
C. Dickens` fiction and contemporary reality

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C. Dickens` fiction and contemporary reality
C. Dickens’ fiction and
contemporary reality.
Scuz Selene 5^ALS
Liceo Scientifico A. Einstein
 Child and proletariat exploitation. The bourgeoisie tried to
redeem itself through philanthropy.
Whom none of us believe, my dear Mrs Bounderby, and who
do not believe themselves. The only difference between us and
the professors of virtue or benevolence, or philanthropy- never
mind the name- is, that we know it is all meaningless, and say
so; while they know it equally and will never say so. (Hard
Times – chapter 7)
 Wars and exploitation of poor populations. On the other side
the defense of human rights.
War in general doesn’t respect human rights, but on TV people
are invited to help poor people. The question of philanthropy
still exists and people try to redeem theirselves through it. On
the other side they keep buying products made through the
exploitation of poor people.
 Cities were grey, unhealthy and gloomy.
It was a town of red brick, or of brick that would have been red
if the smoke and ashes had allowed it; but as matters stood, it
was a town of unnatural red and black like the painted face of a
savage. It was a town of machinery and tall chimneys, out of
which interminable serpents of smoke trailed themselves for
ever and ever, and never got uncoiled. (Hard Times – chapter 5)
 Industrialization is now a fact and it is not a problem deeply felt
such as during Dickens’ time. Big cities doesn’t impress people
like during Dickens’ period because people are now used to it.
Oggi in città vive 1/3 della popolazione mondiale, anche se le
città occupano uno spazio ridotto della superficie terrestre. Una
caratteristica delle città di oggi è proprio la grande
concentrazione di persone: esse, infatti, devono vivere
insieme per scambiarsi prodotti, servizi e idee.
 During Dickens’ period, men were treated like machines: they lost
their craftsmen skills.
Most o’ aw, ratin ‘em as so much Power, and reg’latin ‘em as if
they was figures in a soom, or machines: wi’out loves and likeins,
wi’out memories and inclinations, wi’out souls to weary and souls
to hope- when aw goes quiet, draggin on wi’ ‘em as if they’d nowt
o’ th’ kind, an when aw goes onquiet, reproachin ‘e, for their want
o’ sitch humanly feelins in their dealins wi’ yo- this will never do’t,
sir, till God’s work is onmade. (Hard Times – 2nd book – chapter 5)
 Nowadays the risk is that men could become machines. In future men
could be identified with androids. But, at the time, men still work besides
machines; anyway this fact doesn’t create the same problems such as
during Dickens’ times, because it is settled in society.
Gli umani non terranno il passo della macchina. Lo abbiamo visto: il robot
sta prendendo il sopravvento in una miriade di mestieri e mansioni. E se
tra qualche decennio ci troveremo a lavorare fianco a fianco con macchine
più intelligenti di noi, pensiamo a quanti operai nelle fabbriche
potrebbero essere sostituiti da bracci robotici e macchine più sofisticate e
precise. Tempi moderni, avrebbe raccontato Charlie Chaplin.
 During Dickens’ time children were used to work in factories.
They were paid little and they didn’t work safely.
In other words, five pounds and Oliver Twist were offered to any
man or woman who wanted an apprentice to any trade,
business, or calling. (Oliver Twist – chapter 2)
 Nowadays children labour is more controlled than in the past. But in poor
Countries it is still a big problem: children work in mines or other places
without any form of protection. Children labour is widespread in cities
which are developing, such as during Dickens’ time.
Secondo i dati dell'ILO, nel mondo 74 milioni di bambini sono impiegati in
varie forme di lavoro pericoloso, come il lavoro in miniera, a contatto
con sostanze chimiche e pesticidi agricoli o con macchinari pericolosi. Tra
le peggiori forme di lavoro minorile rientra anche il lavoro di strada,
ovvero l'impiego di tutti qui bambini che, visibili nelle metropoli asiatiche,
latino-americane e africane, cercano di sopravvivere raccogliendo rifiuti
da riciclare o vendendo cibo e bevande.
 Children often worked, so only rich children could go to school.
So, education, was just facts and it was an instrument of
Utilitarism. It was mechanical and form acquired most importance
than subject matter, leading to lessons whose vocabulary and
content were not suited to children’s experience.
Now, what I want is Facts. Teach these boys and girls nothing but
Facts. Facts alone are wanted in life. Plant nothing else, and root
out everything else. You can only form the mind of reasoning
animals upon Facts: nothing else will ever be of any service to
them. (Hard Times – chapter 1)
 Nowadays education is more attainable. It is not an instrument of
Utilitarism anymore. Besides, students are closer to different realities;
indeed, a class is made by students that belong to different social
backgrounds. But in poor Countries there are still children who don’t
have the possibility to study. Anyway it is not mechanical as during
Dickens’ time.
L’educazione conosce oggi una crisi che forse non ha precedenti. Venuti
meno certi automatismi del passato che la rendevano una sorta di
processo meccanico, visto che era chiaro a tutti – maestri, genitori, allievi
– chi dovesse fare che cosa, l’educazione sembra essere sprofondata in
una sorta di magma indifferenziato.
 Hard Times – Charles Dickens – PDF document
 Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens – PDF document
 http://www.far.unito.it/tecnologie/seminari/html/lerma/cittao
 http://www.nextme.it/tecnologia/robotica/5699-robotcambieranno-futuro
 http://www.unicef.it/doc/364/lavoro-minorile.htm
 http://www.notedipastoralegiovanile.it/index.php?option=com
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