environmental Geology” svolto presso l’Università degli Studi della Basilicata; - “Petroleum Geology" svolto presso la Kazakh-British Technical University. Doppio titolo con la seguente denominazione: - Laurea Magistrale in “Geosciences and Georesources, curriculum in Environmental Geology” presso l’Università degli Studi della Basilicata; - Master of Science degree in "Geosciences and Georesources, curriculum in Petroleum Geology" presso la Kazakh-British Technical University. Inserimento di un SSD nelle attività affini e integrative (ING-IND/30) Giacomo Prosser - Dipartimento di Scienze - Università della Basilicata